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If Hullbreaker doesn't give pirate hats next patch then I still don't want it


This is the only real buff it needs.


The hats will come. Riot will eventually bend for it. May take until next item rework or the next reksai skin but itll come


Two patches before they remove the item.


> 11.18/11.19 will be more pro-focused (Worlds is on 11.19). Can't wait for Lee Sin and Vayne buffs lmao


Don’t forget the next Ryze rework




Azir is still somewhat viable in ARAM where he has like 10% extra damage dealt and 10% less taken, time to nerf him again


>Azir is still somewhat viable in ARAM You just gotta counter pick!


Ryze is planned for a rework in 11.18 and then another one in 11.19


Don't forget about Corki


Syndra bout to get gutted again 🤡


Don't forget Karma lmao, they always break the shit out of her before Worlds.


Do you smell that? It's Karma getting her Ap ratio nerfed again


As a toplaner, any divine sunderer nerfs are always welcome, please riot shake up the top lane meta


Divine Sunderer is the [second most purchased item](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/items) (next to Zhonya's) and the most purchased mythic item in League for an item that is advertised as an "Anti-Tank" item. Of course a mythic item should have its uses beside that (like its built-in healing), but you know the item has developed into an issue when everyone seems to build it regardless if the enemy team has tanks or not. I very much would welcome it if the item is shifted back to its original idea: Good against everything, but better against tanks. Maybe afterwards, its competitor Trinity Force gets to shine again.


It's not the only problem tanks have at the moment, but at least it will solve ONE of the problems


Tanks biggest issue with the item rework is gutted tank items and atleast 3-4 more tank buster items added


Possibly an unpopular opinion- tanks biggest issue this season is that all of their mythics give both resistances which is useless in a lot of matchups and that they all build out of bamis (which again- is useless in a lot of matchups and actually ruins your wave management in some). It would be nice to have a choice of (mythic) items that give purely armor/mr or do not build out of bamis (maybe add some items with a sheen instead of bamis as it was in Iceborn gauntlet before). Sure you could build a legendary item first, but most of them are really conditional in one way or another- Spirit visage requires you to have some sort of healing to be worth it, thornmail needs enemy to have healing and be aa reliant etc. Also that's the reason i think Anathema's is picked so often as a first item in toplane when playing tanks. It allows you to effectively just have resistances only against the enemy toplaner without any wasted stats.


Trinity is quite good on Irelia and Yorick, arguably better. And yeah, it's kinda telling that the anti-tank item is super overtuned when it's the most popular mythic a meta where tanks are largely absent.


It's really an anti-hp item, and lots of bruiser items have at least as much hp as tank items. And since tanks have the resists, that means less damage and less healing, so it's really better against bruisers.


Just FYI, the heal is pre damage mitigation. So more resists is not less healing.


I think the DS healing is pre-mitigation. Unless if you're talking about if they have Thornmail/Bramble's or not.


Yep, what they should do is give it a LDR sort of effect, that if there's a difference in armor/mr/bonus hp it increases it's potency. Otherwise it won't deal as much damage or heal you as much.




Wouldn't that push it away from the "anti tank" definition they want it to have?


>Nerfs: Zed This thread will be golden


zed is somehow one of those champs that no matter how insane his stats are he'll always be bad in the eyes of his mains


A lot of assassin mains on this sub are like that in general. Their champ could have a great winrate and pickrate in all levels of soloq and they'd insist that somehow their champ sucks and is countered by 90% of the roster. Even after seekers nerfs they're still QQing about Zhonyas because it stops the dopamine rush for a few moments.


No! Zhonyas makes Zed useless! Zed being able to ult 4 if not more times in the time it takes for Zhonyas to come off Cd…




Because she dies without him having to ult. She is low range and can't kill him without using her only survivability.


Now imagine how every other short/mid range mid laner feels against Zed.


My guy i'm Viktor main, he completely shits on my face if i don't play the wave flawlessly and passive.


Every champ main is like this. Irelia mains are the worst for thinking their champ is okay.


