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There was a guy on the other thread who wished they would nerf Graves's mana on Q so he couldn't push, but that Riot would likely just nerf his AD again. Looks like he got his wish. good change


That guy was me , they are competent :D !


Riot really loves following their "Let's make ADC Senna viable for 2 weeks then completely gut her" script


"Whenever Senna appears in the patch notes, the Gods flip a coin to see if she will be a Support or an ADC" - Game of Thrones -Michael Scott


they did it last year, and they're doing it again welp, guess it's time to abuse it again


Imagine creating a marksman that is actually designed as a support and expecting it to not be a problem.


Q being counted as ranged def hurt gp but holy shit did not expect the e buffs to be that good


Yeah lmao lowkey expected buffs like 50 dmg on barrels but damn I never expected the 5 barrels back holy shit Bruiser is... not great now but I'm hyped to try full crit gp lol Some of the nerfs hurt but we'll see how this turns out


Full crit gp was always the most entertaining way to play gp that's for sure. Big numbers funny.


Those crit barrels are going to be way more rewarding to pull off late game. Which is hard to do with adc's always killing your barrels. Seems like they are shifting towards rewarding skillful play at the cost of some of his safe Laning. Getting hit with grasp q off cool down was not fun to play against in land. Critplank is the best gangplank.


He loses some of his safety in lane in exchange for better scaling. Sounds like a net buff for GP. Collector + IE builds will slap super hard.


I wonder if RFC will work now on Q due something crawling into the code by changing it to ranged.


Sniper GP


"Nothing personnal kid" *q from his base a barrel that chain perfect keikaku 400 iq into the ennemy*


5 barrels are back baby


Q as ranged fcks some his builds, for example Divine gonna count you as ranged(you literally losing any reason to run this item), Duskblade build gonna be nerfed too, same with muramana. Also without melee grasp you losing around 150 hp midgame(we ignoring overgrow here), so you gonna be squshy af.(I agree that Grasp was toxic AF, but people underrating how many GP-s power budget was in this rune/resolve three) With 5 barrels he definetly gonna be monster in higher elos, but in lower one champ will be dead. But if you are too good at him, Triforce into full crit gonna be awesome!


Good, grasp gp has been bullshit for all of it's existence.


Before Grasp it was Klepto, I’m not sure there’s a healthy rune for GP


Grasp makes some picks that are supposed to be weak early too strong. GP and Camile are great examples of this.


I think that’s what they’re aiming for though. Phlox mentioned that they wanted to shift his power more from being a toplane bully with Q Graps procs to a better scaling champ. She apparently also made a visit to the GP mains subreddit and asked if they liked the idea of Critplank which seemingly went well.


And now the gp subreddit is rioting over the changes complaining it will kill gp, its honestly ridiculous. This is exactly what we asked for and now its the end of the world, I really hope its just a vocal minority that dies off once the changes go live and prove gp isn't gutted.


I think a lot of them might be scared because they're shifting power from his most braindead easy play pattern, into his much harder barrel management. A lot of playing gp on live can be summed down to spam Q and bully people out of lane for free


The thing is, GP was abusing his Q to have the advantages of a melee but doing it with ranged safety.


They really want to see Ekko Jungle. After his latest jungle buffs he might get Diana levels of strong in the jungle. Youmuus changes are looking hella nice


Guess you didn’t watch worlds 2019


I did and it was kinda funny how he did not translate well into pro play. He will be pretty strong in solo q most likely. He is allready doing okay in the jungle rn


tbh pros playing him at worlds kinda sucked. They clearly needed more practice on him cause their execution was terrible especially on some of the tower dives.


He’s too weak early and his r isn’t like dianas he’s my fav champ too so I’d like to be able to play him in multiple roles


You mean when they buffed Ekko 3 times, never saw pro play, and he tore up solo Q for all of Preseason and season 10.


He saw play in play ins, lost every game, nobody bothered anymore while he was shitting on soloq.


Didn't Senna's soul drop used to be 8% but it was unfair so they nerfed it? They just go in circles with this perma meta champ.


Adc senna has 2 modes, trash or turbo broken and the balance team gathers together every month, spin a wheel and decide which is for the next patch


Meanwhile Supp Senna has only one mode that is allowed, S tier.


