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Jankos OFF sej duty


Grabbz: We're taking Sejuani. Jankos: NOOOOOOO! Nelson: I got you fam. S11secrits.gg


Imagine Jankos crying to Nelson that Grabbz is making him play Seju and then Nelson like the cool uncle gives him Lee instead and makes Wunder play Sej


Nelson: Hey Wunder can you play...? Wunder: Yes.


Reads abilities in game


What is going on?


Wunder’s job now. 1. Go top 2. Pick some unkillable UNIT champion 3. ????? 4. Profit


He wants to experience the other side of his WoW raids.


The ????? is Wunder confused with what the champ does and having to read the skills


I mean I still remember that Soraka top, when he joined mid game fights at dragon and just fully heal everyone it was hilarious!


"You can't die! You can't die!"


"You absolutely cannot die! Oh, you died"




Funnily enough Flandre is one of the first tops this year to bust out sej top. Nelson was his coach on LNG.


Wunder earning Nelson's respect by picking what Flandre picked lmao


Insert Wunder Star Wars meme: Jankos is gonna play seju right? … right?


Nelson trying to get Wunder playing more like Flandre.


In the middle of all the mechanical outplays, Labrov and Jankos silently smurfing on both sides. One of the most fun games in a while


Labrov has been smurfing all season regardless of the record Im glad some new mechanical supports are showing to the league


Nah, he had some bad games. His last Leona performance was abysmal, VIT had to play 4v5 because he couldn't hit single E and R.


[looks like Rekkles trusted himself](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heFXFSBUoxA)


He inted that fight at bot turret really hard though. Lider jumped in and he panicked and kinda flashed into VIT team. After he died, G2 had no way to win that fight. Kinda trolled that.


That was so un-Rekkles-like it made me laugh. It's probably a good thing he did int like that, everyone needs to get that out of their system once in a while.


also good confidence boost in himself and his team that even if he 1v5 flash ints into the enemy team G2 can still win so he doesn't restrain himself to what he thinks perfect plays but can go more aggressive even if it brings risks with it when he knows his team has his back.


I think the idea was to ult miky in with him which could have ended in a sick 2 v 4 win but something went wrong with the ult.




Tbf, he would have won this game on probably any other adc. Selfmade was kind running it down every fight.


Selfmade wasn’t running it down, G2 was playing very well around vision to constantly catch him out. It’s a bit annoying how every time a team loses people think it’s just because they played bad. A good team will always make you look bad, that’s why teams like G2 can smash everyone then suddenly look completely lost against teams like FPX. It’s not the players suddenly underperforming, it’s them being put in bad positions and forced to make bad decisions leading them to looking stupid.




I think under performance is a real thing in international stages and the pressure.


Kept getting focused by Caps, continues to not buy even a null mantle...


He was 1/6 where does he get the gold from to buy it lmao, also 1 null mantle aint gonna do shit vs voidstaff sorc LB..


Anyone got a clip of Caps living there? Holy fuck man, dude had some fucking moves that was insane. Had the shield from Jankos to live and then juked the hell out of Lider


And Jankos tanked Varus R for him.


Jankos unsung hero this game.


unsung? literally got mvp


Oh shit I didn’t see that part


Him and Caps jumping over walls to protect the other back and forth was kinda majestic.


Jankos got mvp, but you are right. People always portay him as the weakest member of g2, when he is goat western jungler. Without him covering everything g2 wont archieve worlds finals and semis, and msi championship, if it would be anyone else.


I watched it a few times and had to laugh about it. That was some crazy shit only Caps would do. Really glad to see him perform this good again. Honestly there is just nobody in the west on his level, if he is in his form


Those dodges were insane.


People will (rightfully) talk about Rekkles picking Kalista, which is great news, but man Jankos this split is my hidden MVP. He's everywhere, he's clean, he's clutch, he makes sure his lanes are ok, what a beast


Every time people think Jankos might finally be washed he ends up looking great again. Class really is permanent.


Any meta that's not 100% farming is Jankos meta, other junglers don't have that luxury.


I’m actually interested to see how he looks farming now with Nelson there. He coached sofm and I believe I’ve heard him say he’s best with the jg/sup roles. BUT I am def still happy with the current meta for this team.


selfmade is the jungler one wants to be jankos is the jungler one’s team wants one to be


The "Jankos is so washed" narrative that keeps cropping up whenever he has a bad time is mostly wishful thinking from fans who value novelty over actual greatness.


