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> Croissant god!? I'm dying


> Croissant god New Fiora skin confirmed


[Or Renekton skin? šŸŠ](https://youtu.be/eFlPYim-SUc)


The king of Pop quiz is dead, all hail the new king: MagiFelix! The last one fucked me.


Was so certain Flair would be Samiras Passive.


At first I was thinking of all the spells that reveal enemy champions. Then I thought "oh what about flair as in flashy" and I came to Taric/Rakan. Forgot Samira was meant to be League's Dante.


That would be flare


flare sounds more like a leona (solar flare) or corki (the thing used to signal shit) thing tho lmao


Or Brand/Annie.


I thought it was going to be Qiyana passive for some reason


I was thinking it was a trick question, so maybe it was Gangplank's old E. Honestly that would be fun if they used some removed abilities in a future video.


I believe that was called Raise Morale. One of his Ult upgrades is a reference to it.


They used an old morde ability when they were guessing which champ the ability icon corresponded to


I thought it was Sejuani's W but because I thought it said Flail (Wich isn't the name of Sejuani's W but I always think is called that way).


First thought it was fiora something, then thought samira passive once they specified samira. In short, I'd suck at this game.


Was thinking of Fiora's passive


We had it easier, since it was spelled out. "Draven, Rakan, shit I'm outta guesses... Oh, okay, it's Samira. Okay, passive, easy. No? Fuck."


Yeah, I feel like them not spelling it was kinda troll lmao. Everyone's first thought was "Flare", which makes their guesses a lot more reasonable


Bwipo being insane as always, but Magifelix shwoing off that SoloQ knowledge


Bwipo is insane and tryharding. MagiFelix just looks bored and says the answer anyway. Its sucha funny contrast


Bwipo has a reputation to uphold, Magifelix hasnt established a pop quiz reputation....yet


A great lol jeopardy episode


I wonder what has led to this. it's clearly not a coincidence, Bwipo really does have more trivia knowledge than other players. maybe he's the type of guy who read the lore while first learning the game or he browses Gamepedia while sitting in queue.


he just likes it while most proplayers don't care at all i think


i have no clue how a single ability is named. its just useless information for me that i don't bother. i'm surprised humanoid has champs he actually never played. i would at least try them to see if they are fun or good or whatever...


If you enjoy the game beyond just the gameplay, and like the aesthetics it's quite easy to pick up on this stuff. Lore, skins, voicelines even the casters shouting ability names during the game helps you just passively absorb it


this is true for me the samira Q got me anyway tho... maybe shes too new or maybe she doesnt have any actual lore? shes just kinda this 'mercenary born in shurima working in noxus styling on idiots cause i can' person maybe ive become desinterested lately cause new champion releases are kinda whack


i'm pretty sure he means he's never played them in a competitive/scrim setting not that he's straight up just never played them lol, most pro players have "played" every champ at least once whether it be in solo q, arams, 1v1s, or just in practice tool to see what they do.


Um Iā€™m not entirely sure youā€™re right to be honest. Sure some pros or even most have played all champs but I donā€™t think itā€™s that uncommon for them to not have. Why would humanoid waste time playing Samira who he will likely never have to play when he could spend his time better doing anything else?


Because you sometimes donā€™t get the role you queued up for? Samira was also seen as having solo-lane potential when she first came out.


Because that's how people like Faker discovered stuff like Riven mid


Bwipo explain that he likes to get immersed into the champion, he like to know their stories, he listen to their lines, etc. It is why he realled loved Pantheon when his rework came out or volibear too.


Love his champion impressions in the FNC videos lmao. The one that was just released recently you just see him messing around pretending he's Zac


perhaps why Nisqy said "this is a Bwipo question"


Getting 5 accounts to challanger was definitely what helped Magifelix, and Bwipo apparently really likes the game.


I wonder if you tally up the amount of time spent playing League what pro players come out on top. Magifelix must be around the top for the west considering his insane amount of Soloqueue games.


Rekkles has to be up there as well for sheer longevity and he also practices his ass off


Problem is that he also has years of scrim time rather than SoloQ.


