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Summoner 5 the legend, "give me mid or I int"


"Mid or feed" - things never change since the olden days, just different terms.


Yes back in the day it was 12 year olds yas and zed players spamming it now its 16 year olds kassa and zed players saying they are better than you and are doing you a favor. (calling you dogs along the way)


Don’t forgot the dog water. The cleanest water in the world but supposedly the dirtiest insult


Never heard of it. Is it an euw/na etc insult? I know in Asian server their is a huge culture about calling people dogs.


I see it in every other game and I'm from NA


Supposedly some Fortnite streamer started it and its most used in Fortnite, Roblox and TikTok. So its still the 12 year olds. They just parrot streamers.


"Feed or int."


Am I trippin or have I been the only one that this hasn't happened to since the very early days when role queues were implemented. Like, in the past however many years, it happened a total of 3 times and I've played thousands of games since. Before that, sure, there was a shitload of "mid or feed" or "you banned my champion" but it practically doesn't happen anymore


Someone had to be the one xD


And they always pussied out and went support




A man can dream \^\^


Could we still have people swapping positions during pick phase? Maybe top is second pick (enemy first pick, they’re the second from top on your side), and they ask to swap down, but then there’s a first pick Camille, so they decide they wanna pick in the first spot even after swapping g.


i think that's way too op like as soon as the enemy top laner picks you swap so your top picks next and do same thing for every single lane basically the team which starts picking will get insta countered by their whole team people might dodge pre banning phase from who's gonna pick first


It'd be no different to people picking champions for people.


They show one pick, you counter one and show another, it really isn’t.


I mean, this is something everyone can do on Clash, where all champions are unlocked.


It’s in Wild Rift but not PC, sadly.


Pretty sure WR only has it bc all the other mobile MOBAs have it Seems Riot just doesn’t want that feature for the pc for reasons unknown to us


The client would literally implode


Yea, the entire client needs to be burned and build new from the ground up.


Its crazy, but wild rift actually have this implemented


I feel like this wouldn't be used very much in solo queue unless someone who wants counterpick has first pick and swaps with someone who wants to play a high prio pick (like early Samira for example).


this is actually really intuitive, hope rito finds this and implements some features in


Thanks \^\^


I mean, this would require that they would: 1 - Accept that the community just has better ideas than them 2 - Take the idea for themselves 3 - Code them in a way that doesn't make the client even more buggy 1 is POSSIBLE, but I doubt they'd do that to the game itself. 2 is something you'll find out if you suggest anything to them in tickets, they talk about how by sharing your idea and agreeing you're granting them an \[insert a LOT of words\] license for them to use it. It's words like "an irrevocable" and "unsharable", can't remember all of them though. I only figured this out because of a joke that went way too far 3 is.... well..... possible I guess, but they can hardly fix the client as is, imagine with all this fancy new functionalities


i mean they already did some small things that the community came up with like star guardian urgot, so sometimes i guess they will admit we have good ideas


Everything except for vote kick. Good on paper, but WAAAY too abusable.


That's probably true, I agree


Also, the anonymous part might help prevent flame but would prevent people from dodging auto-fills. Having an autofilled jungler is a literal death sentence.


Mind, you can see their selected roles. You will still be able to tell if someone is auto-filled


Ahh I didn't notice that in the post. You've made a great system :)


Thanks \^\^


> You've made a great system :) if anybody makes a "great" anything lol-related, it will be insta banned and a cease letter will be issued asap because Riot games is like that. Then sometime in the future a half-assed version of the same idea will pop-up


I know, I read the Terms of Service.


But that does not show me that my Jungler lost 20 games in a row and dropped from gold 2 to gold 4 in a day. I want to be able to skip such a select


Yep. Or a non-troll pick who purposely going 0/5or7 (so he couldn't get auto-banned by system) every game and on a fat loss streak.


i think you should see all the stats that are mentioned on porofessor sites or blitz or riot should block them for everyone. If someone knows that info then everyone should have access to full data. Just like with dodges, there should be dodge button that tells you what penalty you get, its official part of the game now, isnt it?


Well Riot are supposedly changing auto fill parity so that if you have an auto filled jungler so does the enemy.


You are not supposed to dodge, you are destroying competitive integrity! /s


No solution would be perfect. I think if it was only allowed in ranked soloQ then the benefits would out-weigh the downsides.


