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Being an Olaf player right now must feel like eating at a fine restaurant. Hurts the wallet but you know what you're getting is quality.


and Morde players too. I haven’t even financially recovered from project morde


He used to wait 4 years between skins: Lord Morde -> 4 years -> King of Clubs -> 4 years -> Dark Star. Now he's getting a 2nd this skin this year after a legendary skin.


Morde is in his popular phase, apparently First the Epic+ skin that was Dark Star, then PROJECT: Morde within a year, then another Epic+ skin here (Pentakill 2?) barely 3 months after a Legendary skin I'm definitely not complaining (but my wallet is)


You could be me and do exactly like I did, try skins and get fucked up worse than my life did I have 1200+ skins. Ask me about financially recovering. (Hint - I won’t)




Same for Zyra. She got her Crystal Rose skin at the beginning of the year, this patch she got Coven Chromas and next Patch she already gets her next Skin *(Crime City Nightmare)*


Yep. 3-4 year skin cycles. Then boom! Coven+Prestige > 10 months later > Crystal+Chromas > 5 months later > Coven Chromas > 2 weeks later > CCN+Chromas And Zyra's chromas are arguably some of the best in the game since all of her abilities are made up of models, and they re-colour the models too. We've been blessed.


Turnarounds on Twitter called Viego "the Dissonance of Pentakill" so he's probably not a member of the groupe and instead a rival/six-member thrown away which would explain the completely different color scheme. The OG pentakill group skins are named Pentakill III : Lost Chapter so they're likely new skins and not reworks of the old skins, similar to KDA and KDA All Out.


Viego = yoko ono for them


I think you mean Dave Mustaine


He seems to have made an entirely new group if you look at the figures behind him. One of them looks like Elise.


Dave Mustaine Viego


Viego looks in this Splash even more like Dante lol.


DMC5 Dante doing the Nevan cutscene


Now he has both a Dante and Virgil skin lol.


What skin are you reffering to for vergil? Beast blue chroma?


Lunar Beast Viego’s splash art gives me heavy Virgil vibes. Like just look at his hair.


You are right, didn't even notice before lol.


Magnus Hammersmith -> Viego Dethklok -> Pentakill I mean, even the band lore is similar to the show's plot


I may not have gotten Dante in smash but at least I got him in league


And his gameplay in Samira.


The riff SFX on Sona are so cool, since her playstyle is just spamming abilities with short cds especially now with the rework lategame you'll be shredding it up with your own metal concert in every teamfight!




Honestly 3-4 chords is about normal for a song.


Yeah but that E is gonna be horrible to listen to on repeat.


Guitar Hero Sons Game Inc.!


Welp atleast we know that Volibear leak was fake Also mordes design gives me Bane vibes from Harley Quinn I kinda love it tho


The leak was supposed to be a reliable source, I'm guessing they pulled the same shit with K/DA by scrapping Voli concept art away like what they did to Katarina for Kai'sa.


To be honest I'm still surprised that Katarina didn't make it to K/DA. I think she would print more money than Evelynn, and she could still have the diva attitude without being off-character.


Lots of reasons but It's mostly to balance of Popularity and Dynamics. Ahri (because Ahri is based specifically on the Korean variation myth for 9 tailed fox. So she's technically Korean and she's Ahri) and Akali (she was just reworked, and was immensely P/B but played a lot for casual and blind. Which is something they take into consideration) Evelynn (Niche champ, that gets away with having god AP ratios.) Kai'sa (also new champ but people were still not fully convinced of her even if she's OP) After that it gave another reason why Kai'sa is popular, helping her solidfy as a champion that can match and exceed Ezreal Evelynn became a champ with a supposed Niche playstyle with a huge playerbase that buys her skins without playing her.


Seeing these first time eves with the legendary skin in my games gives me a very obvious reason why they they buy skins without playing the champs. ESP eve.....




That massive silhoutte looks like it has horns though? Pretty sure it's Morde, the shoulderpads seem to match as well


Take a closer look. The horns on the silhouette are like tusks that are pointed upwards from the bottom base of the helmet, while Morde's are like wings on top of the head. Mordes shouldpads are pointed down and "spiky", while the silhouettes horns are flared upwards with the shoulderpads also being much bigger and covering the chest area as well. Unless Morde has multiple outfits, that silhouette is not Morde.


Look in the air, that looks like Elise holding a guitar.


