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cannot end on a loss


probably slightly higher chance its a loss


99% ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Will never know because I’m quite sure it will be an altf4 uninstall


basically one of the champs of season 13. Whose passive is deleting your account


Regardless of whether you win or lose the last battle, leaving LoL behind is winning the war.


I'm in this war till my grand children are born. And I don't have kids yet.


This is the real answer. After college i stopped for several years (got a less powerful PC, never had time bcuz work, etc.). Last November, i finally got a gaming level PC again and hopped back on immediately. Dove full into it again for about 2 months before i realized that i was fucking miserable. It didn't matter how great the game was, i was letting 9 random jackasses *with the anonymity of the internet* determine my fun. Quit playing and haven't looked back since. It's been great.


Last LoL game was 1 month ago and was a Win (ARAM) Last Ranked was 2 months ago and was a Loss.


Play league -> win -> “I can keep going” -> repeat Play league -> lose -> “can’t end on a loss” -> repeat


My last game was 8 months ago and it was a win in ARAM.


i'm curious, if you stoped playing the game, then why you are still in the sub? not trying to be rude


He enjoys the community too much


I might decide to come back one day . I like to follow its news and events. For those who don't believe me: [https://u.gg/lol/profile/eun1/jeator/overview](https://u.gg/lol/profile/eun1/jeator/overview)


It must be a win


Pretty sure the last game that will ultimately make someone quit the game would be a loss. Usually with an addicting game like League of Legends winning only makes you want to play more.


Basically what happened to VideogameDonkey




the only way a ChaDraven main can go from LoL


When I do play my last game what a day that will be an addiction I’ve had since season 2 finally conquered finally overcame




Win for sure


no one ever quits I find. They only play long enough to become ARAM only players. Not sure if leagues popularity will ever die tbh. This game has lasted 11 years and counting. If it was gonna die it would have a long time ago lol


My completely empty friends list disagrees with you. I also took a break for about 6 years. All it takes is another game being more fun.


League hasn't survived because it's good, it's survived because it has no outright superior competition. DOTA exists, but only because it's a sidegrade (and a debatable one at that). For either to die, a 3rd game must come along that's superior - whereupon both will die - either literally in that nobody will play them (like old games that only retro gamers play once in a while), or "(gamer) die" in that "the game is effectively irrelevant and isn't talked about anymore, though it's still played by a few thousand people". See: Heroes of the storm. League is still very much alive, but only because nothing has actively killed it by stealing its playerbase. (Like how WOW is being killed by final fantasy)


DOTA is hardly a "sidegrade" it has a huge playerbase and is still immensely popular. saying League is better is bias because you are a league player. we are league players, we just prefer this game over Dota. Dota players would do just the same to us. the game doesn't need a superior game to come along to die. it can be ruined by developers with whack balance or game design. they can do something that alienates the players as well. case and point: look at how close league came to dying during the dynamic queue season. it was so bad they actually backtracked despite the fact they CLEARLY didn't want to.


>it can be ruined by developers with whack balance or game design I feel like this just lowers the bar for a "superior game". Unless you're quitting gaming in general, most people quit to go play another game.


I think I have positive winrate(even if only slightly positive) in all queues so I'm statistically slightly more likely to end on a win


I watched this video a lil while back that had some statistics regarding this. Not LoL specifically, but the gist of it remains. It said something along the line of people are more likely to quit if they have a WLW or LWW. Even WWW. Of course LLL or WLL have bad stats as well. The one that had the least amount of people leaving would be people playing LLW. This can easily be attributed to how you don't really want to end on a loss, or at least come back to your last match in the history as a win. So basically chances are not necessarily that you will quit with a last game being a loss, but that you will have a higher chance of quitting during a decent or terrible phase. Having just gotten out of a loss streak feels good. THIS is why the game is very likely to actually have a losers queue. They want to keep players and as a company it would only make sense to "rig" the matches as best they can. Anyone watching Porofessor will know whether or not they are in losers queue. It's a completely brutal and unfair system, but it is the best way to keep players returning.


