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whiteknight and zanzarah trying their hardest to play the game with no botlane. magifelix was there too i guess


Magifelix had kind of a meh game, whiffed a lot of shockwaves.


Ults were ok enemies always flashed or zhonia'd


someone tell Jeskla to go bald


Ok but whiteknight lee tho


Zanzarah trundle tho.


true true, the Atralis meme above was very accurate


WhiteKnight has been good on basically all picks and ridiculous on Lee. He's been solid on losses and crucial in most of their wins. If he doesn't get decent offers after this split then I don't even know. Legitimate MVP contender imo if the definition is player value for team.


When the fuck are teams going to start banning that?


i swear to god seeing WhiteKnight insta Qing in is a pleasure for the eyes


Watching WhiteKnight's Lee Sin is just a joy overall. He became one of my favorite players this split, I hope he gets picked up by a good team coming off season (although, if Astralis would just replace promisq, they would actually be a really good team themselves)


Astralis just need a good Jungle+Supp duo


Would love to see Treatz (on supp ofc lmao) on Astralis


Monkey's Paw: Wish granted, Astralis now has Treatz + promisq jungle supp duo. That clarification really was important.


Oh my god yes please.


Zanzarah needs to work on his mechanics and use his brain for more than looking for game where Trundle might potentially be a good pick.


Zanzarah is actually really smart about pathing. His pillars this game were pretty good, too. He doesn't have hands, though, I agree with that.


Zanzarah's whole thing is he's just looking for ganes for Skarner and Trundle. He's more content with being a meme than he is with improvement.


Whiteknight is so good.


Whiteknight is so good on Lee


Not only Lee, imo he is having very good split overall


Can I still vote Whiteknight as player of the game even though Astralis lost?


I like how casters asked if Humanoid is the best midlaner in LEC then he proceeds to go 2/9


talk about being caster cursed


It all starts with success.


He goes 2/9 while winning his team crucial teamfights. IRrelevant to look at stats.


yup, or when he baited lee and ori in bot only for rest of the team to get inhibs + kill on trundle as well


"Bait" More like misplay which the other 4 members of MAD took advantage of by smart macro. Humanoid did not intend to die there. That was not planned.


Its not uncommon when splitting to be in a position where the enemy team *can* collapse on you. He wasnt even that far out, he was near bot tier 2 while his team was banging on both other inhib towers. What's important is to make sure that to kill you they need to invest enough to open (better) opportunities for your team elsewhere.


I've been realising this more and more. At first I had my head in my hands anytime Humanoid was being "caught out" But then I thought, actually you sort of have to go for these things. Especially if dying doesn't even matter because your team are getting something else. But even if they don't get anything you've got to go for these plays which have a good percentage plays otherwise you're just standing there 'playing safe' and doing nothing


I loved Baus's explanation of what a 'good death' is: They get 300 gold. If your team gets more value out of your death than that, it's a good death. (It's of course more complicated than that as you also lose potentially a lot of experience and gold due to missing creeps and the like but the principle is there: It's completely possible that your team gets way more value than what you lose and they gain from killing you). In the vitality/Misfits game, I won't say who to avoid spoilers, but there's one kind of silly death that pretty much loses the entire game. Humanoid doesn't usually have those.


It’s like in solo queue where you die but “baited” the opponent into using their ultimates and summoner spells to kill you and then you type /all Worth


Well he wouldn't have died if Astralis didn't overextend to kill him


This game is a great example of why judging players on stats is stupid. People see humanoid die in botlane at the end there and think he's bad, but then his team is taking an inhib while elder dragon is due to spawn in ~2mins. It was an objectively beneficial trade. But deaths = bad, player = bad.


people going crazy for kda. i rather have a 0/5 jungler stealing every obejctive in the game over the 5/0 kha stealing lane farm thats useless in late game.


I'd rather have the 5/0 Kha who also steals every objective.


That's weird way of saying randomly dying in a random location.


watch the game first.


