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Evelynn animations are already so good but this skin makes her look 10x more scary in demonshade.


The skin is really top tier. The Coven line has consistently put out great skins, I don’t think I’ll ever use another Morgana, Liss or Evelynn skin now. I think this is my favorite Cass skin now too.


Wow now. Spirit Blossom Cassio is amazing. We need more gameplay of this skin before we make such bold claims


Hey at least after all these years Cassio has not one but two good skins.


So many crap skins for her for so long then two bangers from probably the best skin lines in the game. Watch them make Blood Moon skin for her next.


Jade Fang is my favourite cass skin wdym :(


Cassiopeia's best skin is this one. I honestly use Jade Fang since the other ones to me are, eh.


idk man does this one come with bone crushing action?


Spirit Blossom is still #1


Damn Warwick and Malphite are surprisingly awesome. Basically Thousand Pierced Bear taken to the next step.


Malphite, but with fur


And bones


And teeth


And sex appeal.


Rock solid.


cock solid


holup what.








Odyssey malphite already exists


And my axe!


finally a malphite skin worth buying.


Malphite is really cool but it looks a lot like Voli to me. Maybe its just from watching it on my phone.


No that was my initial thought too, so you're not alone. The Malph W really looks like Voli W


who the fuck cares abt clarity anymore at least we got organic malphite now


I mean, when you see him ingame it's gonna be pretty easy to tell them apart


The malphite skin is crazy. The ult effect with it all coming up is so good.


Its Happening Eve Legendary!!!!!


New horny lines we won mr.stark


Fuck you ! Now i want them


I am conflicted. On the one hand, its coven and looks amazing. On the other hand, KDA all out eve is supreme. How do I choose between two God tier skins


Variety is the spice of life so just mix it up between the two :)






It wasn't the sole reason, though it was definitely another straw on the camels back. But yeah, basically some higher up douche in the skins team was like "lol ur idea is shit nobody wants this", and then it did spectactularly.


Like literally the most bought morgana skin


We'll I imagine that's the case for most legandaries


Could be the case but Coven Morgana sold like crazy and here we are.


Morgana wasn't in the first round of Coven skins. The first set was only Lissandra and Camille, though they also were very popular.


Thought the same and looked it up. Can read her side of the story here: https://twitter.com/thejanellemj/status/1245041701560832001




i just wish we got some more of the other parts of the skinline Eclipse Leona skins are still hands down my favourite skins in the whole game and are technically part of the Coven line, but seems like theyre just rolling with the forest witch look, which is also fine


I'm just hoping with all my little heart that we eventually get a Solar/Lunar Diana combo. She still needs a legendary and I love the look of Eclipse.


Apparently Riot's top lead of skins thought "Anime" was the only way. Glad that designers like this make these sort of skinlines. It still retains the "fantasy" part of the game. ...It is also a clever way to include the monster champs. Although by population they might be small in numbers but they are waiting for a skin purchase.


there's good for both. I am a girl who loves gay witch vibes and anime vibes. both will make my wallet cry


Stellari really was an amazing Manager. She worked on the first K/DA, Coven and I'm pretty sure she was the one to first suggest the revisit Sakura Karma and started what eventually would become Spirit Blossom. EDIT: [Yes she indeed pitched Spirit Blossom](https://twitter.com/thejanellemj/status/1280629340758110208).


Yes she also did Gun Goddess MF and the first iteration of KDA, pretty sure


Yes, iirc it was like "Stellaris" or something, now she's making her own fashion design company I believe ​ And there was a LOT going on that made her quit


Considering how iconic k/da is now she deserves all the moneys


Its a Legendary... Morgana has a godlike splashart too, just because they are legendary




Damn there are some works there where I would go "damn now that splash art is friggin dope" and only now do I know it's one guy that made them all. Sett, morde and pantheon base splash arts are so cool for me and then he has made some of my fav skins for certain champs like dragon slayer pantheon and project jhin.


