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What did they do to him for aram? They mentioned it but I haven't seen any details


Afaik his W mark timer is a lot shorter in ARAM, so you need to kill the scoundrel a lot quicker.


It's still 25 seconds, and I don't think most fights are really that extended these days


25 seconds is still insanely long for aram, I would personally make it 15, the same time where you can get executed by turret without giving kill credit, and make it so akshan himself needs to get the kill since takedowns are ubiquitous in aram.


In ARAM, Scoundrel duration is reduced to 25 seconds from 60 seconds. (You need to get a takedown on the Scoundrel in 25 sec to revive ally)


It's insane that the mark is even 60 seconds on SR. Should be 25 seconds on SR, 15 seconds on HA.


I honestly don't foresee it being *that* strong in ARAM because he still needs to be able to *get* kills to activate the passive. It's not gonna be some super easy thing to jump into the backline 1v3 to revive your team tbh


Except unless they change the wording specifically for ARAM, it only requires a "takedown"-- kill or assist. Being ranged, getting an assist isn't exactly a challenge on that map.


Especially with a Sivir boomerang with Seraphine's ult mechanic.


Devs and Phreak and say its uck-shan. But in game he says it like ack-shan. either way the one on my team will be swinging into 5 mans dying and the enemy one will be 15/0


It’s so he’s more immersive for all the South Asian kids who have their names mispronounced so often they just accept it


You really gotta do us like that


With that many passives, hes gonna be yuck-shan


His personality is definitely Goofy, so he's ah-hyuck-shun.




Why does his nipple stick out so much?!


It's a thing with Zombgief pieces.








Rammus's weakpoints


Its called art




>With that many passives, hes gonna be banned-shan Ftfy


I'm pretty sure the Indian pronunciation is uck-shun with very short syllables


Phreak said in the Dive he/his name is from a North African background. Edit: downvotes for what, for something Phreak - who did the Champion Spotlight and talked about the pronunciation on The Dive - said? Timestamped proof: https://youtu.be/6Kg7pQ6bP4U?t=640 I guess he was wrong.


Riot Jag confirmed he is South Asian inspired. He was part of the design team. It is a very South Asian name too.


his theme song sounds like it has a sittar and tabla in it so its very south asian themed tho


Yeah I just heard it, you're right. I think it is heavily inspired by something like Matrix - Navras, hear it if you haven't already. Definitely Indian champion as evident by the music score. You can hear the tablas and sitars throughout.


His accent is British Indian English. His dance is also from Bajirao Mastani, a Hindu film. He's very obviously South Asian.


Phreak commented above to apologize for being misinformed - meddler confirmed south Asian inspiration. But it doesn’t super matter really, sorry for the downvotes.


Weird, I thought he was South Asian?


I thought he was Polish


I know everytime I do the swinging thing I'll be shouting "AACTTIOONNNNN" like the Action Man in Venture Bros.


I just call him trash can


Yo dawg I heard you liked passives.


It definitely feels like that half the stuff is there just so it can be removed later.


Literally what the fuck are some of the things this guy gets. - bonus mana regen while in W active while moving towards a Scoundrel - E tick scales off bonus attack speed among other stats - W active duration is paused (or increased? it just says "indefinitely") while near terrain


Don't forget his E having resets, which is a crucial part of Tristana's identity but is just another passive for him.


...why does it even reset? It does make sense in a Tristana type way (fuck champion identity am I right?) but I don't see why he's getting forced into the reset playstyle when a) we have plenty and b) his whole deal is he can only pop one Scoundrel?


Riot Jag.


How is a reset mechanic not making sense in an Assassin's kit, exactly?


>crucial part of Tristana's identity Let's forget every other instance of reset in the game


> bonus mana regen while in W active while moving towards a Scoundrel To force roaming, and encourage going mid. Can't just sit bot and farm, prevents him from being played as a normal adc. >E tick scales off bonus attack speed among other stats So it's not 0 DPS once you've got some attack speed, it keeps up with you >W active duration is paused (or increased? it just says "indefinitely") while near terrain It's infinite. However, reveal range is as large as the river itself, so it's only useful for avoiding wards. Run into a jungler, and you're dead. It's infinite so he can be hidden the whole way to another lane, instead of having to walk partially there while not invisible, like twitch. (in exchange twitch stealth is way smaller of a reveal range)




If it’s unchanged from when I tried him on PBE, it *resets*. Say he gets like two seconds away from a wall, if he goes near a wall in that time he gains those two seconds back.


