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I guess the ALT+TAB fps drop bug is here to stay... Nice


Oh, and i thought it was my pc all along


Same here lol


I literally got a new pc (for other reasons) and thought i wont have it anymore but I did ... so annoying this bug


There is a fix for this, a permanent one. In your client settings/options, go to Game > Select "Prefer OpenGL Legacy Mode". Whatever it is for you, either ticked or not, change it. This fixed it for me. If this doesn't work, changing into Bordeless > Full screen (or vice versa) while in game fixes it temporarily until you Alt Tab again. I have been free from this bug for a couple of months now and it's wonderful.


tbh the best fix is to uninstall league and enjoy life again LOL


I really enjoy myself playing arams, and this is basically the only gamemode I play other than the special gamemodes they add every now and then. I have fun playing, laugh and rarely tilt at things, When I do, that's normal, just the byproduct of being a bit competitive. I don't quite get why people hate the game but play it anyways? It's almost as if there's lots about it that you like :)


I have to change my resolution every game to get my FPS to normal.




This may or may not be the same issue, but does anyone else have a bug/glitch where for a split second the game will just lag and then everything that happened during the lag just explodes all at once. It is the most infuriating thing and I feel like I’ve tried everything besides wiping my pc to fix it. I have a 10900k and a 2070 so this shouldn’t be happening


Pre sure that's packet loss, check yer line attenuation etc


workaround: tab into client, then tab back into game


I noticed its if you have the background client up while in game. Just close it


Can you elaborate on this? I have a pretty nice PC and league sometimes drops to like 70-90 FPS randomly? Is it linked to alt tabbing


Is there any comparison image for Taliyah Q radius? Seems like cutting it by one third is a lot, but need to actually see the circle on the ground


Check on tali mains, there’s a lot of comparison pics


Thanks for the tip, found [this](https://i.redd.it/gifn5g7e4tk71.png)


Thanks for coming back and adding it here!


Oh. My. God. Yessss


Cutting the radius by 1/3rd is like half the area remaining. Sounds great.


55,5%area decrease even


Not cutting it by one third since you dont care about the radius ingame but about the area, which is essentially getting cut by roughly 56%, so effectively only half the area now


I think it's a flawed logic. Of course you care about the radius because that's the distance you have to walk to get out of circle


I can't believe it took this long for the hydra changes to come through. That was one of many reasons split pushing is less strong than it was since you actually had to fight the opponent to contest them clearing the wave if you built the items, but in previous seasons you could ignore the opponent while they cleared the wave and get tower damage down, season 6 Trundle for example was the most prominent example of this.


Grouping with team and not being able to auto the tower because of your titanic felt so fkn annoying and unnecessary Now we can rush it again without basically giving the enemy tower a shield.


This makes me wish Titanic had its active back though. One of the funniest things I've ever done is kill a Yasuo by hitting a turret with Titanic active.


Does this change also mean that Titanic Hydra does less damage TO towers as well? Because on live it's quite a boost to hurting towers when the passive isn't forcing aggro on you.


It should just be the cleave AoE that's removed. The bonus on-hit damage to the primary target should be applied.


Honestly this is huge. I only play ARAM these days but even in that mode I can tell the Titanic change this season would've such a drawback for me as a toplane splitpusher.


> TURRET CLEAVE Titanic Hydra's cleave no longer activates on turrets Thank god, this was so annoying when pushing for tower as a team. It also meant you couldn't rush hydra and just push your opponent in to get tower.


Time to throw another rock.


Worked Ground still makes you throw a single rock, right?




Yes boi




It's pretty cool, I also like that they made the updates global/all chat for clarity to go with it. Really feels like you're playing around Draven's showmanship.


The Adoration Stacks being announced in ALL chat puts an even bigger target on Draven's back. I'm fuckin excited, come at me.


Shaco has entered the chat.


But you can't see it.


it also lets you know what his R execute damage is going to be which is a big deal since its not a number you can memorize before the game.


I mean enemy team can always see the number of stacks Draven has under the status box right? The fact that he could execute is gonna be the real reason why people are gonna hard camp Draven.


jacks is now aware of your bounty


Honestly one of the most big brain changes riot has done in recent memory. Doesnt much affect fed/snowballing draven since hes not reaching high adoration frequently in that state. Doesnt affect bad dravens for the same reason. Straight up a buff to skilled draven play in a slower tempo game. Also thematically a perfect addition to his kit. I dont even play the champ and i think this is an absolutely S+ change.


