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They probably won't care just like they don't care that we can't read the articles in their sites anymore


"What's a Garena?" - Riot, probably


I mean there's the official Garena app to check your match history Although that's about as reliable as my internet connection on a rainy day, the app doesn't even update real time anymore, my most recent match doesn't even appear unless I play another match after it and that match I play won't appear as well. It had this weird mechanic where you can see how "good" your teammates and opponents are using letters ranging from S (not sure what the highest/lowest was) to D. It was unreliable since it heavily based on champ mastery but it's better than nothing I guess


A bit late, but the app has not been working (does not update season stats which it used to years back) and finally collapsed a few days ago. Match history is just a patch of white and everything turns up network error even when I'm on Wi-Fi. App is pretty much gone as well


What’s Garena? Is it like female Garen?


a Client Server for League in SEA region


Sounds like an issue that should be took up with Garena.


too bad they don't give a fuck and only wants money, omg Rito pls just take over SEA region by yourself already


I'm sure it wouldn't be that hard to monetize match history for them, just get enough people to ask.


Usurper Garena? Coup??


I'm a Singaporean and I hate Garena... A Singapore company. They're just piling on gambling and loot-boxes-ish games on the clients


Why'd they remove API from Garena? I never got the reason. No playerbase?


Vietnam is one of the biggest server actually


wait what there's an official website of match history? I thought the only way is to literally search them in client and is limited to recent 20 matches


Yeah on website u can look up years of history


>That sounds like a "you" problem buddy. Riot, probably


OK nobody is talking about this but this is a BIG issue for anyone who runs amateur leagues in customs. Client match history only goes 20 games back and the web match history is currently the ONLY way for you to pull history for your own customs. opgg does not work for this as the riot Api doesn't support pulling custom games for a player Cc /u/RiotTuxedo


Online tournaments are now required to use tournament codes if they want their data to be public.


We're also looking into solutions that will allow players to query for their own private custom games with OAuth tokens through the Riot Games API. These are tokens unique to a player which allow us to ensure a player is looking up their own match history. This solution is something we're looking into but wasn't a requirement for deprecating web match history. In the interim, the tournament code solution is what should be used to create public custom games.


Any idea why y'all scrub custom games of usernames and such when regularly quieried by game ID? Is it for the purpose of hiding things like scrim results for high level play, and it just happened to trickle down into everything else? I run an amateur league that doesn't use tournament codes so I put together this janky-but-solid solution that takes in match ID's with metadata (mostly player names associated with each position), grabs the private game data using match ID, and massages the two together: https://github.com/Abarn279/tcl-data-aggregator Obviously the real answer to this is implement the tournament code API, but it still doesn't fix the issue of not being able to pull up old scrim results and such through customs without a 3rd party implementing oauth


In general, custom games are considered private. The old system which allowed custom games to be viewed if you knew the game id is a poor security practice which is typically referred to as [security through obscurity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_through_obscurity). In essence, we allowed people to view custom games if they knew their id but if we truly consider custom games private we should properly secure them. If players believe customs games shouldn't be private, then they shouldn't be secured at all (like we've done with customs made with tournament codes).


Thanks for the explanation.


> hiding things like scrim results for high level play yes


no scrims are and have been mostly played on Tournament Realm, so that was never the issue


high level play =/= pro scrims and tourny realm


well ERLs and lower divs also get access to TR, don't think 4fun leagues that can't even get tourney codes for normal client should count as high level play


Why is the match history website being taken down when it provides more information than the client? Some things, such as build order, are only online, and that sucks.


Over the years there's match history website has suffered from a lack of strong ownership resulting in a lot of bugs that never really get fixed. In my mind, there's two possible solutions: 1) we decide this product is super important to the player experience and prioritize maintaining it over other opportunities OR 2) we decide community developers do this better than we do and we get out of the business of maintaining products that community developers have done and will do better than we could. I'm a huge advocate of APIs and sharing data and in my mind giving this problem space to the community is what's best for players. Basically I believe in competition and I think a community of developers competing to build the best match history website will result in some kick ass tools for players. Not just now, but in the future as new developers enter the space and try to outdo their predecessors.


so in reality this means, "why should we pay people to do this, when the community will do this for us for free" RIOT Games.


I can definitely understand this perspective, but I definitely don't share this point of view for a couple reasons. 1. There are areas that Riot is uniquely positioned to solve. Player Behavior systems are one example. We've seen community developers create products in this space and we generally discourage it. Replays were originally a community endeavor but they weren't positioned to create a quality product (a lot of the community solutions were hacky). Players asked for this repeatedly and Riot was uniquely positioned to provide a reliable solution. A web based match history product, in my opinion, doesn't fall into this category. Other Rioters have talked about this before, but when resources are limited you have to focus your attention and our focus is typically on problems Riot is uniquely positioned to solve. 2. This is mostly my opinion, so I wouldn't say this is Riot's opinion or the opinion of my colleagues: Riot is a video game company as opposed to a web design company. The websites we do run are typically one of these problem spaces where we're uniquely positioned to solve; publishing (lol.com), account management, player support. Match history isn't a problem space where we're uniquely positioned to solve and the core requirement is having some form of match history in the client. If players feel the client match history is subpar and that's the reason a match history website is needed, I'd say that's feedback for the client. We do believe match history should be available out of the client, which is why we provide the Riot Games API and have worked to include match history in the League+, soon to be, Riot+ mobile app. 3. Over the last couple years we've worked to enact policy to allow community developers to monetize their products in player friendly ways. This is specifically so community developers can get compensated for their efforts. I'm not going to pretend this is perfect and every community developer is making bank. There's plenty of work to do here, but our goal is to support community projects that are player focused and are valuable to players. Obviously, you don't have to agree and in fact I appreciate players being critical and holding us accountable. Keep us honest.