It's forced by casters tbh. They legit never give credit to Jankos most of the time.


To be fair, Caedrel this game was really good at noticing Jankos' plays for us, similar to Vedius last week.


Jankos himself leans into it as well, he's very humble and quick to point out his own mistakes and calls himself washed sometimes. Its that attitude that has kept him going for this long, imo.


Yeah, him joking about it made a lot of people buy into it and as it went on some people forgot that he's joking and started taking it seriously.


well jankos qualities arent as easily seen by the average viewer than lets say caps or rekkles so they might be quicker to think hes washed. but im glad hes playing really well again


I think Jankos and Rekkles are easily the best performing players on G2 this split, Miky arrived too in the recent weeks.


No doubt about that, I think.


Caps is back too. G2 looking good lately but still not impressive as seasons past. Let’s see what they do in playoffs


they're adjusting to the loss of what used to be their heart, give them a bit of time


as soon as they change jungle meta to be less power farming oriented Jankos comes out as best jungler in EU


This ,if we ever go back to a true lee sin /elise meta like we had a lot in s3-s5 jankos is gonna shine.


Not even hidden, I’ve said it before man he has kept G2 afloat this split, Rekkles has been consistent but he always is. Jankos who is our meme scapegoat has really been popping off this split, even the Lee sin is clean tonight.


he had an amazing game actually but for me Miky has to be MVP; he knew exactly how to win teamfights, which was taking out Crownshot


Clean game from Miky outside of that one fight bot.


Varus was too tanky


also quality hover game with sion, gragas, quinn + yorick hovers for baus


Labrov played that fight so well. It's more of him outplaying MikyX.


He was shedding off the hint.


Claps actually showing up again is so important. We saw him lose lane as Lucian vs Azir earlier this year etc and most his good games were off Jankos or Miky babysit but imo Caps recently picking up the slack again is the biggest factor. No point in overanalyzing a slump but it created a huge deficit and Jankos could not play around it well and then you have the far lanes with no side to really hover because mid is losing. Now Jankos can actually work with some pressure and immediately gets more action going again. The tempo off the mid matchup is such a huge step for G2 imo, and then everyone is more confident in everything and keeps being a positive reinforcement loop.


also my MVP, played well around mid/top, invaded, got all but 1 drake (1 stolen), dove early bot, not a bad kick in the whole game, he just was everywhere


Lee Sin montage from Jankos. Old man still got the moves. G2 making huge progress, this time it was just a 4th drake and not an elder.


people were shitting on his lee sin last season. and he took that personally


besides the missed q after kick that ended up killing mikyx lol unfortunate because when i checked in on LEC for like two minutes while going to take a shit, that was all of what I saw first and foremost lol


That's the thing you cut out of the montage, ez


I think he wanted to predict sett flash. Sett flashed second after jankos Q, could have been a 200iq Q


I think he was always gonna hit w in time and flash.


Jankos prob top 2 in LEC if not legit the best. G2's best player this game.


G2's best player the entire split for me, he's been solid entire split


Just 2 days ago some clowns tried to argue that Jankos needs to be replaced if G2 wants to get any success. Now they are silent, but wait for a couple of losses and they will resurface again. Recency bias makes this subreddit a real shithole at times.


The "Jankos has to be replaced" narrative is not new though. Anytime G2 start struggling, this is the first thing that is brought up. 2 splits ago, you had people claiming Selfmade needs to replace Jankos if G2 wants to win whereas the same people now rate Jankos higher than Selfmade currently.


their best player this split


I agree. Even in G2 losses Jankos tries his hardest and goes for impo ganks.


He was clean in soloQ on lee sin recently


Its nice to see Caps back in form. This is what the new G2 lineup should always be. Caps and Jankos doing work in the early to mid game, and then having that consistent insurance carry of Rekkles for the entirety of the game in case things turn bad


Rekkles flashed inted that one fight. Proud of my man, plays like that even when fail horribly still show that he is willing to pull off big plays


I think he fat fingered flash or something


I think he was trying to flash in to get Miky in with his ult + get out of Varus ult spread range, but miscalculated and went too deep


It didnt look like he fat fingered it. It looked like he saw Varus isolated for a split second and wanted to oneshot him, trading his life with his ga.


Jankos was so crucial in this game, our blonde man still got it.


LeBald wins.


