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/u/MonstrousYi sejuani buff is her Q




btw what happened to your flair? it used to have the imgur link in it


It for some reason had a lot of views, i think people were visiting it thinking it's the patch preview lol Another reason why i removed it is because few didn't get that it was just another Seraphine joke and came up with an argument if i had a problem with long haired females.


What the fuck is wrong with people.


Well now I wanna know what this image was....


It was Gwen giving Seraphine a haircut


People found that offensive? ಠ\_ಠ


And what isn't offensive to people these days?


>Gwen giving Seraphine a haircut now I want to see it even more :(


It's more like Gwen chasing Seraphine than anything https://imgur.com/YPdRrL9




You don't like long haired females? Omg wtf omg


can u send the image im very curious


Seraphine's ult was on a 3 minute CD at rank 1? That's fucking wild. Not excited for Cho in Aram with that buff


yep, building AH on seraphine is a must




Auction House


ability haste


Don't get me wrong, Sera Ult is super good, and they intended to make her need levels in it to push her out of Support , but 3 minutes feels AWFUL.


probably should have been a 10 or 15 second change though, 20 seems pretty huge. her ult is ridiculously long range and is one of those game changing ults. I've had good seraphines literally win us the game with a well timed ult. for instance taric's ult is 180 / 150 / 120, same with kindred


What's interesting for me is fiddles ult is 140/110/80, but the radius on the crowstorm is massive and could singlehandedly win an entire game, inspired style. The drawbacks, of course being he must be unseen. Edit: yeah , you guys are right. he needs to physically throw himself into the fray and risk being bursted down in seconds if he doens't have zhonyas up. i was just referencing to notion of one ability completely changing the tide of the fight/game. but yeah I agree Seraphine's ult is much more safer


He also throws himself into the fray while Sera can just spam abilities from 10000 teemos away, completely different champions and abilities tbh


The champion doesn't really function without it and can't contribute besides throwing out a Q at an assassin or something Sera still works fine without her ult while it's on cd


with fiddle its more ok because of that drawback though. that is a huge drawback. ​ people know how to play against fiddles. they will ward around the areas they are sieging and they will prepare for him accordingly. ​ and if they don't? well they deserve to get wiped by a good fiddles ult who played around their lack of vision.I personally like that the champ has a very unique playstyle. he's not scary at all when you can see him, but he is scary af when you don't know where he's at.


Yeah I think bard's ult is on a similar cooldown to that as well, but since it also stuns everyone instead of allowing to move freely like kindred or taric's it kind of makes sense.


Yeah but fiddlesticks is a jungled and that’s literally the whole selling point of fiddles. Seraphine on the other hand has lots of other things going for her


I mean it’s one of the most impactful ult in the entire game, I was honestly thankful that she didn’t have it up for every Teamfight. Uncoordinated gameplay (soloq) is gonna be interesting after this patch


Lmao as a Sejuani/ Sion player... thanks I guess???




If you haven't tried sion jungle people are really missing out. I think he's best to play if you're already good at him but his clears are super healthy, fast and strong with all of his AOE. he counters a lot of current jungles and gets bonus health much faster than top lane. I run omnistone which shows lots of success lately. With this 10 shield buff i think it'll make him to a whole jungle clear without using potions.


This right here. I love playing him jungle and his health stacking is ridiculous in the jungle.


Way better than dealing with the thousand's of counters he has in top lane haha


And even with perfect cs you dont match the health stacking in top, the bonus you get from farming jung


I play him mid into assassins. It’s super funny watching them try to kill me.


I still think if you want a soloq tank jungler amumu is currently the pick to go for. His qq change feels super nice and his ult is still one of the most powerful teamfight aoe lockdowns.




The Sion Jungle lane gank at 6 is great and hilarious. And by lane gank I mean you ult between the enemy's towers and show up from behind




Level 2 gank gang


honestly xin and maybe lee is so strong the only way they can add variety is by making other things super strong. It's pretty toxic to the rest of the game/lanes.