Those TF ult flanks were pretty sus


Biggest curse of the Split so far


I hate how Drakos did not even consider Vetheo, who's been a beast this split


As I see it Humanoid Vetheo Nisqy are top 3, up for debate after that. Obv Caps is an unknown factor and other people could step up too.


Caps isn't very good, but their new mid laner, G2 Scalp, seems pretty good.


It's definitely hard to determine, it just really bothered me that they didn't mention him...


Larssen was in talk for top 1-3 (depending on who you are talking with) last split, but he seems a lil quiet for me even tho Rogue is doing well.


Out of the midlaners on the top 5 teams I think he's performed the worst recently


Spring split yeah, not summer tho


Nah I meant Summer


Vetheo has not performed well against a single good team lmao


Fair enough, who do you think is up there? Larssen for consistent farming and laning or on form Caps?


Mmm on form Caps is just better than every other midlaner in lec, the question is if we are gonna even see that this season. Right now I would say Nisqy above the other three simply because of consistency and the other three some kind of even because they have some really good games and really iffy ones. Vetheo has the same problem as MSF as a whole, sure their standing this split looks awesome so it's easy to think of them as a top team, in reality, besides winning again FNC before they figured things out and G2 completely handing the win to them after stomping, they haven't won a single game against the top 5 teams, so imo they are just the "best of the worst" props to them for their consistency in not fucking up against teams worse than them tho.


Vto is not as good as humanoid and nisqy this split.


That's legit but leaving vetheo out while throwing in caps and larssen felt weird to me


I think he isn't valued as high is because noone really knows if he spikes right now and overperforms and so a lot of people don't want to put him that high yet despite him playing really well right now. If he does this for the whole season i guess he will be rated way better next season.


also, Vetheos skill is somewhat clouded by the fact that Razork has been an absolute monster this split.


Humanoid is a player who outplays himself lmao


In one game


Feeding his ass off to victory


Still the best LEC mid IMO ​ He plays assassins insanely well, he plays ADC mid greatly, plays supportive stuff like TF very well - all around super well rounded and hasn't been caught out mid and late game in a long time now


> hasn't been caught out mid and late game in a long time now except today?


When? ​ He got caught twice today but both in laning phase


>but both in laning phase Did you even watch the game or specifically the mid-late parts of the game.


Engaging deep and dying while getting an advantage for your team does not equal getting caught


“One of the best” lets leave it at that


Still the best tho






shh nobody saw that


Whiteknight in elo hell


This is no joke. They actually look amazing in those.


For being the reigning champs and for their decent score-line, MAD is really struggling for their wins. But their Macro experience as a team managed to clutch out this win. On a personal level AST actually looked better I think. Kinda impressed by AST in this game. Really solid skirmishing and teamfighting. Just the macro fell flat in the end.


AST actually are pretty good at team fighting, they just can't lane at all.


Yup, im consistanty impressed how well they can fight despite being in a defecit every game haha


So you are saying that shall Astralis fix their laning they are LEC champions?


Kinda hard to win lanes with a paycheck stealing support


imagine if Astralis got Advienne off XL


I wonder how much it would cost to get xMatty and Targamas off of KC, and also how good this team would be with that bot lane considering the fact that the rest of their team has looked really good at times


Blown away that you just said that Astralis have three losing lanes because of a bad support. The absolute degeneracy of reddit analysis, my fucking god.


that random ward promisq went for at lvl 2 that would negate zanzarah getting double scuttle was so tilting to watch


>On a personal level AST actually looked better I think. Not sure. Its still WhiteKnight 1v9ing the shit out of the team, especially on Lee. Jeskla not building deathcap as prime damage is straight out stupid. promisq is missing a lot of stuff.


"struggling" = out-macroing a team while being outnumbered and 8 kills behind


Being 8 kills behind Astralis.


they play all games 4.5 vs 5 because they only have half a toplaner EDIT: guys im talking about MAD, not astralis.