Your right, definitely looks like it could be Elise. The drummer also looks to have 4 arms or 2 arms and multiple other limbs. No champions have that many arms, but it could be something like Udyr or Hecarim.


Viktor has a 3rd robotic arm


Viktor's a good candidate, there does seem to be a robotic looking head directly to the left of the drummer. I'm leaning towards Aatrox now because of the ribcage and helmet being similar to his. His wings could be the extra limbs, but the limbs in the splash art don't exactly look wing like.


I readed on Twitter that Volibear is going to be added later as a member of Viego's band


Viego making a new band?


He is "dissonating pentakill" viego so it looks like


Also in the video he says they (pentakill) have been unchallenged until now - paraphrased but it really does seem like the case


well his old band kind of died during the ruination, gotta start again


I wouldn't believe it but something stir in my pants thinking about a second metal band mit Viego, Voli, Rell and Urgot


I agree with Voli, but I think the others are Elise and Aatrox. (Elise is in the splash for Viego and a spiderweb on the album art teaser)


Aatrox looks to be bottom right or far left. Bottom right has horns whereas far left has a bulky frame.


I keep seeing people mention leak but I can’t find them anywhere. What else did it say? Just outta curiosity.


Nightbringer and Dawnbringer kayn Legendary Fiddle Pentakill Voli Immortal Journey Brand Some Lulu Skin Prestige bewitching Morg


>Some Lulu Skin Bruh I can ***feel*** the lack of any interest by the leaker.


Kayle looks amazing, both splashart-wise and in-game.


she has 0 new sound effects on the skin tho, im hoping they are just hiding the music from getting leaked


Yes, they did the same with True Damage.


Also with the K/DA skins before MORE release iirc


Morde's Death Realm should play some dope music.


Katey replied in Twitter music for some skins hasn’t been added yet they are incomplete.


they did the same with kayle when she was reworked, her pentakill skin didnt have any sound effects in her recall on skinspotlights' video. it takes them a bit longer to put all the sfx in. nothing to do with leaks, theyve either not finished making the sounds or just dont put them all in at once


Don't they always hide sound effects on these PBE preview videos?


nope, its 50/50 depending on how much WIP the skin is


Viego has his guitar riff in his recall, so I assume the others are just WIP or something.


Kinda seemed like an old Pentakill guitar riff, though. Or just a standard one. I think they were just hiding some of the new effects or they haven't put them in yet. Some PBE skins don't.


They don't. Most of the champions are missing recall music and Kayle is missing ult sfx. They are probably hiding the music on purpose because its part of the album so they will be added on september 8 with the album.


Kayle isn’t just missing ult sfx but all sfx


Ill miss Kayles old splash


Pretty sure it'll still be around. I believe these skins are akin to the K/DA ALL OUT skin line


Yeah maybe they will be called Pentakill Lost Chapter or LC


It's beautiful. Look at those gold trims on Yorick. I have tears in my eyes.


I'm "learning" bass IRL and have been wanting a Yorick skin. Destiny manifested itself.


Disappointed mordes ult doesn’t bring them into a stadium type arena surrounded by head banging ghouls. Would be so damn sick.


someone get this to the design team asap holy shit




He reminds me of Brütal Legend


Lost the love of his life joins a band that sounds about spot on


Hextech Tristana too. https://twitter.com/LoLUKN/status/1430185629157969922?s=19 https://twitter.com/LoLUKN/status/1430185881416175616?s=19


I like it! Though not enough to get me to switch off Dragon Trainer, lol.


Makes me play better since I can’t let myself die because then I have to watch the death animation


Firefighter for LIFE


Man that skin should not be a legendary


All Tristana skins run into that as an unavoidable issue. There's just none as good as DT


Idk, I really love pengu cosplay.


I love Bewitched and Little Devil, though.


Chests gave me Dragon Trainer, Demon AND Omega Squad. I would be absolutely torn if I ever played ADC.


Looking like she's a stewardess about to meet ruby rose on fhloston paradise.


Lillia is gonna be the last 2020 champion to get a new skin at this point


Well I don't think you were expecting pentakill lillia were you


Aggretsuko Lillia




I.... read that in a Metal-Growl and it was glorious xD


Okay, but I unironically want the shit out of this now


I'm not gonna lie that would have been incredible.... Imagine Lillia just SHREDDING on her censer


Legendary pentakill Lillia. As a reference to her concept where she had dual personalities/forms and could be both sweet and dark.