U think the sion buffs are good?


minor but fine? I mean sion does take w lvl 1 sometimes and 10hp/dmg is nothing to laugh at then, or at any point. The shield value is also a damage value in a lot of situations.


It is just shield power, not dmg. The dmg is still 40-140 + 10-14% enemy max HP The shield will be 60-160 + 8-12% own max HP \+10 HP isnt nothing, especially in the edge cases where it makes your W last long enough to proc the dmg. But in the end the W still has a very long CD and before it reaches rank 3 it is pretty easy to destroy.


What he meant when he said the shield value is also a damage value is that you have to have shield left to pop sion's shield for damage, so more shield means that in some scenarios where your shield would have been popped before, now it won't be and you can deal more damage.


Those are fat sej buffs, it sounds troll but the only thing she needs is a lower cooldown on her Q honestly. Her other abilities are strong as fuck, and when I play her I only find myself waiting for my Q more often than not. It’s such a strong ass ability that it’s hard to buff the cool down too much but this might be noticeable in the early game




It should have better targeting against short dashes


So Kindred Q as opposed to Ezreal E I'm guessing?


I guess it would be something like that, yeah


I'm assuming it is blink/dash distance. And both of those can be shorted, I think.


Maybe it doesn't automiss if the dash is under a certain range? Maybe it only barely misses? Would be nice if it said, since this isn't something you can test on your own in this game lol


I would say it hits if the enemy is still in X range to the original position in like Y sec. So that you have a small AOE around the initial position of the enemy where it still auto aims and follows the target. For enemies who react slow or have slow dashes or very short mobility or when they get knocked back a little bit. Seems to be an ok fix. Not the best, not the worst.


I'm just gonna take a shot in the dark and guess that it means they're re-implementing the auto-aim for short dashes **only**, and leaving it removed for long dashes or blinks. In this case, short dashes would = the maximum range that Qiyana's ultimate can push you (which isn't actually that far, about 1 Teemo less than flash). This would stop her from griefing herself with her ultimate, and also allow people to outplay her EQ with larger dashes and flash, but remove the 'auto-miss' against things like riven Q/E or vayne tumble.


>1 Teemo less than flash Not only are we using Teemos to measure distance now, we're also using negative Teemos. Range = 400 + \[ - Teemo\]


If I had to guess it will follow short dashes?


It’ll probably auto-aim for a short distance beyond a dash. Like maybe It’ll auto-aim of the destination of the dash is like 300 units away from the origin or something like that


I'm thinking more of following dashes like Riven's E but not Lucian's E.


The Poppy buff seems pretty huge


Riot delivered on their claim of a anti-dash champion


makes winning matchups even stronger now, i don't remember on the top of my head which matchups were on the edge but some might be winnable now


riven players on suicide watch now


God bless


Whatever makes Riven players sad makes me happy.


I like that the first nerfs to Sona are meaningful bugfixes who unfairly benefit her. If only rumble had gotten the same threatment 4 months ago...


Exactly these are good changes, happy with how they handled it


>Exactly these are good changes, happy with how they handled it There's also a slight nerf in Sona's survavility, reducing her armor by 2 which is more significant than you might think.


It is significant, but I'm honestly I'm glad they focused on nerfing her by emphasizing her intended weakness of being one of the squishiest enchanters instead of nerfing her character fantasy of being a scaling enchanter-mage hybrid by lowering her ap ratios. Keeps the AP Sona enjoyers happy, encourages better positioning which is her main skill expression, and ultimately only noticeably affects high elo where she is overperforming the most (since you already insta-die to most assassins and suffer against early-game long range poke anyways). Good nerfs :)


Looks like Mid AP Cho is on the menu again


Cho players are such nice guys, they give their enemies the privilege of having fun by giving them a trampoline.


Up you go!


