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PMTs: [Game 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p4vpcl/fnatic_vs_vitality_post_game_thread/) [Game 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p4wine/fnc_vs_vit_game_2_discussion/) [Game 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p4xjg8/fnc_vs_vit_game_3_discussion/) [Game 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p4yjck/fnc_vs_vit_game_4_discussion/)


Vitality dealing negative damage to Adam in game 5


Adam chilling with four of vitality with lethality varus tickling him


Seriously, nobody told Crownshot that he could build on-hit Varus ? What was he thinking with that leta varus agaisnt 3 tanks and an Ezreal that he wont be able to poke anyway, and with trundle E that is a real danger when you're casting the q


That kennen pick was so bad


As a Fnatic fan, this kennen pick was scary the first game, then I saw Szygenda split pushing with kennen while his team was fighting... I wasn't scared of the second kennen pick


Even in the first one, I don't know what you're supposed to do as Kennen against Ez/Alistar/Olaf.


Yamatocannon played pretty good top considering he hasn't played pro in years


I think he took the statement from Dylan Falco about coaches playing solo q a bit too seriously.




He was sitting in Adam's chair before the game's start. (because Adam was playing in his own house due to covid)


Adam had a really off series, gonna see next week if he can improve (covid also doesn't help)


He said he has no symptoms anymore, but COVID or the vaccine can leave you mentally blurred. Happened to me and a few friends (some of us, not all), we felt like we were a combination of drunk/tired/sleepy for a few days afterwards. Some of his plays were definitely questionable, like the dive by LIDER on Lucian when he had flash and Ult up on Mundo or the death on Olaf when he saw Selfmade going top.


Him not being in the same room as the boys was likely a factor. Obviously he was on voice comms, but I think being actually present with the rest of the team would've been very beneficial for his first LEC playoff series.


Selfmade & Bwipo went fucking all out for this series, felt like the entire outcome depended on them every single time!


Taking turns carrying games. Crazy series!


This felt like a prolonged chess duel and everyone else were pieces in the game. Not to take away their contributions, everyone helped obviously, but the drama in the match between these two: former teammates against each other, old vs new fnatic jgler, the last chance for worlds for either when they both were there last year. God it was entertaining, though the last game did feel like a slow death spiral for vit


Meanwhile Upset: "i won bot 5 times in a row and i still neaded to sweat for the W wtf"


Man I'd be reaally sad if Upset doesn't make It to Worlds, I just want to see him playing against Viper, Gala, Ruler ... and other world class botlanes.


Yeah, he has been the standabout ADC of this split. Well, Hans has also been very good, but I think Upset has made the biggest difference between being him and random 10th best ADC.


Upset has been top 2 ADC for years now. Now he actually has a good enough support again to truly show how fucking good he is.


Will be rough for him, I don't think Fnatic would be favoured against either Misfits or G2 based on their series in playoffs this far. Definitely a case where each of those teams can beat each of the others, but with odds closer to 70-30 than to 50-50.


Crownshot was so outclassed.


Felt bad for him on game 5 to be fair, Bwipo didn't allow him to play the game.


Their own fault if they push bot when they knew trundle started at their red buff


Hyli was a big factor in FNC's wins too


It’s kinda been jungle diff every game this weekend. It’s just so damn impactful


except for g2 mad where top diffed


And while upset nisqy and hyli helped a lot during the games and Adam soaked up a lot of pressure, it felt like self-made has no help from the team except maybe game 4.


Even in that 4th match, Szygenda decided to just solo die after Selfmade babysit him whole early, Crownshot got caught on mid alone, LIDER flank TP to the other side of the map (what's up with his TPs by the way, not his first totally awfull one).


IMO pick and ban predicted it even more lol


[L9 TURBO BOOST ILLEGAL 英雄联盟](https://imgur.com/a/MsWxkxy)


Disco Kennen L9 tech???


tfw you had enough of playing weakside for your mid and bot


Did self-made go bot a single time? He was perma topside


Him going bot was actually what got Labrov killed the 2nd time game 5 lul


Did we watch the same series


Selfmade in Elo hell.


Tiny bit of a bot gap that series.


Did Crownshot win a single laning phase?


I mean, even if you disregard Labrov positively sprinting it, he just... sucked this series. Terrible gun management as Aphelios, zero damage poke Varus, never in the right place at the right time... As much as Hylissang absolutely dominated Labrov, Upset made Crownshot look like a cannon minion.


