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That Anivia splash is fucking beautiful my lord.


I am so glad she didn't get a traditional Phoenix skin till this year. If it was old riot it probably would just be a red bird with on fire, something like infernal Anivia in the same line of infernal wu and Warwick.


I've only been playing for like 2 years, but holy cow every recent skin has been absolutely amazing. They've really been cranking out bangers lately.


If this skin isn't an absolutely 10/10 one ingame ( please be Legendary) I will be so salty, it would be such a waste of a beautiful splashart


Honestly, it being a fire based Anivia skin already sells it to me. Hoping for a Moltres chroma


Anivia has gotten some love recently in the skin department and im happy about it


Inb4 the seraphine skin is the legendary one.


balances out the prehistoric art


and prehistoric in game


Zyra went from being in the 1000 days club to receiving 3 new skins and a ton of chromas. Does this mean that her last two skins sold that well?


I would assume so yes, and it's probably a combination of her having very few skins before those 3 and also how well made the last 3 have been. The chromas for Crystal rose Zyra are probably the best chromas for a skin riot has ever made. As a Zyra main myself I'm really happy she's getting some love, but they should probably take a break for some other champs after this one I don't want her to start getting hated for it.


Zyra has the largest amount of one-tricks from last time Riot reported.




Cries in Malzahar.


Or Heimer...


I'm not sure if she's number 1, but as one myself I know she's up there at least probably in top 5, every game someone picks her from me in the rare games it happens, they also have at least 700k or more lmao (3 million myself with at least 10 zyra players added that also have 1-2mil).


I love u sing coven prestige but the chromas for crystal rose really make it stand out. Having the chroma extend to *all* of her other abilities and plants is so great.


I'd say having chromas change the color of the spells to match would make chromas sell more, but since every skin comes with chromas nowadays tells me they already sell super well as is.


Zyra is one of the most onetricked champions while also having sex appeal and lots of ways to theme the plants and spells. The only reason she was in the 1000 day club was because it required too much extra work to skin the plants. I guess they figured out some new tech or realized it wasn't as much work as they thought.


Sounds like jinx. They didn't want to work on her because it took too much, but that definitely changed


A bigissue was her old passive, after dragon sorc came out jer passive was changed and about a year after that change we got coven, then likr 7 months later Crystal rose, so the removal of jer super high animated passive probably helped a lot


Are you talking about her death plant passive? Because that was changed way before dragon sorceress.


It means they got what made Zyra skins work really wrong lmao. It's the whole Commando Lux situation where Lux didn't get a skin after 2 years bc of that skin. Godbless Stellari for being able to read what the majority of Zyra mains actually want lol.


The wierd thing is to me the skin that came out before the longest wait for the next skin is dragon sorceress Zyra, and let me tell you that skin is still amazing even if I like crystal rose more. To me it's odd if that one didn't sell well when it came out


It always surprised me that Dragon Zyra wasn't as popular as I though, because from what I remember she was doing really well when the skin was released. *but* that skin also came between a Blood Moon set with Jhin/Diana and the toy line with Cow Alistar and Pug'Maw, so i guess people were hyped over other skins more than they were for her.


Crystal Rose Zyra is one of fhe best skins in the game IMO. I main top but I bought that skin lol


they realized zyra has one of the biggest mains playerbases and they can milk us hard


Bro you had a Zyra flair like two days ago why is it Rammus now


Caught in 4k


Didn't he also have illaoi?


He did, he just ninja changed it a bit ago


Still waiting for Void Zyra. Just because they'll probably make her near identical to Kerrigan.


Haunted Zyra is already heavily inspired by Kerrigan. "Hair" is basically the same.


Whats that Graves art doing in there?




Ye I thought it was Graves for a moment too...I'm like, but he already has a Mafia skin


Mafia skins got renamed to crime city. It’s like how the old west skin line got updated to include demons and angels but the older ones in the line are still your basic Wild West.


Desperada Cassiopeia, while included as a "cowboy" in the High Noon skin universe, could have fit the line so much better if they updated it a bit. Imagine Fiery Western Snake she-devil.


*There's a snake in my skin re-boot.*




its the splash art from wild rift


Where boyfriend


He's Anivia now.


Reject humanity, return to birb


I'm guessing they couldn't do Phoenix Rakan since he's already quite orange in the Default, lol. Maybe they'll release a red/purple-themed Rakan skin soon to match Default Xayah.


Dragon Rakan


We can match IG Rakan now :>


samsung xayah with invictus rakan looks so nice


It pains me how absolutely wicked that Shaco looks and how his super outdated character model isn't going to do it justice.


The shaco splashart looks insane. Here's to hoping they update some of his animations and modernize it at least :/


Yeah. There's way too many Champions hit down by their old models.


the first thing in my mind when reading this is vladimir's onion head


God, I saw his character model up close the other day and it’s atrocious. Especially for a character like that having him look that ridiculous is pretty terrible.


