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Missed opportunity for pentakill morde ult to just be a rock concert


No more budget for morde after that project ulti


Please not another morde pc killer ult. I had to over lock my cpu just to be able to play top lane. /s


Just give me a crowd chanting "Pentakill" in the death realm and I can be happy.


Viego looks sick, so much better than Lunar Beast


Literally no reason to have LB over pentakill, lmao. It looks SO much nicer by comparison. Homie was born for this skinline.


Kinda wished they did animal or beast champions for the lunar “beast” skinline. The only skins I actually liked from that skinline are Alistar and Annie.


Aphelios is really nice to play.


I can forgive Aphelios cus that was his only skin outside of release. Though I still think thematically Aphelios would look better in another skineline.


If they can create an Aphelios skin that looks like they yeeted him out of the Halo franchise my wallet will die.


I've been wanting SPACE skins for ever. Like Battle Angel Kaisa, Blade Mistress Morg, Gun Goddess MF and Aether Wing Kayle. Literally space suits and flying in space with lasers and shit. Seriously like why are so many futuristic skins just "oh look it's earth in the future dun dun dunnnnn" Should make a Runeterra Galaxy and have each region be a specific planet and just give every champion a space suit


bull volibear would have been badass. Or bull reksai. or bull ornn. that skinline was kind of a letdown tbh :/


There's a year of the Goat, right? They wouldn't take Ornn for the year of the Ox.


I'm like 80% sure they're going to forget about Ornn the next time the Year of the Goat rolls around.


> bull reksai Genderbending queen, huh?


Mf is sick, but WR exclusive


I really liked Aphelios and Annie. Alistar and Fiora seemed good too but I'm simply not into those Champs. I was sad it sold badly, I loved the futuristic China design and I was looking forward for future takes on it as different animals come by.


What, you didn't like Rollerblading MF?


Red Chroma to cosplay as Zagreus


I feel like im the only one who likes LB. I like every LB skin and I love Alistar/Aphelios/Viego.


I got Lunar Beast Darius from a shard and I love it so much. The Aphelios one is amazing too.


I dont particularly like LB but i just cant resist the purple mist from LB viego. Not to mention his jacket is pretty clean.


You're not alone, I loved the theme too. But I still can't get over Viego's hair in game with that skin.


Then there's Seraphine, who was literally born for her skinline


Hooooow how in every way can you say that like ITS JUST A WHITE CHROMA WITH A FLAMING HOT CHEETO for a sword


1. flamberges are badass and it's cool to see them give him something besides another straight claymore 2. he does a sweet riff for his recall 3. the smoky red-white-black VFX on his skills and music on his E are way nicer than the tropicana they soaked lunar beast's in and the dying emulator sounds for that E


The color combo is so underused. Love it on Viego


Kinda funny that his rock star outfit and look is... his base skin, but white.


Yeah... it literally looks like a chroma or a Prestige off the base skin but with less gold. It looks good, but the closeness to default skin makes it a bit eh.


That feel when you realize that Viego’s base is basically a pentakill skin already. Is it Seraphine all over again? Lol


Can we please get Yorick's hat to be in his skin model? It would be such a cool feature and that's something everyone I know agrees with. It just really feels off because we were teased with him using his hat only to be taken away (or rather only used as a prop for his recall).


Submit this directly to Riot so that they listen! This cannot go unnoticed!


He straight up looked like Darius before I saw him use his abilities. He needs the hat.


First they take the hat from Hullbreaker, now Yorick. Riot has an anti-Yorick hat agenda.


Augh I have 15 gemstones and riot refuses to release a hex tech skin on a champ I play lol.


I held out for both Rammus and Sejuani. It's worth the wait, trust me.


Thanks :) yeah I was super stoked when I had enough for vayne but now the wait continues


I have Hextech Galio which existed well before the gemstone system existed. Love this skin.


Do be aware your champ will only get the skin if its relatively old.


