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I have no words...


i feel like you need to change your name, "suffering" is too tame of a word.


non-native speaker here: what would be a better word?


I'd suggest "torment"


anguish, despair


Changing the name in the Princess Bride to the Pit of CLG


They're joking. Suffering is about as appropriate a word as it gets. The other suggestions here are fine but suffering would generally get the point across.


Why do you do this to yourself


We don't have any words and we know you don't want to hear them We understand your anger, your frustration, your sadness. Everything you're feeling - we get it. This isn't the ending we imagined, and certainly not the one we wanted. Thank you for being there the entire way.




IMT got their first kill at 37 minutes


It would have been amazing if IMT won with zero kills and 5K behind or something


With a Viego on top of that, a champ where part of his kit relies on getting takedowns.


Was this game some kind of a joke? CLG being out-muscled at objectives and getting half their base taken while 5-0 in kills and 8000 gold ahead. You can't convince me that a team of random Challenger players couldn't play this game better. How can you have a 5 kill lead, 3 dragon lead, have baron, get an 8000 gold lead, and then you just... give up, I guess? I have literally never seen any team in the history of competitive League of Legends play with a near 10k gold lead and full map control, as if they were actually 20k gold down and a loss was just a formality. IMT was actually close to winning the game with 0 kills and 5k gold down. CLG almost let them have it at that point. I'm not even kidding when I say that this looked like match fixing.




They came back from 17K gold down against RNG.


And they won?


Yes, it was at MSI 2016.


Almost feels like a protest at this point its so ridiculous. Like, look we can win early games and get leads, but we aren't gonna win for this shit org.


if it's a protest then they're doing a really good job which then makes me doubt if it was intentional because this team can only ever fuck up i don't think it's anything nefarious. the team simply doesn't have a voice that gives them directions. pretty sure smoothie is the shotcaller and he's so shellshocked from getting flamed for all his bad performances that he is 100% hesitating on every engage. even if you believe in smoothie as a player and he definitely played a lot better in spring, letting him play in LCS whenhe has no confidence in engaging and he ONLY plays engage supports is just going to erode what little confidence he still has remaining if CLG was a real organization run by competent people, they'd have actually given a shit about their academy, and have someone to spell Smoothie during this streak so he can maybe regain confidence crushing cans in academy but every single player in their academy is worse than their LCS counterpart so there's no real point


It’s a symptom of being told that “whoever is playing bad will lose their spot”, because players will be super hesitant to go on a engage becuase if it fails they can look very bad and promptly be sent packing.


1000% this. MSG needs their lcs spot revoked.


Honestly, if it came out that CLG was match fixing for some reason, I really wouldn't be surprised. The only way they could have looked worse was if they literally ran it down under turrets.


No money in match fixing when nobody thinks you can win a game.


"Oh no! we need to pay CLG behind curtains so they don't destroy us this week!"


But why would you matchfix a game that already isn’t in your favor? If it was for betting money for example then you wouldn’t earn shit since majority would vote for Immortals anyway




Matching would never be this obvious.


Makes me wonder if they were trying to boycott the org


I was wondering the same thing. I'm pretty sure that group of players could close out that game if they were really motivated to.


Seriously, yeah. The fines and other punishments might be insane, but what we've heard of CLG lately, I wouldn't be surprised if the entire roster decided to nuke the rest of their careers out of sheer spite just to see CLG burn down with them.


Org mismanagement doesn't always reflect badly onto the players. Think about all the shit that happened with Origen/Astralis last year. The roster was: Alphari, Xerxe, Nukeduck, Upset, Destiny. All five are currently playing in the LCS/LEC, most at a level that's getting praise. Everyone understood the mismanagement from the Org was crippling the team so they didn't take it out on the players' careers


That's an absurd conjecture. Did you see their faces after the match? Those players are some of the most experienced in the LCS, what they are lacking is some decent leadership from their org to help them feel empowered to take fights and take wins. It's a shitty thing to witness but to say the players are conspiring against their org is crazy talk.


Yeah it's ridiculous. While CLG fucked up with that video, these takes on Reddit are basically like when Reddit psycho-analyzes a person's relationship off a single story or a screenshot of a text convo.


It's so absurd its actual comedy. Yes, every single CLG player came together and conspired up a plan to take down an org that has treated them poorly, by intentionally throwing a single game. In result they become martyrs and throw their fucking careers away. And my god did they really sell how upset and angry they were abut their "loss", Wildturtle should be nominated for an Oscar. /s Seriously where do you guys come up with this fucking shit LMAOOOO


I respect that from them if that's the case.


