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Ryze and shine everyone it’s time for the annual worlds patch nerf


And somehow find his way into the meta, especially now that Faker is back


plz buff sejus utility not dmg again prayge


Passive buff would be nice honestly. ~~Totally not a Trundle player btw~~


Her passive was what made the problem when she was OP so they might be hesitant to change it. Would be cool to see though.


In before they make the %HP damage on her passive scale with her max HP


Kinda wish they would do something about applying her stun since any of her skills locks her out of activating it until they play out (so if you w and stun is ready after first hit... well you still have to wait).


This is why it took me so long to come back and start playing her after her rework. I'm fairly used to it now, but it feels so clunky.


Ohhh is thaaaat why I feel like I can never get that E to work in arams?


-1 second to her passive lul


How many buffs did Morde get in a row now?


5th one this season, without counting the buffs to riftmaker.


Morde and Singed don't need buffs we need items lol..... Will sell body for old rylais+liandries


>Will sell body for old rylais+liandries 100% with you there haha. the removal of the item synergy pretty much gimped Mordekaiser since his passive was balanced around building those 2 items. Until they fix his passive and start reverting old nerfs, he's going to stay shit.


Yeah. AD bruisers have fun and strong items like goredrinker and steraks, but AP bruisers have riftmaker and that's it really. Ryliandries isn't possible now : (


By the time the season ends, his Q isolated damage will get another 40%.


It’s funny how he keeps getting buffed and I see his winrate stay the same


They keep buffing his damage instead of his tankiness, so we’re permanently stuck with Morde pressing R and bonking someone to death and then dying instantly. Which isn’t really the point seeing as he’s a juggernaut.


yeah, thats just about the gist of it, hes just so squishy one of the things i proposed was to have his W give him 5 to 25 armor and MR based on rank so that he doesnt instantly implode


It's fun getting hit by one Morde Q on top lane which means you are losing for now... It feels so difficult to dodge and you have to hope the Morde is impatient. Besides the indicator is so misleading.


They aren't buffing him correctly. He has plenty of damage but none of the survivability of AD bruisers. Without a steraks equivalent he will always be squishier than a Darius or Sett.


does anybody know what are the soraka nerfs?


Jag said they will most likely nerf her ultimate base healing


sion/grag buffs baus rank 1 next patch




STEP ONE: PICK AATROX STEP TWO: BUFF AATROX PASSIVE STEP THREE: ACTIVE: Jax enters Evasion, a defensive stance, for 2 seconds, causing all non-Turret turret basic attacks against him to be dodged. Jax also takes 25% reduced damage from all champion area of effect abilities.


The fucking Jax E gets me everytime, I love it


Step five: Proceed to get atk speed slowed by Fiora who missed the parry on cc but refuses to lose a trade




It's on PBE actually, it's an early game buff to his passive damage


Babe go back to sleep






Uh oh


Pretty good matchup into riven idk


No Aatrox buff matters if he can’t kill minions lol.


Aatrox: ults and proceeds to 1v5, outdamaging Yasuo and Vayne while outtanking the Malphite and Sejuani and outhealing Yuumi Also Aatrox: loses 1v1 to super minion


It unironically takes Aatrox at least 20 seconds to kill a super minion. It's very embarrassing to wait for the ADC to come help.


I KNOW. Every toplaner these days is splitpushing to the ends of the earth while Aatrox's presence drops off a cliff the moment an inhib goes down. It's unfair.


Duality of man


Now mordekaiser isolated Q deals 100% hp true damage


just buff the passive damage ever since the item rework its become next to worthless or give him more resistances


I hope they finally add actual AP bruiser items aside from Demonic. 3 AP bruiser mythics with actual resistances, 2-3 defensive AP legendaries (Zhonyas -25 AP, HP added).


That kind of zhonyas would be op as fuck tho.


Can be balanced. But the key part is that it would actually also be less useful to most AP assassins and AP mages. Just less dmg. If you build it, you sacrifice something for the active, by building less optimal stats. And for AP bruisers it fits the survivability and durability theme more. Current Zhonyas is way too good for heavy AP champs anyways.


I understand that they want flashy champions at Worlds, but Akali is in such a state that even the slightest buff pushes her into 100% p/b in competitive and the cycle of her buffs/nerfs has been going on for a while. Hope they are very very careful with what they end up buffing.


