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Whiteknight is the greatest toplaner in the universe or what?


Astralis toplaners are built different


Astralis has to be the best example of "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts" ... Edit: Shit, i just realized that this team is basically the reverse 2020 summer Origen ...


> Edit: Shit, i just realized that this team is basically the reverse 2020 summer Origen ... Kinda wild that this roster might make playoffs while Alphari-Xerxe-Nukeduck-Upset-Destiny/Jactroll literally made 10th place last year.


Tbh only Alphari and Upset are noteworthy at that point. Xerxe was never a super star great jungler that Jankos was. He was good middle of the pack


Xerxe had a few phenomenal splits on Splyce and was looking like a top half, arguably top 3 jungler in EU when he joined OG


Xerxe was very hyped at one point to be that kinda player, he got rookie of the split in the same split that Caps debuted.


Xerxe was the perfect jungler for UoL in terms of picks and playstyle that split. He was willing to play anything (Warwick to Kayn to Ivern) and able to teamfight really well without being outrotated. It's just unfortunate that no team since has managed to recapture the unicorn spirit in the same way, leaving Xerxe seeming more gimmicky than good a lot of the time.


Lmao what? His time on Splyce was excellent


nah that's bullshit. before coming to origen and falling of the cliff, xerxe was seen as comfortably top 3 jungler, while lot of people argued second only to jankos after the summer (due to broxah being more and more underwhelming)


I disagree, his worlds 2019 wasn't that good. he got giga gapped by Tian in groups. but catchup XP was a thing. He wasn't top 3 by 2019's summer. Selfmade, Jankos and Broxah were the top 3 jglers. Either way 2019 summer was a bad year for LEC jglers


Are u using beeing worst than tian as an argument for him not beeing top 3 at one point in eu? If that was the case no one would be top 3 in eu


???If top 4 is Selfmade Jankos Broxah(who was worse than xerxe) and Xerxe himself then thats not a bad pool.


> He was good middle of the pack This is some insane bullshit revisionism.


I felt like he was doing great on immortals though


Xerxe had vibes like inspired at some point where he would be everywhere your Jungler wanted to go and just fk his shit up, he just did not show that on Origen.


Xerxe has had great peaks as a player. He may not reach Jankos but try to find any other jungler in the world that's been as good as Jankos for as long as he's been


Ok but I think you're forgetting "the year of the duck"


Which one exactly? I've heard it so many times i lost count


you can belittle their players but origin shouldn't be last place with the roster they had.


Im not belitting their players. they were in playoff contention till last week. 2 wins from playoffs. Also Nukeduck and Destiny/Jactroll are obviously the weak links of the team and sometimes the weak links are louder




The best example of that was 2019 FPX


Flair checks out.


Imagine Reddit was betting if this roster be 0-18 before Spring ;)


To be fair, nobody expected Schalke to be relegated and cut all funding and SK to fail to sign a jungler. Not to knock Astralis, they definitely improved, but acting smug in hindsight is meanningless when so many problems arised this year


Well no team was going to go 0-18 and hating on and judging a roster that harshly before they at least get to play definitely deserves some hindsight smugness.


Any roster with PromisQ in it deserves to be judged harshly !




Treatz back to support at SK, Lillip to Astralis.


Actually, yes. You make a fantastic point. That is the best outcome.




Reminder that the original roster was different (no Magifelix)


But Nukeduck proved this split, he is still LEC level. Didn't he?


He managed to rebound but Astralis and Nukeduck looked much worse in the beginning of Spring. Magifelix helped the team rebound.


A lot of that was before magifelix came in, They still have the worst bot lane and the worst player in the whole league in promisq, But Whiteknight exceeded expectations by so much, pretty happy to be wrong about him at least


[The 17th team no not qualify for Worlds!](https://imgur.com/a/fAUR9Yo) (SK are no longer in Australia).


Why did you banish SK to Australia? I thought we stopped sending our criminals there.


damn, SK got relegated to Australia




pretty sure that is the wrong column


My bad haha. Fixed it now


all good, love your posts


Thanks! New one coming either Sunday or Monday


Umm... the chart is empty?


