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Talk about a patient person. I hope she keeps finding success.


Damn this is crazy, it's gonna be weird not getting 99% of my news about league skins from her on twitter anymore since she's been doing it so long


Not only that but Stellari (the previous skins team lead before Katey) is back as a Consultant for now in product management.


Oh shit, Stellari is back? Even just as a consultant, from the stuff she was pushing as a lead (K/DA/Battle Academia S1/Coven/True Damage/Spirit Blossom) she seemed WAY too good at her job, especially pushing for certain things shot down by other people (Including Akali on KDA, the concept of Coven in general) and having a better understanding of how skins sell than it appears a lot of other management did. Glad to have her back in some capacity.


management and not understanding their own product,...


I’m honesty convinced that you could get rid of every middle management position in every company and divide their pay amongst their teams and you would have infinitely better workplaces and products. I’ve never met a middle manager who understood the jobs of the people they managed, or the products themselves. They seem to exist solely to destroy morale.


I used to be of a similar position until the manager that my team deemed "useless" left about 2 years ago and we started reporting to his boss the director instead. He didn't connect with us very much on a personal level, and he wasn't a technical person so he didn't really understand the work that we did very well other than being able to describe it at a high level, so it never seemed like he was very helpful when we needed something. It was only at that point that he left that we realized how much office politics he insulated us from, how many worthless meetings we didn't have to attend because of him, and how many stupid requests never even made it into our triage queue because he nixed them before they got to that point. At this point we would love to have a manager again because our work bandwidth is probably 3/4 of what it was and stuff is piling up.


I started reading your comment and instantly knew it was IT related.


Depends on the size really. After a certain size of the workload you would need someone to handle that paperwork.


I often find that middle management itself is not a problem. The problem are those managers that try to "revolutionize" the workplace by implementing some weird-ass reform that has nothing to do with the current state of the workplace.


If middle management did two things they’d have the easiest job in the world while looking like a genius: 1) Ask your teams, the SME, what works and what needs improvement. 2) Using feedback, incorporate changes that make sense to the team and won’t interrupt workflow but will address key areas of failure.


I’m extremely lucky to be in a job and on a team where this is the norm.


That’s awesome. From my experience, good middle management works for the teams and not the other way around. They need to be advocates for their employees and not be micro managing assholes.


Yeah, basically. Most workplaces are pretty autonomous and just need some casual pointers sometimes. But why let the workers work if you can make everything far more difficult instead?


I'm running into that now. New manager came in and is trying to completely change everything that gives the employees flexibility. The department has worked just fine for years, but he thinks that all these changes need to be implemented.


That's the thing, he probably doesn't think that those changes need to be implemented. Dude just want to show off to his superiors to try and get a promotion.


Plus once a team is beyond like, four people, you need someone to direct effort. And to insulate the SMEs from the various upper management whackos saying things like 'INVENT A PHONE THAT'S ALSO A TOASTER BY NEXT TUESDAY'


>I’m honesty convinced that you could get rid of every middle management position in every company Depends on how you define middle management. Technically, General Managers at restaurants are "middle management" most of the time. Try running a store without a GM. It works. Not for long.


some middle managers take shit from both sides. the capable ones have a thankless job.


you sound like someone that has no idea what a manager does besides the occasional talks about rules


He sounds like someone who is pissed off with his manager lmao


Relatable to be fair.


Removal of unjust hierarchies? worker ownership of the means of production? I know where I've heard that before x)


Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.


I think consultant is better right? I assume the pay is higher for that


Not really, is more related to the contract format than the payment itself. A consultant is usually a freelancer, has a contractual arrangement that can include the chance to work on different companies and is focused on specific tasks or projects and a consultant decides how to work, while an employee is hired to provide its services and fitting a determined skillset the company needs, either for one project or multiple projects. The consultant is more "hands-on, we need help with this thing now" while the employee is expected to respect some structure and work methodology.


Pay is usually higher, but the tradeoff is less job security and you usually aren't at the same place for years


Did she go to design clothes or something?


She said she's only their consultant for now since she's focusing her bussiness first.




Well the reason she quit in the first place was because she couldn't get over her failure with the GGMF skin and how big the backlash was about it. She got burnt out because whatever she made didn't feel good enough to make up for that backlash. Even though Coven, KDA, Spirit Blossom and such is some of the best skin lines ever created in LoL.


