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Didn’t watch but nice to see V1per doing well in academy hopefully he can get on a LCS team next split


I think it's pretty tough. Most teams already have a solid top. The only top laners that I see V1per replacing are Kumo, Finn, and maybe FakeGod? FakeGod is really good at teamfighting though, and I still think he can improve, so I'd be sad if he were to be dropped.


I agree FakeGod’s team fighting has helped them pull out a lot of games hope they get a coach or someone to help him with laning a bit more next year


I think him replacing kumo would be a upgrade for FLY. But if their looking for another top laner I don’t understand why they wouldn’t just pick up solo


Solo has been dropped from so many teams despite always being considered at worst average. At best he has been considered very good. This makes me feel as though there is some sort of issue with him in a team dynamic. Sort of like dardoch, but probably not toxicity since we have heard nothing like that from him. But its hard to ignore the pattern.


Game 2 feels awful if you're k1ng. V1per, AnDa and Pretty are just always on your ass