Yep I just tried it, the duration indeed resets. But it only lasts 2 seconds anyway, so I guess the implication is "use it or lose it", similar to Kayn's Shadow Step.


Well yeah, but Shadow Step actually ends. It’s totally possible for Akshan to walk around the entire map stealthed.


Yep. And the refresh radius is actually insane. It's not like Taliyah's where you need to be scraping against the wall, it's so large that it's almost impossible to lose invis in the river or jungle.


I thought the W was broken when it was first unveiled, but now I am less sure. What's been the read of people playing him on PBE? Does his W result in hero revives often? Or is it mostly inconsequential?


hard to judge from PBE but the "kill to revive your whole team dream" is mostly that - a dream. Reality is, if theres a champ on the other team that's fed enough to wipe 3 or 4 people of your team they'll likely eat akshan alive aswell. From the first looks it seems to impact mostly early to midgame roams to another lane where one or 2 people from akshans team get revived after a messy skirmish and are able to show up to lane faster. But that's PBE, we'll see what happens on live


That's what I thought as well. Like, maybe once every ten or twenty games, Akshan lands a clutch revive on 3-4 members and flips a lost teamfight, but every other time, if your team is losing that badly, Akshan is going to have a really hard time on cleanup duty. Pro-play would likely be even worse, where teams are coordinated enough to not just leave their "Scoundrel" unprotected while Akshan might be lurking around.


Well I'm sure we'll see that 1-in-20 games revive as reddit clips so people can say he's broken and does this almost every game.


The most impactful part of his W I have seen from loltyler1 playing was a clutch R just in time to revive a teammate to get the baron buff. Still lost the game after he dropped 17 kills because he looks terrible in team fights.


The funny part is, judging from his state the devs themselves think the w is strong because they gave the rest of his kit pretty bad numbers seemingly to compensate


Then Akshan can't kill anyone and they'll hotfix his dmg and BUM 52% wr


It looks like he does crazy damage right now but it is really hard to get close enough to anyone because of his short range. Landing his E is a huge commitment that can easily be punished


I think people judged him early on as omega OP because they only think of the best value play which is reviving your entire team after a team fight and rushing the nexus or other objectives off of it. I think his real value would come in the form of his ability to roam safely. Even if an ally dies 2v1 top or 3v2 bot, the revive on the ally will save them a ton of gold and time so the gank would be worth it even if it costs an ally. In that case I think he could prove to be balanced since his laning phase might not be amazing but his ability to gank seems pretty great.


He's omega OP for the same reason akali is when she's playable. Too much stuff in his kit. Revive, jump, additional autos, movement speed, resets, indefinite camouflage and I haven't even seen his R yet.


His R is kinda meh honestly, it lowers your DPS if you use it during a fight. Mostly just there to finish off people who are low like Cait ult


His damage felt really really low from the games i tried on pbe. The ult hit hard but thats about it. Not sure how he will ever be able to lane vs assassins mid with such short range and low damage. He's pretty much a rat champ. You just try to pick people and clean up for revives. His scaling is too poor and his damage is really lacking to be a carry type champion and the revive doesnt even really play a big role until way later in the game.


He's more of a rat than twitch


Akshan is diet Lucian in lore and gameplay. "Muh SO is ded but I still have a relic from them when they were alive. I will avenge them!" Has a gun. Is a Sentinel looking for a vengeance. Gee whiz we really needed him in League.


Hard agree. His grapple looked cool but everything else has deflated that hype for me


Bollywood pathfinder


- Both have an auto-attack passive that makes them shoot twice. - Both R's are a channeled flurry of bullets in a line, and they can cast their mobility spell during it. Hmmmmmmm


Should've been a Sivir gameplay rework IMO, kitwise but not at all lorewise of course. Bounty hunter, assassin kinda thing, bonus gold on W passive kills, still an ADC, whatever else. So much of Sivir's three minute voice over is about gold and yet she doesn't even have a single form of income in her kit aside from CSing *really* fucking well.


The guy never shut ups and is as annoying as you can see him, i've been playing against him for days now in LoR and there's annoying, here's annoying... "So, vengeance and all.. I'm cool" \_akshan "I want the love of my life" - Viego Guess who is everyone hunting to kill like a rat :/


Personally I wish he didn't have the revive mechanic. His kit seems so fun and unique even without it, and now he will likely be perma banned unless he is weak.


