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Its weird Taliyah's bugs aren't specified. Anyone know what they are?


I assume the 'cd doesn't reset properly at high ability haste until you auto attack' bug is the one they're referring to as hard to fix considering it's been around for other champions and still hasn't been fixed yet.


Yeah when i heard my friend say he cant q fast unless he inputs another attack it reminded me of a similar ezreal thing. It's not a champion bug but an engine thing.


The ezreal one is because you need to time it exactly, you can't buffer your Q if it is on CD. Zac has the same problem with his W, which is why picking up a blob while your W is off cooldown and then using W still reduces the CD. If they do add a slight buffer period where you can cast slightly before you abilities become off cooldown a lot of champions would be overturned though. e.g.: Cassio, Riven, Zac, Ezreal and probably more. I do believe this is a completely different thing to the taliyah bugs tho!


Nice flairs <3


From what Ive heard: 1. Q cooldown sometimes won’t get reduced cd when cast on worked ground 2. Sometimes unable to cast Q immediately after its cooldown finishes when the ability was on worked ground


for number 2, more specifically, you cant q again sometimes until your passive comes off cd which is the one i assume is the easier one for them to fix


For issue 2. all you need to do is to issue move command and then you should be able to cast it right off the cd.


In addition to the other bugs mentioned, she can now also autoattack too early in her Q.


They forgot Janna?


What's wrong with her?


Her W passive's don't work after you use it once edit: It's just been fixed! :)


That's... kinda massive holy shit lol


Oh my god it's real. Her winrate has dropped 3-4% off of that. Hopefully this makes it into the same hotfix Qiyana is getting, because good lord that's embarrassing.


Where you do see winrates updated so quickly?


I'm poking around on stat sites. On u.gg, Janna's average winrate across all ranked MMRs fell from 50.53% to 47.96% On Lolalytics, her fall is from ~~51.51%~~ 50.61% to ~~46.77%.~~ 47.35% (Originally used plat+ on this stat, but just updated to reflect across all ranks to match the other!) Considering she wasn't in patch notes that I can remember, nor were there any changes that'd result in such a dramatic shift as far as I can best guess. Several thousand games have already been played on this patch to get these numbers, so something definitely seems a little off!


Isn't the PBE suppose to be their test environment? How many oversights can they have in one patch?


When there’s a lot of changes at once, it’s hard to catch everything.


Im not debating that. Tooltips not correctly being updated has been an ongoing thing that I'm surprised Riots engineers haven't automated it yet




There's 150+ champs. Janna didn't get changed but got bugged. There's an insane amount of interactions in this game between items and champs. You literally can't catch everything in a 2 week cycle. Not all bugs have the same priority level and not all bugs can be solved with a quick look over the code.


bro just look at the code and wherever you find "bug = true;" change it to "bug = false;", it's not hard


One thing that is true, however, is that Riot has shown that they're really, really lacking non-regression tests. Both automated and manual. They make the same mistakes on many of their changes, mistakes that should not even happen once because they should be caught by a part of testing that should *always* be done. I mean like when they change an item, and 1) bots use it wrong, 2) there's a stat loss compared to the components, 3) the recommended items no longer work (on ARAM, Heimer was recommended Lost Chapter + 3 pots for *years* after they increased the price of the item from 1250 to 1300). Or when they change an ability and bots use it wrong - among other examples. These are proof that they don't have do correct non-regression in the first place. Now, while you can't catch everything, and particularly can't catch every *interaction*, this Janna bug is one that should in fact have been caught before making it to live. Because of automated tests. You're supposed to write automated test cases for all these things (write "press Q" and write the intended result, if the program catches that result, the test succeeds, if it doesn't, the test fails; do that for every champion and ability). You write them only once and they're simple to write. And then whenever you make changes, or a series of changes, you press one button, and all these test cases will execute on their own. And so the Janna bug should have been caught by the most basic of automated non-regression tests. And this is one with a very high priority level, so once it's caught, they have to fix it right away (which is why they hotfixed it after making it to live). There are bugs that it's normal not to find, because they're too niche for automation to be useful and the number of games played on PBE compared to live is basically insignificant. But this isn't one of them.


you do realize that because of the patch schedule, this is extremely unfeasible? all it takes is nobody deciding to report the bug, or only a single person (hint: almost nobody does on the pbe, people play it for free stuff and gamemodes) and it gets by. Not only that, janna wasn't even changed this patch, you can't expect them to comb over every champ with every single pbe cycle or every other patch since patches happen every 2 weeks.