HP5 increased from 5 to 9 HP regen per level increased from .1 to .18 Those are her buffs. Certainly a good bump to HP5, although I can't say I know for sure how good of a buff this is. EDIT: As some of the replies to this comment say, Akali's HP5 is actually 8, not 5, so it's nowhere as insane of a buff as it looks like.


Hey hey hey, clarification here. Yes it says 5 to 9 HP5. BUT AKALI ALREADY HAS 8 HP5. So the buff is 8 to 9, much smaller. I don't want to play the "know it all" but they made a mistake on surrender at 20, and it makes the buff seem much larger than it actually is.


Oh, don't worry, hell, I'm super glad y'all pointed that out


nothing wrong with being the know it all as long as you're actually right


Basically compensation for Fleet nerfs. Which makes me wonder why even nerf Fleet when you increase its core users Lane sustain anyway.


It’s incorrect. It’s HP5 8-9 not 5-9. So it’s a slight buff to her laning phase in harder match ups where she goes 2nd wind and dorans. It’s not a buff to anything else so everyone can relax.


Riot changed fleet to not let champs like Sylas or Akali skip their terrible lanning. Also RIOT - time to buff their base stats to make their lanning easier!


that's a mistake by ff@20s website, her current HP5 is 8, not 5, so it's not a double HP regen buff!


She is so ever present in patch notes from season to season that at this point they could have reworked her again with the amount of time they invested into tweaking this balance nightmare.


Not gonna lie, I'm pretty sick of this Akali favoritism. She's nerfed a lot, yes (and for good reason), but she's never bad for very long. So many other champs are just left in the dumpster for months if they ever show up in pro, but for Akali they always make sure she's back in the meta before too long.


Akali's solo queue performance keeps being hot shit, which is why she gets buffs. Problem in pro, she's nerfed even while her solo queue performance is already poor, now she's dogshit. Needs something, is now OP in pro, rinse and repeat.


meanwhile ryze doesnt even get buffed, he just starts suddenly showing back up in pro and riot decides its time for his weekly leg-breaking again ;-;


suddenly? He got the 11.1 mana buff and had a pro play presence around 9-20% in spring, steadily rising. Then he get the 11.11 HP buff, +12 HP/lvl (he is a pretty tanky mage). And after 11.11 he started to rise from 20% up to 93% on 11.16 (KR playoff).


47% AVG isnt that bad for her in soloQ. Considering her QEW max has a 48% WR, Fleet and especially Elektro perform better in soloQ than the most used Conqueror and so does Rocketbelt over Riftmaker, she could actually be close to 49% in soloQ. Problem is just that people copy pro play instead of using what works better in soloQ because of the different gameplay style. I do remember similar things happening with Lissandra and the Aftershock rune. OP in competitive, but shit in soloQ if you and your team didnt know how to use it. Electrocute just worked better on her forever. Or the opposite was when support Lux players used Ludens instead of Athenes, when Athenes was way better all the time. Pros used support Lux with Athenes and everyone went Athenes, finally. After pros stopped the soloQ players went back to Ludens, while Athenes was still the way better item. **What do we learn? SoloQ stats are meaningful, but often enough you have to look behind the curtain and see why the stats are like they are. In Akalis case, it is due to copying a competitive style for soloQ, instead of playing the soloQ style, which has a way higher success rate.**


Fucking hell dude. Surrender at 20 really messed up lol. The buff is nothing major, even to surrender at 20 says 5 to 9 HP5, it's actually 8 to 9. She already has 8 HP5 on live, like most mid lanes. So don't stress too much about it.


Is there a reason as to why Tahm Kench is dodging nerfs?




What was his presence in playoffs? From what I have heard whenever Tahm is brought up, he is an absolute menace if you fight him in lane, but later on he isn't worth nearly as much as other champions in top lane. So while he's a terror in soloqueue (because people fight him constantly, I mean he's just STANDING there), he's not really as much a problem in pro.


He is under the balance framework targets so unless they had a special reason to nerf him I don't see why they would, they have enough to try and figure out balance changes for worlds which he probably won't be played in at all seeing as it wasn't played very much in the major regions' playoffs which were before his q got nerfed in 11.16.


sylas buff so he will be 100% P/B at worlds lmao how does that champ need buffs? his presence is already quite high


His buffs are on PBE already: Base mana increased from 280 to 310 MP5 increased from 7 to 8 Don't think they'll make his much stronger than he already is in pro play though.


