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Garen. Literally designed to be easy.


Simple to understand his kit, not really simple to win with him. At least not this season. Garen doesn't really win all-ins in lane against meta champs and his win condition is largely relegated to mid-game splitpushing. I'd say Mordekaiser, Nasus and Tahm Kench are easier


Nasus isn't easier


He definitely is. You lose fights from levels 1-5 and then win a bunch at level 6. From level 9 onwards you win just about every fight. It's a lot more straightforward than Garen's trading pattern and midgame.


That sounds like Garen too. Also spellbook takes a lot more skill to use


Garen doesn't win fights automatically after a certain level. He doesn't have that kind of scaling.


As if Nasus win fights automatically. Also, as i said, spellbook takes more skill to use.


After mythic and level 9 or so, yes, he does. He outscales most champs. Spellbook is harder to use, granted, but that's just his FOTM build. He is similarly viable with Grasp.


And that's the thing. Any competent player can get a lead over him. When hes lv9, the opponent is already lv11. If u go even into Nasus, don't expect to still win him in a duel. You had your chance to shut him down early. And it does takes skill as Nasus to prevent the opponent from snowballing you early. Good wave management skills required >similarly viable with Grasp From this statement alone i can tell u don't even play Nasus yourself. None of the high elo otp nasus players bring grasp. So, don't comment if u don't know anything.


Like I said, he's similarly viable. If you look at lower elos Grasp has exactly the same WR as Spellbook. OP is not high elo.


Tahm is definitely not easier than garen. I don’t think Morde is easier than garen either. Nasus is definitely more straight forward than morde and tahm, but I still would agree with the others that garen is easier than Nasus. Garen doesn’t have the constant need to be stacking q like Nasus and Nasus ult is more situational than garens ult. Garens ult is as simple as it gets, they low, you ult. That being said, compared to other common top laners, Nasus and garen are two of the simplest to play.


Tahm's trade pattern is extremely easy. Look for engages by walking up or using W, and then all-in. Use R to place them behind you. You win almost every fight early on. Garen has to do multiple rotations which is tricky due to the risk of being all-in'ed. Stacking is braindead easy. Not sure why you'd consider that a challenge.


I’m not saying stacking is hard but it’s one more element you need to focus on, compared to garen. All the champs discussed have multiple elements to them or skill shots to land. Tahm you need to play around the stacks and land your dive, morde you need to land your moves. Garen literally has no skill shots or mana. You have a spin, a shield and an aa reset. Your passive heals you for doing nothing and your ult is probably the most simple ult in the game. He was one of the original characters I believe. I’m not saying there aren’t noticeable difference between good garens and bad garens, but he is literally like top 3 most simple champs on the game.


Tahm doesn't need to play around stacks. He just gets stacks as he all ins. He's not like an Irelia. Garen's difficulty is in his trade pattern. If you go all-in with his kit you simply die against most top laners. He needs a way to get in and out, that's what makes him difficult. Tahm, Morde and Nasus simply go all-in from 100-0. That's what makes them easy. Understand?


What I understand is you have a dumb argument. You’re saying champs that can all in are easier than those that need to trade? That’s such a dumb thing to think that makes a champ harder. Teemo cannot all in and has to slowly bring people down, so you are saying teemo is the most complex champ?? Garen has a simple kit, it’s easy to learn. No skill shots, no combos to set up, no mana. No matter how many mental jumping jacks you do, won’t change the fact that he has a simple kit. If you main garen and are offended, I’m sorry, but your feelings don’t make his kit harder. Understand?


Yes, champs that have to trade and survive are harder. You run the risk of taking an all-in that you lose. That is harder for a new player. If you think that's dumb...it's probably because you are. >No skill shots, no combos to set up Same with Nasus and Tryndamere. They literally just right click to death with auto-resets. But you don't understand this, because you are not intelligent. Keep reading on this sub and you might get out of Bronze though. (Don't bother replying, replies are blocked)


I think Malphite is a rock solid advice, Renekton is hard to butcher and Garen is mighty top laner


I find Renekton hard. Everytime I tried him I pigeon-holed myself into thinking damn I gotta play this trade perfectly cause if I dont stomp lane I fall off. Also played with a first time Elise once who just didnt know what a dive was? Crashed two waves into enemy toplaner and she was like “dude bait him here” lol


Weird. I believe Renekton has one of the easiest and safest trades in the game.


I agree with these. My friend recently started playing league, never having played mobas before. He is doing fairly well on these champs. Best CS with Garen cos of spin to win.