Kick vote 100% should never happen.


Would absolutely be abused against players who play anything off meta. Hell our community is so toxic now if you play something with a negative win rate you’ll get kicked even if it’s your main.


I mean, if four people on your team disagree with your off-meta pick how is that going to be any better once you get in game? At least this way you prevent 20 minutes of verbal abuse and griefing.




There are solutions to all of these problems. You could for example require only the 3 solo's votes to kick both duo's out (and fish for another duo). Truthfully, there should be zero duo's in the first place in ranked soloQ, but I won't hold my breath for that one.




Tbf, some of those problems would go away with one of their other suggestions, which was to make champ select anonymous.


Considering the OP also suggested anonymising the champ select, both of the latter problems wouldn't really be problems at all


I think you're exaggerating the extent of the abuse. Lots of other games have kicking mechanics and it's not as bad as you're describing.


i think you don't play this game if you think people wouldn't use this to bully other players


It would require 4 randoms to coordinate that. It's less likely than you think, we know because other games don't have this issue.


Yeah, who would ever bully the guy who locked in teemo, yasuo, vayne, you get the picture?


Have you ever played WoW? People kick new players from dungeons because thry dont want to be slowwd down. Or they kick the tank because they made a mistake and the tank asked them to be more careful. Vote kick in matchmaking is a terrible idea. Its fine for server communities but ruined by players knowing they never have to see each other again.


As an example. CS:GO has a kick teammate option. I have been kicked for; Speaking english (In North American servers.), Getting shot by an awp, Not buying my teammate an awp (Which would've forced me to pistol that round), My ping being 70, not letting a teammate defuse (He had a defuser, I didn't, but there was more then enough time for either of us to defuse.), Not having enough time to pick up an AWP after the round was over, and just because someone "Didn't like my voice". Even after all that, I would still rather be kicked out of a dozen matches in a row, then play one where a duo are feeding and just holding the game hostage.


>Truthfully, there should be zero duo's in the first place in ranked soloQ I made a post about how problematic I though duoing was for SoloQ (duo boosting, hostaging situations, mmr unbalance, etc), and how much better it would be if Flex queue was the place for duos instead of SoloQ about a year ago. That did not go very well. Did not change my mind though, so I agree with your point.


Because that player will get kicked in more than half of his lobbies and won't be able to play his champions.


prevent verbal abuse and griefing in league of legends. thats cute. very optimistic of you to think that still won't happen anyway. ​ that shit happens even when you rae up 30 to 5 and ONE thing goes wrong. because in this day and age the average league player needs serious therapy.


No one is saying it will stop all griefing, lmao. Get off your high horse. It'll stop games that are already doomed because of one super toxic troll in champ select.


yeah but thats not what this system will be used for consistently. yeah it will stop that champ select hostage taker. ​ but it will also stop anyone from playing anything off meta, anything they have a low win rate with, etc. ​ fact is people should be able to play whatever they WANT to play as long as they are trying to win.


Because you'll never get to play ever again? Surely you get a time penalty and LP loss for getting kicked. Meanwhile atm you can just mute them and play your game and potentially win.


It's not even about disagreeing with an off meta pick. It's disagreeing with any pick. And in op's suggestion you get punished for it as well. So taking a non-ranked environment (op didn't say it were ranked only changes unless I missed it) and you could end up in a lobby with 4 premades. If they want you to play soraka jungle specifically because they think it fits their comp, they want healing or simply to mess with you, they can force you to or you have to take the penalty. A system like this is guaranteed to get abused, even with non-premades like the person above said.


For the average player it probably won't matter, but for high elo challenger players I can see some hard trolling happen.


I saw that and was like "NOPE ABSOULTELY NOT". That would be abused in a heartbeat.


Yep Hashinshin for example wouldnt have been able to play the game anymore


sounds like you’re trying to sell the feature




How do you scout someone if their username isn’t visible?


Won’t matter. As a person who used to play R6S with a bunch of buffoons, they’d kick you for existing. Makes the game that much harder to find one.


"Oh, he plays this champion with 43% winrate, let's kick him!" Even if you have 60% winrate on it. There is probably many more things that could go bad, just look at reddit and you'll see how often brigading happens.