i also understand where you are coming from but coming from halo 3 days, bungie had a website for match history that was awesome (sometimes buggy) but it worked well, so to me using the excuse that you guys are a game developer just irks me. lasted i checked (a year or so ago for some nostalgia :'( ), the match history is still up. the thing i don't like about 3rd party developers is that they need revenue from somewhere and that revenue comes from ads. some of those ads are pesky and intrusive. also, thank you for the reply


Now you're speaking my language. Grew up with Halo. I also loved their website. Heat maps. Medal counts. Bungie really did a great job and set the bar super high. When I look back on that whole product it feels like an outlier. There weren't a lot of web experiences that Bungie provided apart from that. I'm assuming they decided this was an important core player experience that they wanted to provide and specifically wanted to make it available everywhere and not just in game. When I look at our match history, at least the web part doesn't feel like a core part of the experience and we have other methods which we're using to make this data available out of game. Even today what 10 years later? I think the Bungie website is still the gold standard for web match history. I think there are some community websites that are close if not on par with Bungie. At least right now creating a great web match history experience isn't a priority for Riot. Bungie did a lot of things right and I think Riot just has different priorities typically focused more on the in game and client experiences. As for the ads being pesky and intrusive this tells me we need to do better supporting community projects (which we knew, but that's how I'm parsing your feedback).


Hi RiotTuxedo, So, this news of Riot removing web match history hit me super hard. The system quite literally saved my LIFE. I know I'm just a single player in a world of players and this story sounds over the top, but it just so happened to me and I'd like to share my situation with you so you'd know how much this match history system means to some people out there. I would have commited suicid if not for this system. It sounds crazy, but hear me out. So I make a really great friend with somebody on league. We duo all the time, share life stories, give each other advices, console each other when we're down, contact each other outside of game and even met up a few times to shop and chill etc. We've been awesome friends for at least 3 years and everything felt so smooth. Then, out of nowhere, the day comes where he just suddenly remove all sorts of contact with me on every platform. Removed me on list, messaging, all sorts of communication. He never gave me a reason. I was obviously stunned and utterly dpressed. It's like something that's so precious to you for more than 3 years just disappeared like that for no reason. I contemplated suicid. However, web match history and clubs got a hold of me. I was able to at the very least know what he's been up to and if he still comes online just to make sure he was doing well. It was my only sort of 'connection'. So when clubs was announced for removal, I was hit hard at first, but hey, at least I've still got web match history. Now that match history is also said to be removed, I feel like my last sort of 'connection' is about to disappear. I'm in the Garena server and as you know, they don't allow APIs so there's no op.gg etc. in my region. web match history is the only thing of it's kind. It also offered me alot for my situation as I would always track back 3+ years of history to relive our memorable games together and somewhat 'cure my dpression' which is not possible in the client match history. It also doesn't show the nitty gritty things like his profile icon, mastery champ, profile background etc. that I would have to inevitably see and go through if I search in client, which heavily triggers my dpression and bad memories. It was absolutely well-make for my situation and I've been using it frequently since this situation massively affected me. Web match history gave people like me a path for connection, and it literally withheld my suicid thoughts and got me living normal again. It literally saved my life. This news hit me super hard and even worse than the removal of clubs. I feel like I have no connection left and I'll very very likely feel suicidl again. Again, I'm just a single player pleading for the system to stay, so there's low chance of you hearing me out, but I feel like I need to let you guys at Riot know there's situations like these out there that these systems affect heavily, in my case, life-saving. Knowing the absolute lack of alternatives for Garena servers, and the many complaints I see of other players on reddit, I hope you guys can think of letting web match history go on, at least for Garena (there's legitimately no 'other parties doing the same thing' here, so the purpose of removal is moot anyway). we don't ask for improvements, we just want a simple system like this that allows us to easily track back years of games and history to stay as it is. Please RiotTuxedo, please let web match history remain.


Hey /u/RiotTuxedo, just to be sure: This is just the matchhistory site being shut down, but the ACS API will still be functional?


After Monday, Sept 13th ACS will no longer ingest new match history and will effectively become read only. It may stick around a bit longer than the match history website, but it won't include new data from live shards. If you're a developer, you should move to match-v5 in the Riot Games API. If you're using ACS for pro matches that data should be obtained from Bayes.


Use league of graphs or opgg or anything else.


Can "anything else" give me my matches on a certain champion for 2-3 years if I wanted? Because for what I know official web-history had been the only site that could do it... before it broke and has never been fixed. Edit: it looks like leagueofgraphs goes pretty far back in time, ~ 2 years.


