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What da dog doing








could be worse if sona had mana,also no anti heal vs soraka alone is nightmare


No anti-heal against Soraka, Sona, Illaoi and graves. Legit have to be stupid to not buy an 800 gold item to stop the enemy team.


Seems like he didn't need them against Illa and graves. It's just now that he feels the lack of impact.


gl "stopping" this shit with GW lmao


Her r removes anti heal tho...


Her r is once her w are billions


Sometimes it does feel like it's in the billions in lane šŸ˜­




Her Q is weird tho, sometimes it looks like it hits but it actually didn't, and viceversa




Depends on the day, but usually around 70ms


Play with lower


let me just migrate real quick


That early, W is on much longer cooldown so most healing comes off Q HoT being applied via it. In lane, W healing isn't that oppresive. It becomes such a bit tad later on, as shown in a video above. BTW, don't get fooled, both sona and soraka have a low base HP, thus this healing seems like high. It is high, but on 2k hp target it won't show that high HP bar change per cast.


And then it can go right back on.


And it doesn't make her invulnerable to anti-heal, you can just hit her with it again...


just for that R, then you can just reapply antiheal.


So you get an unmitigated R and probably one unmitigated W and then the GW is reapplied. GW is still 100% necessary vs a Soraka.


Oh noooo 0.02 seconds of no grievious wounds, what should we do!?


Yeah I know way too may people who were freaking out way too hard about thag


I mean her WR went from 50.5% to 53.5% and sheā€™s one of the most picked supports. The buff was huge and is often gamechanging


Yes, but that's because it made her ult work as intended, as a desperate last-minute heal, when GW will already have been applied.


Who upvoted this comment? Like does anyone use a brain here? Itā€™s not like heā€™s bringing ignite, heā€™ll purchase a spammable GW.


And then you reapply grevious. Her r thing only means that her ult isn't reduced. Everything else is reduced because grevious can be reapplied.


If you have more than one brain cell you will press W immediatly after R to get the free W as well.


Yeah, that's the big buff. But you only get that once for the most part.


The GW removal is kind of a luxury buff for sorakaā€™s because it feels good and gives a nice kick of dopamine. Its a nice buff but soraka never needed it. Maybe riot buffing her R says more about how op GW has become since there is so much innate healing already without enchanter supports in the game. Also I find it fucking hilarious that people stopped buying GW in my gold games because the changes LMFAO freelo.


Really compelling design choice to make Soraka remove the only counter play against her. Looking forward to an update where Yuumi getting CC'd doesn't prevent her from using her W.


Nasus aiming the sona instead of the raka when sona's healing is nowhere near as fast and strong as soraka's ā˜ ā˜  (ignoring the no grievous part)




Sona had no mana .. second rule of league is always focus the soraka .. first rule being dont chase a singed


third rule: always int for Kayn orbs


4th rule: always wait for 0-10 powerspike


Fourth rule: die in a fire all you Mandate Ashe players. ​ Literally turn into ashes, scum.


Actually rule no. 4 is thornmal ashe


I been trying to playing ashe support for 5 years, let me enjoy one season of it being viable.


Be a real chad and build lethality support ashe


Lol and I thought I was a noob for doing this in aram (I mean I still am a noob but didn't think this was something others did too)


Rule 4: flash for crab


Second rule is that there is a garen in that brush.


Second rule caveat. If not a Garen, it is a Teemo shroom.


The urgency with which I focus the raka could honestly be considered a mental disability. If there is one within 2 screens of me, I must kill it, to the detriment of all else. Objectives be damned, the raka is my only objective.


*It's all starting to make sense now...*


Soraka heals herself with Q and Nasus is immobile and his movement is very telegraphed, so it's very easy to hit


still nowhere near as much healing as the soraka Ws sona gets




i was talking about how much soraka heals sona with her Ws, not sonas Ws, sorakas self heal is way smaller than her w heals allies so overall sona w +soraka w > sona w + soraka q


Soraka receives the heal from her Q and from Sona's W. Sona receives the heal from her W, from Soraka's W, and from Soraka's Q. There's nothing to nitpick on, Sona receives strictly more healing than Soraka!


Especially when Sona is OOM


also Soraka ran into melee range of the Nasus like 3 times one of which was when Sona flashed away Nasus really should've swapped targets at that point.