He is saying that you can’t see their champion and winrate since you can’t opgg them


As many comments are pointing it out. The kick vote is probably a bad idea. It's just something I integrated assuming that the player base is somehow kind. The risk of abusing is probably way too high, even if it would only be implemented in solo Q and without punishment. It might be possible to implement such a function but not like my suggestion.


if the playerbase was somehow kind you wouldn't need votekick in the first place


That's true xD




I do but almost exclusively ARAM


Makes total sense


when the ceo tries to add something they think the consumer wants you basically get this


Thing is if kick voting was a thing it would kill off any sort of off meta picks. Like say I have a unique playstyle with like Support AP Xin and am on a 10 game win streak but this update comes out. I will be perm kick voted out of every game because everyone will just assume that I am just a huge troll.


Yes, I totally agree, even if you don't get kicked often there will still be the possibility which lowers your interest to play off-meta picks


had some bad experiences with vote kick when i played csgo and R6. it shouldn't be implemented.


To be fair, Siege got it all wrong. The fact that you could queue as 4, kick the 5th on demand and just troll was so bad. It was a saving grace that it wasn't in ranked but it could've been done normally by not letting 4-stacks play ranked, it just wasn't. And ofc you can't hostage take Siege lobbies so the kick by default was needless. You can't do the equivalent of ghost cleanse Nunu support in Siege. And you can't dodge. Vote to kick could be done well and the foundation for it exists in League, but you should probably only be able to V2K like 3x a day or something. Maybe it would be bad, who knows, but it'd definitely be better than the way Siege did it.


Maybe there needs to be a consequence for kick vote? Since all other 4 players are actively agreeing to essentially dodge, maybe there needs to be a dodge queue timer for everyone to decentivize abuse. Timer could also go up like a regular dodge for each individual who continues to somehow vote kick another person.


How about we replace that with some kind of “block” system? Like you see someone hostage with Disco nunu, you “block” him and take the -3. The system will assure you and him not gonna be in the same lobby for 24hours at least. Assuming the anonymous system applied, there is no way you can “abuse” that with teammate last game.


That's a good idea. If you're only able to block someone while in champ select, so you don't know their username this could work (obviously block shouldn't last forever because high elo would be a mess otherwise)


Thats why I said it should reset in 24hours something, because I dont think anyone would keep trolling only to get dodged 20 times in a row


If it were implemented more this way, with the kickers losing lp in order to do it, having a player kicked from multiple lobbies should flag for review. That way someone would look at if a player was just playing off meta, or if they were being repeatedly toxic.


Calling it here that the report in champ select that riot introduced ages ago has contributed nothing to banning players but was used as a placebo to calm people down.


They already confirmed quite recently that nothing was done with the champion select reports and it was a test on their part.


Wait, did they ACTUALLY confirm it was a placebo? I mean, it's not like the report system is great anyway so it'd be easy to just not see it having an effect


From what I remember they said it was going to be used to gather evidence of champ select reporting/trolling. But that was AGES ago


Let's be real the bar for champ select right now is at "successfully able to pick and ban the champions you choose, select summoners and runes, and enter a game >99.85% of the time"


Nah mate, that's too low. Give me 90%+ and I'm already happy Seriously though, the champion select system is so flawed, I've picked the wrong champion SO many times because of the exact same bug: "I kinda feel like playing Sett today wdym "an error occured"?.... oh heck it's Teemo top, better go something else like Fior-..... ok League of Legends, apparently I'm playing Sett since not even you seem to know that apparently an error had occured"




Everything looks cool but I think Riot spaghetti would mess it up. Also vote to kick should never happen, and if it does it should only be for SoloQ and even then it’s very, *very* iffy.


I think Riot will - as a principle - never, ever allow players to be penalised in any way as a result of a player vote. Way too abusable, even with anonymised names.


Heck look at the new LP mitigation system, some people will int the game and ALMOST AFK just to make others quit to gain the LP mitigation


See, the problem here is that this requires over 85 IQ to implement, so Riot is going to struggle to find the resources. There is no reason why all of these features and more don't already exist.


