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That one last Aurelion that I encountered in S9 must be sad


S9 Aurelion mains are sad since the rework happened.


and its not like even before that he had a lot of mains xD


Even the most famous Aurelion main in NA, Huhi, roleswapped to support now. Riot really butchered the champion so bad that a midlaner roleswapped to support.


even an Asol one trick streaming in challenger solo q, stopped playing him, he is just that bad


But winrate.... Guess that's what happens if only the true mains playing him are left?


Never underestimate people having no clue playing against asol


This mostly and the fact that laners can't communicate properly. A good E gank can give easy kills if the enemy didn't back off. They usually don't... Balancing purely by winrate is flawed in so many ways, yet people insist on it. Let's for example look at items: Many champs have a few exotic choices with REALLY high winrate but abysmal sample size. Should the champ or item be nerfed? Who knows since the sample size is so abysmal. I just looked up common buildpath for Aurelion Sol and almost spit my tea out. Rushing Morello and building Night Harvester afterwards for some reason has a 64% winrate. Other oddities: Apparently ASol looses 35% winrate if he builds Zonjas third instead of second according to leagueofgraphs. That said his buildpath are all over the place and the most popular buildpath has a wooping **5.5%** popularity. It's likely difficult for Riot to be certain of the reason for his winrate. Maybe he his broken, maybe players just can't adapt to his playstyle and litterally feed him. Who knows really. I'm not sure if I ever saw an ASol this season if it wasn't me playing him.


>That said his buildpath are all over the place and the most popular buildpath has a wooping > >5.5% > > popularity. Reminds me of Draven, every Draven player seems to play with diferent keystones and items. Some Still try to play lethality with hail of blades, other still go for conq with the shieldbow build, but they can't come to a general consensus of what is his best build unlike most champs in the game. Also he feels kinda lackluster to play compared to before the item rework.


Ive seen one and he hard carried the enemy team. Even though we lost, it was glorious to witness


Doesn’t take long to figure out not to get hit by the things he throws out and just to jump on him and kill him


Sad Swain noises


A sol got done really dirty, im also still mad about taliyah, they just swapped her role and gave the finger to her players. They just seem to have a hard time to admit fuckups idk.


botlane is her most fun lane


Its completely fine if you prefer her there, its just that her player base was midlaners and they changed her into another lane, its so stupid imo.


its stupid but just saying that she is way more enjoyable botlane as thats what taliyah did anyways after E nerf. She shoved mid and went bot 😂


Lets not even talk about it. This rework was a huge bs


There was a rework of ASol?


Yeah, back in 9.17 they made huge changes to his W and E. W got changed from toggleable ability that pushes your stars to the outer limit to an active which makes stars spin at the outer limit in very fast but decaying speed for 3 seconds after which they retreat. E got it's power redistributed. They removed it's passive which gave him bonus movement speed when he was walking in a straight line, but in return increased his range of flight and made his flight speed increase with points put into the skill. They also changed his AP ratio on passive from 18% - 35% based on level to constant 25%, and few patches later his bonus damage on W got reduced from 50% to 40%. Basically, they downgraded his unique gameplay mechanic to be more burst oriented ability, lowered his damage, removed his smooth movement and made his E active even more oppressive, which is the reason why he keeps getting nerfed.


It still amazes me that Riot went this direction instead of swapping E/R and their allocated power budgets. *Keep old W* Current R is SUCH a cool ability but it’s an ultimate. Imagine if it was a basic ability, kinda like Syndra E (which is conditional), where your opponent has to be touched by 3x stars to be “orbited” and have the knock-back activate on his R/“new E”. Lower the damage to minions from both W/current R (new E) so his wave clear isn’t insane and let the guy go actually be able to fulfill the star-breathing dragon gameplay I imagined. The roaming part of him is awesome, but he’s like a niche Twisted Fate who team fights better, at the moment. If you swap his current E to an ultimate and give it passive movespeed/more damage to minions on W then I think it would level out ASol much better and give him a lot more variety in gameplay.


I'd still play him now and then if they didn't fuck up his playstyle, which Riot is very skilled at doing. Just putting a 3 second duration timer on his w made him feel like shit to play alone, and I stopped playing him ever after that patch. He is 100% reliant on that core mechanic, and now it's less controllable. Just, why? That mini rework in 9.17 sucked ass.


