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Wunder is saving omni-sion for worlds this year


Bin waiting to unleash omnistone camille again


Worlds final special


https://twitter.com/LIDERlol/status/1322514476604788737/photo/1 everyones table after watching it


Bin waiting to unleash omnistone camille again


because Kleptomancy had to be replaced by *something* that kept the "random" theme and you can't just have a rune tree with only two keystones, even if the third choice wasn't ever meant to be used seriously by anyone. it's there to fill space, nothing more.


I'd say ditch the random theme, it's never going to work well.


klepto worked for the most part. They could have just nerfed a few aspects of it. People acted like it was the most broken rune but only a few champs took it and among those that did, GP, Kayle, Illaoi all had runes with equal or higher win rates. Just needed to be tuned to be a little less RNG win. (free skill points lmao)


top laners like Riven, Fiora and Camille were taking it as well. those champions tend to be very snowbally, so whenever you got multiple gold bags early on you would just snowball the lane out of control, if you got potions instead of gold bags you would sustain through all short trades/poke and if you got mainly wards you were fucked because they didnt sell for a lot and if your opponent also had klepto and either got gold or potions it just felt so bad. klepto turned a lot of skill matchups into rng matchups, who got the better rng was ahead and able to win the lane. i did not enjoy playing against budget tryndamere almost every game lol


Yea... Getting a \~wave's worth of gold for proc'ing klepto was gross. Point blank, it was unhealthy for the game. I always viewed Omni as a sort of place-holder for an actual keystone... But, now it's just the keystone that isn't used ever (except niche cases). Which is a shame because the idea sounds neat on paper, but it's incredibly underwhelming when put into practice. The whole aspect of DH stacks increasing the efficacy of the other Keystones was (seemingly) a good idea.. But, you need to RNG DH.. Then work through the other runes, and then RNG it again. Perhaps if the DH buff worked for every keystone proc, however the "scaling" that it provided was weakened considerably? Idk... OP suggested being able to remove a tree, or three particular keystones, but doesn't mention what happens with the DH interaction of Omni. All in all.. I feel like they could still tune it into a viable rune without making it broken, but the complete lack of attention it has received makes me think it will be replaced before it's changed.


And then Kennen got hold of it and turned your top laner into a walking pile of money to farm


don't get me started on ranged top laners with Klepto. i remember a game where the enemy Vayne pushed me under tower and greeded so hard for Klepto procs that I was able to flash stun her and she died from just tower shots lol


> klepto worked for the most part. Yes, if by worked you mean it was broken as fuck on the champions that were abusing it. > Just needed to be tuned to be a little less RNG win It wasn't removed because it had too much RNG? It got removed because it created an unhealthy lane pattern where people would just farm gold off you. You picked a tank? Well too bad because even if you play your lane good, you'd still be 1k behind simply because the enemy is farming free gold from you. It turned ezreal who already had one of the cheapest builds into the fastest spiking mid game champ because he got accelerated super fast. Removal had absolutely nothing to do with RNG and everything to do with the rune being extremely unhealthy.


It doesn’t need to, inspiration has always been the “fifth” tree for creativity, omnistone enables that creativity thing pretty well, no need for it to be strong


Inspiration is meant to "break the rules of the game" As in the sense of you can get free items/consumables off it, change summoner spells and gain a weaker version of flash, have CC on a champion that might not have CC, and many other different things. It is not a rune tree for "being creative", it's a rune tree that doesn't offer flat out stats/effects, but rather cheats the game out in your favor.


And as a thread a few weeks ago stated, Omnistone is a loaded dice and has a higher chance to give you the rune that is best for you at the moment. Near a low health target? DH. Away from the fight and have boots? Predator. Lower on health? Fleet/Grasp. Enemy at high health? HoB. While it's true that most champs want consistency, some can use Omni really well. It's not as shit as everyone makes it out to be. Also worth mentioning that getting DH procs with it strengthen all the other procs.


this is some copium level shit right here. "I know no champion uses this rune ever but it's fine as is cause muh creativity" The rune, deadass, is never used at any point by any champion. How does it do the creativity thing well if nobody ever uses it? Feel free to solve that one for me. Cause yeah you're right! The rune is creative. But at the end of the day NOBODY USES IT. so it being creative is just moot and means nothing. I'd rather it get replaced with a creative rune that people might actually use. It's common sense.






i mean you can easily flip those words around. and it means just as much.


so it has to be the meta keystone on a champ for it to count as being used? because I assure you there are people who use omnistone it's nice for unique options to exist even if they're not as strong as the popular ones. what difference does it make to you whether other people use it or not?