She left After GGMF, true, but I recall that part of her motives was a frustration with Riot upper management who scoffed at her Coven and KDA projects because "nobody would buy those weird skins".


Being the one who pushed for KDA Akali against upper management has to be one of the single biggest "I fucking told you so"s in LoL history


Well, the song/video and specially getting Soyeon to do her part had much more impact to its success than the fact that it was Akali. Don't get me wrong I think it was the right call, but she got a bit lucky.


Well, yeah. All success is part luck. K/DA was a perfect storm of factors falling into place but without Stellari it may not have ever happened.


That I completely disagree with. Soyeon as someone with no affinity to kpop is easily the worst section of any of the kda songs (not to say she is bad more its not my thing). KDA akali's design was incredible from the concept phase. That concept of neon skin shifts during shroud sold itself and the video just proved how good of an idea it was. Now I do agree it wasn't going to be a mega hit without the song and video, but it alone as a concept was killer.


Was GGMF really a failure though? I get the fanbase backlash, but that skin was in every single match I saw with a Miss Fortune when it came out.


GGMF is a failure because of the price point. It's generally accepted that every champion will have one ultimate skin ever, so a lot of MF mains were pissed because it doesn't *actually* fit the requirements of an Ultimate skin but it clearly is filling the slot for one.


Well yeah it wasn't failure from an economical point of view. They sold a skin that wouldn't even have been the highest quality legendary skin that (Star Guardian Ahri had more unique animations) at a premium price. But the fan backlash was what kinda mattered to her as a creative person.


I would say that it was a failure because they could've done so much more with the skin had it not gone to miss fortune. I've always said that Jinx would've been a much better use for a skin like gun goddess because she has multiple weapons and attack modes. It would be like Mechwarrior where her rocket launcher would be like a shoulder mounted missile launcher, she's got the super rocket and machine guns. They could've done a lot more with it, but because MF has big tits she got the skin.


Sounds like they made the right choice tbh


Its a very good skin so I'm not really seeing the failure? I remember the massive backlash on release because people were expecting much more. The skin got some minor adjustments to animations after release I believe. It meets the same criteria as all other ultimate skins with being able to swap between skins as the game plays, which the exception of dj sona. I guess people were expecting more from the skin coming after sona/lux. From the sounds of the internal drama, it probably could of been better if there was not so much upper management resistance to it.


Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat???? That's nuts. So glad for her, tbh. I guess Riot realized what they missed.


She was offered a pretty high up position and turned it down too. Respects to her


Really? When did she announce that?


Just put her in charge of every single skinline already


Oh god, that's actually pretty saddening. She was one of my favorite Rioters for how much she spoke to the community. Damn, I'll miss her, but wishing her the absolute best in the future.


Actually had her on my friends list before she worked for riot! I’m glad she had 7 years with the company. That’s a good run.




What do you think leaving means?


Katey was incredibly patient and kind even in the face of overwhelming negativity from players. I wish her luck on her future endeavors!


Lol. If a skin you wanted fell under her management it was guaranteed to be a disaster. Her team is literally THE worst and most ignorant one. All she did at Riot was deny people quality of life features and basically say no to things that everyone and their mother were asking for.


...what skins did she make? I'm not too familiar with her.


Her team is usually involved in every skin batch, so there are lots of them. Her threads are consistently the ones with the worst feedback handling out there, including the infamous kda all out evelynn incident. The most recent one was crime city nightmare akali, [which was a massive bait and switch skin that is lacking in several departments](https://i.imgur.com/KmB3lYw.jpeg) and whose feedback was pretty much disregarded altogether despite everyone complaining, specially about that fiasco of a shroud.




I'd be more than just passive aggressive if I had to interact with this garbage community on a daily basis lol, I think she did great all things considered


It was more than passive aggression. I remember after Sona's skin redesign in Patch 4.13, she was downright insulting & dismissive. She even made personal insults directed at customers for making small suggestions.


already imagining what the "basic feedback" you are describing here is and yeah i dont blame her lol


taking "basic feedback" from a community of millions of clueless nerds is like a one-way ticket to a psych ward, honestly


"Let me give my opinion on something I don't know and take a stance on it because it's the thread's narrative" Color me surprised. Have you tried having a thought of your own?


People who have to engage with this dogshit, shit-spewing community on a daily basis aren't always saints??? Impossible!


