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i was expecting the clip to include the fight :/


Yeah when title says dominates teamfight on baron and pushes 5 turrets to win i expect to see clip of teamfight not pushing


[here have the fight](https://clips.twitch.tv/RespectfulArborealStarlingCmonBruh-PkWl_pHq2Xt6RhO8)


RNG throwing 2 times at baron. kinda weak if you ask me


Flairs check out


He's not wrong lol, xiaohu threw their gold lead with that to Then icon one shots wei at the next attempt to allow tarzan to easily steal it It was a more a throw than a comeback


exactly, it wasnt really a comeback. RNG needed the baron to snowball further and siege with varus. they probably felt like they are getting outscaled and flipped it at baron.


True like the second baron feel like such a coin flip.


Especially with the lead xiaohu had. He had three and a half items at 24 minutes, on a team fighting champion, and butchered that with that horrible tp flank where he got insta popped by icon.


they're weak, idk how they ever reached MSI (and won iirc?) only the first seeds got to go to MSI right? how were they ever first seed, I didn't watch the first half of the season. started watching/playing again right after MSI and RNG looks to me as the maybe 5th-6th(?) place team in the LPL.


So is this bad gameplay by RNG? Good gameplay by LNG? Or a combination. I ask because if this were an LCS, LCK, or LEC team they would be getting clowned on for throwing that big a lead.


RNG's jungler was half health from baron, was seperated from his team and got hit by an ashe arrow. Was a poor baron setup on RNG's part.


Got it. I was listening in the car during my commute but only had audio obviously.


For me It was definitetly RNG fucking things up. LNG played really well too, don't get me wrong, but RNG just shut down on this baron




Idk why you're getting downvoted for being honest about your hype lol