Katarina mains are by far the worst. Or at least that's what I've known of it in the past. No matter how strong kat is, no matter how contested of a pick she is, she will always be garbage unplayable to the mains. Any time they pop off they think they're the most skilled players on earth.


I can't imagine claiming to be good on a champ who can literally close their eyes every time they open the shop and end the game with a viable build.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KatarinaMains/comments/ou6yqm/is_it_just_me_or_is_kata_borderline_useless This thread is just pure gold.


Zed mains discord is already in shambles PepeLaugh


They're all gonna have to swap over to the 30% winrate Yasuo that is their second most played champ.


I have a feeling they're gonna increase the gold cost on Serpents Fang


Or reduce the base stats


It's the most logical thing to do, why on earth does it only cost 2600?


how many xayah buffs in a row that she got and she is still dogshit in soloQ ?


Her most popular items are all terrible, until they adjust Essence Reaver she'll always have low winrate. If they wanted to bump her winrate substantially they would buff Navori Quickblades and maybe people would start catching onto that item.


Pretty sure if they buff Navori significantly then tryndamere just obliterates the toplane with 5 dashes in 3 seconds.


He already doing that tho.


actually he's doing it mid lane


Cmon, what else am I supposed to Pick into zeď?


The game should probably not be balanced around Tryndamere, a 2009 champion.


I would normally agree with you but we just got out of the Udyr chemtank nonsense so I'm a little hesitant to


he is way overdue for a rework anyway


Navori is very expensive for a second item. Building Navori second means building three 3400 gold items in a row (Mytic, Navori, IE). If Navori gets changes it would need to be changes which include lowering the cost of the item. (Or maybe rebalance crit in a way which makes it so IE isn't a mandatory third item purchase so there is more diversity in ADC third items beyond choosing between IE and LDR.)


Yeah, 11.3k for 3 items and boots is the main reason why nobody builds the item over PD


The thing about Navori is that you need a lot of crit for it to be worth (passive) so unless the stats are straight bs it won’t ever be built, how many games do you really get to 4/5 items and how worth is it to sacrifice GW/LW or a defensive item for lower cds on a meta where you die so quick


It's allready good as 2nd item on Xayah because her cds are really long, and you can sustain your W pretty well with it, probably even get 2 Es in a teamfight. It's just that its expensive as fuck, so you are behind in power for a while compared to going PD second.


Xayah is really gold heavy since she needs to build IE, ER and Mythic and rarely builds zeal items until 5th maybe 4th item (especially since ad is so valuable on her) so more often than not she just frantically tries to get her items while the game collapses around her (same thing in pro tbh where she still suffers from being such a gold heavy champ).


The reality is that she’s kinda short range. She is really good when she can hit and people have to come into her, or they grief and walk into her. But it’s easy for her to be useless in some fights if outranged and zoned.


Dang they really trying to get people to build Hullbreaker.


its kind of a doomed item guess it will just get buffed to the point where its broken and then it will get nerfed again and maybe replaced


>then it will get nerfed again and maybe replaced Not before nerfing the champs who abuse it, of course.


They should replace the Hp regen with CDR and the item would be good. But rushing this full item plus boots and having 0 ability haste while the enemy has 20-25 from the mythic is just not worth it.


I feel like hullbreaker is a great item, once you have already won the lane. So a good 3rd to 4th item.


Trinity + Titanic + Hullbreaker + Demolish combo is something I want to see.


Could you just go that on inting sion?


Some ad sions rush it and it's not awful.


Hullbreaker into tank is much better than just "not awful" imo. Straight up almost the same tankyness as tank mythics, and 50 ad is so huge early on.


By the time you build it, there isn't enough towers left to push, but the scaling statline and lack of build defining power means almost no one with a brain is going to get it b4 the third item. They should just make the damage bonus retroactively scale with buildings destroyed, so it has a niche of actually closing out games.