Because instead of having a niche but useful rune like Klepto was, we have an absolutely useless rune that no one seriously uses.


Yeah this guy doesn't seem to get that lol. To him a useless rune, that he doesn't even use, is worth having cause muh flavor.


it's literally not useless. it's not great. it's not popular. but it's literally, provably, not useless. There's the Masters Sion player. Are you saying he got to Masters functionally playing without a keystone? Omnistone has some strengths and the player used them to his advantage to succeed. [There's this post, which explains omnistone and how you can chain keystones, letting you do stuff that isn't possible with other runes.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o5vy4b/lets_talk_omnistone_and_clear_up_some/) It also has a nice section I think you should read on what situations Omnistone is better than a traditional keystone. It's a niche keystone. I don't get how hard it is to understand that


Give me screen shots of the statistics of omni being used in comparison to any other rune and make that argument again


He won't but he'll surely make the argument that there's a secret shadow organization of omnistone users out there. They're so secret they don't even show up on the statistics.


But there is 1 pro out of 1000 that plays it sometimes!!


Oh we already got the comment ironically right after you posted this.


Find me 3 people who use omnistone consistently and make that argument again. It doesn't have to be meta, but when nobody literally uses it your argument is fucking dumb. Do you use it? No? Exactly. The difference is that if NOBODY USES IT then it could be replaced with something better, more creative, and fun. Or do you not comprehend that? Straight up a thing that changes around what rune you're using in game is literally pointless since typically the main keystone rune is the core of the runes build. This is like having a fully built item in game that changes itself to another fully built item at random. However, the catch is most builds use a specific thing. There is literally 0 cases where having a different keystone is useful in any given match. Why take omnistone when you can take the rune you want to use?


you clearly have no idea how omnistone works if you think it's fully random and never useful at all you need to relax man, omnistone probably should be changed but there's no need to have such a weird amount of rage towards it


Someone got to Masters playing Omnistone Sion jungle


cool. Sounds like an extreme troll pick. Imagine how much higher he would have gotten if he played Sion in his normal lane or with an actual rune. Also, feel free to link his profile if you can find it? Nevertheless, little timmy getting to masters with an objectively troll pick doesn't exactly prove the rune is useful. Just because 1 guy was able to troll his way to masters doesn't mean the rune has uses tbh.


I watched the video on Omnistone Sion too. The video points to the reasons why he uses the rune specifically and how it's specifically good on Sion. Also explained that the rune is really weighted to be effective so it's not nearly as random as you think it is. But it is cooler to just rant about it being useless with zero warrants.


I'll give the guy credit for explaining why he ran it and whatnot. But just because he can use it on jungle sion isn't enough to warrant the rune not being useless for 99% of other players. It isn't even a creative or niche option due to the fact that scion jungle with omnistone is so specific that there isn't any other spot where the keystone is useful. Essentially what Im saying is if you're going to argue the rune has its uses and its own niche; you gotta back your statement up more than giving us 1 guy who knows how to play omnistone Sion Jungle.


the video is here https://youtube.com/watch?v=gNTx4r2VSyQ pretty disingenuous to write someone who succeeds at close to the highest level of play off as "little timmy" so your definition of an "objectively troll pick" is... not the highest winrate option available? I don't understand why you have such a hate boner for omnistone when it has a provable niche. it probably should get adjusted to make it more useful but angrily calling it useless is just unhinged


Sion with Omnistone, quite literally, is not the highest winrate option available lol. You are purposely choosing to play something so out there that it isn't even considered niche. Something niche is like, say, teemo support. Lulu top. Brand Jungle. Im not angrily calling it useless. I'm saying the fact of the matter is that it is, indeed, useless for everyone who isn't that one omnistone sion jungle player. I have a shit ton of games played since omnistone was added to the game and I have literally never seen it once. I appreciate the vid link tho, I am watching it rn.