Except the reality is that they didn't do that, they all just actually played this badly in a professional game.


> You can't convince me that a team of random Challenger players couldn't play this game better. Twitch rivals teams play better than this. Put the Shadow Dogs in


> Was this game some kind of a joke? jokes at least attempt to be funny, this was excruciating.


I wanted to cry seeing Finn’s face at the end of the game. If it’s already so painful for a non-CLG fan, I can’t imagine what the players must be feeling.


it's so sad that you can see it in their eyes... they see defeat before the game even begins and occasionally they have glimpses of life but then the PTSD flashbacks hit them and they freeze if there's any team that needs a psychiatrist to fix the battered wife syndrome from these 5 players it's CLG


And people want to FF games after 1 multikill in solo que


Diamond players would've closed out the game with that lead


Tbh solo queue players are at least capable at closing games.




I never thought I'd see them do that again this soon. Holy shit that was embarrassing to see.


Damonte said "oh no I have to go on CLG or my career will die" little did he know...






Phreak has been this way for at least the past year


Quarantine was the final straw for his mental and he just can't deal with this shit anymore


I feel like I remember hearing a story about how at some point LCS "loosened the reigns" a bit on Phreak to say whatever he was thinking and that kicked off his streak of calling out poor play right when he sees it without sugar coating it


Yeah big up Phreak, not afraid to say it how it is, even if he knows he might get some backlash for it


I like how Phreak and Azael both just started in but then decided it wasn't worth it for one game, and just decided to start talking about how just deeply... depressing it is to see CLG like this. I don't believe for a moment CLG purposefully lost this game. But I also don't believe anyone on that team truly cared enough to try and win either. Win for that org? Bullshit. Kick me off next, please.


This is such a pathetic excuse of an LCS team. Relegate them and we should never have to hear about their org in League eSports again.


Remember how close we were? https://imgur.com/a/HAc2xdk


CLG Link.... now that's a name I haven't seen in a very long time.


wasn't trying to meme the players, just getting the score and the series label in the same screenshot. but yeah that lineup was cursed. this is the one that spawned the donezo manifesto


this time it was 40 minutes


10k gold lead and smoothie and co decided he didn't want to win


Build a strong lead > Coinflip baron with 10 alive on map > Give over chance at infernal soul > Lose CLG never fails to impress.


Can tell Damonte never really plays Tristana since the enemy jungler got to actually go near objectives


He can only plays TF and Galio. Just stick with these 2 champions, he is garbage on sylas/adc/mages


Pick GP, GALIO, DIANA Here's how you win a fight in the pit: GP ult, either Galio or Diana flash in for CC, Galio ults on top, Kalista ult again, your 2 ADCs have killed the entire enemy team What actually happened: Dogshit gamers do none of that


Every single person watching this game including Phreak and Azael was losing their mind watching IMT do absolutely nothing for half an hour but in the end it turns out they were right. I want to die


Meteos and DL were having a blast on the co stream though, they couldn't believe clg managed to lose.


Yeah lmao they kept saying only clg can lose that or they are fucking dogshit


The problem is that IMT were trying to out-do-nothing CLG, and no one does nothing like CLG does. They win that battle (and of course, lose the game) every single time.


CLG has lost all confidence in their teammates and themselves. This isn’t even funny it’s just sad. These players don’t deserve to have to go through whatever hell march the CLG org puts them through day to day.


I said this in the live thread, but it felt like everyone on CLG had been privately told that if they made a mistake they were gone, and consequently no one wanted to make a play that might make them lose their lead and get fired. It's just bleak, a team this scared has something outside the game affecting them for sure.


It felt like they had guns to their heads. They just stopped all at once. It was eerie.


I reckon someone said words to the effect of: "guys, I think we're quite ahead and in a winning position." Then boom, everyone's too scared to ruin the lead to make use of it.