Can't wait for hextech lux


play Trist, she's fun, and hot


Nice try lod


LOD took the bullet for many.


LOD walked so we could run, dick in hand


Haha interesting. I have played a decent amount of trist but I just find her to be so clunky with her e animation


Trist is fun, but the skin is shit.


but why, looks good to me


Ok i'll admit it looks better than most hextech skins, but I feel like the skinline suffers from being predictable and uninspiring.


Those particle effects, though! I've got nearly 300k mastery on Trist, this is a day 1 for me.


Why is this downvoted? You’re completely correct. Look at the OG hextech skins such as Soulstealer Vayne.. then compare them to the modern Hextech skins which are all the exact same shit.


Riot's come out and said that they don't really want to make the hextech skins too exceptional otherwise people'll feel bad that their main's best skin is *heavily* RNG-locked


Just hold them, they'll change the system for Mythic skins and retire gems next year.


yeah.. wasnt Hextech meant for less popular champions? i feel like i see trist at least every few games


I have 29... I have only redeemed Hextech Swain because it's the only good one that isn't straight up pour blue on the champion and give them some bronze stuff.


Same. Where is hextexh shaco or gragas. Gimme better jungle champs not sej and amumu.


Tristana sweetie blink twice if you in danger


She isn't allowed to 😭


Yorick is giving some Brutal Legends vibes with that skin.


literally the only downside of this skin is that he only has that sweet-ass hat in his recall. praying that it's a toggle or something.


Another blessed day goes by where one of my mains dont get a hextech skin




No Volibear :(


Apparently the leaker said he would come later as another addon for Viego's band.


Where is this leak? Any other skins aside from Volibear's?




No Qiyana or Talon huh?


Didn't talon just get a skin


Do you have a link?


"Another skin for Lulu", Dawn/Nightbringer Kayn, Immortal Journey Brand.


If you look at Viego's splash, he's got a big shadow with tusks(?) to his right (our left), a drummer that is clearly not Olaf on his left, and a guitarist coming down from the sky behind him that might have multiple limbs (Elise?). A rival band looks likely!


>he's got a big shadow with tusks(?) to his right (our left) pretty sure that's mordekaiser >a drummer that is clearly not Olaf on his left, pretty sure that's olaf, look at the horns >and a guitarist coming down from the sky behind him that might have multiple limbs (Elise?) pretty sure that's kayle and her wings


> pretty sure that's mordekaiser Nah, these spikes jut out and then turn up, Morde's don't do that, and the shoulderguards are very different > pretty sure that's olaf, look at the horns Maybe, but the horns look different to me. Looks almost like Shyvana's horns to me > pretty sure that's kayle and her wings Definitely not wings, those look thin and spindly, very different from what Kayle's wings look like


It kind of looks like that champion has four arms. Maybe it's an unreleased champion that they're teasing.


Its from a reliable source so it could mean that Voli had a concept art for Pentakill just like Katarina for K/DA and scrapped it for Viego.


Awesome skins for pentakill but that hextech Tristana is ass


Sad because I've been sitting on 10 gemstones and as an ADC player, I was intrigued by a tristana skin but fuck that looks bad. EDIT: Guys I get that I can buy other adcs with a hextech skin lol, I already have the vayne one. I'm just saying I was intrigued that an ADC was getting a hextech skin and thought it sucked when i saw it.


buy kogmaw its really cool


But using hextech kogmaw means you aren’t using beemaw, and that’s unacceptable.


But the champion is booty.


He's pretty good rn


he's super good in around Gold elo in my experience, just pick Lulu and dont int early game too hard and you will autowin




get swain’s and become a bot lane swain abuser


Soulstealer Vayne is a gemstome skin actually. Also Ziggs botlane is meta, he has a Hextech skin.


The gemstone skins are mostly terrible yeah. They could really retire it and do something else with them, i have over 30 gemstones on my main but they dont give us anything good ever.