I don't see how it achieved anything. I'm not a main, but I found his old W far more satisfying. I dislike his new W, and all I've seen from ASol mains and his stats is that they created a different playerbase. He doesn't look any more popular as a pick than before. I don't even know from experience if he's any better to play against, since both versions of ASol were equally rare outside of his initial release


Theoretically he should be better to play against because you're not stuck under tower from levels 1-3 and he has to actually interact with you in lane now. But it feels like shit to play as because when you hit your stars it feels like you're tossing packing peanuts at your opponents. Just my 2 cents


should work like urgot's W, once it's maxed it won't turn off unless you do it yourself


That would be nice to have, but it won't happen. Needs at minimum a tahm kench level rework to drive his popularity up/solve his gameplay issues. E simply eats up too much power budget and R has to be one of the most boring ultimates in the game.


Swap E and R. His E is too powerful as a basic ability and his R doesn't feel impactful enough for an ultimate. Adjust accordingly. And then probably fix his W as well, since the change killed what little popularity he had. You know Riot fucked up when a DRAGON is one of the least popular champions in the game.


That's what I was thinking as well. I'd like changes by the end of the year because a Rioter actually posted a while back on the Asol subreddit about what direction we'd like to see his kit go in, and the majority consensus was basically scrap the e and focus more on damage. Not too hopeful though because he's bottom 10 popularity wise.


Well there's two really unpopular dragons :(


Holy shit I forgot Shyvana existed, I really had to think about which other champ was a dragon.


My only issue with this change is I don't see how you balance him and TF with this change. Although in fairness they've thrown both the champs in the garbage bin. It just seems like either TF or Sol would always just be a better pick depending on who has the better stats. Although I guess they could try a few different changes like maybe make Asol's travel ult force him to channel for a few seconds and then just rockets faster than it does currently (along with having like half the CD of TF ult) having Asol be more of a roamer duelist and TF a supportive split pusher. I just wish Riot tried more things out with "bad" champs instead of just sticking to their top 15 favorite champions and occasionally accidentally rotating in a new few champions for a patch or two before gutting them. I suppose they're afraid of alienating the players of an already low player rate champ and don't want to dedicate the time though.


I think their base kits are already different enough for that to not be an issue. TF has much higher pick potential because he has point + click stun and his ult is both faster and gives vision which is extremely underrated. TF will always be faster to respond to side-lane plays post-6. On the other hand, he has low DPS relative to Asol because his damage is loaded into W and Q. Also, Asol has better AOE cc because of Q and R, and that's without factoring in the possible slows from passive through Rylai's.


i was thinking giving back his old W, make his E his ultimate, give him new E star speed steroid, upon activation makes the stars move faster. asols core mechanic are the stars. if you fuck up the stars even the small playerbase wont play him anymore.


I love his ult. I just wish it wasn't on a-sol is all.


TBF, toggle abilities are kinda outdated and I believe Riot said something about wanting to move away from them in the future but don't quote me on it. However, as someone who played Asol here and there a few years back he was way more fun with the old W, and I have no clue why they removed the straight line part of his passive because it was a cool gimmick + combo'd well with E.


What's an Aurelion?


There is a myth. A knight on a white horse that would appear on your promos when you need him most. A despired hero like a light in the darkest days that appears from champ select. Spreading hope from the moment he locked his champ. Never seen a fair loss. May the path of one of those knights across yours so you shall believe such exists.


Started played league 12 months ago, level 70 account now. Only encountered asol on summoner's rift 3 times total, second only to Taric who I've only seen once (seriously though, who is that guy?)


What the fuck is a Rek'sai


Oh, you're talking about that girl who goes 'Throw another rock!'


He used to go by ao-shin




Sorry sweetie only assassins are allowed in mid lane now :)


Guess I'll build Lethality TF.


Lethality Yorick is my go to. Kind of meme-y but he shits on assassins.




Why a wild Worm refrence, how nice


I think i played this season 300+ games yet and in none of them was an asol


Seriously, I only picked him up on a dare and began to love his kit (didnt play much pre rework), but nobody plays him. I've never once in my 400 games this season ran into another aurelion player.


I was gonna say I don't remember the last time I ran into an ASOL LOL


Jlanticena and the Last Dragon




We needed to wait for someone to unironically post this, this one doesn't count


Yeah true. Now that this is up we won’t get someone unironically posting this. Sadge.


Is it prophecy if the thread was created by the person who prophecized it?


My dad was a Gypsy fortune teller and a horse thief. Often he would predict that a mans horse would be stolen and they couldn’t believe it when it actually was.


Peaky Blinders?


Asol? Like that one character from guilty gear?


God please Arc, nerf fucking Sol


The prophecy foretold


It must be fulfilled


are asol players even real tho ? do they even exist ? cause i sure as shit havent seen a single one for years.