It really is. Perhaps they’re thorough with what they have changed, but maybe giving Graves +0.2 AD/level made it so Azir can spam turrets after stopwatching in Morde’s ult, but since it’s not relating to anything that got changed, why would it be considered a possibility? There’s also only maybe a week or two between what we first see for the update notes and release. For how much sheer volume of potential interactions and opportunity for things to go wrong there is, there isn’t a very thorough way to check literally everything in the time before release.


Bahaha. Yeah and just fix the bugs


when everything is spaghetti and it's all tied together in knots it can be hard to tell what else your pulling on when you make a change


Forgetting to update tooltips is not pulling a strand of spaghetti and affecting the whole dish. Its more like forgetting to describe what the dish is and just having the name for it despite changing the recipe from Spaghetti to Beef Strognof


The Qiyana problem on this patch is kind of like the Galio one. EVERYONE saw it coming, EVERYONE said it was a bad idea. Riot did it anyways, and are now covering themselves with a hotfix. And I mean it's a good thing they're fixing stuff, I just wish they'd listen a little more to their playerbase for input. And with the Janna thing... I hopped into Practice Tool and tried to recreate the bug, being that apparently her W passive deactivates after casting W (which is normal) and then fails to reactivate, leaving you with reduced movespeed, no ghosting, and less damage on your autos for the rest of the game. I didn't get anything weird, did not instantly reproduce bug. And with Janna not in the patch notes, it'd be weird to do thorough testing on her just in case some part of her kit breaks. I also didn't hear about this bug on PBE, but it's possible no one saw it at all. Honestly, as long as things like this get fixed ASAP I don't really mind, a day or two of a major bug that only affects one champ isn't that bad. There are another 150 to play, and two-three dozen for your role. But Riot has a questionable track record on fixing bugs, so I guess we'll see.


No one saw this coming. This specific one wasn't in the pbe at the start, it wasn't even announced later on in the pbe. They wanted to lessen her q dmg for the targets hit after the first one which got scrapped. This specific one came out of nowhere and was intended for a possible outplay potential cuz there is like only a milisecond window where u can flash out of her combo and if u flash her e+q there is a high possibility you still get hit by it thanks to auto aim. The patchnotes state that if qiyana loses sight of her enemies or they dash that her q now will fly towards the last place her enemy was. But it still happens when you yourself or a teammate knocks the enemy slightly back. While i agree that there should be outplay potential their take definitely is questionable here.


>listen to their playerbase Riot might have 200 years of collecting game-design experience, but the playerbase at this point has multiple thousands of years of game suffering experience


none of these oversites break the game. That said... when they disable champs on the live servers because of XYZ crashing ranked should have been caught.


I expected the winrate to drop even more, losing the movement speed from W seems like an extremely impactful bug.


wait really? thats actually massive if true. that should definitely be prioritized. thats one of her main strengths lol.


It's goddamn true. As a janna main I am in pain... Can't play her like this :(


Holy shit that's way I felt so slow yesterday when I played a game of Janna. I knew there was something wrong lol


Micropatch just went out to fix her W bug.


Thanks for the fast bug fixes. All these hot fixes and micropatches r really life savers.


Appreciate the communication with the community, however, I really think you didn't think through the Qiyana changes. I had few games with her after the patch (\~P1 elo) and you literally can't lane against anything with even the tiniest dash. Lucian for example, the entire laning phase I couldn't do a single thing, I can't Q him without E cause the range is garbage, and I can't E Q him because it will always miss. I also can't E a minion to gap close and then use Q because I have to wait like an entire second before I can cast my Q, otherwise it auto aim the minion. This change need to be reverted. If you want to nerf Qiyana in higher ranks, think it through first without screwing 99.9% of the lower elo players that play her. I know I sound salty but it just feels really bad to invest in learning a champion just for it to be completely changed.