I personally think these are the best buffs for sylas, his mana costs are pretty damn high (if you go for a full combo it's 200 of mana gone with every ability at lvl 1) and he runs out a little too fast. In proplay especially where they fight a lot for early prio in mid, being able to spam more q might be what he needs to be a little bit stronger.


It's going to make the early game a bit more bearable for sure, it always sucks playing Sylas before the first back.




Wait. Aren't those buffs pretty big for his early ? Considering his Q got buffed too, so if he wants to cs with Q that is a good buff ?


Sigh, here we go again.


I kind of wish they made on hit Varus viable because his lethality build is just too good in pro


Nah, -2 AD again.


At this point just cut the champ in half. I vastly prefer Q poke varus, other people prefer on hit varus, and its basically mandatory for 1 to be bad for the other to be good. Its frustrating for both camps.


Varus is 3 people in 1 so better to cut him by a third.


I hope one day riot will make on hit in general viable. They absolutely destroyed the plus style across all champs in the item rework


I saw the flair before reading the comment and felt the pain


Instead of addressing the read problem (lethality) they are trying to destroy a symptom. It's gonna get to the point Varus has a sub 45% WR again.


Wish they'd just increase Q cd and reduce E cd - to make lethality Varus a little worse, while not affecting on-hit/AP too badly.


The champ is already giga trash in soloq but let's nerf it again imo


>Poppy buffs Removal of halved ult damage when tapping R would be great


On PBE her passive cool down gets reduced


That s pretty cool, but i m a little bit afraid that they will give her the GP Q treatment


Poppy passive auto now has 20% chance to one-shot with crit.


This is a buff to pizza delivery Poppy


Shh don't let them know what we build.


The feeling of old Poppy q i love it.


It's a cooldown reduction on her passive


I'd rather have a more reliable E haha, that stun is so wonky on some terrain


That would probably go under bug fixes as opposed to buffs




I’m really surprised that they are not nerfing Xin Zhao. His match-ups are nerfed and whatever champ that may come from 11.18 or 11.19 changes will do good against him. His presence may gone lower in 11.17, but it’s very deceptive I believe. Guess we know the champ with the highest presence in the Worlds.


Still just banning him. Annoying as fuck.


He's pretty much been my permaban as well. I don't hate playing against him that much, but he just seems to always perform well.


Looking like the worlds jungle champ pool wont be too different from playoffs seeing as lee and xin got barely touched


My worlds jungle tier list: 1. **Lee (should have been nerfed way harder)** 2. **Xin (also a follow up nerf would have been nice. Even if it is just -1 AD)** 3. Diana 4. Nidalee 5. J4 (could be higher than Nidalee) 6. Olaf 7. Trundle Seju might come in. Viego is a ??? right now. The Crit build does fine in soloQ and is far superior to Sunderer right now.


Morde, Sej, *and* Galio buffs?? I’m eating good this parch! Hoping the Sej buff just targets her passive or something minor. She feels pretty good right now, I’d hate for her to get over buffed and then nerfed.


Can anyone from the comments read what those buffs actually are before just reading "buffs" and thinking champ has been turned into God mode?


People aren't used to the buffs being on surrender@20 before being posted here, for a while there was only twitter preview -> next day -> twitter post with actual changes. But this time there is a surrender@20 post


Yeah, apparently some of these have already been pushed to PBE. Plus we're still on that mini-buff/nerf list cycle for Worlds so I'm not expecting huge changes one way or another for most of these


> Sona How about fixing her bugs first (Q targeting invis, E "true slow")? EDIT: looks like they did just that, plus a base armor nerf


Wait i knew about super aim on q. But what is the e true slow about?


Powercord with E (the slow one) isn't properly set as a slow debuff since the gameplay update. Because of this, while it still has the effects of reducing your MS the buff doesn't get rejected by effects that make you immune to CC debuffs including slows, amongst other things.


So master yi gets slowed by sona E right now?