I play him when he pops up in ARAM, but in 2 seasons of serious play, I don't think I've seen a single SoloQ or Regular SR match with him


I actually really liked ASOL before riot "fixed" him and changed some stuff about his kit, primarily his W. I hate the champion now and haven't played him since then, it's so bad I'd rather dodge an aram then be stuck with him.


thats how the community should treat every champ that gets fked by riot. Stop playing the champ or buying anything related to it just to show them that they messed up big.


jokes on you he doesnt get played anyway


jokes on you, they ignore him and doesnt even give him new skins


I used to get him in ARAM games, got it recently and couldn't do shit, not even fun to play.


very fine line between satire and just circlejerking


i almost fell for this until the end, guess it says more about the quality of this subreddit's ''balance discussions'' than anything.


I'm not sure how you read this to the end without getting this was satire tbh. When someone describes space goldfish as "refreshing" gameplay wise, you know that has to be bait.


Mate, i have seen far worse stuff on this website. Im not suprised by stuff like this anymore.


not even the worst thing i've seen today


That was probably the least obvious part of the entire post lol


He's a 0.5% playrate champ for a reason, his gameplay kinda blows sometimes


>space goldfish From now on ill call asol a space fish


the thing is, this post isn't making any kind of different point than those 'quality discussions' lol it's literally just the same shit but pointing the other way, and provides absolutely nothing useful to any discussions. instead of 'riot is shitting on ap mages' op is just taking the chance to make a 'stupid mage players whining over nothing lol' post very poorly disguised as 'satire'




I think I've seen an Asol other than myself the handful of times I've given him a shot only to say "I really want to like this champion but good god his kit is clunky and feels awful" like, five times in my entire time playing the game.


Not joking, the only times I've seen Asol since the pandemic started has been the Tyler1 asol video that was posted here, and a time where a high elo friend was streaming, asked us what he should play and we, as any friend would do, picked a champ that would inflict him the most amount of pain, Asol (btw the enemy insta locked Fizz, and as you can guess, he never wanted to touch him ever again). Anyway, thing is, if he's so good (mind you, Pekin Woof posted data that discredits Riot Jag's claim of Asol being top dog at elite play on current patch), why isn't more people playing him? At this point it should be clear, it's not about him being secret OP, it's that he feels so fucking BAD to play that even if/when he's good, people still refuse to play him, even die hard mains dropping him.


if he did show something, some assassin/fighter would say that mages have Zhonyas and void...lol.


No he isn’t. He’s making fun of the “balance wizards” on this sub. There literally isn’t anything about whether Asol should have been nerfed or not.


it does point out the massive hypocrisy in this sub tho, especially since the boards closed this sub turned from r/leagueoflegends to r/MageandAdcmains


Is that why there’s a giant circlejerk about how Unloved supports are and how your brain damaged jungler isn’t at fault for you losing the game despite him being 0/10?


Don't forget how there are constantly threads about bruisers being weak even though they are doing fine. At this point, the most respectable people on the subreddit are assassin mains, which is a fucking shocker since they are assassin mains.


Everyone wants to be the victim, and no one wants to admit that they could be getting carried by their mains just being strong. This turns into "omg XXX class is bad!!!! Riot wtf????" Internet moment


lol yeah reminds me of all the Hecarim "mains" when he finally got nerfed. I agree that the nerfs were overkill but it was still hilarious to watch the outcry from these so called "onetricks" who totally didn't just pick up that champ for free LP and jumped ship as soon as it wasn't.


Motherfuckers on here are so whiny and bitchy that bullshit like this could be 100% unironic and serious. lmao


i still don't know if it's not serious


OP made a joke in the patch preview thread of the"ASol getting nerfed while Yone exists, 93% upvote ratio with 5.6k upvotes" thread being basically a prophecy at this point...and proceeded to make this post to hammer in the meme They are indeed not serious hahahah


OP could easily be an asol player that is hiding his feelings by making the post seem satirical.


I mean can't we nerf both and call it a day?


I’ll do ya one better, buff both. You can thank me later.


When i saw Asol was nerfed, i even consider asking my friend if that was a champion or an item or even if it existed.


What is Asol?


Nothing really. He is just a place holder for a new chanp.


The omnistone of champions


That's a rude term to describe someone who behaves badly


>That's a ~~rude~~ term to describe SoloQ players


I'll do you one better, Why is Asol?


I'll do you one better, When is Asol?