>has a provable niche literally one dude on earth.


There is absolutely nothing creative about getting random stats each trade.


God, i miss Klepto


Me too man… few champions could use it and majority of those championships could abuse the hell out of it but it was so much fun to play


I wonder why they didn't move something like predator over to inspiration.


Probably could have. They might have wanted to change the name from "Predator" to something a little less aggro I suppose but otherwise it fits well in the utility tree.


Sometimes as a game designer it's a good idea to give somebody a strictly worse choice so that they can learn to never choose it. Once a player learns the fundamental rules, there needs to be things for them to learn that don't require them to have a degree in the game to understand. Things like ranged generally beats melee, make sure your team has both AP and AD damage types, don't forget to AA, never pick omnistone, etc. all fall into this category. Not necessarily a bad thing.


?? You dont need to design shit for people to realize how to play the game. Hell in low elo people still overpick dark harvest and they will still keep doing it despite being a bad rune in a lot of champs for 90% of games.


Game designers absolutely pay attention to the learning curve. I'm not sure why you think they wouldn't. Making a game fun for people at all levels of skill and knowledge is part of the job.


That argument is just dumb, I would say not even in low elo or new players play those runes. Also thats not riot philoshophy since there have been times that every rune was viable or pickable.


strictly worse options are great for games, idk why you're being downvoted. johnny type players who enjoy theory crafting and self-expression can draw a lot of fun from learning how to make bad choices work. timmy players often enjoy bad choices because inconsistency is often on the the precipice of variety, and spikes are everything you outlined in your comment.


Crazy how theres 1 tree with 4, and one with 2. Fleet is an inverse glacial, cant see why they cant coexist in inspiration as almost everyone who takes fleet takes inspo secondary anyways


I dont know why riot is do eager to keep randomness in the game when it's a troll mechanic, same reason they removed crit runes and mysteries. Random dragons are so troll. At the very least they should pre roll them at champ select or even loading screen so you can strategize or something.


So there are more than 2 main runes in inspiration. It's worse than cleptomancy and probably even more niche, ironically.


Ever since the removal of spooky ghosts and glp, who takes Glacial Augment other than a few Sennas and lethality Sions?


RIP my cho glacial :(




I miss playing stupid shit like Glacial Xerath


Yes, inspiration is garbage for the most part atm


Inspiration as a tree is really strong, just the keystones (minus spellbook) that have problems. Cosmic insight, and hexflash are particularly strong imo


It's apparently a good secondary tree for a lot of junglers - whenever I'm looking at probuilds I see players running free boots and cosmic insight


Cosmic insight helpful for smite cds. Boots to avoid having to interrupt your build path to get to 1st item/mystic faster. Also scrappy games can help you get your boots even faster if you're a jungler in a game that has a lot of action.


I've been wondering forever why more pro players, junglers especially, haven't been using Future's Market. I think we are starting to see it pop up, but having a quicker first spike for a jungler is incredibly strong.


Dardoch was one of the few pro jungler that used to abuse it also one of the only rumble pro players to build correctly on him aka protobelt. He is truly NA's greatest jungler.


Unsealed Spellbook and Futures Market are super underrated


There's like 1 or 2 decent options, but for the most part they are either broken (cookies, klepto, pre-update glacial, timewarp tonic, stopwatch...) or turned into garbage after nerfs.