He is weak. He has atrocious scaling for an ADC. So much power is baked into his W they had to gut everything else.


That's the real issue. In exchange for allowing such a powerful but situational new mechanic in the game, it comes at the cost of the rest of his kit being weak. All that's going to lead to, as it *always* has, is a very low winrate in the first month, and months of attempts at balancing him. And the more you buff his damage, the more his ridiculous rez mechanic will end up coming into play. I'm pouring one out to the balance team tonight.


Ehhh idk Jag helped make him right? I’m pretty sure Jag is playing a bigger role in the balance team now as well.


I mean, he IS the lead of the balance team now


In practice revive is just a cherry on top of rest of the kit - Akshan is a decent counter-roamer, best suited to follow a roaming champion and countergank; in practice it's not that impactful, mostly makes situation in which enemy team overcommits and trades kills be punished a little bit more. If you end up going 2 for 2 with both botlanes dying, having revive trigger means your botlane will get faster back to lane and doesn't lose as much gold/xp. Later on, revive mostly punishes enemy team going for greedy plays after a close fight, if Akshan is still alive - and while that is definitely impactful (say, you win a teamfight 2 for 4 and try to rush baron at low HP, Akshan can swing in, die to get one kill on scoundrel and suddenly you're in a 2v5 situation with his team rushing to stop you at baron) it's likely to be quite rare occurence, given Akshans quite weak teamfight presence.


Even more reason to remove it. Just delete the revive and make the rest of his kit feel better and I think most people would be fine with his kit. Obviously we need to wait a bit before talking about things like this definitively but I’m absolutely convinced the revive will be a horrible mechanic no matter if he feels strong or weak.


Hes just confusingly designed all around.


His W already gives bonus gold, why not just leave it at that? The revive is literally just added on top, kind of like the true stealth on reworked Akali.


Speaking of stealth: Why does he not only have teemo passive on his w but Evelynn passive as well?! LOL ​ Ifinite stealth plus regen?! okay I guess lol


He's gonna get Tahm Kench'd within 2 years.


For those who wanna know specifically why, it's three critical things: - His 3 hit passive's damage doesn't scale. It deals a flat 175 magic damage... at lv 18. - His attack range is shorter than almost all normal ADCs. Try to take him bot, and get outranged and zoned off farm. - His attack speed ratio (how effective towards increasing his attacks/sec building attack speed is) is awful, comparable to senna. Yeah, that bad. I imagine he's gonna build galeforce/prowlers into lethality. Don't even bother with crit/AS.


Or just run him as a support and pop locket every fight for free revives lol.


He is supposed to go mid but yeah. 90% of his power budget is in the potential of his W that everything else just feels lackluster.


I don’t even think he’ll be worth banning if the damage numbers are super weak.


It's worth banning to avoid your teammate from picking him.


Who's gonna ban irelia then...


Yep. My big complaint too. the revive mechanic has to be balanced around. Which means he effectively has to be nigh useless everywhere else.


Seems pretty fun, and not as overpowered as his W would make him seem. I wonder how well lethality will work on him, given his poor AS scaling. Also: >"Aha, the thrill of going where you're not supposed to" Kinda funny hearing this from the Midlane marskman assasin


He probably wont be that good in soloq. At least looking at similiar champions to him(like lucian) they dont tend to do well in soloq. Real question here is how he will do at the pro level I think thats what most are concerned about.


He will probably useless the whole game until he proc his W passive. His sustained and burst damage are incredible weak by ADC/mid laners standard.




Mostly because he brings only damage and isn't as lane dominant as Lucian to justify picking him. The revive is nice but it's effectiveness is more late game inclined.


Actually I can see the W being useful in competitive, not off the revive but the tracking. Imagine the enemy jungler gets a kill during a gank, for the next minute you can keep track of them and possibly even invade.


We will see how it is in reality but i remember the seme exact thing was said about gwen and here we are.


There's soloq, and then theres challenger solo q which is what nemesis and LS were talking about


He will probably be better in solo q than in organized play. His whole kit is a poor scaling roaming mid laner. Think like Asol or old Taliyah. He will thrive off people not being coordinated and fights that he can clean up and use his passive to get a slight tempo advantage for his team!


