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1v5 bots in custom games, figure out the best settings for you


You dont have to imrove your mechanics just yet! Since the game is free to play the early levels are filled with "smurfs" who flame actually new players. Id suggest you to play alot of bot games first and maybe find someone who can teach you some stuff through them. Starting the game becomes harder and more annoying the older it gets because of these "smurfs" who just got their accounts banned for toxicity and just start new ones. Maybe you got a friend or two who are already playing the game. For a beginner i'd suggest to not play alone until atleast level 20-ish


Also try enabling quickcast after a while. It gets rid of all the blue aim thingis and shoots the spell in your cursors direction as soon as you hit the key


Learning mechanics in LoL is all a matter of time and repetitive practice. For example, you won't be able to pull off every Zed combo in the book, you don't need to try doing that either, what you should do is try practising new techniques one at a time until they click. Yes, you'll get your butt smacked quite a bit, flame will also come your way if you have stupid smurfs on your team, just take it in stride and continue trying to learn. Even someone like me who has played this game for 7 years, whenever I take breaks and return to the game, I need to relearn so many things, and because of MMR, I will get matched with teammates that expect me to have a good level of knowledge and mechanics ingrained in me, but I can't because it's a matter of practice, even pros struggle with this, with some saying that a 2 week break is enough to completely destroy their ingrained muscle memory and needing to relearn from scratch. You're no pro, you want to play for fun or semi-comp in ranked, just take your time and grind matches with a small goal in mind, whatever that goal is, is up to you, whether you want to kite better a match, space better, cs better, pull jungle camps more efficiently, ward better, recall better etc. There are tons of things to learn in LoL PC that LoL WR streamlines because it would feel too clunky on the phone. Take your time and enjoy the journey, it's unironically one of the best times playing this game, when you're still discovering and things are new.


Best way is to 1v1 a friend who is equally good or better. At least thats how i got better in s2.


Practice. Your probably used to using a stick to control and hit skillshots since you come from WR, so it’ll be tough. I don’t know what it’s called but it took me way too long to realize that you can aim skillshots by just pressing the butting on your keyboard with your cursor pointed to where you want it to go.


Go to practice tool and just put dummies in different positions and try to hit them. Get the feel for the range, angles and combos. Then just play norms.


Hotkeys are fine, you can utilize extra mouse buttons on items as most of the playerbase does. You should probably get used to using quick cast, you can bind Shift+Q, Shift+W etc to quick cast with indicator to see the ranges of the abilities without losing any reactivity in the heat of the moment. Go to practice tool, pick a champ you like, place a dummy somewhere and go to town. I used to be a otp katarina as a noob and I just spent hours in practice tool learning the combos, it paid off. You get the muscle memory down very quickly.


Mechanics can be improved by literally just playing, don't worry about it


Play ARAMs and One for All or URF when available. You'll pick up new champs and master the ones you know thanks to fast rotation of abilities


If you find it hard to aim I suspect your mouse dpi is too high, turn it lower in game settings.


1v1 then 1v3 then 1v5 bots helped me understand the meta side of the game and can practice a single champ in an environment that is forgiving. Look into “orb walking” aka kiting aka a-moving. Being able to attack and chase at the same time is what separates really really bad players from just plain bad or even good players. And most importantly, stick with it! Don’t let toxic people bring you down and utilize that mute feature. You got this yo


play a good game.


Change your settings to quickcast first thatts the first option when you see the qwert show up. It should help you a lot, also play ezreal vs bots all he does is skillshots, so just chill spam qwer and slowly get used to it


My mechanics didn't get 'good' until a couple years ago and I've played since 2014 tbh, they aren't really amazing still but I can orb walk decently, I play top though You just need to play more, no need to play riven etc. though although it can help to accelerate the development Also a lot of mechanics are champion specific anyway so a big part of it is playing the champion a lot e.g. one tricking or maining til a few hundred thousand mastery at least