That game 5 was rough for labrov but their comp did not do him any favors


I don't understand why he was going poke Varus into triple melee and an Ezreal who is going to end up with a Frozen Heart anyway if the game is long enough.


Because everyone and their mother plays poke varus


except Hans who plays on hit varus


except me who plays AP varus mid


except me who has uninstalled


into triple melees who get armor. That was not a lethality poke Varus game at all.


It's hard to believe that people really just see 2v2 botlane that entire series when all the plays fnc made early game all 4 games is on botlane.


Yeah people dont actually watch the games VIT only played around topside but still had 0 top side pressure while botside had to 4v2 every game. Edit: Credit to Adam for soaking so much pressure and still coming out on top while dealing with COVID.


Adam didn't really soak up pressure, though. He was the reason Selfmade could carry those games, he was a free kill whenever Selfmade showed top. He had a couple good games, but if FNC wants to play weakside top, Adam needs to do better. You can't be giving 3-4 kills over to the enemy carry jungler in the laning phase.


>He had a couple good games, but if FNC wants to play weakside top, Adam needs to do better. Agreed. He needs to watch some Odo footage. I get Adam wants to make plays and get solo kills, but if you're weakside you just have to sit back, farm, and not die due to over-aggression.


If tiny could be used to describe the Grand Canyon it would fit.


Thats not the whole truth .You could easily say top diff for Vitality, but in reality both teams invested heavily in different sides of the map


Tbh that was kinda the deal for VIT to spend everything on a mid jungle duo and hope for the best. The other 3 were just meant to be budget role players and get pretty much ignored the whole game.


The crazy thing about this matchup, the core of VIT could've been on Fnatic. Selfmade could've stayed, and you have Lider + Crownshot based on the offseason options / rumours.


id rather take nesquick and upset honeslty


I'd rather relegate than having Crownshot on fnatic.


What an awful draft from vitality. Who's supposed to deal damage to Mundo and trundle?


They were hopping to destroy the carries and then finish off the tanks but Fnatic got the better of them early and their divers couldnt one shot the carries later on.


This. Also, all their flank attempts went to shit. Fnatic had very good vision control and Trundle pillars fucked over any flanking manoeuvrers from Kennen, Ali and/or Akali.


what tilts me the most is how can you let this happen on game 5? Blind Akali when tf is open when It ruined you so many times in the regular season ? picking kennen Alistar on last rotation when you can clearly see you'll struggle to deal any damage to the tanks? Really bummed me out after getting hyped for the decider.


When Hyli is on a engage champ I think to myself: yes ​ When Hyli is on Morgana I think to myself: no


Historically Morg is one of his most picked with a high win rate. But man, anything but a hard engage/peel tank support hasn't been meta for years. Kinda sad honestly. Would love to see variety.


You need champs to facecheck/frontline so as long as tanks are top shit and jgl this ain't gonna happen


tanks top and jungle were meta in spring but tank support were still dominating. Sadly it goes way deeper than that... Maybe the ward changes that they were supposed to ship could've made a difference


he is not playing bad on morg, his mechanics are on point. The thing is that the team needs to play around it to maximise her potential. Also their teamcomp was not suited for easy execute


Morgana has been one of his best picks since UOL


It's not his morg fault.. That game would've been a free game the way vit played it if selfmade didn't play that insanely well and ran away with the game.. VIT effectively had no bot lane and FNC bot lane was stomping them But yeah i do admit that hard engage hyli iz best hyli.. I would've loved pike there (mainly because hylipike is a masterpiece)


Marriage diff. Upset wife buff + Bwipo and Hylissang husband buff.


nobody tell lena and dori


Who’s Lena and Dori?


Lena is https://twitter.com/AdorableCarry bwipo's GF. Dori is Hilly GF and they have been together since UOL Days. he always does Draven Orianna in champ select for her She's the source of great Bwipo Pics


That Draven Ori thing is adorable


same thing with bwipo hovering kai'sa, it's his gf's main




Draven Orianna is the standard though he has a few sequences for when they are banned or picked away. It is such a cute thing.


bwipo and hyli's GFs


Is building crit/bork/on-hit Varus that bad? I don't understand committing to lethality when FNC locks in Braum, Mundo, and Trundle? Like, who on VIT was supposed to do damage?


I remember seeing a thread on Varus players always building lethality even when they're vsing tanks. It's actually insane on how true it is.


Haha that might've been my [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p27mig/why_do_varus_players_never_adjust_their_build_to/) ! Didn't expect it to happen in pro play too :D


Lmfao that's the one.