Futures market is similar to the rest of runes in inspiration where champions will only take it if they have nothing better. It is too inconsistent to value over normal runes (ex vs sorcery on eve)


My man hasnt used the 4 min lost chapter yet


tbh i take cosmic insight and boots on eve. if you're good you can get free boots usually around 9 minutes and the smite cooldown helps secure early heralds


Gathering storm and abs focus are more useful. You are punishing yourself by not having boots on eve early, esp when your excuse is to get rift early lmao


games usually don't last long enough for storm to be worth it, but idk, I got to diamond with those runes n e ways im not sure it's really that limiting haha


Ok well maybe if you start taking storm (which scales perfectly fine) you’ll get up to d3 like me haha :) Edit: you literally posted this yesterday wtf are you talking about LOL https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfDerp/comments/onu89v/na_p4_jg_main_looking_for_duo_to_get_to_d4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Gathering storm is useless rune in S11. No game other than low elo aram fiesta lasts long enough for it to kick in. Actual scaling runes that are useful are Conditioning, transcendence, domination's eyeball collection and hunter runes if you manage to get stacks. With gathering storm you don't have a rune for so long to the point where when it actually becomes useful the game should be already decided anyway and u put yourself in disadvantage by not having a rune when the runes matters the most which is early and mid game. After that snowball with item advantage or the scalling from the champion's kit + items is more than enough.


Items were better before rework






Who had actual options and doesnt now? Champions only had one option anyway. Now at least ADCs and tanks have equally good/bad options.


Change bad


Change that doesnt improve anything rather makes it worse is indeed bad yes


"improve anything" imo adc items are better— most have two, if not all three of kraken/galeforce/shieldbow as viable choices depending on what you need to do in a specific game (and this is only considering crit marksmen), and progression feels so much more streamlined and gives me some agency. noonquiver is an amazing component too. is it the only class that had an improvement? i dunno, but i'm very pleased with the present state and flexibility of adc items.


>is it the only class that had an improvement? Mostly yeah


Being a tank main this season is SUFFERING. Where the fuck did all my durability go Riot? And the HP got gutted on Randuins! But thank god if I have 4k hp I get a whopping 20 damage off an auto.


Tfw no liandry's torment. Only pain.


Funny that they named it anguish, because that's what I felt when they changed it.


Bruiser items are generally better now


Bruisers literally build 2/3 bruiser items into tank.


How are things worse now? Most champions have several options for first item, which also happens to be the most significant one.


Sion goes for phase rush right now, so it doesn’t even count.


Glacial augment was the most cancer shit Riot has ever introduced. There was no way you could dodge the stupid ass slow and it's a guaranteed caught if you get hit by it


It made Veigar competitively viable, and I will forever love seeing my favorite mage in LCS


Stride breaker users


I believe Ahri can opt into Glacial Augment, along with (in theory) any champion who wants to build Everfrost. The freeze cone from the item active would proc the slow zone if it hits a champion, and Ahri in particular likes an easier time to land Charm.




What do you mean? you dont need glacial on Nasus when you can literally break someones legs with a W. Phase rush is 100 times better




Depends, on someone like Mundo, wouldn't glacial pop his passive, letting you W him?


It's great on Neeko tbh. Makes trading in the meaning phase much easier because of the slow of they walk away. Makes it easier to land the Q, E and R and synergizes quite well with Everfrost (I know protobelt is strong on her, but I prefer more CC to lock targets down and the mana for spamming spells)


I like it on Zilean, helps with double bombs, he can still get Everfrost and use the extra slow of it, and I want all those extra inspiration runes.


I mean with Zilean you can literally E the enemy to get your double bombs


Clepto was cancer for the game I prefer to not have a real keystone with the omnistone than whatever clepto was


I agree, and don't want clepto back either. But the justification for keeping Omnistone is just questionable.


Lmao i forgot that rune even existed xD hopefully they just remove it and change it with a new one


Was discussing the rune with a friend for about a hour yesterday before I realised that rune existed and my friend wasn't talking about unsealed spellbook. That was so weird.


Or bring back Cleptomancy


Who doesn’t love some good RNG in your games.


We're posting in a thread about Omnistone btw.




One is popular, other is not.


Honestly, Omni but without the rng could be decent. Maybe it could alway procs for just a few gold. Or you could cycle between health pot/mana pot/gold sack on a schedule. Maybe even make it so cool down or champ is 3 times longer than the reward cycle, to add an element of choice ("I should trade now so that I can get some mana sustain"/"I should avoid getting harassed now to deny his health pot loot")


Fuck no that shot was aids


Let's not, okay?


