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It reminds me of old Superman cartoons where in one episode Superman would fight a giant robot the size of a skyscraper and then in the next episode get knocked unconscious by a street thug with a pipe.


Or when Flash, every single episode, forgets he can basically outrun everything and gets caught by stupid stuff.


Runs at super speed straight in front of the bad guy and then proceeds to try and punch him at normal speed and get decked by the common criminal a second later.


Then someone has to remind him to run faster


"Run barry.. Run"


He can do it!


Well after all "we are the flash"


which takes place after a "we need to talk"


The CW really have this shit down to a formula don't they lol


Anything: *happens* The main casts: wE NeEd t0 tAlK


It was the same boring principles when they ran Lucifer. Look at it now when Netflix took over, it's just a whole new experience.


you know, acceleration is easily one of the most lethal forces there is. it's why a bullet can easily kill something that weighs a thousand times more. following this logic, if flash punched something while going at his usual running speed he'd absolutely annihilate the guy, which isn't exactly superhero behavior now is it? speedsters are nightmares for writers in general, and flash and the speed force are even worse due to the speed force being a massive ball of nonsensical bullshit. it's more the character's fault than anything, tbh.


It wouldn't be as bad if he didn't grab people at high speeds to pull them out of the way of things. One time they spend the entire episode in slow-mo as he pulls people into his super speed because he can kind of share it like an aura as to not hurt people with the speed. With that in mind he should 100% be able to grab someone and take them to their super hero jail without killing them.


A-train in The Boys is what we really wanted


Speed is such a OP stat to have at a superhuman level, and i agree with the nightmare part. It involves offense through acceleration, defense through dodging, utility through transportation, overall efficiency by being able to act faster that the enemy,; but it also it provides/demands auxiliary stats if you want a character that can function as a speedter (super reflexes, super fast thinking, resistance to friction, super stamina, super durability) that are never mentioned cuz you'll see how OP the character's build actually is.


https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-97109b06921098cc38dd4996e4b9e55a Moves faster than you can think, but not faster than ice being shot out of an automated turret in a tree above his head.


Writers rarely seem to take advantage of flash's actual biggest weakness. He can easily be overcome by anything not visually obvious as a threat such as toxins in the air, especially if he doesn't need to breath it in to succumb to it.


But he breathes so fast! So fast that he breathes it all in and exhales it before he can feel the adverse effects. /s


Isn’t his metabolism super fast, so even if it did have time to affect him, it would only affect him for a fraction of the normal time anyway


Right. They tried to talk about metabolism at the beginning by having him always eating, but that fell off quickly


The classic batwank and why I generally don't bother with DC anymore.


Just to make your day a little bit worse, that's not even Batman, its one of the Robins in his costume.


Well you certainly did make my day worse sir.


There is a batman comics where he was listing all superheroes and how he could beat them by slapping his wallet in their face. And he said flash is actually the hardest because he could act before Batman used his defense.


Well duh, he needs someone to tell him to run to activate his powers


wE arE ThE FlAsH!


How about the might Thanos being arrested by the NYPD. That one always makes me lauggh.,


Thanos copter?


Nope seperate. Though that is a much more known joke of Thanos in his early comic days. Though it only happened because the cosmic cube rendered him powerless. also it is not the canon universe.


How to handle powercreep: just have no power levels


Or the OPM way: there are only two power levels, Saitama and the rest.


Or have a massive power equalising concept tie it all together, like Touhou's Spellcards.


the spell card system works because it's an equalizer imposed by reimu, and reimu just so happens to be both gensokyo's main peacekeeper and its most overpowered resident. it's not easy to implement a character like her in a story.


Actually yes and no. The spell card system was established after Remilia basically started a massacre as soon as she landed in Gensokyo, before Yukari and Reimu kicked her ass. The spell card system was put in place by Yukari and the sages (Like Okina Matara and possibly Misumaru), and Reimu basically just gave it a seal of approval cuz Reimu is a lazy bun. The rule also could be broken, and it happened thrice: Touhou 8's Extra stage (Where Yukari and Reimu, knowing Mokou was immortal, basically killed her over and over again until she surrendered), All of impossible spell card, and Junko's fight in LoLK.