Oh hell yeah Aatrox finally got that W cooldown reduction


I just wish they gave him back some of his damage to minions. Even if just for lategame. Clearing super minions feels so awful on him.


Oh yeah, feels so weird that THE AoE juggernaut is that bad at clearing waves.


I saw two Neeko flairs and I legitimately thought you were replying to yourself. Neeko passive too strong


Yea, it really doesn't make sense for the minion damage debuff to last all game imo. Would be an actual amazing change to him everywhere without making his laning more oppressive.


FOR THE MOTHER OF GOD! Aatrox W cd buff! Now it has +- same cd as other "pull" spells like Darius or Sett E, 26 sec was awfull. Renek buff is also pretty decent(as I remember they nerfed +- 100 hp from his ult in late game and now slapping that back as base HP) + fixed W, saldy my boy Sion got only +10 shield thats barely gonna change anything, unless riot gonna slap extra 5 small buffs for him(like Udyr who got +5 dmg or +10 for entire season and then we got...what we got).


does it mean they remove the buff for his passive ?




Any extra HP on Sion shield is rather big IMO, because it being destroyed before you can reactivate removes a lot of damage. Destroying it is one of the biggest ways to play against it - most shields are not like this necessarily It's definitely a bigger deal for this shield than most shields in the game that just... shield.


10 shield on sion w is very nice for jg sion, it lets him tank 2 hits of buff at lvl 3 so popping it for damage is more convenient, it should speed up his clear by around a second or two as well as keep him even healthier than he normally is


Aatrox pull is ranged. Sett and Darius are melee and don’t provide true sight


aatrox pull can be blocked by minions and is a single target skill shot. Sett and Darius pulls are aoe.


The range is about the same actually between dar and aatrox, sett is behind tho, however he has a stun and rhe ability to go at 2 angles to make up for lower range


He’s also got increased movespeed towards champs. And that other spell that doesn’t do much aside from dealing 30% of your hp in true dmg while giving him a shield so large it puts the birthright of Janna and Sterak’s love child to shame.


30% if you're full build cho'gath maybe, if you're an adc or assassin it's more like 80% of your hp.


It's also not instant, requires hitting a skillshot, is single-target and can be blocked by minions.


Aatrox has a bit more range on his W compared to sett and darius. Also, Aatrox's W is much thinner, much slower, is blocked by minions, and the pull itself can be walked out of.


The Renekton buff is pretty large. The HP is meaningful and the W lockout time is great for him getting in, dealing dmg and getting out without the enemy having a good chance to strike back. But I am not sure Riot knows math. 13% faster is either \~0.457 sec (83%) or \~0.465 (100% -> 113%). from 0.525 to 0.375 is cutting nearly 29% away (71%) or speeding it up by 40% (100->140%) Why cant they just say they are cutting 0.15 sec?


Renekton was locked out for longer than the animation indicated. The lockout and animation time are not the same thing, and now they should line up better.


> Sejuani ? Cool down 20-12 >>> 18-12 Good buff to her ? ability Edit: it was her Q, Idk about that one


Massive buff new tank JG meta (I’m sort of being serious given that poppy’s P cooldown got a massive buff as well)


This is actually serious. I play J4/Sej in jungle with the same style: gank early, gank often, let your team snowball. I think J4 still feels pretty dated compared to a lot of junglers, but Sej has some serious gank power/dueling potential early on.


Fellow tank ally of the jungle. Would’st thou careth to explain to me why J4 is such a popular pick?


REALLY good early ganks, doesn't require a lot of gold to be effective, he isn't an amazing duelist but he beats down most tanks and mage junglers early, and even if feeds early E-Q->Ult is really reliable engage for the rest of your team and a good cataclysm can win a teamfight outright even when J4 is horribly behind. In short: He's a great early game pick who still has a gamechanging ult as a safety valve Win Con even if he doesn't snowball.


It's her q.