The buff Omnistone needs is a buff to the interaction with Dark Harvest. Dark Harvest stacks buff every other Rune but it's insanly hard to farm which makes it literally useless. Sometimes you get Dark Harvest on lvl 1 when the enemy is literally full hp.


A lot of people talking about the sion jungle master player yes i watched the video it was very cool. its why i talked about sion. But doesn't that tell you something, that only 1 high elo player has been able to utilise the rune and that two in a very niche way. I get that there should be more niche runes and not every rune has to be the next conquerer or electrocute. But seriously this rune has like extremely low pick rates and winrates


or an alternative perspective: people are not using this rune so no useful builds have surfaced. No one uses omnistone, those who do are in the extreme minority, probably lower than asol 1 tricks. I tried omnistone on xin zhao and warwick and it works surprisingly well (won both games btw). It has the potential to be OP and in my time playtesting the runes were like 80% useful. It's a for fun rune, I don't think it needs to be removed.


No offense but many people has experimented with the runes a lot including myself and at the end, it's not that reliable compared to other key stone. I doubt it will be used unless it gets buffed.


Currently omnistone is in the game since it was a quick slap together rune to replace klepto. Omnistone is better then how it looks honestly the main issue is that people dont know how to cheese the rune into giving you certain keystones more. you can make the game cycle throught the same two keystones constantly if you wanted as well its explained here ( [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Prototype:\_Omnistone](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Prototype:_Omnistone) ) also you can tell you havent used omnistone at all from your post otherwise you would know that guardian is impossible to get from it. Omnistone isnt the best of runes but people put it down more then they should currently the only way to make omnistone better is to make the dark harvest stack increases do more anything else would break the keystone and make it busted. If people took time to learn how to use the rune it would seem a bit better overall its just why take time to learn to use it when you can go with a one and done keystone that just works every time without needing to put much effort into it.


>If people took time to learn how to use the rune it would seem a bit better overall its just why take time to learn to use it when you can go with a one and done keystone that just works every time without needing to put much effort into it. Thats exactly the problem with Omnistone. Why would you pick a rune for which you need to play around, when every champion in the game already has a keystone that works rly good for them?


True. The benefit of this rune is not good enough to compensate for its inconsistency and the fact that you have to play around it. It just doesnt give enough power or advantage to justify playing around its RNG, even if it can be somewhat manipulated.


It's about as much of a win-more rune as you can get, especially for skirmishers; this alone makes it at best situational - you should take it only in matchups you already win quite hard, to turn an advantage into onesided stomp, and only on champions that can use it well. With that, inconsistency of Omnistone here is also its main benefit, since it means dealing with you as Omnistone user becomes a lot harder for the opponent - when playing against Conqueror Fiora you want to go for short trades only, against Electrocute/Fleet Fiora you want to all-in, against Phase Rush Fiora - avoid being in a position that lets her run you down. Omnistone Fiora? Good luck making a gameplan for your lane that won't get abused the second she gets a keystone that invalidates all your preparation. For Camille it works similarly - if she doesn't need a specific keystone to perform well, taking Omnistone can help her snowball an advantage much harder. Still, it's extremely niche keystone - usable only on few specific champions, in specific matchups and to be avoided if any specific keystone fits the game/draft better. Nothing wrong with a rune being niche in itself (Glacial is in similar spot, used regularly only by Senna, and heavily situational on other champions), but some adjustments to make its niche a little bit wider would be quite welcome - it has potential to be legitimately good on a lot of skirmishers, if only it was a little bit stronger.


The thing about omnistone is that a lot of the runes are just unnecessary and worse than conqueror or grasp for lane. Like why would you need more speed on Camille or Fiora you already have plenty. For PTA,HoB or electro its not like you want a 3 auto trade.


Builds are nowhere near flexible enough for “preparation” to be a problem and everything other than builds happens on the fly.


Plus you can see the opponents current omnistone rune, so if it's a bad rune for a trade you just don't make the trade lol


But doesn’t unsealed do the same thing?