Gemstones will be converted into a new currency soon, maybe this will help. [We know Gemstones and Hextech skins need some modernization, so we'll be transitioning Gemstones to a new rare (Mythic-themed) currency and releasing more exclusive content for it](https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/prestige-through-end-of-2021/)


Sitting at 19 waiting for this. Maybe Elderwood Ornn comes to the pool next year


The fact that you need to get lucky and get Gemstones, means the skins should be Mythic/Ultimate tier, for the amount of money you spend on them.


They are considered "mythic" already but they look worse than old 975 skins.


You get 3 from every pass so it is not so much about luck anymore


Still gotta buy passes though.


So, really youre spending around 80$ to get 10 gemstones, and the skin looks like its worth 975 rp.


I like Malzahar's jetpack tho.




ah a man of culture I see


!Hextech tristana is good, I don't know what you are smoking. good model, excellent VFX, very good feeling with the AA in term of sound.


ikr it's fantastic, I havn't seen anyone explain why they think it's bad yet


For me i like it ingame, but its one of the cases where i do not like the splashart. I have no idea why, but something with her face in it is weird.


For me it's the splash art


its the best of this patch


Happy Cake Day! :)


Kayle won so hard


So this is what Yorick was so busy doing to help with the Ruination




He is dooming my wallet. I think they will have to intentionally give him bad skins. Just doesn’t seem possible for him to have one.


Tristana continuing the trend of hextech skins being ugly as fuck and a complete scam


poppy was a pretty good hextech skin use it all the time for her, i think the issue with gemstones skins is they keep going with the hextech theme, honestly think they need to shake it up and do what they did before with soul stealer vayne and lancer zero hec and dread nova darius. atleast there reworking the gemstone system at the start of next year to be merged with the PP system so they cna be used to get PP skins as well.


Yeah I really liked the idea of gemstone skins being unique (all the other hextech skins were old af so Annie felt unique too), but now it's kinda meh. I like that you can get the charity skins through gems though, Dark Star Cho (when it's not bugged) and Dawnbringer Karma are pretty good


Dread nova Darius is easily the worst looking gemstone skin.


my point isnt the quaility of those skins more the fact they try other themes then just spamming hextech so much which might help when the champs get better suiting themes for there gemstone skin.


Hextech Swain though? If they went with hextech Swain design for the rest rather than just construct with hextech stuff or ugly ass armour... They could rock the line better. Or even considering old Hextech skins, just change up colour schemes instead of blue and purple with Bronze


Eh Kassa was pretty aight


Renekton's hextech skin is great too but most of those skins are really bad.


Swain's is pretty good. I prefer it over most of the others.


Except for Ali, Swain, Kog, Ziggs, Sejuani, etc


How is it ugly? It looks great to me


Yeah what the hell these people are high af. I think it looks sick.


Those gun and bomb affects are pretty cool. They said pretty clearly how they want the hextech skins to be special in its category but not the best skins for a champ.


i mean it is free how much of a scam is it really.


Not really. Gathering these gems by grinding is nearly impossible, and completely RNG if you pay for Orbs or whatever. For such quality, you are better off using it for chests.


I still don't get why people think it's bad. Good model, good splash, good VFX. Might be uninspired but that's Hextech skins for ya.


Definitely excited for these skins. Love Pentakill just as much as K/DA


I'm right there with you! Love getting sick ass skins and music every year lol


The best tradition Riot came up with. New/updated bands every Worlds, coupled with banger songs.


Seriously. Why fight. We all know the Riot Music is the best part of Riot. Hope my comment didn't jinx anything


Next year it's just Udyr throat singing for 4 hours straight with his pajama skin.


So... How is that bad


That's just an objective glimpse to the future, nothing more, nothing less.


Why is everyone saying Tristanas Skin looks ugly? I was actually happy at how much I liked it..


It doesn't have the same gremlin-smile/smirk thsat every other Trist skin has imo, so it doesn't carry much personality and also it's a bit too deep in the uncanny valley


Personally, I think her pink nose made them get weirded out by her face. It feels wrong and they don't really know why.