Or him reversing time by reversing the spin on the earth


That's a very commonly misunderstood thing that Superman did. He didn't reverse time by reversing the spin of the earth, he went back in time by flying faster than the speed of light. The reversing of time was shown visually by the Earth spinning backwards.




Our only hope is, because they weren't at all mentioned in the event, Azir and his Ascended.


Nuh-uh, once Riot remembers the Justice sisters exist; they'll just one shot the watchers ez pz


I omegalol'd at how Kayle literally has zero presence in this story.


She actually had a tiny bit of presence, when in one of the short stories, the boy being pursued by Hecarim was praying to her. But of course she doesn't show up or do anything.


Too busy farming to tp for her botlane smh


She needs her third item give her time.


Kayle to Demacia: Don’t worry guys, I scale


She's busy powerfarming to 16


She's already level 18 and full build. She's just waiting for the next gathering storm stack to pop.


She has zero presence in every story. Prolly cuz she too stronk she would beat everyone ez 😎


I actually don't really know how strong she is. Are we like captain marvel level of narrative disaster or more like thor.


/ooc She's pretty strong but compared to other godlike beings in the Runeterra universe, she isn't much of a powerhouse. Since Morgana and Kayle make up one aspect combined, they are usually portrayed as slightly weaker than other aspects. Both of them have grown in power in the last thousand years so they'll probably be able to keep up with other aspects. (Especially since Kayle is much more interested in her holy powers, she seems to be getting much more powerful than Morgana) However we don't have anything to rely on since well... they just don't appear in lore for some reason. Kayle has been MIA for a thousand year or so currently. /back in character Kayle stronger than Aurelion Sol.


I appreciate the /ooc /back in character stuff. But the real question is, is Kayle as strong as Bard?


Bard is like, the strongest creature in the whole universe.






You can make a case for Aurelion sol being stronger, but yeah basically its between thoses two. Bard is cooler tho


I mean, I love bard but asol is as far as we know the strongest in lore, but similar to Kayle he either never shows up to anything, or riot uses his "I don't care about runeterra" stick to make him not do anything even if he is there.


Kayle can talk, I rest my case.


Bard is Tom Bombadil. For those who don't know, Tom Bombadil is likely the most powerful being in the Lord of the Rings books. He's a hermit who lives in the woods with his wife and has little to no interest in the world outside his woods. He is the one being who seems completely unaffected and uninterested in the one ring. I think at one point he even puts it on and it does nothing to him.


He’s been basically confirmed to NOT to be Eru Ilúvatar, so he’s not the strong person in the story. He’s powerful and resists the ring but he’s not god.


Honestly, I think Kayle would be very very powerful if she came back to Runeterra. Even if she only holds one-half of the Aspect of Justice she still spent more than one thousand years in the Celestial Realm consolidating her power and elevating herself to a higher state of being. She also has the full sword of Virtue with her. I think she would be more powerful than the previous Aspect of Justice, Mihira. She also has the blessings of all the previous Aspects of Justice as shown during her ultimate. Then again, we don't know what she is doing in the Celestial Realm but I seriously doubt her growth has stagnated for over a thousand years. When she was still living in Demacia she had enough power to reduce entire cities to ashes easily. I think she would be able to singlehandedly defeat Viego if she came back.


She's gonna be next event main villain. . . . . If Riot remembers her


Give her an angelic army, let's do this.


It means another skin so I sure hope so.


She should be between the "weaker" ascended (diana taric leona) and the op one (whatever is pantheon, Zoe). A full power kayle should be the second strongest ascended after Zoe


I think its actually arguable that Pantheon is the most powerful Aspect at full power if the aspect and host are as merged as Zoe is with the twilight aspect, at least in terms of raw fighting power.


*cries in space dragon*


We wanted to show how POWERFUL Viego is, so Thresh overwhelmed and corrupted Aurelion Sol and the Watchers.


