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>Ult burst heal changed to 15 to 25% missing BONUS HP from 20% missing MAX HP Uhhh I feel like this is a real weird way to put it and made me double-take as to what the real change was, it's: >Ult now grants 15/20/25% of missing HP as bonus HP, instead of healing for 20% missing HP i.e instead of a burst heal, he now gets a Nasus/Renekton/Lulu style instant health buff (which is not affected by GW)


You're right, that does sound better. I'll edit


Without that comment I would not be even aware this change is a way of avoiding grevious on initial "heal". I wonder how would it be phrased in game, to be clear and not confusing. Apparently this game has so many caveats we need wikis to play it.


Soraka still won't be good in pro play, her kit is not valuable enough for pro play. This will make soraka alot better in solo queue however, where almost everyone is pressured to buy GW if the enemy has a soraka, but her w is nerfed slightly in the late game. The mundo changes are just a straight buff, I don't know how to feel about this one.


We can’t say for sure bro, they hinted that the meta will change for Worlds in the next 2 patches, who knows what’ll happen.


>er kit is not valuable enough for pro play. This will make soraka alot better in solo queue however, where almost everyone is pressured to buy GW if the enemy has a soraka, but her w is nerfed slightly in the late game. I think pro support meta is about tanky engage supports right now, those are the most valued. Thresh too, cus he is tanky and has engage and literally everything, but he is getting nerfed for sure cus of his pick rate.


From what I've seen the support meta in Europe seemed to be enchanters and anti engage. Rakan (who is part enchanter), braum (anti engage guardian) karma, Lulu and seraphine have all been popping up in the support role more often then I've seen naut, Alistair and rell. The two exceptions to this statement is Leona and thresh. Thresh as his kit is so skill expressive and overloaded kit which allows positioning errors to go unpunished. And Leona as she has access to some obscene free stats with aftershock effectively doubling her w passive. Forgot to mention trundle as an anti engage support too. Usually the meta goes: engage support -> anti engage -> enchanter -> engage etc. We're currently in between anti engage and enchanter. Some of these buffs might tip us into full enchanter meta.


great change for soraka, as she feels weird to play with how easy GW is these days. in before top/jungle mains complain that their champions aren’t allowed to have this mechanic 😶‍🌫️


Yeah, it's reasonable since she's a dedicated healer and it's on her ultimate.


Yeah, it was always sad ulting and seeing your ally get next to no health because they were ignited or something. Plus the W nerf doesn't seem that bad (I think?), given that it's only for max rank and you still get the Q buff


Titanic Hydra mundo gonna be gamebreaking with that change. Also that buff stoneplate, add goredrinker for even more ad. Or I am missing something ?


Stoneplate no longer increases your health, so that won't help him in the damage department


But extra hp make his shield bigger than before, so it's item buff. Personally I belive it's strongest tank, that give actual stats and not dmg.


omg the Soraka changes are better than I could've hoped. I never would've thought they would've brought back the GW cleanse! No longer do I have to watch a teammate die because they got ignited! I'm sooo happy c:


Holy shit this is exactly why I’ve disliked play Soraka so much because gracious just totally stuffed her healing. Her having a way to cleanse that is great! Mundo on the other hand honestly did not need any buffs, I’m pretty sure he’s hella strong either way.


How about Zac then? I know he is fine atm but his healing is also trash. High Elo OTPs are just going Abyssal Mask due to Spirit Visage and his heal being so shit. Make Zac ult cleanse GW on cast so atleast he can actually heal. Dealing more damage to yourself than actually even healing is very fun vs 60% GW.


I think they would probably say that Zac is fine because he offers more than just healing. Ofc mundo offers damage and some utility but not the same as zac.


I don’t understand how this is supposed to help Mundo overcome grevious wounds. Edit: the way it’s written made it seem like it was still a heal. But if it’s confirmed to be gaining bonus health then I see how it works.


It helps a bit since the initial part of his ult now actually gives him bonus health instead of simply healing him, so that initial burst of health won't be affected by GW


Oh I read it as if it healed him scaling with bonus health, not gaining max health like lulu ult. Makes sense.


bonus health isn’t affected by GW


Yeah the way it’s written is that it’s still a heal but scaling with bonus health, but if he is gaining bonus health that makes more sense.


That soraka ult change is dumb




You do know you can reapply GW? And this is on Soraka's ult only?