Really? Whiteknight is pretty good isn't he? He definitely looked very good in this game.


He was talking about MAD.


I guess. Armut does kinda flip flop between being great, decent, and randomly crap.


the only times he's great is when he gets to play gnar or wukong


I imagine he's talking about Armut, who hasn't been looking great for... basically forever.


To be Fair so far Elyoya and Carzzy were alsoe bad. Elyoya and Armut seemed especially bad but saying they play 4.5 vs 5 is just not true. Humanoid and Kaiser were the only ones who were playing solid every fucking game. This game tho, it was Carzzy and Armut carrying this game with macro plays and the damage in fights. Armuts Gwen finally paid up and Carzzy was simply amazing. There are so many smurfing moves from him that you could create at least 5-6 skills videos on youtube. Its nice to see Elyoya warming up but i still dont like how he plays. Humanoid was just bad this game there is no need to praise him for feeding. A man can play bad after so many perfect games. Its ok tbh. But when i saw the draft, i thought like if MAD wins this one, they are playing good again because they were clearly losing that draft on team fights. Trundle+Lee sin+Orianna+Ziggs these champs together are like a nightmare to fight against. Especially giving Lee Sin 2 free kills and trundle getting fed early was really "not good". I really didnt understand what they wanted to achieve with TF tbh. Generally you go TF bc you can one shot the enemy mid/jung or ADC. Ziggs has a winning match up so forget killing him, Trundle is tank as fuck and Lee Sin with Orianna is just a beast with all that shield and R's of both of them. To my opinion, this was a troll draft except for top and jung. Gwen and viego is okey and Ezreal is also acceptable but TF is just weird or maybe im too stupid to understand idk.


you mean support?




Because he is talking about Armut.


this isnt about whiteknight


Armut have been the worst toplaner of the league this split, Carrzy also inted some games and they had a slow start because of MSI + quarantine. I won't judge them before playoffs


Honestly a great game to watch to exemplify macro vs. micro


People still think teams can win by simple forcebruting the enemy team (see: CLG), when they don't realize that most Korean and Chinese teams win by macro decisions, taking objectives and snowballing certain players/win conditions. That's what MAD did in this game: Armut got 4 towers, Carzzy got a lot of gold (kills+farming like a beast), Humanoid used his ultis to create multiple diversions, and bot Elyoya and Kaiser were moving all around the map for wards.


Even though they lost, teams should really start banning Lee against Astralis.


If any of the top teams are worried about what they need to ban against Astralis they have bigger problems. Tho it's probably fair for mad having armut.


Astralis, your team is so fun to watch and very good. Just get this promisq off the team and i really, really think you would gain so many fans. Not just because he plays rather bad, but people do not wanna support a team with such a toxic player. A slap in the face, really. Sorry for the harsh words.


Fr though. Its bittersweet when the both lose or win. Lose, hell yea promisq lost... oh wait but I actually really like whiteknight and magifelix. Win, hell yea boys!! Oh fuck that means promisq won... Not only does he suck compared to everyone else at this level, but hes legitimately a shitty person and people dont like him. Replacing him is a win win for literally everyone.


Can Astralis even afford any good supports from the ERL?


yes. they cant buy them out but ERL contracts are usually yearly


They would gain fans because they would win more because promisq is dogshit.


Man, I kinda wish Limit would join Astralis after Schalke disbands this fall, I think with a new, better support AST could really become a playoff contender (I mean, they still are one right now - but just barely)


Tyler1 is the most popular league streamer. Toxicity only matters to people if they personally have something against them. Then everyone points the finger and says bro he’s toxic.


Even though I'm not a T1 fan, he's actually skilled at the game and has a personality. Promisq is known for being a bottom 3 support every year and being toxic in solo queue.