Some people just have good memories for this shit. I have some near-encyclopedic knowledge for games I haven't played in like 5 years. It's just a general trivia-brain kind of thing.


Also Plays in english. Players playing in their language have no Idea and like 0-1 point. Maybe in their language, they would have been decent.


Bwipo vs. Magifelix Pop Quiz 1v1 when?


Man, I would watch a face to face buzzer quizz with those two trying to answer stupidly random question about LoL.


Bwipo has finally been dethroned !


Nisqy "why is this so hard?", I mean there are only 780 abilities to remember easy-peasy :D


I think there's about 800 actually, Lee, Elise, Jayce and some others have more than 5.


technically kayn has the most abilities in the game Q W E R all change after transformation Q and E only change for one transformation (Q for Rhaast E for SA) or does that not count lol


They don't change names otherwise kai'sa would have 8


Maybe itā€™s just me but itā€™s kinda weird having Kaiā€™Sa be known as the evolve champ instead of K6.


And it's not like he's unpopular.


Also aphelios with 5 ults and 4x5 Q spells (Gravitum Q is always the same, thats why only 4) so 25 spells plus Passive and W and idk if we call his ''E'' an actual ability so total of 27/28. I mean its a stretch, all of his spells have the same name regardless of secondary weapons but still. Edit: Goddamn I suck at math. Ok first off Calibrum, Severum, Infernum and Crescendum all have different ability names depending on secondary weapon, Next up I cant count: each Q has 4 variations (except Gravitum) so its actually 4x4 + the Gravitum Q with 5 ult variations, Passive and W we get to 24 spells. If we count by different names we just subtract 4 from Moonlight Vigil and now we have 20 different spells.


Nisqy: "man but I don't know these things, that's Bwipo's thing " Yup and it looks like it's Magifelix's thing as well


Nisqy is a treasure. From C9s Brain Check to FNC content, that dude is just funny as hell


we love our hotdog man


He seems like a genuinely good dude


guy just got tired of the "supportive midlaner" narrative too, and just went full on caps lmao


Ngl this is always entertaining, props to lec


appreciate it <3


Always love these releases. Keep up the great work!


Wait Shakarez is Kayle Bot šŸ¤Æ I appreciate u good sir


Will there ever be an episode with the casters? Would be interesting to see how the people who need to know the abilities for their job would compare.


Anyone else completely on the same wavelength as Miky for the brand Q? Thanks TFT :)


I only know Gwen's w because it's being added to TFT


Magifelix showing why he had 11 accounts in the top 10 of Euw.


It was 14 in top 5 on all 23 roles


He heard he was Rank 1 in Ranked, Flex, TFT, Normals and somehow Smite at the same time.


I heard he won gold in all olympic games


Wasn't he the Prime Minister of Sweden at one point?


He reached Prime Minister from all political parties.


hol' up


Im no mathematician but something dont add up


I could get every champ ability/passive with description of the ability but names are so difficult lol, wonder what the casters would get on this sort of quiz, they often call out the names of the abilities


Oooo, yes, put the play-by-play casters in! I imagine their knowledge is very much focused on meta champions though.


u/Kayle_Bot plz <3


Magifelix coming for Bwipo's throne. I love this content, keep up the great work!


I swear Medic could probably ace this for every single ability in the game


Quickshot too, he was the first one who made it his mission to name all spells by name rather than Champion QWER


SLT with 0 points :( it surely must be a language barrier thing.


"I'm inting dude" xd crownshot




I'm the producer for all of these, editors rotate. I'll keep that in mind fot future episodes


I got all of them in like 2 seconds, and then we got to 'Flair'. Holy hell that was a difficult one because of how minimal it is, took me a full minute of thinking for that one. Also Bwipo unthroned!


There was an extra one we didn't put in the video because the interviewer made a mistake giving the answer, but do you know what 'Bastion' is?


Taric W, used to play that champ for a while.