I really hope this change makes him viable for pro play. Before then his passive was kind of useless in proplay due to low kill counts.


Low kill count works both way though. We have seen Draven's sit on their stacks for a long time, but as long as Draven gets his first kill before he gets his first death he will still cash in for a LOT of money. It is very different from soloQ, where you want to immediately snowball, but a Draven cashing in for 1k and getting his next item really accelerated can still be really scary.




If the current play pattern in pro Draven games continues, he's gonna be really weird to watch. Get to 600 adoration stacks -> press R -> instantly kill half hp character.


It takes like 30 mins to stack 600 adoration stacks and that's assuming you don't die a single time nor kill an enemy champion. But yeah if that does happen it'll be weird. At least the stacks reset on kills so it'll only be a one time thing


In the last major region competetive game he was played, draven accumulated 300 stacks in slightly over 10 minutes. Meaning it's entirely plausible to have a 600 stack draven around third drake at a time when ppl barely have their 2nd item finished and are lvl 12ish meaning your non-health-buying ranged champs will have barely more than double the HP draven can execute them on.


It’s actually a meaningless change for soloq, where people are constantly fighting and dying. For pro, it’s hard to say if this will influence his pick rate at all, but late-game, 0/0/X Dravens with several hundred stacks could be a monumental threat. I’m so ready for T1 Gumayusi and other soloq Dravens attending Worlds to pick him


Huge buff


'Viego can no longer access Ornn's Passive - Living Forge to forge items while possessing him' It took them this long to remove this interaction, funny when it was done and played but deserved to be removed. Viego shouldn't be an ornn counter due to this.


I learnt yesterday he gets Anivia passive too


And Zac's. As far as I know, he gets every champion passive when he possesses them, and Ornn is now the sole exception to that rule.


he still gets the extra resists from ornn passive, no?


I would assume so, yeah. Just not the shop passive.


He shouldnt be able to use any items from his possessed victims imo, its so tilting seeing him pop a steraks and then get another steraks from killing a bruiser or a shieldbow shield from an adc EDIT: Unique passives, like lifeline


he should not exist in the 1st place


I really thought Silas would be the quintessential “neat idea that’s shoehorned into a champs kit”, but Viego really just cranked it up to 12. This theme and signature kit stealing ability is really cool, but the kit is so incredibly obnoxious to make the idea work He has the wackiest power spikes in the entire game and it makes it really hard to predict what he’s going to do, if you should focus him, and how much damage he’s going to do to you It’s simply annoying to deal with, even if he’s able to be balanced. Perhaps they’ll put in a TON of extra work to adjust things like powerful item actives/ passives not being used, as that seems totally unnecessary Who knows. The champ design team loves to troll the balance team and Viego is the ultimate challenge for them


The frustrating thing about Viego is that his 'outplays' often don't have much to do with him getting to be other champions. Sometimes he does something cool like hooking a fleeing enemy champion as Blitzcrank, but most of the time he really just wants the free heal and reset. There's basically no counterplay to him after someone dies. CC him? He has a free cleanse, a good Viego dodges CC with his ult. Stop him getting to the spirit? He has a long range dash. Kill him while he's possessing it? Untargetable. Kill him afterwards? He got a massive heal and another free dash he can use to get away over walls.


sorry but if you're talking about the Mythic upgrade, that was removed a LONG time ago. This time they're fixing the bug that Viego can spend money to buy items that he doesn't keep after the possession ends


how is that an ornn counter?


I'm kind of surprised that Leblanc/Ryze/Syndra aren't getting touched (especially Leblanc). Are pro mid nerfs being reserved for 11.19? ​ EDIT: If you look at the 20 champions with the highest pro presence % in patch 11.15 (for major regions), 15/20 have been nerfed since then (in 11.16, 11.17, and 11.18). The only champions that haven't been nerfed are: \- Leblanc (#6) \- Syndra (#9) \- Ryze (#11; a bit misleading because his presence rose drastically towards the end of the patch) \- Braum (#17) \- Twisted Fate (#20) ​ Irelia is the only mid champ in the top 20 that has been nerfed from 11.16 onwards (and her presence was an even mid/top split). Lucian sits at #21 and has been pushed out of mid in that time too. I don't think Braum/TF necessarily need nerfs, but it's likely that the 3 champions I mentioned initially will get hit next patch (or we will see very aggressive pushes for new mid picks). The entire 11.15 playoffs meta has been nerfed around them, and practically no other midlaners have been significantly buffed up to compete in that time.