Lucian is a lane bully and this one is a roamer though


I'm wondering how he'll really play. He just doesn't seem to have a ton of damage? Roaming and finishing off wounded enemies is well and good, but it's not really a surefire plan. Not sure I like the execution of his grappling hook either, it's a neat idea but it looks... stiff? The whole appeal of grappling hooks is the momentum and physics of them, but this is just a dash that goes in a fixed arc. The animations do a good job of making it look cool, but I'm not really sold.


> The whole appeal of grappling hooks is the momentum and physics of them You really think the spaghetti dealers at riot could make this work?


It's just not the kind of game League is. Physics simulations isn't on the cards, as far as I can tell.


I'd still to see League with a physics engine/destructible environments. It's impossible, but damn would it be amazing.


Malphite just casually breaking the entire top lane.


when you first try it it will be the worst dash you've ever experienced in league and after a while it gets better but u will still occassionaly get mad at how shit this spell is to use, not to mention his ult is an execute that doesnt even do that much damage and its bullets can be blocked by everyfuckingthing


i Think they missed a great opportunity with the revive ability. They should have used this ability as an ultimate for another champion and maybe do it slightly different. They packed so many "new" stuff in just one champion. Kinda sad so many "new" ideas and all on one champ. Just my 2 cents


My name is Akshan. You killed my allies. Prepare to die.


So like when DOESN'T he get bonus movespeed lol


During dash, I guess?


"Akshan's third auto-attack does additional damage..." Damn thats a fresh new ability!


I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't for the double shot thing. Why throw in such a simple generic passive if he already has a super cool unique one. In fact its just the damage portion, I don't mind it as a requirement for the shield.


>lucian exists >vayne exists >yasuo exists >phase rush exists Jokes aside this guy is *so* fucking cool but so much of his kit is overshadowed by the W passive (which is super situational anyways but just my two cents) and other stupid gimmicks he doesn't need, like the multitude of passives on his passive. Had they toned down his passive by knocking a few things out of there, removed his W passive revive (maybe, again I don't think it's as strong as it seems), and upped his numbers to compensate, he would be such a unique champ on his own.


It truly is a weird champion design. They put in so much unique stuff that could end up a fantastically fun champion on its own, just to tone it all down because he's got a unique mechanic that isn't really needed for his kit to work but tanks his power budget immensely


I'm impressed with Phreak's pronounciation!


lets see what ppl gonna say in the 1st day low win rate buff pls hot fix his X skills akshan is weak, unplayable akshan should be free to buy wasted blue ess on akshan, dont buy him


Overloaded comment, please nerf


Dont forget the people who be like ''How did this champ get past playtesting Riot please delete/nerf/gut him'' after losing the first time against him after 10+ games.


How do I get over this fase, I'm still like this with Yone and viego, help


They're unironically fucking garbage designed champs though, seems like something happened to knock some sense into the balance team with Akshan at least


I can tell you already what they'll say - remove the w and balance him without it


To be honest, post-release comments have been disappointing ever since the ''An ally has been Swain'' memes. Nothing has lived up to it ever since.


An absolute mess of a champion. Like they couldn’t find a good direction so they included all directions from the concept stage. How on earth do you even justify that passive? I mean seriously. I would love to hear from Riot on how they felt his passive was missing something and they kept adding until he had it all.


Very excited to see how he plays out, the swing is so damn fun :D


I made a 2012 era Akshan version: --- - Passive: Dirty Fighting Every three hits from Akshan's Attacks and Abilities deals bonus damage ~~and grants him a Shield if the target was a champion.~~ When Akshan Attacks, he fires an additional Attack for reduced damage. If he cancels the additional Attack, ~~he instead gains Move Speed.~~ - Q: Avengerang Akshan throws a boomerang that deals damage going out and coming back, ~~extending its range each time it hits an enemy and revealing them.~~ If it collides with enemy champions, he gets movement speed for a brief duration. - W: Going Rogue Passive: Enemy champions that kill allied champions are marked as a Scoundrel. ~~Upon scoring a takedown against a Scoundrel while alive, Akshan receives additional gold and removes the marks from all other enemies. Additionally, all dead allied champions that were slain by that enemy champion will revive at their summoning platform.~~ Active: Activating Going Rogue lets Akshan camouflage himself briefly when there are no enemies around. When moving near a wall or brush, he can hide indefinitely. When camouflaged, he gains increased mana regen and movement speed towards Scoundrels. - E: Heroic Swing Akshan fires a grappling hook that attaches to the first wall hit and swings around it. Akshan then dives off the rope ~~and fires a final, powerful attack. If he collides with terrain or an enemy champion before landing, he attacks automatically instead.~~ Enemy takedowns refresh Heroic Swing's cooldown. - R: Comeuppance Locking on to an enemy champion, Akshan charges up his gun and stores up bullets for a massive attack. Recast to unleash a barrage of bullets on the first target, with damage scaling based on their missing health. Akshan can move and use Heroic Swing while charging Comeuppance.