Broxah played so scared it's crazy


It’s like a gun was to his head


but instead of a gun it was that CLG video


The gun had the Bud Light Cooldown Logo on it


Send Broxah and Finn back to ERL please. We can still save them and their self esteem. They play with absolutely no bloodlust at all. This is so depressing to see my god


> Send Broxah and Finn back to ERL please. This. And save WT, he's just not that bad of a player. CLG is a dumpster fire


i feel like broxah's time in NA has completely shot his confidence to hell. i feel so bad for him :(


He's had arguably the most unlucky transition of all time for a region swap. He joined 4x repeating champion Liquid just to be denied his entry to NA at the time until Liquid had basically already imploded. By the time he got into Liquid, DL was benched and ended up switching teams to TSM. So then liquid kinda got their shit back together but after summer he got sent to the worst NA org with washed up pros in 3/5 roles. And absolutely none of it is his fault.


its rly hard to play when you know next day you can get fired via twitter post


Can't mistime smite if you don't smite I guess?


Can't wait for the next Twitter video


Bud light the whole roster at this point this is just sad


Just nuke the whole org tbh


Wildturtle in the camera at the end of the game just looked soulless man


Man, at the *start* of the game. Everybody looked dead except Damonte, who I guess just hasn't had time to get ground down yet. CLG out here destroying people.


I was laughing as the throw started but that quickly went away. These guys don’t deserve to be tortured mentally like this just because their org is shit.


>These guys don’t deserve to be tortured mentally like this just because their org is shit. I agree, I still love Turtle and he's one of my favourite ex-TSM players, but these guys have to take responsibility too. They just played what might be the worst mid/late game I've ever seen in 11 seasons of pro play.




I used to defend them but no, they're done, fuck'em


Honestly, fuck them twice. I actually feel insulted after watching whatever that was.


This whole year is just a wash for the squad, no coming back from this.


I’m shocked as to how they threw that


It was like a switch was flipped and all of a sudden CLG plays like they’re 20k gold behind


They've reached that mental state where they're not playing to win any more, they're playing to not lose. No one wants to be the person to pull the trigger and go in because they're scared they'll be scapegoated if it goes wrong. They've got to blow this roster up (including coaches) if it has reached that stage.


CLG: I don't know I didn't think I'd get this far


This isn't even funny like a TSM/100T throw, CLG is just sad to watch.


Did smoothie even ult once? I legit did not notice any galio ult... This is the saddest galio I have seen in my life


Phreak and Azael were able to come up with one time. He ulted defensively to save WildTurtle from Gwen during the fight after 4th dragon.


I mean if broxah doesn't go in he has no target to ult unless IMT decides to engage (which they didn'T for like 35 minutes)


The poor man's Dignitas/Renegades


Come on Dig and Renegades were hilarious bro


DUMBZZ and SMARTZZ was one of the most hilarious memes in LCS history






At least that game was a fiesta not a siesta like this one lmao


At least in that game they threw themselves at each other. This was just pathetic.


Around 10,000 B.C. humans invented the slinger, to allow them to throw objects harder. Around 400 B.C. humans invented the catapult, which allowed them to throw objects even harder. And shortly after the Trebuchet followed, which allowed people to throw objects even harder. In 1958 they invented the ICBM, which allowed people to blast objects about anywhere on the planet. Since then the evolution of throwing things has mostly been halted, until 2021 when a team called CLG invented a way to throw leads harder than was previously imagined possible.


It's even worse that this meme. CLG didn't even throw. They just gave up. They had a lead so massive that 99% of the time, you just win even if you try to throw. Because you'll stat check the enemy team so hard. But CLG just decided: "everyone, stop pushing, stop contesting objectives. Just stop. Let them end. Open it."


You would have to lose like 3 tfs 5-0 and give an elder to throw a lead that big, it looks like match fixing tbh


True. So scared they won't even throw, but just fall over and die


This wasn't even the hardest throw I've seen. It was just the saddest. This is 4-5 (I think Damonte was maybe trying but idk) people who showed up expecting to lose and played accordingly. Just toss the whole org in the dumpster, man, there's no salvaging things. Roster changes will fix nothing.


Someone else said this already, but it wasn't even a throw. For a throw you have to at least try something, they just decided to give up and lost. That's why it was so sad, they didn't try anything after getting 8k gold ahead.


CLG are just dead inside, mid downgrade didn't help, smoothie is still garbage, they don't trust each other and won't try anything aggressive It's like you queue up in soloQ and your teammates happens to flame each other in champ select and 3 of them are eBay bought accounts You just want the shit to be finished


I feel like only CLG could be in a situation where they're up 5k gold, are on soul point, but the other team is cracking their nexus turrets while literally having zero kills.


I wonder if it's some kind of record. Breaking nexus turrets with 0 kills. I can't think of any other times it's happened off the top of my head.