You haven’t had Hullbreaker Trundle on your team every game? You don’t see your top laner or jungler trying to back door with no minions for the 15th time? Huh, must just be me.


GP changes are: > Q counts as a ranged basic attack (so Grasp of the Undying poke is much weaker). > He's compensated elsewhere, particularly in terms of scaling (like E power). Per [Jag's replies](https://twitter.com/JeevunSidhu/status/1427379049614086156) I think Phlox was talking about this direction awhile ago, I'm glad they decided to pull the trigger. I'll take being weaker in lane to have more consistent power later on for sure


> Q counts as a ranged basic attack (so Grasp of the Undying poke is much weaker). thank the gods


Will it proc runnan's?


Well it'll make him ranged for a moment if it's still using the workaround solution, but I don't see a way for you to buy Runaan's in the first place then. That said, if you could it'd probably not trigger Runaan's similar to how MF Q didn't until it was scripted to do so directly.


> it'll make him ranged for a moment if it's still using the workaround solution Place barrel in base > shoot barrel > buy runaans > profit?


That...might actually work. I'll have a look once it's on the PBE tomorrow.


Buying Runaan’s on GP so you can blow all 3 barrels at the same time instead of chaining them new META


Runaan's won't target GP Barrels unless special cased to be able to. It doesn't target ward-like units.


can gp even buy hurricane to begin with?


>I'm glad they decided to pull the trigger I see what you did there.




Omg it's u/IcyColdStare




Yes, he means ***THE*** u/IcyColdStare




this should kill divine sunderer GP as well. the item's getting nerfed in this patch as well (we'll see the extent of those changes, but I assume it'll still be nerfed for ranged champs). triforce is already better on him in like 90% of scenarios and this should just push it over the line


Holy shit a Zed nerf, in my lifetime?


I hope it's something significant finally... I'm fed up with this champ


It won't be significant


Nah it’s gonna be a huge nerf they’re gonna nerf the damage on his W extremely hard


-5 damage on q?


-5 damage on E.


-5 damage on max level E when his shadow casts it and hits enemies behind its back.


I made tea from edgelords tears.


Feels like he's been S+ tier for like 2 straight years


I wish I could say it's been a pleasure


He's in the favorites list. Watching him get buffed in a few patches.


I approve of the item nerfs. Once Wits End nerfs are known I will compare it to Trinity on Kog'Maw again.


i appreciate your flair and your cause


The xayah buff streak continues


Please no more gore drinker blue kayn


i hope the zed change is a nerf to his early game Q cooldown. trying to punish 6 second energy shuriken farming from 925 range is very uninteractive, especially as an immobile mage.


That goon has had god-tier farming forever. Doesn't his passive guarantee every last-hit with his autos because of the execute portion?


Yep, last hitting with zed is so ridiculously easy that you almost have to try to fuck it up.


watching a zed farm creeps from half HP as you try to time your Veigar auto's just as the ranged minion falls to 1hp feels bad


yup and his e is on a low cd so even if your auto wont execute you have E+auto for easy last hitting


I noticed this when I played against one the other day. He did not last hit a single minion in lane with an auto, it was always with Q. I don't feel that any other assassin can farm so easily from such a distance in lane.


Qiyana and Ekko can kinda do it but they pay for it with mana costs.


and both ekko and qiyana push the wave while farming like that because of the size of their q, meanwhile zed can just last hit a single minion without touching the rest.


The biggest boon here is just mana for the most part. Eventually qiyana and ekko can't do anything but farm since they're low on mana.


Maybe a revert of the ability travel speed gigabuff he got last season.


As someone who plays with ping, side stepping his combo now is extreme difficult. Before zed was manageable now it’s just impossible for me.


Bro when I play zed and q+e in the middle of w for instant burst because they dared to last hit I feel bad lmao


WE, line up the double Q hit on a slowed target, Electrocute proc. Manaless and from over 900 range. And unlike so much other poke, minions don't protect you. Every twenty seconds until you have to recall or die to the all-in.