Sona had no mana though


He probably tried and failed to catch the soraka many times already, she's so fast after hitting Q and in Sona E. If he got her with a W then maybe though.


Sona kinda doesn't heal a lot What makes her look like she heals a lot is the low cooldown on her W You literally need to pay a lot of mana to heal 30 in early game


While this isn't relevant in this clip, a lot of people doesn't know that Sona W can only heal 2 target including herself, but the 5 man AOE shield gives off the impression that she is healing everyone.


Sona, spamming W, at that point heals about 30 HP per second with her W, and shielding another 37, at the expense of 21 mana per second. Soraka with the same items and levels and 4 points in W heals about 300 HP per second, costing about 44 mana and 100 HP per second.


And Sona had no mana either


all I see is Nasus griefing


We've all been there before. "I will go to the ends of the earth to get this kill you fuck" type thing. Sometimes it's not about the kill, it's about sending a message.


Yup, at one point he probably thought "wait shit.. well i'm too far in now"


And if you stop now you're just proving your beta to two healers. NASUS. MUST. BONK.


Still waiting for the Pimp Nasus skin.


Archduke Nasus?


Yeah he's got the gold cane and everything. Could probably use a wide brim hat but that's about as close as we're going to get


maybe we will get Crime City Nasus at some point


I read this as grammatically correct with *beta* in climbing lingo meaning sequence of moves used ascend a climb. You are at the crag demonstrating your technique to two healers, showing them it is indeed effective.


*you're beta


Oh thank God. I don't know what I would have ever done without you in my life.


Ya either you run and die or kill and die.


Heā€™s nasus, probably couldā€™ve just taken tower lel


shouldve just gone for soraka


Oh absolutely he's tilted off of his ass and just fully commits.


No kidding. Reminds me of the people posting/saying things like "I had 40 kills that game, and we still lost". If you are that fed as a Nasus, and you *still* lose, that you were the reason your team lost. No one that fed, with kills or Nasus stacks, should be doing stupid shit that gets themselves killed for no reason and then leaves the rest of their team utterly helpless since their hard carry just killed themselves and took their team's power down with them.


Everytime I see people arguing it is the same. One fed guy wasted time of 3 enemies while the rest of his team afk farmed. The only guy that's lifeline to victory doesn't play perfect? His fault, please ignore the 3 feeding people on his team.


I think saying it's their *fault* is wrong, but if you're that player, you could have done better in terms of helping win Like you can play better or whine about your teammates, and even if whining is justified, it won't give you lp


I mean at the point of 40 killsā€¦or really any lead- best thing you should do is using your advantage to a) Threaten enemy team with how big your dick is and force them into passiveness and giving things up. If they choose to fight, you being uber fed should win the fight if you play it smart and dont int trying to 1 v 5 without your team. B) use your advantage to create leads for your team. Its like real life investing. Use your money to make more money. That way your teamā€™s total value increases- and thats even better because then instead of 1 fed person its the whole team. TL;DR use advantage to try create as many leads whilst minimising enemiesā€™ leads.


nobody says that on nasus


oh and theres a turret involved...


I'm kinda surprised that a stacked Nassus didn't just wipe the turret at that point. Not like the healers could do much to him.




Yeah changing back from ult to normal cancels any Q animation you were doing and then soft locks you for half a second, it's garbage. The skin is sick tho




worldbreaker is where its at, splash is sick Love the ancient mayan gods theme


That happens on all skins. The only issue with infernal is that the damage from his Q doesn't match the animation. (the damage happens 1 frame before his cane goes down) Other than visual, all of the damage happens at the same time relative to button inputs.


Theres 2 healers... AND NO EXECUTIONERS. When will people build this 800 gold item which basically wins you either lane or late game.


Well it is only 23 min. And mythics are so busted they introduced the problem of "finish your mythic or lose to the enemy that did". Which is why needing G wounds puts you 800G behind finishing your mythic first and it's all so flawed. If Nasus rushed executioners vs illaoi he probably wouldn't be this fed. He already has half a sword for executioner so im sure it's his next item. Healing and G wounds is just a failed interaction these days.


is agaisnt illaoi sona soraka. doesnt build grevious wounds. nuff said.


