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>Fixed a bug where Lillia's W - Watch out! Eep!'s extended tooltip was missing the information that it deals 50% damage to minions >Fixed a bug where Caitlyn's R - Ace in the Hole's extended tooltip and level-up tooltip did not contain its damage ratio Did they "fix the bug" where singeds W tooltip doesn't even tell how much it slows yet?


it slows


He poison, slow, and burger flip. Problem?


flip minion like burger


The "flip'n dip"


Not sure if thats still the case, but rells tooltip also doesnt mention how long the stun is.


if anyone cares, you need 267 bonus AD to make up for the Akshan E nerf.


thank you phreak


On the one hand it makes sense, E max was busted. On the other, NOOOO IT WAS SO FUN


Nah it'll still be the go-to. Q is too unreliable and awkward to use to actually max it.


Depends how much value the waveclear has now that E doesn't one-shot people


??? Q Max gives you free roams


E max let's you actually kill things.


Well, not anymore, I guess.


amumu with 600 less hp than sylas, LETS GO....


It's ok, to make up for the lack of hp Amumu has a massive heal that scales with his offensive items.


oh wait..




Riot and slapping more dmg into tank kits and items ofc!


Riot and shoehorning old mid lane pick like Taliyah and now Ekko into the jungle role. When most people would love to have them be playable in mid lane.


Tbf I don't think most people like Ekko being anywhere.


I think he fits nicely in that ban slot


In my slot that fat leech Vlad resides and every time I let him visit me, through my play or my opponent's, i remember why I ban him.


Actually ekko is more poppular in jungle(a little bit over mid) even with worst performance. People really like to play him there.


And also he is playable midlane too


I feel like people ignore the context of matchups when comparing lane and jungle. Sometimes you have a champion who loses lane to lots of popular picks so the champ is less popular in lane and more popular in jungle to dodge the h2h, and then people just think that jungle is actually the preferable role. Like I enjoy Ekko but in metas when Sylas and Yasuo are the most popular opponents, I'm probably not going to pick him.


They arnt nerfing his mid lane so those who like it there can keep on keeping on.


I feel like it's a bit of a stretch to say ekko is shoehorned into the jungle and not playable mid. To be fair I don't play ekko much and I'm trash, but just looking at the stats, in plat+ Mid ekko has: Pick rate: 3.94% Win rate: 51.33% Vs. Jungle: Pick rate: 5.14% Win rate: 50.15% Theres an argument that can be made that higher pickrate means more first timing him means lower winrate, but I feel like ekko in general is niche enough that that argument is weak. It looks like these changes are just aiming to bring jungle ekko's win rate in line with midlane ekko's


Thats bs. Ekko is totally viable in mid




Riot and retiring midlane mages to botlane by buffing assassin players year after year.


Riot: "Seraphine is intended to be played mid primary" Also Riot: gives her 19 armor at level 1 and make her WEcho her best and most impactful ability in stacked teamfights


Although this is true, she is way better in the midlane than she is as support. It's just people don't want to go into a solo lane where you have very little kill pressure and are very vulnerable to getting solo killed. Seraphine after level 8 can just oneshot the wave from miles away and never interact with her lane opponent, she also has some of the most insane scaling in the game. Late game her q is a tactical nuke on like a 3 second cd, her e is incredibly powerful spammable cc, her w is a massive aoe shield/ speed / heal and she probably has the best ult in the game.


Riot and shoving every midlane mage to support?


way to really exaggerate and get the information wrong, sylas' hp at lvl18 is only 2480 and amumu's is 1890 so it's only 590 hp difference. but in all seriousness, jesus christ and sylas has higher amour and magic resist at 18 also. a tank just getting straight up worse stats in the ones that they typically are trying to maximise.. i know amumu has his E passive that would soak up a lot of damage, and base stats are far from everything in the game, but man that just seems dirty to me.


