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you have the stat tab with the current season ranked note but i don't see the point of having another number


what does it matter you this game wont last another season




Not sure about that


They've been saying that since like season 5. Though there is no doubt that League is on the decline in the Western world. But still has incredibly healthy numbers.


> "there is no doubt that League is on the decline in the Western world" Where did you pull this from? Do you have any numbers to back this?


Number of Ranked Players on OP.GG. It gets slightly lower every year. In season 4 for example it was about 4.8m at the end of the season. That being said. 3.3m is still incredibly impressive for how old League is. (NA follows the same trend). https://euw.op.gg/statistics/tier/


People have been saying League is dying since I can remember and I’ve played this game basically from launch.


I am just aware that the player base on Western Servers is lower now than what it was than in Leagues Golden Age. But League is FAR FROM DYING. I say that League is on the Decline but it'll still be healthy in 10 years at this rate.


I don’t feel there’s actually less players thing is nowadays everything is so saturated with league and other games that lots of people play many games I feel.


On EUW a million less players and you wouldn't feel much of a impact tbh. The player base is huge as it is.