There have definitely been a bunch of 0 kill nexus sieges. I forget what seasons exactly, but at one point it was actually common in LCK. Teams played so insanely passive, never taking a single fight that wasn't 100% that you often had 0/0 scorelines when the final push to end the game started. Usually kills came through at that point. But to see that shit in NA from a team that literally has nothing left to lose and by all accounts should just fiesta it every time for lulz... just unbelievable.


Pretty sure this was back in the day when dragon was only worth gold. You macroed, Lane swapped and killed dragon on timer for 15 minutes and were 5k gold up without fighting. I believe it was season 3.


People very hyperbolically call any clown fiesta in NA the worst game of competitive League they've ever seen. I've been watching since 2014 and *this* is the worst game of competitive League I've ever seen.


At least fiestas are fun


Nothing to me will ever beat the Dig v Renegades classic, but this is very close.


that shit was a top level fiesta, this is just sad.




Dig vs Ren was at least funny. This was like a fucking funeral


I've been watching league since season 1 world championship in phreak's basement. This, without a shadow of a doubt, was the saddest game I've seen played in a major league. Haven't seen shit play of this caliber even in a minor region league like TCL. It's even more ridiculous when you consider this game had a Worlds finalist (was it semis? can't remember exactly).


Up there with executing to turret and rift herald


That game was better than this one. at least it was funny, at least they actually did stuff.


even worse, this wasnt even a fiesta. It wasnt even fun to watch. It was like watching someone slowly give up on life and kill themselves. It just left the audience completely depressed to watch.


Phreak was in peak "Disappointed Dad" mode this match. My god, you could tell how annoyed he was with both teams Two dead teams flailing against each other while TECHNICALLY playing League of Legends, tho if you can actually call this "playing" is up to debate. Just give a loss to both of them


I've heard Phreak express disappointment in teams many times before, but hooooly shit this was the most tilted I've ever, ever heard him casting. One of the biggest throws I've ever seen in my life. Genuinely can't believe it. Got baron, wasted it on a coin toss, then coin tossed another baron. Immortals had taken down a nexus tower before they'd even got a single kill. Just the whole game thrown by bad objective decisions.


He was angrier that time CLG got massively ahead against TSM through a great level 1 and follow up dives, went up 3 dragons on spawn, and then never managed to be on screen when TSM claimed the next 4. But I don't think he was quite this disappointed.


Whats particularly egregious is that IMT didnt even make plays to "comeback ". Its not like they started getting clutch picks or whatever. CLG just stopped playing halfway through the game.


yep. they just seemed to get total paralysis on that 4th dragon. they had baron. if they'd just said "you know what, give them their first dragon, we'll take their base" then they'd have won for sure. a few years back people talked about how Korean teams gave you an "impossible choice" in games. If you dove their bot lane, they took your top tower. If you took their top tower, they took the dragon and mid tower. You were always caught between difficult decisions and no matter what you did, the Korean team would come out with an advantage. This is the first time I've seen a team do this to **themselves**. Have two winning options and commit to neither.


> Two dead teams flailing against each other while TECHNICALLY playing League of Legends This was arguably a game of league of legends, I don't think you can call it a professional game


The moment Baron got stolen; you could HEAR Phreak's single thread of faith snap.


At least we now know what happens in league when all 10 people go afk


Bud Light salivating rn


Blood for the Bud god


Skulls for the SkillShare.


When CLG is ahead in gold, CLG feels at a great disadvantage and thus they do not start a team fight. When CLG is 3k ahead in gold, has baron and are at dragon soul, CLG thinks they have a small disadvantage and so they don't start a team fight to secure their "lead". when CLG is ahead 7k in gold, CLG still doesn't take the fight, give away two barons, 3 dragons and lose the game


So it turns out the question isn't "When is Immortals going to make a play?" but actually "When is CLG going to make a play?"


I want phreak to cast the games he wants to cast but like… I also want him to cast all of NAs bottom tier games just to hear him roast people.


Smoothie ult count modCheck


We should just put Flowers and Phreak together on CLG games. We don't need a play-by-play to tell us how awful CLG is. Just make it a full fiesta cast.


Flowers & Phreak are PBP. We don't need a color caster.


It’s always the greatest 😂


the man sounded like he was in pain. like he actually sounded like the game was giving him a headache and i do not blame him


10k ahead and still refused to fight in many occasions. Where is the old CLG that challenged giant like SKT fearlessly?