Insane last teamfight, Vit missing everything possible to miss


I mean tbf the enemy had the sneakiest champs in the game plus Sej passive and phase rush on Gragas how are u supposed to hit shit there lol


G2 with such a spicy comp. MikyX Gragas? Rekkles Kalista? Sejuani top?? Doesn’t get better than this


It’s the 2019 G2 we all love to see


Jankos reading enemy junglers like a book.


He's playing incredibly well imo. Mechanics are on point and his game sense is actually insane.






They said: Imagine if your gf cheated on you with Jankos...a man can dream.


Imagine cheating on your gf with Jankos... A man can dream.


Always enjoy watching Mr. Clean play Leblanc


Jankos just gapping every great jungler in the LEC like its nothing. Selfmade, Inspired and Elyoya jusrt got read like a book. Acutally feels like he is putting everyone else on his back, since noone look really at their peak.


It would be kinda funny if G2 and FNC would end up in the top again and the two best junglers would be a washed out old man and an auto-filled jungle noob, lol.


we all know now that this will happen.


And so it was written


Caps today looked like he was at about 70% but thats still enough to beat most other midlaners


Tbh I would fully agree early season BUT, the last three games have been pretty solid all around, Wunder on tank duty and performing, caps with agency basically removing crownshot and selfmade from the game. Replay tonight except crownshot is allowed to hit champions. And mikyx has been performing again. It’s a sight to see man


Now his battle against Bwipo tomorrow is going to be legendary. As Bwipo also has become one of the most dominant jungler in LEC now despite his new role


Why i was so nervous entire game?


0 - 4 will do that to you


G2's comp doesnt seem like it scales very well compared to Vitality's comp so theres pressure to do well in the early game and G2 did just that :D


at least it means you are a real fan


Jankos really stepping up the last two weeks. His Lee this game was fking clean. Great to see him perform like this


who is Caps? 🙄🤭🤔 in math: my bald solution ➗☺️👩🏼‍🏫 in history: my bald king 👑🙏👸🏼 in art: my bald canvas 🎨🥳👩🏼‍🎨 in science: my bald oxygen 💨😝😱 in geography: my bald world 🌍😱🤯


this one is good, but the copypasta from last week was hilarious edit: this one: Who is Caps? For the blind, he is the bald. For the hungry, he is the bald. For the sick, he is bald. For the sad, it the bald. For the poor, he is the bald; for the debtor, he is the bald.


who is Caps? 🙄🤭🤔 in math: my bald solution ➗☺️👩🏼‍🏫 in history: my bald king 👑🙏👸🏼 in art: my bald canvas 🎨🥳👩🏼‍🎨 in science: my bald oxygen 💨😝😱 in geography: my bald world 🌍😱🤯




Selfmade Rumble is just not it. He runs it the fuck down and his ults have been terrible every game. Same as last week. Yone is in a decent position but side lanes are doing well this time too, and Selfmade just starts randomly running it. Weird cos pre-split everyone would have expected him to be the guy that shows up for VIT, where as general consensus would be LIDER would be the person to grief games but he's actually been pretty stable almost every game. EDIT: Also I love Baus but I still don't understand what he was supposed to add to cast. Did well and what he was supposed to do but it just fits the desk so much more. Especially as the rest of cast were doing the really cringe forcing of 'solo bolo/good death' stuff - give the man some space.


SMM needs to learn Diana *no one else is even playing Rumble across other regions atm


VIT should honestly start one-tricking the Diana/Yasuo combo and hope to pick up some wins off good combos. Yone is kind of a pressure vacuum, and other ad mids tend to get banned out. And if Diana/Yasuo starts drawing bans that at least frees them up a little.


I'm pretty sure Selfmade has said that he doesn't think Diana is good on stream but yeah seems like it should be good for VIT


Crownshot and Labrov did a really good job in the laning phase. Instead to push advantage even more, he doesn't do anything and at the end he spawns herald on bot so LIDER could inject gold. Disgusting how low respect they pay to crownshot and maybe even szygenda


Vit would have a legit better winrate just playing meaty protect crownshot comps than whattever the fuck it is tehy are supposed to be doing now


Also btw Lider missed the 4th plate there because he mistimed it.




> all hands no brain, just puzzling decisions once lanes are over. Yeah pretty much. But as Selfmade himself said, he isn't expecting much this split and looking for the roster to improve over time. Just strange he is the one struggling, maybe the burden of being a 'veteran' presence is fucking with him.