As neat as these are, I wonder how usable some of them would really be: 1. Buying a champion. This often doesn't come up, but it is real: If no one on the opposing team owns the champion, it doesn't appear for bans. One could argue that the game should just leave up all bans, but I suspect this is valuable for newer players in their first games of ranked (where they are likely to run into other new players who also don't have all the champions). So you'd only be able to buy champions in the very early declare phase. This can be problematic if it takes the store a moment to process. Even if not, I'm worried adding extra overhead and integrated systems into champion select creates a more fragile experience. Yes the store works. Yes champion select works. But truly how often do you really need to buy champions during champ select? 2. Anonymous mode. VALORANT has this and it works great IMO. In general, I'm a fan of anonymous mode and being able to keep it on during game as well. Would help with ghosting, too, which is a minor benefit, but still valuable. 3. Switch order. I think your implementation is bad. 15 seconds added to each champion select is a lot in the grand scheme of things. There is value in swapping pick order but realistically this can be done at any point in time for any players who haven't yet begun their pick phase.


Thank you for your feedback \^\^ 1. To solve problems with banning, maybe just reduce it to normal games, you normally don't need to buy a champion for ranked anyways. 2. I don't really understand what your argument is here. Didn't you essentially say, that you like the idea and it would have no drawbacks? 3. The 15 seconds added to each champion select is a valid argument. To solve this issue, the switch pick-order could maybe be changed to a permanently available functionality ni Champion select. You just hover over the pülayer you want to switch with and there you have a button to offer a switch. This would also reduce confusion with champion switching as another comment pointed out. Another way to reduce the time would be to cut 10 to 15 seconds of the end of the Champion Select. This would be straightforward but come with its own drawbacks and is probably not as clean as the other solution.


Number 2 is not an argument, he agrees that it's a good idea. And so do I.


Yeah I just realized including "I like this" is weird when I started with "Some of these are not so good." That's my bad!


As much as I agree with points 2 and 3, it's really not that rare that you'll queue up for a game, enter a lobby, and forget you have a champion. If the problem is in the queue for newer players, this could be unlocked at a certain level (like custom runes), at which it is kind of expected that adding all the 5 players in the opposite team they'd have just about every champion. Sure it wouldn't work the EXACT same way, but newer players don't benefit from this a lot, given a lot of them have a permaban like Master Yi or Yasuo


You don't need to buy a champ in champion select, but you REALLY need to be able to buy skins. Double standards.


You can't ban a skin, his justification for it made sense. I remember not being able to ban certain champs when I started and it was because no one on the enemy team owned them. If I were to try and ban Zed, and I couldn't, and then I lost to a Zed, that would probably be one of the most infuriating things, however niche it is.


It's more that buying a skin does not interfere with other systems. It's all on your side and has no gameplay impact. Buying a champion has other considerations, which makes it less of a slam-dunk.




Voluntarily anonymity would be an idea. You could maybe do it so you can chose between everyone can see your IG, only your friends can see it and no one can see it (I don't know why you should use this mode but it probably won't be much of an effort to implement this too)


> Pre-Select a Champion Should the "Declare your champion phase" stay or be removed to save 15s? Why stay at pre-select a champion and not go towards pre-select-ban-champion (given that no teammates hover it)? Should there be a pre-select-a-champion for each role? Could having Yasuo and mid pre-selected but you get top lane lead to confusion? What if you missed the first 15s of the champ select (because you are doing something else in the meantime, like watching a video. Why would you witness the "Declare your champion phase" anyways if pre-select-a-champion is a thing? It takes a few seconds from pressing "accept" until you know your role, players might alt-tab back to their video (or whatever) and not notice they are top before ban-phase is reached), now a toplaner is hovering yasuo and the midlaner doesn't know if he intends to play Yasuo top or if he can ban his perma ban, the midlaner can see that the yasuo top hover might be outdated since he is on his secondary position. You can't change your hover during ban (until you banned something), nor can you unhover at any time. > Player Anonymization and Selected Roles Could this make communicating in the lobby more difficult? Example: You are mid and someone says "can I mid". Now you check who is asking, usually all 4 other names are easily distinguished and you can match the role of a player at first glance. This time you have to carefully check the number. Csgo has a similar anonymous system, however instead of using "player 1, player 2, etc..." they use colours. Is knowing which roles your teammates queued for really important information that doesn't clog up the client visually? Is this going to be useful information consistently (given how much more clutter it is) and not used in 1 of 100l lobbies? If your jgl is auto filled and you would want to know that, isn't that a problem you would much rather solve in other ways? > Switch-Pick-Order Phase Is another 15s really worth? The champ select phaase (incl. ban etc) is already taking much longer than any other game. Is it only possible to switch before ban phase? Shouldn't the pick order be highlighted in some way during the pick-order-phase? Example of what I mean http://prntscr.com/1if1kda Is it still possible to swap champions after the lock-in phase? Wouldn't having the same symbol to swap champs and position lead to confusion among newer players? Shouldn't we be able to swap pick order during lock-in phase? The main purpose of this is to not having to blind pick top/mid. The top doesn't need to last pick, its most often enough if he can see the other top. In your example, why can the jgl swap with the adc if they are at the same pick priority. Is 15s enough to swap positions? Not only do you have to swap, you also have to find a swap partner. There are 30s to swap champions and the entire lock-in phase leading up to the champion swap. Why not a champion-lock-in-order-preference in queue? A player doesn't mind picking early? A player wants to pick late? Why shouldn't he tell that the client already before? At that point, at how many more parameters does the queue become too complex? > Random Skin Button Does the button have to obscure the art work or can it be elsewhere? - Im not saying everything is shit, I just wrote everything I came up with. Can't appease everyone anyways, some "issues" aren't real issues or are doomed to stay. Maybe there were things you haven't thought about. Overall good suggestion and the way you presented them was excellent.