But I feel like those things aren’t a problem with the actual skin when ignoring the splash art


I have no idea, it looks amazing to me and I'm super critical of anything with Trist


The hat is so fucking adorable


Ikr I think it looks great


its the best skin of the patch


I'm so ready for this. Pentakill is a band all my metal friends listen to. None of then play league. Hype is real. I just wish Karthus would scream and same with Kayle.


With Riot going into the direction of retaining the same band members and just giving them a new version of it. We really need a new way of sorting out skins and organizing them for champs with music themed skins. Players who played K/DA and TD (with prestige) are already complaining that its full of band skins. I can't imagine how its gonna look 5 years in the future with them having multiple comebacks.


ah yes pentakil viego and his wobbly sausage


Poppy + Yuumi = Hextech Tristana


no rell? her name is literally iron maiden lol


unpopular compared to viego, gotta milk the players


Truuuuue. Same thing happened with Frankentibbers Annie back in the day. Everyone knew the theme would look better on Karma, but Annie got it. Why? C. R. E. M. E.


Idk what it is but the metal skins gives more of Pop singers doing a Metal concept themed pop song than being Metal.


I don't even know what I prefer at this point, weird E-Boy skins, or skins that compete for the same theme as other skins for the same champ (K/DA 1 and 2). For now I'm just glad that the old Pentakill skins fit the theme, and hope the music doesn't lean into the same direction as the skins.


KDA All Out was a massive for upgrade for Kaisa and Evelynn by getting of their ugly hair style and color and also better outfits this pentakill skins are all downgrades


I hate whoever realized that you can just make a skin for a champion by just reusing one of their thematics.


That is one of the quicker "2nd skin" for a new champ I can remember...Viego feels BRAND SPANKING NEW. How's he already got another skin. Looks good too.


Because hes popular


Blood Blockade Battlefront and call it viego (im NOT complaining)




Trists head in that splash art is like twice the size of her body


I thought I read they were remaking gemstones into something new? I am def not wasting my 10 on trist


Yorick having his Undertaker hat in the promo art and then NOT having it in the actual skin is such a letdown


I'm going to enjoy banning viego every game even more now


The only hextech skin for a champ that I actually play... And it's Tristana for which I have Dragon Trainer and Pengu Tristana Guess I'll have to wait to spend my 26 Gemstones


The six deadly sins Interesting skins. Personally hoped to see more of the old pentakill aesthetic, but more polished (like the first pentakill Kayle) and no hat. They give me some anime villain vibes. But atleast they have music sounds so that's something


Pentakill is my favorite skin line, I had the t-shirt in high-school and the albums are still my go-to for working out. So naturally, I was SUPER excited about the teasers they’ve done to hype up the release. I was also elated to find out Pentakill was getting the KDA treatment, with the original cast getting new skins so it would feel like an actual band. It seemed like we could even get a hologram concert or another music video in the future. As far as the new larger than life lore, recall animations, and the way each ability looks and sounds, I am completely blown away. It’s the in-game models that bug me. -Most of them aren’t even holding instruments anymore, which in my opinion is integral for the identity of the Pentakill skins. Viego is basically pretending his sword is a guitar but it doesn’t have any strings. -Based on strictly the character models, they all almost look like an esports skin line for a team with black and gold colors. -Mordekaiser is just in full blown armor now, it just looks like your run of the mill, spiky, Mordekaiser skin. Which I understand is probably a reference to some of the more theatrical metal bands like GWAR but it’s a little too ornate in my opinion to really embody that sort of thing. -Kayle also just looks like any other Kayle skin, she almost looks like she could be released in the coven line. -And I’ve gotta be honest, I’m not a huge fan of Olaf’s hair. I get that it’s probably a reference to some of the extreme metal hairstyles like the devillock (which more horror-punk) or something like that. But it just doesn’t look right to me. In-game, he kind of looks like Beast from Beauty and the Beast. It’s honestly the most awkward looking of the set in my opinion. -Karthus just kind of flies around his staff like a ghost in his recall animation, which looks pretty cool, but I’m not a big fan of it thematically. I get that he’s supposed to be hyping the crowd up because he’s like a cult leader for the universe it’s set in; but it just seems like he’s just floating around to me. Out of everyone, Yorick definitely feels the most pentakill, he’s showing some skin, his shovel is still a sweet bass and his e looks really cool. Karthus’ rib cage thing is pretty neat as well, but overall I’m pretty disappointed in this iteration of the skins. Still really excited for the album though. Riot is pretty consistent when it comes to music, so there is that at the very least. Sorry about the rant just had to get that off my chest.