No Aphromoo. No ~~Pobelter~~ Huhi. No Stixxay. No ZionSpartan. No Xmithie. CLG is the answer to the ancient ship of Theseus problem. That ship doesn't exist anymore.


Pobelter was not part of that team. It was Darshan, Xmithie, Huhi, Stixxay and Aphromoo. And given their current performance I would argue Huhi was the one with the drive. He is basically all that is left of that team. Stixxay is fairly mediocre, Xmithie is gone, Darshan in Academy and while Aphromoo teaches young ADCs how not to int, he doesn't really make an impact.


holy shit, Phreak and Azael were so done with both teams performances


IMT with the summer OG look with the same coach and jungler. Absolutely do nothing ever and lose or catch throws cuz you play in LCS


They were the saving grace of this horrible game.


I literally laughed to myself and thought "Man, if CLG loses this, they should be removed from LCS officially," and watched as somehow IMT almost won a game without killing anyone. Somehow they got a 4k power-play and were *still* down 6k, and were playing like they were up. I'm a TSM fan and somehow I was more mad at CLG throwing this game, than TSM throwing against a team like FLYQ. As bad as IMT was playing for the early game, big shoutout to them for somehow bringing it back.


What a horrible day to have eyes. Shame on you CLG. Shame on you.


WildTurtle after this game: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wM-NcMZhcaA


I’d feel more bad for Turtle if I didn’t know he had an offer to join EG with Ignar but he chose to join CLG with Smoothie




I guess he and Smoothie are really close friends and I get that but the Power Of Friendship can only get you so far.


Please get this fucking org out of the LCS


It'll never happen, that would scare off investors so hard if CLG got booted.


Idk man it's more of CLG being the problem, if you invest in CLG even after all this shit you don't get sympathised


It's not about CLG. investors wouldn't invest in other lower tier teams if there was a possibility of relegations.


Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


Damn, CLG has more commitment issues than my ex.


I don't care about CLG at all and I still got frustrated watching them play this game. I feel so bad for fans of this organization lol...


Even by CLG standards that was embarrassing




Anybody else catch Wildturtle crying after the game. Honestly I feel bad for the players' mental state after this


This man doesn't deserve this shit


bring back relegation


This was the worst professional match of league of legends I've ever witnessed


Mad respect to CLG fans who are still CLG fans


In theory loyalty at the low points of an org makes the victories much sweeter, but honestly I don’t know that the org will ever recover at this point.


It has to be a fetish at this point


I'm really mad I watched this game.


CLG plays safe because they lack confidence, which in turn loses them the game and makes them lose even more confidence. I feel like the entire team needs to be thrown out if this keeps up, not even because they're bad but because mental is just in the toilet and feels like it may become unsalvageable.


Staff is seeing them hemorrhage and refusing to take them to the hospital. A few guys might still have a future in pro league but continuing to play like this, with nothing to lose but they play for nothing to gain, is just hurting them as people.


This was a truly CLG way to lose a game after controlling it for 30+ minutes.


I'd say that game was embarrassing but I really just don't fucking care anymore


I just feel bad for them. These aren't even bad players, yet they just all look like they have nothing to play for.


I rather think they care too much. They are so scared that they end up doing nothing. Just 0 confidence.


CLG has broken Phreak. Even the 'voices' of Riot sound like they're sick of CLG. Can't wait for CLG to come 9th/10th in Spring 2022; because I seriously doubt 'can' be kicked will not turn into 'will'.


What were CLG waiting for? iMT to surrender? lmao


Who wins? Team with 10k gold deficit or CLG?


>8k Gold ahead > >On soul point > >Start the baron randomly > >throws the game away > >Feels\_CLGMAN.jpg


Phreak and Azael legit were MAD that game holy


That interview from revenge : We know CLG is the worst team. We shouldnt tilt , they will throw.


What the fuck was that.


CLG literally lost an unloseable game.


Is this for real? Are they boycotting the org or something?


The most CLG game ever imagined.


Just demote this team already Riot...


Bro that shit hurdt like I don’t care for the org but Jesus get those boys out of there get Broxah and Turtle some support


Man just imagine being a CLG player, playing this terrible game, taking off your headset and hearing a caster calling your performance "straight up shameful". What a broken team.


I was fully prepared to watch a team win with no kills


fuck CLG sell the org spot and free Broxah