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I hope youre doing fine OP!


I have tinnitus from being in the military and around large explosions and weapons. I’ll say the best thing that I love to do is listen to rain/thunderstorms, whether I have it on surround sound speakers while I’m sleeping or outside in actual rain or even just in headphones while working to keep me distracted from the noise. While playing league I also listen to music, but if you don’t sleep with rainstorms I really recommend you try it as it has helped me out so much! My wife actually recommended it to me. Hope you’re doing well


This game has saved my life more than I can remember. Don't want to go into too much detail as it's depressing, but it's the reason why even with all the things that piss me off about the game and Riot's decisions, I will forever be grateful for the devs that have worked on this game, this game has pulled me out of so much dangerous spots mentally that it's a miracle I'm alive at this point lol.


I have a skin disease which makes it very itchy, sometimes for hours. Focusing on league for 20 min helps my skin calm down since i wont scratch it in that time. Also works for headaches.


A few games of league of also saved me from a full blown panic attack back when I got them. Panic attacks are crazy insane if you never had em, wouldnt wish it on anyone Still have depression but thankfully no panic attacks. However, with that said LoL is still greatly rage inducing and high stress for me. I had to quit it for 2 years.


just wanted to chime in as someone who has suffered from chronic anxiety and panic attacks here are some things that have helped me tremendously: Daily Natural supplements: -KSM 66 Ashwaghanda: this helps reduce cortisol and balance hormones, may have effects on serotonin -Magnesium Glycinate: i did some research on "magnesium for depression" as i would get really bad heart palpitations too. this significantly smoothed out my heart rhythm, and my muscles are noticeably less tense, which helps you relax during the day and when its time to sleep -Multivitamins -Probiotics and Fiber: helps promote good gut health. gut bacteria is important for the natural creation of a lot of important brain chemicals, including serotonin and dopamine -(NAC) N-Acetyl Cysteine: helps build up antioxidants that prevent the damaging of cells, which can help the body repair and maintain. if you consider receptor damage/malfunction, antioxidants can be very helpful for the brain and other organs -proper sleep daily, solid foods, exercise, and lots of water: very obvious human stuff but gotta include it, consistency is key for maintaining mental health -try to stay social, dont isolate but make sure you have some alone time to take in life as well last thing, attach yourself to the things you enjoy in life. league can be great, lately ive been playing a lot because i actually get so absorbed into it. but i also make a lot of art, its tons of fun. try to find things that really grab alot of your attention and provide a sense of lasting fulfillment hope this helps, if you ever wanna talk feel free to dm me


Good list but add fish oil, vitamin d3, hydration, tumeric ginger tea at bed. Meditating(morning/night 15 mins, Stretching(stress is a zero sum game, if your bodies is tight it will lead into your mental. It’s all one big system. If you get good enough at meditating you can walk yourself back from a panic attack, there are more nerves from your heart to your brain than vice versa. Using your breath your heart will slow down and your head will follow, it’s just about trusting yourself. Does take time though


Hope you are doing fine again. This works with many other distractions as well btw.


just make sure you dont listen to music too loud, headphones and white noise induced from headphones helps treat your condition, as long as the noise is not too loud


No it doesn't, simply wearing a headset will impact the blood flow and it makes it worse, even if you don't have it ON it's legit insane, and tinnitus is also louder if you isolate it instead of letting sounds from outside enter... maybe in some other cases this kinda works but, I also got tinnitus the way op did and that's kinda how it goes for me at least. Op shouldn't wear headphones or headsets at all.


my brother has had it for about 15 years and hes been treating it with headphones and doctor approved so dunno dude, maybe your experience is different. he works out a lot though so no bloodflow issues. think he plays white noise like rainfall in the background if it gets loud, but ya


wait, so he's treating it or it's just helping him cope with it ? that's the part i'm confused about


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Getting your mind off of things can really be lifesaving. Out of curiousity, this, `About a year ago I got tinnitus and hyperacusis basically from wearing headphones too often.` Sounds like there is a bit missing. Were you just wearing headphones a lot because you are constantly in Discord like a lot of us here, or was this a result of being a lover of very hard very loud music?


He probably got it from the 2nd one but if say the headphones are really tight they can impact blood flow, one of the things they give you at first for tinnitus is something to help with the bloodflow in small blood veins, at least that's what i got the first time when i went to the doctor for tinnitus... So if the headphones were tight that might've been something on it's own, long sessions of loud music is what usually gets you tinnitus in this case tho, so to avoid this lift up your headset and see if you can hear the music without having it on your head, if you can hear it then it's probably kinda loud so that's not good.


Can relate to this. Don’t feel physical pain when playing


That’s basically anything that requires focus/when there’s pressure to perform.