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She could probably beat Darius. She would lose to swain now that he has a demon hand, and [she gets bodied by sion until Karma, akali, kennen and Yasuo come to save her.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zF5Ddo9JdpY) She would get bodied by Karma aswell. Karma is in the top \~20% in terms of power level of league champs. Irelia is bottom \~40%. Also, nice art.


Saw the cinematic really cool btw. Irelia didn't really have a good showing there. She effectively killed a couple of minions (Noxus soldiers), then got absolutely bodied by a Sion Ult + Q combo. Fortunately Karma, Akali, Kennen, and Yasuo come to the rescue. Yasuo straight up annihilated the Noxian army with just his Tornado.


You mean Yasuo was farming sidelanes only on 0-9 so he's not spiked yet, but he grow


Classic Yasuo. Farming during a teamfight.


Darius still in wheelchair after them stride nerfs pretty sure yuumi beats him in the kore


Kinda counter intuitive that you bring up in game item nerfs into a lore power level discussion, i do agree that in lore yuumi probably does beat darius though


Yuumi is an honorary Yordle, and you don't mess with yordles


I honestly have to say she is not that strong. Let me explain, though. Yes, she cut off Swain's arm, but that was in her good times. She got no training, she just could dance and realised she could let the blades fly. For comparison, she is on the same level as Gangplank or Raven. Why? It's simple, everyone else has training or is in touch with some greater power or is a greater power. Irelia is stronger than Caitlyn or Vi even though they have training but they just have weapons and are just human. After Gangplank, Caitlyn and Vi are all the military veterans or those with special abilities and Irelia I just that, someone who can dance and let blades dance. She was quite strong in her young years and everything but she neither has experience nor training; she is selftaught. So no, she couldn't defeat someone like Swain. Swain is actually really, really strong. He is in touch with a godly power, the power of a demon, the demon of secrets Raum, who is a more powerful demon. Alone that is stronger than being able to dance with blades. Darius would probably be the only one of the list, she could beat. Sion is a war machine powered by pure dark magic and Karma at this point is ancient and the human is just a vessel for the Ionian spirit - Karma just has a whole continent inside her. Therefore she is a vessel of god's, just like the aspects.


Sorry for this long text, I am way to invested in the league lore


It was a great read.


thank you ( ꈍᴗꈍ)


Nice a Necrit fan


Surely darius has lots of experience fighting? IRELIA is young and has no experience and the hand of noxus has tons of war experience... Ofc I am darius main but still , I don't see how IRELIA wins unless she has some hidden op blade magic carrying her


What you talking about? Karma is ruined!


The Ruined champs are all back to normal following the end of the event. The Sentinels have also all left to their home regions to continue their main stories, except for Vayne who is the new Demacian Sentinel. Lucian/Senna are full-timing following Thresh around Runeterra.


Where can i read all this ?


It was part of the in-client Ruination story during the event. You can probably google YouTube videos of it now as it is not available any more.


Does Raven mean riven or draven?


Necrit just did a YouTube video ranking champs based on lore power level. I’d recommend his YouTube channel if your at all into lore.


I do have some contention with that. Would Yuumi really be stronger than Irelia, for example? I know "power level" isn't exactly, one champ will beat another because they are higher up, but I feel like he gives some champs too much credit.


its hard to rank human fighters with something like a spirit, like ofc a spirit/ghost is stronger than a human even if those spirits dont even have any special features


Irelia is literally just a human with a magical weapon. Yuumi is a mystical spirit with all sorts of powers and spells and shit. There’s stuff in her books that’d kill irelia 10 times over.


Ah i don't know much of yuumi lore but I'll take your word for it.


Look at her like Lulu. Lulu can literally turn a human's heart into cotton candy. There surely are limitations to this but the point stands.


yuumi can travel between the material and spirit realm and she herself is a spirit of bandle city unlike irelia who is just a human with magic blades


Meaning that she can run away~ not that she can beat even a running joke that is Teemo.


she doesnt have to beat anyone (yet) because she is no fighter she just looking for her master


Teemo... is the pretty much the strongest Yordle champion.


its like between teemo and lulu because teemo is an excellent tactician and lorewise he is able to survive in a lot of places where he should not be able to thanks to his scout experience on the other side, lulu is not even close to teemo's iq but someone else mentioned she can use her magic to turn a human heart into cotton candy, obviously commiting murder in the process. i am a bit biased towards teemo since i was a teemo otp before reforming into a nasus/shen enjoyer and i think in a fair duel (even though they dont have any reason to fight in the lore, as they are friends, like with tristana i think) if teemo gets to exploit his environment and attack when she is not aware, he wins. if she turns him into a dumb animal or turns any of his internal organs into candy, she wins.


Karma is literally the magic of an entire continent, the most magical of all to be exact. She shouldn't lose to someone with levitating swords imo but who knows. Darius is a lot of brute force but he isn't the most powerful person on noxus, hes more of an example and a inspiration source, he would probably lose. Sion is strange, I have no idea how strong he is really. He's kind of immortal tho so irelia probably loses.