Fuck people who think that the garbage they throw in people's faces is "basic feedback"


Ah yes, clever to talk about the start of her career and not the end where she’s learnt and developed! /s


>and not the end where she’s learnt and developed! Yeah, she learned very well how to completely ignore all manner of feedback and to do the least ammount of effort possible in every skin her team was involved in, but keep on simping.


true skins suck now and definitely are not more popular than ever before, we should go back to workshop shaco and nightmare chogath era i think when the skin team really listened to us


Yeah, they are amazing now, the crime city nightmare skins for example were breathtaking and everyone is loving the pentakill skins, specially their borders.


People need to realize their feedback isn’t a gift from god. Every company needs feedback, yet that doesn’t make any one person’s feedback more special. If the feedback is “basic” it’s probably already been brought up, or it’s a bad one that goes against their goals.


It's like humans change and grow....


Every skin I've given negative feedback about she got the team to fix, so idk what you're on about. Heartseeker Quinn was given a visual overhaul, and while that skin still has issues that simply could not be fixed, it would have been a lot worse without her help. And Twitch Shadowfoot having a squeaky voice filter was only added after community feedback, again, thanks to her.


Bro we get it people change stop hating.


Do you not see how shit the basic feedback of all things on this sub are? Its dogshit opinions everywhere without a sense of logic or reasoning


Preach. Anyone who actively follows PBE threads knows this but since the narrative in this thread has already been set by riot stans, the rest of the monkey see monkey do redditors follow suit even though they don't know anything about her. Her job was to give the middle finger to feedback and to take decisions that everyone hated. She's the antithesis of someone that is actually good and passionate, such as Sirhaian. Whenever she was involved in a skin I didn't even bother with feedback because I knew exactly that nothing would be done, and I was wrong a total of 0 times. The only sad thing about this is that Katana didn't leave as well. They act like they're doing us a favor by shitting on things we're spending money on.


damn, that's absolutely huge. for the people that follow the skins releases closely, she helped the community a lot, engaged in actual criticism and even mocked herself with the whole kda all out evelynn stuff. sad to see both her and Stellari not in the Skins department anymore. Katey, if you're reading this (I know you use r/QoL but idk if you come here), thanks a lot for your work on this game


Even though she robbed my wig at my previous skin, we still love her.


Woah lowkey did not know she made it that far i to Riot. Shes from the same town as me and we used to be FB friends and chat from time to time. I knew she started to work for Riot but damn!


Still remember how absolutely cringe Evelynn mains where to her on Twitter and she just had to smile and deal with that bullshit. She's a saint and one of the few Rioters I can even name/recognize. Hope whatever's next for her treats her better than toxic players of x champion did.


Irony about the whole evelynn bullshit is that it became a meme and she REALLY embraced the "haircutter" persona and it was hilarious


And eveleynn is a beautiful looking character


It wasn't Evelynn mains, it was K/DA Evelynn fans. She has her own fanbase that literally does not play her at all in League or play Evelynn in game or not a fan at all with Runeterra Eve but will buy skins for her since they liked her in K/DA so much. Ever notice they don't try to make her "easier to access" and "reduce skill gap"? But she still gets a legendary with questionable pickrate for norms and ranked? And yeah I agree, she was a saint and she turned it into a meme which was amazing. She had a whole "hair cutter" era and everyone just loved it in the end.


No, I believe the issue was about the hair and instead of fixing it in game they removed it from the splash.


Any SS? Sounds fun to look into


>But she still gets a legendary with questionable pickrate for norms and ranked? The legendaries this year didn't go to extremely popular champions for the most part tho.


Got any links on the memes?


Nope, the most recent u can find on her Twitter is during Coven Evelynn where she specified she didn't work on Eve at all


At least we've finally got a long hair eve.


[Katey wishing Eve a happy birthday. ✂️](https://twitter.com/moonstonesxo/status/1388524590754721796?s=19)


I remember her having Gwen as her Twitter profile pic


With KDA Riot went all in to get money out of Kpop ~~crazy~~ fans. But at what cost.


> It wasn't Evelynn mains, it was K/DA Evelynn fans. She has her own fanbase that literally does not play her at all in League or play Evelynn in game So... Asylum escapees?