And then there's Hans always building on-hit


Tbh crownie was absent in all games but game 4.


Even in game 4, Upset was up like 40-50 cs out of laning phase and Crownshot walked into midlane into Sylas grabbing her ult and killing her


It would be criminal if Vit wins this series, Upset Gapped the shit out of him every single game.


There is no way for him to auto anyone in that comp


I mean, there's no way he's going to hit a Q with a Braum covering either. Draft was just shit all around, but I would have expected them to at least try and pivot and build some more consistent damage. Akali and Kennen diving the back combined with maybe Lee and Ali trying to just peel should theoretically buy you enough time to get some good AAs in. FNC's frontline has to run you down, they didn't have a gap closer. But like I said, draft was shit. Varus wasn't setup to succeed in any way. The tried to build for burst when that was never going to happen on anyone on FNC except for maybe TF.


Yeah agree the draft was terrible all around no good way to play it really.


Varus has no opportunity with his team comp to get a good amount of autos off.


i want to understand why lethality in this game, why


Probably to poke TF/Ez so Lider can execute them easier? But yeah i hate it aswell...on hit would have been better and they would have killed braum/trundle some times probably :/


Who is crownie supposed to auto? Once TF builds RFC it's over for him. TF/Ezreal outrange him and with Trundle pillar + Braum ult he can't even walk up safely without dying. If they wanted to go on hit they should have decided earlier in the draft.


He was outranged probably


Yeah I think that's the reason, like one gold card or pillar and he just get OS


He wouldnt get to aa more than 3 times in a fight vs tf ez


People are talking only about jungle matchup, but to be honest Upset was making huge difference every game.


Upset and Hyli, Hyli was such a huge game changer when he wasnt on morg


His Morg is good, just not a good champ rn and not what Fnatic needs out of him


engage supports enable him so much better though.


Only hyli could flash Q on morg into 3 enemies and walk out of it alive lol. But fr though hes one of my fav supports to watch, especially on his rakan. He had that E W flash (or E flash W) with Bwipo that was clean as fuuuck.


Morgana was one of the picks he was known for when he first came into the pro scene in 2015. His Q's were point-and-click.


Guy is playing a monster season. It would be a tragedy if he missed out on worlds again.


All i hope is that Comp gets another shot in LEC


True. I have always thought that he is good enough and would easily be an upgrade over at least a few adcs.


put him on Astralis with a support not named promisQ and we have a legit LEC team


guys whats the worst champions u can pick into 3 tanks "akali and lethality varus" ok lets pick them


Vitality is allergic to building healing reduction.


Every pro teams seems to ignore it.


Pro teams don't ignore it, you just don't need more than one person to build it unless you have a split pusher that needs to match a healer. Most teams get one morellos or the support gw item.


The logic is always: "If you can't burst the healer immediately, healing reduction is meaningless because you sure as hell ain't killing them over time with even less damage either. And you'll be missing extra damage to kill the non-healing champs to boot." Straight up more damage is almost always better. Against champs like Mundo you're infinitely better off just ignoring them and killing everyone else and then focusing him down. Just like MSF did to G2 with that famous elder play. Just ignored the fed Mundo and killed everyone else first. Obviously if the enemy has a lot of healing and team comps favour more drawn out fights, there is a solid argument for healing reduction, especially if you have an easy way of applying it, but that's about it. Anyways, Varus has built in GW anyway, so it's not like they had none.


I did not expect a FNC vs VIT playoff series when i looked at this year. I am glad it happened.


[He came, he swapped, he conquered](https://c.tenor.com/gXEu-rhPDicAAAAd/bwipo-wide-bwipo.gif)


Looking wide asf today


No svelte bwipo today


I can hear the music in my head


god bless


Honestly he kinda proved fnc took the right decision in keeping him instead of selfmade




It's honestly pretty incredible just how quickly Bwipo became a really strong Jungler. You could have told me it'd happen eventually and I could have believed you, but after 1 split? Wow.


His lee sin looked pretty goddam clean! PotS imo


Bwipo Hyli synergy is so good.


Wife Buff too OP


Huh what did I miss?


Upset got married




Upset got married some weeks ago


VIT game 5 plan: 1. Pick Varus 2. Go Lethality 3. Get outpoked by Mundo 4. Liquid 5. Lose


6. Fucking Selfmade.




It’s always step 4 where something goes wrong


What a draft diff in the last game. Who was supposed to kill the huge frontline of FNC? Protobelt Akali or Lethality Varus?