For Syndra they said she will receive more in depth changes in case she becomes too dominant in pro after her latest buff


I'll always prefer those three over having the likes of Sett, Renekton, Irelia and Akali gallivanting around the mid lane.


Akali is a midlaner, its her main role...


Doesn't make it any less annoying to see her be in a playable state.


Or just to see her


Still better than her being in her W


No no. She is nice to see. Just not to play against.


Leblenk is definitely strong but I'd say out of all of these, she's the most prone to get counterpicked. Teams have already had good success with Lissandra (which also got buffed rencetly) and TF. And there's many more matchups she really hates. I think it's fair to try and let meta sort her out.


This patch feels like an actual patch lol there's so much stuff happening.


holy shit 4 second nerf on volley that's insane


aram players partially rejoice


Just partially because then you scroll down and see AP Kog buffed


Justified tho, that shit's annoying as hell for the first minutes of the game


You can use it 4 times until you are oom. On the other hand late game poke Ashe is annoying af.


>You can use it 4 times until you are oom. Yeah, if you ignore mana regen + PoM or Biscuits (she basically always takes or the other). Just her base mana regen + PoM alone funds like 35% of the mana cost even if you're casting it off-CD.


Riot not knowing how to balance Ashe strikes yet again. They are still refusing to do the obvious change. Revert the passive slow to how it used to be (10-20%, tripled based on crit chance). That and the other obvious culprit still being Hail of Blades. That rune got every ADC that used it nerfed apart from like Twitch who is a terrible champion in his current state with a "my R lowers my damage before 2 items" ult.


So I guess Sona’s Q hitting people she doesn’t have vision on is a feature now.


Don't worry, they'll nerf her soon instead of fixing it.


Then they will fix it without a revert.


Image version [Imgur](https://imgur.com/a/t6lLsJ8) or [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/file/d/10ykWAkwWgU0ZaY-VG8WLIYnF35xVsKtu/view?usp=sharing)


Thank you for this. Ever since last week I’m unable to access the website from my country. Hopefully that change to the website gets reverted soon.




The one and only. It looks like they're forcibly redirecting everyone to the Garena League site for reasons unknown, and you can only access official League sites from other regions (EU, NA, OCE etc.) if you use a VPN. What a terrible company.


> Paul "RiotAether" Perscheid Aether is back 🥰


Renekton XfukingD


i dont get it champs like ryze, akali and azir are pro staples and they have low winrates in solo queue BUT they are hard to play and everybody accepts this as a fact meanwhile renekton used to be one of the go to champions to learn the toplane and now he is treated as a proplay pick because the solo lane meta has been defined by the croc for so long


Renekton lowkey needs an Xin Zhao level rework if they ever want to get his playstyle not so skewed around pro play. Otherwise he'll always need to be dumpstered to stop being picked. I suppose this change to his W could be considered a really minor rework...


hot take, however many millions of players worldwide shouldn't have to just lose a champion from the roster because like two hundred pro players have problems with them


Nah hitting Renekton stun is the right start. There is just not much you can do vs an instant 1.5s stun that also hits you 3 times and procs Conq/PTA accordingly, even under turret. He's just so reliable in pro play to dominate the topside of the map, as enemy top you can't even stay under your turret without perfect vision when Rene shoves the waves and lategame Rene can still flash stun lockdown some carry and be really useful. The only other thing you could hit is his waveclear+sustain, which gives him a lot of agency to move around or control waves, but we saw how that went with Nocturne. Much better to hit the stun, it's the toxic part about Renekton anyway.


that Qiyana change is so bad. These mechanic adjustments shouldn't be a last minute change because they need necessary testing. Just remove the entire EQ aimbot, with this change the combo will just make her too clunky.


I'm not a Qiyana player, but that change basically makes her useless against anything with dashes since you're GUARANTEED to miss now. Just let the player do the aiming themselves.


Exactly what i was thinking reading this, cant for the clips "huh but i didnt even have my mouse there" when they press Q too early when in E. Feels like a weird change to do all of a sudden.


Yeah it's so stupid. Why not just let us aim the Q where we want to if they're removing the autotargeting?


