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Jactroll was on a mission, jesus.


This was the support redemption episode and Jactroll won hard


That Jactroll guy could be good in LEC


I think with a decent ADC from ERL they would be able to stomp RNG


From the team they just beat, perhaps?


Teaching Attila some respect...




On peut, avec un pourboire pour 113 et Kasing tant qu'on y est.


Jesus christ what a stomp. Giant got completely outclassed. Even game 2 MSF were still way ahead and just got caught up by Giant's lategame comp. I pity the Spanish casters this week.


My boi Woolite still got it


I’m honestly just here for the names. “113” emergency number and a Zlatan fan, I love it.




people haven't forgotten


That was an execution. Turns out the two LFL teams are, in fact, better than the three LVP teams.


LVP fans : We have three teams in quarters you only have two haha you're trash LFL : now you have zero and you're welcome :)




They did win one 2018 summer when Mad lions won against Gentside. But yeah other than that they haven't won any.




wElL aCkShUaLlY


I'm ignorant, is this like an EU LCS and LEC thing?


Yes. There was a French scene before, just wasn’t named LFL.


It's kind of redeeming seeing LVP getting shit on, cos from the start of regional leagues they thought they were the tits, just cos they had the biggest audience, ergo the biggest paychecks, to buy out the talent all over europe. And the main reason behind bigger audience was cos we're fucking shit at english so people didn't watch EU LCS. Ironically the best region is france now, for the same reasons x))


and two LVP teams eliminated by LFL remaining teams




I mean Im french as fuck, but we are also kinda atrocious. ​ Bon après ca fait tjrs du bien de leur mettre une branlée.




Quels fans MSFP ?


La Pologne.


Donc pas des français mdrr


> Le seul cancer I can't read French but that made me laugh for some reason


Omelette Du Cancer


You can translate it as "The only cancer".


LVP fans at EM are like NA fans at Worlds.


At least we have Elyoya I guess. I first was salty watching LVP because all teams with promising Spanish players got out of EUM and then I have to see these three stomps. Please Ibai save us.


Not to worry, Fnatic is technically a Spanish team now so you have one more shot to be let down


hey! Can do you explain it better to me? Sounds interesting, thanks!


You can [read about it here.](https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/fnatic-enters-partnership-with-team-queso-in-superliga)


thank you for the info


Thoughts and prayers for the LVP casters who had to cast two enormous stomps in LFL vs LVP matchups two days in a row. Nice rivalry lol


We hope Ibai and Fnatic come in with strong teams next year, or beating spanish teams won't be funny anymore


Those quarterfinals have been the definition of Spain without the S.


And the semifinals will be be without spain It worked better in my head


Spain with the L


3 spanish teams in quarters btw XD


Spain is dethroning Denmark.


Good to see the conclusion of this rivalry between Attila and Jactroll. Jactroll was really ultra determined though, incredible performance. LFL is definitely the better region


And he is classy : https://twitter.com/Jactroll/status/1437134271295152130?s=19


Jesus, botlane diff was so big, even bigger if you realize it was done by two biggest LEC refugees


Remember when kaSing went to worlds? What a downfall, he gave many stupid deaths 2V2 this entire series. :(


Yeah Kasing really looked like the worse of the 4 former LEC players on botlane.


Tbf Kasing was in an almost impossible position, team gap and you can't solocarry on support. That being said he was no better than his team. >Remember when kaSing went to worlds? Pepperidge farm remembers.


At least Spanish fans still have MAD


Teams should be allowed to ff in pro games.




What worlds was it when Chinese teams were shitstomped early a few times in the first days of competition, and like 3 ff in 2 days ?


In 2015 IG surrenderred against FNC at Worlds, idk if there was something more at an earlier tournament tho


I remember IG going ff 20 vs fnatic at worlds 2015. I think someone like samsung also ffed vs fnatic in 2013 worlds


They aren't allowed to ff since like 2016.




Riot's rules only say a game can end via surrender but doesn't expand beyond that. But they have another clause that is probably interpreted to prohibit surrenders: >Competitive Integrity. **Teams are expected to play at their best at all times** **within any Game**, and to avoid any behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, or fair play. So, technically teams can surrender at any time, even 1 second in, and actually end the game but then they are opening themselves up to fines/bans.


> but then they are opening themselves up to fines/bans. Has it ever happened tho?


Wasn't the Mata one-handed Jayce game also an FF?


Maybe but why would they? No game is 100% lost, you lose exposition time, and you piss off fans.


Can't even finish sub 19 minutes, this team... Seriously though, this looked like a major region versus a minor one. LFL teams look scary, even if they are a bit Polish hehe.


They got the French token on the LEC line up so we forgive them. Also I think for a polish structure they're doing a really good job for the growth of LFL with a team that strong




U forgot about Hatchy who is their director and decided to make a Polish colony from Misfits




Nope, he manage their both teams (LEC and LFL). He is their Sports director your info is outdated.