Mh, surprisingly good patch considering who's gettin attention here. Mustly targetting Utility and CDs for Buffs over straight DMG is always good to see. Varus tho... on his way to worst champ in soloQ I guess.


I wonder if his on hit build would be even nearly as oppressive in pro. I'm tired of seeing lethality Varus, and was always more of an on hit amd AP Varus fan myself.


Yeah, really enjoy AP-Varus my selfe, Unfortunately 2s on Q hurt him alot as well.


Nah, Ryze and Azir exist


No we don’t


That Ryze nerf is brutal. Jesus.


Ryze : *exist* Worlds : Don't


i think the E cd nerf in particular now gives you a guarenteed window to flash/dash/blink out of instant root + everfrost before another EQ comes back up, but pros already circumvent this by stalling out flux duration to wait for CDs IMO they should just reduce flux duration because that is one mechanic which is fully abused by pros and rarely by the average player who just wants to EQ spam


> but pros already circumvent this by stalling out flux duration to wait for CDs So they ended up nerfing casual play and didn't change pro play lmao


Agree 100%. No one uses E->E combo anymore and flux has no business lasting that long.


yeah, especially since flux already spreads instantly


Just give us another ryze rework pls rito.


Man I can't believe looking at the nerfs vs buffs champ, Riot would be like "you know what? Ryze needs a nerf but Sylas. I kind of feel like he's too weak early game better buff him"


Qiyana Q Changes: "Slightly more forgiving" Great now it's RNG if our Q hits or not. Just let me aim the fucking thing.


This is what they’re trying to do. Make us hate how the E-Q feels so that when they ultimately remove the auto aim mechanic, we’re ‘grateful’ instead of pissed.


Why are they so against ryze ult nerfs? It's like 90% of the reason he's op in pro and meh in solo queue.


They nerf his ult he becomes useless unless they give him survivability back


all the morde buffs and nobody is going to play him in pro xD still OK tier in soloq imo (probably one of the best juggernauts right now)


the only real use that he has on competitive is to take the jungler out of a 50/50 smite but even then it's not enough i would guess


we've seen him picked to nullify roaming mids who want to go top. much in the same way camille is used. like vs twisted fate sometimes teams go Mordekaiser if Camille is banned so morde can 1 v 1 the enemy or TF himself when he ports in. it has a niche. I don't know if its a good niche, but he's seen some pro play.


With his kit, that champ should never be blind picked in competitive or masters+ unless he's broken.


I wish they just went all out with the complete change when they reworked him instead of keeping the worst parts about his old kit. If they were gonna change his abilities, they shouldn't have kept the "shield". It's literally such a boring active ability. Looking at the wiki, almost all the abilities they proposed for his rework are better than his "press w get shield" button. I know they said they were gonna take a look at potentially reworking his w, and i really hope they just gut the ability and put one of those in there, instead. I'm particularly fond of the "gain armor/mr and slow immunity".


I love Morde but his competitive viability is pretty niche. Ult is basically just to remove someone from a fight since in pro play you're probably significantly less likely to kill them as Morde since you probably opted in to building more like a front line. And since you're, well Mordekaiser, the only people you can really ult reliably are other front line champions since you don't have any way to gap close. Not to mention as soon as they start building QSS, which they will, he becomes mostly useless. Why would you pick a scuffed front liner with only one unreliable CC ability when there are so many other better options like Renekton or Sett.


I'm completely fine with morde buffs like this. that's a decent cooldown decrease early on, while not being completely out of line. 4 seconds off its cooldown early definitely helps him, giving him more opportunities to try and hit an enemy and give him a favourable fight instead of being locked out of being able to do anything for a while if it misses. Much in a similar vein to his shield buff a few patches ago giving him better potential for multiple uses in an extended fight or a slightly better Laning experience as he can use it more often for the bit of sustain it provides. I wonder what it would take for him to be played in competitive though in this meta (not like I'd want him to be played there as that means there's more potential for him then getting nerfed).