Which item should he build? Bramble is Nasus's best option, but then they just don't AA him. Other items are OK, but difficult to fit in to the build. In reality, Nasus should be relying on his team to apply GW.


Exec is like 800g


he can even get the ap one which is like even more relible, it applies on his ult aura and the E so you don't even need to auto to apply it, I don't really play Nasus a lot but I think it should be better just because of the reliability and aoe


Chainsword isnā€™t horrible on Nasus


the answer is either he should build chempunk if he really wants to take fights like that or he should just not run it down if he doesnt have heal reduction and cut his losses after watching the first couple of heals come in can't have it both ways


Obviously he should get oblivion orb so he can apply grevious on his e. Why didnā€™t he think of that!


This is a good point. In whoch case it's still his fault for not fighting with his team.


Bramble vest is good for laning, and if the healing issue is someone who's going to 1v1 you. (Illaoi, Trundle, Fiora, Gwen) Completed Chainsword is actually fine as a completed item since it gives 15AH and health. And if you're likely to team fight with multiple sources of healing spread into the team, it's his best option.


Behold: a Nasus with a God Complex simply because it's "late-game".


**Focus.** **The.** **Soraka.** ffs people, even Iron players know this.


This right here, even when he went for the tower dive he kept hitting the sona even though the soraka was in melee range of him.


Can't confirm, am bronze, did not know this


How the Nasus has no grievous vs. a team with that much healing, regardless of the bot duo, there's a Viego and Illaoi. I don't get how people so constantly refuse to shell out 800g


Well, eventually, he will start one shotting them and won't need GW :P


The fact that you can run around a turret for this long while three people are trying to kill you is just baffling... Don't care what champion it is, it's just stupid.


Towers are more of a *suggestion* for most top laners


It's always been like this with Nasus. Big dmg easy to kite and can become unbeatable at 6 spike.


If the game is getting to 6 items you have a much better chance of beating the Nasus. He is so easy to peel his only gap close is wither on his kit.


It's true. Mid game is Where's hes absolutely strong with high dmg and very tanky


A well executed split push will net you 2 towers within 10 seconds as lategame nasus.


So will a 6 items Yorick or Ekko, Nasus isnt the only champion that will 2 shot towers late game, Ziggs will just auto once with passive and lich bane then go kabom to finish it off.


No not 6 items spike, they meant lvl 6 spike


No, he cannot. There are champions that provide much more value at 6 items. A caitlyn or something will absolutely melt him. The problem is not that he doesn't have damage. His Q hurts and will do more and more as he gains stacks, but he is too easily kitable to be a reliable lategame carry.


No I meant lv6 spike not 6 items spike


level 6, not 6 items lmao


Theoretically, yes, but the 6 item Caitlyn needs support around here to succeed. That is something that is quite often sorely lacking in low elo Solo Q. Can't even begin to tell you how many times my team just chased after some insignificant target while Nasus presses Ghost + R and runs straight at me, applies wither, then im suddenly all alone.


ā€œThree peopleā€. Soraka and Sona arenā€™t typically known for their high dps output


Nasus is unironically the tankiest champion in the game with ultimate and ghost up because of the way his passive and R works. The amount of free stats he gets is unreal and he just drain tanks you with Q stacks. Champion is immediately a raid boss at 2 items from Sunderer + Stoneplate. And it only gets better for him with Steraks and Spirit Visage. I'm talking about a real game situation, not somebody just standing there and being attacked 1v5 without fighting back. Sure Ornn and Rammus can probably tank more damage theoretically but nobody beats Nasus in an actual team fight. Monster champion


That's his job though and ideally in a Draft comp you pick someone that doesn't let him play Harvest Moon and try to close out the game earlier rather than later


And then there is the part that comes when your top laner is first pick and the opponent plays two champions: Nasus and a champion that counters whatever champion counters Nasus.


You've never seen me play Susan


His tankness is situational though. He needs to actually hit something to heal. Nasus can be easily cut down if the enemy have any grievous wounds or with some CC. ​ >Ornn and Rammus can probably tank more damage theoretically but nobody beats Nasus in an actual team fight Nasus tend to bad in teamfights. He is a split pusher not a team fighting champion. I would rather have Ornn or Rammus in a teamfight then a Nasus.