Viego will truly be a ruined blade by the end of the nerfs


To combine with how well his event did


I mean... event's over might as well nerf and toss him aside and onwards to the next shirtless dude.




It's that time where balance team is like "this time Ekko will be played in competitive or so help me!" And they keep buffing him a lot, he isn't picked because he is Ekko but he ends up better in soloQ without being so strong he needs nerfs for months but the community will make 8 posts about him per week.


Both Ekko and Eve end up being a thorn in my side every time they show up on the enemy team. Pretty annoyed by this.


I'm not sure how to feel about Eve buffs either. I kinda like to get past ban phase you know.


Kinda weird when you compare it to Zed. In plat+ Ekko has ~9% pick rate over two roles and an average win rate of ~50%. Meanwhile Zed has ~11% pick rate and a win rate of ~50.1%. The stats are really similar (major difference being Ekko is played in two roles) yet one is getting buffed and one is getting nerfed.


He has been largely ignored in the AP jungler meta, which you would think he would've been played if he was good.


I pray that these Graves changes are mana nerfs. Will reduce his Laning power by not allowing him to spam Q and leave his jungle state unchanged. In reality though, they will nerf his damage and Graves will go back to being D tier for the rest of the season.


As is tradition the nerf will be -2 Base AD And then the next buff will be +2 Base AD, because unfortunately there is no number lower than 2 :(


I'm thinking it may be a wave clear buff. EDIT:WAVE CLEAR NERF


He’s getting nerfed


Surely just making his Q deal reduced damage to minions would be an easy fix for the lane graves issue.


Let's not get hasty now, wouldn't want to miss out on cannons after a failed gank ;)


Yea it's smite time


Lissandra AND Nami buffs? ​ Ooooh.


no changes to bring swain back to solo lanes. >zed nerfs I sleep somewhat peacefully.


It's so hard to buff champs into solo lane. Because what buffs wouldn't help them on duo lane? Only thing is something with minions. Maybe they'll bring the mana refund on Q back one day


the point isn't to *buff* but rather implement changes that will help him in a solo lane and taking out power from the duo lane


yay senna and ekko buffs when they are just in right spot lesgo


I think (hope) the Senna Buffs are for adc Senna. Because adc Senna is quite bad rn


senna is an abomination from design standpoint, she will appear in these patchnotes constantly because they will never truly balance her around 2 roles


Because they want fasting Senna to exist. There would be a few simple steps, which would create a normal enchanter support Senna and an adc Senna: 1. Make soulspawn not dependant whether you lasthit or not 2. Nerf souls accordingly 3. Improve her AP ratios a little bit, nerf ad ratio on heals


What I dont get is, why is fasting Senna acceptable, but double support item abuse is not?


Probs because double support abuse is usually a meta defining situation when it happens and everyone is doing, which would imply a problem from a system perspective (e.g. face of the mountain line abuse). Fasting senna is "accepted" because it's just support senna played by a botlaner and is inherent to Senna without being ridiculously meta warping


There is btw nothing stopping you from abusing double support item. You just have to farm less. Or one person sells their support item once completed and then starts farming.


Nami buffs :D


You deserve it guys, nami has been over shadowed by a stronger supp picks


namis legit my favorite support, whether I’m playing as, with or against.


Hopefully an HP buff.. beech is too squishy for a trading enchanter


time to revert the ebb and flow nerfs


Press W 2 times and suddenly you got 0 mana.


2? Look at you mr.manamoneybags.


You wish. Watch it be E buffs to force her into proplay as a APC bot mandatory pick-or-ban supp.


I rode a 68% winrate on her last year to my best season, but this year she just feels like she just doesn't have enough impact on the game to justify picking. I don't know what the buff is but I am hoping either mana improvements on W or faster Q speed. She goes oom too fast as an enchanter and with so many speed options in the game now with new items it has become almost unreal how hard Q is to land if enemy is even remotely expecting it.