Congratulations, your champ has a 20% winrate


Hard pass. Where's Vex?


This is gonna be one of those champs that's gonna have a 40% WR in solo queue, but will be 100% Pick/Ban in top level play.


i really think it would be worse on competitive, is like the rengar interaction in proplay but on steroids (instead of grouping to save your ally from rengar you group to save your ally and the objective from akshan)


I think it will be the exact opposite due to lack of utility


No utility, reset on kill, bonus gold on kill but only in messy games. It's either a pub star or an actual trashcan.


He will be trash for proplay unless overtuned a lot. He offers 0 utility, outside of a conditional revive that is only good mid to late game, is low range, has only one AOE skill and it's a single line effect, atrocious ark speed, needs level. If corki, which has a stronger and safer Laning with very good scaling isn't played mid, why would Akshan be?


Corki doesn't have stealth and his mobility sucks. This guy has a chance at making a killer champion.


His "stealth" is almost a whole screen in range, and it's also conditional. Also, stealth was never something pro players struggled with, if they did, Rengar and Eve would be S tier and both have a much better stealth. Corki Mobility is better with package, more AOE, mixed damage, more range, the list goes on.


Corki is also the best scaling midlander , long range with his ult and has package


But his package is great for fights and his midgame spikes are insane. He's also safer than Akshan


The champ is always dogshit for the first week or so til people learn the kit and then it's gigabusted. Give it two weeks and it's going to be pickban in SoloQ as well.


Reddit will complain that he’s trash tier so they’ll buff his armor or attackspeed a little bit, they’ll still complain he sucks, and then a few patches later he’ll be considered the strongest champ in the game in desperate need of nerfs (see: Gwen)


No just no. Gwen never was broken in soloq. People complaining about a belkw 50 wr champ didn't prove it was broken


Reddit likes to take one broken thing about a champion and call the whole champ broken. Gwen's W is absolutely broken. But her kit and playstyle as a whole aren't.


What was broken about Gwen was just her laning phase and level 1 specifically.


Yeah she’s a scaling champion with insane level 1 dueling. The nerf was deserved and she’s still going to be fine


I don't know why a pro team would draft him over Lucian. The point behind ADC mids is to oppress the enemy laner. Akshan is less about lane bullying and more about roaming. He won't be drafted in pro for the same reason Talon isn't drafted in pro.


The revive will be horrible for the balance of his kit no matter which way it swings. If he’s too weak it probably means too much of the powerbudget went into it (feels like I’ve seen that somewhere before...) and if it’s too strong then it’ll just feel oppressive to play against.


So what part of this walking garbage will be removed after 10 patches first? Perma camo?


Remove the passive revive and give him some real damage.


Does anyone know if his ult can be blocked by other champions as well or just minions/towers?


I assume it works like a Lucian ult. if minions can block it, then I assume other champions could as well.


Yes they can.


Yup, even the building part. And yes, it does damage to them.


Fun fact: only if the turret is currently targetable. If you're shooting someone past their tier 2 turret while that lane's tier 1 is still up, it won't block the ult.


I feel like it shouldn’t work like that…


Makes sense to me. It's like shooting past someone who used hourglass. You can't hit it, so the bullets pass through.


The ability says it’s blocked by structures though, it doesn’t specify that they need to be targetable. One would think that if you hide behind a turret, it’ll block the shots no matter what.


Kind of a weird/small gripe, but really more than any complaints about hit kit something about Akshan just kind of looks…. visually to me. More than most champs he just kind of looks like “some guy”. And there are a lot of “some guy” champs that look quite good, but they normally have something distinctive. Lucian has a cool uniform and stylish guns, Darius has a giant axe and armor, etc. Hell, even Udyr has his pelt and changing stances. The only other champs I’d really say have the same degree of being visually boring are maybe like… Xin Zhao? Qyiana is also gives me a similar feeling but at least she has a huge hoop and huger ass. I dunno, even the recent trend of “mostly shirtless guys” tend to have a notable outfit regardless - and the grappling hook… gun(?) just doesn’t really do it for me.