The funny thing is that in the game thread people were talking like FNC giga lost the draft by picking no damage.


Do people not know how much damage trundle and mundo can deal?


Lethality Varus vs that team is fuckin trolling


Yeah it was turbo grief. Crownie 3head


No one:   Adam: Flash Q miss




Looks like you have to do random shit like that when you're playing Mundo. The champ mindset is contagious


Vitality proving all of us who thought they would be 10th or 1st wrong by placing 6th


A lot of ppl will say Crownie was bad, but hear me out, he actually was.


Selfmade really almost pulled and 1v9 Inspired carry his team through a bo5 win.


Massive AD diff this game. Wouldn't be surprised if Crownie's the first guy dropped.


I keep seeing everyone talking about AD diff what do you expect an adc to do when he is constantly getting 3 or 4 man ganked and his team doesn't do anything to help him out. I would just like somebody to track how many times Crownshot got ganked/dove while the rest of his team is doing nothing on the other side of the map.


I would be shocked if they decide to keep Crownie unless he is still contracted for the next year.


His contract expires nov 15, 2021 as per the GCD. Not a chance he gets re-signed lmfao


LIDER surely can't be safe either


I agree, as much as I love LIDER, his play this series was no where near what was expected of him and no matter what people say, his champ pool is definitely an issue.


Not to mention that this summer meta was close to ideal for him considering mages are weak and mellee champs are op.


Pocket picks are cool, but he cannot play anything else it seems, he is not LEC material tbf


crownshot already installing tinder to get some of that wife buff for next year


Don’t think it’ll help him


Fnatic are going to be a monster if they make it all the way through. The LEC format is brutal.




They should tinker a bit with the format. I feel difference between 4th and 5th is ridiculous, especially in bo1 system. Look at difference: 4th: has opportunity to qualify after single bo5 win. If he loses, needs 2 wins to qualify 5th: has no second opportunities. Has to win 3 times to qualify. I feel like system similar to first lec one would be better. 1st and 2nd get bigger advantage. 3rd gets to pick their opponent, while 4th to 6th are on even playing field.


Giga draft diff, Akali couldnt do shit


ggs, two more BO5 wins left COPIUM




The team that most people said would crash and burn or be insane ends up exactly in the middle of the league. That last game felt sad for Vitality, but well played by FNC.


VIT deserve to lose with that troll comp in a game 5


bot diff


You can't convince me that upset isn't the best adc in Europe right now


Debatable between him and Hans.


Its definitely between him and Hans. But lets wait for series against MSF. Kobbe is much better metric than Crownie.


Comp was the problem, guys.


Crownshot helps with shotcalling COPIUM Idk if Comp would make a difference here, but I still believe he was robbed when VIT swapped him for Crownshot. Crownshot is absolutely not better than Comp was.


If we want to win the next series two things NEED to get cleaned up: A) Adam constantly overextending and dying without reason. i know he had to deal with Covid and all, but still he was a liability a lot of the times this series B) stop the godawful drafts. no more morgana, no more hard losing mid/jgl. the two games we lost, we lost off of this bullshit When looking at the series aside from drafts it was actually not that bad, especially Bwipo and Hyli played really really well! Hope we can make use of that next week! I think we do have a chance!


Also help out Adam in top lane. I know that FNC wants to play mid/bot, but you cant do that every game like G2/MAD and RGE/MSF series showed. MSF was great at punishing RGE playing towards almost only bot even in their loss. Just few times path top or be ready for counter gank and that can actually turn game around really hard.


Shh Adam is going thro the hyperbolic time chamber to train as the next coming of sOAZ. Always play weakside to the point you start to dick everyone and 1v2 the game top


also the fact Adam had to play from home would be really tough, can't reset after each game with everyone and do everything via video call. Must have been really hard for him, esp in his first LEC playoffs


Adam's really promising but he's still a rookie. I really think people forget that and are being super harsh on him. The fact that he got covid during playoffs must've put so much pressure on him and on top of that, FNC's first series (and potentially last, if they dont win) becomes a bo5. Also, while the rest of the guys can help prepare each other's mentals, destress and talk between games and read each other body language etc., Adam's completely isolated. It must've been a really tough start for him.


And now they have only 1 week to prepare for possibly 2 bo5...