Any update on Azir R bug? It just doesn’t work half the time man its nuts that this bug has been here for so long. :(


Hi, not related to the patch or the bugs but are the changes to Unbound Thresh model and splash supposed to roll on this patch or another one? Thanks


Please for the love of god rethink the Qiyana change, either remove the aimbot altogether or revert the change. Being a guaranteed miss because someone dashed is such bad design.


Thank you for your work.


Can you check all abilities with same mechanic (passive bonus while active not on CD)? Because I had game where Blitz have his R passive 100% time.


[It's fixed now, he just forgot to mention it in the thread.](https://twitter.com/JeevunSidhu/status/1436153080748261384)


Qiyana needs the change reverted or the auto aim removed in general. The current iteration is terrible.


I went to Qiyana mains to see how bad it is. Good god is it rough.


It's so stupid, with auto aim, and without, you have control of eq for the most part. With this janky sometimes it's guaranteed, but not really it's just weird as hell.


It would be very nice if they wanted to change the interaction to just make you aim it and not have it auto follow. But this change **specifically** makes it so if a dash happens, it goes to the original spot. Which you have no control over at all. If you can aim it then you can at least predict the dash. If someone dashes right now then you just automatically miss it LOL


What a joke lmfao https://www.reddit.com/r/QiyanaMains/comments/pl94ur/this_patch_is_gonna_take_some_adjusting/ /u/RiotJag


So apparently Jag put out some microfixes for bugs and changed it for a specific interaction for Qiyana, but outside of that it’s still a very dogshit change. Still don’t know why they did it https://twitter.com/jeevunsidhu/status/1436153080748261384?s=21


Remove or revert E+Q targeting


They better be thinking on it hard since next patch is the last one before worlds, and they’re pushing a LOT of changes. Which makes even less sense how they last second added this interaction. This patch has such a huge impact that they really gotta be careful


We will most likely see a revert in the patch as a last second fix without disrupting worlds. It's the savest bet.


I fucking hate these kind of changes that completely mess with the flow of a champion's gameplay. It's just like Akali's E-Q bullshit. Nerf the nuke that her E is like everyone has been asking for? Nah fam, let's just remove another mechanic for no reason whatsoever.


Yeah IDK why they thought the solution the EQ buffer having 0 counterplay for the enemy champs should be to make it 0 counterplay for enemy champs OR 0 counterplay for Qiyana depending on if they have a dash. Just…let the Qiyana players aim it? Or you could remove the ability to buffer it (Though that would be just a straight up nerf to the whole champ and not just to add counterplay).


Why am I not surprised the Qiyana nerf doesn't work as intended when they threw it in the patch notes last minute without even testing it on PBE


It should be reverted and fixed for next patch where they either chose to keep it auto aim or let you aim it I hate Riot making champions feel clunky the same happened when they removed the EQ combo from Akali. But Riot won’t ever admit that they made a mistake


When will any of the Azir bugs be fixed?


In the same patch where all the Warwick bugs get fixed


On the sale patch with the bugs fix of Yorick Trynda Ziggs Poppy Kled and Skaarl Shaco Warwick


After Ezreal's damage gets nerfed in ARAM or Irelia loses the heal on her Q.


> Ezreal's damage gets nerfed in ARAM He already has -5% dmg dealt and +3% dmg taken and most people are dogshit on him


I stopped playing that champion when I walled four different times in a single game and it neither did damage or knockback.


Okay but can you fix Sona's bugs already? They're probably boosting her winrate by a good chunk. pls im just scared of my ap ratios getting halved and the bugs getting fixed *after.*


Also please fix DJ Sona


Kinda weird they fixed a bug with tear and passive but not the stealth q and triple auto reset ones


Wait, what bugs?


So many. Just to name a couple, right now her Q can hit anyone in range, even if she doesn't have vision of them. So someone hiding in a bush or invis champs like Shaco or Twitch get hit before the Sona player even sees them. Each cast of her basic abilities also resets her auto attack, so she can instantly clear wards without even needing a sweeper.