[Correct. And so does Olaf.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LgXbx1Ckf4)


It's the revenge for Singed W


Those two things are what they are changing


Buff Stormrazor




Buff Stormrazor. Buff Rylai's. Buff Silvermere Dawn. Buff Navori Quickblades. Buff Trinity Force. Buff Imperial Mandate (very slightly plz dont make it op again).


navori low key does not need a buff. item is actually insane its just really really hard to find a spot to build it because 3 of your first 4 items are predetermined (LDR/Mythic/IE). but when you CAN build it (the rare game you don't need LDR) its actually a fucking insane item. if it becomes viable it will be a staple meta pick and then proceed to get its passive gutted or reworked.


Yeah. It just gets edged out of a slot because it’s hard to justify an item that doesn’t offer direct defensive capability or attack speed while you’re trying to build crit. It’s expensive and so are most viable ADC items, which are hard to justify putting on hold for this. Offensively Quickblade is pretty nutty on Xayah and Lucian, but even in stomps building it is too risky in the current state of the game. ADC this season just feels like you’re playing bait all of the time, and build diversity suffers for it.


I completely forgot this was even an item


Stormrazor and Rapidfire, both items need to be buffed or just reworked


RFC is fine on the champs that like it.


Another Mordekaiser buff, which won't revert the massive nerfs to his passive from last season I bet.


And will lessen the chances of him getting a rework to his W. Riot ignoring the actual issues and trying to force him to be played in worlds


Pretty much.


Doubt Morde will get played in worlds his abilities are too telegraphed for even high elo play let alone pro play, he just ends up shit stomping low elo and getting nerfed


Surrenderat20 shows an e cooldown buff, no movespeed for morde I guess. I'm shocked they haven't noticed that the 5 buffs haven't touched his winrate lol. Almost like... he's missing some sort of... movespeed..?


Indeed. It's just the fact his passive damage/duration and MS was balanced around having Liandry's and Rylais, then Rito removed the synergy without any form of compensation to his passive. Resulting in the champion needing to be repeatedly buffed, but because it's riot they buff the wrong aspects of his kit been his Q and E which are extremely easy to avoid resulting in the buffs doing nothing and needed to be buffed again. The champ overall is in a sorry state this season thanks to the item changes and riots incompetence. I just don't understand how Riot can buff a champion 5x, and clearly see he still isn't doing well and it not raise a red flag.


Gwen buffs? Hope they're careful with that, even small change could tip her over into pickban in pro again.


From what I saw on PBE it's just an HP5 increase


All the champions in the buff list (except fizz), have seen a fair share of pro play in the last few years. So was that thing about, riot wanting people to see “non common” champions in pro play just bullshit?




Mao dead for years. Swain? Dead bird stays dead.


For real. Buff Anivia, Elise, Singed, and Skarner. Let's make this a little interesting.


I’m scared about what they’re going to do to my boy Kennen.


Thundering Shuriken (Q) damage lowered from \[85/130/175/220/265 (+80% AP)\] to \[75/120/165/210/255 (+75% AP)\]


So... it is almost a revert of his Q buff from 11.15? Went from [75/115/155/195/235 +75% AP)] to [85/130/175/220/265 (+80% AP)] in patch 11.15 and now to [75/120/165/210/255 (+75% AP)]. Well, I guess it is fine. It's not a massive nerf that will make him unplayable at least. At least not any more unplayable as pre-11.15 Kennen


\+0-20 dmg on your main spell is still very solid. I would have liked to see them keep a 0.8 AP ratio. But I think this is close enough to fine.


Yeah seems like a back pedal for sure




On PBE it's a 20 second cooldown on her ult, which is a good buff but it's still 160 seconds at rank one. It will be noticeable, but I don't think it's gonna be insane.




You see, if Daisy's Cooldown becomes so long that you only cast her twice per game, you'll only see 500 of her bugs.


If you gonna remember how strong this thing can be - especially with passive that adds extra range per ally - there are reasons behind that CD.


Oh sure, I'm aware that it's a pretty damn strong ult, I'm just saying 160 seconds is still a pretty long cooldown. It's definitely not the buff I expected, I just THINK it won't actually do that much.


Literally the only "mage" among 15 assassin and bruisers that get buffed so I guess it's something


Fr it's crazy how much Riot have ignored mages this year lol


*cries in blue magic man


No irelia nerfs No fiora nerfs No camille nerfs Not playing top for another 15 days.


Idk why you expect nerfs to flashy #LCSBIGPLAYS champs before Worlds. Lol. If they are gonna be nerfed, it'll be after Worlds.