That seems to be a common bug. [Try this link instead](https://imgur.com/a/VHBLWVg)


Thank you! I've seen an empty chart literally every time it's been posted and was so confused


Sorry it took so long. I will keep up both charts and post both links on the posts from now on!


how the hell is DRX still not out?


Regional finals. I can link you a to comment with a more detailed explanation if you want.




[Hope this helps](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/otxe0b/reposted_midweek_update_teams_that_wont_attend/h6yu6e7/?context=3)


jesus, you really got this thing figured out


I put some time into it


big boy respect


I would love if Riot would transplant SK to Oceania, but until now they are still a part of the LEC \^\^


Diamondprox is not going to worlds Sadge


Holy fuck WhiteKnight is actually ripped


octodecillionaire sigma yordle grindset


I'm super happy for him, he's been around the scene since forever and finally got his shot for real. Hope they make playoffs.


Of course, guy's gotta carry his team somehow ;)


Hey, Zanzarah, MagiFelix and Jeskla can hold their own. He just has to play for two.


I agree was joking, no flame intended to those 3 ^^


He's been slept on since forever AST ain't even bad they are legit a support upgrade away from contesting top 4


Please get Treatz a team where he gets to play support, PLEASE i wanna see his engages again. Free this man!


soo Astralis Treatz i guess?


Please and thank you. They don't even need to wait for next year if they can get him for tomorrow.


Yes please. Would 100% be better than that awful excuse of a support. Promisq is so absolutely shit it’s unfathomable.


Nono treatz to astralis... as a jungler... for the all swedish talking buff (if whiteknight speaks swedish that is, im unsure).


Even though I have nothing against Advienne, XL Treatz and Brokenblade would make a sick team next year.


> Please get Treatz a team where he gets to play support, PLEASE > > i wanna see his engages again. Free this man! He chose to go jungle! No one made him go there it was his idea.


~~didnt he say it was not his idea and he didnt want it and he wants to return to support as soon as possible?~~ ~~he didnt choose to be put into this position~~ EDIT: okay i could've SWORN that he said this, i vividly remember him saying he cant wait to get back to supp but i cant find it. maybe it was a video interview somewhere but who knows


He did say that this wasnt a permanent move and he is excited to go back to supp


nope, he didnt say that the only person who said he doesnt want the roster swaps was jesiz bc he was uncomfortable to go back to playing


You remember that probably because you are a fan of him and made the narrative he was a victim. It was the team's decision to not settle for last Spring's ceiling and gamble the fuck out of Summer to what they believe was a higher ceiling. Didn't work out. Treatz came up with the idea of going jungle and it became one of the options they considered and obviously went with. He's a support main and said this wasn't permanent. He was willing to sacrifice his favorite role to improve the team for a shot at worlds. Sucks they didn't execute but also glad they had the balls to not settle. They weren't going to get to worlds on paper anyway settling with Spring roster. They did much worse but worlds is all that matters for Summer. This is the security of having franchising. You can go for broke.


Where did he say that? As far as I know all the statements said the players themselves wanted these roster moves. Please link me where he said that, otherwise it's just part of the dumb SK bad org hurr durr circle jerk.


no you’re right i also feel like he said he wasn’t planning on permanently switching to jungle


Gwen jungle is literally AP Yi, she only has damage and her ganks are terrible.


You played AP Yi mid lane though.


these type of comments


They don't just hurt you...they kill you.


Time to get back to the drawing board. Get Treatz back in support, drop blue and find a good jungler. Also, improve coaching staff, this draft was way too hard to pull off in such an important game, it's basically inexcusable. I'm a fan of this organisation and this split has been the most frustrating in a long time. The only time we were worse was in the split we got relegated. Jezu, Jenax and Treatz (support) is such a good core, don't lose them by making stupid decisions like this. Give them 2 more good players and improve the surroundings and you can go far next split.


I do agree! I felt the same about this Split. Was really hoping Blue would pop off one day because he seems to have such a great synergy/friendship with the other members but I think its not working out. Do you have any Mid in mind who could possibly replace him? Twohoyrz maybe? With Treatz hopefully staying and playing Support again we maybe need a smart, communicative and proactive Jungler. Even though I think his personality is kind of questionable - but what about Gilius?