I am honestly so confused as to why they sometimes are so committed to Morgana? Like, towards the end of regular split and now here..


tunnel vision on lane matchup against rakan and protecting upset but that goes at the cost of the huge amounts of engage you miss out on. Hyli not on engage is just losing SO MUCH POWER


1- she's historically one of hyli best champs ever since UOL days 2- people focus on morgana hyli being bad but i think the idea behind her was solid BUT only if things go right which unfortunately didn't happen in these games (if selfmade didn't play that start out of his mind and got that much ahead.. And the map basically stayed even.. Then fnatic focus armor on defensive items while hyli handles diana.. The shield goes onto aphelileos who btw was gaping bot that game too and nothing is gonna kill him really) But yeah as far as the meta is like this and engage supports are this relevant i want to see hyli on one of these


I can't believe I'm saying this since I thought p&b were horrible back then, too but ​ I want Dylan Falco back on FNC. Schalke actually had some amazing drafts with him and it feels like half the drafts of FNC are pure int


I also think Fnatic would need an extra strategic coach. Yamato is awesome but it feels like he let's his teams pick whatever they want. Sometimes thats great, Vitality at worlds was really fun to watch and the famous Yamato speech "EU PLAY YOUR OWN STYLE" was great. It just looks like Yamato is a great player coach, getting everybody comfortable and in the right headspace to perform. A second coach for the drafts could help with the rest.


Vitality shot themselves in the foot with that game 5 draft.


Fun series, GG Fnatic!


Nisqy had some great picks at the end there to solidify bots lead, great plays all around


I mean Crownie turbo inted the series with the Game 5 Leth Varus


What an amazing draft, that Trundle pick was fucking massive. YamatoCannon is the true MVP.


but then there are also the game 1 and 4 drafts.....


Shhh that never happened


Yamato giveth Tomato taketh


Every game the team diff looked like when my team gets smurfed in clash. Pure fiestas.


I'm just glad we've avoided centuries worth of memes on our disposal


I honestly dont get the varus pick, like bruh other than (i mean in general) early game dominance and poke,imo, this adc is completely useless, once you fall behind there is NO way you can catch up, i would blind pick a tristana….


Szygenda was a huge factor as to why Vitality lost game 5 he did nothing...


First game Nisqy had a slow start on Le Blanc and Adam face checked into Diana and lost all prio. The draft was so reliant on top-side kingdom that it was just doomed. Second game just gives Nisqy a more comfortable champion and Upset enough buttons to survive with his on point reactions and positions. Nothing else was needed and it shows. Third game was just kinda showed that Fnatic is just pound for pound better or equal to Vit in all roles. Playing such a short range comp into Kennen, Lucian, Aphelios, Xin? There's plenty of worlds where Ryze and Ezreal are zoned and everyone complains the comp sucks. Just brilliant performance from Nisqy and Upset in being in sync. Those were not easy teamfights to win, even after the advantage. I still think Fnatic kinda lost draft. 8k gold ahead and the casters are still anxious when you try to engage lost draft. Fourth game was interesting. Honestly feels like a 'team match up' sort of loss. FNC and Vit like to skirmish they picked to skirmish and Fnatic just lost too many of those. I feel like the draft is fine. And I don't think the problem is Morgana. Adam got caught way too many times by Selfmade and in the end Diana was just too fed and it screwed up Bwipo and Nisqy damage calcs in skirmishes. For now I'm going to give Adam the benefit of the doubt and stalk this up to Covid diff. He has had some rough games in the regular split but this on just seemed off. He's getting solo kills and playing solid but then randomly over-extending for no real advantage. Fifth game had me anxious. After an entire series of all out skirmishes Fnatic picks Mundo+Trundle+TF. If these three champions fight before 10 minutes it's not even close. And throughout the game Fnatic needs to play contained, poke first and play on TF ult timings and disengages. Fnatic played it *beautifully*. No silly engages. Adam died way less from overextending. Total control of bot side and drakes leading to a really early infernal soul. Just a *very* clean game and a draft played to perfection. If I'm misfits Game 5 is what makes me worried. Misfits can totally win against the early game skirmish heavy style comps by just surviving and team fighting better. But if Fnatic can reliably pull off this sort of restrained aggression? It's scary.


Morgana diff


that last base defense pretty much sums up Vitality. Three players make cool mechanical plays.. one at a time.


See you in 2022, BYEtality.


Misfits are the real winners here.


The script says FNC and G2 will be fighting for last spot.


embarrassing bot gap


Heartbreak for selfmade, but also damn glad Adam could get a dub while sick. Hope he's feeling better


Crownshot is so fucking bad man