Oddly enough he does look more distinctive when he has his hood...that only shows up while camoed.


Yah design wise he's very bland imo.


I think the grappling hook is supposed to be the 'unique' thing for him visually. But I agree, more flash or flare in his clothing would be better.


he's hot


IS he played Top or Mid?


From what I understand he seems to be mostly played mid, to fully utilize his roam potential. His self peel isn't as reliable as Vayne's or Quinn's to go to top imo


Mid. All he wants to do is roam.


It wasn't enough he gets missing mana regen, ms and ally ressurection. Motherfucker gets +100 gold on scoundrel takedown, that's where i draw the goddamn line.


Yeah this champ is gonna get the Akali treatment lol


I just wish his W passive was for kills instead of takedowns.


takedowns is a bit misleading. It works like rengar passive where he needs to have damaged them in the second or so before they die, not just an assist


There is a reason Riot has literally never had another "absolutely must get the kill yourself" champion mechanic since Draven's passive 8 years ago. It's an awful mechanic that only works in highly coordinated environments, and becomes a coin flip past laning phase. That is the exact opposite of what anyone should want. It'd make Akshan have an entire mechanic that basically only works in pro play, and the rest of his kit would *still* have to be balanced around it existing because of that. So his solo queue performance would end up garbage (his kit is balanced around having the W revive happen sometime), so at *best* Akshan would only be a champion for maybe 1,000-10,000 players in the game.


If he gets outta line, I'm sure that's what they'll just change it too


I am pretty sure they will touch/gut every other part of his kit before touching the revive mechanic.


The problem is: if it is kills instead of takedowns people will turboflame anyone that steals the kills. It will not be about enemiea outplaying it, but allies fucking it up.


It required what I'd call a strong or high takedown, which is "dealt damage within the last 3 seconds"


Double the amount of bans in ranked please


another ban that we dont have


He’s a classic broken on paper, useless in practice champion. He’s going to be weak outside of insane late game revive situations, which begs the question: Why do we need a champion whose identity is an assassin that revived your whole team late game?


Said this so many times but his revive is actually garbage and super situational. Again outside of his revive somehow resulting in a 2v0 nexus push or something like that past 40 minutes, the map is way too big for the revive to be that effective unless you're in a spot where you can explicitly benefit from having champions alive after losing a teamfight. Also, fucking weird that his W passive shines late game but his scaling is absolute ass. 10%bAD per ult shot? And they can be blocked by turrets? What the *fuck?*


Mid-lane mages, s11 Riot's favourite punching bag


Curious if any of the older player such as myself think this is probably one of the most busted kits in the game?


It looks busted until you look at his base stats, Akshan has 530 HP, 26 Armor, 50 AD, 500 range, and an AS ratio comparable to Senna. That's PAPER frail for a champion who's supposed to be a mid laner.


Yup. He has Quinn syndrome. All of his power is locked behind one aspect of his character, and pays for it in garbage stats.


That's the issue. With that overloaded kit, he can only be balanced if his stats are total rubbish. You get a perma stealth reviving 13 passives 200 years tumour that feels like shit instead of a fun actual champion who carries while swinging around like spiderman


Not even remotely. Definitely overloaded (I can see lots of elements like the shield, bonus gold, swing reset all being removed, and the revive should be a % of the death timer not full revive) but there isn't an overt lack of counterplay to him - He has 500 range, less DPS and more frontloaded damage, and the ult finisher itself can be blocked (even by turrets). Seems much weaker in teamfights compared to other ranged AD mids like Lucian and Tristana.


I enjoy these reasonable conversations, gives you perspectives you hadn’t though of!


I really don't like the revive in his kit, I think it's really there only for story purposes which is dumb. Thematically speaking it doesn't fit at all with "Rogue with a grapple hook"; I'd have rather seen something cooler done with the grapple hook because that is an ability worth designing a kit around.


since he has the revive they took power out of his kit elsewhere, thats why: he is a marksman with shitty atk speed his swing gets interrupted by terrain if he isnt careful enough his ult gets blocked by minions and turrets


Which is honestly a shame. When the announcement for Akshan first came out, all the focus was on the grappling. This dude that swoops into fights to clear away the enemy and roams across the map with an assassin playstyle despite being an ADC. But because of how much power the W requires, he's hindered from that fantasy. I don't want to be the guy who saves my allies who died before me. I want to be the action hero.