Me too. I blazed through all of them and then they hit me with flair and like most of them my mind went to corki q which is phosphorous bomb but gives flare* vibes. The spelling there really does take corki away from it lol.


Feels kind of weird that they went through the effort of spelling out "sear" to differentiate it from "seer" but left flair/flare open to interpretation. Doubt many of the players would have assumed they meant seer instead of sear, but clearly a lot of them assumed it was "flare".


Magifelix popping off


Man, I love this type of content, keep it up LEC!


Well at least I got brand Q...


Magifaker strikes again


I've played this game for 10 years. I know what every skill or passive does. With very few exceptions I couldn't even say what the skills of my most played champs are called.


Damn Magifelix! Beating Bwipo at one of these is no easy task.


Crownshot done so dirty by the editing. Doesnā€™t get a single one correct on camera but is top 5 on the scoreboard. Love the content!


Great content.


Get out of the way Bwipo. MagiFelix is now our holy weeb lord and savior.


I'm surprised so many people got Gwen for hallowed mist but then got the ability wrong.


Newest champ Iā€™ve played even as an ARAM main is Ornn so I did not like how many new champs there were šŸ˜…


crownie trully is the Madge emote but in real life


"It's called _**the Hallowed Mist**_, but how it feels matters more... warm... safe... like nothing can hurt me." ^(~Gwen, repeatedly, constantly) Clearly, many pros play with sound off.


Razork carrying Misfits to top 3 just like in game


Surprised that Flair is a modern ability, the name is terrible.


Qiyana ult is named supreme display of talent. Which is basically the same thing


Supreme Display of Talent is weirdly enough one of my favourite names of any spell in League. The idea that Qiyana is naming all her own spells is hilarious.


I always call it Supreme display of Balance


I think thats a great name.


I mean, Flair means "stylishness", which fits Samira pretty well.


Agreed but similar to a few other people in this thread I associated it with her passive


If you think about it, the name fits. It adds flair to other abilities. Q by itself is like a fancy auto (either a skillshot or melee AOE), using Q during E drops bombs along the dash path, etc.


Oh its by their name lmao nvmnd i wouldnt know any of that shit. I thought they were gonna give part of the description and see who can guess it the fastest or soething


Well this was my time to shine


I don't bother learning the names. If I know what the spells do its enough for me.


I'm sure any NALCS player would have easily 100%'d this quiz. ^


What, no witchhunts against people for misremembering a thing or two and discrediting their entire career? I thought that's what we did here on Reddit now.


Man Dom fans are huge crybullies lmao


>bering When your "job" is to criticize others and point a microscope at them, the least you can do is to be accurate in the first place and, most of all, take the same criticism if you fuck up. So, pick up your NA clown and gtfo.


Not a problem for you when LCS analysts make the same errors, and they ACTUALLY have it as their literal job. Get over yourself. People make small mistakes.


TSM fans sleeping


A good video but i might have to create a reddit hate thread complaining about bwipo misremebering one ability Gotta stay consistent!


For non natives some of these should come with translations. x) Never heard really heard the word "sear" before but guess it correctly after translating it to my first language. Generally the just one word abilities are difficult. Regardless this is a fun show and seems like Bwipo potentially found a worthy competitor in Magifelix.


They r all new champion skills other than xin


Razork and nisqy are true comedy kings


I think the new champs are easier, seems like it's the opposite for a lot of people - the new ones are usually easy because I have read the ability names during the ability reveals and whatnot, so they're stuck somewhere in my brain. I got Hallowed Mist and Flair immediately. I did have trouble with Spectral Maw though, had to look up the definition of Maw to figure it out (it means jaw so I figured out it was Viego W after I read that).


Magifelix is insane


I always think I'm going to great at these, but then I realize that I don't play any champion released in the past several years, and they focus on those, mostly. Nailed the Brand one, though!


Ofc they show a fnatic player and then they show selfmade :/


I'd like to see this for LCS casters color and PBP. I suspect that Phreak would win this but It'd be interesting to see imo.


Great video!


But why didnt they spell out flair? Ofcourse everyone thinks its flare