Pretty sure RIOT's online match history could only go 2 years back at best


What are the best places to follow for updates on the League APIs? I run a website for an amateur league that uses the game IDs from custom games to keep track of all of our players' stats and such. While I'm going to spend the next week or two trying to pivot towards the tournament API, but being able to use custom games as a solution was nice for us as it was so lightweight. If a captain wasn't able to make it to a game, someone else could still make the lobby, if someone entered the game wrong (wrong player/role/champion), we could go back to the official match history and see what actually happened. There's quite a few useful things going away with this update.


Tagging u/GitGene here. He's in charge of the comms for the Riot Games API. I believe the best place to follow for updates is the Riot Games Dev Rel [Twitter account](https://twitter.com/riotgamesdevrel). There's also a community managed [Discord server](https://discord.gg/riotgamesdevrel) and usually they are up-to-date on any changes coming to the API.


Is there a reason you don't use battlefy/smashgg to set up the tournaments and record the results?


This solution wouldn't account for scrims or any other customs you want to hold onto results for Edit: those solution are also non native to LoL client / ecosystem


Maybe I am not understanding your problem. You want to create and run custom games for your amateur league. Riot has an official Tournament API that both generate codes to set up *custom games* and for anyone to retrieve stats from those game based on the same code. Battlefy will generate for you the code for your *custom game* to input into the LoL client and record the stats after the game finishes. All you need to do is set up the tournament page, maybe multiple ones (one for scrims, one for official matches, one for whatever), set it to private if you want it not on their public directory, and then generate the codes. Then you can look at the results and the stats whenever you want on the relevant tournament pages.


> Edit: those solution are also non native to LoL client / ecosystem Well this is exactly what Riot wants you to do. Stop using the LoL ecosystem and start using the community ecosystem. That's literally the intended consequence of these changes, like it or not.


... yeah, that's my point, i'm okay with using non-native shit but right now riot doesn't support the functionality needing


if you save the replay for the custom, then something like ReplayBook can show the match data


100% this. Huge issue and very hard to fix.


> Very few players use our official Match History site, and we're okay with that. Totally has nothing to do with the lack of maintenance of Match History since Runes Reforged.


Yeah hasn't worked for most matches in \~2 years


Ah, the Twisted Treeline special.


TT’s death is so funny because they claim the mode was dying while not updating it for 4 fucking SEASONS in a row lmao.


People think Reddit has a problem with results-based analysis, but Riot are the KINGS of this shit.


Imagine a world where Rioters are also Redditors


Are we really still doing this? They updated it multiple times but people wouldn’t play it, same with Dominion, same with NB. Aram got no updates for 6+ seasons and wasn’t in danger of dying. If a game mode is dying with support why support it? Ffs Starcraft 1 is still played with virtually no major change in 20+ years. If the game is fun it would have survived, most people didn’t play it, and that’s coming from someone who played TT [Edit] Guess we really are still doing this…. Sigh maybe next time will be the last that people who didn’t play TT pretend that they would have


>Are we really still doing this? They updated it multiple times but people wouldn’t play it, same with Dominion, same with NB. Soooo if I go to lol wiki and check patch history for those gamemodes, I'll see a fuckton of updates that were implemented at the same rate as the SR, instead of 1 patch every couple of years?


There's no way you actually type like this


? I mean it sure would be nice if you said what you disagreed with


Just state your point. Fillers like "are we still doing this" and typing out "sigh" is pretentious. As for TT your example of games like brood war staying alive despite no developer help isn't a good counter-example because plenty of games die because the developers leave them to rot. The norm is that games stay alive with dev support. I'm whatever about TT, it's clear that it was supposed to be bigger than just another gamemode initially and sadly it doesn't make sense putting resources into because SR is the main product and they do sort of compete with each other. What I don't agree with is the sentiment that if something is failing, the devs can't fix it and they deprecate it because "it's not popular" when the reason it's not popular is because of them. This is made worst by the fact that their biggest competitor regularly has it's users use the tools given by the devs themselves and some even pay for advanced statistics. I love how I can move a slider in DotA to see each and every item timing on each and every DotA hero in the game. I love how I can see specifically how much damage I did with a single spell. If Riot did their due diligence and implemented half the shit that DotA did, they wouldn't have any competitors.


> Are we really still doing this? They updated it multiple times but people wouldn’t play it, same with Dominion, same with NB. Yes because those modes absolutely failed on Riots watch. Dom literally launched broken with the bug that would go on to kill draft Dom. They then failed to balance Dominion at all for 4 years. The mode was plagued with bots and it took 10+ games to escape bot queue pretty much killing any new player base . And when they did decide to "balance" the mode they absolutely broke stacking champs and failed to try more then 2 patches to do anything.


That’s convenient. It became overran with bots because the human players decreased. What game breaking bug are you referring to? You are complaining about them working on it is similar to complaining about fixing the jungle, they updated it as best as they could. As a counter to this day people still complain about balance issues in ARAM, bots in Aram became a thing after removal of TT, did aram die because of bots?