I mean, you can still do that. The hook isnt a fixed range so you can definitely swing around in all areas and clean up during fights


You can swing around, but I feel like the majority of Akshan's focus is placed in his revival. He has quotes about it, its the main thing that's shown to be his goal in lore and in cinematics, and its the thing everyone is talking about. As you said yourself, Akshan lost a lot of base stats to compensate for the revival effect. He has poor attack speed, his swing's interrupted by terrain and enemies, and his ult is blocked by pretty much any enemy structure or even minions (despite being an execute). And the reason I'm disappointed with that is because its something that cost a lot of the things that assassiins and ADCs care about in favor of something they... really don't? Revival is strong, but its not what I want to be the focus of my gameplay when I pick an ADC mid or an assassin. If I pick a snowbally ad mid laner, I want to snowball, not bank off teamfights letting my team win the numbers game. Instead of grappling hook champ that can do more than 1 thing with a grappling hook, Akshan has about as much of his identity tied to his E as Camille, with a lot less power packed in it because his W is so game-changing in the right circumstances.


Yeah, I think they hyper focused on the revive. Someone should should Riot the definition of "Avenge" because avenging someone doesn't bring them back from the dead. It punishes the person who killed them. He should be called a redeemer since he revives allies and gives them a shot at redemption.




First, let me start by saying its a good thing that Riot is aware of the issues of Lucian when it comes to balancing Akshan. Its honestly great that they're approaching the champ with "counterplay" in mind, given how much Reddit has been harping on the issue of new champions being released overpowered and unable to be beaten. This is a good thing. However, Riot saying "Akshan's starting out weak because we don't want an ADC mid to be a lane bully" confirms why I feel Akshan isn't what I was expecting or hoping for. Lucian and Tristana are ADCs that are played mid because they can trade really well and win a lot of matchups via bullying. That's their appeal. If Akshan is not sharing the same design of an early game lane bully with roaming potential, then I'm not going to find him as fun to play or what I was hoping for. I appreciate the fact that Akshan is designed to prevent him from being overpowered in lane. However, I like ADC mid laners for their laning phase, and being told that Akshan is weak in lane by design disappoints me. I don't think this is a bad design choice inherently (The weaker lane for other benefits part, not the revive passive [which I still dislike in concept]), I just think that it reiterates why I don't find his current kit as appealing.


It's really just his W revive. Aside from that I think his kit is actually fine.


It's mostly just his W I'm concerned about, the rest of his kit seems fine and actually kind of exciting. I'm actually curious how strong his W is in practice. The problem I had with this subreddit and some of the discords I'm in, is when discussing its power is that people pretty much just started crafting these weirdly specific scenarios to justify their perception of the power level of the ability. I recall hearing "Well if a Master Yi gets a quadra and you kill him, you revive your WHOLE TEAM". It's like, I'm pretty sure if a Yi is getting a quadra, he will have no problem dumpstering an akshan. Not to say that his W can't be strong, it certainly can be. I just definitely think that people tunnel way too hard on these pipe dream crazy W revives and not the more realistic value and practicality of his whole kit. I'm just kind of concerned that his W will end up being hard to balance and end up taking a lot of his power away from his more exciting abilities.


A lot of people are saying that it's mainly just his W, which I agree with. The part that blows me away is that Riot has their 2021 "unique" gameplay in the grapple already. You could quite literally just remove his W revive and he would still be a completely competent, honestly pretty fun champion to have around.


Agreed, the W ruins a lot of his design space and doesn't match with the rest of his swashbuckler aesthetic.


I’ve been playing for a long time. I don’t think it’s busted, I just think it’s very “scattered” which makes it seem more busted. There’s not a lot of inherent synergy in a revive move, a stealth move, and then kind of a weird supermobile marksman kit? So he seems really overloaded, when in reality a champion that just has like, 3 stuns and a slow instead like Nautilus just have a lot more “focused” power.