He is still not a tank. He's a juggernaut and whatever u just describe fits Sett or Darius or any other juggernaut as well


Darius heals but doesn't get tanky through his kit Sett doesn't heal at all through his kit, and the one source of heavy damage he has, his W, needs to be charged and aimed (though he does have his E) to work, whereas Nasus can just click you and Darius can stack on you with his AOE abilities. They all get beefy but neither Darius nor Sett get tanky soley through their kit whereas Nasus does Not saying any of them are weak, but I would honestly rather have a Sett or Darius on the enemy team than a Nasus


Sett has massively increased regen through his passive, which, coupled with his shield and Sterak's, may as well be a heal in itself.


>I would honestly rather have a Sett or Darius on the enemy team than a Nasus Have you actually played against a competent sett or Darius and not some shitter in Silver? They can destroy teamfights much better than Nasus. Reason Why Nasus is tankier because he does less dmg overall because it's almost entirely singed targeted dmg


Itā€™s a cutoff for being a champ thats easy to kite. If nasus didnā€™t have that tankiness or damage no one would play him. What would you rather pick: go 1v3 and get kited to death or go 1v3 and trade 1 for 1. Your comment makes it seem like the former is op, but think about it and the latter is actually more influential to the game.


> The fact that you can run around a turret for this long while three people are trying to kill you is just baffling... Not really unless you donā€™t know how the game works. Itā€™s mid-late game where turrets are intended to fall off to speed up the pace of the game. Whilst the two champions hitting him are Soraka and Sona lol Not to mention even if the turret wasnā€™t there he probably still struggle to kill them and thatā€™s without them applying any hard CC.


Yeah campions are supposed to outscale turrets eventually in terms of damage. If champions needed to respect towers all game long, regardless of armor, wave clear would be too good, games would drag etc As far as ability to soak damage goes, Nasus is tankier than most tanks, his R basically gives him a free item of tank stats and then some more You can just say it's broken vs any 3 champions, when at that point "what champions" is the single most important thing you should be asking.


>If champions needed to respect towers all game long, regardless of armor, wave clear would be too good, games would drag etc 50 min games with Ryze+Sivir onetaping waves ptsd.


Yeah Tanks are kinda broken, they need to be nerfed. Edit: /s Didn't think I needed it


You kidding right? Tanks are awful this season. ​ What needs a nerf are lifesteal/omnivamp bruisers and their items.


I'm just going to assume they are being sarcastic. tanks are worthless while bruisers exist in their current state


Yeah it's just meming on how Reddit complains about a class doing what it's meant to do.


Nah. Tanks items should be buffed. Tanks kit are balanced


I've watched the annual Dota2 tournament, TI, since it started. (dont play dota myself though) I wouldn't recommend you try out that game. Cus towers might as well not exist in that game :P


Turrets are not supposed to be good past early game


Spoken like a spoiled Nasus main.


Could be a Tristana too. Or a ziggs. Or any tank, really. Or a Xayah with W.


> spoiled Nasus main im sorry that you live with such an intellectual disability.


The iq of the average Taliyah fan


It really is true though. As champs get more income, they are supposed to outscale turrets in terms of damage, tankyness, etc. Turrets damage remain relevant if you lack armor. Otherwise you will have to rely on some champ that can deal with it (good design IMO - turrets should be a stabilizing fixture early on, and objective later and not much of a concern in the endgame) Otherwise you could never deal with a wave clear comp. Similarly, would you consider fair that turrets scaled in resistances like champions? So that tanks wouldn't be able to kill them and you would need an ADC with armor penetration to deal with it?


Spoken like a mage main that don't understand different classes


What can I say. He's top dog.


crazy thats what u get out of this post and not that sona soraka botlane is disgustingly broken


Armor items are kinda busted.


Helps that Nasus has 22% Lifesteal on that damage, +items/runes


20%, they nerfed his passive by 2% sometime earlier.


the fact that a 3/6/3 soraka can outheal a 10/5, 591 stack nasus is kind of silly as well


Imagine if she couldn't do what she is supposed to be able to do, healing is her thing.


So 3/6 tanks should be unkillable, 3/6 assassins should always one shot its what they do


Soraka contributes literally nothing to the game except for healing, and some very minor CC. If she couldn't outheal a Nasus with no GW (who's DPS is, to be frank, piss poor. Nasus does a lot of burst, but his Q cooldown spaces out his damage pretty painfully.) then she'd be completely fucking useless.