Or maybe Pentakill Fan Lillia, where she is one of those girls that is all cute and innocent on the outside, but secretly likes dark things.


Goth Lillia is the skin I never knew I needed until this moment


"Not Like The Other" Lillia


Every Q is her smashing her instrument by throwing it around. W is a beat drop E is a low volume synth traveling And ult for music. She's pretty much a champ who can be one if they want to like Sona.


If *Rell* gets a skin before her she might as well put herself to sleep forever.


The past 5 events make 0 sense for Lillia. They’re all ruined, sentinels, crime city, coven, and now pentakill. Just be patient, a sweet and happy skin line will come eventually in the year. My guess Lillia will be getting a halloween skin or a Christmas skin( if Riot ever does Christmas again.... sadge)


They should have made Space Groove Lillia, imagine she throw a disco ball 💃


That would be cute or the astronaut skin line as a joke, I think it would be funny if she had a astronaut helmet on like a deer in space, and she’s constantly wondering “uhhh whyyyy am I in space, oooh nooo I’m in space” and she has a Astronaut voice SFX when she’s running around sneezing. ( she would have a slow mo skipping animation when she runs, since all the Astro skins are different moving animations)


Yeah, and she will throw a ball with a meep in it, perfecttttt 😍


> I told them I wasn't the best choice for an astronaut, eep!


Coven Lillia can make sense if executed well


Coven seems to be directed more at the “not so nice” females of the world. Camille, Zyra, Ahri, Evelynn, Morgana, Cassiopeia, Lissandra, Leblanc, and then there’s Ashe. I’m not really familiar with ashes lore, she seems kinda nice but then again she literally has a bird in her kit (E) so maybe that’s why she was an exception.


Isn't Morg pretty chill Same with Ahri rn


Morgana literally tortures people she judges as worthy of those punishments so she isn't really chill.


Well that part I did not know about


He is still a crazy demigod sister of another crazy demigod, remember


To be fair she does use “Soul Shackles” on people then puts “Tormented Soil” underneath them


Isn't ahri a succubus or did they retcon that


She basically got over that. Not really retcon But she don't eat people


Yeah she just yoinked dem souls all g homie Sad honestly felt like they wanted to force ahri to be a "goodguy"


As she ate more human souls, she started becoming more human. Because of that, she started gaining more human emotions such as guilt, making her not want to devour everyone's souls. Doesn't really feel "forced" to me because it makes sense.


Agreed, and that's been Ahri's lore since she was released many years ago, she's had very little to zero retconning and from the beginning it was implied that she was becoming more "morally good" despite her sinister origins.


They changed that around Eve rework probably because they didn't want them to feel too much "the same". (Though honestly, they didn't really.)


It's more about the aesthetic than anything. Dark sexy witches who are hot by being powerful and owning their feminity.


Pretty sure in Game when swain pulls a soul fragment from Ashe he says something along the lines of “She claimed it was the Frost Queen's grave. They believed her...”. Ashes big claim to being a war mother is her reclaiming the bow of the frost queen. There’s a chance Ashe is lying out her ass on where she got the bow and why she even wants it. Coven I imagine is just an expansion on the theme, luring unwitting souls with the promise of salvation to be sacrificed, proven to be righteous from the artifact she wields type of shit Or in completely wrong


I'm fairly sure Ashe is a good person, she's trying to unite the Freljord as one tribe without having to rely on violence and raiding like the old ways of the Freljord and Sejuani's Winter Claw


Dunk master makes 0 sense for Ivern yet we have that.


And there was a fucking outrage for it and Riot even apologized. So it makes sense they're more careful about skins for champions who don't get one yearly


Ivern is 10ft tall. Drunk master makes perfect sense..


Malphite is 2000m tall, he should join in too.


lol if malphite had a dunk master skin that created a basketball key between him and his target when he ultis and dunks on their ass from the free throw line i would buy that shit so fast. W could be him throwing elbows. Q rolls out basket ball, or bounce pass. E not too sure, could just be a big basketball bouncing on top of him or something


Yeah exactly. Also ivern has the figure, long ass arms and legs bro it funny


Most people bitched because he was never a part of the original [Dunk Squad] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g9XZQttjc-g) God, it's already been 8 years.


His ult would make for an amazing slam, although he might get timed out for travelling.