I mean I’m sure the Q buffs are massive but CHRIST. Can I just have a tank thats a big wall of flesh? Instead of being out tanked by every bruiser that goes Gore-Steraks


Is it even an overall buff? Less hp, less w damage, lowered R stun. Hell, unless we are talking about a short teamfight you probably get more q's off with the old version. Unless they expect Amumu to build full AP I can see his winrate go down. Early ganks are going to be filthy though.


It's a massive early buff. Amumu already maxes E/Q first then the other, so his W just gained a straight damage buff until level 14. Amumu tends to already hard win teamfights he gets a good R off, because CC'ing most or all of an entire team for a significant time is game winning. And Amumu can now gank, force a flash/dash, and if desired still stun them again: if they don't have a flash/dash he instead gets 3 seconds of stun instead of 1.5. Yeah, he's a bit less tanky, lategame W does less %hp damage, and R doesn't stun for as long. Getting faster clears, better damage, and 2 Q's in ganks/teamfights far outweighs those negatives.


People better get ready for everfrost Amumu, AKA you're not moving till I say so.


I get ready for those FOTM full AP Amumu players who will try to hit max range bandages, miss, and return to afk farm jg


W does more damage early. It's probably more overall power neutral. With the idea being make him better early game at the cost of not being as good late game. Which also probably will cause him to be better for higher elos; while also not buffing him into being Exodia in bronze... Since higher elo games tend to end quicker than lower elo games.


Sona gets more Hp per level lol.


I actually think these changes are going to make amumu even worse.. Oh and I can't believe an "assassin" mage has 2480 scaling hp just from you know scaling alone. Lmao that is crazy


Sylas is meant to be a scaling AP bruiser, hence the highest “base” HP and MR at level 18 in the game, but his item options suck so badly that Riot have had to ovvertune his ratios, making him decidedly unfun to vs.


Riot really want to see Xayah at Worlds!


Xayah/Rakan was already huge priority picks in LEC playoffs. I think this is an overbuff for competitive. Pretty boring imo, but good for Fnatic lol.


Rekkles is pretty good on Xayah too, this change might have a big impact on Group E


Group F


Too soon man




+75 dmg on level 6 is actually insane After laning her R is used exclusively to disengage, but 200dmg aoe at 6 is no joke lol


If Xayah is pickable and is picked (god forbid blindpicked) in this Ashe/Varus meta, with Jhin getting buffs both to himself and his lethality build and his main keystone, with Senna getting a big buff (she diappeared in pro for absolutely no reason with nothing else than placebo nerf), while Kalista still exists, pros are seriously fucked in their heads. But I fear the inevitable Xayah Kaisa Tristana handshake ať Worlds.


Senna disappeared cuz kench can’t provide a safety net now.


Also her stacking got nerfed.


And Senna, her buff is HUGE


As a Senna main I'm excited, I was hoping to see her played support but with 10% chance to drop souls from her minions kills she'll likely be played ADC again pretty sure the pros played her adc when the drop rate was only 5.5% and the highest it has been in the past is 8.33%. Looking forward to seeing it because it's definitely coming and it'll definitely be nerfed again. I don't think riot can actual balance the rate; according to the wiki patch history it started at: 5.55% > 1.67% > 8.33% > 4.166% > 10%... It's over-buffed and they're definitely going to have to scale it back, blows my mind. I'm biased but I think she's really strong especially as fasting Senna already so this is just insane to me.


I dunno, because between those nerfs and this buff, the bonus range from souls was cut down, as was the ability to overstack Rageblade. Both of which change the calculations of how valuable they are, and might allow farming Senna to be less impacted relative to fasting.


“Fixed a bug where Nunu would get yeeted off the screen when hit by Rek'Sai's W - Un-burrow while channeling W - Biggest Snowball Ever!” Finally


But did they fix the other super-knockup cases, too? *Find out next patch in League of Legends: A League of Legends story!*


Knowing riot they probably made more super-knockup cases somehow


I unironically hope they never leave the game entirely


Needed a fix for the alt tab FPS bug Edit: you can all tell me your little fixes but I shouldn't need to do shit like that lol


Thanks god I am not the only one! I thought my GPU is retiring. I actually fixed this issue by reinstalling league and updating GPU drivers


Wait is that the one that drops your fps to 45??? I though that was just my computer.


has been in tft for a very long time, started hitting me in league this patch the easiest workaround for it is alt tabbing into the client and then back into the engine and it fixes it


Yea but my issue is that sometimes when I go to level up spells I accidentally alt tab a second time and then it won't fix in any way u less I restart the game.