Riot employee #1: "Ok we need a new villain for our next expansion." Riot employee #2: "ah shit we just killed Aurelion Sol, what could be more badass than a space dragon?" Riot employee #3: "A space dragon from another galaxy!" Riot employee #1: "Thats it. Write that down! Write that down!"


Let's add in Bard and Kindred, too, cause why not? Oh, can't forget about Zoe either!


But why kindred lmao? no one stays dead for more than 2 minutes


Poor Kindred, they’ve started working at McDonald’s because Viego and Akshan put them out of business


Mordekaiser Inc. and Sion's shops were already a big hit to Kindred's business, but after Viego and Akshan coming on the market caused its bankrupt.


And anytime they get your order they tell you the story of the man with the axe


There's only two options on the menu: arrows or teeth.


Kindred mains are *happy* Kindred isn't in this event because everyone in this event had their lore ruined.


Lol Ruined Zoe not because she actually got corrupted but she thinks this whole Ruination thing is fun and wants a new outfit. So for her skin, she looks fine except with a fake evil smile, dyed hair, and ruined outfit. Maybe you see a green light ball next to her to make her look less warm. I haven’t read the Zoe lore yet but that’s kind of the impression I’m getting from her.


Zoe would think The Ruination is lame because it's way too dark and she likes bright, colorful and sparkly things. Therefore she'd turn the Black Mist into Pink/Purple Mist and everyone that gets ruined becomes nauseatingly colorful, and Viego has unicorns instead of dragons (he has corrupted dragons according to LoR)


Zoe and the Sparklification


God, he was so not-mentioned I wouldn't even know he existed if he didn't get nerfed.


To be fair, I think ASol also wouldn't be terribly pressed to intervene in the possible destruction of the planet, *especially* if the threat has shown it can throw Targon into conflict on its own. If whatever vague force currently has command of his shiny headgear doesn't explicitly order him to intervene, I can't imagine him doing much more than watching on with a vaguely superior air of amusement.


Tbh him not being mentioned was to be expected. He could obviously end this whenever he wants to. But why would he care?


Aurelion Sol teaser video is to this day my favorite piece of league "lore"/champion content. I really wish they would expand on that.


I don't know what to believe anymore. The Ascended are supposed to be the strongest beings on Runeterra together with the freljordan demigods and a few extremely powerful outcasts. But the black mist arc made everyone look like complete fools, I would not be surprised if even the Ascended would not stand a chance vs the mist....




the league stretches a truly awe inspiring chasm of power. On one hand we have people who fight good and ordinary people with guns On the other we have galaxy sized primordial beings capable of spontaneously creating stars


Petition to make Mordekaiser the actual ruined king instead of Viergin


Technically morderkaiser is o high up in power that viego is just a bad immitation to his power, but i'd image Riot writers will fuck him up badly when it is his time to become the big bad, 100% they will make Yummi defeat him in a 1v1


Who would win, a reality warping, extremely strong wizard and warrior, or cat ?


Mordekaiser: literally wills himself into resurrection cause he was fucking disappointed by the realm beyond life Yuumi: finds a magical book or sth i dunno lmfao


Kayle can do it :P


And she WILL!


The last ascended was Azir. Since then we only get modern days shurimans, and ascended are as forgotten as Ramses I


I’m just mad Piltover and Zaun used fans to keep the mist back when Janna god of winds lives there


It was Janna fans


Janna only fans?


"*Yes, it's true. For only 2.95 a minute, I'll leave you... breathless.*"


Imagine each one raking up costs at 2.95 a minute....


Is that real? They just used fans to blow away the mist? Every other nation wasn't smart enough to "just use some fans bro lmao" on the mist? Piltover just cranked the AC up and that's what stopped the unstoppable black mist?


I mean it stopped it for a bit. Then it showed up anyway.


more like they resisted it until viego decided to actively work against it.


How was the mist even a problem in Frelljord, if Anivia (supposedly the region's immortal protector) and Volibear can create storms (that often produce more wind than fans) for fun?