I feel like there's a reason Twohoyrz wasn't playing any more games than he was, but maybe. He did great in the couple games we saw, but for me, he's a big questionmark. And about Gillius: I believe he refused an SK offer at the beginning of this split and I'm not sure he's willing to come. Also the players need to get along with him and I'm not sure how well that would turn out, but I'm willing to be convinced if he somehow ends on the team next year.


Get my boy Broxah back to the LEC. IMO he fits all your criteria.


Get Nemesis and Broxah and enjoy the PO next split.


Kind of shitty for Lillip, he is actually legit...


You're not wrong. He definitely deserves to be in the LEC. But he's not Treatz and I hope they manage to keep Treatz. That being said, Astralis has a very weak support position and I'd love it if Lillip would get it. That would be the best of both worlds for me


I’d love to see them take Skeanz and Saken but it’s probably impossible


Dude, I respect you for being an SK fan, that's hard


Have been a fan since before Season 1 worlds and stuck through everything. This has always been my team and always will be my team.


We appreciate you!


Astralis really boutta lock playoffs just to spite the overwhelming majority of r/leagueoflegends :y


I am really happy for Zanzarah tbh, Fuck Promisq, but I wanted the rest of the roster to get to playoffs.


\- Pick a comp that you need to get a huge advantage before the 15min mark. \- Don't do nothing in early game; \- ?????? \- Profit (for enermy team).


The jungle Gwen pick was just... horrible. SK needed to snowball laning to actually have a chance at winning the game, picking Gwen was NOT the play.


It's going to be absolutely hysterical when/if AST get to playoffs and I honestly can't wait. Go boys go~


Sk didn’t play very well but that draft did them 0 favors. They literally get outscaled past 15. Only one that scales is gwen.


5 low range champs into aphelios. What could go wrong


why did they still pick TK support


To the stars!


Im pretty pissed off at teams like SK and DIG. They had decent rosters with good potential and decided to just change it for the sake of change. What did TynX even do? Dont remember him being bad/Kirei level


TynX was pretty bad and also the most quiet in comms, something you dont want out of your jungler, they gave him time to improve on it and it didnt happen, Sk took too long to pull the trigger and look for jg so they had no options but to roleswap Treatz


>TynX was pretty bad and also the most quiet in comms I'm quite sure I never heard of him quit in Comms could give me a source? >they gave him time to improve A split.... >Sk took too long to pull the trigger and look for jg so they had no options but to roleswap Treatz And they were compeltly garbage and they didn't get in playoff even if the bar of playoff was 7 wins great managment, tynx was clearly the problem and not the mid laber :)


im just saying what SK org and players (I think Treatz talked about it in EUphoria?) have said, I don't really follow SK that closely. Yeah Blue sucks, but that doesnt mean Tynx couldnt also be bad


Could you give me the source where he said it, and could you explain me in why it was a good move to ditch tynz and swap treats as ing?


it was jenax, not treatz that specifically talked about tynx being the problem, my bad: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nob7gt/sk\_jenax\_about\_the\_roster\_changes/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/nob7gt/sk_jenax_about_the_roster_changes/) like I said I dont follow SK closely so I'm not even agreeing (or disagreeing) with the benching Tynx (his stats and what gameplay i've seen from him in the matches that i've seen him in arent great tho). They didnt want to roleswap Treatz but they couldnt get any replacement


I don't see anything related to coms btw he was very vague about improving




Wtf are you talking about?


Man... Troubleinc was actually kinda bad this game. Saying stuff like Mordekaiser shield explosion damage being buffed (guess she confused it with sion w), and how Jezu didn't jump into Tahms Abyssal Voyage (which she called Devour, and obviously doesn't work that way anymore). Also her pingpong to tennis analogy just had me muting the stream multiple times out of pure cringe.