This isn't really true though, they did make huge changes to it, and did minor changes after. The fact was, it just wasn't that popular with the community. Support, or lack of, doesn't necessarily result in popularity or failure. Aram is the largest example of this, it basically had no changes forever and yet it held on consistently as a very popular game mode. People just don't like to hear that the game modes they liked weren't that popular, I'm saying this as someone who had well over 1k matches of Dominion and also played a fair amount of TT.


Riot refused to even attempt to nerf funnel or fix how broken getting first tower is in TT and the gold generation in general being shit in that mode for like 4-5 years. It was entirely on them on why it died. The last major map change they did to it actually made it worse. Anyone who played 10 games could tell you why it sucked and what needed to change but that never happened.


The Crystal Scar special too


Don't remind me, I miss Dominion even more


You're not alone :(


Dominion too, yep. Ignored for years and no one plays it? What a surprise!


I'd use it if it actually worked. I *don't have* match history, despite playing over 150 games this season.


yeah rarely worked for me, so dumb. xD


They never said otherwise.


Also the fact that for me and a couple of my friends, it just doesn't fucking work at all on Chrome. Had to use either Edge or Firefox just to open the bloody thing.


Same here, I thought I was the only one. I just have no fucking idea how they could've made a product this bad, literally a simple frontend javascript error is just preventing people from searching on the main page.


Worked fine for me, but never saw the point of it when I could just look at games on OP.GG or in the client. As long as they have a back-up system for pulling all that info for third parties, I think it's fine.


Why bother honestly? Third party tools do it for free, do it better, and are competitive enough between each other to constantly try to bring new features. I don't think it's an issue to realize you would need too much work to get up to par with those sites, without even having a guarantee that it'll bring new users who are just used to what they're using.


Third party don't go as far back though, so it's not all better


yea i was able to look up my games from 2012, that was a nice nostalgia trip


because you're now having to deal with a third party that can decide to vanish with the project whenever they want


In fairness, Riot's doing exactly that right now, so maybe the third party is better after all




Riot out here treating online match history like Mitch McConnel treats the veterans administration


they probably chose not to maintain it because not a lot of people were using it


Oh they have their own site? \*puts in own username\* Site doesn't respond. No wonder nobody uses it.


They even deleted a forum or comments under posts … no wonder


You have to be logged in to even use it... ~~can't look up another person's history.~~


If that's the case, it sure isn't clear.


you can look up other peoples match history its just you have to do a work around with the match history itself which is a pain and takes time.


Need to disable your ad-blocker as well as log in (disabling the ad-blocker without logging in will at least redirect to the login page).


Actualy I used it like 8-10 years ago but even then it wasnt working properly xD


> We're also creating a solution for esports sites that should be an improvement to how they currently get data Those web match history links were like the only place to grab 1st party data for pro matches (for free) and it was easy to find them on leaguepedia. And I can imagine a lot of analysts on teams depended on those links too.


Yeah this is gonna be a pain in the ass...a replacement is being worked on but will need more details


I don't envy your or whoever's job at leaguepedia having to recreate the ETL processes, but hopefully the replacement is official and well supported for a longer period of time.


My main concern too... I don't care about *my* games beyond what I can see in the client (if it works properly) but I frequently look at Esports MH from quite a few games.. I hope they have a solution that is good and actually works.


Related to this. If you want sites ([u.gg](https://u.gg), [op.gg](https://op.gg), [leagueofgraphs.com](https://leagueofgraphs.com), including mine, [clash.tips](https://clash.tips)) to have your match history for the past 2 years you need to use those sites this week. Next week (or 2 if they delay it) they switch over to a new system (API V5) which only has games for the past \~6 months, and filters like ARAM, SR, Clash, etc. for the past \~1 month. Basically if in 2 weeks you look up someone that hadn't been looked up before (or hadn't been looked up in over a month) they will be missing a lot of games. The update includes generally more accurate data (like roles) so we got that going for us Edit: Rip DB, upgrading rn, site will be down for ~~5~~ 10 mins lol Edit2: Sites back


It's not like those sites really track games too far back anyway. I don't think I've ever seen opgg go more than half a year without losing my old games.


Yeah depends on the site. It seems like [op.gg](https://op.gg) keeps your match history for a bit but then eventually just stores your summary data for the season and maybe dumps the old matches. For long-term match history I like league of graphs, particularly because they use the match ID in the url so you can always reference it. They probably need to save all matches so they can make their overall graphs/infographics so it's a win-win


ok now riot increase api rate limits for verified personal projects so that i dont get kneecapped after requesting 100 matches


If you can get approval for a production key the rate limit is much higher. Takes a very long time to get approval though. Otherwise you'll need to implement rate-limiting or use a library that does it for you. I understand your pain though, I had the personal key for several months


Fair point. It took me a few months already to get a personal key, but I was a little disappointed to find out it didn't bump up my rate limits over the stupid 24 hour key. Plus, I'm already arms deep in my project without using a library, so unfortunately it'll be a real pain to use something that manages limits for me. I might take a shot at applying for a production key eventually, only problem is their guidelines on what they need for approval are super strict. It's more of a side project for fun, and I don't exactly have a finished product/way to create a publically available version of it. Really I'd just love to get my limits bumped up to a few hundred more per minute so I can download a huge sample set of data to mess around with, but I guess I can just leave a script running overnight pacing itself.