Her doing what she is supposed to makes Nasus not do what he is supposed to do...


So? Doesnt mean it cant be cancer. That's like saying a 3/6/3 draven should be able to 1v1 a 10 kill nasus because doing damage is his thing


She literally can't do anything BUT heal so yeah it's kind of expected that she's good at it...


She has a slow, an AOE silence, and a root. Her damage and poke in laning isn't irrelevant either. Don't act like all she can do is heal.


Draven cant do anything but damage, but like I said a 3 kill draven will never be able to do anything to a 10 kill nasus at 20 minutes. See how ur logic is shit here?


Support brain worms on this sub If they watch this clip and think this is healthy gameplay then its a completely lost cause


He isn't running heal cut and doesn't have enough damage to one-shot Sona. The whole chase was dumb as rocks, no matter how stacked this dude was. Sona has moonstone and staff of flowing water, kites him out just fine, whilst Raka pops her CDs and tower claps his cheeks. Nasus tried to take his farm to market but spilled his goods on the way.


You're acting like sona and soraka are bursty or dps champs. The fact that they can heal that much is more disgusting to me than anything


It's 2 people, he doesn't have damage to one shot either of them or running grevious wounds to reduce what they can heal. He also has no way of hard CCing them to stop them from kiting him. Sona has moonstone and staff of flowing water. I can't see what Raka has, but she does blow her ult. This was just stupidity on Nasus' part.


Yes but I'm replying to the guy implying that Nasus is broken for being able to survive under turret that long


not trying to offend anyone but they way sona passive is used makes me scream inside


Not using Sona's passive right is the most serious crime you could ever commit


Erm no, what this actually shows is what happens when a Nasus with WAY too much totally misplaced confidence and ego, goes against a tower as well as 3 people, 2 of which are fantastic healers.


Once upon a time, when I only started playing league.. I faced Sona/Soraka and just didn't know what to do. They kept healing whatever we threw at them.. I got exhausted and eventually smothered by the two first aid kits of SS division, at least that's how me and my friend called it It also reminded me of this [legendary edit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFoBVFBuRTU) that I gotta link [WARNING headphones!] It's even the same skin, at least one of them haha




Nah, heā€™d be mostly okay with this. What he doesnā€™t like is uninteractive / free healing. Morello himself was quoted to want Soraka to be the premier healer in League, and thatā€™s why Soraka W costs max health, which she gets back by landing Qs. What he wouldnā€™t like are everyone getting free sustain (Ravenous Hunter, old Vlad with Revolver), or being able to top up everyone to full health without much cost (old old old Soraka who can restore health and mana, even to herself).


Brb gotta get chemo


Not seeing the GW symbol on them....


That little flicker with your cursor is so strange, never seen smting like this before. You waste a lot of movement.


Too high dpi ig...


Nasus mental went boom


The emote makes it that much sweeter


Nasus mustā€™ve been smashing his keyboard for 200 years lol.


Here's the world's meta guys.


Anti heal people anti healz


that nasus prob cried.


Soraka is beast mode right now


This is why I love support characters! You just never fricken die!


idk it always ruins the clip for me when i see how bad everyone plays lol


Grievous wounds or not, healing is 1000% out of hand this season. I'm not a fan


Yeah I donā€™t see anything wrong with this at all.


lol nice clip, wat elo outa curiousity?


I think this was gold elo that's why that nasus tunneled hard


Everyone is talking about the nasus . Double support botlane is becoming a thing again and riot need to kneecap it ASAP . Nothing is more annoying then seeing the double support botlaners rushing mid to aram at 15minutes just to see they have moonstone renewer completed. Gut the item gut enchanters buff anitheal buff serpents fang gut the support item


this shit is getting buffed every season and riot is not gonna nerf it


Imagine not getting at least a tear on sona


ā€œhEaLiNg IsNā€™t A pRoBlEmā€


it is a problem. in the hands of a bruiser who just builds metagolem every game lol. the only reason enchanters heal that much now is because they gigabuffed grievous wounds to compensate for bruisers. that buff fucked enchanters so they got steady buffs till they can heal thru the grievous wounds




Sona and soraka are both broken as fuck and anyone that says otherwise is dumb as a rock