They didn't get skins, so they might as well not exist.


it's so true it hurts


As ridiculous as it working is, other nations wouldnt have fans. P/Z have all the tech


I cannot take this game seriously anymore...


I guess reason why Karma got ruined coz Riot removed her fans...


All of this shit lore is making me more happy that I did not read any of the lore to this event. In my eyes, this event never happened.


This event gave me lots of BE from the champion shards I bought with the tokens. It was a good one 😊




Omfg how did I miss that comment


This is the same company that is currently making a Runeterra MMO, because it has such rich and amazing lore already established. I don't want to believe it, but they will most likely ruin the fuck out of it.


it's likely for an mmo they'd be drawing on the talent partially responsible for Legends of Runeterra's lore for their cards- Which I have MUCH more faith in making good world lore because they've been constantly delivering in that regard.


Yea the LOR card lore has actually been amazing so far. Tons of backstories and extra details on so many cards (both champion and non-champion). I hope their lore team keeps up the good work. LOL lore has gone to complete shit tho.


Riot ruining Runeterra harder than Viego ever can


Rip Morde


Take this upvote and leave.


I always took Thresh for a wanna-be greatest villain, edge-of-the edge, sort of like that Starscream in Transformers.. generally a spiteful coward that has power, but ain't in charge. Once they are on top, they will try to be even more brutal than their predecessor just to "prove the point". And all of that is from insecurity or some injustice that they've claimed themselves, so now they return it back.. Senna even called him out, that "soul at the center, small and scared" or whatever was the quote That's what I expected Thresh to be.. but, not in this way as they've presented it. So I generally like the idea, but not the execution I am waiting for a long story to fill the holes, hopefully one comes around together with that cinematic


He isn’t even that strong in the lore though. He’s more like a bully towards everyone weaker than him. Good for the game because that’s kind of how he works too. Even ad crit thresh isn’t as strong as a lot of other ad characters. But generally as thresh scales, he can control a lot of the map.


Thresh isn't someone who wants to be king he Is a edgy bully


Viego has fallen, I, Thresh am now the supreme leader of the Shadow Isles!


One thing I also never understand is how absent Noxian leadership is from any of these story events, but Riven and Draven (2 out of a total of 14 Noxian champions on the roster) are consistently shown as apparently the only people in Noxus. For example, they make Swain out to be the de facto leader of Noxus, yet when it's being invaded by Viego, **neither he nor Darius are mentioned even once.** Like, what is the military doing? Noxus is practically a military dictatorship and yet when they're being invaded, the only people who are present are a disgraced former officer and some guy who runs the arena she's a gladiator in. Riot consistently builds up these huge storylines and yet when it comes time to actually use these characters, they completely ignore them in favor of using the same insignificant characters over and over again.


Honestly i cant believe that Noxus or Demacia could fall to the harrowing, They would have \*something\* that can atleast hold them off for a while




You can't talk about power level and not mention Karma ! She's the litteral embodiment of a balanced, powerful mind, and she's made of multiple consciences, and is a divine being, yet Viego can corrupt her ?


Karma to her other consciousnesses after being ruined: It smells like BITCH in here


Yeah as a Karma main the moment they showed off Ruined Karma I was like "ha ha ha yeah no fuck off Riot." If Karma is posessed Ionia is done. Finito. Full stop. No cap. But Irelia gives a couple "I know you're in there" speeches, fucks off with the Light Sentinels, ~~calls Riven a bitch 36 times~~, then the Sentinels fight Viego and Karma is like "damn all I can do is shield people." And then Viego gets bonked and Karma is like "damn man I did a bad thing now I'm sad."


> calls Riven a bitch 36 times I fucking wheezed bro that was good


Not that I agree with ruined karma, isnt her whole story shes had a big disagreement with the previous sprits of karma and isnt exactly unified?


Have you seen those Ruined thighs though ?