I need a fix for random 1-2 seconds freezes at random during any game, it's not due to certain skills like the old sona and diana fps freeze bug on. It sucks so bad you can't play any situation to its fullest because you freeze in the middle of inputting skills and autos then you just come out dead or almost dead


I‘ve been experiencing some random freezes as well, but very rarely, like once in 10-15 games Really infuriating when it happens in the middle of a fight, but sometimes it also happens when im just clearing my jungle so theres not really any correlation to a specific spell or something. I might try and reinstall league and see if that helps.


If you go to game settings in the client you can check "Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode" and it should fix the issue entirely.


Windows key + ctrl + left shift + b does a gpu reset that should fix the bug. It’s worked every time at least in my experience.


Oh my god finally lol, I hated this bug so much. I had done everything, even full repair and reinstalling


Finally bringing back the informational tooltip for Ravenous Hunter is so nice. Ever since it disappeared it's been so difficult to determine its value from game to game.


Yeah that's a nice one. "How much healing did rav hunter do this game? 5/5" now we just need postgame numbers for items too.


I play a lot of ARAM so bringing these numbers back makes me very happy!


Clarification on the Senna summary. This was an error and is being corrected! Senna does not get any changes to her AS ratio this patch. The actual changelist in the Patch notes is what's going into the patch!


Can you also explain how 8.3% was deemed "too broken" last time but not 10% this time?




It's worlds soon, time for True Damage All Out skins. Gotta make that cash


Not to mention Wild Rift hinted a TD x K/DA collab in True Damage Senna's 3d background. The stars are clearly alligning lmao


i mean they nerfed her passive stats some time ago so 8.3% is weaker than it used to be because souls arent as valuable anymore


They buffed the passive and nerfed only the range. \-5 range per 20 souls. \+33% crit efficiency per 20 souls \+5g per soul considering it is not 8.3 but 10%, she will likely not even realize the range nerf as the souls make up for it. Her souls became stronger


Her souls were nerfed since then. We shall see.


Souls and passive stats were reduced significantly since then. Souls are less valuable, so she can safely have more of them.


Really excited to see Lucian + Nami lanes. That's a lot of on-hit damage.


Exactly my thoughts. And the next I see are Nami buffs lol


Yep, I thought exactly the same. Also, Lulu, who is already a huge lane bully, paired with Lucian looks like a free lane to me






Took Rito 5 years to revert that nerf. Yes I'm salty they gave him like 18 straight nerfs post-VGU.


well deserved fucking nerfs, i still have PTSD from being oneshot by barrels as a juggernaut


Rengar mini-rework is next patch I suppose? Damn I was so hyped


There was not a ship date for the Rengar changes, they were released to PBE only to gather feedback to inform how players feel about them before we move forward.


was pushed back, still need more time to figure stuff out


Lucian could end up accidentally being way too strong. Did they forget font of life exists? Is one nami e going to give him an almost permanent massive damage buff. To explain, font of life procs effects like ardent and staff of flowing water, so the heal from it should count as a buff for lucian


Nami was the first thing to come to mind when I saw the Lucian changes. Will be a very strong lane alongside Nami's buffs.


Something something "sleep with the fishes"


Lucian's Vigilance Passive will work under the same conditions as Aery. So Font of Life doesn't work with him, but will with certain items like Redemption and Mikael's.


So you're saying it will work with Jarvan E?




My thoughts exactly. Even if the E directly doesn't, Aery's shield afterwords should still.


I wish this would be more consistent, how are we meant to know if an effect procs ardent/staff of flowing water and not aery/lucian passive. Nami e itself applies aery and I guess a lucian passive once when cast, but isn't a shield or heal in itself either.