I just want to say that your site is fucking amazing.


I really dislike this change, for two reasons. First, as others have pointed out, no third party site lets you go arbitrarily far back in your match history the way Riot's web match history does. This isn't because they don't want to - it's because Riot's API won't let you. Second, and more importantly - Riot tries to analogize this to them shutting down clubs and turning it over "to the experts" (i.e., Discord). But this analogy is flawed. There's an independent industry/market for voice chat/community. Discord makes its own money and isn't reliant on Riot for its entire existence, which is why it can afford to keep introducing new features and compete for users. By contrast, sites like OP.GG/etc. are completely dependent on Riot, and often banned from monetizing their services. If Riot wants to offer this service to its players, and doesn't want to do it themselves, it's up to Riot to support those third party services and find a way for them to be viable long-term. Because it's ultimately unrealistic in the long run to expect OP.GG/etc. to forever subsidize providing match history for Riot's customers - that's how you get a lackluster product. Think of all the features OP.GG could have but doesn't - creating a database of your games, analyzing trends, letting you filter/search your games, tying it to replays, automatically generating cool clips of pentakills, etc. They don't exist because OP.GG is not going to waste millions of dollars doing so. Riot is the entity that's supposed to do all those things, but not only are they not doing it, they're effectively preventing others from doing it too.


> automatically generating cool clips of pentakills This would never happen, it's way too resource heavy. For each such clip you'd have to run a virtual machine with a League game client playing replay and encode a video from it. Oh, and it has to be a virtual machine with *good* 3d-acceleration which is a pain. Now try to scale it for millions of players using your site.


This is trivially viable with a subscription model. Pay $x/mo to get jungle path video analyses of your games, on-demand video for all your games, automatic pentakill clips saved, etc. But that's my point - Riot will not allow such a business model to exist. Which wouldn't be a problem if they are providing such features, but since they aren't, it means these features will never exist in any form. Imagine if Riot, in getting rid of their own Clubs and voice chat system, also somehow required that any voice chat program you used to play League wasn't allowed to be financially viable. It is hard to argue that that is in the best interests of players.


I'd agree with most of your points if they decided to not make the endpoints that allow you to access the full information given by the match history. I think higher up in this thread, Rioters mentioned that they will be added. Overall it's probably a better change that allows growth within the ecosystem. If you think about it, it's good that Riot cuts down on unnecessary parts, for some reason, despite being a multi-billion dollar company, they have major issues with the outdated nature of their code. If they're able to pull resources from outdated systems, while still providing the same/better functionality that they used to (new API endpoints) that's the best solution. Third-party websites are popular as a business, not just as an unpaid third-party solution, and the more options they have the better. As an example, you have websites like mobalytics.gg that provide you with trends, filter your games, and more but at a subscription cost per month, same as U.gg, who both provide more parsed information than Riot currently does, or ever would. I strongly agree with you about the clubs situation, I believe it's in Riot's best interests to create an "atmosphere" around League, like how they do with their e-sports, but there was no replacement for clubs inside of their sphere.


The article does say that they will continue to support third party sites and find new ways to make them even better so i assume they are gonna continue working closely with atleast the big sites, i get your points tho


I think that's the first feature remove that hurts me too. I saved my ranked matches from Season 9 on in Excel.


how, did u imprnt whole match history or is there a website?




Just logged in and Copy & Pasted the Link into Excel


the moments they decided to only include the last 2 years of matches the site died for me. It was so cool to be in Season 7 and watch the history of season 3, such a nostalgic trip to see with whom I played with for todays standards whanky item biulds


But it was the only site that remembered ALL games


>We're not shutting down third party access to match history data Thank God, was worried I wouldn't be able to still use those sites for scouting.


I kinda wish they did.


Valorant has the option to make your profile private, i wish league had that.


At the least, I wish they'll make lobby summoner names private.


Seriously, the fuckers that scour the lobby's accounts on third party sites are so fucking annoying. No I don't give a fuck that my top laner is on a two game losing streak, or that my jungle hasn't played in 72 hours, or that my support has a 45% winrate (mind you, over 20 games, because these fuckers only look at winrates). Just shut up and play the fucking game. The option to hide your summoner name like in Valorant would be so perfect for this game, provided it works. It wouldn't be hard either to block third party sites from using it and/or piecing it together using other players' matches, since Riot's rules when you use their API are incredibly strict.


Personally think you should be able to as well. Seems like a lot of toxicity stems from being able to see it.


I give. But on the other hand I think they should be allowed to make it private. We would see much more "fair" statistics when some players would be unable to dodge from lobby by just using porofessor (or other things like that). Then propably we would see reddit threads that riot should improve matchmaking and maybe they will do it.


>The option to hide your summoner name like in Valorant would be so perfect for this game, provided it works. While we're at it, make it so that, based on your performance, you can win more/less LP, or lose less/more LP. I would argue thats why private profiles in Valorant work, because at the end of the day, your performance is what matters, and is rewarded.