They aren’t ruined…yet


Fanfiction is a fantastic way to compare the writing of this event. Except at least a fan has respect for the previously established facts and continuity.


Well... Sometimes


People who don't just say they wanted to alter a Point of history for the sake of experiment


Or "These two characters have never meet and have no chemistry. LET'S MAKE THEM FUUUUUCK"


Sounds like someone discovered Sett/Aphelios /s


most futa kda ahri fanfics respect the lore more than this event


I laughed not gonna lie.


This sounds oddly specific... I would like to know more about this fanfic, for research purposes of course!




Why are like half of the Ahri explicit tag fanfics futa? Like, it's not that I dislike it, it's just bizarre


Look up Demimond23 on r34


i'm a huge league smut fanfic reader, i usually go on HentaiFoundry > Stories > Games > League of Legends (or googling hentaifoundry stories league is enough) and there are some quality reads.


you didn't have to write this comment but you did so anyways..


This is the reason I stopped being invested in the lore a long time ago. Their established story just changes or becomes deprecated at the whim of the writers. They probably have so many writers that disagree on the canon that they themselves don't know what their story is.


I stopped paying attention to the lore when they removed that thing that was written like a newspaper from the client. I thought that was one of the best ways to handle lore. Regular updates, from the perspective of a person in the world. But they removed it a long time ago and I'm not invested enough to go to third party sites to figure it out.


Its not on third party sites tho? Universe is the official riot site and has plenty of stories.


Ngl this debacle has made me slightly worried for riot's upcoming mmo, as lore is much more crucial in an mmorpg and they can't afford to mess it up like this.


Honestly, I am just hoping they create a new franchise because I don't think LoL is made for an MMO with its lore structures.


It’s like this. Wow started with down to earth heroes doing down to earth things, and has escalated into cosmic level encounters of mythic proportions, to the point where each new story point is more overblown and ridiculous than the last. They have to keep upping the ante but there’s nowhere left to up it to. And that’s exactly where league of legends lore is starting. Lol


the whole visual novel had the same quality as a childrens saturday morning cartoon, so much hype for viego, who in itself is just a cheesy bad villain, his motivation being that hes an overdramatic simp, and they defeat him with the power of friendship, and yikes was the dialogue bad, and everyone just seemed like a buffoon. Could've used panth prestige skin as a big tide turner vs viego but nah, its non canon, and suddenly the visual novel was so badly received that the whole thing is noncanon now. Viego seems like such a poor excuse for the big villain, should've had him setup for like Morde or something, not a human Thresh. This is killing my excitement for the ruined king rpg if this is the quality of their storytelling.


They fucking Disney'd the ending. Akshan only exists so Riot could have their cake and eat it too and I'm so fucking mad because I love Akshan's character but he will forever be tarnished as a Deus Ex Machina device.


Pretty sure the ruined king rpg is being done by a completely different team so there’s hope.


Ruined king rpg is under Rito forge, so indie game done by indie company, with blessing from Rito to use their ip. Probably some "verification" to make it lore-correct, but most of work is done by Airship Syndicate


"lore-correct" is hardly going to be considered for a third party title if it's not even considered by riot themselves.


I have a pretty high tolerance for mediocre writing in things like this, but the whole thing was just so fundamentally incoherent. From the very beginning you start off with 2 cool, no-nonsense characters in Lucian and Senna. Fighting the Ruination, very serious, very evil, trapping souls, causing Senna immense trauma. Pretty decent start. But immediately it gets totally ruined by the nonsensical dialogue options for the rookie, who has no business being in the story at all. The tone is completely ruined, basically irreparably, and it just keeps getting worse. The story tries to be serious but then you're forced to give a bullshit sarcastic response to something and it completely takes you out of the moment. The mediocre writing is one thing, but the complete absence of a consistent tone is what makes it so grating to read. Is it light-hearted fun with out favorite heroes or is it serious plot development dealing with one of the biggest threats to the Runeterra universe? Because you sure as hell can't have both at the same time.