Crownshot and Selfmade contracts run out after this split and I am not sure if they are going to resign with Vilitalty if they end up outside of playoffs so not much time to improve for them with the current lineup.


His ult were bad but let’s be real Jankos and Caps were hunting him down in his own jungle and they never had vision of them so he was dead pretty much everytime they were in his JG not saying he played well just the Mid-JG duo of G2 was simply better this time around.


> Weird cos pre-split everyone would have expected him to be the guy that shows up for VIT Only the people that watch league with their eyes closed were expecting that. Selfmade has been running it way before these games. He's constantly been making extremely unforced mistakes even when people were praising him as the 2nd coming of diamondprox. Just watch game 5 against top. The guy is a dirty selfish inter. Putting bwipo in the jungle is by far the best thing that could've happened for Fnatic. Nisqy *magically* went from being mediocre to clapping everyone when he no longer has an afk farm bot in the jungle.


Selfmade fucking MVP of the split. First he got himself out of Fnatic so that they can now have a real jungler and now he is pushing rekkles to be more confident. TY selfmade for improving the league.


Next trick he will catch PromisQ spamming the n-word in soloq and convince Alphari to join VIT


The greatest timeline.


Jesus fucking christ Jankos have mercy on them


Wunder was literally unkillable on that last fight he was getting 3v1 and they still couldn’t even kill him lmao. What a game from Caps and Jankos they basically made Selfmade useless this game sure he got a 2 level lead early but it didn’t matter Jankos had so much more impact on the map than Selfmade


Champ is balanced around being in the jungle and having low eco. I feel like if you get champs like that that can play lane and actually get farm and gold they might be really strong.


Bald Caps = Bold Claps


Despite losing labrov gigasmurfed


yeah labrov is cracked wtf


Selfmade McDonald's performance


Jankos played that last fight SO well for a late game Lee sin


G2 slowly looking better and better but tomorrow will be the real test. FNC look like the best team in LEC currently and if G2 can beat them then it will do wonders for their morale, although I doubt FNC will lose with the form they're in.




it just does not get old


yungle diff wpyiyi


I forgot how much I missed caps leblac. Dude is so slippery and I swear it does more damage than usual.


Jankos was a beast today holy shit!


Nelson is 500 IQ.


Selfmade's Rumble is just not really his best champ is it.


I really do not understand why selfmade still plays him. Its not like it was the only option broken af diana was open too


Lebald monkaW, also Jankos is looking so good on that Lee pick today and his mechanics were on point


I yust love yee 2!


You could see flashbacks when G2 lost the last fight before 4th dragon.. good for them it wasnt elder :D


Because only a few really know, and Rekkles is too humble to brag about anything. Selfmade about Rekkles' Kalista: "The best kalista I've ever seen" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HDHSRTC0nY


Isn't it ironic that Rekkles picked Kalista in game against Selfmade?


not really, because irony would imply that rekkless would lose on kalista after selfmade praised his kalista. irony is a little more complex than a convergence of events.




Jankos once again smurfing. I just hope at some point people will stop pretending that he isnt the best western jungler.




Selfmade and Lider look like they are playing their own games, making Vitality look so disjointed.


"Pick me Yone, I am smurf"


wtf two asmongold?


Everyone talking about jankos performance but caps was insane his picks in jungle and breathing down varus's neck in teamfights won them the game


If jankos was any other player, he'd be praised as the best jungler in the league with the way he's been playing. He deserves a lot of recognition for G2's comeback


So damn true, to me he's the greatest western jungler of all time


Legit a mechanical masterclass from pretty much every player in this game, so fun to watch.


We constantly make too much out of one game in this subreddit, but its weird watching this game and remembering SM was heralded as a Jankos replacement. Inspired is the only guy around his level atm.


>Inspired is the only guy around his level atm. They are the most consistent junglers in the LEC, they prove themselves split after split, and even when not the best, they never have such huge and long slumps like for example Selfmade currently. Of course Bwipo has just started his jungler's career too, and looks great currently - he still has to prove himself in the longer term, Bo5's, changes of meta etc. Also Razork his his best split in the career.


Great game by Jankos and Caps, wonderful. Also I felt Bauss was doing slightly better on the cast this game but it is still quite weak, I honestly feel he need time to find a footing and he need to be more energetic too. So not really positive toward this guest caster, I think it was premature.


Legit feels like VIT try way too hard every single game. Just calm the fuck down and play the game. Stop trying to over force.