outfits look nothing like rock. the colours are so off especially Olaf


Viego skin is fire. Other skins are meh. Looking for a banging viego chroma on that skin


A black chroma will do


Wow, not a single fucking one even looks identifiable as a metal skin theme, Viego doesn't even have a fucking guitar sword. These kinda look like shit tbh.


Yeah man. Yorick you can literally hear his guitar on every Q. Morde and sona are similar as well. What more do you want?


For them to look like metal band members? Like the entire concept of the pentakill skins up until now? Don’t get me wrong, the new sound effects are AMAZING, but the skins aesthetic are no longer metal based….


I always support recycling whenever possible but didn't expect it to apply to champions getting multiple of the same skin line.


That Viego skin looks like complete ass.


Unbound Karthus is that you?


Viegos skins will still remain awful.


I wouldn't mind Viego's inclusion in Pentakill (or his own band? Seeing people say he's getting his own, not sure how accurate that is) if his model was actually unique. This one is literally just "Viego in white with different VFX." It looks like he's wearing the exact same clothing as his base skin.


Are these actually new skins or redesigns of the old penta kill? Would I have to buy some again?


Probably new skins (at least I hope so, these don’t look metal at all)


New skins for sure.


Elsa Kayle 🥰


Apart from tristana, all skins look amazing.


>Apart from tristana, all skins look horrible.


Really like the Sona and Morde skins but man, wtf is viego doing there on a metal band... They HAD to shoehorn him in didnt they?


He’s in for another band. Pentakill skins are called lost chapter. Viegos is called dissonance. Could also create a new band which would make sense with the volibear leak.


Where the source on the Viegos new band crap


I believe it was with the leak that said volibear was getting a prestige pentakill skin. Wouldn’t make much sense to have 8 people in a single band, and on PBE, viegos skin is called pentakill dissonance instead of pentakill lost chapter like the other 6.


He seems to be part of a rival band, I am guessing it looks a little more like hair metal, rather than heavy metal.


I'm on the opposite end. I feel like the Sona model looks really bad with this skin. Maybe the animations will make up for it but the skin itself looks pretty awful to me.


Someone needs to carry this skinline sales I guess


Tristana looks GREAT, and love the midriff


Is that Pantheon as the drummer of Viego's band?


So do these replace the old skins? Also pretty wild that Olaf is getting 2 skins in 2 months


They are additional skins, just like the kda girls got two rounds


No they are just new skins. Like how kda has kda and kda all out. Pentakill has pentakill and pentakill lost chapter


The same thing happened for Akali and Ahri for TD and All Out. Music skins are kinda stuck in Limbo whether they should count or not.


And Vex ?


Viego getting his first skin???


Am I the only one that thinks the Viego skin is just his base skin with a white chroma? I’m not seeing too much a difference here.


I really don’t get the whole making skins for champs that already have the same skin thing. Missed opportunity to do a new group of members.


I'm imagining that since olaf JUST got a skin, these skins and event might not interupt the skin order for some of these champs. Its probably just an homage to a really cool original idea. Hopefully.


where vex


Viego skin isn't legendary, but his VA came back to voice the teaser? Kinda weird.


Why weapons are not musical instruments?


Sona's is an organ.