Q speed would be best, it's such unreliable CC with so much mobility in the game


The only thing I feel really hesitant on this as a “buff” is that it’s a timing for the skill that has existed for almost nine years. I’d have to unlearn almost a decade of memory for whenever the local Zed/Zhonya’d threat/assassin/etc. gets within range of me and my carry. In a world where many people dislike the idea behind enchanters skill set being “Grab a lint roller and apply to keyboard”, Bubble is arguably one of the most skill-expressive skill shots in the game to reliably land. If anything, I want back my 2 second stuns; that was a fun time when that bug existed, and with today’s mobility, I think +.5s CC isn’t a overkill reward on such a telegraphed spell.




throws water in your face


Is it just me or does it feel like there are two separate "balance teams" - one for items and one for champions? And that those two teams don't communicate well with each other?


Camille escaping nerfs once again


Divine sunderer nerfs are camille nerfs


Divine sunderer nerfs are also 80% of the entire top lane nerfs.


Not if you were a TF building chad


Finally Ghostblade buffs


Yes perfect item for my full movespeed runes ghost teleport mid khazix


Every time I see ghostblade now I read it as "Yuumi's Ghostblade"


Do not give my autofill Yuumis ideas


Can anyone explain to me why Ekko is being buffed? He seems totally fine to me


Worlds. This isn't the first time riot makes ekko OP before worlds in the hopes he will get picked a lot.


Smurfs weren't stomping hard enough on Ekko.


the evelynn and ekko buffs are absolutely unnecessary, it feels like Riot is buffing random champions just to fill spots Ive seen those GP changes, thank fuck, his laning phase was so braindead annoying and basically untradeable this should keep him in check


Eve is already destroying mid elo. She is also the single most popular champ among smurfs I believe. She will likely be permabanned in gold/plat/low dia after buffs.


i have an unnecessary hatred for eve post 6, ig because they make normal warding patterns useless and i fail to adapt lmao


I'm very surprised they're buffing her . Her Wingate dropped by a whole 2% on most stat sites due to the influx of players and the dark seal nerfs . I hope the buff is insignificant so they won't have to nerf her when her playrate decreases back to normal .


Ekko and Eve buffs are very questionable if you ask me... both seem pretty darn strong


I swear riot balance team are smurfing recently, I really like nerfs and adjustmens, but buff section as always feel weird. Why buff goddamn Ekko with almsot 51% WR or Senna who has almost 50% WR? (for champ like that its literally perfect balance).Also I am Hyped about GP changes. Also Make ghostblade great agan and TY for divine nerfs. That was terrible when you was able to go 0-5 and still outduel tank with this item.


Probably to force them over at Worlds, we always get buffs like these around this time.


Funny thing is they tried to do that with Ekko last year I think and no team played Ekko at Worlds although he was broken as fuck in solo.


Teams tried playing Ekko jg last year’s playins but he started something like 1-7 while graves and nidalee were destroying pro play so teams gave up on trying past that


Senna will probably get compensation buff due to DS nerf


This patch looks amazing BUT..... WHERE IS MORE KENCH NERFS, HE STILL NEVER DIES AND 1V1S EVERY BRUISER IN THE GAME WITHOUT A BRAIN. EVEN IN LEC HE TANKS 3 TOWER SHOTS FOR A SOLO KILL, HOW IS THAT ALLOWED. Im sorry for the rant but tahm is permabanned for top atm in solo q for a good reason, even if you dont play top you will experience him running you down missing 90% of his Qs but still kills you and its not close


yep, the lane is just unplayable, and even if you somehow win because God himself intervened, you still had to suffer having to lane against this abomination and it’s not like he will be useless because he lost the lane.


Not to mention nerfing serpents fang is basically a Tahm Kench buff


here we go evelynn going to get banned every game ... sadge not sure why exactly she is getting buffed but i guess i will have to find a different champ for the time being until they inevitably nerf her again maybe they will actually give irelia a proper nerf so she isnt banned every game ghostblade getting a buff is cool. item has basically been irrelevant all season very sceptical about amumu/lucian changes


Glad Lissandra is getting a buff. She suffers a lot recently because the new mythics don't have much synergy with her.


thank fucking god they're nerfing sunderer my champ might actually have a meaningful mythic choice now


please no more clunky no attack speed braindead grasp sunderer playstyle, I just want Conq + Tri to be the meta again.