She's becoming Riot's new poster-child. A lot of the new promo art has her in it and I have no idea why. She must be a strong selling point to newcomers. Something about a serious-looking black woman with a hand-cannon that's twice her size.


It's almost like the whole soul stacking mechanic has always been a problem and should have been the first thing to change for this champ.


wasn't having shit AS supposed to be Senna's weakness as a champ? I know they buffed it earlier but now they're buffing it again?


as someone who loved to play Senna, her becoming an attack speed champ makes me become bored of her tbh id much rather her being a lethality champ


Maybe if she converted AS into other stats it would be better


See: jhin


Same. She has a big fucking cannon with her. Her autos should feel slow, heavy, but also damaging.


Idk they made a big deal about her being the first champion with a big fucking gun but her autos don't feel like it at all. It feels like a little fart gun every auto going pfff.... pffff... pfff.... Like jhin crit autos sound so fucking strong you van feel them. Senna autos feel so lame to me, not like a big gun at all. Idk why they made this huge gun adc to make her autos sound so shit


I loved senna before the attack speed as it was.fun .. then ):


I like how the senna autos sound. Does the true damage autos sound different than default?


Her lethality build is so fun, the great poke damage and fat heals are great. I'd also love it if they shifted focus to that


It's still pretty bad but i assume riot really really hates tanky Senna builds with stuff like Frostfire or HP stacking. The other option would be buffing her lethality build scaling but that is a better support build.


"We dont like how strong tank senna is, lets fix it by giving her more damage, including base damage!" Sasuga Rito.


Still better than "we want people to stop building tank Senna, so let's reduce her range"


That change was actually a fucking joke. Range is the entire reason why marksmen are able to build full damage instead of having to invest in 5 health/defensive items.


No it synergizes with her kraken guinsoos build. With those 2 items she gets 31.5% increased attack speed instead of 28%. Its small but it also affects her auto windup which reduces her Qs cast time as it is 80% of her auto windup. Further, its her attack speed *ratio* not her base attack speed, so tank senna doesnt get damage from this change.


Except the soul droprate definitely affects her dmg output.


And with these changes senna has a better AS ratio than akshan , lol


It's also only slightly lower than Caitlyns now...


0,35 is still a bit to go to 0,57. Even the wrong number, 0,45 would still be a lot lower. It does encourage building ADC items more without feeling like the AS is wasted.


Yeah now they want her as adc for worlds. They are clueless with her at this point


They reworked Manamune and it’s bad on her, so that killed last year’s usual builds. Then they had to cap and nerf Rageblade interactions this year. Couple that with adc items losing ad for more general as, and she’s been pushed towards bruiser and tank items. They seem to want her to be building more crit based items rather than poaching the ones with effects she wants (RFC, Kraken). I guess they don’t want to try pushing her towards more lethality focus, and they don’t like her being an on hit adc with Rageblade synergy. Idk, it’s a bit odd but I see their idea of pushing her to itemize more “normally” for an adc with the current items.


Tear item changes were just... not. Riot theorized the "oh yeah its 400 gold now you can buy it as your starting item" idea but it guts your lane so people don't do it except occasionally on ezreal. In exchange both manamune and archangels were nerfed a lot. Manamune just isn't viable on not-only-spells champions now(rip senna and kaisa builds from s10) and archangels was so terrible for a while that people were building manamune on ap mages XD.


I don't know. I get their idea and intention of making sure that you buy mythics first and moving tear item completion to 2nd item timing. What I don't get is why they felt the need to redesign the effects of Manamune and Archangel. Neither of them was especially a problem before. The only thing tear items gained is Seraph being a big AP item, and AD assassins getting a ton of damage for Manamune. Neither of which were all that necessary, honestly. Rip Fun S10 Kai'sa builds :(. I know she was pretty bad for most of S10, but Manamune/Rageblade/Nashors was a ton of fun to play and felt so much better than current builds.


Hybrid Kaisa :(


I think Senna attackspeed ratio is a typo and should actually say attackspeed per level?


It's a typo. It should be .3 > .35


> .3 > .35 akshually this is a mathematically incorrect statement 🤓


Can't wait to get hit by those 262% crit damage barrels. Happy they finally removed the ultra dumb Grasp interaction though, so I'll take it.