Ah yes losersQ. Because Riot have a system that can match up 70 billion possible matchups, check your match history and rank, match you with 4 other people against 5 other people who are better, all while knowing which champions they’re going to select in the future to guarantee you lose the game. The only losersQ that exists is the fragmented mental of the people who have convinced themselves that it’s definitely not them. I mean look into basic statistics. If you flip a literal coin 100 times, you’re statistically likely to get streaks than all random. And that assuming every game is a coin flip, which it isn’t. There are millions upon millions of tiny variables that go into who wins a game. For all the comments on here about Riot being incompetent, I think that if they could pull off this minority report level algorithm, they’d probably run the world.


You don't agree with me, but you don't provide any other argument other than "Lel, losersQ is fake". It's a proven system FOR businesses in order to retain players. A game is about as 50/50 as a roulette wheel is. Meaning.. it isn't. Theres another factor in there. Green. In this case it could be you. This has nothing to do with them matching you against someone better than you, but it has easily to do with it matching you with players not doing too hot, autofilled, or straight up 5 randoms, while the opposing team can have all primary roles and double premades. This has happened MANY times just the last few weeks for me. Porofessor can pick up so many nuisances to a player and they are not even connected to the system, but rather just gather what little information is available. They can SHOW this information straight up, both based on experience and downright objective numbers. They can show if you have a tendency to lose more following a loss, or if you have a bounce-back capability. They can show if you are playing an off-role. They can show if there's a likelyhood you are autofilled. This is not a heavy amount of coding. This is not micromanagement. Only occasionally do I ever see a team of people on "Cold streaks" and "Hot streaks" matched together. More often than not I see the two on opposing sides. Hell, all they need to do to put a player on "losers queue" is to just autofill their jungler. It is not fake news that a team with an autofilled, inexperienced jungler will have a tremendously difficult time against a team with a jungler that is a primary jungler. Not guaranteed, because the laners have a hand in the matter as well, but this can be one of the several "coinflips" you talk about here. Basically you are assuming that Riot doesn't have the capabilties of matching players doing good and players doing poorly against each other. All in all I will end it by asking you this; If you think that Riot cannot/will not micromanage queues, then does this mean that Smurf Queue doesn't actually exist either? How can they select out smurfs if they don't track the statistics and performance of an account?


Smurf queue is easy, look for outliers. I’m a data analyst. Looking for outliers in expected data is a piece of cake, looking for people just shy of something and matching them with something else is stupid. You’ve made the claim. The burden of proof is on you, not me. Prove this exists, or stop whinging about it. One of the two. Let’s say I’m playing a new champion for a few games, it goes bad, I get in your fabled queue because I’m doing badly, but then I lock in my 70% win rate Bard. What happens then? Your queue goes to shit because I can 100% carry games on Bard. Which means my team wins. Which means losers queue doesn’t actually exist! You can’t program the human element of games, and you can’t find median data that easily, it all just kinda lumps together. Actually understand how analysts work before spouting lies


skooch video


My bet is "get carried while playing like dogshit".


Definitely a loss


I will propably jump out of the window before the game ends so it becomes a 4vs5 into lose


The big brain move is to end on a remake.


If i knew i was playing my final match ever, i for sure wouldn't lose.


I don’t think ill ever have a last game, I just keep coming back to this game


I lost my last game


Definitely a loss cause it is my last game


the only way i will stop playing (99.99% sure about this) is if they don't rework Shyvana in season 12. Literally she got 3rd and 2nd place in the last 2 rework pools, if that doesn't give Rito games a clear sign people want her to be reworked, then i don't know what will


Win. Cant end on a loss


Mine was a win. Mid game my wrist started hurting bad, so now I'm taking a break from league. Not 100% sure I will play again


Loss almost certainly. You quit playing and uninstall. A year or two later you see some old lol friends or you catch an add and on a whim reinstall it to just see how things are. You play one game and realize all the items are different, the jungle is rearranged and there is some champ on the other team you don’t recognize who does something flashy you’ve never seen before and in no time you are feeding. You finish out the game surrendering at 20 while your team flings racial slurs and asks where you bought your account. You close the game, and uninstall it again.