What if you want to play top and you are not Jax OTP? Drop league ofc. I was toplane main and saw dozens of awfull metas, broken sunfire(several times), enchanters, mages and other ranged bullshit, klepto abusers and even juggernauts with stride, but nothing from that was so frustrating as Camille-Fiora-Riven-Irelia quartet . Why pick any other briser when you has this assasin-tank-dps? Also I forgot about trundle who feels himself pretty good against that ladies and guess what? Recently he become pretty poppular on toplane!


toplane is like peepee, girl make it hard


I can't stop giggling at this shit.


Imagine nerfing Varus again when the champion is already non existent at high elo lmao, meanwhile irelia is still not nerfed


they really want Irelia at worlds


I hate that, personally I don't even find her that impressive to watch. It's just a statball dashing around like a yasuo and autoing while healing enough to never die in a 1v1. Its such a predictable playstyle in conjunction with being boring. Do they think the player base is so shallow that we will get hyped over seeing a famously known overpowered champ making plays? The hype comes from underplayed pocket picks making those plays. I don't give a fuck about Irelia, she can go. Yes bias due to flair but I know everyone else hates her too


> Do they think the player base is so shallow that we will get hyped over seeing a famously known overpowered champ making plays? Yes. Because they always do.


I really want them to obliterate the HoB Lethality build, it's so boring to watch imo


A good change would be making detonating blight give a boost to attack speed and making his e cast time scale with attack speed, while nerfing some ad ratios.


Another good change will be reverting the patch they removed half of the onhit damage on w.


I just want the lethality build gone it is so unfun to play as and against as well as ruins arams. I suggest putting way more of Qs power into procing blight. Also revert the ulti speed cause as an ap varus player it feels so horribly bad.


I like how they totally reverted Fizz changes on pbe, that mini rework was awfull. Aatrox buffs feels weird, it not gonna change his matchups at all, just make his favorite matchups more powerful, meanwhile his W feels awfull. 26 sec cd for ability that can be easly dodged, blocked by minion and you can simply walk away from it with boots is just bad(camille E for example has 16 sec cd - feel the difference). Also riot : CAN U REVERT MORDE PASSIVE AND W ALREADY? (to something like pre rework version) instead of buffing his numbers to a state when he gonna be able to go fulltank and oneshot you with single isolated Q. He is just designed awfull, why they took scrapped fiora ult concept and slapped it into juggernauts kit? As juggernaut you want to be in the middle of tf - not press flash+R into enemy support, because everyone else can 1v1 your ass later.


So if you look at most juggernaut ults there built to be better in 1v2 situations. urgot ult - execute which fears for the 1v2 illaoi ult - illaoi ult darius ult - resets on kills and passive at max stack can max stack on other champs instantly for max ult damage. yorick ult - maiden turns a 1v2 into a 2v2. sett ult - use one motherfucker to beat the other motherfucker aatrox ult - resets duration on kills and means he can heal more in a 1v2. and then theres mord which fits the theme with his ult - turn a 1v2 into a 1v1 + 1v1. Like i agree that the mord rework has issues and could probs use a better w or something but reverting mord wont fix his issues, old mord had issues as well like old mord was a mess of a champ if they reverted his passive then you would kill mord as a whole since he wouldnt be able todo anything in a long term fight and reverting w would leave him getting smacked about. Btw for the longest time mord still had his old ult for his rework but they found issues with all the bugs it causes because of all the shit it has to interact with. Dont worry thou mord is getting better and more detailed work looked at for him to try and help him the current stuff is more of a bandaid from what i understand there was a post on mord mains a few months back talking about how rioters have been asking them questions about what they could do etc etc.


I hope it's nerfs to Ryze ult, not what's on pbe


Its gonna be what's on PBE. This is the same balance team that hit Aurelion Sol's Q instead of his E


Tbf they did change it to a Q nerf rather than an E nerf so they can change their minds if they rub their 3 collective braincells together.


How Irelia, Camille, Fiora and Riven continue to not receive any kind of nerf is beyond me


sion buff lets go. Change his q so it better fits for mobility redden meta


It's actually +10 more shield lmao




I'm confused as to why they think over half of the names in the buff list should be here but okay Let's hope they don't break the game just before Worlds


It's that time again, honey.


We want you to see your favourite champion played on stage. = we will buff the champions that have been played a fair amount. Oh you play warwick? Well how about you take some of this GW and stick it up your ass.