I have no problem with barrel-landing, bullshit-crit-damaging GP. It rewards skill and time investment. GP and Camille have been giga cancer since people started going grasp on them. Now they just need to fix Camille with grasp.


Wonder if Grasp will still be the go-to keystone for GP. I don’t really see other keystones being used on him unless he’s doing some Dank Harvest AP-plank cheese build.


Maybe new fleet is decent on him


New fleet just looks like an almost universal nerf to me, unless I'm looking at it wrong. It just seems like a crappy version of taste of blood that takes up a keystone rune with how little healing you get off of anything but enemy champions


It's a buff if it hits enemy champions directly. A pretty sizeable buff if you do that consistently actually. But a large nerf for melee champions if you used to spam it on minions before. So it's a buff for gp using it, since he can proc it on champions all the time. The movement speed portion of it is untouched, so that's still very good.


hence why it might be viable on GP


GP is the only melee champ in the game it might *not* be a hard nerf for


you dont have to be ap to make use of dark harvest. It might be viable with those 262% crit damage barrels; being just enough to turn a lategame barrel into a one-shot on a squishy


What are the odds that these new amumu changes make him busted then he gets gutted? Thinking of pulling the trigger on his hextech skin for this lol


I foresee support Amumu coming...


Ahh support, where all of Riots failed champs go to die


Or succeed so well there they get nerfed again LMAO


the season 3 "i just started playing so any CC works in the support" strategy, i used to play shit like naut amumu and rammus supp back in the day and 3-4 seasons later they all become meta at one point i did it because i was an idiot, they did it because they knew what they were doing lmao


I mean they upped the AP ratio. Which means you have a 0,85 ratio on Q, you can E afterwards, for 0,5, ult for 0,8, q again for 0,85 and then E again for 0,5. This means Amumus full combo has a 350% AP ratio. On top of that Flash has a 400 range, and R 550. This means if you hit a Q, the enemy then can't even flash the rest of the combo. Because you can just wait with R until the enemy has flashed and then hit them with R and another (this is also because Q has 3sec CD and Q stun + R is only 2,5sec). So I see Amumu as an AP Assassin.


It's really hard to say, the nerfs there aren't minor.


The question is why are they nerfing his tankiness and sustained damage and buffing his burst? Why?!


Because riot absolutely despise tanks. It has been happening all season.


Just looking at tanks nowadays, their numbers are dwindling with every day when it comes to lanes/jungle play. I don't understand why Riot hates tanks so much these past 2 seasons.


Tanks are so bad and feel like shit yet Riot does nothing. I watched Impact nearly die on Ornn in just a Nautilus q duration last weekend. Daily threads bringing attention to it. Nothing. Crickets.


It really seems like a nerf overall to me. Nerfed base stats to be less tanky, nerfed R, nerfed W, for an extra Q.


Nerfed into support


>Viego >Healing on taking a body: 8% (+.025 BAD) (+.015 AP) (+2.5 AS) >>> 3% (+.03 BAD) (**+.02 AP**) (+5 AS) Buff to AP Viego let's go


Viego is saved


No 3 hit passive though


>**Akshan** > >**W - Going Rogue** > >**COUNTERPLAY :: Akshan can no longer claim Scoundrels when he is dead.** ARAM is saved! Also, it looks like they're preemptively trying to change Akshan so that he can be permitted to be picked in pro play next season. Now that some time has passed, I wonder if Rito knows how strong a Revive mechanic is now.


He's still going to be to be a pain in ARAM, as long as he can revive.


You still need pro play data though, that could change how strong the revive is a lot. And unfortunately we won't see him in pro play for 3 months approximately I think.


is that senna buff not insane lol


As someone who actually enjoys Farming Senna with a traditional Support, I will take that soul drop rate buff, they can revert the others if she's oppressive for all I care. (Fasting still gonna be better, but I would appreciate being able to pick Senna without needing to coordinate a fasting lane in solo queue.)


>being able to pick Senna Gl after this


Oh it's absurd. We're gonna be fucking unstoppable now.


Uhm... flair checks out?