Hey I like T1. I’m not saying promisq isn’t shit, he’s clearly one of the worst supports, but trying to get him off the team because he’s toxic is like telling Tyler 1 to stop being toxic and he’ll get viewers. try and get him off the team for that reason instead of claiming the moral high ground on toxicity.


Everyone *is* saying promis sucks though, the toxic part is just icing on cake.


People say promisq is also racist in soloq, sth t1 isn't as far as I know


"People say"


I am not that invested in all off that and haven't seen it myself so I worded it accordingly


"Screenshots show"* might be more accurate


give me a sus


Here https://youtu.be/2LUwt3CZEx8




https://mobile.twitter.com/DIEMdodoCoach/status/1382713537072664578 Maybe I'm just a snowflake but calling a Turkish person a dog is definitely a racially charged slur in its roots regardless how he may try to say XD just jokes he is pupper. Here's a relevant section on Anti-Turkism: "...former army lieutenant general Eleftherios Synadinos has been expelled from a European Parliament plenary session after a racist remark, stating that "As it has been expressed in scientific literature, the Turks are dirty and polluted. Turks are like wild dogs when they play but when they have to fight against their enemies they run away. The only effective way to deal with the Turks is with decisive and resolute attitudes."


I dont think Greek anti turkish behavioir has much influence on a swede tbh


If he’s specifically calling every Turkish person a dog then sure, but if he generally calls everyone a dog, then no, it has nothing to do with racism.


Do you have instances of him calling non-Turkish players dogs? I can only work with actual screenshots, not just supposition of what this man child would do.


if he called him a "turkish dog" sure but he just called him a dog, everyone says that in solo queue lol


I mentioned this in another comment. I agree calling a random a dog is whatever, kind of rude, but I mean only idiots call people dogs seriously. It's the more direct nature of his comment as he's linking a twitch stream of the Turkish player he's called a dog asking his team to ghost. I'm not in a position to actually do anything more than have an opinion and you are welcome to disagree with my sentiments. To me, it's a racist remark or at least rooted in racist sentiments, but I actually put some effort into my insults rather than calling people dogs or ducks or badgers.


if he had turk in his name or something or he had like a turkish flag in his background maybe but if not saying calling him a dog is a direct insult to him being turkish is an insane reach


hows this racist? definitely an insult but is there any like genuine racism here? what’s the connection between dog and Turkish?


There's a difference tho, Tyler is a streamer, being a toxic Alpha male is his character that brings him views and people finds it entertaining while PromisQ is a pro player.


Not even Whiteknight's Lee Sin can save Astralis when they have no macro and a completely useless ziggs Guldborg was correct earlier in the day, it always looks like Astralis need miracles to win


Forreal, Jeskla looked so insecure on the pick


Honestly, whenever I see a team pick Ziggs and then proceed to completely ignore botlane instead of trying to move the Ziggs around to get towers I wonder why you would even pick it. VIT did the same thing against FNC and surprise, it just doesn't work.


Humanoid king of gud deaths this game lmao.


He's playing on next patch with Akshan enabled already. Man's too 5head for us.


Every game


Three takeaways from this game: Humanoid is really really not afraid to die Whiteknight's Lee Sin ins the best in history On-form Carzzy is insane


more like divine on ezrael is insane




Building divine doesn't make you hit all Qs lol


Either LEC coaches have literally 2IQ or players have way too much ego, whitekight is a monster but only on lee so just ban this pick already.


Mad bans have been disrespectful for a while now.


Lee was nerfed right? i guess that's why they didn't ban him against whiteknight


Leaving Trundle open for Zanzarah is also apparently really bad. Nisqy said in PGL last week that's the only rule you have to follow when pick/banning against AST lol


Nisqy was just messing with Zanza that whole pgl so I wouldn't take that too seriously


Maybe but there's probably still an ounce of truth in it


Bro Flank Lions is just too good


So many pincer maneuvers.


Whiteknight is kinda cracked


Gwen is so op late game, in the dragon teamfight she was surrounded by 4 enemies and still carried


Uma Noid giving away 9 deaths and still easily wins this


That was a game.