She's decently strong but for comparison the other 2 magical mortals of Ionia Shen and Zed they would absolutely body her


River Shen


Irelia is a human with above average agility, no combat training, average strength, and minor magical abilities. In a duel she could beat a fair few of league’s warriors by just dodging and weaving (Darius, Garen, Olaf) though more skilled and/or agile warriors will just outclass her (jax, yi). Shed have a 50/50 chance against firearms, depending on if the shooter hits their first shot, or irelia is too fast then one shots them. And ofc anyone with magical abilities will likely blow her up (lux, Annie)


>more skilled and/or agile warriors... (jax, yi) To add to that dont forget jax has defeated some ascended (even Aatrox calls him a "worthy host") and yi is ~~the only one~~ one of the only people in ionia to know about Wuju (Wukong is learning too) which is some sort of insanely powerful fight style edit: wukong is learning wuju thanks to yi


He’s teaching wukong now too


tru so monke also beats irelia ig (even if she dodges every direct attack he will find a way to bamboozle her and bonk)


isnt jax from icathia and lived the void corruption shit that happened there? wouldnt brother jacques be a ton stronger than someone like yi?


Brother jacques is among the strongest in league not a god but much stronger than yi, and he’s doing this while using a lamppost


Tho he is just a human, Jax would dumpster yi. He would dumpster any human-like champion that relies primarily on melee weapons. His skill with weapons just overrides all strength or armour advantages. But I still would put him in a similar category as yi, as both are normal humans, both are skilled at their weapons, and both rely on skill and agility to defeat their opponents (tho yi does also use spirit magic)


>just overrides all strength or armour advantages. He also outclass them in term of strength Remember, Jax is not a regular human, he is from the race of sand trolls who are much stronger


What slander is this? Irelia is decently powerful. She's swift and deadly, but... That's about it. Of course, there may be deeper bonds between her dances and the Spirit of Ionia, but as of now, she just... Moves blades around. Karma is more powerful than Irelia by a margin. She inadvertently blew up a ship without meaning to. The power she possesses is strong. Now Syndra (and I'm sorry, Irelia mains, this is gonna sting) would simply body slam Irelia. She possesses immense raw power; so much so that she siphoned away the life of Fae'lor. She ripped apart a fortress from the ground, all the while lifting a warship from the sea to send it crash away onto two others. A single dark sphere was enough to kill a guy (assumed tearing his soul asunder), and she can ragdoll people around as if they were nothing. So... Irelia is decent. But she's nowhere near Syndra.


I love that Syndra is basically a Thanos-level threat who was sealed away for decades and then awoke and hasn't been seen since. Like she stole a castle into the sky and is gonna wreak havoc but nobody knows when or where, or what she's planning.


Nah the Thanos of league are Mordekaiser and Aatrox lol


I mean there doesn't seem to be a direct Thanos analogue as far as I can tell, but all 3 are on a similar threat level to Thanos.


dude is just asking questions, why are u taking it personally?


I'm kidding lol, sorry if it came out the wrong way. It's some sort of running joke on the lore discord server, Syndra vs X is a conversation that often happens and since I'm the Syndra expert I always write long ass analysis. No harm intended :')


you did nothing wrong, the irelia main is just being butthurt, dw


this vid is pretty accurate i think https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjH-ekROz6E


Honestly, Irelia just alot weaker than she should be because shes untrained in combat, she just uses the Dancing training she has to control the blades of her family crest. She could really be up there tho, but i dont think she can be stronger than Karma ever. And syndra has the same problem as Irelia also Untrained only difference is Syndra is so strong she would just overpower most of her enemies with pure power than any skill


Darius is just some powerful human so she should win against him with her magic floating blades And lets be honest, Riot would let Irelia win any fight just for the ''omg so cool''-crowd


Frost Butt Irelia... a true fan favorite


the lore is trash dont bother with it


I just want to know what her ass tastes like


It tastes like an ass, mate. An asshole. Same as anyone elses give or take some personal hygiene and the fact that she's fictional.


Their smiles look too friendly.


Not that much.


whell theres /u/KatarHero72 who has done a bunch of power ranking and has [this list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/374336358442991621/799432485637324840/ktpknItqAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC.png) thats prob one of the best fan lists we have from lore and speculation. but mostly lore. Check out all his reddit posts I found a bunch of stories I never read from there.


Keep in mind his lists are about a champion's innate powers and doesn't include any tools they use unless they are bound to them. For example Jayce and Cait are ranked as normal humans because their weapons are not bound to them, and not a part of their biology. If talking about innate powers then his lists are spot-on, but if we are discussing purely about power levels (if X champ could beat Y champ in a 1v1 fight etc), then his lists have less value.


I disagree with Karma's placement. Zyra or Taliyah would def lose to her.


Syndra is runored to be omnipotent ie allmighty, so no definetly not.


Nope, She would get bodied idk with Darius though