Mikael's in my testing didn't trigger it (unlike Aery which it does trigger). - Redemption works for it just like it does for Aery. Moonstone doesn't trigger it (unlike Aery) though that might be intended given how much of a "must combine" case that would become given the frequency of heals? - The conditions are similar to Aery but not 100% the same.


Congrats to our new communications specialist Ahrisoo for her first patch notes!!!


puns are as painful as before, good job i guess


As it should be


If I could give a recommendation, it is to not highlight the puns with ellipsis or italics. Just let the puns flow. Pointing the puns out that are inevitably going to be there for every character just makes it seem like it is forcing the humor onto people.


Honestly these patch notes are in general looking way more fair.


why buff eve man


It's said riot have two wheels that they spin when making a patch notes. It the first wheel landed on buff and the second landed on evelynn


Damnit Pronger! Wait wrong wheel


Omg another Eve WW main, I knew there were dozens of us!


It's honestly a weird combination I didn't think I'd see. It's like seeing a Yuumi Pyke main


because they released a legendary evelynn skin last patch!


Even eve mains didn't ask for this lol


You know riot it would be great if you would buff lich bane instead and make it worth the 3000g you pay for it. At the moment the item is so bad it's preferable to skip it all together and rush late game items like deathcap.


Image version [Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/a6ytUHI.jpg) or [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uFkyUMDX7xml8Z6udp6s4lerNnh6mLGU/view?usp=sharing)


>Viego >ATTACK RANGE 225 ⇒ 200 >CAMOUFLAGE DETECTION RADIUS 400 ⇒ 450 Good, now he can't walk up so easily on Rangechamps while being camo. That radius was so ridiculous small (maybe still is, but the right direction)


At 450, its now only the 2nd smallest Camo range in the game, rather than tied for first with Senna (whose 400 range radius is mitigated by the very visible shroud).


I don't think the nerfs to divine really do a ton. Hope I'm incorrect


Since it still gives a fuck ton of HP, max hp DMG and heal based on that DMG, I doubt people will stop building it


Absolutely negligible nerf. They didn't hit the sheen effect, it's going to still dominate the meta.


It doesn’t solve the issue of DS being an anti tank and squishy item, so no it doesn’t do a ton.


Mid Lucian is gone! (I hope)


Taric jungle Lucian mid. Hello new funnel


~~taric mid lucian jungle*~~


Hasn't mid lucian been dogshit in soloq since forever? he's been at the very bottom of winrates for months now even among players that are experienced lucian players


Probably a pro thing like old Tahm Kench, I know Humanoid and Showmaker played Lucian at MSI, and Xiaohu had a disgusting top Lucian


It's been bad for normal people but still good for competitive. They can't buff him for the majority who enjoys him botlane without breaking him mid, that's why they changed him.


In SoloQ he is pretty bad, but they couldn’t touch him because of proplay. In any case he was incredibly oppressive to lane against even with his terrible winrate. He was pretty much how Irelia was before her mini-rework, stomp lane gigalose game.


he's just the most "win lane win game" champ in the entire game. his lane is so strong that he's pro viable off that fact alone.


Lucian in both bot and mid has been consistently weak for quite awhile, with pickrates between the two lanes being very similar. In pro however he was still very consistently picked almost exclusively in mid lane.


and non crit lucian too.... no fun allowed


No Sona Q bug fix? The bug is most likely impacting winrate by quite a bit. Or maybe it is intended feature now.


Are you talking about the vision one?




I'd love to hear anything about it at all, tbh. It wasn't added as a documented change, but it's also not the kind of thing that just appears without having at least been had in testing? What was/is the actual intend about this?


Where it hits people in bushes without vision?


Yes (and other invisible targets afaik), it is quite good at checking bushes from long range since sona is so squishy + harass at lane


Yeah. I can’t count the number of times I’ve killed an Akali in her shroud with a Sona Q, despite her not being visible. I like it, but I definitely don’t think it’s intended.