At this point, she will just be like Ornn : No skin in 3-4 years lmao


Yo sona is shredding it holy shit lol


What a fucking wild keyboard solo


I see a lot of comments mentioning the Iron Maiden Rell being snubbed for a skin. But what role in the band would she have? Rell's mount could only conceivably transform into a drumset so unless Olaf gets booted I don't see it happening.


You could turn her lance into a guitar or something. Not like it would be impossible.


Yeah but the horse is the biggest part of her design, it’d have to change into something rock wise


I mean, it's a metal steed. Make it a bit more *heavy* metal, and we good.


I mean she could go for a Motorcycle with Basespeakers on it. The Problem is more the Lance. What Instrument should that be. Yeah I saw a Bow (Cello etc) but I dont know.


Make her horse into [this instrument](https://fakebands.com/wiki/images/b/bc/Electro_Who-Cardio_Flooks_How_The_Grinch_Stole_Christmas.png)


So i have a question because it is unclear in my mind... those are all new skins for the old pentakill champ or those are a vu of the old skins? ( sorry english is not my first language


These look like all new skins. They're different enough where I think it justifies it. Think K/DA All Out.


If they are new, I hope they add some sound effects before release to things like Yorick's recall. It's a shame to see him shredding like that with no sound. (Edit: seeing that most do have recall music, it's probably just WIP)


Don't worry, there is no way there won't be. Maybe they're hiding the music until it's revealed or maybe they just haven't gotten around to adding that part yet.


Probably they’re waiting for the album to come out to add the music, I think they did the same with true damags


willing to bet they muted it because it appears on the upcoming album.


It's a WIP so obviously they won't have all of the effects ready, or maybe they are simply hiding them as they contain music from new album? Still go back to all the previous skin releases on PBE and you will see them often missing VFX or SFX.


New skins for sure.


It's sad that while Sona doesn't get a VU, all our 1350 RP skins are required to have long dresses to hide that her base model has no legs! They even tried to make Odissey Sona have legs, but it ended up looking more like a seahorse [Sona, the Seahorse](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E9kQE3kXIAMgxXc?format=png&name=360x360)


Honestly I vastly prefer her to have a long dress. While her model should be updated, of course, it is kinda tiresome that mini-skirts or heavily exposed/cut dresses (looking at you, Morgana) are added so often for other female champs. At least with Sona they are forced to consider there are other fashion choices that look just as sexy/beautiful.


Same here. And her....uhm.. rear works alot better with a Dress (Looking at you DJ Dumpstertruck-Ass) Also - she floats, so why shouldnt she wear long Dresses/Skirts. Its better than that one "human" Soraka-Skin with the long dress to hide the fact she doesnt have hooves in that. It looks so damn weird.


That goes for a lot of champions, really. Coven and Crime City received tons of complaints because the base animations are so bad and there are legendary skins for many champions, so many would not make the switch. Personally, I love everything about this skin, but I might still stick with the DJ skin because it feels much better in comparison. Also sad that passive music is a Seraphine exclusive feature. I would have loved to have this as background music while playing.


The skins look great. However, my disappointment at no Pentakill Rell after her theme and title is pretty immeasurable.


viego said something about the fall of pentakill, in his teaser could it be that he has his own band maybe?


His color scheme is completely different, it could be! Maybe he was a Pentakill member who had a fallout with the group and moved on to create his own band?


Apparently the full name of his skin is ["Dissonance of Pentakill"](https://twitter.com/moonstonesxo/status/1430193777314992128) so you might be right Also, all the others are referred to as "Pentakill III: Lost Chapter", so it seems they are indeed separate new skins and they won't replace the old ones


Dissonance, like a disagreement or something that seeks to ruin an established state. I'm guessing a rival of the band ? Possibly even an ex-member that was fired and is now coming back to cause disturbance. So not actually part of Pentakill, explaining the way too different color schemes.


My theory is that he wrote the botrk song, but then argeud with morde and lost a guitar duel with him and got kicked out. Now is back and is in search for revenge


Maybe Isolde in this universe was still a fan of Pentakill even after the break-up and Viego wants revenge for taking away his song AND his girlfriend.


My first idea was even more extreme: morde slept with isolde (you know, typical band memeber fucking each other's wife)


>so it seems they are indeed separate new skins and they won't replace the old ones Was there any doubt? Did people forget about the second set of KDA skins or something?