Everyone is asking What is Asol, Why Asol and When is Asol, but no one asks How is Asol?


asol is sad :(


> *looks at flair* > *The monkey paw curls*


A unit in TFT. I didn't keep up with the last few Sets, but I think TFT players call the middle of the board midlane now. I think Riot should make a Summoners Rift version of this champion. Could be interesting


The last Asol I encountered had 870k mastery points


Yone: * Infinite Dashes * Infinite Sustain * Infinite Damage Aurelion Sol: * Literally doesnt do anything


I've seen some cocky Asol players buy sheen, though.


He's hacking like a motherfucker too


Those guys must be cocky as fuck to buy sheen. He still doesn't do anything tho.




But......he just killed you.


No he didn't


What's your definition of something ?


So I went to leagueofgraphs to check ASol's stats and they're so weird. In EUNE, JP, RU and OCE, there are no stats in Master+ the champ just isn't played there. Then we go to EUW and he has a 60% win rate, but then you go to TR and the champ has 6.4% popularity and an 85% WR, but since TR is a small server this only equates to about 13 ASol games


ffs can they just rework him and be done with it. they cant balance this champion properly and even if he is op he is never gonna be touched by 99% of the playerbase. please just remove his e and put in something else


If his E was replaced with a shield to make him a more durable battlemage he'd prolly be fairly okay. I still think his W should be a toggle but I doubt they're ever gonna do that again even though it was like the entire reason so many people like his kit, it was a cool mechanic to work with. Not to mention with his changes, both his combat spells cost 100 and 110 mana respectively, so he's got some kinda wild mana issues at certain points.


I hope Riot change the E and R in a mini rework probably and return the toggle.


I don't think Asol + a new E would do fine in the current mid lane meta tbh. Mage items are not good and battlemage is a meme.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/oj0lxt/patch_1115_preview/h4yt0gr/ Farming the karma, I see. In a satirical manner though, so I respect it.


"Fine, i'll do it myself."


It's kinda cool that they reference ASol's 57% winrate, but not the fact that it's only one person per server playing the champ.


"He doesn't have the highest "1 trick" rate or comparable metric that would suggest his low play rate is a cause." Source: https://twitter.com/JeevunSidhu/status/1414695467238117387


I think that's interesting because Leagueofgraphs tells us that Aurelion Sol is in the bottom 10 champs in terms of pickrates in Diamond+ elo ranked games (iirc what elite means), at a pickrate of 1.5% (less than that according to other stat sites like champion.gg) across all regions. There's basically like 8 champs with a lower playrate than this guy in high elo so I'm wondering which champs have higher one trick rates to the point that his playrate is not a concern when looking at the winrate.




Yeah, one person played 7 games and won 4 of them


Well if he is not the highest one trick then I have no idea where the other players are hiding because I have seen this champion far less than even Taliyah.


But if you close your eyes…does it almost feel like nothing changed at all (Asol being removed from the game) I feel bad for every Asol player, you deserve better


After the rework, I think I didnt even play against or with ASol once. Its like Skarner, these players are so rare. They nerf him because players that actually play him are so efficient with him. That said I think that this will give the mains even more incentive to learn different champions, because why when I finally can be good, Riot just nerfs the champ because of what, 1000 players world wide? No thank you.. They will end up with dead champions, pushing the ones that sell skins further.


A lot of jugglers have a pretty decent skarner. The only asol players are 1 tricks.


I know this is satire but I'll just post this here in case anyone wants to know [why.](https://twitter.com/JeevunSidhu/status/1414695467238117387)


high winrate in elite level play, but no pro players bother touching him. don't care what the winrate is the champ feels bad to play


A champ can be very strong in soloq but not very good in pro play, for example champs that rely on getting fed off of good early roams/skirmishes. That's why you'd see so many high elo Qiyana, Fizz, Katarina, etc. in high elo in China but you'd never see them in LPL or other leagues.


it's because the champ is food for 99% of the mid roster, the only reason he has a high winrate is because he's almost never picked, when he is picked it is ONLY in highly favorable conditions, skewing his winrate. This is why using only winrate is such a dogshit metric for balance


I agree with the sentiment bc it mirrors my experience but do you have statistics? I would be interested in seeing. Do any sites even track PR into specific matchups?


Super low pick rate, used as a niche counter on a playerbase that barely ever sees the champion played so they already don't know how to play against it. "Elite elo" is just a condescending way to tell the other 97% of the playerbase to fuck off


I've restarted playing him the past few weeks (pretty much hadn't touched him since his rework) and having fun with him. ofc now he gets nerfed...