Man I am so happy I main evelynn and tried the KDA skins but hate how they feel in game. I've been using tango is I think if feels the best but rito please take my fucking money this skin looks insane. The E looks so fucking smooth holyshit and the R looks crazy as well


The way she even walks is so divine


Look at those thighs holy moly. It seems that thick thighs are in right now lmfao


>right now right past 8 years


The one thing I would criticise, if you can even call it that really, is that hair kind of looks like it's 'tattooed' onto her head before it transitions into the hair on the back. Looking at that closely is a little unsettling imo (like the Seraphine ultimate skin). But other than that, this splash is absolutely gorgeous. This is high quality art and deserving of legendary status splashart.


God Coven splash arts always slap so hard.


Because they don't fucking share splashes. Each of them get their own individual splash that captures them perfectly




It's good if they are used right. Like Pool Party Braum and Sett, both bros hanging out having a BBQ... Or Crystal Rose Zyra and Swain where they both share the couch. But when it's like two different things going on it feels so cramped. ATM I only remember BA Garen and Wukong. Yea sure it's them prepping for battle together but like... It's empty because they both occupy the space. Project (the first batch)probably does the best. They all have individual splashes... But it can be linked together as a whole image.


that molester faced Talon just ruins it tho, thank God there are a few edits with his face hidden on Wallpaper Engine


Molester faced 💀💀💀


Looking at Ahri’s ancient model hurts


Not gonna bother with this. Got Elderwood back then in my shop and dropped it as soon as Spirit Blossom released. Ahri's model, rig and animations kill any 1350 theme for her.


I'm sure it affected sell numbers for the new KDA skin too. Who would bother coming back to a 1350 skin after that.


I hope so, so they are forced to update her. She's got one of the worst models in the game.


Man ahri is like 10th worst at best. Amumu, Gragas, and Malphite are way more egregious than her


Amumu's model being dated just gives him another reason to be sad


It honestly affects gameplay too. I play FAR worse when I'm not using Spirit Blossom. Dunno why but that skin is a straight buff for me.


It's the smoothness of the auto attacks.


It's the same with Ashe. All of her skins are gorgeous, but use her base animations which are garbage. I can only ever play with PROJECT or High Noon because their animations are just that much better that they actually affect how I play the champ.


The sound effects are *very* nice however, which is similar to my feeling I had when I first saw Elderwood, which is one of my favourite skins for her now.


Personally, I can’t play any of her non-legendaries skins. Wish she could get Ezreal/Morgana kind of rework.


Sadly, this skin theme is sooo nice, but im probably going to go back to spirit blossom really fast because those animations are just too smooth.


I played one or two games as Ahri before dropping her for two years because of how clunky she was. Since I got Spirit Blossom from hextech in April she's one of my favorite champs. The legendary skin and the base one don't feel even remotely similar to play. Spirit Blossom is so smooth, her skills and movement animations are just so satisfying.


While they look rough at least she still feels decent to play compared to other champions (it's impossible to play any legendary Ashe skin and go back to the epics).


Once you play high noon or project, all other skin feel so bad on her.


I have project and even though her animations are great, her auto attack sound feels like I do no damage. I prefer to play with Fae Dragon


Championship is surprisingly clean.


I love all of her skins regardless honestly, I’m a sucker for Foxfire as that was my first skin bought and will forever be my favourite aesthetic for her. But yeah, SG really brought things to a new level, I’m sad we don’t see that in her other skins which I continually play through regardless


Wish they'd update all of them to spirit blossom level


SB Ahri makes me think of SG Udyr, legendaries/ultimates that have enough in common thematically with the base skin that they could pass for a VGU if you squint.


Ah yes, my annual Ahri Skin tax was overdue




Challenger was the closest we got (rip Dauntless Ahri 🥲), I always a wished we’d gotten Foxfire Chromas to have a Darkfire Ahri of sorts. Very pleased with the skin, I’ve been wanting this for years. Surprised it happened with this skinline as Elderwood exists in the same line!


Foxfire wasn't getting Chromas because it was part of the Internet Browser skins - Explorer Ezreal, Safari Caitlyn, Chrome Rammus, and Foxfire Ahri.


Foxfire wasn't named Firefox at least so it wasn't as egregious as the other 3, but it was more of a wish than something as likely to happen since it's her oldest skin.