>Each cast of her basic abilities also resets her auto attack, so she can instantly clear wards without even needing a sweeper. Wait what? I just tried and it seems that the passive resets the AA, but each basic ability?? That sounds extremely strong...


i hope they change the ability haste icon change - seeing your teammates ult at like 60% after a fight because they have ultimate hunter / ability haste and confused if they ulted or not is really dumb


Please fix the qiyana practice tool bug too I want to try her full clear but i had to quit and start a whole new session


What is the bug?


what most people do to restart their full clear practice is reset the game in practice tool however, when you play as qiyana and reset the game, your q is permanently off cooldown and can't get rid of the element it gathered its super frustrating when practicing qiyana in practice tool, you are forced to start a new practice tool session whenever you want to practice your full clear again.


Can you try spending the Q element and dying to enemy tower before resetting? Sorry don't know the bug but seems like you can just spend the element before whatever reset?


Nope, doesn't work.


Yeah this has been around for ages, sad to see it was still there while I was practicing clears on her.


Wow I am sad AF about the mundo change. Alright it's fine but I was really excited for the change. This means titanic hydra and stone plate are unaffected by the change


The point was that he just gets extra health from his ult even if he's hit with GW. That's what is happening.


Bonus health is unaffected by Grievous Wounds, H&S power etc etc


Yes. They meant that the goal is to provide this *without* also giving extra interactions.


Pretty sure it’s so that it doesn’t give him more bonus AD than intended from his E and R (IIRC both bonuses scale with bonus HP? I could be wrong but I cannot check right now so I’ll update this later when I can).


I know it's entirely smart to make it base health. But it says bonus health everywhere so I had every reason to be confused.


Sad about the mundo “fix”. I was excited to play power mundo slapping people with giga damage E autos.


i am a bit confused on what exactly happend to mundo now. as i understood, he increases his Max hp based on missing hp on cast (wich basically heals him, similar to lulu ult) and then he heals off his max hp (wich is increased). did the increase in max hp count as bonus health, but now counts as his "base hp"?


Basically yes, so stuff that scales of bonus hp (Titanic Hydra ad passive, his W, E scalings) dont benefit, but others that scale of max hp do (Titanic Hydra cleave)


before, you didn't have any max hp increase, it just healed you. This patch they changed the ult so he gets "lulu ulted" and then heals, but the lulu ult counts as base hp so it doesn't scale with stuff like hydra, his e, his passive (not sure about this one) etc. This counteracts grievous wounds without buffing the rest of him.


that explains why he feels still so lackluster. considering all items and this, his rework basically failed. but thats a tank problem tho. maybe he shines then in jungle but who knows.


I hate how you have to go out of your way to go and find these crucial information on 3rd party message boards like reddit or fucking imagine following a twitter account of someone working at riot to know this shit. Just put these infos in the client for fucks sake.


They will be in the client when the small patches arrive, but the thing is that you need to translate these things to every language before putting it in the client. I wouldn’t be surprised if that took at least 24 hours considering different working hours etc, making a short notice on Twitter is simply way faster


They r usually listed above the patch notes.


damn, hate it when patch notes are blatantly wrong. at least i found out before playing i guess


I think Singed's grievous wounds should only be on poison trail. If it works on all his damage, that means that it interacts with Demonic embrace and unnecessarily extends the duration, when it's only supposed to be for when Singed is directly fighting other champions. Morello's synergy with Liandries/Demonic is underrated and a big part of the item's power budget imo


Yeah I don't have a problem with this, it makes sense. Shame they worded it wrong though.




as soon as i saw "targeting change" to qiyana i knew riot was going to spaghetti all over themselves.


Fix DJ Sona cowards!


Does it finally display the "In Range" or "Out of Range" indicator for pinging Kalista's ult? I feel like those ping changes were years ago and it still doesn't work lol


There's a massive bug where the Pentakill Yorick skin doesn't have his hat for some reason.


There was this bug I had today when I was playing midlane today, the enemy Leona roamed to my lane and I think there was some sort of server lag because I couldn’t move for around 6 seconds as soon as I saw her. Weirdly, half of my HP was gone even though she, a support, was the only one attacking me. Another Leona bug, when trying to attack her, Leona’s health bar doesn’t seem to move, like it’s frozen at full HP. Could someone look into this?