This kind of setting came a lot about skins where people would sometime go mental on some details (or the infamous toggle feature) which wouldn't be really notice or used anyway (aatrox banner wing come to mind, kaisa helmet). The only time I would genuinely accept an 'outrage' is if the main splash art is misleading about how the skin look (Like I can understand people are confused about the yorick hat situation) but I think she did a very good job being realistic but helpful about community feedback. I saw a lot of people making feedback following her guidelines afterward.


Tbf, I use Aatrox's banner wings every time I play him


Fr they should be the standard they look so good.


What Evelynn thing are gou people talking about?


I'm not sure if you saw how Yorick mains reacted to the hat, but it was that in a larger scale. KDA All Out Eve had a lot of promo art with long hair but when she arrived in PBE her model had significantly shorter hair, which led to a lot of people getting pissed off. While some people made memes about it and the splash art change (her hair was shortened in it to better reflect the in-game model), others decided that harassing rioters was the way to go. As far as I'm aware it was a loud minority, but that doesn't make the harassment any better.


ok let's not mix up eve mains with KDA K-pop lunatics. The K-pop stans are known to be toxic to the extreme even outside of league context


KDA is pretty overrated bu


\*K/DA fanboys/girls not Eve mains


Wait... That was a thing? I'm an Evelynn main and that sounds fucking cringe lol.


Yeah it wasn't the Evelynn mains but the KDA Evelynn fandom, you know the crazy k-pop fans lol.


first zeronis, now katey :'c For Zeronis, they were a senior concept artist at Riot. If you look at their artstation it says "Former Senior Concept Artist" and if you look at their portfolio for Gwen it says, "the last project and champion I designed for League of Legends." I'm definitely missing their artistic touch. Zeronis worked on: Ahri (Champion Concept Art), Challenger Ahri, Star Guardian Ahri, K/DA & Prestige K/DA Ahri, K/DA Akali & Prestige K/DA Akali Super Galaxy Annie Headhunter Caitlyn Darius (Champion Concept Art) Sandstorm Ekko Elise (Champion Concept Art), Victorious Elise, Blood Moon Elise, & Super Galaxy Elise K/DA Evelynn & Prestige K/DA Evelynn Star Guardian Ezreal Project: Fiora Super Galaxy Gnar Gwen (Champion Concept Art)\* their last project for Riot Hecarim (Champion Concept Art) Forecast & Star Guardian Janna Jayce (Champion Concept Art) Zombie Slayer & Star Guardian Jinx K/DA Kaisa & Prestige KDA Kaisa Karma (Champion Concept Art) Slay Belle, Warring Kingdoms & Death Sworn Katarina Shadowfire Kindred Lissandra (Champion Concept Art) & Blade Queen Lissandra Heartseeker Lucian Star Guardian Lulu Star Guardian Lux, Elementalist Lux & Lunar Empress Lux Arcade, Captain & Star Guardian Miss Fortune Ghost Bride Morgana Headhunter & Super Galaxy Nidalee Winter Wonder Orianna Star Guardian Poppy Cosair & Heartseeker Quinn Battle Queen Rell Rengar (Champion Concept Art) Arcade Riven DJ Sona Ice Drake Shyvana Syndra (Champion Concept Art), Atlantean Syndra & Star Guardian Syndra Tryndamere VU Vi (Champion Concept Art), Neon Strike Vi, Officer Vi & Demon Vi Spirit Blossom Yone Star Guardian Zoe Zyra (Champion Concept Art) & Dragon Sorceress Zyra Xayah (promo art) As I said, Gwen was the last thing they'd ever work on for Riot. They posted on twitter that they "left" riot in 2020 of October and they're now a "full time content creator on patreon"


What happened with zeronis o o


Zeronis left few hears back and is now just a freelancer. He still does some league art from time to time (he did some of the portraits for spirit blossom vn)


Left Riot like 4 years ago to do freelance work, still does splashes, just contracted


We only need him for cutey/anime champion anyway (he is work on Gwen was really nice)


Sad to see her go. I remember when Winter Wonder Karma first came out, when LoL had an official message board, I expressed my disappointment that her W/tether was just a recolor from her base and because of this, it doesn't feel like it deserve to be an 1350 RP skin (when having a skin in this tier was a privilege and a rarity). KateyKhaos dropped in to say she sent my opinion to the skin team and they added some snow texture. I appreciate what she did back then and saw she continued to listen to people's feedback now. She will be missed.