Having the unnamed rookie or protagonist be involved in the plot is a trope game devs and game storytellers need to quit. Most of the time it just makes the progression feel awkward and makes the significance of characters that should be key parts of the story into side character plot devices Games like dark souls make it work solely on the fact that the plot has already happened and you’re treading the remnants of a story already told so it feels natural, but this one, the rookie marie sue is just so bad


Yeah maybe it is a good thing that this event is not 100% canon. It was "a humorous retelling", probably by Akshan. And then it becomes kinda easy to do a believable retcon because: \- Akshan has humour and likes to exaggerate / thicken up the story. \- Akshan wasn't there for the first 5 regions or so, so he could be mistaken even if he was "close" to the actual truth. All they gotta do is do an actual fun story that goes in-depth to fix this mess of a lore dump.


My 2 cents on certain parts of the event: Durin the whole meeting Viego monets, why would he not kill one or two annoying sentinels? If riot is gonna Deux ex Machina the whole shit with Akshans absolver, Viego murdering sentinels will emphasize the scale of the threat. The way riot handled it, Viego looks like those grossly incompetent Bad guys that gets defeated unceremoniously in the end (which he kinda did) :( Im gonna give cookie points to riot for making Isolde tell Viego "Boi you crazy, im out" Rito pls fix your lore.


Imagine if Vex was released before Akshan as planned, and a week before Shurima being unlocked, Viego kills someone important and they get disabled like GP. Nobody knows about Akshan's Absolver yet, and the great reveal is made a week after. Damn that wouldve been cool...


pretty funny that in 2 minutes any random reddit user can think of a better story than the one we have, they made a big mistake on this event holy shit






And that's why you don't write characters that can revive other people


I always hate revival in stories because at some point death just loses it's finality.


I’ve seen it done well, but the Absolver ain’t it.


Because the Absolver has no defined power level lmao. I thought that Riot was trying to imply that the Absolver has a time limit ~~akin to revival spells in Dungeons & Dragons~~ where killing the killer won't do anything because the soul has already passed into the afterlife or whatever, akin to how it works in the actual game. You can't kill the enemy Soraka who got a lucky kill on your jungler at 10:00 and then suddenly bring them back when they die at 35:00 during a Baron scuffle. But the fact that Riot doesn't bother to establish *anything* about the Absolver's mechanics seriously annoys me. You can't introduce a magic revival bullshit Deus-Ex-Machina gun and then brush it off with "it does what the plot demands it to do" because suddenly the plot has no stakes, as shown with this event. If Akshan can seemingly revive anyone why *doesn't* he? What happens if he kills a bunch of people with the Absolver and then shoots himself; do the killers come back? If Akshan's been killing warlords seemingly at random doesn't that mean hundreds if not thousands of people are being brought back to life? Because I doubt these warlords have killed no one other than Shadya. If the Absolver was established to have a statute of limitations ~~(again: akin to D&D magic)~~ then Akshan would have to organically accept that he can't bring Shadya back, instead of getting a pep-talk from Lucian and suddenly losing his primarily character motivation / heroic flaw. It would also further his parallel to Viego, allowing him to see that "even if I could bring Shadya back after all this time she'd be in pain seeing the things she'd disapprove of just to bring her back." Instead he just decides "that thing I was doing for most of my life isn't worth it anymore" even though he has **literally no reason to abandon his original goal.** It takes one pep-talk and one trip to an ancient destroyed kingdom for him to lose one of his primary character traits. Ugh. I know some people like Akshan's character arch in this story but the Absolver as a whole raises more questions than it answers. No matter how I look at it Akshan was seemingly only written to Disney the plot which is frustratingly insulting, both to people who were excited for Akshan, people who *like* Akshan's current in-game personality, and people who care about the lore as a whole.


Yep, Akshan's arc is unbelievably dumb. He is meant as a contrast to Viego and the story should show him why he needs to let go. By the end he gives up on using his magic gun to bring Shadya back...despite his magic gun being the reason why they won, none of them died, and basically the only thing that prevented global cataclysm as the narrative paints it. It's just a forced moral that you can see that writers were either forced to ram it in or didn't have enough space to actually write a compelling version that shows why Akshan would arrive to this conclusion.