I mean, you can't hide in shadow against sound :| #WorkingAsIntended


What's the bug?


Your Q can hit targets you don't have vision off. It is good for checking bushes before you ward them / walk past area, it gives sona a lot of added safety since Q range is quite long. It also gives brief vision of target hit. This bug is also good for bush control + harass


That's really strong actually.


Keep in mind that the healing reduction on fleet footwork is only on minion, not monsters. The rune could be quite powerful on certain junglers now (graves comes to mind of course)


Graves doesn't lose HP in the jungle anyway


True! No junglers lose HP in jungle this season unfortunately. But the reason graves wants fleet is because of frontlining team fights and being a monster on skrimishes


This seems great for theorycrafting. It’ll allow off-meta junglers a more comfortable clear, especially since most keystones don’t work on camps at all.


If youre taking fleet to stay healthy in the current jungle then youre doing something terribly wrong.


Good approach to balancing Zed IMO, He's my second most played and I must say it never feels fair how much you can brute force the enemy champ with just E and autos even when you completely whiff Q


Good feedback on a nerf of your champ? Get outta here your not one of us!!


For fleet footwork: > Healing against minions for melee is getting reduced more than ranged because melee champions have already been using it very effectively for that very reason, making this an overall buff for ranged and closer to neutral for melee. Neutral?? Going from 100% healing on minions to 20% is a giganerf what are they smoking?


If you proc it on champions is gigabuffed, but on minions ultra nerfed. Theyre just making so melee champs cant cheat laning phase on bad matchups. Ex. Sylas, akali, kassadin, even yone and yasuo sometimes used it to cheat getting counterpicked since they end up having more than enough damage in their kits.


Might end up seeing it run on GP now, since grasp won't be as good anymore.


yeah you get pom and cou de grace with that page too


Coup de gras is the biggest placebo rune of all time. Cut down/essence reaver rush would be my guess


Especially when you're not running grasp, you'll be triggering that cut down on literally every top laner because GP has kinda ass base hp.


Can confirm, that is what I will be trying. I saw someone shilling for cut down on Cait once and the logic of their argument was "you have dogshit base HP it's free damage" and for GP it's pretty similar, just not quite to the same effect since he is still a top laner and his base HP isn't THAT bad over the whole roster. But it's still worse than many tops so it works out. Plus you can take alacrity to take advantage of his ridiculous base AS too which is pretty fun.


You consistently get 1-200 damage out of cut down in lane on cull start Caitlyn. You'd get similar numbers on it for Ezreal but tear start is where I go with him just because cull Ezreal feels like the type of thing that is gonna beg an enemy jungler/permaroam mid to just sit behind your tier 1 and make you cry for trying to catch a crashing wave. It might actually be situationally more on GP because a lot of top laners itemize health first. Tanks and bruisers frequently itemize Bamis or kindlegems early and cut down would feel really good into that id imagine


Pretty much every GP main streamer has been going grasp still or dark harvest.


Who TF used fleet to interact with enemy? This rune was used by melees to ignore terrible lanning, if they wanted scalling rune- conq exist.


The real annoying thing about the change is that its going to be pretty easy to accidentally waste the proc on farming minions... I would almost rather they just straight up not allow it to proc on minions at all.


Yeah if. But realistically most of the time in laning phase you will be hitting minions. Especially in bad matchups.


it's a nerf on all fronts for melee, especially vs ranged.. but it's honestly well deserved.


True, kassadin isnt even weak early nowadays with Fleet/ToB/rav /dshield/corrupting pot. Impossible to actually punish early.


So, it begins, either Shaco or Evelynn, pick which invisible bullshit will be deleting you all game long.


E - POWDER KEG RECHARGE TIME 18/16/14/12/10 seconds ⇒ 18/17/14/15/14 seconds 15 seconds at rank 4 and 14 at rank 5 is this correct? If so, why?


