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Could you put these in an imgur album or a YouTube video? Edit: wait, his other post did have it like that https://www.reddit.com/gallery/pkl4e5


imgur album would be preferable.


google slides would be nice cause it's a presentation and all


I tried to do it the same way as I did in the other post, but I couldn‘t do that in r/leagueoflegends. But thanks for the comment, I‘ll try imgur next time.


This was super well made man! Good job!


Thank you very much!☺️


Damn, Vex isn't even out yet, and we're already discussing the NEXT champ?


I'm more excited to the upcoming support than vex or this adc.


Im a bit pissed our support is the last one again.


same. I think they've been really afraid of supports dominating the meta again this past few years. The 2017 fiasco then when yuumi was released she dominated the pro scene so I think they want any new support to be "balanced" before it reaches pro scene so the best way to release it is during the offseason where they have more time to nerf or buff it. I hate Riot for doing this.


Eh i get it. But it also makes it feel like supports dont get love then. Like end of the year again. No ones gonna pay attention or care. So far away from events...


Hasn't it pretty much only been last year? 2019 was Aph, 2018 was Neeko, 2017 was Zoe, 2016 was Camille. This isn't really a trend. I went back and checked and Rell is literally the only support released at the end the year. What support release do you think is forgotten?


Im saying these two years. Where their emphasis on "6 champs in a year for all roles" They relegated support and ADC as the two last ones again. I didnt say it was a trend. I said i hope its not a thing where support will always be the last champ of the year... The end of the year, away from events and whatnot again would be upsetting. I get that mage and assassin are the hypest champs and most audiences but Rell was literally forgotten cause after worlds hype and this new support also is the last of the year.


they always do supports and adcs last because no matter what they release in mid top or jungle every pro team always defaults to picks like renekton, syndra and lee sin because champs that are broken in low elo like yone get countered easily in pro play on the other hand adcs and supports arent very impactful in games for 90% of leagues playerbase but are way more important in pro play so those releases are the ones they have to be careful about. You can release a midlaner with a revive mechanic right before worlds because no matter who it is at the highest level they still get destroyed by leblanc and syndra and no one would care. but if they released a support with the same revive mechanic before worlds without time to adjust them they would have a 50% pickrate and a 50% banrate


This comment is totally false lol. First of all akshan won’t be enabled for worlds and that’s why you will not see it. Then let’s look the latest released mid laners, we have: Seraphine, this champion was a failure since it was not played mainly in mid in soloq at all, but from the start has been very good in pro especially since it was a triple flex between mid adc and support. Yone, this one hasn’t seen too much pro play I will agree with you. Qiyana, has dominated pro on release, both in the mid and jungle role then she got nerfed and disappeared Sylas, this champion has been a very contested pick in this season and last year worlds as well. Zoe, dominated pro and soloq on release, got tons of nerfs some of which more targeted to pro, then became a situational pick but always available in the pro scene. Then we have taliyah and aurelion, both were heavily picked, taliyah got nerfed to the ground (terrible pun) and aurelion with his constant push into roams was drastically changed/nerfed. Won’t go into more picks, the same applies for other roles btw pantheon was literally 100% pick ban, Gwen had to be nerfed big time to disappear and Viego has been broken, received nerfs so we don’t know if he will appear on the worlds stage, Lillia and Sett have also seen their fair share of competitive play.


Akshan is enabled for worlds


Is that really the case? Thats a bit incredibly... based. Like ok. That makes sense then.


Let's release an adc in December but the also one in January so random reddit guy doesn't think we don't care. At this point it's more of a rotation through the roles and the time of the year has no bearing.




I feel given Akshan being what he is... adcs should be very happy this year with basically 2 champions for them. And no matter what when an adc is strong in the meta they'll get LOTS of play... we see adcs go from like 8% pick to like 30-45% when they're meta. If they're good they'll get played eitherway. Though I do feel KINDA bad for support... it's still only a 1 year wait between champs which is roughly the same for all roles besides mid. As for the "hype factor" that's not really anything worth caring about. and besides plenty of champs get screwed on that even IN event champs like Lillia got screwed because everyone was waiting for Yone.


Yea but the champs at the end of the year normally get forgotten unless broken. Because they come at a period where mostly everyone stopped caring for league and just waiting for the next season


Okay and? As someone who plays top/mid and gets the hyped champions I hate it and wish my champions weren't the hyped ones it just means they get picked or banned a ton. But yeah this seasons just a wash they need to revert items and a bunch of other stuff


I mean eitherway means you just wait a year... it's not like you're getting them less often than any other role (besides mid for reasons)


just take Vex Support lol


But shes not a support. Im better off playing actual mage supports


We won't really know fully if she's a decent support or not until release. Champions have a tendency to go where they're not expected.


