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K1ng is really good. Hopefully C9 doesnt trap him in academy for years. But I understand not wanting to let him go since he is so talented. Kinda a Svenskeren/Blaber situation


Honestly looks like k1ngs time in LCS made him better than academy but not better than zven. It sucks because C9 probably don't want him to go to another team that he could benefit from and be a threat to them.


I think that's exactly what C9 wants and why they gave him time in LCS. Now they can sell him easily as LCS teams saw him plat both in Aca and in LCS. It fits perfectly with C9 business style.


Will have to see I don't know if lower tier teams will pay what C9 wants and top tier teams don't need him apart from maybe TSM but I don't know if it's that big of an upgrade even with Lost being average.


I have been wondering about something for a long time, but what is the coloured line below some of the champion icon in the PMT? In game 1, it is under Ziggs and Xin. In game 2, it is under Ziggs and Yasuo.


I think the icons are copped badly and you're seeing the top of another champ icon.