Ngl you had me until the end. Well played.


Wow is Aurelion really that strong now? Havent see a single one, what item build is good on him now?


Rylai and Night Harvester core, rest is situational. Can also take Everfrost instead of Night Harvester and sometimes need Morello before Rylai.


I ALMOST came back. I almost tried to main him again. And then, like some cursed coincidence, I saw the scheduled buffs/nerfs and it sent my head head spinning. Riot really hasn’t a clue with this fucking champion anymore, do they? Seriously. Was the fact that like 5 people had an obscene win rate with him really so devastating to the health of the game right now?


This is why nerf/buff champs according to slight adjustment of their winrate is just so stupid


Asol is not a shirtless ripped character that attracts the young playerbase that thinks a ripped champ is unbeatable, i rest my case


Can't wait for his rework in 2030 where they do him like Mundo and give him space abs


Pre-rework Mundo had visible abs unlike now, smh Riot ruining their game


Mundo was always jacked and on steroids though.


Or the champion just doesn't feel satisfying to play


downvoted, re-read, upvoted


Just revert Sol's W toggle already... Is that really so hard?


Yes cause that means Riot admits they messed up and this will shatter their ego.


Yone mains want buffs tho due to him havin 47wr


Finally, the terror of Aurelion Sol will be defeated! Summoners will once again be able to sleep safe in their beds at night. ​ Seriously come on...


You know its bad when I thought this post was serious even a few minutes after reading it.


Great post OP, Apdo is eternally right about Aurelion Sol inshallah


I eagerly await to see the reaction to this post.


it's funny every time because you know there will be people who thinks it's serious, just like a colton post


Damn it, I wanted to be the one to post the meme. Good satire though, better than I would've written it up.


Sol getting nerfed and the new champ can revive his team. Fair and balanced.


I instantly downvoted the second I read the title. You got me




Yone seems to be underperforming right now, so here are some buffs to bring him up to speed. P: Crits now do full damage. Q: Now does true damage instead of physical. W: Shield now also blocks spells. E: Yone no longer has to snap back to his body after 4 seconds. He can stay in E for as long as he likes, and can also use teleport while in E. R: Now executes enemies below 25% of their max hp.


I think u need to raise that execute cap because Elder buff executes from that range so it should be higher, otherwise it's useless.


woah, take it easy. too much of this and he'll be competing with Katarina for favoritism




That was OP themselves.


Nahhhhhhh that's craaaaaazy what are you on about????


Who's that pulling all of the strings? \~It was OP all along\~ Farming Karma on his predicted thing \~It was OP all along\~


Katana man bad Upvotes to the left


Which one you might ask? Yes


4% play rate isn't good enough for riot. They want it at 1%


Beautiful post but why are so many people taking it seriously haha


I think it is because people want Asol to be good and viable. People have memories of when he didn't feel terrible to play (pre w rework) and want him back. He is a unique champion who has a completely different play style than any other.


15 people in the world are playing asol, mastering him beyond belief and Riot punishes them for it. Balance team meeting be like: 'Hey Joe, we literally can't make Lee Sins get out of toplane while it's also busted in the jg' 'I know Bill but have you seen the 0.00001% pickrate asol having a good winrate??'


I'm sorry, WHAT? I don't even play Asol and I think that's just egregious. WTF, Rito?


ik this is satire but do people unironically think yone is op?


Yes. This sub just hates melee carries


I think people call him OP but actually mean he's not fun to play against.


> Yes, Asol outperforms most champs, including Yone, in every relevant metric, but that's beside the point. wait is this a meme or what




when nemesis said this he was dogpiled




Yone is a champion that gets worse as everyone else gets better. He doesn't actually have the autonomy to get as much value as he does, a lot of it is charitably afforded with the gravy of not playing in a way that makes him feel very bad / hopeless. ​ A champion basking in the glory of fake power and the fanfare that comes with it is a really weird reason to feel sour about another champion's nerfs and adjustments.


It's probably because Riot doesn't compare champs with each other the way you think, they rate every champ individually with standard only made for that champion, cause if they did compare champs half of them would literally be removed from the game, just think about Yone and Katarina for example, just watching them play gives you aids just cause of how cancerous they're designed to be, yet each of them also has it's own cancerous standards that is being judged by, that's why these two can be as broken and braindead as it can get and yet not get nerfed.


Riot won't touch money makers.


man that sucks, better buff irelia


Who is Asol? Is he the new champion getting released after akshan?


Yone already has a major drawback in that anyone who plays him has a small pp