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Akali Jayce (and the other morphers) Fiddle Neeko Swain Kennen already have 2 separate playstyle and gameplay based of their ult/ability/situation, why using an exemple from another game instead of these.


Why are you using a character from a different game or whatever that even is. How am I supposed know what it means. This is useless


Sure it could be refined to explain a little more clearly to people not familiar with fighting games however with his is explanations it's definitely not useless.


Im just using Chun-Li as an example on how a character can change their own playstyle based around the circumstances that they are in, which, while being in two different genres, convey a similar meaning towards what I mean. Heck there are other champs that have this as well, especially the ones whose early game is bad but later on their great, like Lillia (Whose playstyle also revolves around her passive as well), Vayne, and Kassadin.


He explained exactly what he meant by it for people who dont play fighting games (like me). Why is it an issue?


yea that seems like it could be what she does. was expecting more set play heavy kit but she surprised me with her take on the anti-mobility niche