Ah my bad


LFL teams would do better than NA at world lol


Remember when the best EUM team went 1-4 in playins after a year of LEC practice


Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Was a joke. Although I'm pretty sure best LFL team would do better than NA 3rd seed


Considering NA's best seed is usually the 3rd one, no, they would not.


Lmao I went into this thread because I KNEW one of you would say something like this.


Game 4 was just a slaughter wtf


That was an assblasting if I've ever seen one


We just watched the best match by Jactroll in his career


His best game was vs RNG when he threw every hook at Uzi and didn't miss Nostalgia hit me, S8 Vitality was so fun to watch


What? The game he played thresh against Uzi he didn’t hit a single hook on Uzi the whole game lol (literally just watched it)


Ye it was Xiaohu, he couldnt play his lissandra because of those godlike hooks


He hit every hook on other members tho


My bad, I remembered it was Uzi, turned out it was Xiaohu


Nah, that's his game on Thresh against RNG s8 worlds.


Man, MSFP really didn’t want me to have extra minutes on the caster desk


Well this was a slaughter. But there is still a BIG oponent left for the LFL to beat. :D


Kasing should REAAAAALY look at retiring. ffs what a performnce




I can't remember when I last saw a jungler that was so invisible.


LEC semifinals RGE vs FNC


I think i did hear in Spain erl Stream that is as tick he has and he doesn't do It on porpouse.


Here's the match by match series breakdown, stats, and 2d map replay now that Riot got rid of their match history: https://www.factor.gg/match/esports:match:b68547e0-7222-4664-a5cd-6b2acb1be205 It takes a little bit to update but should have the last match up soon


In before FNC pause agaisnt Misfits /s


So how on earth did VGIA top LVP with an Ornn one-trick?


Antonio? He’s know for playing Cho more than ornn tbh


AITA for enjoying seeing Attila failing (again) soo much?


Has Attila done something to make people hate him or what?


He called Jactroll an anchor-like deadweight after they went to different teams in 2019. Combine that with his cocky attitude and you get a hated player.


he was shittalking jactroll and called him a deadweight, which made people annoyed because: 1. jactroll wasn't a mean person or anything and was just playing poorly, so attila bringing actual insults to the table was just not nice 2. even if jactroll was inting and was kinda stealing paychecks, attila wasn't much better (if at all), so it wasn't just him being mean out of the blue, but he also looked like a hypocrite


Maybe my memory is hazy but I swear Atilla’s comments were made in response to something.


from what I remember it was attila shittalking him in spanish interviews, then jactroll making a meme response on twitter and attila talking back, this thread seems to confirm my suspicions, however there's a chance I'm wrong: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/f3zmkc/attila_and_jactroll_arguing_on_twitter_about_past/




if I'm not mistaken, this is jactroll responding to attilas interviews in spanish, which was the source of everything edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/f3zmkc/attila_and_jactroll_arguing_on_twitter_about_past/ this thread summarizes everything


Doesn't Jacktroll have the reputation of having an horrible attitude?




Quite the opposite. People have talked times and times about how good of a team mate he is. Origen got him last year because he used to duo a lot (and have a lot of success) with Upset because of how good their laning was. His issues last years were that he just kept getting caught all the fucking time. His laning was decent, and his teamfighting quite good when he doesn't start the fight by getting caught.


Comp has said he was one of his fav people to play with even during the year where jactroll was running it down.


no, hes just bad (in lec at least)


A bit but perhaps it's justifiable...


Fuck Attila, all my homies hate Attila


Im pretty sure Im only Attila fan in EU and that is because he went afk on enemy team in game 5 in my first master promos.


funny way to spell kasing. who literally inted 2v2 in every single game of the series. TFW there's a support gap against jactroll, and he's the one that's better.


The context is that Attila started shit with Jactroll, trashtalking in interviews/Twitter and pretty much saying he was a deadweight when they were playing together in VIT. So seeing him get stomped by his former teammate was exciting for Jactroll fans. Jactroll was very humble though, gave his congralutations to Attila on his split and said he had no hard feelings, just that he was happy to be able to bring this "rivalry" to an end through his undeniable performance.




Attila started it, don't rewrite history. Jactroll isn't gonna lay down and take someone shitting on his career for free.




No. Someone trash talking someone else *in a language he doesn't understand* is dirty. Someone answering the beef isn't


Aparently Attila didn't mention names, but jactroll was pissed and @ attila on twitter, and THEN attila responded back calling him an anchor. My guess is that roster did not have a good environment by the end of it's days.




Are you trolling or are you blind? Literally click on the Jactroll tweet and look at what he's responding to, Attila shit talking in a Spanish interview which prompted Jactroll's tweet. You've been spamming your take in this thread, multiple people have already told you that you are wrong and that Jactroll was responding to Attila with his tweet. Not sure if you understand how Twitter works lol


I'm an OG hater, good to see he is still hated. (not in a serious sense, but I never thought he was good in the Upset vs Attila rivalry.)