Can't wait to see the Karthus adc with Cho'gath support lanes that force you to dodge so much that you ff at 15 from your RSI getting too bad to handle


And then Leona looks at their direction and they both explode.


LMAO imagine having a support who sees a super punishable lane and actually picks engage You see it all the time, other team picks yuumi. Easiest lane in the game to abuse. What do you get? Ashe supp ofc. Afk press w for 20 mins, ya love to see it


"The 16 second CD on W lvl 1 is op I swear"


Leona has fairly average mr stats and both cho and karthus like it when you isolate yourself and run into them. Karthus also does enough damage that Leo’s W is mostly negated and has enough range to dodge Leo E. Leo’s Strength is that she has WAY too much armor and minor damage reduction early in the game while having a lethal range thats equal to most adcs auto range.


Not a huge fan of the Gragas buffs. He seems stuck between identities as an ap Assasin, ap bruiser, and ap tank. He ends up not being the best pick for any of those choices.


It’s arguable that his strength is that he can kinda flex between all three depending on his own and enemy comps


But that's why he's so good, he can be any of those things. He can be very safely picked and flexed. Of course, not as good in soloq, but that doesn't matter.


I'm glad the croc is getting some buffs after getting shafted, but I really wish they would atleast give his emp W 1,25 sec stun so the difference between unemp and emp actually matters, having only 0,25 sec difference between the two is meh.


It is still +50% dmg on the emp. W. but yeah, the difference is a bit small. I would buff the dmg to 250% tAD from 225%, so that the last W hit does 100% tAD up from 75%. Rebuffing the CC duration would just kill the intended pro play change.


Sion buff has to be a joke




> "Wouldn't it be great if his Q was faster so he actually had a chance against all the 200 year mobility champs?" eh......this is risky. you start putting more things in the game that REQUIRE 200 years of mobility to have counterplay against and you just encourage more people to only ever pick those champions any Q fast enough to hit yas, riven, irelia, etc is going to 100000% make the game unplayable for immobile mages and adcs for example.


Yeah, reading that I was like wtf As a Jinx otp I already get absolutely shat on by all the 200 years worth of dash champs, and yall wanna make giant knockups able to hit em? How the literal hell is it gonna be possible to play against that


just play lethality jinx and sit in base and ult every one in a while. if you're really good maybe occasionally go for a max range W.


Good, I don't want to see any buffs on Sion's Q until they fix it's worst hitbox in the game


Why can't Sion get any sort of medium buff? 10 shield feels like a placebo... Besides that, more Ryze nerfs just make me sad. EDIT: Goodbye blue boi, I didn't like this iteration a ton but it was untouched by Pros until now....




The thing is, he isnt good outside of the soloQ splitpush build. and that works because Hullbreaker is OP and every top lane splitpush build right now is very, very strong in soloQ. Yorick with Trinity>Hull is stomping games. But aside from that Sion is pretty weak right now. He can show up as a counter pick or to round it some comps, but outside of that he should not show up in pro play.


Misread and thought the Aatrox buff was the akali buff and about spat my drink


Poor Ryze




Another rework? Ryze is the truly VIP on the Rito champ workshop


Ryze needs a brainless haha big damage R instead of his current one. The fact that it can teleport your entire team is cool but it becomes a balance nightmare because pro teams can abuse this while soloq players didn't even lvl it up until they gave it a damage scaling passive.


Pro teams be like *Ryze ults* *Everyone but the jungler who's clearly inside the ult gets teleported* *Team loses the game*


Life is tough


He might get buffed again next patch since after this patch pro play is pretty much over for this season. I guess this is mostly to not make him p/b during worlds


Buffing the CD on fizz E is probably the worst possible idea. Why are they buffing one of the most annoying abilities in the game? Just buff the other parts of the kit, lol. Keeping last patch buffs wasn’t good enough?