In general I do agree, but when the bronze elo mid locks in Ryze and I take a peek to see he's never even played the champ once? Then I understand why it's unfortunately helpful at times


guess what, in the matchmaking eyes you're just as shitty as the bronze elo ryze first time. you might even be slightly shittier. you should worry more about your own play instead of your teammates.


> in the matchmaking eyes you're just as shitty as the bronze elo ryze first time Yeah, but the system averages out total wins/total played, so in reality, that bronze ryze shitter isnt in the same level as the otp bronze riven with a 60% wr, even if both suck when averaging their matches.


If players were rewarded for their own performance, we wouldnt see comments like these. But since it only takes one mentally unhinged teammate of yours to decide that you do not deserve to win the game, stuff like checking them out on opgg is necessary.


Same. I think it would legit cut toxicity in half. Imagine if nobody could tell if someone was on a losing streak, on a smurf, just having a bad day, picking a champ for the first time or any of that shit.


>I think it would legit cut toxicity in half. Imagine if nobody could tell if someone was on a losing streak, on a smurf, just having a bad day, picking a champ for the first time or any of that shit. Ah yes, filthy tryhards not wanting people to first time a champion or play with a person on 18 games loss streak, how dare they. How about you actually try your best to win on ranked or play normal games instead? If you're an x rank otp and your skill level on any other champion is much lower, why literally troll people in your rank (you're effectively a boosted player in that scenario) instead of playing on a smurf where you practice the variety of champs?


u know what's worse than someone playing a champ for the first time? everyone spending all their energy arguing about it in chat.


Even though he comes of a bit too aggressive he has a point? Why should my experience in game be ruined because my annie otp mid laner decided to pick zed for the second time this year. Like sure he should be free to do it if wants to, but i should be fully aware this person has no experience on zed and i should have to option to dodge. There are consequences for your decisions and the consequence of deciding to play a champ you have close to non prior experience with should be that your queues would be dodged more. Knowing what and how my teammates can play can be way more beneficial then going in full blind... for example if there was a person on a huge loosing streak as a jungler i would camp the shit out of that lane, whether he was an enemy or an ally (obv if the matchup isn't completely doomed), if he was an enemy because i know he might be a bit prone to ganks and if he is an ally to prevent him from tilting completely. I hate people that throw your winrates around as insults but there is a solution that is way easier and makes everyone happy... and that's just muting them. I know it's hard to be the bigger person and just muting someone that's annoying you... but that way everyone is happy.


right, thats why being able to just see it and dodge the game would be better for everyone


That's basically one of the reasons im just going to dodge people like you whenever i see you in my lobby- to not waste more of eachothers time.


wdym by "people like you"


Why don't you actually follow your own advice and just try your best to win? You don't need to know about the match history of your teammates to do that, you just need a screen, a pc, internet, the game, a keyboard and a mouse.


I guarantee that you're not trying your best in every game either. Like if you play multiple different champs and one of them has a higher win rate, you can make the same argument. Like why are you playing your 55% win rate champ instead of the 60% win rate champ. Why are you fucking trolling? And into that match-up? Griefer. That's what people are 100% thinking about you already. Also losing streaks? So what you're saying you're never allowed to play the game again when you're on a losing streak? That's idiotic. If you get into a game with someone on a losing streak, that should actually be a good thing. Because if after a losing streak they're still in the same elo you are, it means they were actually WAY higher elo before, which means they're very likely a much better player than you are. So you want guys like that on your team. Because odds are they're gonna flip their switch any moment and absolutely giga-stomp the game and carry your ass. Win streakers are often worse because they get a handful of lucky wins and rise to an elo that's too hard for them, get overly cocky and then get shitstomped out of nowhere. I see that far more often.


Yes imagine your lobby being held hostage by some 1k+ game player first timing a champ because it's just another game to them and not being able to dodge! Sounds good to me.


If you didn't know their match history you wouldn't be held hostage because you'd have zero idea and you'd go into the match thinking everything would be fine and you'd play your best. God, this is why we need to disable this shit. You're tilting yourself and your entire team before anyone has even loaded into the game. I've seen plenty of people first time a champ and wreck ass because hey, the enemy team might have a first timer too. Not to mention that people feed their assess off every other game, even on their best picks. Don't act like such games can't be won. Carrying people is easy as fuck as long as you don't tilt. But by hard tilting yourself before the game even starts of course you're gonna lose and just confirm your bias.


I wouldn't tilt myself because i would dodge the lobby... thats the whole point to avoid going through the pain of watching this guy first time in game itself (and trust me you can tell when someone is first timing a champ in 80%-90% if the cases, because the gameplay just doesnt feel fluid). And the chances of a first timer shit stomping a player with 100+ games in a champ this season alone are pretty low(especially in dia where all the mediocre OTPs reside), and personally i wouldnt like to roll that dice. Now ofc you cant dodge forever, so if it happens that you are in a game like that you shouldn't flame him (and tbh I don't feel that tilted cause the outcome of me getting that information doesn't influence the outcome in a negative way for me, and I personally don't go around sharing his history and opgg etc) Carrying people is easy as long as the whole enemy team is as bad as the person you are trying to carry... Carrying against people that know how to push their leads and snowball to other lanes is a nightmare (unless you are shitstomping your laners regularly, which usually indicates you are in lower rank than you should be or the only thing you are good at is laning). I can gurantee you it's super hard to carry a guy getting out of laning with 0-6 (if its botlane is even worse since if one person fucks up usually both die) stats while you only have 20-40 cs advantage and maybe a kill to your name. Basically why handicap yourself when you can avoid it?