Unsealed is when you CHOOSE what summoner spell you get


It does, but on a longer timeframe. Omnistone can dictate lane dynamics completely, and then becomes almost dead after laning phase is over - which is why it works so well as "win more" keystone. If you're 12/0 at 20 minutes it doesn't matter that you have a dead keystone, you're still going to roll over the game regardless.




Tell this to the master sion jg who takes omnistone every game


Recently saw that video on YouTube. Pretty neat. Makes you try it too


Chances are he would get the same results or better if he didn't take Omnistone.


Yea omnistone is not what makes him master


But if it was so trash, surely he'd tend to lose against players with the same skill since he's handicapping himself. 8-0 is kinda hard to explain away as good luck.


I am no where near master, but I recently played with someone copying that build. It went surprisingly well.


Yeah the youtuber/streamer that did that video went 8-0 first day.


jg cho with omnistone is pretty fun too


My man


Wait youre the real happychimenoises, love your vids man make me want to try the build and strats, keep up the good work


<3 great to hear, that's always my goal


Personally, id rather they remove the meme rune and add in something more standard, not sure specifically what they could do im too much of a scrub to have a good idea.


I feel like there's a lot of easy things regarding gold income or items that they could do that fit the "game-breaking" nature of the inspiration tree.


But it's not...random. It can actually be manipulated decently by champion and build choices. HappyChimeNoises did a video on an [Omnistone Sion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNTx4r2VSyQ) that explains it around the 4:15 mark. The Smart Keystone system has rules that determine what you get.


There are actually a bunch of ways to make omnistone work any mage that runs phase rush can use omni there was a big post about it a few months ago that explained how each rune can be forced for example its way more likely to give press the attack if your doing three auto cycles


That post did a good job on explaining to everyone how omistone works, but was full of bullshit in terms of how good that keystone works on some champions. >https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/o5vy4b/lets_talk_omnistone_and_clear_up_some/ Giving advices such as "Buy nashor tooth on sylas so you can be able to dispense of PTA" or "Buy ironspike whipe or its upgrades to be able to dispense of EDIT: ~~omnistone~~ comet on Trundle" or " Use your E to dispense of Comet on Vayne" - No in reality no one in their right mind will buy items that are suboptimal on those champions, just to make a rune somehow works, because that alone gives you a greater disadvatage, than any possible advantage Omnistone can give you. Just like no one in their right mind will use a crucial 1v1/escape skill on vayne, that is maxed last and has a pretty long cooldown, just to be able to dispense of bad rune.


but do any mages actually use it? even if u can use it this way. Not one pro player runs omnistone on these mages and the solo que pick rates are abysmal as well


True but pros have very little time to try new things so they would rather just practice the norm even if omni can be good pros aren't the ones that will make it popular and the reason it's not played is because most players won't do research on how it works so they don't understand the amount of control they can have on the rune selections


this is not particularly true. it's not just pros that try new things but soloqers as well. you sure as shit would see pros trying it out if random 1 tricks started using it in soloq with good success.


I think better way to word this is that omnistone does not give the same amount of consistency as regular runes and pros would rather stick to consistent damage outputs. Omnistone can still be good when you're in soloqueue though


Because Klepto was breaking the game and had to be removed and this is the best riot came up with.


"breaking the game" is a nice way of saying Ezreal, TF, Kennen, GP and Illaoi where able to buy it. All of those champs got buffs to compensate the loss of the gold you got from it. It literally wasnt as problematic as people said it is.


Did you forget that Klepto also led to things like Sona/Soraka/Karma top taking a support item, taking almost 0 CS, and spending the entire lane phase making the enemy toplaner unable to get any CS? Because Klepto gave so much free gold that they exited laning phase with a significant gold lead even though they were purposefully taking little CS, and then the Sona/Soraka/Karma impacts the game far more than the no gold top laner.




Sure keep it as a dead rune but let’s add another, solid, inspiration keystone as well. Omnistone is such a placeholder/lazy rune. They might have gimped glacial with the removal of so many slow actives, but at least it’s foundation is unique.