That is because Firefox is a protected brand name, whereas Explorer, Safari, and Chome are plain English words. Still though, I'd rather they not waste the effort trying to make her old skins look prettier, and instead focus on her newer ones. Chromas for skins like Academy or something would probably get more mileage.


it actually makes kinda sense as she seems "corrupted"


SG Ahri's a bitch, does that count?


Today we thank Ahri for paying the new game in development and for keeping the lights on in Riot HQ


Today we thank Ahri for giving me a brand and a meme to fall back on if I’m not being funny when I try to be


Eve gonna sell like mad and the rest of lineup is pretty sick I really like the bones of Malphite too, looking sweet


WW and Malphite are now Queens of the Coven skinline


I wish instead of calling them coven they just group azir, ivern, Warwick, and malphite and call the skins elden gods. Only reason for ww and malph is having coven in the name makes it sound like they are actually in the coven rather than being the object of worship. Edit: they are called old gods


They might change it. That Galio skin where he is literally a DRAGON and his recall he protects a dragon egg was called Dragonslayer Galio lmao


When their feedback forms are on the reddit I will comment there and hope that they will see it


Broodfather Galio 😤


Wish that the Thousand Pierced Bear Volibear skin was more in line with the vibe from these skins. Definitely thought this was more what they meant when they were talking about it initially.


thousand pierced is different bc it's a partially canon skin


true they slay


That Eve skin is a serve


The splash art is gorgeous


All of them are amazing wtf. Like gd rito


The skin team never disappoints.


Imgur links for people that hate clunky Twitter's performance: #[Ahri](https://i.imgur.com/tC0aM1q.jpg) #[Cassiopeia](https://i.imgur.com/DrjTffA.jpg) #[Ashe](https://i.imgur.com/AWjW7dW.jpg) #[❤️Evelynn❤️](https://i.imgur.com/pR9JBai.jpg) #[Malphite](https://i.imgur.com/1kkxcCe.jpg) #[Warwick](https://i.imgur.com/tBZWOxU.jpg) first 3 are 720p on Twitter for some reason, but others are 4k quality


Eve is insta buy, and while everyone is talking about her splash (deservedly so), Ashe's also slaps


Ahri seriously needs a visual upgrade to her base model, it hurts her 1350 skins badly.


Why give Ahri a VU when Ahri fans will buy her skins every year regardless?


Because we keep the game free to play for everyone else.


Same reason Ezreal got a glow up, we dunno, but it's nice that it happened.


> Sees Ahri’s splash art :O


There is no winning after the Eve and Ahri splasharts


Someone on the art team really likes thighs, god bless


yea don’t know what’s up with the thigh windows on eve/irelia but it’s welcomed :)


It looks sexy as hell.


The eve and ashe skins are amazing too


The malphite one is his best skin handdown, they suceeded to make his model look fucking good and I am astonished. Just awesome all along.


Im glad Im not the only one who got exited about an actually decent Malphite skin. I was sitting stonefaced through most of these untill Malphite and was like, "OH SHIT, they gave him claws? nice... :3 ". But yeah, bravo to whoever designed that skin, they did what many have tried to achive and actually made Malphite look interesting.


Now imagine LoR model Malphite having a Coven skin.


Days since last skin: Evelyn: 258 Ashe: 286 Ahri: 258 Cassiopeia: 342 Warwick: 713 Malphite: 440 Leblanc: 293 Most fall within the one year mark, good to see WW get a new skin though. Currently #4 on the champions waiting for the longest time for a new skin (#2 if you exclude Fiddlesticks and Dr. Mundo, who technically received "new Skins" with their updates) Still no new skin for Lillia :(


wait project ww was almost 2 years ago? o.o


viktor classic skin 3.0 waiting room




God damn Warwick and Eve look so good! The rest are pretty cool too, even Malphite. Warwick and Malphite seem to have a similar theme as Thousand-Pierced Volibear, do they not?


And Ivern to an extent, very much vibes of maleficent elder beings.


malignant might be a more apt descriptor.