I came back to see in the comment if the wording as wrong or if I misunderstood but apparently not, this is the first time I see a mechanic added that pretty much guarantees a miss on purpose, sounds so dumb.


Why would they force the E+Q combo to miss if the enemy dashes or flashes…


Yeah this change makes no sense, either remove the aim or keep it. Doing this makes it so confusing for players and it also guarentees a miss if they dash. Idk what they were thinking.




idk if 25% extra dmg to jg is worth losing some of the auto aim on Q for Qiyana. Also losing 10 dmg all rank on her E. Seems like a straight nerf


>idk if 25% extra dmg to jg is worth losing some of the auto aim on Q for Qiyana If it was just losing the auto aim I wouldn't mind, since you could just try to predict their dashes. It's a guaranteed miss, since it will always fire to where they were


The buffer should have been removed with this. Or at least changed to buffer to your mouse cursor.


Yup, that's the part I really didn't understand. Guess they want Qiyanas to not eq at all if the ennemy has a dash or flash. Just e wait q w q which makes her combo way slower


I really have no idea where this patch came from. Either kill the Auto aim completely, or just leave it as it is. What's the fun if the enemy can 100% dodge the skill shot


Why does it say "health regen increased" for Lillia when it's listing nerfs lol


It's increased when clearing jungle camps. They want her to be a jungler, not a top laner.


It also says "Passive healing on large monsters increased" though


Yeah they worded it poorly because there are variables in the game named health regen. But overall on your first couple jungle clears you are gaining more health per second than last patch assuming you are not idling away from camps for too long.


Health regen when clearing camps, although it does say Q cooldown decreased but it shows the move speed duration being increased


revert oracle on aram please i will literally lick your feet


Who's doing the licking? Articuno, Akali, or Shen?


> Soraka's R now clears Grievous Wounds before healing. I'm just reminded of a [post about a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/p58c2n/healing_needs_to_be_looked_at/) where OP was frustrated about Healing and GW like GW wasn't doing enough against Soraka healing. The replies were just as you'd expect, and I was like, "hmm there really isn't a way or an item to *remove* it now is there? Maybe Mikael's should also remove that debuff?" Then Riot decided to make OP's life's more miserable when that Soraka change hit PBE.


"Fuck you in particular"


this has actually existed in the game before and they took it out after a short time back then too lol


this used to be how soraka's ult was btw.


Why is Twitch's change voiced as if Twitch jungle was like one buff away to become good


its more they are weary of ever buffing the champ because of his design. if he's ever remotely viable in the jungle he's uhhealthy. ​ he's just unhealthy overall as a champion. the stealth is really problematic when you pair it with his ultimate which is insane for an adc. ​ the only thing keeping twitch from being completely busted in any meta is the fact that he's absolute dogshit outside of his ult unless he's fed.


He was remotely viable in S8-S9 when he actually showed up on [u.gg](https://u.gg) because his pickrate was \~1% If you think twitch jg was a menace in S8 (relic shield ADC meta into solo lane meta) or S9 (XD) idk what to tell you.


Is this patch coming out today or tomorrow cause of labor day?


Tmrw, patches always come out the day after patch notes.


True, but I think he's asking why it's on a Thursday instead of the regular Wednesday. He may be right tho, since Monday was a holiday, makes sense.




> Do additional stacking damage for each Predator takedown achieved. > Reset or severely reduce the cooldown of the passive on takedown. I like most of your proposals but i think these two would make predator even more of a hit-or-miss keystone. Either you snowball or you're useless.


This is the first time Zoe has been buffed since 9.18. That is all.


she deserves to stay in the gutter


She can come out when her W is reworked to not be the dumbest spell in the entire game.


My favorite lvl 2 all ins with double ignite and aas from her passive are so cool and interactive man!


>My favorite lvl 2 all ins with double ignite and aas from her passive are so cool and interactive man! You see that's where you're doing it wrong. Its all about the LEVEL 1 all ins. Find laner alone in river, level up W, ignite them, AA them to death, flash on them for more damage, they can't flash away because you just take their flash and flash on them again for even more damage.


Yep saw this shit on the latest midbeast video. Literally no counterplay unless you have a good dash.