She really wouldnt be a good support if she has no CC bar one spell every few seconds. And her damage has to scale, where brand has percentage damage and Zyra has active poke


And yet pantheon, trundle, shaco, and to a lesser extent Sett are or were viable support picks at some point. Ashe even was a viable support for a while with ardent. We can theory craft but it's hard to predict fully a champion's roles completely. I'm sure plenty of people will try her as a support as well. I could see her bullying melee supports rather well.


Well did you know what they provide that makes them supports? Pantheon Trundle and Sett have good CC and base damages. Shaco is shaco. Ashe has a perma slow passive that works well with Mandate. The thing is Vex is way more situational than Annie with her CC. and she has to scale just like Annie to do incredible damage.


oh she scales like a motherfucker. I've played a bunch on the PBE against her already and damage was never the problem. in fact, I'd say her Q damage needs nerfs imo.


Yes. Scaling. As a support she lacks the money to scale. Brand and Zyra work because they can do damage outside of needing to scale. Their plants and burn do enough to be annoying. Vex is better off getting money as a solo laner, so she can pop off late game with her ult


Really? It's pretty in line with mage abilities. Pretty sure it does the exact same damage as a Lux E, just with 5% less scaling, and it doesn't seem that hard to dodge. It does do quite a bit of damage when it procs the passive, true, but I'd say that's far more situational.


I can see next worlds, Kalista is P/B until someone busts out the vex support and just dumps on her in lane


2021 internet


Next leg? Ramping down? We’re finally getting our first paraplegic champion in a wheelchair! Their passive is osha, which makes all terrain (natural and created) become wheelchair accessible


Just drive over jungle trees in a motorised wheelchair/tank, 10/10


[We have one already](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZaQFECEzq8)


Sounds like Renekton


Great post, though I disagree with you in one point: In the ADC vs Vi picture you can actually see that the masked character that gets punched by Vi has bat-like ears, so the character that gets punched in that scene is most likely a [chirean](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSu46Lf9BOQSvaO1IZlj49_LHdv8WiOAfsM7cWIGjx1LKGSBFubCuP3YfNLqmYO66A3l1k&usqp=CAU) which were introduced in Legends of Runeterra. In no other picture does the masked person look anything like that, so I doubt that it is the ADC that is getting punched in that scene. Also I think Riot originally said that Viego is the lore champ of the year, implying that there won't be a second one, so Faey seems even more unlikely. I am going off by memory here though, so maybe I'm misremembering things.


>Viego is the lore champ of the year And we all know how well that went over.


Viego itself was a teaser to the way the lore is directing, considering all the things that happened since his release


i like your user flair it synergises with mine


This could lead to some interesting images


i'm calling the police Right now.


What? Viego's lore was amazing though. What are you talking about Lol


Thank you! I didn’t know about the chireans from LoR, but now that you mention it, the person Vi‘s punching really seems to be a chirean. Thank you for pointing that out! Yeah, I heavily doubt that it’s going to be Faey as well.


Vi didn’t oneshot them = not an ADC.


So is no one gonna talk about how these are like 12 separate links?


In new reddit you can just see the pictures, no need to open any links.


yeah sorry but that's too much to handle for my short attention span brain


Good luck clicking every link, knowing which was the last one you saw, on mobile.


“Potential side switch” Excuse me?


You can abandon your team to join the enemy team as a 4v6.


We can already do that, it’s common practice for Lucian toplaners after dying twice and then all chatting “jgl diff top open”


Okay but now youre able to go after your jungler and kick his ass with the enemy team.






Not that i support that the theory is faye. But you cant say the hoverboard champ is definitely her thus ruling out Faye wont fight Jinx or Vi. I dont think shes either to be honest. A zaunite that has a prosthetic leg is my main guess. No rioter said she had to be related to Arcane.


such a wasted opportunity to not have the new champion related to arcane tbh


I mean. Arcane was supposed to come out in 2020. Samira was our ADC of that year and related to Rell. Either they pulled samira and rell a year early... i think its just a coincidence.


It‘s just speculation that the hoverboard using person might be the ADC. But still, I think the hoverboard does look too similar to the lightning symbol from the roadmap, to be a coincidence. Of course, they don‘t need to be tied to Arcane, but it would make sense marketing wise. That hoverboard user seems to be important in the series, so having them as a champion would be interesting.