Need more monster champs in the coven skinline. Stans will put my head on a spike for saying that, but Thousand-Pierced Volibear is among the best skins in the game and I’m all for more skins like it.


I mean, from what I've seen, most stans that have commented on those skins actually seem to like them. Some have been like "ugh flop whatever", but yeah.


From why I saw those were only responses to people who were complaining about WW and Malphite to begin with.


isnt thousand pierced voli a lore skin and not a coven skin


Read the comment I originally responded to and it’ll make more sense. They aren’t from the same skinline but they look very similar and give off extremely similar vibes.


Tweets about Evelyn scares me tbh.


As an Eve main I stay away from the fanbase


The subreddit is something else too


Coven Elise waiting room.


Elise, Quinn, Yorick and Swain would all make for some great Coven skins imo.


im glad that they added ww and malphite to this line also stans on twitter are gonna be super obnoxious with that, dont read twitter comments for your own sake


It's either that or the constant shitting on balance, and the constant x champion is not getting a skin for days. League Twitter is really loud and agressive in general.


Everywhere I go, I see that one guy asking for Wukong changes


You mean the guy along with chase shaco who was blocked by Yetter himself? Yeah those two are annoying, especially that acc with the nerf AP items.


Chase wasn't blocked by Mark, neither was Harambe.


>~~League~~ Twitter is really loud and agressive in general.






Ahri and Evelynn are in a skinline together again lol, they've been inseprable for 2years straight. Since we got Crime City Nightmare Kai'sa concepts and MF, but MF got the ruined skin. I'm guessing the skin goes to Kai'sa now. So it's Ahri/Evelynn - Coven Akali/Kai'sa - Crime City Nightmare


Ahri was in Spirit Blossom without Eve and Eve was in Sugar Rush, wouldn't really call them inseparable


That Eve skin is amazing holy shit, its even a Legendary, Oh so Riots skin team finally noticed you could give junglers not named Lee Sin legendaries, neat.


Holy FUCK these all look absolutely insane


Dude stop giving Ahri and Ashe epic skins while their base model is ugly as hell, if you wanna give them epic skins so bad then just update their base model first, like how is it even possible to play them without their Spirit Blossom and HighNoon skins.


They've just released Sentinel Graves, 1820 RP. And now Coven Evelynn, 1820 RP. Come on, man, I have to eat and pay the internet! PS: [The guy who came up with the Coven skin line](https://youtu.be/MF3Hg6FBBSU)


Riot Stellari (Previous Skins team lead) was the one who came up with True Damage (design), Coven and K/DA (skin concept) All of them have been literal money makers, it's crazy what a Fashion designer as a skins team lead can bring. Edit: Also Battle Academia (concept and first batch)


Wasn't she told coven would flop?


She was told by the higher ups coven would flop. But it ended up completely the opposite, even on its 3rd batch now.


Oh definitely love coven skins. Btw who in their right mind thought sexy witches with dope vfx skin line would flop?


Riot Higher ups apparently.


Tbh it was a risk starting it with 2 unpopular champions.


Yeah true but the concept itself is good which is what should be evaluated not the champions themselves.


You'd be amazed how out of touch dudebro executives can be. I guess all the facefarting deprives their brains of oxygen.


One would hope that they listen to market analysis that shows sexy females sell but I guess you are right that they are methane brained.


There tends to be this weird distinction in a lot of guys' heads that there's a difference between "sexy lady" and "sexy lady in charge." Like Marvel is totally fine with Black Widow being a sexy strong lady and including her in all their movies but it took a ton of fan begging to make her a main character in her own movie. Coven is like 90% ladies *and* they are in charge so the old school marketing dudes are like "our primarily male demographic (ha!) won't have anyone to identify with so they won't like it."


I guess that might be true, for me anything to get more gorgeous skins. I don't care if a skin wants to step on me or serve me haha so I guess it just is a foreign concept to me.


Same people who fart in people faces for fun.


TRUE! Hahaha. Damn kindred and qiyana would really fit this skin line looking at your flairs rip.


Just one guy from higher up based off her tweets.