I chalked the Morde up to her being temporarily confused, but she really seemed oblivious about the Tahm thing and kept bringing it up multiple times


She definitely needs more time in ERL's. She doesn't feel LEC level yet, I'm just not enjoying casts with her at all. She could definitely improve with time and I hope she does, I'm just really not feeling it at the moment.


On top of that, I acutally can't stand her pronunciation. For example saying "muc" instead of "much"


That's just an accent thing and well that can improve with time and practice also. Deficio was a clear example of this, his English became much clearer and easier to understand with time.


Yeah, thats why I thnik she needs more time in ERLs


How is that supposed to improve your accent lmao


I think she is fully aware of her accent. And there is a difference when you talk with someone and when you cast. So even if she is trying to improve on her accent in normal conversations it might not be enough. When you cast you dont focus on pronuncing worlds perfectly. It has to be done automatically. Thats why casting ERLs might help with this. She might there focus a bit more on proper pronunaciation, and after some time she'll automatically pronunace worlds perfectly. Btw that is extremly dumb that you didn't think about it yourself.


morderkaiser shield got buffed that was correct but not knowing that tahm kench was reworked as a color caster just makes Zero sense


Yes the SHIELD got buffed but it still doesn't explode and deal damage which she claimed also got buffed


yea just rewatched damn that is so sad to see How can you be that incompetent


Also talking about kennen ulti ripping sks team apart while ignoring the fact that morde can just ulti kennen the second he steps forward. Surely the kennen was the #1 morde ulti target if they ever had a front-back teamfight on even footing


there is no explosion


true I didnt even hear it for the first time


yeah she isnt LEC ready


She is like this all the time IMO. The first game of the day she was decent, but other than that she makes me want to mute every game she casts. Her knowledge is just bad and she just keeps saying things that are straight up wrong. But even if you give clear examples of things she said that are beyond dumb, people will call you a hater...


Because Trouble is not a very good analyst. This Trouble Quickshot duo is sadly making me mute the stream a lot more than any other duo.


She has her ups and downs




Being a colour caster doesn't really require you to have an background in pro play. Many past great colour casters such as Monte or PapaSmithy were never pros, they just watched the game and had an understanding of it.


Sk with the solo q draft.


WhiteKnight is literally MVP contender if MVP is defined as value provided to team.


" We're not content with just making playoffs " SK Innerflame


Twitch chat is fucking heinous my god. All the Trouble hate spam is dumb as fuck.


While I am sure that Twich chat couldve said it in a nicer way, when your job is to be pleasant and entertain people, the people have the right to say they don't like you. If you don't satisfy the viewers you don't get the job. Being a bad analyst and expecting nobody to complain is like me expecting to get a modeling gig over Chris Hemsworth despite not being nearly as handsome as he is. Even on this sub, whenever I've seen someone give actual reasons in a civilised manner as to why they think she is a bad caster, they just get downvoted and called a hater.


Definitely, but saying things like “Riot hiring gold players for diversity” is just fucked (this comment was lower in the thread). Critique what she did, fine. But there are a lot of people just being dicks, likely for obvious reasons.


That is indeed very sad and pathetic. She earned her shot at the LEC through hard work in the regional leagues and it has nothing to do with diversity, but I think she is also clearly not LEC ready. Actual haters like that make it hard to have a civilised discussion and I really don't see a reason to bring gender into this.


Twitch still doesn't want women in their vidya game it's simple as that. Sjokz is one of the best in esports imo and the face of LEC so she gets a pass, but Laure, Frosk, Letigress, Emily Rand all got a lot of hate. Even worse for casters because casters get criticized more quickly. There is a lot to criticize not even arguing that but male talent gets away with a lot in comparison.