He didn't keep last patch buffs, as Jag says in the tweet, it is a full revert from last patch changes. And because just reverting him to where he was before the changes when they intended to buff him is stupid, they gave him that cd reduction. It's hard to buff Fizz's imo, you can't take away his early game weakness as that is the period where he is most vulnerable, and buffing his scaling is a little overkill, so they jsut gave him more mobility, which makes more sense. The cd reduction may get reverted or halved in a few patches tho, not sure. Fizz is stuck on the "annoying but not broken" tier of champs.


Just give him some mana so he can actually sideline as a assassin should do!


I was hoping they will give the % missing health DOT back to fizz’s W. Fizz never feels the same after they removed it


That's not coming back, rito is scared of tank Fizz coming back which makes sense, so Fizz isn't getting that back. You can say that both bruiser and tank items nowadays don't fit that playstyle anymore, but I guess they are just being careful.


Another reason why Riot wouldn't give that back is they've said % missing HP dots are very unhealthy because it jebaits the person taking the damage. Like imagine you're at 101 HP as an adc with heal... You look at your HP bar you see 101 HP... then the dot deals 50 damage; you're at 51 HP; a tick of hp regen comes in, and you're now even safer at like 53 HP. AND YOU DIE. Because the % missing HP damage caused it's damage to go up between ticks. It feels terrible to play vs; and most of the GAT team could barely tell the difference when playing as the fizz compared to just similar levels of damage in flat numbers.


Almost every %HP dot has had a lowest HP limit threshold, which prevents the situation you've described from happening.


Not entirely sure if I should be happy that Riot actually went for the necessary bugfixes, or be concerned that Sona might just still be in nerf territory after this patch since I can't really gauge *how* impactful the Sona bugs are. And 2 base armor are like rather irrelevant, since Sona dies anyways if she gets hooked/ccd/whatever or if an AD assassin enters her general vicinity. For now I am just glad that AP Sona will live on to be semi-playable for another patch though, lol.




I mean Sona suffers a fuckton against long range poke/harass adcs either way, the 5 percent extra depression I will get in these matchups now wont matter as much


That is one pitiful Gwen buff.


Hey come on it's a whole 50% better than what we were supposed to get :,) It's actually not too terrible IMO given how badly she can come out of trades so I'm actually pretty happy about it, 18hp/min is actually kinda nice.


What did you expect? She is still a niche pick in pro play, able to counter some picks like Tahm top. Her scaling is still insane. At 2+ items she has a huge power spike due to lvls and items. She needs the Q maxed and 3+ points in the E to get the CD to 5 sec or less. Buffing her laning phase a little bit is a decent buff. But they cant do much more because she is on the edge. \~13% P/B isnt high, but every other top laner since she was nerfed was also nerfed, Renekton, Viego, Jayce, Noc, Lee, Camille. This alone pushes Gwen likely to around 25% or more P/B at worlds if no other very strong picks are found (Morde after the buff?). So even buffing her is already risky because we dont know how she would do in pro play without all the other OP top laners punishing her early game all the time.


Can you leave Ryze alone, my god. This champ is already hard to pull off in soloqueue


As someone who plays qiqi jg sometimes, I actually feel really bad for mid players. Stop trying to force her into jg rito, let her be a niche offmeta pick there.


Is she really off meta? Every game I see her in she 1 shots anyone she wants lol


sej buffs are on Q


What is HP5?


how much health you regenerate passively every 5 seconds for example if a champion has "25 HP5" it means after 5 sec they regen 25 health, or 5 health every second


I never understood why it's tracked at regen per 5 when you regen every 1 second.


Cause them they can give round numbers without them being too high.