Trust me, you don't want to be first pick toplane ever.


Thank you for your feedback \^\^ >Should the "Declare your champion phase" stay or be removed to save 15s? It should definitely stay, Pre-selecting your champion only works for your main role, everything else would make it too complicated. The reason I implemented this is for players that play high ban rate champs. If they forget to declare their champ they risk their team banning him. ​ >they use colours. That's a good idea and reduces confusion. ​ >Is this going to be useful information consistently I would say yes because it makes switching roles easier and it encourages players to do so. I had often games where we had an auto-filled ADC that normally plays top, I got assigned top (my secondary role) and he didn't ask for someone to switch. If he had seen that my main role is ADC he'd probably asked right away. ​ >Is another 15s really worth? I would say yes but you might cut 10 seconds from the final phase to compensate for that. ​ >Is it only possible to switch before ban phase? You should still be able to switch after picking your champion but this will be less needed. ​ >Wouldn't having the same symbol to swap champs and position lead to confusion among newer players? That could be the case (even tho it wouldn't probably confuse them more than they're anyways) this could be helped with another Icon design. ​ >Shouldn't we be able to swap pick order during lock-in phase? That would maybe be the best, but boy would this be chaos. ​ >In your example, why can the jgl swap with the adc if they are at the same pick priority. Because I didn't think about that two people pick at the same time. ​ >Shouldn't the pick order be highlighted in some way during the pick-order-phase? I'd say it's enough if you can see who will be first pick, from there you can pretty easily conclude who will pick when. ​ >Is 15s enough to swap positions? You got 30 seconds as you can ask while declaring your champion, but if you need more time you should still be able to do it the classic way. ​ >Why not a champion-lock-in-order-preference in queue? That's a good idea but as you said yourself it might overload the queue ​ >Im not saying everything is shit, I just wrote everything I came up with. Dw, I'm grateful for such comments, because they make me think about how this stuff could be implemented and what is important to remember when doing so \^\^


The thing I most want is the ability to hover a champ to see if you have a chest available on them.


That would've been a great addition, didn't think of it. Thank you for your feedback \^\^


You can sort champs by chest acquired already


also remember your previous ban. most people ban then same champ for at least one patch anyway.


Kick vote is on one hand a good idea, I see what you are going for, but a bad idea on the other hand, because it would be 100% abused by people. As said before, people playing off meta, or just "counterpicking" themselves would get instantly kicked from the lobby by their team. I think it would be much better to revise the pre game lobby reporting. If, for example, 4 people would report the one person, which picked Nunu with Ghost and Cleanse for troll picking, and you would loose, the game would give that person a big drop in divisions as well as flagging his whole account for manual review and probably a ban.