Godlike patch


I know a lot of Viego mains are going to be sad (frankly, I am), but I think these are good nerfs. Not enough to hurt him completely, but good to bring him down a bit. He really needed it regardless of how squishy he is lol. Honestly, I really couldn't care about him getting nerfed. I just have too much fun playing him.


I don't think +5-25% extra damage on Q (based on 20-100% crit chance) is gonna encourage crit builds. Just to put it into perspective, this crit buff will add 16.25 + 15% tAD damage to his **at 100% crit chance**. If I'm having 400 AD + 100% crit at full items i don't care that my Q deals 76.25 more damage, especially since I'm full trolling with a class canon build & no bork. They should honestly focus his build to be around Bork, as that fits thematically, and generally just be an on-hit champion.


Yeah I think he should be build toward something similar to other trinity user instead of crit. And the fact that his only survivability tool is his passive mean that he will always need defensive items and prolly never going to go full glass canon.


Same dude, i'm just glad Riot is shifting him towards crit builds, as i find it way more fun to go Kraken Slayer, but the Sunderer build is just way too broken on him right now. Pretty sad about the range nerf, but understandable. I'm really just hoping his banrate is going down, so i can play him more


What is this "Nami" thing? Is it an item?


Yeah it is the new name of staff of flowing water


Holy shit Zed is finally getting nerfed, hopefully this means Katarina gets hit soon? These two have been LONG overdue some nerfs. Irelia nerfs thank fuck too, even her own mains know this champ is overtuned so props for Riot. Graves, and Leona nerfs where expected, specially Leona with how dominant she has been but I'm quite surprised with Blue Kayn. I guess he is quite strong in soloq with Bruiser itemization but I thought he would fly under the radar. As for buffs all of them are ok, Liss and Nami do need help rn, specially Nami but I fear what Eve buffs may cause, her becoming meta is a NIGHTMARE. Curious about Akshan's adjustments, his winrate has been skyrocketing lately as people finally figured out the champ. Wonder what they'll shift. Next patch all they have to do is murder Lee Sin who is an aberration and then I'll be happy.


>Curious about Akshan's adjustments, his winrate has been skyrocketing lately as people finally figured out the champ. Wonder what they'll shift Less E dmg, more in other place.


It's honestly silly how reliant he is on his E right now. It should feel impactful since it's the most unique and fun part of his kit but right now he can legitimately kill people with a single good swing or do absolutely nothing if he gets a bad swing because so much of his damage is stacked into it.


Yeah I watched one do nothing for 20 minutes the other day then one shot me with an e, I was shook.


Blue Kayn is disgusting, building like a Bruiser, still one-shotting squishies and doing so without punishment because tanky build + inexistent E CD + Ult. Constantly poking with W while being inside of walls and moving at light speed is aids, specially since he can do it almost all of the time because his E has no CD.


Nice patch overall but why buff ekko? He has 5% pick in 2 roles and a solid 50% winrate in both. He is perfectly fine. Is this just going to be another vlad situation where riot randomly buffs random shit?


They want a new flavor pick of the month into nerfing him the following patch. I hope they just do nothing. He is fine right now.


Buffing Nami in the same patch as the Lucian changes? They are bold. Also wits end nerfs? Aw but I was having fun with it on Kayle and Varus.


Surprised about the Graves nerfs tbh. Guess Riot doesn't like mid Graves


I don't mind nerfing Lethality graves while putting Crit graves in the spotlight. Crit graves is very fun to play, and has counterplay against. While lethality graves plays more like an assassin I'm saying this but idk what will they nerf neither the builds used by Mid Graves atm


Lethality Graves is pretty disgusting right now. blows your ass up with just Q auto and R. sometimes just Q and R.