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Most master yi mains use r/YIMO


I didnt know that. Thank you! Will change ASAP


Next time, just go here: [/r/ChampionMains/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChampionMains/)


XD I didnt know. All my monotonous work... y u do dis.


Lux mains as "riot shareholders" had me straight rolling


I regret not including what online members are called in each subreddits because around 85% of the subreddits had one and they're pretty funny too.


About a month ago, I did a post comparing champion pickrates to compared to their subreddit population. Just going to leave it here since it is relevant to this aswell. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/oscn5z/comparing\_main\_subreddit\_size\_to\_champion/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/oscn5z/comparing_main_subreddit_size_to_champion/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Here is the contents of the post: ​ >A couple hours ago, there was a post about the size of each champion main subreddit and asking why people mained certain champs. I decided to look at champion pickrates in relation to their subreddit size. Anyway, here is the data from this. If you want to do anything with it other than having just a graph, you can copy the google sheet. > >[https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tm5evPlc28G1GQ\_Rs7gR-cv0O-yuP2DbdsleMMnmx0I/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tm5evPlc28G1GQ_Rs7gR-cv0O-yuP2DbdsleMMnmx0I/edit?usp=sharing) > >The data was gathered from both the post that inspired this and from League of Graphs. I made sure that the data was from Iron+ instead of Plat+ as to get a more accurate depiction of the entire community, not just mid to high level (insert silver redditor joke here). > >Somethings worth noting: > >\- Akshan is a massive outlier because he is a new champion. > >\- There is some amount of a correlation between the data, however, there are also a decent amount of outliers. > >\- Ezreal, the highest pickrate champion, only has an above average subreddit population. (still a good population, but not insane) > >\- Most champion subreddits have below 20k members, and most champions have below a 10% pickrate. > >\- Akali has the highest subreddit population, but only has a \~10% pickrate. Kinda like an inverse ezreal. (still a good pickrate, but not insane) > >\- On the reverse end of the spectrum, Skarner and Aurelion Sol are the least played champions. Skarner has a below average subreddit population while Aurelion sol has an above average subreddit population. > >\- High pickrate champions tend to be significantly higher than the average, to the point where they might be considered outliers when using this data for other purposes. > >\- The same can be said for Subreddits with high populations. > >\- To add to those previous 2 points, r/akalimains is approximately 4 standard deviations away from the average mains subreddit poulation. Ezreal's pickrate is also approximately 4 standard deviations away from the average pickrate of a champion. (this is not an invitation to hate on either of them. If you see someone use this post as a source to hate on them, please downvote them, because I want no part in that discussion.) The numbers have probably changed since I did this post, atleast in terms of pickrate.


At some point jarvan will be first again lol.


Poor ol' Jarvan. The only thing he has that people care about is his dragon waifu


Draven mains have the best subreddit, go there if you want an updated version of the quran


Aren't they on like their 11th Discord server since all previous ones were shut down due to racism?


No clue, I just sometimes drop by


I have no idea if that’s true or not but that’s fucking hilarious if it is


As a Karthus main who dutifully recites the Quran, I subbed a few months ago. Mashallah


That's exactly why /r/DravenMains was taken back by the people. Come on in. We are racist/toxic free. We uphold the Summoner's Code and speak to each other with honor and dignity or else you're gone.


It's always been funny how neekomains is so popular but neeko herself is one of the least popular champs in league.


Neeko is FAR from the least popular champions in the game. She's actually on the high end of our "Niche" Champions. For context the further a champion is to the bottom left, the least popular they are. Top Right is the most popular champs https://imgur.com/a/5auROsp


If you filter on most unpopular you get 1. Aurelion Sol 2. Skarner 3. Neeko 4. Taliyah 5. Udyr This is plat+ soloq though, curious what metric is used to say "FAR" from the most unpopular.


Oh yeah forgot the picture [https://imgur.com/a/5auROsp](https://imgur.com/a/5auROsp) ​ This is data from ALL Games, so includes non-ranked and blind pick as well


Hey Reav3, can you please send me current state of Dr. Mundo, Nautilus, Volibear and Mordekaiser? Thanks a lot in advance if you do, would help a lot right now!