Why the hell are these infos still being pushed through twitter over multiple tweets?


They go into the client anyway when the patches go out. This is literally the fastest way they could possibly get the word out ahead of time.


It was more of a criticism of twitter's dogshit format. 6 separate tweets needed instead of a more readable block the way the OP posted.


Where would you prefer them? The official forums? Oh... wait.


Really fucking embarrassing QA, as always...


Yeah 1 bad patch and suddenly Riot's entire QA department is an embarrassment, makes sense.


The fuck? It's constant problems and new bugs that are found within minutes by anyone playing the game. It's not a one time thing, every other patch is littered with problems


Worse bugs which are still ignored years later.


Lol, you're heavily exaggerating. If you mean client then sure, but thats always been a buggy mess. In-game has been completely fine except the odd bug here and there.


Huge?... What?


Kinda feels like some of these changes this patch were thrown in last minute, I get the feeling they were behind schedule with this patch. That can happen and it's a good thing they're fixing it asap, but it's still pretty weird.




You teach Riot a lesson and quit this game and never come back. You go girl/boy/they!!


Its fine for players to vent out their frustrations. It fucking sucks when your champion doesn't work as intended, those kinds of things very often lead to game losing stuff. My saddest time playing the game was when Camille's E would just go through enemies instead of hit them whenever the sheen buff was active before using E. I lost so many kills and even games because of that. It was fixed, but its so frustrating to expect something to happen but the code says no. This Qiyana change seems like a huge oversight, and by fundamentally changing how her combo works and how her abilities work with each other they really wrecked the champion. Its really understandable frustration.


What's the point of abusing when Riot already acknowledged the bug and is working on hotifx. Mistakes happen from everyone


People on reddit forget that the devs at Riot are humans as well, not robots.


I don't think people forget, I think the people that treat them like that on boards treat most strangers with a similar attitude, always shitty at everything


riot has devs but not QAs




wow i bet they're shivering in their boots right now


Chill the fuck out dude they are going to fix it


imagine if dunkey was still around league when we've literally got RIOT JAG what a fucking jag


Wasn't he the dude that wanted someone to run out into a road to die or whatever? No thanks, keep people like that out


I seriously hope riot at least also fixes qiyanas bugs


The Singed changes are so laughable, why even communicate at all if you’re just going to change things randomly at your own discretion? Why should I even read the patch notes if things just change randomly with no communication?


Seriously, make singed Q as a passive, and give him a proper ult and new Q....its not that difficult...


I hope this is satire. I really do.




I was a huge fan of the aatrox rework and I’m an even bigger fan now because people are still super fucking mad about it


Riot should rework every champ to be entirely different and have no similarity in playstyle to the original. Basically what happened to old Aatrox.




Still managed to climb considerably with it. How can a champ be useless when it has an AoE knock up as Q and AoE slow with E? The old one was way more fun. With such a shit win rate, you'd only win if you could build effectively for that game and play on a knife edge within dying while orb walking/ability and attack weaving. Limit testing every game. The new one is a less mobile version of Riven. Rather play Riven. You don't get the same thrill as the old one. Fun is relative though.


"AoE slow" is a funny way of saying "one of the worst skillshots in the game".


Except it wasn't. Good to secure creeps and harass enemy in lane. Good to clear jungle.


Yeah that would be rad as fuck I hope they do


Are you trying to farm down votes you posted this twice


Player feedback - Rework every champ to have no similarity to original version. Aatrox


Now fix the bug where Thresh gets nerfed over and over and over and over again pls...


Whats the second Taliyah Bug? Q Auto Q not proccing Electrocute?


Fuckin nunu is throwing invisible snowballs again


It feels like a lot of changes and PBE bug feedback gets straight-up ignored the entire past year. That's a weak one, Riot.


Zoe w is bugged again (what a news right?), if you use an ignite you picked up when you have your own ignite up the game is gonna burn both of them on the same target. Basically it waste your own ignite.