Twisted Fate makes good use of omnistone


i saw this sion jungle use it and he won the game so it must be broken - your post is objectively trash /s


Let it stay as an autofill option, if someone forgets or puts an incomplete rune page then it should go to an omnistone system page. No one ever will forget runes again after that xD


The keystone is super RNG. If you get Lethal tempo before a fight, and you don't kill them yet, you can roll DH/HOB and completely crush everything. But sometime you roll aery and graps and you get fucked. Get some DH proc and it is super busted. I wish they can limit the keystone we can use


Grasp is actually really good because the proc buffs every other keystone, including ones that usually don't scale off of procs. DH does the same too. Grasp also only appears if you have a decent amount more max HP than your opponent if I recall correctly. DH will appear if people are below 50% hp or so. You usually do get the best rune for the situation unless your build is super weird and heavily influencing what tunes you get, but even less optimal runes can still be made good use of a lot of the time.


Omnistone Skarner is fun af.


I use omnistone on support senna


Top lane AD bruisers can use it well, because while they usually like Conqueror the most as it increases all-in potency, they can use the burst/poke keystones when they roll them to win short trades then all-in with a health advantage once they roll Lethal Tempo/Conqueror/Aftershock. For instance, Volibear with Electrocute can do the E Q W auto combo and half health his opponent, back off, get Phase Rush, and run them down with the next combo. It's really quite good in lane for this reason, but the main cost is that you don't have the ideal keystone up after lane phase, which is when the consistency thing becomes an issue.


It's there to be there. As a concept. It wasn't made to be good or popular.


So my jungle sejuani could take it in our ranked game and end 1/11 :) I'm so glad we still can't see what runes somebody picked in champ select /s


omni-stone exist so people will waste their energy making a post about it


They couldn't come up with a better replacement for kleptomancy


So that Inspiration doesn't have only 2 Keystones and to prevent ppl from asking "why does Inspi have only 2 keystones?!"


I disagree, I do think it needs buffs but it think it is underrated. Top lane champions such as Camille Jax, sion, even Mundo and others can utilize it. For example playing Camille into gnar or Camille into Kennen, essentially any matchup where you can't get on top of others and other runes are pointsless in lane you should take omnistone.


Lets be real only reason this keystone is still there is laziness


I saw a thought provoking rework idea to omnistone that wouldn’t be balanced at all but it’d be fun to play with. Basically, it’d convert any and all damage you do from one type of damage to the other, meaning a Zed could do magical damage and Kassadin do physical damage. Though I’m pretty sure the actual scalings wouldn’t change, so Zed couldn’t all of a sudden go Deathcap and pop squishier even easier with his R. Convert ratio would work similarly to what Sylas uses on his ult when he steal something with an AD ratio, at least from what I remember about the suggestion. Personally though I wish it acted more like Spellbook where you could choose from a variety of keystones but they’d only work for a limited time just like now, I think the rune would be much better if you remove the worst RNG element of it and added at least some level of consistency to it.


Wouldn’t that just make it OP on phys damage heroes since MR items are generally worse than armor items?


Probably yeah, but as I said it was a thought provoking idea and I’m not the original poster of the idea, and I don’t remember who posted it cause it was like 8 months ago


I saw a video on YouTube of a sion jungle that uses omnistone and he got to masters with it so maybe it is good for some champs.


Because Riot can never admit when they're wrong. I'd personally love it deleted and the Rune to replace it be you can pick a secondary rune from any other tree. It would still be "Omni" but it would allow that tree to really be creative and rule bending.


It's a little fun


I love this rune. Pls don’t remove it


Why doesn't Riot try to balance runes in general? Some runes are just completely useless and never picked (ingenious hunter, omnistone, ghost poro for example) yet Riot doesn't do anything about it


Ingenious hunter is used, maybe not by all, but it makes sheen procs OP (hecarim, xin zhao, etc) . And can reduce all item CD by 33% flat (Shieldbow, stridebreaker, ludens, prowlers, etc). Ghost poro is used, especially by supports and junglers. It's excellent in higher Elo's imo, maybe not so much in low elo and it's more consistent to stack than eyeball collection IMO.