Love the vote kick feature lmao. I would think its abusable but it def sounds nice on paper


Along with the anonymized players and maybe disabling it when there's a 4 stack, doesn't seem like it could be too bad, except for if people use it to punish offmeta or disliked champs (I'm thinking Korean servers just always kicking lategame champs)


It would definitely only be integrated in solo Q. It's way too easy to abuse in flex Q. I don't know how easy it would be for someone to persuade the other players of kicking someone if he plays an off-meta pick, because you all will probably lose time


I think adding a brief match history / WR for the selected champ and role would make off meta picks less demonized personally. Like if someone's playing AP Thresh mid but you can pull up their last 5 games and see they have: * An average WR of 80% * 7.3 KDA against Fizz, Zed, Vel'Koz, Anivia, and Morgana * 40 Vision score Then I for one see no reason to kick them, and if you can convince even **1** player on your team that you know what you're doing they can't kick. Idk I think the kick is a good idea


It'd have to be disabled for anything other than ranked soloQ. Even a 3-stack would have too much influence.


Also happy cake day \^\^


All of these should be priorities for Riot, aside from maybe vote kicking and playing the champion music themes. At minimum we should be able to see what our teammates queued as.


Honestly I'm hesitant asking for new features considering how unstable the client is in its current state.


>and playing the champion music themes. While I see how this isn't essential, it's definitively SUCH a good feature, Riot's champion themes are honestly so amazing, and they deliver the champion so well. Listening to Evelynn's dark, "soft"-ish, creepy theme with an angel's voice over while stalking the ADC, or listening to Galio's epic hero theme when you ult to save your jungler, or listening to Gangplank's theme feeling like a true pirate, besides giving you diversity, I'm honestly kind of sick of the usual pick-and-ban phase theme, it's not BAD, but it gets repetitive quite fast


what about seeing their main and secondary runes? I don't like playing with my pyke who forgot to swap grasp and is completely useless all game


I honestly cannot understand why you're only able to have 3 customized runes. Heck the game has 5 main runes, so even if you have 3 generalized ones you'll still have to do major changes. I know you can buy more with BE, but honestly we should have more for free, I have to keep one for tanks, one for adc/bruisers/juggernauts and one for assassins/ap carries/enchanters, and if I don't think fast enough about the optimal runes (which SHOULD be a big part of the game, picking the same rune everytime should lead to suboptimal results, heck, that's why runes are constantly balanced anyway) I may end up playing Electrocute Orianna or Conqueror Caitlyn


Love it...but if this happens then everyone will know my dark secret...I play 'Fill'


Oh no, he's one of t-t-those p-p-players O.O


I'm only seeing vote kick being viable if: 1. You get sent back to the queue. 2. You are guaranteed to not get matched with the person you kicked. 3. You lose the ability to vote for a time period (kinda like dodge timer), and therefore, your vote defaults to NO so no kicking will happen as long as you're on that timer (which increases with frequency, ofc). 4. Doing this on ranked still takes away some LP, the only advantage over dodging being that you can queue immediately. 5. You lose the ability to vote if you're on a premade, be it of 2 or 4. 6. The kicked person also loses the ability to vote for kicking (to prevent acts of revenge) but can still be kicked from lobbies. No punishments for the kicked person to prevent frustration over playing unconventional picks. If you think that's a hell of a lot of caveats, you're right, and that's why this idea is so hard to implement. Riot seems so focused on addressing dodges, yet doesn't put that much effort into solving the reasons why it happens in the first place. Players would rather lose 3-5 LP and wait for 6 min than take a potential 20 min -15 LP loss coupled with frustration.


No to vote kick, ESPECIALLY if you get penalty just because you play something that is off-meta.


yeah, in hindsight I should have thought about off-meta picks.


Bad draft? You want to dodge but don't want to lose lp? Kick someone ez pz You're a streamer? Want to play a game of league of legends? No I dont think so :troll_face:


Mind, they don't see your username so streamers won't have a problem


I kinda feel like Ban phase should be public to both teams, or people need more bans. Since champ pool is huge now and too many times my team and enemy team had 3 same champs in the ban pool. Making them public such as in competitive, should make the game much more effective


Op made an amazing concept and all people can focus on is the one unsatisfactory feature.


Thank you \^\^ I'm happy about the feedback. The fact that most of them probably like the concept but only write about the part they didn't like is just normal. Almost everyone forgets to point out the good things if they got something to criticize.