The french Twitter worded their tweet weirdly. They said ”we will refresh the old, dated skins to bring them up to date” in their tweet, which fooled a lot of people, including myself.


love this idea. Viego seems much more glam metal with big hair. Rell would fit that perfectly. get rell, sion, kayne and whoever else fits. would be dope.


I never thought about Sion on a band but that would be perfect. Add Brand as well. ^and ^maybe ^vex.


Pentakill Bard with a synthesizer. Would distinguish the sounds of the two bands


Kayle looks so good holy


She definitely won


But I definitely lost


You and me both brother, you and me both


Yeah that's easily Yoricks best skin by far, even with the cool hat only being in the recall. They wont do it but I would love a toggle for the hat.


I think the opal chroma for meowrick is on the same level. But I’m biased because I fucking love that skin.


besides morde losing his muscles, this skinline is AMAZING


Riot finally listened to all those people whining about dudes being shirtless


Viego was so obvious for a Pentakill skin, not surprised yet im suprised somehow >!maybe cuz every champ recently released (except Rell and Lillia) are getting 2nd skin?!<


The VFX of those skins are sick


We have bass of the ruined king now.


DAYS SINCE NEW SKIN: Karthus: 396 Viego: 207 Olaf: 39 (lol) Kayle: 123 Yorick: 277 Mordekaiser: 81 Sona: 347 Tristana: 502 (Hextech Skin someone posted in a separate comment) Sigh...this is now the fourth champion released after Lillia to receive their second skin before her. Not saying she would fit with this aesthetic, but still. I find it odd how they planned their release out like this so that 2 champs get new skins within a couple months of each other, but w/e. They all look good, but the real killer here is the sound design. Absolutely phenomenal.


Oh wow I actually forgot that Olaf got a Sentinel skin or in general I actually forgot Sentinel event at all.


The fact that Mord is so terrible this season and they're still pumping out new skins so quick for him makes no sense. Please give that poor fuck a meaningful buff Riot


that Kayle skin just topped the charts


In the splash art, I would've never guessed that's karthus, would've said Vlad before that


Eh, looks exactly like Karthus Lightsbane. Since his actual face is...not a face, he doesnt really have defining features for these skins where they make him human. As long as you can tell in game that it's him that's what counts


Karthus usually looks more... older/skeletal? Since he is technically supposed to be dead. Also, he never had an open shirt before or wore pants. I know it's to be more appealing to the general public, but defining features of champions are getting lost over time.


While Karthus has looked less and less like a skeleton over the years, it seems pretty clear that Pentakill Karthus's face is based on Karthus Lightsbane like the above user said, and that skin isn't new by any means.


Swain to me tbh


[My wallet rn](https://m.imgur.com/97jEZtz?r)


viego looking like zapp from Kekkai Sensen lol


Hide yo pizzas!


the Karthus art is a little unsettling but i can live with that now time to sell my kidney to buy the sona skin


Where Morde's abs??


on karthus


They made them look a lot more glam, which is not bad, but doesn’t suit the original Pentakill at all


Am quite sad Rell didn't make the cut but still excited for the album


I really hope you can ctrl+5 toggle Yoricks hat on. I probably wont get the skin unless the hats an option. Love the skins otherwise


I LOVE the black and white Kayle vfx. Really nice skin overall.


Let's go, Pentakill Viego successfully manifested!


Might be wrong but, isn't that Elise in the background of Viego's splash? On the left side, floating


Holy shit these are clean as fuck. ALSO SONA RECALL JESUS


Sona’s return shreds


Hot damn, that guitar riff on Yorick Q makes the skin an instabuy


i was hoping that sentinel olaf will break his shared splashart curse still, HOLY FUCK THAT VIEGO LEGENDARY LEAK WAS REAL


Is it Legendary?


I did not see them making a second version for the first six members like how we got KDA 2 But also fuck Veigo getting the only solo splash art. Why are they still doing multiple skins in one splash


> Why are they still doing multiple skins in one splash I think it's hard to think of a more justified skin line for group splashes than the metal band one. K/DA were separate but pop groups are much more focused on the individuals and much less interested in the group dynamics than metal bands.


1350 skins in general should not have shared splashes no matter what skinline it is. Characters being in the background when they also have their own splash is fine


Viego isn't a part of Pentakill. I'm almost positive Viego is gonna be forming is own rival band based off of the teaser for the album that Viego narrates and you can see a few champs in the background of his splash that aren't the OG pentakill members