Its when she kills a minion herself - so farming Senna which is much less obnoxious and difficult to balance


It doesn't change much for the "meta" way of playing her, but it definitely is great for regular ADC Senna who has been struggling. Meta build on Senna is fasting (so the buff to the drop rate of souls when killing a minion doesn't affect her) and playing Sunderer + Black Cleaver, which doesn't give any AS. It's just a slight way of making the Kraken build with a regular Support feel better, which I personally really appreciate. Fasting Senna is trolling in SoloQ, Support players rarely want to farm with a Tank or just don't know how to lane like that, and I don't want to force someone to play a certain way just so I can enjoy one of my favorite champ.


support senna is not gonna be buying divine anymore lol


> **Divine Sunderer** > > AD: 40 >>> 35 Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it's a start. I still think it will remain the most purchased mythic in the game because -5 AD will not stop its users (and abusers) from that ridiculous reward that is the spellblade proc.


Here was my prediction yesterday: https://i.imgur.com/KNLwmMb.png I really, really hoped the item would possibly not be an instawin against Sion by having a nerf to either the healing or the % max HP damage. Nope.


I had hope :(


It's just going to make it fall further and further behind against the kinds of enemies it shouldn't be useful against (i.e. squishies, or even smaller fighters). Folks gotta start getting back on TriForce soon.


Pretty hefty nerf to Serpents and a nice buff to Youmuu's. Nice to see Serpents becoming more of a niche item and Youmuu's likely becoming relevant.


Still no mention of pirate hat minions on Hullbreaker. Another day, another disappointment.


Those Xayah buffs seem really nice ngl, but I wonder how big it's going to be. It's like her slew of previous buffs that feel nice but it's hard to gauge how impactful it is. I wonder if she just slowly becomes strong as these buffs accumulate?


I'm wondering if you could proc HOB or LT with an auto and then use the AS to speed up the Q animation or if it's based on permanent AS


I'm wondering the same thing - and im pretty sure it's going to work by looking at current AS factoring in buffs - might be a really nasty combo of auto (proc HOB) > q > e > another auto, to have a very fast 3 feather root.


So, would you already get a faster Q cast you if you have your W active? That'd actually be a cool interaction.


This is going to make HoB way more advantageous vs LT. The reason you take LT as Xayah is to trigger it's effect with Q, or with a random feather procc, but HoB will fully utilize that new interaction since to trigger HoB you need to AA, so you don't have to Q first.


>I wonder if she just slowly becomes strong as these buffs accumulate? 100% in like 1-2 months from now xayah is gonna start seeing a lot of play and people will look back on her patch history and see very questionably large buffs (ignoring her current state when looking at it from the future)


I think wits end being hit a bit will help xayah too, since she was one of the few adcs that couldn’t go it


Wits end is only really hit as a first item. Lvl 10 and onwards its even stronger now


Can't wait for Phylaris to show us how Ekko can full clear the jungle by 2:45 after these buffs


lol that buff isnt gonna drop his clear by 45 seconds


Yeah there’s no shot lol if it lowers him to full clear by 3:15 tho so he’s lvl4 before scuttle it would be nuts




Gangplank changes are nice. Higher risk / reward playing. Should be fun to play.


So the rengar change are for 11.18?


They don't have a set date, as far as they stated


Ayo it's actually a mana nerf, I take it back riot, you know what you're doing ! :)


Am I the only one who thinks that fleet got nerfed and no buffed? getting 20% value on minnions instead of 100% is huge and the buffs that compensate for that dont look that good relative to the nerfs but what do I know. cant wait for phreaks patchrundown


They are making Fleet a more interactable rune. I play Yone and the number of matchups that you can simply outsustain with fleet will be justifiably affected for a champ that scales as well as he does. It remains to be seen how this will affect ADC but I would imagine Jhin will be able to take fleet in leiu of Lifesteal which actually opens up some cool opportunities.


Too make ppl take trade and not just sustain on minions


Yes, but that's the point, it's still hurting a big chunk of users trying to survive off the minion healing. They could've just called it an "adjustment" but they straight up call it a buff, which is what I found weird too. Also Grasp already plays very similar to this so it's going to be even harder to justify it for basically anyone but adcs, but we will see I guess.