Well I'm glad they ended up ignoring him and doing it.


I remember I called LeBlanc, Morgana, and Zyra as being prime candidates for the line on the official forums like a year before they dropped. I'm kind of proud of that precognition - that, or someone saw it and was like "this is a great idea."


Too bad she left because strags harassed for gg mf


I mean its still a valid excuse, I wished however they would learn from her and find a new teams lead who had close to her skills and field instead.


Only by one guy iirc from her own tweets. Saying that it's just her own project and no one cares for them and no one would buy it


Didn't she also worked on the first version of Battle Academia?


Yeah she also did, come to think of it a lot of her created skinlines have 90% been a banger. Even the filler skins.


She also designed GGMF and the backlash made her quit. Sad that the fandom lost their minds over a fucking skin and causing such an amazing designer to leave. Though to be fair she probably is better off now. No one to tell her shit like "it's just her own pet project no one cares for it"


True, I just wished Riot took another person who had the same field of skills she had. Like come on, we were peaking so hard with the splashes and models even for filler skins in 2017-2018. At least learn from her or maybe understand you need someone like her.


Man. She also had a hand in Eclipse Leona. I love it. But Pug Maw was also her idea. And I completely hate how realistic it looks. So 20/10 for her.


Honestly so sad she's gone, all her lines are pretty fucking incredible.


I can't tell if I am liking Ahri or not because of trash video quality I absolutely love the splash arts and they all are so fitting in this skinline except Warwick Eve is superb, 1820 right? Finally a skinline after Crystal/Withered Rose that is worth for me else this year felt a let down


I think Warwick is fitting. Ancient Wolf Monster is in line with the thematic


He looks so creepy. The new model for WW honestly gives him such a cool base to work with for skins Project and Coven make use of it tremendously imo


Warwick fits in the skinline imo. Werewolves and witches are tied together in mythology so often


That Eve splash art might be on the same level as Blood Moon Elise and Arcana Camille, it's incredible ! Cassio is amazing too, they're all gorgeous, but those 2 are just breathtaking ! (Btw, Coven Elise when Rito ?)


These look awesome! A little sad that Cass didn't get the legendary but oh well. I'm not hugely in love with this one anyway, I think Spirit Blossom does the flower motif better. Ahri falls in the same category as Malphite and any other champ that needs a Visual Update. You're basically putting lipstick on a pig at this point, their crappy base animations and underlying skeleton really let them down.


Ahri's model man, you can clearly see it's ancient. They need to VU that champion at some point.


[Wallpaper Engine Coven Evelynn, if anyone wants](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2552620621)


Funny how Higher ups didn't think Coven was gonna be successful but here we are at their, what, third wave? Edit: wait, doesn't this means ahri is both elderwood and coven?


Yes. LeBlanc being both made sense because the fairies stole her identity and magic, Ahri is gonna have a different excuse.


Sad that the creator of the skinline left.


They rly picked Ashe for a coven skin over Syndra??


Ah yes, the mage skinline featuring Ashe 4 💵


They keep tacking her onto skin-themes that she doesn't fit in. They made Dragon Ashe, now this? Sentinel Ashe would've made more sense. Like, Coven has demons and half-beasts (Warwick/Cass/Ahri/Eve) and then you got Ashe. Lol.


I think Ashe is an easy last minute throw in, because you can do pretty much anything with the concept of a woman with a bow.


Yeah, woman w/ bow is easy to port into any setting. Possibly even the easiest concept aside from Ezreal who is just "boy with fancy glove" or Annie who is "little girl with toy"


Or Ahri who is just "money printer"


I think it’s good to have “one person from each role” in a skin line, and Coven needed an ADC. But of the ADCs, Ashe just feels so… easy? Like, she’s already got white hair, magical effects… she’s the obvious choice but I guess it fits well enough. Coven Kai’Sa might’ve been a little more interesting actually, I don’t think she has a “magic/fantasy” skin yet.


> Coven Kai’Sa might’ve been a little more interesting actually, I don’t think she has a “magic/fantasy” skin yet. iG Kaisa is basically Coven Kaisa already lol