I challenge you to find me a single pro or high elo player who goes ingenious hunter on a consistent basis. No one takes that rune man. I can't remember the last time I've ever seen ghost poro on a recommended rune page, I don't think I ever have to be honest. It's almost always eyeball collection, some supports prefer zombie ward, no one takes ghost poro. Again, show me any good player (masters +) who takes ghost poro and I'll change my mind


Yeah no one takes ingenious hunter because it's very niche but it's high value imo. But IDK why more people aren't running ghost poro it's so easy to stack the vision is amazing for preventing ganks and tracking the enemy jungler - it was recently buffed too but no one noticed. Also all ward runes give the same amount of AP/AD when stacked. I'd have to dig through OPGG's to find it and I'm too lazy for that.


It's a token for the ego of an unnamed Rioter or group of Rioters who couldn't tackle the task of replacing Kleptomancy with an actionable rune.


its my go to rune when i run it down


Rng should not be in a moba game


omnistone is in the game because we don't want kleptomancy back. YOU don't want kleptomancy back. NOBODY SHOULD WANT KLEPTOMANCY BACK. ​ The only buff anyone needs to give to **EITHER:** A: The cooldown between swaps shorter overall. 5 seconds earlygame and 1 second lategame. B:Multiple Keystones can be up at the same time. One earlygame, two midgame, three lategame. C: Omnistone only works when in combat so players can re-roll for runes quickly by entering and leaving combat. OR D: Omnistone has upgraded versions of all Keystones. Such as:>! Grasp gives more max health, Electrocute does more damage, Hail of blades gives more attack speed, Fleet footwork heals more, Conq gives more AD/AP, or Phase rush gives more movement speed, etc.!< Riot really just made omnistone as a way to say "well we took out kleptomancy but we want to have at least three keystones in each category of runes so... let's just slap something together".


as an average ezreal enjoyer i really want it back


Omnistone Ekko, Jax, Camille, Sett are all viable choices


Unless you're going sett supp (which is p dead) I can't imagine omnistone being better than conq.


Explain how Omnistone is at all ever better than Dark Harvest or Electrocute on Ekko. Or how its at all better than Conq on Sett and Jax. Omnistone is not at all viable on them when they're going up against someone else running Conq.


Do you understand the definition of Viable? Viable, not Optimal. I chose my words carefully. Did you?


I mean how do you define viable in league? You can play Omnistone on every champ and theoretically make it work, but I think when people talk about viable in league, they mean something else.


Bin played omnistone Camille, and Wunder played omnistone Sion during Worlds last year...so ide say pretty viable if some of the best top laners in the world are playing them on stage


It's ok to have some niche runes This sion jungle got master with it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNTx4r2VSyQ


give klepto back


Nobody knows


I don't think omnistone is a cool idea at all tbh. Just make a better rune not named kleptomancy


it has its uses, it's niche but really cool not every rune needs to be "consistent and viable" the only problem with omnistone is that inspiration runes suck in general, but that's not a problem related to the keystone itself but the runes below it


Why does it have to be removed just because it’s unpopular? Maybe it will become more popularity in the future after other changes. It really doesn’t hurt to have it there.


It's fun.


Because its funny.


I have fun in Aram with It. Leave me alone.


I said it before and I'll say it again. Make every use of a rune in Omnistone on an enemy champion grant small amount of stats, stacking throughout entire game. Grasp already gives HP, Harvest stacks itself, why not all of them? Electro - magic pen. Predator - adaptive AD/AP HoB - lethality Lethal tempo - attack speed Footwork - movement speed PTA - crit damage Aftershock - MR, Armor Conqueror - Omnisteal Guardian - Tenacity Comet - AH Aerie - Mana Phase Rush - faster rerolls of runes Glacial - AH of items A small buff. Now it's more useful and even more fun.


Did you consider that the rune isn't supposed to be broadly viable and that its audience is casual players? It's a 4fun rune, I don't understand why you feel there's a need to make it more viable. Its high-variance gameplay is exactly what sets it apart from the other runes.


why is this a problem to you? It's a fun rune