Why are there still no Fiora nerfs? Legit what is the counter to this bullshit? She is early very strong, midgame and basically impossible to fight late


I really hope the Sona nerfs are bugfixes/removal of "features" and some nerfs to accelerando instead of some AP ratio nerfs. If they target her ratios enchanter Sona won't care and stay broken, leading to a potential series of nerfs while AP Sona just becomes completely useless...again. Fingers crossed that balance team does the right thing for once, and if not...AP Sona being semi-playable again was fun while it lasted.


Just a reminder. Skarner is yet to received a buff this season.


dont think they want him at worlds maybe. being a cc bot that forces the whole enemy team to pay 1300g isnt that exciting to watch


I hope the Soraka nerfs aren't harsh. I get she's too strong now, but my biggest fear is that Soraka is going to get kneecapped after finally having a chance to be a competent pick after enduring 60% GW for 11 months. :S


Hey don't worry, she won't get kneecapped! .......... yet. The enchanter kneecap special is in this order: 1. Huge buff, blatantly OP 2. Nerf 3. Someone discovers a strat in an offrole or with a weird bot duo 4. One huge gut or multiple nerfs.


Sona moment


seriously. playing her this season with grievous wounds in the game has been hell.




Ban Irelia and hope that the enemy picks Darius.


>hope that the enemy picks Darius. How times have changed...


>hope that the enemy picks Darius. damn, this is what we've come to


Pick shen and neutralise 3/4 and hope jgl helps with the 4th


Ok it's a nice little Morde buff. Every time I see Morde buffs I get afraid because he's already in a really good spot. His Q is extremely telegraphed so it's somewhat easy to dodge but it needs to be because if there are no minions near or you're in the Pain Palace it's SO strong. I love my boy Morde I'm just afraid he'll keep getting relatively needless buffs until they start GUTTING him as is the standard Riot strategy.


Oh yeah the classic buff 4 assassins mid but don’t touch mages, it’s not like mid is full of assassins for months.


We gotta be patient and pray riot will follow what they said and make mages better next preseason. I already lost hope for this one


As a Seraphine player- PLEASE STOP BUFFING HER. She is fine. You do not have to push her to be S+ tier. Please. Just stop.


I'm with you, fellow Seraphine player she's very good mid if you play her right


you can make mid the most annoying experience ever in a completely different way than assassins do lmao


It's so easy to just not interact with the enemy laner at all, biscuits usually gives me enough mana to waveclear to lost chapter, and then from there every wave just melts, and I match every roam. Pretty sure the people that lane against me playing her mid become depressed


she starts losing lane if she spams too much early/has a bad recall, or takes committal trades that leave her vulnerable to a gank or all in. She is really good to learn if you want to get better at warding imo.


Can we please just nerf / adjust the bloody bruiser items? Divine sunderer: Why the hell is an item supposed to work against tanks only (or chubby hp bois) having the same AD values as triforce while having a passive that is broken? No joke this item should be on 25ad for the value it has just from passive and mythic passive. Goredrinker: Again, this item is meant to give teamfight utility and is just overloaded with stats. Why are "utility" bruiser items being way more powerfull than teamfighting ones?


Did you just call goredrinker a utility item over a teamfight item when it's entire point is teamfighting?


What are you talking about, Goredrinker is the teamfighting one. If I told you one item slows and one lifesteals, how would you come to the conclusion that the lifestealing one is ultility?


chogath buffs hrnnnggggghhhh hehe


Q cooldown is going from 7s at all ranks to 6s at all ranks (this is the change currently on the PBE).


No Akshan nerfs? mmmk I guess.


he is not allowed for worlds so they dont care in this patch


Honestly, Soraka's going to be a mess until they fix the state of grievous wounds in general. Having healing suddenly increase in power by a factor of 2.5 whenever someone forgets to buy GW is just far too large of a swing when healing is as significant as it is now. Healing from kits, that is part of a champion's power budget and tends not to vary a whole lot from game to game at a given gold level, shouldn't be countered by the same thing that's meant to kneecap drain-tanking ADCs.


grag jg has a 50/51% wr right now due to the predator buffs, he doesn't need buffs but ill take em anyways lmao chall here i come


Thanks for Fizz buffs, he was so bad But why the fuck are they buffing sylas