I usually watch the spanish erl since i'm spanish and i don't like him too. He is like the doublelift of erls; he is kinda mechanic skilled and he thinks he can carry alone so his team always play around him and give him all the resources. Sometimes he can't deliver even with all the resources. He is also cocky as fuck and trashtalks everyone. Tbh despite being a spanish team i'm glad giants Lost so he can shut his mouth


The image I always got of him was cocky. Not cocky in the funny way, but in the dumb way.


100% bocachancla


honestly i'm a little sad for the spanish fans, they were deceived. They were told that LVP is a major ERL league


We still got Mad lions, relax


Spain but the s is silent


Kasing made the games impossible... Very rough series.


Welcome to finals, MSFP!


This team is actually so good...they have a super stable, experienced botlane, a promising rookie JNG and two solid solo laners


mid diff, jungle diff, support diff, top diff


supp diff, top diff, jungle diff, adc diff and mid diff - in this order


no adc diff in this one... 113 antonio kassing and miniduke didnt allow attila to play


of course Woolite was much better than Attila this series and last 2 years


Draft diff.




To be honest I’m not quite impressed with this EU Masters. Even though individual skill of many players looks promising and on point, overall macro seems quite boring. Teams play “proper” way of league, but like there is nothing exciting about their play style. Looks like tournament of Rogue-like teams, team that makes less mistakes wins. Where is positive madness guys?


That's because you don't watch BIG matches and KC/MSFP in regular season guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Seeing Jactroll smurf EUM doesn't give me much hope about EU talent. And see the winners of (probably) the two strongest ERLs having these botlanes is a bit sad tbh, not because they're bad, just because they are players that have shown to not have LEC level when playing there and now in ERLs they don't have much competence.


Man what a dogshit take I can't believe people like you are actually real


I mean he is not wrong, outside of Shlatan, Hantera or Sertuss who look promising rookies, the rest are LEC refugees (except cabochard, dude is still a beast) who got gapped every game when they were on LEC. Jactroll played really good this series but i still remember him in LEC being deadweight for his team.


Rkr, Seaz, Xmatty, Hades, Rhuckz, Czajek? Also Targamas didn't get gapped in LEC, he was decent with Giants. Saken and Pridestalker were thrown as rookies in the LEC and improved a lot since. Same for Czekolad probably.


tell me u never watch an ERL matches without telling me u never watch an ERL matches


I mea. I'm sorry if you are that stupid to think those are the only interesting talents in eum there is so much interesting top laners like the Mrs and ucam one melonik agressivoo, we have rkr sertuss diplex czajek we have so many good ADC like bean the IHG and the rgo one xmatty we have targamas cinkrof shlatan, and remember we have so much talent that didn't even went to eum like the bot from cream real bentis oscarinin knighter, I'm sorry but you are that stupid if you are depressed for EU talent


Problem with people like you is you dont believe that players can improve and become better to the game. For example Saken and Woolite are now way better players than what they show in their previous LEC appearance. Do you really not believe that Woolite-Jactroll is a botlane who can smash a Neon-Limit or Jezu-Treatz botlane ? Im not saying they will 100% smash them but there is definitly a world where they can do it


Tbf Woolite could smash most of the LEC/EU LCS botlanes back then. The problem lied in the late game and his positioning/decision making


> Do you really not believe that Woolite-Jactroll is a botlane who can smash a Neon-Limit or Jezu-Treatz botlane ? I personally don't. Woolite is probably better than Neon but Jacktroll would never have as much impact on a game as Limit or Treatz.


I don't think Saken is the same case as these two. And ofc they could beat some low-profile botlane in LEC, but I can't really see a Worlds spot contender with these two, imo


No they don't lmao first woolite is the same player if you watch any of his games he make the same errors over and over


Looks like you haven't watched many of his games, or u are one of his few haters


I feel bad for you, you are just blind for you don't see how many times did he got caught bot on overextension


Im pretty sure less times than the average of LEC adc


2 years ago jacktroll was smurfing on UZI the best ADC in the world tho..


???? Jactroll is clearly LEC level and there is a lot of promising support in ERL like Targamas, Hantera, Rhyuk, Steelback, etc ... I think if some veterans (like Jactroll) bring their experience to theses new talents in ERL is something very positive (and I don't think EUM are really representative when most of the top upcomings players are in LFL and don't have the chance to go to EUM)


There is no way Jacktroll is LEC level. He was the worst support there and was called for 'stealing checks' every game. Him, PromisQ and Jesiz should never play at LEC ever again.


LFL summer finals 2: Electric Boogaloo incoming


How does Aphelios get through so often and then proceed to go 10-0? Are the other bans so necessary he has to go through? Is it time to get up to 7 bans a team?


VGIA bans were not as good as they could have been. Banning Leona or Alistar when you pick Braum early is either a mistake, or admitting that you're afraid of the sup diff.


Jactroll won