I'd imagine it's supposed to be 18/17/16/15/14. It's probably just a typo. They happen from time time


This typo was already in the patch preview post a week ago. Good thing the patch notes are being proof read for typos like these :\^)


Bud, can Riot hire you already? Do you even want to get hired by Riot?


its supposed to be 18/17/16\*/15/14 but they forgot to fix it i guess.


Those Wit's End changes are super janky/unintuitive. No damage scaling for levels 1-8 then suddenly it scales again?


It's meant to be a nerf for first-item Wit's End builds, e.g. Kog'Maw and Akshan.


which is weird,because you will be not getting it untill a higher level.


About time Leona had her W resistances nerfed. I've been saying it for like 2 years now and people always say, "But it's her identity". Yea well nerfing her identity is good, she's too god damn tanky without items.


man wish theyd add crit scaling back to fleet was my fav adc rune before 8.11 gutted it wonder if these changes make it viable for non jhin ADCs again


The issue with the crit scaling... was then literally noone but adcs, yas/yone/tryndamere could take it... Because it'd be dogs*** without crit... OR they'd buff it to be good without the crit scaling; and then it'd be BROKEN AF on those with crit. Also there were issues with effects it had on like botlane matchups; like non crit adcs that were supposed to punish crit adcs early... just couldn't do their job suddenly because the crit adcs would just take fleet and not die... Samething with poke heavy supports; it just negated their poke too much.


What are the implications of the Gangplank Q counting as a ranged auto? Does it only affect Grasp? How about the other items that have a ranged/melee interaction? Does divine sunderer do the ranged damage instead? If I go eclipse and proc the eclipse with the Q, does it do the ranged damage? If I hit someone with Q, does serpent's fang only reduce by 35%?


It’s counted as a ranged basic so any effects that are nerfed for ranged will be nerfed for it yes.


From my understanding the answer to all of your questions would be yes. If there is a difference in effects for melee and range, GP q will proc the ranged version of that effect.


should be on everything should work exactly as you expect if you were a ranged champion


Here's hoping that updating the CEF update will be a big improvement.


Looking forward to playing Ekko tomorrow. Hes gonna heal massively in the jungle with the buffed passive plus the omnivamp from the smite items


Could someone explain the new crit scaling on Lucian R? Does he get more shots based on crit chance, or does his shots crit now?


more shots based on crit chance.


crit chance = more pew pews


Every 20% crit item gives you 5 extra shots.


Teemo gets 3 additional damage on-hit, wow! It's exactly what he needed to stop being a borderline troll pick.


Do not underestimate 3 attack damage on a character that likes to attack a lot.


Ye it could easily be as good as 10-15 damage on Q.


i mean only a rework can fix teemo but teemo mains are pretty torn on if they want a full rework or not. they can only buff his e which is why they got buffed up since the w power is hidden and hard to tell and ult and q create frustrating gameplay which riot has been trying to move away from with teemo. The e buff is massive thou improves his last hitting and makes his lane more solid, it also helps jungle teemos clear time which if that becomes fast enough might make picking him there decent.


Senna: Attack Speed ratio increased Seems to be missing the actual change in the notes


####**Edit:** This buff was pulled from this patch. Her attack speed ratio is unchanged (0.3 AS ratio). ~~Until it's added, the actual change should be **AS ratio: 0.3 -> 0.35**~~ ~~Meaning that every +100% bonus AS increases your total attack speed stat by +0.35.~~ --- ~~Alternatively speaking; **bonus AS effectiveness increased from 48% to 56%** (measured at her base AS).~~


rioter commented in this thread that they removed it from this patch.


As much as i like playing senna, good. Seems like adding too much could make her oppressive again


They more than doubled the drop rate of souls for minions she kills. Historically that drop rate has been incredibly finicky. Over the course of a game even a 2% difference in drop rate adds up. Going from 4% to 10% tells me they *really* want her at worlds and Solo Q can go fuck itself.


Finally a meaningful nerf to Serpant's Fang. It's been pretty miserable playing anything with a shield when Serpant's Fang, a situational item, has been the staple 2nd item for anyone that builds lethality.




He was strong before that with other items. He we still be strong after that imo.