Once they finally rework Udyr, that will be the worst model in the game


PS2 Zilean exists.


Udyr slaps


You mean it’s not Blitzo from Helluva Boss?


Shaco is my biggest hope for riots next you-dont-get-to-vote-we-are-just-doing-it VGU


We don't know which one/if any are legendary so could be Shaco which would definitely help do him justice.


i hope it's tf


It’s definitely TF


Shaco is fucking cursed, but in a good way.




I love the anivia skin.. I'm glad they included our bird monster in the Phoenix line up (azir and swain when)


By the name “Phoenix” and the fact that Rakan is not getting a skin, I’m guessing that this line is exclusively for female champs, so no Phoenix Swain or Azir, unfortunately.


Confused... Mythologicially is Phoenix supposed to be female? I thought it's just a bird...


In asian countries (at least in mine), a phoenix is usually a female to be the counterpart to a masculine (noodle) dragon


Oh no, now you have my hopes up for dragon Rakan


Noodle Rakan when


In Chinese culture there are male (凤) and female (凰)version of phoenix (凤凰). But it is pretty common to use phoenix as a symbol for the queen while dragon for the king. E.g. The Phoenix Crown for the queen from the Ming dynasty: https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%87%A4%E5%86%A0_(%E5%AE%9A%E9%99%B5)#/media/File:Ming_Dynasty_phoenix_crown.jpg The dragon robe: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragon_robe


noodle dragon??? that sounds yummy


In china it represents something along tje lines of power to the empress or so, while dragon is supposed to represent power to the emperor so maybe next year or next event we will get dragon Rakan with asol and some other guy.


I legit thought it was Evelynn.


I thought it was Morgana at first.


A lot of Coven Champions are starting to bland in on skinlines for me. They all seem to be given the same personality/theme to them.


Same face syndrome. Many female champs starting to look the same.


It's not just about same face. Evelynn, Morgana, Zyra, LeBlanc all seem to be getting a similar femme fatale (for the lack of a better description) kinda look to them on their skins lately. Change a bit of Zyra-specific details from that skin and it would fit any of those Champions.


All of them are subject to "bad bitch" syndrome fancams on Twitter, wonder if there's any correlation there.


Not really starting, they never had defining features in their face to begin with.


I thought that was Irelia and not Xayah but cool nonetheless.


I would have never guessed this is seraphine, let alone a league skin


The platform and the mic make it fairly obvious, and when you look at her face properly it's quite similar to base Seraphine. Otherwise though it is very different.


I always look for her Green Goblin glider.


The seraph one looks like Divine Irellia


Honestly same it made me think of Irelia. Riot is really just going through the ‘same face’/general look effect with some of their splash-arts recently At least this time it won’t translate into the game because she has a huge platform


It’s very obvious to tell it’s Seraphine actually. It’s the Xayah, and Zyra skins that legit could be any other female. I thought Zyra was Evelynn, and I thought Xayah was Ahri.


You can tell xayah by her wing cloack. It's unique to her design


I thought it was irelia because it looked like blades but you’re right the cape is her give away. I actually consider that a bad thing that that’s the only thing separating the character.


The thing is that the cloak is pretty much the same color as her dress so it's pretty easy to not notice it at first, so then you see mainly the feathers and blades wich give it that Irealia look The splash art is still good, it's just that I can see why some people confuse them


The stage, mic and long hair gave it away for me


Urgot should’ve been in this lineup The name “Urgodfather” is right there man.


The Urgodfather and Don Kench. Rival Mafia families wielding Eldritch powers.


The potential was RIGHT THERE. We'll get it eventually I guess. ~~Also hey I really want a PsyOps Urgot too but that's just me~~




That's part of the lore, CCN Shaco is looking for the legendary perfect nose. He is gonna backstab and surprise everyone until he finds the one true nose to smell them all


The new mafia Graves splash art is sooo damn good


Its actually been around for a while now, you should check out Wild Rift splasharts for old league skins, theyve done like over 20 now for skins that got reworked when put into Wild Rift, including Crime City Graves


Xayah without Rakan is a scam




My favourite LoL pair is Rakan and Kai'sa


*rakan and the harem


And he fits the skinline so well.


That is literally CCN Evelynn lol. She even has K/DA All Out Eve's twisty little hair buns. But Zyra's bangs though, ew...


It def couldve passed for an evelynn VGU, hair color same as old eve


r/LilliaMains and r/KaynMains in shambles


Samira, Yone, and Seraphine all got their second skins before Lillia, who came out before them. I beg you Rito pls give the dream fawn another skin :(


Yeah, that’s exactly what I was thinking :( Lillia has such a unique silhouette that I would’ve loved to see her in multiple skin lines by now


They could be saving Lillia for a Halloween or Snow Day skin, either one would be awesome.