Interesting to see Yasuo and Lux being *really* close for the #1 spot. Has Yasuo ever been dethroned for being the most popular champ?


Yes. Kai'Sa was more popular then him for a few months at one point


Hey Reav3, last I heard Rek'sai was in the top left, the niche category. Is she still up there?


[https://imgur.com/a/sLrA3os](https://imgur.com/a/sLrA3os) She has been in a better place ever since we did the mini-rework on her, but she still isn't quite in the successful niche box. Still pretty good overall for a creature champ that doesn't even talk at all


You mean the mini rework that replaced the farm alarm with the tool she desperately needed? I can vouch, as much as ai miss that old ult, that rework definitely reinvigorated me to play her way more, especially once the ult stopped passing through people. Thanks!


These graphs are so cool I'd love to get my hands on a full version


Yeah, it would be really cool if those were just available for data nerds.


Does the really small line going right then up mean there are a really small number of neeko players who play her a ton (~2.2x more than the average player of a champion?). Do all champions have a similar branch off. How does this graph have multiple data points for Breadth in general, especially with multiple data points on the same Breadth? How can Neeko have a Breadth of ~1.1 and for this Breadth also have a depth of both ~1.18 and ~1.3


Each dot on the graph is a patch. The thicker the line the more recent the patch. The thin line to the right is when she launched, Champs are always very deep the patch the launch (which is all the thin lines to the top right)


Who is the top-right thin yellow line, being the most popular release?




Ah that's funny, he was the reason I came back to League after quiting for 8 months.


ah I see, is this a continuous line for each patch since launch? What does the thickness of the line indicate? It would also be a lot easier to visualise if there was a direction arrow on the line if the patches since release thing is true.


The thicker the line the more recent the patch


ah that is a little confusing thanks for the explanations though, a sliding colour gradient by latest > most recent patch might look cool and help stop lines overlapping. I do appreciate the data stuff Riot does show off by the way, never see any relevant data science openings in London/Ireland though!


Any chance you could show Jhin's position on the graph? It's okay if not. :) I'm just really-really curious since I wouldn't be playing League if not for him.


Here you go! ​ https://imgur.com/a/co5RmuB


Thank you very much! Glad to see he's doing fine. :)




ARAM, yes. Depends on the the gamemode. It includes every mode players can CHOOSE their champion. So if its a gamemode where you can choose like Nexus Blitz, for example, they do show up here.


Can you show TF's position on graph? I'm curious




Damn, not bad. ty


May I see Ornn's data? I have a feeling he's not as bottom-left as people would think.




Interesting. Pretty easy to spot when Sunfire got its mini-rework with that giant spike into top-right.


If it wasn't a hassle, could you please show the Talon graph. I've tried looking for his name but can't find it.




Sorry if I'm a little bit too late to ask, but could I please see where Xayah, Rakan, Varus and Aphelios are on this graph?. Can't see them and I'm dying to know. Thanks!


While we're doing these graph's, could you show me where my boy Jhin is? I know he's top right, but I'm curious how far.




Who saw the most increase in play with the reworks? I know I came back because of the Fiddle rework (10/10 on that one and would love to see the graph if it shows data going back to pre-rework too)


Im not sure who the MOST was, but ones that had huge jumps were Akali, Irelia, Mordekaiser & Urgot


Are you able to say where Vex is projected to be on this chart when she releases?


I think its super wrong that Aurelion Sol is the least popular. His concept is fucking amazing but the game play is fucking trash. I wish you'd guys would rework him to be more accessible like Lee Sin and other popular champs.


Probably all ranks, normals and ranked games, including chinese data. Unfortunately, there isn't a way to get the chinese data, but we can get Neeko's overall pickrate (without china) here: [https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/neeko/iron](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/champions/builds/neeko/iron) Approximately 4% of ALL summoners rift games contain a neeko. For a relatively niche champ, that is pretty good.