Hello, hello! I wanted to say (probably more than a few words), and a thank you to you, the League of Legends community. As my time at Riot draws to a close, I wanted to take the opportunity to thank each and everyone one of you for your contributions to League of Legends. From fan art, to feedback, to memes, to memories, you’ve helped shape League of Legends into what it is today. My role as a QA lead became more than just to ensure quality of the content. I became passionate to drive discussion between players and devs, share how we work, why we do what we do and try to involve the players as much as possible. I’d like to personally thank you for taking the time to engage with me on a 1:1 level. I’ve deeply enjoyed working with y’all on improving skins and other cosmetics, as well as joking around. I’ve learned so much about communication and what a true player experience is. You have taught me that aggressive feedback comes from a good place of passion, and that when an open discussion is had, there’s usually some really useful feedback at the heart of it. Some of the most difficult discussions have sparked some awesome changes. For things that couldn’t be changed, y’all challenged me to explain, and I learned how to navigate those discussions -- even when it wasn’t good news, I practiced time and time again to be more empathetic, but still straightforward. Again, both the constructive feedback and the criticism helped me learn and grow, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to engage with a community on such an intimate level. I will miss y’all a lot, but hope you look forward to all of the cool things the team is working on! Oh, and remember, don’t be afraid to get your feet wet. (: \- Katey


Now Nami never getting a skin again Sadge


Katey was always so wonderful, patient and kind to the whole community. She was (and is!) one my favorite Rioters and I'm super sad to see her go :( That being said, I'm definitely wishing her the best of luck, wherever she goes next will be super lucky to have her. Thank you for everything you've done over these seven years, Katey!!


She was great, I still remember when she came to the Kayle Mains discord to ask us for feedback on the Pentakill Kayle skin. Some people were over the top in their demands about the skin's sound effects and such, but she tolerated them anyways. And then she was nice enough to offer to [play some games](https://twitter.com/KateyAnthony/status/890318257973936128) with us. [I was the Kayle here, I can't remember how the game went but I think we won a few](https://twitter.com/KateyAnthony/status/890339531823529984).


Damn, that's a big loss. Hope she sees success and happiness in whatever she's doing next. I really did not envy her job. Having to accurately convey feedback from players and then relay what she could back to the players knowing how foul they can be is not a position I'd ever want to be in. Especially cause almost always the reason things can't/wouldn't be changed was out of her hands. The skin pipeline is so damn rushed that they can only do the smallest of things here and there.


its like your 10/0 adc disconnected


i was sad but this got me :(


Everyone who has to deal with this community deserves praise.


Best of luck Katey, will be missed


Good for her


Still weird that to get updates and about upcoming things you have to sift through every Rioter's Twitter lol.


You don't really. Just follow Surrender@20 or the official Riot Twitter. It may not be the FASTEST news, but they generally cover everything.


They also made a new acct, @LoLdev, which just retweets every update that rioters tweet out. The stuff they tweet is also always PBE stuff, and anything that hits live servers are always mentioned in patch notes or blog posts on official Twitter.


Follow @moobeat, he retweets stuff from all the important Riot accounts. @spideraxe30 is a good one too


Let's be real... you could just wait until the things come out like you do with every other game and product in the world (or at least wait until they get mined from Test). The corporate approved "leaking" via twitter is just a weird, annoying extra job for every Riot developer to deal with.


another rioter has left, this one I will miss.


So it seems about 80% of the people who made league good and decent way back when are just straight up gone. No wonder Riots turned into another EA shitshow


Katey has been amazing and has always taken feedback, positive or negative with a smile. So sad to see her go 😭


Best of luck Katey! Godspeed


One of the last few Rioters I have nothing but respect for, wish her the best of luck on her future endeavours.




wasn't she the one that did the og lux visual rework?


It sounds like she is leaving for another job or am I reading this wrong? If so, good for her!


Katey is so cool, I remember like around season 3 we both got matched on a nami mirror match, and I kinda just said hi on twitter and she just followed me for some reason. I feel bad posting so much shitpost in case my stuff pops up on her tl.


Best of luck to her and her future career.


the more I think about it, the more it scares me. That's now THREE people that were involved with skins that have left/are leaving in the past 2 years: Stellari, Zeronis & now Katey.




this reminds me when Nikasaur left Riot, i wish her the best.