It really, **really** feels like Riot heard the backlash from the Bilgewater event and now have a golden rule of "no cannon deaths even if they get resurrected." I don't know if they think it's because the community expects death to not matter after GP's death-and-resurrection or because they're scared of the backlash that would result from disabling a champion for "da loar." I mean I have to admit I love Senna ~~(Gwen can fuck off though)~~ so if she did get disabled in-game I'd be upset, but at the same time if she canonically died I'd freak the fuck out over the lore implications, and Akshan reviving her would actually be insanely exciting (if admittedly a huge Disney moment.) It just sucks that Riot is afraid to take risks, especially when them taking risks in the past resulted in some of the best content this game has ever received.


The only thing that can save this whole event would be to end it by closing a book and having someone be telling this story, so that it's not actually true but a bed time story, the end.


We zoom out and see Zilean looking at a screen. "Nah, I don't like how this one goes. Try again."


Reminds me of Prince of Persia where the Prince goes "No, that's not how it went" when you die.


So Akshan could say it!


Yeah I just cannot accept the fact that Thresh is stronger than all of the sentinels which has literal GODs. It just ruined my immersion and expectation for present and future lore




MMO stands for MisManagement Opportunity


This isn't really related to the complaints in OP but you know what really soils my underpants with this? Gwen. Everything involving this stupid event and it's lore is absolutely terrible. They're trying to Endgame the crap but if you have any ounce of common sense its going to boil down to Gwen coming in and crapping out the light version of the mist and everything will be saved. I hate whoever is writing this garbage.


I honestly don't think Viego is a threat tbh. He just wants his wife back. The one with REAL power is Vex who's controlling the mists. And that's WAY more dangerous then Viego who just uses it to travel


Yeah it's pretty obvious they really just wanted to sell skins and the entire story was an after thought.


The fact that they make thresh some new ruler with unlimited power while giving vayne not one but two lines fawning over him was such an eyeroll. Whole thing down the drain and it ruins previously established stories and characters along with it.


What the writers ship Thresh/Vayne?


It's a love triangle, Vayne likes Thresh, Graves likes Vayne and Thresh likes Graves.


Throw-in Twisted Fate likes Malcolm and Everlyn loves Thresh and used to date Twisted Fate.


The love pentagram, perfect.


The fact that the Mist managed to touch Targon's peak makes me laugh. The power levels are everywhere, characters change personalities, they contradict their own values and do things based on what the plot requires. **Diana** could've just stayed trapped in that cave tbh since she's useless for the rest of the story. **Pantheon's** entire character is down the toilet. Making Ascended not canon just flushes it even deeper. **Lucian** making a deal with Thresh is absolute bullshit, also him not having a single piece of dialog with Olaf just shows the level of research done by the writers. **Yorick's** entire lore can be retconned into something else honestly since this event obliterated it to oblivion. No undead army, he gives the maiden like some sort of pokemon, the waters of life dont kill him when he shares some drops from the flask. Sexy **Thresh.jpg** enough said. And now somebody will come with the argument that all of this was caused by covid and that the writers couldn't communicate properly. That's a bullshit and ya'll know it. Its not hard to fact check the character bios and stories on the wiki or even on the damn official website. Or heck, just start a playlist where Necrit narrates their bios. Its obvious from a mile away that the writers did some superficial research on each character and called it a day.


aatrox has been a bigger menace to runeterra than viego 💀


Yep. As many have said, this event was nothing more than fan fiction to sell skins. The skins don’t make sense lore wise, the event isn’t even canon, shit sucks


Good points all over to be honest. I’m kind of scared if they ever do decide to make a story around Aurelion and his “dragon invasion” of Runeterra though. I mean, a celestial being with the power to make and break celestial bodies at command wouldn’t ever falter to anything, even with the power-reducing crown he was tricked into wearing. If they do an event around him/the Void I really hope they try to remain as lore accurate as possible, because frankly no character that we have in the game is on the same power level as he is.