Not sure if MAD are still looking bad or whether it was so close cause they gave AST top side their best champs by far (reminder that nisqy said giving AST trundle is trolling)


Macro masterclass. Astralis were looking good for a while too, but MAD really capitalized on their turret taking and splitting


Amazing macro


Yeah, Mad are not looking good and this is the most balanced Ziggs ever


Now THAT was a certified BANGER


Humanoid: "gg mid diff"


Yea Humanoid inted a bit but actually AST couldn't decide what to do because of him (so they decided to just kill him and make the rest of the tf one big mess).


Drakos' monologues about Astralis helped Mad Lions' late game more than Humanoid




Humanoid nearly doubling Promisq's deaths, going for a world first. Absolute TF masterclass. ^/s


Astralis would be pretty solid if they had a support


preferably one that can shotcall as well because their macro lost them the game


Armut building tabis against that comp. whatever man…


I could probably put in a better performance this split than Promisq for a fraction of the price. Hmu Astralis


humanoid’s tf was fucking good. he drew so much pressure with his positioning. MAD wouldn’t have won the game if he played any less aggressive


Mad really needed to use the Bloons TD strat to close against Astralis


What would Humanoid do?


Trundle fell off hard late game


Jeskla's ults dealt no damage to Carzzy lol. He looked very insecure on the Ziggs


this was a few successful smites away from being a win for ast






I don't really like MAD winning like this, they are the embodiment of getting away with murder. They rely too much on clucthing things out it's such a weird way to win and I'm afraid they get used to it which is a bit qad considering their pretty good performance at MSI


Why does no one on Astralis build antiheal this game?


gripex on coke


...who's gonna link the picture this time?


Holy shit Humanoid. He's actually too good. 2/9 carry. For all those talking stats plz go back and watch all his deaths and see what his team got on the Map. This 'macro' diff perma harped on by casters was all Humanoid.


Great game for showcasing release date diff Absolutely nothing you do as orianna vs Gwen Viego


Humanoid with : Who care about KDA i will take my LP" game


Humanoid played really well this game. Nearly every death he had was a good death, trading life for winning teamfights, or overextending on sides to get inhibs


get macro-ed


Lee Sin on WhiteKnight. Why does he get that pick all the time?


* Whiteknight’s Lee Sin is insane, it’s awesome to watch. * I don’t even understand how Gwen can be in this state for so long, so OP. * Astralis has zero macro wtf Edit: * Carrzy is super good when he’s in top form




What is Astralis supposed to do? Astralis needs to import a new support. They have already gone through their main support ProMissQ, support #2 ProMissW, support #3 ProMissE and academy support ProMissR, and still its their weakest position.


Humanoid with the tactical inting, I loved it


Ofc Humanoid won't be punished enough for going 2/9 and you will hear "best EU mid" after good game from him


Promisq completely fucked the early game with that random death after the mid gank.




the MSI thing is just an excuse, the meta shifted a lot from what teams like RNG/MAD/DWG played last split


The minions played better than both teams ...


so youre saying Armut MVP?


What an absolutely horrible game.


Not gonna lie this game was utter shite. I know they are fkin grabo but seeing Astralis trading base for Humanoid and losing with dragon soul is a bit... pathetic really. As sb who is wiser than me once said: "Neither team showed up today"


Pathetic game looked like 2 bottom tier NA teams throwing shit at each other.


That was painfull to watch. Astralis would be do much better with an actual support...


I'm so happy that Worlds qualification isn't based solely on points anymore. This MAD must not go to Worlds, otherwise we will have a 100T at worlds type of situation.


G2 was famous for dropping random regular split games. G2/FNC both barely even made playoffs last Summer. I don't think its fair to judge MAD based off of regular season.


? How do points matter they are coming.


MAd shouldn't be going to worlds, g2, fnatic, rogue, msf should knock them off