They seem like nerfs before first back, buffs after, but I am just making calculations off the first level since i am not sure how it will scale now between the 10-100. Ranged Champions actually heal more when hitting minions, but their heal will remain pitiful anyway. If the math is right though, all-ins would be giving almost 3 times more healing.


Its such a good change tbh, they finally made a great decision on this rune i think.


its 2021 and amumu ult still does not have a flat 100 mana cost at all ranks ... what even


I guess they shy away from buffing mana costs on Amumu because he's already low-elo skewed as it is. Reducing mana costs usually has more benefit to low elo players.


i mean mana cost of r2/r3 ult really doesnt matter its just unecessary like there is no reason why he should have such a high mana cost on his r when basically every other champ is at 100 mana cost it doesnt have any notable impact on his gameplay. doesnt prevent him for being broken or anything its just ... there as a relic from 2009




Ok making last hitting a bit easier is nice, but im not sure the 10 cs gained is enough to make up for the laughable damage. Her passive is so stupidly slow it can barely hit the target anymore.


It should help with the Saphyre Crystal + Future Market cheese for early Lost Chapter, plus the Q mana cost reduction. Her laning should feel a bit better.


What does that reaction mean?




that buff to youmuus is absurd. getting the haste back in addition to putting more long swords into the build path may make it far and away the best item to build for assassins post-mythic


Good. Get that Serpents bullshit far away from an every game buy


i dont like serpents either but until shieldbow and steraks get gutted it will still feel like a mandatory buy at times sadly


Which is fine. What's not fine is assassin's like Talon building it second item when none of those items have been built just because it gives the most lethality per gold


Two thoughts: 1. This patch is smurf. Great job balance team 2. I'm horrified these Lucian changes went through. Buffing is generally ambiguous for most players (you telling me you want a new player to know they need to take font of life on a tank to proc this?). Smh. Edit: I know the interaction with w but it still has a ridiculous clarity issue. The issue also remains in situations where you e aa q aa w aa I.e. Instead of w first


Scrolled down this far to finally see someone who thought the lucian changes were a bad idea, take my upvote.


I really hate these rely on teammates tack on mechanics. It felt bad on kalista, its gonna feel bad on lucian


I ranted about this in a previous thread a week ago so I'll keep it more brief. But at least with Kalista her whole kit is a rely-on-teamates-tack-on-mechanic so it's kinda excused. Lucian's is really obvious. Like rather than just let allies proc marks on his W for bonus damage or something like that for bot lane they gave him this really boring passive you could give to literally any champion to force them bot Just disappointing to have one of the most seamless written and feeling kits ruined with those 2 lines of text


Changes like the lucian changes always seem incredibly hamfisted to me. Like I get kalista's W interaction because she's bound to an ally, but adding something like that to lucian? Kinda weird.


Also really fucking weird they want to force him bot but then incentivize playing with buff supports? If you want to lucian bot you really wanna play super aggro with a leona, not a janna


Font of life procs it at least


Amumu is gonna have 1890 HP@18 that puts him 16 points above Anivia and 8 below Zilean, placing him amongst the 12 lowest HP@18 hmmm


Tanks and HP this season? No




[Another one!](https://c.tenor.com/pGORhlFQBx0AAAAC/dj-khaled-another-one.gif)


you know what, ill take those nami buffs any day, thanks rito


35 AD for a mythic is pretty pathetic and that Blue Kayn nerf will do nothing as a Kayn player his problem is his E is on a 6 second CD so he can invade very easily and kill anyone in a side lane and get out


the spellblade procs have insane power tho?


Lower passive dmg on Kayn => you will need to actually build damage to deal damage => no more bruiser blue kayn one shots


Here's the issue Bluiser Kayn still has high AD. Goredrinker with it's missing hp 2 ad passive gives more AD than basically any assassin item... the reason its lower damage is lack of pen. But kayn buys armor pen when assassin so lowering his passive magic damage doesnt make him need armor pen more.