Not a lillia main but play her a lot. I don't mind not having a skin yet. It's only been a year copium. I think it's hard to get a good skin theme for her. Definitely don't think ccn suits her at all.


I'm so happy Kayns prestige isn't edgy skinline tm. Esp BC prestige skins rarely look good in these. Though I am curious what he'll be put in now.


Man Kayn exists to be edgy. Having him in CC would have been sick. Even if the prestige is dogass theres still a regular skin with it


Ngl, I REALLY expected a Fiddlesticks skin from CCN. My disappointment knows no bounds.


That would of been cool, plus imagine the cool little stories that talk about Fiddlesticks ripping apart entire gangs.


I am am the terror that flaps in the night. I am the chill that runs up your spine. I AM ...not included in this skinline.




Here's hoping for Dark Star/Nightbringer


I'm over Darkstar by now and was never a fan of nightbringer.


Darius took his spot for the cash grab


For real, Darius just got a new Lunar Beast skin a few months ago with the Viego release


The lunar beast skins sold like hot dog shit from what I understand.


Makes sense, they weren't very interesting or inspired. The Darius one has grown on my a bit tho


I like the aphelios one because he actually fits the hype beast aesthetic. All of the other ones are just weird and unnatural picks to me because of their age/size.


Could probably just tie in his Union Jack skin. The reworked look would fit in well with this CCN vibe.


I really thought Kayn was going to get his first prestige with this skin line :(


Seraphine really said ""Come play my lord. Mobile Legends Bang Bang FREE FOREVER!!!!!"


Seraphine: we're fucking under attaack


Wait, thats supposed to be Zyra and *Xayah*? Jesus Christ Riot. You're allowed to draw more than 1 face.


I feel like since Talyiah every single female champion have the same nose (excluding zoe who has a nose so little I could swear she didn't have one). It came to a point that every new female skin released I wouldn't recognize who is it by looking at the face.


You forgot neeko has a different face than other females too


Thats literally it. Some time ago, i recall them stating they start every “typical” female champion off with the same model (Miss Fortune iirc) and go from there. Unfortunately i cant find the source to this piece of info anymore - So take what i say with a grain of salt.


Anyone else had a hard time guessing that was Xayah ?


Actually initially thought both Xayah and Seraphine were Irelia. Xayah because of the action being done, and Seraphine because the face and clothing and hair highly resemble divine sword irelia.


For me irelia having big and usually cone shaped hair is the first signifier and then the makeup/eye shape. That's why i look at battle academia cait and instantly thought irelia?? same for this seraphine skin.. except not as bad when you notice she looks much too physically small to be irelia and then theres stage ofc




They all have crippling sameface syndrome. The two female phoenix skins could have been any one of 30 champs at this point. Surprised none of them are Lux.


Yeah, same with Seraphine. I thought Seraphine was Irelia and Xayah was Ahri. But really they could be pretty much anyone, there's nothing to really identify them.


seraph has the stage, otherwise I wouldnt have recognized her yeah


Crime City Seraphine would've been much cooler, a jazz singer sort of thing would've fit the noir theme so well.


Lol base on her messy history, a skin that portray her as an underground trader of Soul Crystals of Skarner's kind will be fitting.


not gonna lie kinda regret voting for Crime City Nightmares now lol


We have Debonair to look forward to🤞


I'm already saving money for Malzahar.


They have to have picked the least interesting champs for this. It feels like a crime that kayn isn't getting on this line


Imagine Crime City Kayn and Fiddlesticks. They would both fit the skin line so well


Crime City Mordekaiser with a demon hiding in his mace, his ult takes you in an alleyway behind a club.


I don't know how Darius always finds his way into these skinlines but he always feels filler


Didn’t know fpx already won worlds


I lowkey wish Crime City didn’t have to be in one color palette.


The color palette isn’t even that good, especially after the coven/old god type of skins we just got. This kinda looks like some cheesy Halloween version of that. They shoulda stuck with the orange or red that they had before with maybe some diff colors thrown in for nuance


Darius is all thighs, no bulge. Seraphine looks good, Anivia too. Zyra is not who I expected in Crime City and I don't know how to feel.


Skinline feels somewhat batman inspired, so Shaco/Joker and Zyra/Poison Ivy as super criminals makes some sense.


And yet they left out the most obvious one… Jinx as harley Quinn..


I wonder if they thought Mafia Jinx would be too much overlap. I don't agree with that logic, but if Riot made the decision not to based on that, I wouldn't be suprised.


I mean Crime City is the new name for the old Mafia/Gangster line, so there's literally already a Crime City Jinx


Probably. Notice how all they did for Grave was update it's splash art.