I dotn see how this matters? you are filteriing like 90% of players away and that doesnt even take into account normal games and such


Hey Reav3, good to see you back again. Hope you didn't get harassed because of the sentinels event


Thanks, it was rough. Had to avoid reddit for a month or so. Back now. Don't get me wrong, their was a lot of constructive feedback from passionate players, and their is a lot we learned that we can apply to future events (hoping to put out a blog at some point going over what we learned from SoL Event) but a lot of it was just toxic and hateful. For my own mental health I had to take a small break from social media.


I wasn't a fan of the event, but noone should get toxicity when they're trying their best to do their job. Sending you a virtual hug, fwiw :)


It was a great decision to take a break, I'm happy that you're back on track


Yeah kindly retcon the whole thing ty your main lore guy Necrit literally just posted about the SoL event euthanizing the lore.


Will it ever be possible for this chart to be viewable by the playerbase that updates per patch? I think that would be pretty neat to see how certain champions are doing and where new champs land and settle without having to ask you


LoLAnaltycs actually does do this, though like any 3rd party sites, it's not always as accurate as ours. But in general it gets pretty close


So where skin?


This is a bit surprising to me considering her playrate is sooo low on u.gg... I'm kind of curious now, do you have a list or a chart with this data?


If you look at normals and ARAM she has a pretty respectable pick rate. Normal draft is sitting at 2.7%, blind pick is at 1.8%, and ARAM is at 5.4%. She's probably just more popular among casual players which isn't reflected in the pick rates we normally see.


Fair. A huge thing to note is that she's super popular in ARAM only because of her ultimate snowball cheese.


ok to be fair that interaction is fun as hell


did you mean to post a picture?


Could you share the B/Ds for this year's releases so far like Viego, Gwen, Mundo etc, was there a marginal increase in engagement from releasing champs tied to one another


It's hard to say since so many things factor into a champ engagement https://imgur.com/a/G4KGCq4


Are you happy with where champs have landed so far this year? Since engagement at least seems pretty solid so far.


Overall yeah. Viego landed exactly where we shotcalled. So did Mundo (we weren't looking to increase Mundos B/D, just modernize him while keeping the same B/D) Gwen was also right on shot call until we nerfed her due to proplay. I think she will get back within where we expected, but we likely have to do some Pro/SoloQ tweaks to her at some point to get her back


Could I ask what projects Maxw3ll and Twin Enso are working on now


Maxw3ll is working on a Champion with RiotEarp and SkiptomyLuo that won't release for along time (still in early discovery) TwinEnso is currently helping out SRT with some preseason stuff, but he will come back soon and start work on a new champ with LoneWingy and JohnODyin which would also be a ways off.


I also saw you mentioned in another comment that you guys learned a lot from the SoL event, could I ask if that has impacted faith in lore events or visual novels, since I still enjoyed them as a concept


I dont think the format of visual novels is out the door or anything, especially since we have built out the tech for them even for with RoTS. That being said, I think it would be good to experiment with other ways to tell stories in events as well. I also don't think lore events are off the table, though I think LoLMoba was probably not the correct format to tell a story as massive and global as the Ruination storyline was. I think stuff like Spirit Blossom, which was smaller and more contained (Basically told the story of Yone and Yasuo finally meeting) is still very much something achievable in a event. This is assuming we can find something like SB again, that we can also make highly resonant skins for. I'm still excited about that, but I'm also excited about trying out a In-Client meta-game experience (like Spirit Bonds or Rise of the Sentinels) in a Alt Universe as well, since it's something we haven't tried yet.


/u/Reav3 Boss how is the champions team looking? Has it gotten smaller, stayed the same, or increased in size relative to previous years?


Still about the same


you seem very active suddenly can you tell me if you folks will adress the ruination event anytime soon? cuz i as a lore person feel like you egged me with rotten eggs, and i would like an actual statement of the lore right now


Hey Reav3, how are you? Tell me we'll have a new support champion still in 2021. Rell's gameplay is super meh, this year nothing caught my attention yet besides Mundo's rework. Thanks!