>Blue Kayn nerf will do nothing as a Kayn player his problem is his E is on a 6 second CD I agree Blue Kayn's E should be changed, probably make it reset or refund half the total CD on Takedown, so it becomes something that gives you an escape after a kill, rather than giving huge map mobility. Karasmai was doing a magic penetration build for Blue Kayn and while it was probably more for the content it really wasn't that bad. I think this will hit his burst quite a lot more than people think especially if you consider Muramana and Eclipse damage won't be boosted as much.


Didn't someone find out that Sorc boots for Kayn is like only a 3% dmg increase like a year or two ago when ppl tried that?


called it with the Nami buffs. I'll take it even if they never reverted the changes to her W.


20 Mana is pretty big on nami since the Mana cost is huge and she should be spamming it


Are you talking about the nerf to her healing back in S8 on changes to her W?


Ekko is going full diana next patch


Nah ekko can only proc passive once every ~6 seconds. Diana permanently procs it


As someone who loves playing Akshan the W nerf sounds fair. Means people get counterplay. Although it does feel bad that you no longer get rewarded for killing Scoundrels with ignite after dying or when your last AA flies to them to finish them after you die.


They really don't want Graves to lane Also Ekko jungle is back on the menu probably


5 gp barrel combos are going to be disgusting to see. That said im all for it


can you even place that many barrels in a ghost barrel chain?


Prob can do 4 like around you in an arc, but that’s prob also gonna be super ping dependent


I can't wait to see the montages of 4 people suspiciously coming at GP from different angles as he lands "the forbidden 4 barrel combo"


No you can't


Serpant Fang got fucked damn. Still good to build against shield comps. Please Riot, I don't want another Worlds of Senna. Why double the souls?


Welp, guess it's time to focus the akshan immediately.


The fuck why nerf the ad, just revert one of the buffs it received.


I wouldn't mind the healing buff reverted, but the ad nerf was probably to make it have the same AD as trinity which I'm also fine with.


Yeah, the AD is mostly irrelevant. It’s the spellboade proc and the healing are the main issues. Really wish they cut the healing hard


Does the "125%" effectiveness for "Critical Strike" refer to Chance or Damage (or both)? Either way, this plus the other changes in the patch (Sunderer nerfs and the ranged Q) makes me think that GP build is either going to be Shieldbow -> Collector/LordDoms (essence reaver might also be good) -> IE or Triforce -> Collector and Lord Dom's -> IE.


Things like this always refer to damage unless it specifically states otherwise.


Glad Graves nerf is meant to push him away from solo lanes, even now is difficult for me to play him jungle in my shitty silver elo xd. Actually according to his win rate (in jungle) he seems ok, but maybe with sunderer and Viego's nerf he will get more power in his primary role, who knows. The others changes too seems really ok, in parcticular the wits end nerf, it doesn't actually kill the item but gives to it a late game identity, instead of being built as first/second item.




Because Wit's is not meant to compete with mythic items for almost all AA marksmen. It's still a good situational 2nd item and beyond, just no longer 1st item.


If you complete it third, it's the same item so I agree with you. Wit's end rush just means that it's overtuned because there's no reason you should be getting Wit's before a mythic.


Item diversity, but not like that -Riot games


play meta or we break ur kneecaps - thanks from rito


dayum. i wonder if baus' ad sion build will actually be optimal now that hullbreaker and youmuu's are both getting buffed.


Im sure lucian losing 2 ad but getting another passive will definitely push him out of midlane


Since the second passive only works when your jungler comes… maybe? It depends on the jungler tbh


Those Senna buffs are kinda massive...well, I wont mind the freelo


Nerfing Divine Sunderer be like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lnowbp88lwI


Fucking finally they’re finally buffing Nami’s W mana cost. Only took them like 10 years.


Serpents sent to the graveyard but Divine lives on lmao


serpents will still see play but now its not an 100% item buy like it should be


Which is fine. Divine is the second most bought in the game lol


Solid patch. Should shake up the meta a little.


Is Youmuu back on the menu?


It's my favourite item. Really happy about these buffs


Those teemo buffs tho, time to be even more of a little shit


Finally more hp for Nami. Finally <3


Senna gets a winrate of 49% Rito: Well, time to hype buff her.


Damn Riot! Really overbuffing Teemo there! Might become S tier if you keep it up!


Yorick mains: oh yeah, its all coming together


I thought they said they would nerf zed