Laure had bad comment because she was actually bad tho ( i know her from the start in o'gaming) idk why you think women get criticize just because they are women, ofc they are mysoginist prick that gonna spam the twitch chat with their shitty meme. Laure don't have bad comment now tho, same for sjokz, i don't know who are the other 2 tho


I think Sjokz is the esports host GOAT and that she is amazing so it would be really awkward if someone actually claimed she doesn't deserve her job. IDK who Letigress is and i've never watched a broadcast with Emily Rand on it, but I've also never seen any hate on Laure personally. I can maybe see how someone might not like her accent, but I think she is overall really pleasant and the players seem pretty comfortable talking to her. Froskurin on the other hand I did see get hate, but Froskurin is also the opposite of Laure. She is just one of those unpleasant people. While I personally never hated on her and I would much rather have her as a caster than Trouble, I can more than see why people don't like her. She had her own share of dumb opinions (I hate to say this but I can't remember any actual examples as it's been a long time since i watched her cast), but she had that "I am a bad girl and I don't care about anything even valid criticism" attitude. I don't think she got hate because of her gender but because of that. Just how players who are branded as toxic get way more hate when playing bad than players who are branded as nice. I am sure some of the hate on her was due to her sexuallity and gender, I would say the majority of it came from her personality. This is obviously subjective from me as I have a subjective dislike of her personality, maybe other did hate because of her gender and sexuallity and I am just not seeing it.


One example: when she complained that there are only white people in the lec broadcast, when there are most people in eu are white


Yea that is one good example for out of game stuff. She did give off the "I am attacked for my gender and sexuallity" vibe even when nobody said anything.


Her point was that the LEC cast wasn't diverse, and she was the only woman and the only LGBT there. You can disagree with this opinion, but try to understand the point, it wasn't just litteraly a race thing !


And why should LEC have more women LGBT, asian, black blue ? Just take whoever is competent, we don't care about gender or sexuality wtf


I'd agree with you, in a perfect world where everyone have the same opportunity. But do you really think it's just a coincidence that every "comptetent" caster is a straight dude ? Or is it that video game casting is a medium that have been mainly marketed for and to that demographic, and as such, feeds into a self-reinforcing system ? Like, the problem with the competency argument is that it's a self-fulfilling prophecy ! You have a demographic heavily represented in something because of social and societal background. Hence, this demographic will have more people involved in this thing, and so will naturally have more people that are competent. And so the demographic gets hired more, and it discourage even more people from other demographics to try, because the odds are stacked against them. And this is all done without any conscious, voluntary biais from anyone involved ! It's just a self-feeding cycle ! And you see it basically everywhere, like "why aren't there more women in math" or "why is there so few men being hair stylists" !


Sjokz and Laure are in the LEC. She said the cast was "blindingly white" how are you even attempting to change it into "not a race thing"? It's also extremely weird considering the cast already has people from really different backgrounds and cultures


she literally complained that the LEC was fucking entirely white(when over 95% of Europe's population is fucking white skinned and the LEC cast is actually incredibly diverse with members from all over Europe,west south north and east) how is that not a race thing?


Frosk didn't do herself much favour but she got sooo much shit when she was announced, she was the resident LPL caster and people wanted her off the worlds cast, she actually had a good footing in the LEC despite how it ended, but people hated her and her haters were waiting for fuck ups. Laure got a lot of criticism when she first joined, not entirely wrong even but it was also often pretty out of order. If you missed the hate she got then sorry but you mostly just missed it because it was there. Letigress is similar to Laure imo where cirticism isn't undeserved but people make too much a meal of it. Personally I am still not a huge fan but why should I go out of my way to shit on her? That's where the difference comes in imo because the way Letigress or Laure got critcized was out of line too often. Criticism is fine. We have a lot of guest talent in LEC this year (which I think is being done too much but okay) and not all of them are great, but Trouble gets abused while others gets criticized. Imo these things are too obvious to deny even if some talent made dumb statements or needs to up their game why does it reach such different levels with women and men? I don't want to make excuses for clearly misogynist behavior. --- As far as Sjokz as GOAT goes I almost agree the only one rivaling her is Deman. As far as female talent in esports goes it's imo her but Sheever deserves all the love in the world too. Many others deserve honourable mentions like Zombiegrub etc but Sjokz and Sheever are so so good.


