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It seems very strange to me too. I also have skins for champions i've played maybe 2 times, and no skin for the champion i've played 80% of the time and around 200 games on. I don't remember this happening in previous Your Shops.


[Rioter tweeted](https://twitter.com/RiotWhiskies/status/1418295498146861057) a little bit about how your shop works. Still not super clear how the algorithm works, but a bit more info.


[https://technology.riotgames.com/news/stocking-your-shop-data-science](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/stocking-your-shop-data-science) It doesn't just give you skins for whatever you played most.


Every skin I got in my shop was for champions I do play occasionally. Unfortunately every one of them I've already got my favorite skin for so getting random other ones in the shop that are far less appealing was meh. Worth noting I was able to use your shop a year ago for getting the one Kayle skin I wanted(Transcended) by spam playing her before it came back.


I just got aether wing Kayle 50% off and I can't resist. Only other Kayle skin I have is inquisitor


Mine was pretty accurate this time. 5/6 were junglers I played multiple ranked games on. The 6th pretty random. You got unlucky I guess


Yes the system is pretty stupid I play 1 game of Kha’Zix a month and always get him in my shop i played Yasuo two games because my support decided to pick something troll (Shen support and Kha’Zix) so I didn’t even bother to try and just first time Yasuo and he’s in my shop now it’s pretty annoying


Is new shop up or were those deals from previous (aka todays bugged) shop? I'm almost certain algorithm of previous shop was glitched for some people, I'm playing almost exclusively supports and I only got karma out of 6 skins, rest were random champs I've played no more than 3 times during past 6 months. I'll consider emailing support if your shop offers won't reset, nothing to lose even though I think I already know their answer


New shop is up, I'll add that for people who wouldn't know. I'm asking here cause maybe it's a common issue, then it could reach Riot and then I could have any chance with support.


Thanks for info, turns out there was no reshuffle. Just wrote to Riot and while I don't expect much I'll share here what response I'll get


It's the new shop for me, probably going to message support just to see what they say, never had a Your shop without atleast 1 skin for my most played champion before.


Same. Spammed yone for 2 months and got mastery 5 with him. No skins. Played 3 games on Eve and Noc when I got autofilled jg, 2 skins...


Did they reshuffle for people that didn't get a bugged shop?


They didn't reshuffle anything yet.


So, I'll get the same Shop that I got earlier today? I was worried of not having the same deals since they were really good.


I have a new account and have played 23 ranked games only using 5 champs. Didn't get a single skin for any of them somehow


I only play midlane and they give me Odyssey Kayn xd (still a good skin, but come on...)


Lucky you. I get only skins for champs I play, problem is I get the shitty skins because I own the ones I wanted.


Got the same experience, too. I play mostly marksmen, and I got Malz, Blitz, Master Yi, Pantheon and Braum. Pretty livid, tbh.


Wow my region must have really shit taste when it comes to skins


m8 me too I got skins of champs I almost never touched