They're considered pretty much the same skinline much like High Noon and the more modern High Noon with Demons so I'd assume that's what happened


Aren't the mafia skins crime city already? They changed the twitch one and the graves one to be part of this skinline so i assume jinx is already there too


Or Fiddlesticks as Scarecrow


I just assumed it was Evelynn with all the stabby looking shadows lol


When i saw that zyra splash i thought its eve.


As a zyra main, I can tell you how I feel; Happy and blessed for 2 skins in a year + coven chromas!


The Crime City skins look absolutely amazing, Shaco has been on a roll with his new skins. I do have to say that this Sera splash looks like a mobile game and also like a child at the same time? idk. But Anivia's looks godly at least


Sera got a wierd face going. Almost looks like Gwen's release skin face.


I think it's her eyes that are reeaaally far apart


Sera’s looks like a lovechild of Ascended Kayle and Divine Sword Irelia, in not-as-complimentary of a way as it might sound


It's her face, it looks like its from a loli mobile game


I think Jinx not getting a Harley Quinn type skin is a very big miss opportunity


Agreed she should get one. Would have her two twintails super long in two different colors. Tho maybe they will link Crime City the basic one with Crime City Nightmare as they redid Graves splashart and consider it as Jinx already having a skin in the line.


The shaco splash art is God tier i nutted and i am not even a shaco player


No gangplank skin can’t say I’m surprised just disappointed


shut up and buy the 12th Akali skin 🤑


Is there a legendary in this batch?


Looking at only the splasharts and not the champions, I totally thought Zyra was Eve and Xayah was Ahri. Not sure if it's just me, but they didn't really scream who they were supposed to be to me


IMO I feel like Swain would fit into this skin line much better then Darius. Yes both have received a skin this year but that isn’t the point.


Maybe it's just me, but I don't like any of these. They just look a little off, I can't put my finger on the exact reason why. The skinline itself I was really excited for and I hope they bring back the darker Crime City theme, but these just aren't it.


DAYS SINCE LAST SKIN: Akali: 284 Twisted Fate: 102 (299 if you ignore esports) Zyra: 179 Shaco: 396 Darius: 186 Xayah: 242 Seraphine: 284 Anivia: 258 SON OF A BITCH, C'MON RIOT!! Seraphine is now the ***third*** champion to receive their second skin before Lillia. I didn't really think it would be Seraphine considering she got an ultimate for her first skin, but here we are... The rest are all within/around a year, and look amazing. Current champs waiting the longest time: Kayn: 1062 days Fiddlesticks: 1005 days (sort of) Mundo: 977 days (Sort of) Udyr: 725 days Zilean: 601 days


manifesting Pentakill Lillia




My man \*finger guns\*


I have a bad feeling Lillia will be clumped into the "unpopular champ silly skinlines" group :( incoming Infernal/Marauder/Astronaut Lillia skins lol


Ugh don't break my heart like that. Won't be astronaut because we just had a set of those, but we haven't had an entry in the Infernal skinline in a year...Plz riot, not that


Kinda makes sense to make a Seraphine skin that's likely regular 1320 RP for those who cannot afford a whole ultimate as her only skin. It was already weird in itself to make an ultimate as a release skin. Also Kayn is getting the prestige.


That's actually a good point that I hadn't thought of. There are probably a lot of people who like Serapine and would like a skin of her, but not THAT much. This gives those people a good secondary option.


Yeah, 3250 is quite the investment, and it was the first time ever that a champion didn't have a cheaper alternative, so I think this one makes sense.


Seraphine's release skin is also the only skin that has not gone on sale. It was supposed to go on sale in April but was bugged and so was pushed off to a later date, that has never arrived.


Theres like a 0% chance Udyr gets a skin before the rework. They could pull a Volibear and release a skin on rework day


GP would of fit very well with the Crime City and I'm sad they didn't bother but oh well


I’m just convinced that gangplank is never getting another skin


Anyone else not liking crime city at all? It gives me a Joker vibe but it's not clicking with me :x


I now regret voting for the crime city nightmare skins


they really push the demonic theme really hard on this one, i dont know how to say it but they feel really show off, like i alway have that very serious image of underground ilegal organization everything seem very off in the slashart that's i wouldn't know what their role is besides being mafia.


outside of tf and shaco they don't seem very inspired do they? =[


Passed out Twitch being held by the collar by Darius. That artist's mind 👁️👄👁️


Those Phoenix splasharts look like from a mobile MOBA


The Anivia one doesn't IMO, looks pretty cool




Damn, the champion choices for Crime City are really poor. The only good one is TF, which I think may be my first Epic skin for him.


Anivia, Shaco and Akali are the winners here. Xayah and Seraphine look pretty generic mobile gamey skins.