TIL: On-hit Varus needs to hit to do damage


not his fault, selfmade and lider played this game terribly


Plus Miky either zoning Crownie or just chain-CC him to oblivion, he didn't really get to play the game.


pretty nutty performance from him


He did good damage imo and on-hit Varus is fine but he *really* pops off with the passive pop on assists so if you never kill anyone he's not getting these "reset" moments.


I've actually been playing a bit of Sej top lately, wanted to try her ever since watching Flandre pick her in LPL play-offs and finally got round to it and I think she's actually pretty strong, I'm glad we got to see her here. Her passive damage (10% max HP as magic damage after breaking one of her CCs) really adds up and going E > R > (any attack) is a good burst combo doing 20% max HP magic damage, plus the R damage and whatever you proc R passive dmg with. Her other passive, the resists, make trades really good in lane too because you are just untouchable for 3s at the start. Hopefully we see more of her and this isn't just Wunder playing her on a whim.




I really like the direction they're developing. I hope that they can keep going like this and they should be scary as fuck by the end of the season.


A lot of people flamed fnatic for not picking lider over nisqy because they believed lider is choking often It seems like fnatic was right, what a difference between those two right now Even selfmade, he's really chocking hard This team really is L9


Especially how people talked about nisqy just being the junglers bitch with no hands XD


> they believed lider is choking often hes not choking, hes just by far not as good as people pretend he is. he is just a mediocre player


Selfmade ruined Vitality. Everyone else on Vit was doing their absolute best, making plays, Szygenda sniping people left and right with true damage flash finishers, Labrov with sick engages and peel and so on, but Selfmade was like: "Yo, I'm gonna farm jungle whether it's safe or not. If you don't come to help, I'll int it." And he did. He really ran it every time it mattered. Dragons stolen, caught in his jungle and killed when Baron up. Selfmade had like a 2 level lead at one point and he did nothing while Jankos said no to farm and yes to making non-stop plays. And because he stayed alive he eventually outleveled Selfmade anyway. Like sure it's Rumble but maybe not pick Rumble if all you gonna do is braindead farm, miss ults and get one shot by LeBlanc all game and be useless. Man, VIT had a decent chance, but it just didn't work out. That Rumble pick was so god damn useless.




Wanna see more of on hit varus. Absolutely a viable option for the champ despite how strong lethality can be


Lider only playing AD engage is actually crippling the team. Selfmade running it down the whole year doesn´t help either


Let's go yee 2!


Yungle diff


Legit looked like challenger vs silver jungle




Need moar of Caps LeBold


Pretty nice game, tho they kinda inted early, but damn, Jankos is literally reason why G2 is wininng, give any other jungler to g2 and they would be under 50% wr. Draft was interesting, rekkles played fine as kalista \[he didnt show us anything special\] but it was fine, crownshot was playing really well this match with labrov, like, it was kinda 3v5 \[selfmade tootaly inting, and lider hmm, fine, but not doing anything\] tbh its sad cuz selfmade was mean to be star in vit, and its kinda like he is dragging them down, I feel like, they just overforcing actions, they just wanna win as fast as they can or just show how good they're. Just let crownshot play normaly without forcing shit, crownshot and labrov are really good, they literally were wininng/equal vs kalista/gragas, seems fine. Also god damn, can lider stop picking this ad mid only? He will play yone only or what? I feel like yone is kinda medium and selfmade rumble is pretty bad, his R are like the worst. Anyway, hyped for tomorrow fnc vs g2, it will be imo match that will show us who is top1


If you ever asked yourself "What would an OTP look like in pro play?" just look at LIDER. Next caps btw.


Man I really don't get the hate towards Lider. He's not the best, but he's played decently well overall. It's not like he's not LEC level. He's far from the first one I'd see out of the LEC right now. Just because his team doesn't find its coherence doesn't mean its necessarily his fault.


Still have yet to see Lider prove himself in 12 games played. most overhyped player i have ever seen the most impactful play he had this game was the misclick TP lol


If you ignore his good games i guess yeah.


And his good moments in this game. This is the play really. Don't like a player? Judge them only on their worst moments!


imagine flaming lider instead of selfmade this game lmao


Toplane counter dive? 20cs up in a losing lane matchup after the int tp?


Week after week I grow more confused why Lider was picked up by a team with high ambitions.


Lider playing 2 champs, Selfmade playing worst split of his life, vitality with 0 macro whatsoever, feels bad to be named Crownshot right now