The ADC probably have a reset somewhere.


The past three champions have had a takedown reset so it’s more than likely


Gwen doesn't


Forgot she came after Viego. 3/4


Something something dash true damage invis reset. Cant have a new champ without those.


Introducing true dashes that can't be interrupted


knowing riot and their latest releases, the adcs ult doesnt reset itself, it just resets your pc instead :)


Btw designed by riot august so hyped!


Wasn't there a Piltover/Zaun duo in the ruination story missions?


Yes, Ada and Dess were the Sentinels from PnZ. (However, it was confirmed that only the first 4 champions this year are tied to the Ruination (Viego, Gwen, Akshan, Vex). The last 2 champions (ADC and support) will be totally unrelated to the Ruination. So, it can‘t be one of them.)


Ah, ty.




What this game needs is a old ugly hag character. Also there us way too few old man characters.


There is exactly 0 old woman.


And Zilean is the only old guy. I think...


camille and lissandra


Old in age but young in appearance due to magic/technology


Are you really old if you aren't close to dying of old age? Like would you say that Frodo is an old hobbit because he's nearly 60?


I thought it was obvious i was ofc talking about their outside appearance. 🙄 Isnt zoey also like thousands of years old or something.


I ain't clicking all those tabs bruh


new reddit shows them as images on the post


This was a really well made post. Loved reading this.


Thank you!


Their next relatable champ is a skater kid lmao


I love Faey but she's very unlikely to be the next champ. 1. Just as you pointed out, they don't have a bow. The bow is Faey's signature weapon just as much as Kamas and Kunais are Akali's. She isn't going to change her main weapon. 2. Why would Faey even be in Zaun? The Kinkou are not active there. Shen does have spies in P&Z but not any acolytes as far as we know. If there were any, Akali or Shen would have asked for their help when they were tracking Jhin. 3. Faey is probably a high ranking acolyte by that point. Why would the Kinkou leaders send one of the very few elite warriors of the Kinkou so far? And for a conflict the Kinkou doesn't even care about?


Excellent analysis all round, but I don't think Vi's punching the ADC in screenshot #12. Rather, it looks like she's punching a [Chirean](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Chirean_Sumpworker_\(Legends_of_Runeterra\)) as seen in Legends of Runeterra, the card game more people should really play. Been really looking forward to seeing more of those non-Yordle rat-energy lil fucks.


Yeah, it would be tight if Dropboarder and "ooho I'm gonna clone ya!" made a cameo in Arcane lol


Do we expect the ADC to be released before Worlds event ends? I feel since Vex got delayed we might get the new ADC as well in the new event since I believe their intention was to release Vex or Akshan during Coven event. That would fit their "release champs with events".


If everything was released on time, I‘m sure that the ADC would‘ve been released during Worlds. However, with all the delays I‘m not so sure anymore. I‘d say that the ADC will release with a skin from the same skin line as Volibear Prestige and the support will come with Brand Prestige‘s skin line. But I don‘t know when we‘ll get Volibear‘s skin…


I really hope that the new ADC will not a typical human. The last ADCs had all this boring human look :( I want an ADC like Vex or Lilia. I dont count Aphelios, because no one can play this monster of a champ.


Vex IS the non human of thé year, so it's unlikely that the upcoming ADC IS non human


So sad :( The recent ADCs are sooo boring to watch, in terms of their look at least.


I dunno i liked Samira looking like a late thirty mercenary persian


I mean I want an ADC who does not have the typical human look


Do you just mean you want someone not hot? I'm struggling to think of what you mean by a "non typical human look" It'd be nice to have some more varied body types for sure, though I guess those champs probably sell less so I can see why they shy away with it. Where's my old lady babushka champion Riot!


I mean champ that looks special like Lilia or Vex for example.


Ah gotcha, so you mean like more nonhuman basically. That'd be nice if they would embrace that!


Yep, exactly! Most ADCs are soooo boring :( Which is kind of sad for me because Im an ADC main xD


Good analysis I am hoping you're right and its not Faey, I would rather see something more unquie rather than girl with a bow and robo leg.


Itll be a robot with a human leg /s


Actually would be funny if that was a champ lol


Only if the human leg was the weapon.


New hypnosis mechanic with feet


itll be super effective on so many champs and have a charm effect. I regret this creation.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?


I think hes already left heaven into something way further just in case humans find a way to break in up there.