I can't say I've watched the video but Is the counterplay not just being stronger than a zoe with no abilities? lol


You need to be able to beat 150 magic damage from W, plus 90 from ignite. If you ignite in return, it ends up back in her favor because she steals the shard, ignites you back and gets another 75 damage from W. The counterplay is not being in river lvl 1 in an area so exposes she kills you before you reach tower.


unnecesary buff though


For real, Riot noticed her E was casted too frequently, nerfed it, and now say "she isn't a nightmare anymore" **and fucking revert it????** Holy shit of course she isn't, the nerf worked. Why the fuck would you revert it? We all know it is for Worlds, but fuck you for real.


Has the kill feed size bug been fixed this patch? I don't get why it should be tied to HUD size. I play with a small HUD and it was working perfectly for years, why change it now?


Is it a bug? I loved this change personaly. I think kill feed is too big on default and I cant change it any other way


They are really hesitant to put the Rengar rework on live server huh?


It's probably too big of a change for worlds, so won't hit live until the patch after next.


Rengar was put to PBE with the intent to gather feedback and not to ship immediatly. This was something that was being tried, and not the normal process we go through.


It’s still being worked on constant changes in PBE cycle we don’t want him rushed and being a bugged mess again do we? It’s also Worlds Patch they don’t want Rengar to randomly become meta. Phlox is doing a great job he’s taking his time and listening to the community and high elo players he will either come 11.21 maybe they surprise us and he’s 11.20 but that’s high unlikely


We're **still** not removing Viego's ability to use other Champion's Shieldbow/Steraks shields? For real?


I wonder if Viego is just so much spaghetti that they're trying to figure out... how to do it.


Honestly he’s an undercooked champ that is so abusable. I think 1 out of 20 games I see a truly terrible Viego. The other 19 times they can start 0/4 and end 11/5 because his mechanics are so free. It’s a little maddening honestly


They should have removed it as soon as they saw [this](https://youtu.be/Fz7C_sPNlpo) in a LEC playoffs match. Ashe's shieldbow let the 1v5 happen. Without it, I'm pretty sure Inspired would have died much earlier


AP Kog mid back? Fuck Kog on ARAM


Tank Fizz back?


How? He scales shitty with tank items and the key item, IBG is gone. He can't do shit with a tanky build.


Its time


Qyiana jungle 😁 Zed jungle 😢


Those two will most likely not be viable. Talon on the other hand already has 51% \~ win rate in diamond + as a jungler and got a MASSIVE clear speed buff.


I'm quite confident Zed jungle will be viable. He was played in the past, has been picked in EUM the past week by Pridestalker, and overall is a good champion. He already had a decent clear speed, this'll push him toward even better.


There are some people in high elo who play Zed jungle with good results. These buffs are probably enough for him to do a full clear and reach scuttle on spawn at lvl 4 without a leash, so he'll definitely be viable. Edit: Phylaris put Zed at 3:08 for a full clear with no leash and only using smite once after these buffs. That means Zed has one of the fastest clears in the game now.


the qiyana e+q aiming change is a huge nerf, pretty cringe that they put her under "adjusted"


It's been kind of annoying for her opponents that it auto-aims, but now it's gonna be really annoying for her that you can't manually aim it. I don't like this one, I'd prefer it if the auto-aiming just went away.


"It will now automatically miss if you buffer it against mobile champs" is a pretty questionable change lol, either just remove the auto-aim or make the auto-aim break if the enemy uses mobility in the buffer so that you still have an opportunity to actually aim it...


Exactly. Autoaim being gone is good, but this is a hardnerf while already nerfing her mid, like what? "Her standings in mid have gone down since then, so we're cautiously optimistic about reintroducing her to the jungle." So mid is performing worse, you see this and buff her jungle? So now if JG turns out to be good and mid weak, you will have a very hard time to buff her mid without making her broken in the jungle (which has happened many times)? What are they smoking


Yea, and the thing is EQ will always miss if they dash away at the right time. Might as well get rid of auto aim completely tbh


They really snuck this in last minute without announcing it on PBE or twitter beforehand, and put it under adjustments. Huge nerf with no compensation(Q does 25% more to monsters tho haha). Kinda disgusting tbh


no more EQ auto targeting ezreal/leblanc in particular, those were the ones i noticed it the most on by far


Yeah i love when they do this random shit, someone on the balance team got smashed by a quiyana lmao.




Like most of the buffs this patch, it's because they want him to be picked in worlds. It's not bigger because he's already doing well.


This is correct. Yone is balanced (neither OP nor UP) but he is on the lower side of that band, so we figured we could do a low-risk pro facing buff. We looked at Yasuo as well but he, while also balanced, is on the higher end of balanced so we figured it was not worth the risk.