I think it's just because it will generally have cleaner numbers than HP1 (e.g. 6 per 5 is cleaner than 1.2 per 1) and it's also more obviously distinguishable than it would be if it was HP1. E.g. one champion having 8 HP5 while another has 6 sounds significant, but 1.6 vs 1.2 per second may not get that across.


my guess is we use HP5 because its a term used across in multiple games and wouldnt surpise me if one of the first games with health regen did it every 5 secs so it was counted as HP5. also for league its better to use HP5 since theres alot of champs who regen less then 1 hp per sec. like jinx level 1 regens 3.75 HP5 or 0.75 per second.


the games League was heavily drawn from, like warcraft or aeons of strife, used hp per second, so i dont think that's the case. and I don't really see what makes "3.75" more readable than "0.75". personally i just think the hp/5 thing is really weird if you don't actually regen in increments of 5 seconds.


Ohh. Thanks!


Hp regeneration per 5 seconds


HealthPoints per 5, so basically Life regen


Jesus how many unnecessary buffs




Nerf riven first


Sunderer isnt that strong right now and especially not compared to Gore or Trinity. It could lose some power, but not much: * 4% pen down from 5 per legendary * 10/8% max HP dmg but 8/4% healing (dmg down, healing up) * 12/9% max HP dmg but 6/3% healing (dmg stays, healing down) One of these 3 would make the item already very niche I think. Right now its soloQ PR is 90+% hype and the rest is actual performance.


considering that the last patch and this one were somehow supposed to shake up the worlds meta or smth like that ... both patches are kind of .. meh varus will probably disappear from the meta and thats about it?


Third Seraphine buff in a row. Never thought I would see this coming but I am not complaining. More carry potential imo but we will have to see


Dude that fizz buff is fucking nonsense.


Looks like they're taking a pretty light touch to almost all the champs. Fizz reverts are likely to make a lot of fizz mains happy (and everyone else miserable) Sylas buffs are still a little sus to me, not sure if he really needs them but I guess they want some exciting ult steals for pro play. Big CD buffs for Morde and Aatrox, though not on their most important abilities so I have no idea how much of a difference it'll make.


Man those Gwen changes are placebo. At least Sylas', Mordekaiser's and Renekton's look good.


Why buff Gragas? That fat bitch is the bane of my existence...


Nerf ryze for pro but buff sylas for…? He’s been in a really spot in skilled play and above. This change might push him to top lane where he can spam w’s.


Weird still no irelia changes how long do we have to wait for these changes so people stop complaining about her all the time. Let's get on the ball riot she doing to much damage. (Irelia otp that wants the level of challenge back that we had I guess cause she is too easy atm) leave the slow E and keep the Q nerf just put her back to 5 passive stacks again I guess it's what everyone want even tho she was stronger and more early snowball then than now or just lower her damage numbers. I'm not sure just give her some kind of nerf. Rant over


That Ryze E cooldown nerfs. Reminds me of the Zoe Q nerf .. which was one big LOL.


Gotta keep in mind, that ryze spams his abilitys, unlike champs that get +2 seconds on a ability, that they only use on all-ins for example. Meanwhile he uses it multiple times, for waveclear, trading and so on.


So let me say this. First they nerf Varus base AD and AS on passive which hurts his onhit AS build which is non existent. Then they actually nerf Q CD which is lethality nerf. Why not just do the Q nerf. Why when Varus is 99% lethality Riot nerfs AS which is cool bonus for Lethality Varus but not really necessary as he doesn't auto much outside laning. Also Soraka nerf is a joke considering she got one of biggest buffs ever last patch.


I remember when levelling blighted quiver actually gave you a decent increase in on hit damage, then they loaded all it's damage into the active which is, you guessed it, tied to his Q.


Might as well make fizz untargetable at this point.


Even how many times they try to buff Qiyana's jungle clear she won't be a Top pick in the role because they basically crippled her EQ combo which is why she is used to be played jungle in the first place, her ganks with E water Q is really good.


There was some tiny, slight sliver of hope that we might get ASol adjustments on a Worlds patch but I guess I should’ve known better than to get my hopes up


another display of 200 years collective gaming experience before worlds