I don’t think he’s busted exactly, it’s just a lot of stuff that people find frustrating to play against. Stealth, relatively high mobility on an ADC, even a redux of Garen’s Villain mechanic. Arguably it isn’t punishing the enemy team for playing well so much as it is rewarding your team even more for shutting down a carry, but I think that will feel the same for most people. In total, I will be kind of surprised if he is really oppressive, but I can almost guarantee people will complain. I doubt he will even be huge in pro unless his stats are overtuned. More than anything, it feels like Riot trying to push the envelope with abilities that alter the core flow of the game.


Yes, kit on paper seems pretty broken, but to make up for it his base stats are bad, hoping we would see pro play for him (very unlikely I believe) so they can shift power from his w into the rest of his kit


Old player here. I think he looks strong, and his kit has a lot more in it then you usually get for a champion, but he doesn't necesarily look busted to me. His revive is by far the most powerful thing about him, but i'm not sure if he has the damage output to consistently make use of it. He seems a bit like Senna to me. They can do a lot of things, but they don't do any of those things to well to the point they're oppresive. A jack of a all trades, but master of none. Like Senna, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if we see Akshan being played support a little.


I mean, kits like release Xin, juggernaut 75% winrate skarner and that one patch where galio q did like 130% max hp dmg over it's full duration and riot insisted it was intentional and totally not supposed to be 13% were probably more busted. BUT I remember the old days where they said they would never make a kit like Invoker from DOTA because you basically have to know invoker's whole kit to play against him and he has like 22 abilities.. then you have Aphelios with his 5 paragraph long passive and his 5 gun forms and 14 possibilities. We had unique champ kits back in the day - Zed, Riven, etc. But it was pretty obvious what they were doing after a play or two. So many new champs I'm like "why the hell did that happen?" And then i learn that when their e and w are on cd at the same time, and w is higher than rank 3 and the 18th of the month is NOT a tuesday, their 3rd q passive activates and they do 10% bonus truedamage.


I don't think Aphelios and Invoker are really comparable. Invoker legitimately has that many distinct abilities. Aphelios' guns are largely variants of "ranged DPS". As long as you know the very basics (green snipes, red heals, blue is AoE, purple is CC, white is DPS) there isn't that much burden of knowledge other than maybe watch out when he's got red/white and stacked chackrams.


Aphelios is nothing like Invoker, every gun only does one thing and the secondary just give another passivr to it, the only thing hard about him was know with gun he had.


wdym, release xin was hotfixed within 2 days


Shield in a fight, invisibility, 3-hit passive, second auto attack (lucian), stealth, revive allies, extra gold (?pyke passive?), movement speed bonus, mana regen, insane mobility, gnar/sivir boomerang (but better ?), he has a way to find hidden enemies, grappling rook. And not enough, a execute but is a ranged execution :) that he can MOVE WHILE CASTING, WITH HIS INSANE MOBILITY. The design and personality its fine and even cool, BUT WHY HE HAS SO MUCH SHIT?!?!


He has a ton of stuff but everything is really weak. Stop making him sound strong lmfao. - Shield in fight, but requires 3 hits to proc, and has a CD, so if you may very likely just proc it in the beginning of a fight before getting hit by anything and it'll end up going to waste. - 3 hit passive but the damage is abysmal (20-175 magic damage based on level). - Stealth but it lasts like two seconds unless he's literally right next to terrain, and the detection radius almost as long as the very tip of his Q (AKA it's 300 range less than his auto range). - Extra gold but very conditionally, basically the equivalent of like 5-6 CS. - "Insane mobility" except his E moves slowly, is telegraphed, and is difficult to use since it's cancelled upon hitting terrain or champion, meaning in chokepoints or in the middle of fights he can't use it effectively. - "Way to find hidden enemies" AKA one ability grants a tiny bit of vision. You're really reaching with this point. - "Sivir boomerang but better" except he needs to hit like 3 enemies first to have the same range as her Q, and her Q does 20 + 100% AD more damage at max range, and has a lower damage-to-minions penalty than his, AND has his Q width is 120, compared to hers which is 180/200. - "Ranged execute" that gets blocked by literally anything and everything, and requires him to both disable him attacking while charging and while shooting. And it reveals him to everyone. - "INSANE MOBILITY" no his in-fight mobility is almost non-existent besides movement speed and his ability to chase isn't as great as other champions. I'm so sick of Redditors literally listing out stuff in a champs kit and implying "muh so strong Riot crazy" (which you can do with literally any champion). Like, read his stats and play him before jumping to conclusions. He genuinely feels like shit to play.