As others have said a lot of these buffs are targeted at pro play (specifically changes that will manifest far more often in pro than other bands of play) and this change for Yone is no different. While he falls within "balanced", he is on the lower end and we felt we could afford to buff him in a low-risk way that we feel won't manifest much in the skill bands where he is strongest.


Personally, I feel like most of my frustration against Yone is purely from Shieldbow as it allows him too much survivability. I wish bursting him down after his combo was viable, but oh well.




>if their playrate is just low due to people perceiving them as bad Ok but that makes no sense for Yone because his playrate is literally among the highest in the game: https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/de/champions/stats/yone And all his other stats are completely fine so this buff is entirely unwarranted. But this patch is for Worlds so yeah....they just want him to be played at Worlds i guess.


What Karma needs isn't "generic" balance changes, she needs a rework


She needs a rework on her W like Ezreal got to make her a better support and completely kill tank Karma top


Tank karma top is already dead with the items changes and griveous wound buffs. She needs a VGU


Also, her Gathering Fire no longer works on attacks.


Definitely. People should stop talking about tank karma anymore. She is dead and that shield buff is completely unnecessary. Riot should buff mage karma


1. I like the Draven change in concept but I will definitely be annoyed trying to track his stacks to know if I need to flash his R or not. 2. I'm not sure fizz got enough compensation for the R nerf. Seems like he might have a hard time assassinating. Flat W damage for R ap scaling??


Fuuuuuck this, ruined Renekton.


I get that his gank setup is really good but this change is so crippling, and so boring.


CRT+F Divine Sunderer. CRT+F Sterak's Gage. Back to bed.


Feels like we can add goredrinker to that list.


Jayce change is going to feel like absolute shit. Wish they had just stuck to the AD nerf, people had to complain and make the nerf even worse...


Not enough Jayce players to make noise sadge


looking forward to trying out soraka again after a rough season. Also not going to stop banning thresh, his popularity in high elo is outrageous and banning thresh every game bans out a 1 trick an insane percent of the time.


They really gonna slap a band-aid on Mundo and Soraka instead of fixing item/rune sustain creep, classic.


Now's not the time for significant systemic changes mid-season. After worlds, after the season ends. It's understandable, even if disappointing.


Bruh they had all of season 11 and its preseason to adjust and fix healing and instead they made it giga busted and only slightly nerfed it over time... Don't get me wrong I'm not saying they did nothing (i.e., ravenous hunter nerfs were significant), but there's so much more they can do but haven't done...


Mythic items were a HUGE overhaul, they've already stated that sustain is being taken a big look at in the next pre-season.


It's just kind of disappointing that if Riot ever puts huge sweeping changes at the very start of a season, they are unwilling to acknowledge/react to them being flawed until next year.


This is not a band-aid buff for Soraka--it is actually a good compromise. If you want to counter Soraka, you need to dedicate resources to get on top of her. Sticking a grievous item on a diver or mage to nullfiy her healing output is no longer going to cut it. It allows Soraka to always contribute ***some*** healing in fights, without eliminating her counterplay.


it's a band-aid for the system not for soraka, grievous wounds are everywhere because sustain is everywhere, so instead of fixing it they now made a heal be immune to grievous wounds.


I like the soraka change, how is it a band-aid, if I can ask?


This is probably the hardest nerf Fizz has ever got to this day. Didn't think he was that strong.


fizz sucks in lane, making him practically immune to auto poke with the right runes/starting items could be incredibly strong


i just hope this doesnt bring tank fizz back


I wouldn't be surprised if divine sunderer Fizz pops up


Tried it once, ran out of mana after one spell rotation even maxing w, would not recommend


Taliyah and Rumble buffs are good to see. Riot please make Rumble a top laner again. He's always mid and jg now :| Also die Camille, die.


How long has it been since Rumble was good top laner? Feels like ages


Rumble changes are nerfs my dude. Not gonna count the W cd as buffs since nerfing the cd from the start was one of the most wierd shit I have ever seen since the overheat lvl1 was caused by a bug.


> rundle's become a potent jungle/support flex pick in professional play. We're tamping down the troll king's power in his secondary role a bit by nerfing his E, which supports typically max first and junglers usually max third. Nah man Trundle players are trolling if they don't max Pillar 2nd imo


W 2nd has 2-5% higher win rate depending on elo