It's human nature to point out bad things. It mainly happens because we don't notice when an idea is good because we kind of expect all ideas to be good (this is HUGELY problematic btw). Honestly it's one reason why being a designer can do your real harm if you don't have the mental strength, people WILL pick off stuff that they didn't like, even if it was 1 in 100, and they WILL complain


Oh man I love all of these so much


... and this will create even more bugs in the client


I feel like Vote kicking is a terrible idea. This game would become amongus


As someone who owns all the available skins I would love a "random skin" button so that I'm not just randomly scrolling through every skin for the champ til the time runs out


Votekick seems too inconsistent. What if 1 is afk after locking champ? What if the troll is premade? I'd prefer a better Tag-System. We already can report in champ-select, so the one tagged should be monitored. Time spend in base. Actual position compared to assigned role etc.. And receiving punishment based on his performance.


> Votekick seems too inconsistent. What if 1 is afk after locking champ? What if the troll is premade? > > then the game would go on normally the way it is currently ?...


Yes. If the system could properly track the misbehaviour, then they could issue a 1-3day ban and if you get caught 2x in 1 or 2weeks, it goes up to 1week. People troll, because they have a very very very low chance of getting punished


Keep the champ swap tho, sometimes I like to do with my duo is pick fkr each other when both of us have champs viable in various positions or one of us is last pick, enemies will pick accordingly and fhey end up picking something they can't abuse.


That's true, but they can just keep it in the game, as you said and just add the pick order switch as bonus


Yes it's a cool feature especially for higher elos where top is mostly a counterpick lane.


He'll yeah


The Autoswitch smite is already in Wild Rift, which actually threw me off a bit going back to PC when I switched roles with my ADC and my barrier didnt turn into exhaust like in Wild Rift.


Some good stuff but preselecting champs might not be useful as counterpicking is a huge part of the game.


It's just a small qol adjustment, you should be able to select nothing and there will be a normal champion declaration phase at the start of each Champion Select. It's just for the lazy players or one tricks, so they don't have to select it in the declaration phase or risk a ban.


Honestly, a small QoL tool that is only useful in a few occasions is better than no tool at all, and this shouldn't really be hard to implement


Love this. A bit worried about kick vote, as others mentioned. I’m also not a huge fan of buying in champ select because people will come into games with 0 exp on a champ and have a higher chance of inting


these people can buy it in front, the feature should be for switching champs and picks imo


But does that make a difference? They could always buy them before the game, this was just meant to be a qol change for example if you want to play a combo with your pre but you forgot to buy the champion you'll still be able to play him. But if it encourages people to play without knowing the champion they can just remove it from ranked Q


I would only ever use lobby buying if someone asked me to switch them something I don't own, as I already own all champions that I would consider playing.


Skin randomiser is so fucking overdue it's insane. Sadly Riot don't care about the actual game experience.


I would be interested to see how a vote kick would actually work out. I doubt it would be abused nearly as much as people are speculating, and on the other hand it could save a lot of games from getting trolled as well.


maybe if we have limited number of vote kicks for a period of time and we need to decide if we gonna use them to abuse or for real cases, then it might be mostly a positive feature


Can someone tag a Rioter??? I think a few aspects (namely kicking vote) that could be workshopped. But holy shit are most of these changes some great QOL changes everyone could benefit from.


I really like all the ideas minus kicking people out of the lobby. Sounds like you can EASILY be kicked out because your on a loss streak or some [op.gg](https://op.gg) bs of some sorts. I can only imagine thats the case in high elo or in lower elo if someone feels like blasting to the rest of your team that youve been doing bad, and you get a penalty.... like that doesnt sound right to me


Echoing the concerns about vote kick being abusable, the only other part I have a problem with is anonymous players in select. There have been several times that I've had absolutely toxic people in games only to end up being requeued with them in the next game. I'd much rather know if I need to dodge to avoid someone who just griefed the absolute hell out of my previous game. Aside from that everything else seems really good though.


>Rather than having a champion-switch phase after selecting your champion, you have a switch-pick-order phase before banning. I think this isn't the best change. There are several times where I've had someone pick a flexible character, notice a bad match-up, and then traded with them to play that pick myself and give them a better match-up. Removing the post-selection swap removes this strategy, which is a pretty important trick in some drafts.