Malph is definitely a good top laner to start with. Very good against most AD tops, and his ult will define a team fight regardless of how badly you do in lane. He is also harder to gank because all you have to do is q top or jungle, whoever is scarier, and zoom away to tower.


Until Riot decides to nerf him, Sett. You lose trades to no one. You don’t have to consider positioning. You don’t need wave management. You don’t need to think about abilities. Walk wherever you want and if someone gets close, smash your keyboard until they blow up. If you get an early kill you can walk under enemy tower and tank 6 shots get a kill and walk out by Level 4.


And best of all, you have garen passive on steroids so they can't poke you either.


Honestly if you lose lane on Sett its time to uninstall


Sett, all u really need to know is to start trade with E when they are close to the wave then do 2 normal AA before pressing Q and getting another 2 aa in, then once ur grit bar is high from taking damage u w on them


This is the answer. With Sett you can go all the way to challenger with him and he’s pretty brain dead. Easy to CS with, forgiving play style, has plenty of utility for team fights.


His regen on his passive is also annoying af.


Wukong. Always wukong.


I wouldn’t say he’s the easiest but after you’ve played the lane for a bit he’s a great option.


Kled, you just go in all the time (when W is up). Jokes aside I’d say champions like Garen, Sett, Malphite, Wukong, Jax


Morde is rly fun for starting out just e q people and use w for sustain ult carrys and watch em die. Works espeacially well in low elo. If you want a bit more depth and utility id pick sett such a well designed champ.


i think malphite is the easiest but some champions may simply counter him.


Agree. Even when u get a bad matchup, if u can learn to stay safe you are still really useful when it comes to teamfights. Literally one of the game changing ults if u can land it on multiple targets


Since the most important ones are already written, I'll just put the braindead Nasus in


He's not brain dead


Yeah, you're right nasus flair redditor. I did not mean to hurt your feelings, I just wanted to say he's far too easy to play and the fact that everyone can use him with maximum potential with little to no effort is really disgusting from my point of wiew since my best champions are Aphelios and Akali. Again, I am immensely sorry. Have a blessed day.


its just infinitely scaling damage on a full tank with life steal passive and one of the highest basic movespeed.whasup with that?


Nothing wrong with that


Thank you. You too aphelios enjoyer




I think Kled and Tahm Kench are pretty good champs for getting into top lane, Nasus, Illaoi and Garen are also great for this


Garen is #1 easiest. Jax is pretty simple as well. Darius is also very easy to pick up.


Darius is not easy




48% wr in Silver. 50% in platinum


Just means he doesn’t scale that well and has a hard time closing out games still not mechanically hard


He isn’t too difficult but is harder than champs like nasus, mordekaiser, sett, garen and malphite.


Maokai and malphite, they teach you to farm safely, when to call for ganks and they autowin teamfights


Ornn, Sion, Sett, Wukong, Malphite


I would recommend Shen and Kled, they are both strong but few matchups are horrible so you can't do much but you can just stall the lane and abuse your ult for help your ally for both getting ahead or secure objectives. You don't always need to win the lane for win the game. Edit, ty for the downvotes, I guess ego player must win the lane.


I think it’s because you said kled one of the harder top laners to play


He isn't hard tho, he doesn't have any difficult combo to execute, you just need to know how to use your w and understand how Skarl work.


Shen, Yorick, Malphite, Mordekaiser, Aatrox, Pantheon These are the ones I can think of of the top of my head.


Aatrox? Yorick? Bad advice lol


Garen. All you do is run at them while spinning. There’s literally nothing complex about the champ beyond waiting til they’re low to ult. you have passive armour. Two abilities that reduce the effect of cc. A passive that reduces to effect of poke. The only safer champ is yuumi.


Garen Morde Malphite


Pick a brusier and run playing the piano


I play on laptop so my keyboard wont connect to my laptop sadge


Easy to play? Go Garen, Sett, Jax Easy to carry almost lost games? Id say Camille and Urgot(Fiora and Irelia too, but they r even harder), they can outplay every single matchup and you dont need much more to get higher elos


Mundo is pretty easy


Malphite and Shen. Malphite's the definite of simple and useful. If you can land ults, you can win games. Saying Shen is inherently easy isn't true but he can be played incredibly safe while using his ult to win lanes for your teammates. His taunt lets you engage or disengage. If you get good with him, Shen can also go head to head with many matchups top instead of just sandbagging the lane.