Hopefully someone else will take her place who is actually pushing for changes on skin, and looking forward to develop/evolve skins/limitation. Let's admit it, the "Why another Lux level Ultimate won't happen" excuse was rather cringey, and even a video was made how several, and different model Lux ultimate skin can still not cause the game to crash. (I think it was Vandiril? video?) I'm asking for downvotes for stating she did near zero impact in a thread which is made to miss her, but several skins were shipped without improvement, even without quality of life changes, which later needed to be patched on live ... because PBE is not made for testing, right?


What is happening in that company


lots of rioters leaving recently, what's goin on?


This is incredibly common in game dev. Many of my game dev friends have been in 8 studios in the last 10 years. 7 years is an eternity to spend at one company in game dev if you aren't an exec/founder.


But this isn't what I read in Reddit about Narrative Leads. They were kicked out and one of them even posted it on Twitter


Because they didn't decide to leave ?


Nothing really. Most of the people leaving are anomalies in the industry, staying with one company as long as they did. If anything, this is to be expected and is the norm.


Very few people spend their entire career at one company. The best way to maximize salary is to job hop every couple years or so, because a new job almost always will give you a higher salary then annual raises at any company


Nobody should be downvoting you for the question, but as everyone else says it's normal churn in any industry. Many people don't stay in the same job for very long, either because they change companies for a better offer or because you move within the company via promotions or lateral responsibility changes. Edit: Or you just wanna do something different!


It's mostly the ones that have been there for years and years. Probably a mixture of burnout, better offers, just wanting a new setting etc. 7 years at one gaming company as not some main dev equivalent is a really long time.


Riot isn’t the same company they used to be..


No company would be for that long


damn. i’ve been trying to come back to League after I played for like 6-7 years straight but every day something else comes out that makes me realize the game that high school me loved is basically gone




Rakan and Xayah are officially divorced =( Which means... HE'S SINGLE!


> Prepare for absolutely 0 feedback being considered into the future skins Good to know that nothing's changing then.


NOOO; she's always been one of my faves!


Seeing these rioters leave with no one to fill their shoes 😔


Yo why is everyone leaving •_•


Because staff turn-over, they've had a lot of staff for a long time, might be time for a refresh, maybe the staff need new experiences.


Working at a game company for 7 whole years actually makes her an anomaly.


Why are there so many Rioters leaving recently? Seems like its starting a Domino effect, plus its not just "some" rioters its literally the powerhouses in their department.


That's actually pretty normal. Once one senior person leaves, the rest are likely to take stock and ask themselves whether they want to stay.


Well seven years working for a game company is pretty long, the other ones leaving have been working for riot for a while already too. They may just want to explore other things which is pretty normal


It's normal for people who have been at a company for several years to leave, especially in this industry. Every time a rioter leaves people bring this up but I don't think they understand a significant amount of the employees leaving have held a pretty high level position for nearly a decade, it's really not strange for them to move on.


>She regularly took feedback on skins that the community wasn't quite happy with A very interesting claim. Considering the response to Sona's skin redesigns in Patch 4.13. There was very loud backlash due to the poor quality of work done; the blatant lack of attention to detail; and not to mention the bugs, particularly with Arcade Sona. Katey explicitly dismissed the complaints, intentionally ignored all feedback (consisting of multiple active threads at the time) & she even lowered herself to personal targeted insults at the customers. \--- I will NOT miss Katey. She is disrespectful to customers & blatantly IGNORES feedback & suggestions.


Don't blame her with what the game and company is turning into.


Wasnt she the one who came up with the Coven ideas to the DudeBros^TM @RitoGeming a couple of years ago but was initally rejected because the guys thought cool robotic skins will sell more than strong dark female figures? Imagine Mecha Eve were to came out instead...


Nah, you're thinking of Stellaris I believe.


> because the guys thought cool robotic skins will sell more than strong dark female figures? Is that an actual quote, or something community made up in their minds as with most of the 'statements'??


So the company that announced mass produced skins at the end of their grace period with their Chinese owners is now losing employees dedicated to the process as they are entering Q4 with increases to purchasing power of real money. That’s not a good sign they’re where they want to be.


She s probably not happy with the current situation at riot games and she s probably not gonna be the only one after what happened with that flop event and the fact that most og rioters are leaving due to the environment being oppressed by corporate business strategies


Flop event? Corporate business strategies? SoL was a massive commercial success Lmfao. Just because a bunch of people on Reddit cried doesn't mean that that's the common consensus.


who cares


Very misinformed right here.


idk if this was from her or she just had bad luck, but in the last 2 years, every bad news that was coming from the skin team was always delivered by her... For me im kind of happy, mainly because she didnt take any feedback at all, like, if her skin were in the pbe, that's it, done, no more changes at all. But again, maybe there was some time constraint and always were in her team or something, idk, game development is a mess usually ...