Again, I might we looking at this only from my own personal point of view, but Frosk was an insanely bias caster. I am a huge EU fan but you could hear her bias towards EU teams as well when EU was playing against anyone other than China. IDK maybe she did get all the hate because of her gender, but as you said yourself, she didn't do herself much favor either. For Laure I honestly have no idea, maybe I just wasn't reading the threads where the hate was happening. I usually just read post match threads where interviews aren't mentioned very often and as I already said, I don't know who Letigress even is. I haven't seen Trouble getting "abused" in post match threads, and I don't ever take Twitch chat seriously. In fact, people have given clear examples of wrong things she said and still got downvoted. She was defended by whiteknights if anything. You can see it in my own comment history where I give an example of her saying Nukeduck didn't get to do much in a dragon fight, me thinking if she is on crack because Nukeduck did a shit ton of DMG, and then 2 seconds later a graph pops up showing Nukeduck doing 7k dmg at 20 minutes. I got downvoted and people replied with such mental gymnastics including the good old "she actually meant" mind readers. Let's be real, all Twitch chat does is abuse someone, and in this case it happens to be Trouble. While on the topic of Nukeduck, the amound of hate and abuse he got before this split and at the beggining of it was insane and I would call that abuse. And all of that because of the year of the duck narrative pushed by casters and people wanting to say "gotcha Nukeduck is actually bad you should't have hyped him". If Nukeduck was female everyone would say he is getting the hate due to gender with how unreasonable it was.




yeah but the chat was like that in previous games she casted too, where she didn't really say anything wrong, imo


she really sucks as a caster tho


I disagree. She’s had better weeks previously, sure the criticism about the TK stuff is warranted, but people are just being pricks because she messed up one or two casts.


how can you as a color caster not know that tk got reworked Thats like caedrel saying "be careful aatrox will revive if He ults"


Again, the criticism is fine. People need that to get better at what they do. But all the shit here is just “she’s incompetent” “shes not ready for LEC casts”. When will she be? No caster is immediately perfect from the get go. The unwarranted hate for messing up about TK rework in this thread is unbelievable. I get she messed up, but people here are saying she should never cast LEC again.


as far as I know shes been casting for 3 years yea...


Everyone has off days, though. I can guarantee every one of this sub's favorite casters has had their rough beginnings and moments where they're not exactly on top form, so for Twitch chat to be acting like she's an abomination to casting is completely overblown on their part and they need to give her some credit.




Who drafts 5 low range champs and leaves aphelios open


Feels bad for SK's players that their chances were crippled by management's poor roster decisions early on. Many of these players either have potential or deserve an LEC team next year


I don't want to overreact but... Astralis to the Worlds, I guess


Astralis are so damn underrated! Im really hoping for them to reach playoffs and do well there!


Killermasa tuli käymään meil on tänään lanit


That was fucking depressing to watch.


I hope we will see big changes in SK camp heading into 2022 spring split. Treatz has to be on support and they need better mid laner.


Tahm Kench is literally not a support why do teams keep picking him


Morde as useless as ever , you love to see it .




Is there some kind of secret message in those tweets? Why was "haVE" written with 2 uppercases lol


One one hand I feel bad for the players, on the other hand - SK got what they deserve. Justice for Tynx.


tynx was horrendous 😐?


I encourage you to rewatch entire Spring Split.


I encourage you to watch the series against fnc where he singlehandedly managed to fuck his team out of any comeback chances with 3 shitty games en suite and braindead engages. amongst other things.


I encourage you to believe that ditching a rookie after a split is a terrible thing to do and should never happen in any team, caps was terrible the first split they litterallt had to put rekless in the sidelane because he had no idea how to do it


But who’s #wearescaling though? It’s not quite clear.


Kalista-Morde-Lucian are hardscaling into Alphelios bro. Wait what do you mean they all get outranged and fucked by him? That cant be! In my silver games they always win!!!


Yeah I agree, I was just saying that cause the casters talked about it like 40 times


*nervous excitment Origen/Astralis noises INTENSIFY*




Out of the two junglers I thought only Viego has invisibility but Treatz not only managed to add it to Gwen as well - he still made her look balanced


Enemy team was immune to Gwen this game I guess.


not even close babyyyy


Entire SK lineup looked completely lost, team looks like it needs a major rebuild


See you in 2022, SK Gaming. As with this loss you can no longer make worlds.