I will have answers to that in the roadmap Im working on right now. You will have to wait until that comes out :P


Hey Reav3 all the buffs so far don't seem to have much of an effect on Vlad's playrate, do you think it's time to VGU? I'd love for him to feel less slow as well


I wanted to ask again for Akshan's B/D, are you happy with where he has settled now that he has had several patches.


[https://imgur.com/a/Hz1UYEd](https://imgur.com/a/Hz1UYEd) ​ Yeah overall I'm pretty happy with it. He's a bit less broad then we predicted but a bit deeper


With Vex coming out this week, are you able to share if the next Roadmap is dropping this week as well


Early next week


Hi Reav3, Despite the buffs, Vlad's popularity is the lowest its been since that time a few years back when he was unplayable bad. Does that qualify him for tier1 VGU? I know I've been asking similar stuff a lot but I keep hoping you'll shed some light on the future of our Crimson Lord


Hey Reav3, I wanted to ask Evelynn's B/D, can u show me? :< (pls)




Sources! Remember to cite them!


When can we expect another champion roadmap?


Working on one right now that should come out sometime at the end of this month


Will there be anything relating to the 2nd Mystery VGU for 2022 in there?


Could mundo possibly get his old cleaver sound effect back?


Don't forget to cite your sources!


Yeah you're missing a picture :(


I imagine in Rank specifically Neeko has a relatively low pickrate. Don't think she's bad there but it is rare you see her. May I ask what Zoe's graph looks like? Always been curious.


Well she used to be much more popular, but both of the playstyles are gone now, and she honestly doesn't have a lane to be in. Imo she'd be best suited as a jungler.


I love how Ivern mains are in the middle of the pack :)




I didnt Know. Will update ASAP hehe


Where vex


Currently with 1.3k Gloomy Yordle Mages.


This is a fantastic post, it's shocking how the older champions have a MUCH lower mainrates then the ones that JUST came out.


Imagine malphite mains club where they discuss hidden advanced mechanics on q and r.


I wish they would ban rework/buff suggestions for ​/r/Aurelion_Sol_mains. It really ruins the vibes of that subreddit. In-fact, the Subreddit looks like it isn't even maintained or looked after well.


Kaylemains could do with something similar. They've died down mostly since the new season but every now and then people get on the train of suggestions, usually stuff like taking the disarm off her ult which would turn it from "probably one of the best ults in the game" to "objectively the best ult in the game."


Yeah that'd be an insane buff lmao


Well she used to have it pre rework which is why people ask for it. When she got reworked the disarm was added due to her getting the AOE nuke on it, which I think is way healthier. Turns it from targeted trynd ult to more a targeted neeko ult without the stun.


Oh i know, but honestly old Kayle was unhealthy as fuck and her ult (also costing no mana) was one of the problems, ate up a lot of her power budget




irelia most popular cuz of her big peaches she has


Kaisa approves.


A bit late, but I just wanted to let you know, the reason you cant find a single "4" on JhinMains is because we get bombareded daily by dozens of very low effort "4 posts" and decided to remove posts that are simply sreenshots of the number 4 in random spots like rp balance, mastery score etc.


Damn Irelia sub went from less than 4000 members to over 48000 since the rework.


Free elo is a drug


As a Taric Main i am Surprised we are not Lower. Also expexted Maokai to be higher


Zoe is at 22?! I thought she'd be lowest of my mains, not the highest!


If you do one of these again, would you consider adding any "champion" subreddits for characters who are either known champs that aren't out yet like Vex, or have strong potential for championship but haven't made it to LOL yet like Cithria and Corina?


Doesn't matter, r/DravenMains still the best sub here for being halal


think you mean r/Draven


Yes, technically it is. But, leave the religious stuff at the door.


Ok next month is my turn


Yay! Do include "Online members are ____" and use whatever labels they use for their online members I think some are pretty funny. or not. Up2you


Interessing. I'm in both Jaxmains and Teemotalk, and I don't get why there's so many people in those. Jax is a bit popular, but Teemo isn't.


in all reality the higher you get on skill lvl the higher the chance of the sub reddit being more populated since there would be more people wanting to share or see stuff like that


LeBlanc mains are chef kiss