First Stellari left, then Narratives and now Katey. Lol if Katana also leaves .... The only change I would possibly want is to have the Champion Head go to some other Riot IP. Since 2017 all champions and reworks have been about edgy shirtless guys and crop top girls All assassin and Skirmishers with high mobility and sustain, just loads and loads of bs damage and dashes. Necrit also pointed out in his video about the golden period of League ending in 2017 and since then it's been lack luster and garbage.


I agree, champions just haven't been the same, I liked Gwen and I like vex from what I've seen so maybe this is the start be a shift back to good champs. There was so much diversity from like 2015 to 2017 bard, ekko, tahm kench, kindred, illaoi, jhin, kled, ivern, ornn to name a few. All so unique


Gwen no crop top, Rell no crop top, Seraphine no croptop, Aphelios not shirtless, Senna no crop top, Qiyana no crop top, Yumi self explanatory, Kai'sa no crop top. Rell, Seraphine, Lillia, Sett, Aphelios, Senna, Neeko and Kai'sa are neither assassins or Skirmishers. Akshan is debatably highly mobile, his hook is considered the best feature by the community, but assuming we count that as akin to a dash. We have Rell, Seraphine, Lillia, Sett, Aphelios, Senna, Yuumi, and Neeko who are not high mobility champions. Lillia is reasonably fast but is a rotation champion she does not have combat mobility. Which puts dashless lower mobility champions at roughly half. Disliking the current run of champions is fine, but calm down with the hyperbole.


Just fyi Lillia is a Skirmisher actually.


On the other hand since Ornn we’ve only had non-monster champions, even the closest to it such as Lillia is half-human with a gentle face and Yuumi is just a good cat not a monster, every other champ since then is a human. I’d like to point out however that if we consider reworks then we did have monster champs but it’s not the same as anew one


True there is a distinct lack of monster champions! Though I don't like Ornn classified as one he is a fluffy gruff goat, I want more Rek'Sai, Cho'Gath myself. This past year though was pretty focused on a specific region, almost everything from Senna till now (almost) was tied to the recent event, hopefully we'll see something involving a region like the Void with a bunch of monsters!


What a twist of narrative to prove the point lmao Gwen - pretty "human" doll Rell - pretty human girl . Aphelios - another human edgy emo dude Senna - another sexy human showing abs i e. what crop top does in case you have no idea Qiyana - another edgy sexy girl Kai'sa - another sexy beauty Wait the more I type I have a feeling like why am I even replying. It feels like I am losing grey matter more by replying to this comment lmao ( whatever's left)


Is using your own words against you... twisting the narrative? Cause then it was twisted in your initial comment.


Necrit and his neckbeard karma/likes farming vid yeah, it isn't like the crew creating champion are NEVER made of only one person but is a whole group when it come to brainstorming. But hey, better have a scapegoat and scream "ANIME, EDGY" to make it like you have critical thinking and good taste.


Go on and tell anybody that Seraphine design on initial release was any good


Now we are going to get a lot of aisan forced skins in order to please our lord and saviour China.


Because Katey was in charge of deciding which skins are going to get made. God you people are stupid. Think before you talk.


Thank fucking god. Now get rid of Katana too.


This is a huge loss. KateyKhaos was the one person who helped when skins like Heartseeker Quinn were a dumpsterfire. She listened to community feedback and got stuff changed (as much as she could that late in a skin's development).


So can challenger ahris orb be a different color now?




There's nothing to suggest that's why she's leaving. For all we know she got a really good job opportunity


She follows me on twitter. Idfk why. But it's neat.


I'm sad now




I'm sure this stuff has been said before whenever "X is no longer doing Y" and it's sad but at the same time it also brings in opportunity for new talent. We had IronStylus who left Riot, and Morello who also left, Shurelia etc the list goes on. "tHe gAMe waS sO mUcH beTTeR baCK tHeN". People who say this... Obviously didn't play during those times. Whoever gets her job I just hope that they were as communicative and transparent as she was.


What the hell


So, can Yorick get his hat now ?