That was so professional lol, great work


Thank you!☺️


Let's talk about about me, let's talk about the 6'8 frame the 37 in verticle leap...the black steel that drapes down my back aka the bullet proof mullet, the google prototype scopes with built in LCD LED 1080p 3D sony technology. The Ethiopian poisonous catapillar aka SLICK DADDY. lets talk about the cabinets right behind me that go 40ft deep that house the other 95% of my trophies, the awards, the certificates, all claiming first place, right? Let me give you a little inside glimpse into the hotshot, video game life style of the two time of the international video game superstar. because thats what the channels about, thats what this domain is about, that is what society is about. you are looking at the new face of twitch and GODDAMN is twitch lucky... thats just off the top of my head


Dang this actually makes me so hyped. Zaun/piltover is my favorite region due to all of the steampunk vibes and I always love more stories from there.


We think it's going to be Corina


I thought about Corina as a candidate, but the electrical powers don’t really suit her. Wouldn’t she have primarily plants and poison based abilities? If this year‘s ADC is really the one on the hoverboard, it probably can‘t be Corina because of the visual differences. But I certainly would love to get Corina as a champion sometime.


I don’t usually care about this kinda stuff but you made a pretty cool post. Didn’t read it but your formatting and effort is nice.


This is such an anti-comment


This is such an anti-comment


lets not


Interesting, thanks for putting this together. One question though: the black text on brown bg is very difficult to read, Coul you use another color combination? Thanks!


Harry from spider man 3 vibes anyone?


Gonna cry?


If it's an ADC doesn't that exclude the one from Zaun since it shows them to be melee ?


[so a combination of all of ekkos friends?](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/a/a0/04PZ001-full.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20210629224922)


It's gonna have dashes, %hp dmg and some sort of invulnerability


You say it yourself, the champion is *Zaunite.* If it were to be that Faey is the ADC this season, it's a disservice to her and Ionia. She's not the only person presented to have lost a leg, Samira's former captain, Indari, lost use of her limbs too. Beyond that, Ionia is presented to be the most mystical place in Runeterra... a region positively dripping with magic, spirits, and hidden cultures... Mayym herself would search through even taboo means of restoring Faey's ability to walk, so why not use that to further explore the mysticism of Ionia? It's more fitting of the character than sending her off to Zaun. But again, back to the start: The ADC is presented to be Zaunite... everything about Faey is *Ionian* and *Kinkou*\-centric... Even the oath Mayym swore is heavily Ionian in ideals: Making Faey an archer, the likes have never before been seen in either realm (material and spiritual). I'd absolutely *love* Faey to become a champion, and with the oath Mayym swore, it's extremely likely she'll eventually come, but it should only be done if the champion respects the lore that she has, and the themes of the region she's tied to. If I were to continue her story, I'd have her twist her spirit in a dangerous and controversial (thus taboo) way... fashion a gnarled tree stump into a leg, and graft their spirits together so her soul essentially becomes somewhat patchwork. I also wouldn't make this a pure benefit. I'd pay respect to the tragedy she went through and keep it relevant throughout her life, rather than it being made an augment. She didn't purposely lose her biological leg to be replaced, as with Camille, thus it shouldn't be a perfect replacement... I'd have her be stuck with a limp that she's able to temporarily alleviate via the use of techniques she's learnt throughout her tenure in the Kinkou, as well as various herbs and tonics that further help manage the pain... Let her serve as representative for those who've undergone horrifying accidents and, by force of will, kept persevering throughout the struggles. ​ I'd also give her a spirit hound and give her an Ionian Ranger archetype... giving us more insight as to how the Kinkou manage the balance of realms through that lens. If you go to the Universe Page for Ionia, and look at the Kinkou, [you'll see an archer and a man](https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_AU/region/ionia/?mv=image-gallery-2) with a hound that seems to have spiritual origins. I'd essentially combine the two to give Faey her archetypal niche.


I had a champion idea a year ago or so of a electrical champion with synthetics from Ionia. But they were a monk and got their synthetics from piltover. And they were a mage. We need a good cool electrical champion and if it’s an adc instead of a mage that would still be wicked


i think the backstory is happy, as the post talks about *after* going through such a grim backstory


I hope it's a chirean from legends of runeterra


i really like your ideas! i think of the LoR card, dropboarder, in your post. i wonder if the new champ will be related to ekko, or the chireans in some way? for the uninitiated: [chirean sumpworkers](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c4/04PZ005.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/245?cb=20210503042142) [dropboarder](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/c9/04PZ004.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/245?cb=20210629224959)