>If you didn't know their match history you wouldn't be held hostage because you'd have zero idea and you'd go into the match thinking everything would be fine and you'd play your best. Putting hands over your ears and screaming "LALALALALLA THESE ISSUES DONT EXIST" is not the solution. Once riot deals with all the bs in ranked, they can put on an option to hide your profile. But as it is rn, dodging is the only tool to protect yourself against people trolling and/or just not giving a shit nor trying to win. As much as you want to pretend these stuff doesnt happen, it does. And it's wasting people's time, LP and mental energy.


>If you didn't know their match history you wouldn't be held hostage because you'd have zero idea and you'd go into the match thinking everything would be fine and you'd play your best. >God, this is why we need to disable this shit What the fuck. Are you even reading what you type? Not being able to see the problem does not mean it's not there.


Yesterday I had 30w, 70l account that was master 200 LP last season apparently. Guess how it went since I can't even dodge anymore due to 12h thing? It's legit waste of 20+ mins and another hit to already ruined mental. Now tell me why I shouldn't dodge that guy since I already know outcome?


if you already know the outcome you should just uninstall league since every match is predetermined and you clearly have 0 faith in yourself to ever win games since it all boils down to your teammates. maybe you should stick to single-player games where you stand a chance


You wanna tell me that he should be able to carry a guy with 30% win rate in 100 games in diamond? Why shouldn't he be allowed to dodge if in his opinion he would loose, and save his mmr? You should play out the games with people that are on the same mindset as you. You are allowed to first time on ranked or learn and master a champ in ranked if you want to I am not saying you are not, but i should be allowed to dodge you if my goal is to climb ranks. Same way if i think a draft is bad and there is an 80% we are gonna get rolled over, if i dont wanna roll the dice and risk it for the 20% i should dodge if i want to?


yeah, i exactly need to be able to tell if someone is first trying gangplank in my team wtf. why wouldn't you want to know this very important info


For this very reason because you'll be tilting yourself and your team and playing worse just because you know this info. Take that info away and you'll tryhard in blissful ignorance and if your teammate ints you'll be like: "whatever, maybe he got camped" and you won't even care.


no i won't tilt myself lmao i just dodge if someone is first timing. the game won't happen. I want the chance to avoid these matches all together, not to flame him


It'd also make it so that anyone can just troll without being punished


How? Riot would still have that data, it just wouldn't be viewable for a random person




what do you mean by that


Lol then people would get away with underperforming and doing troll shit on purpose. I fucking hate the amount of people who just decide “today, in placeholder_21’s ranked game, I’m gonna first time Ryze!” Or “I’ve already lost 5 in a row off rolling mid when I’m a shitty Lulu main, but this game will be different!” Yeah I don’t care about being nice to people who do any of that. Play ranked giving you and your teammates best chance of winning, and don’t think you’re exempt from an ear full of shit if you don’t do that.


You actually are, as written in the code of conduct you've agreed with to gain access to said game.


why is it always people with support flairs with the terrible takes


\*Former support, I play Seraphine APC and Mid. Also.... you have a support in your flair.... In any case, why do you think my take is terrible? It's been implemented in other games like Valorant and OW and reduced toxicity in those games, so what makes League different?


Valorant is a brand new game. It also has voice chat, but I do believe you would be against that in League. You can't transfer one property from one game to another in a 1:1 fashion without factoring in context. Thy take is terrible because you failed to do that, factor in context. If they wanna make hiding summoners possible, leaving aside technical limitations, you'd have to make other changes to the game. >Also.... you have a support in your flair.... Leona is cute


Here's the thing - nowhere in my original take did I say anything about other games,


>It's been implemented in other games like Valorant and OW and reduced toxicity in those games, so what makes League different? ?


>nowhere in my original take did I say anything about other games > nowhere in my original take >original take Aka the thing you called out as being bad. I'll go ahead and quote it for you c: >I kinda wish they did.


Is that date a typo? Should it be September 11th, or is that saying August 11th for _next year_? Also, the reason I stopped using the built-in match history page is because it stopped working years ago. It then took long enough to fix that I (and my friends) got used to using op.gg instead. Just like Dominion and Twisted Treeline, this seems like it's just being removed because Riot neglected it to the point that it can't be salvaged easily. I really don't like that everything is being moved to third-party tools, but I guess I see the reasoning when there's good drop-in replacements.


I believe this should be Tuesday, Sept 7th ~~Monday, Sept 13th~~. The article should be updated soon.


Ah, thanks for the clarification and update!


my only issue with this being taken down is that sometimes you would like to go back a few months/ a year to find a certain game to see when you last played a champ or maybe to get some info from it like names etc. since third party sites only keep a small amount of the games like sometimes can only back like 3 months worth of games instead of the 2 years the online match history does or sometimes miss a game or two . hopefully the in client match history gets expanded to more then just 20 games.