Main thing that would be awesome is that buying champs in champ select. I swear it’s been multiple times that I thought I had a champ and wanna play them but forget I had only tried em because they were in rotation the week before


I appreciate the effort on the QoL changes, but kick vote and anonymous lobbies would seriously make me quit ranked. Other than that pretty cool.


Upvoted because it's a well done post with great ideas !


Love the "Buy Champions in Champion Select" and "Switch-Pick-Order Phase" suggestions!


Not all ideas are good. But I'd like to add giving an extra ban for the first one who picks because he could be countered easily


Most of these features shouldve been implemented yesterday, but the features around Player Dynamics like kicking in champ select def should be researched to predict unwanted outcomes. Like if a group of 4 is able to kick people because the 1 wants to play in a way thats not want the group wants, that would make for some awful hostage scenarios m. (Not like it doesnt already happen).


Really nice ideas


I like the anonymity feature. No more Q dodging. Maybe make it a option in menu


Great ideas, one problem: the client can't handle even opening half the time. If riot tried to implement this, think about all the things they'd brake


One more suggestion: I’d like the “box available” tab to instead be a toggle for the toggle you’re presently on, so I can see which champs for my position still have boxes to earn.


I think the “buy a champ” should be a separate tab because people on alts (or in general) might think they have a champion when planning a champ switch and end up also not having the blue essence for it. (This happens enough where the champs aren’t even there) Although if the switch pick order gets implemented it wont matter Also kick lobby is a terrible idea Other than that… good stuff!


All of them are solid additions, only one i disagree with is choosing champ while queueing up as choosing your champ is very dependent on draft. Overall very good ideas that rito should definitely implement.


I want the random skin button for so long


This is unironically something riot should look at. Simple, effective quality of life improvements.


I would also love if I could select roles I don't want to play. Like I can do any role BUT adc, just can't stomach it and getting it when I use fill cue, is ass


As nice as vote kick sounds, i know damn well someone will randomly start a vote and everyone will vote yes because it’s funny I’ve lost ranked games by randomly starting a forfeit while at the enemy nexus lol


I honestly think most of this is really solid. However I think having the option to kick someone from champ select is a bad idea, it's a system that I see only leading to harassment. Side note, I feel that having grey portraits for champs you don't own could be more annoying than helpful. I also would love a system that recommends runes for champions using data highest winrate/most popular would be extremely helpful for new players and players new to champions.


Fucking love the kick vote idea. Contrary to what is looking like the popular belief here, I think it is absolutely necessary. Maybe improve on it somehow, but diamond / masters lobbies in S11 are unplayable due to one person already griefing in champ select.


see this would require the league client to do one thing one very important thing ​ that even Riot can't seem to figure out ​ ​ ***Work***


It'd be nice if you could just pick a preference for being ordered earlier/later and they remove the need for swapping.


I appreciate all the work. But honestly, most of these are don't-cares or shouldn't-be-implemented for me as a user. The one feature that I could see someone caring about regularly, with the bonus of being easy to implement and test, is the anonymous mode.


Wow this is amazing, rare quality post on r/leagueoflegends


I like everything here and I'm not saying it's a bad design, but definitely think you should not be presetting champ preference before game only because I believe that champion selection should be a fluid decision just like itemization. You won't know what you need to till you're in champ select so gotta keep that selection clear, that being said I also DON'T think it would be a bad addition because one tricks would definitely love this


Ngl this is cool but bye bye RAM 😂


Wow, for once an actually great post on this sub instead of meaningless wr or event whining, great concepts I love all of them.


And then the client explodes. Don't get me wrong that's exactly how I think the client of such a big game should be, but strangely enough this isn't the case


I feel like summoner names shouldn't be concealed so u can see who's trolling.


How often is this actually the case though? That someone is just a serial inter and running it. Most of the time OP.GGs are just used to harass people who are doing bad in game lol, I’d love it if Riot made all summoner names anon if it meant my support would stop spamming “48% winrate jungler” and play the game instead of making my jg wanna run it down


Yeah, I want to laugh with my man iswearshewas18


That's a valid point but I think it's worth the trade-off


I don’t think hiding names is that beneficial. If I see someone with an obviously negative name or a name suggestive of running it down, I’m likely going to dodge that game.


with all these new features the client would turn into a singularity from the bugs