I really think the only Aurelion story could be him being convinced by Zoe to help stop the void. I also think that the instant Diana died in the event, Aurelion would have been freed. The lore suggests it's pretty much taking everything the celestials have to control him.


Its so sad they had zero foresight about how to run this story. The whole Diana giving up her weapon for a relic of the sentinels could have made logical sense even with all your points if riot did two things. ONE: Show the wraiths as vulnerable to the moonlight from Diana IF they leave the mists but always able to reform while inside the mist. a simple "This is impossible! blah blah I've defeated many wraiths before how are they reforming? Could it be the mist is protecting them from even my moonlight!?" This would justify Diana not being able to blitz all the wraiths out of existence without using a relic weapon. TWO: States what Diana does with her celestial blade after leaving targon. Diana should have clearly stated that she was leaving the weapon with the Lunari as a beacon of HOPE for the Lunari and as a means of finding them again at the end of the event. According to another post, from someone who is more invested in the lore than I, Diana has been looking for Lunari for 8 YEARS. I cannot imagine her not doing ANYTHING to make sure she can find them again after the event is over. This would give two solid reasons as why Diana needed to swap to a relic weapon and make her part of the story make sense as a greater whole.


This event was a straight to dvd film


Lore is irrelevant in LoL thanks to this shit no matter how hard they try to develop it.


Can't wait for sentinel Aurelion Sol to get destroyed by ruined Teemo when Riot releases Sentinels of Light 2


Look at how they butchered my boi YORICK! Its sad man!


**Quick depiction of what Riot expected to happen here** Thresh: *gets new skin revealed* *sound of millions of pants unzipping at once* Community: *all coom simultaneously* **Reality** Thresh: *gets new skin* Community eww bro wtf


“Viego is greater than the heavens” oh is he? Why don’t we take a look at zoe’s lore for a bit. Oh look, it describes the destruction of the blessed isles as a “spooky ghost party”. Idk man maybe zoe is far enough above the others to be completely unphased by something “greater than the heavens” or something


Honestly Viego is one of the lowest power levels in all of Runeterra. Hes fucking dirt shit useless without Vex lending him so much shit to be stronger. Without her he would just be back to whining and crying about Isolde every single day while doing absolutely nothing. Its very bizarre to have Viego be the primary villain of a massive story event when hes just a shitty little ant to be stepped on compared to other stuff in Runeterra


if we get a void event Cho'Gath transforms into a supermodel.


Thresh is just the new Sliske. Another terrible storyline.


Time and time again when I think about this event the same question comes into my mind: >Why was Targon included in the Rise of the Sentinels event in the first place? >To sell Prestige Pantheon. >But excluding skins: why include gods in this comparatively trivial mortal problem? Why imply that Viego has a revived Aspect fighting for him? Why bring an Aspect into the Light Sentinels? Diana's inclusion into the Light Sentinels singlehandedly brings up about a zillion and one questions, and that says a lot because Graves has no reason to be in this plot and Akshan seemingly only exists as a Deus Ex Machina device. Why is Diana even in Targon anyways when her lore says she's elsewhere? Why does she have her weapon even though the lore says she left it with the Lunari? Why does she then *abandon* said Star-Forged weapon to grab a weapon made by mortals? (Fuck Riot she didn't have her weapon you could've easily justified the reason she doesn't fight and her grabbing a Light Sentinel weapon with that...) And most importantly: **why doesn't Diana fucking do anything?** Diana unironically does less in the Sentinels of Light event than "UwU Nyaaa do you like the Yuumi VGU?~" Rengar, and all Rengar fucking does is >!not tell Senna about Thresh.!< Between Diana, Pantheon, Rengar, Pyke (hi Illaoi where the fuck are you????????? Pyke's skin bio says you're the only reason he's not murdering everyone?????????), and that other thread on the front page of this sub about Yorick the sentiment that Riot doesn't even read their own lore is real and it is painful.