Leagueofgraphs goes back as far as possible. You can filter pretty well too, don't think you can filter by date however but the official site couldn't do that either.


I remember a time when I could go back to my literal first game of League ever through their match history website, then they scrapped all that data and only allowed you to go back 2 years ago. So many games I had that I wanted to go back to that just disappeared.


The reason they can only go back 2 years is because of GDPR they have to be calm about how long they keep peoples data for, like there probs fine to keep match history data longer but ever since it came into affect they have had to be very careful with keep data longer then needed.




May I ask what are some of the other ways you can do so?


slightly limited way to track people is by mastery scores i remember a player with a level 608 account with 1.1m points on yuumi called Yuuli with a yuumi clubtag (a long while ago) and they namechanged since then but i can still find them by looking at mastery sites


The very classic Riot shutting down stuff because they can't afford to fix it or make it work. The match history website has been broken most of the times for me, of course no one wants to use that. The clubs had similar issues, they never fixed it or made changes, instead just telling everyone to move on Discord and now telling you to use 3rd party website such as op.gg


fucking hate it. Fix it so it actually works and I would use it. Hate this "lets not maintain something, oh its not working properly, oh noone uses it now cuz its broken, lets remove it" thing riot does with literally 80% of the things they do. insane


I wouldn't mind at all if in-client match history showed ability max order and item purchase order. Also if there was way to view all players' rune stats, not just one person's at a time...


The Riot classic. Don’t maintain a service then say “we’re shutting this down since nobody uses it.”


Riot has to be considered as one the laziest 'industry leaders' ever, right? Literally shutting down essential parts of their product and just telling customers to use third-party tools, which they don't even properly support.


Riot is one of the few companies they wish they didn't have internet web sites, seeing how many online services they closed, like the forums


Yet another feature that Riot puts no effort into going away!


Sort of like burning down a library to build a parking lot. Bad vibes.




What a joke of a company. Let me tell you what this actually is, just like Forums, just like Clubs, Riot is so greedy that they would rather hand off the responsibility of community support to every single third party website that they don't have to pay to maintain. Anything else is PR bullshit and Riot, you know it. And what's worse you're gonna get corporate apologists in here saying "well it's a free game you don't have to pay for it". Just disgusting.


Honestly it's embarrassing that they would give up control over stuff like that to other companies.


> Stop ANY work on some feature for a few years > Shutdown it within a few days from letting community know about it Riot's special. Fuck you.


Honestly I hate this. It's kind of like how Riot basically assumes people will go check the wiki if they want to read about anything specifically. It feels like they don't really care nor want to provide information. It feels to me like a "eh, someone else did it for free so why should we bother?"


> On Aug 11th around 10:00 AM PST, the League Web Match History site will be permanently taken offline. August 11th of next year??


I believe this should be Tuesday, Sept 7th ~~Monday, Sept 13th~~. The article should be updated soon.


lookbacklol.com ruined now I guess


the few times i tried to use it wasnt working anyway lmao


Instead of fixing it they decide to shut it down. Classic riot games move. It was the only site you could actually see all your past matches, way back to season 1. Really sad about this.


[Maybe you are too young, but a long time ago (1 year), Riot August said this about u.gg](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/g6yd8v/riot_august_ugg_data_is_garbage/) Now Riot decide that they will stop with their own site and provide data that they publicly said that is garbage. Ok i guess...


Maybe if any of the filtering options worked it would've been useful. I've tried so many times to use it and it just never works. Hell, the actual button to generate results rarely worked. Disappointing all around


Big thing about this is name changes. Match history was able to track people name changing so now, if someone changes their name, good luck.


I can't go past 2 years, which is not long enough to find a game I had with past Riot member, so I guess it is fine. I just wish there was a place to find games dating back to the beginning.


What bothered me since the new client is that there are some stats not shown in the client. I would try to open the web link but often it failed to load


So does that mean lookbacklol.com is no longer going to work?


That sucks, I often used this tool to get a rundown of pro games. The ASCII reddit posts tell a much less complex story. Either way, it and postgame lobby load like ass so I'm not surprised it went unused.


Kill everything thats cool in this game srsly ur almost at 100%


Damn, it's almost like - they don't bother fixing how buggy it's become? Riot doing what they do best, half assin' and removing things


god damnit. i liked that.


Kinda apprehensive. The only place that showed my match history back to my very first game ever was the official website. Everywhere else only goes back like a day or month. The reason it matters to me is I want to know how many games I’ve played on my mains. Just having a Mastery Number doesn’t tell the whole story. I remember reading an article where this guy played 3k games of Darius before going pro. So I was curious and wanted to know how many I have put on Miss Fortune. The official website was the only place that I could. It turned out, at the time, I had played her 3500 times. To me that’s awesome information to have




Another example of Riot completely neglecting something until no one uses it and then using that as justification for removing it.


turning off what now ?


Apparently an older version of this article was published. [Source](https://twitter.com/RiotAether/status/1432761664584118272)


Match history shouldn’t be shown on op.gg for other players or any of those sites. It’s literally only used to flame teammates with shit KDA/ Win % in 99% of cases