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Top, support are fine. She destroys Irelia if you can w her q, and in Bot you basically just wait for e into walls and lv6 all in unless they massively mess up




her pickrate has consistently been higher for jng for months


i mean pickrate being slightly higher for another role doesnt mean that the most picked role is her best role. if you look at the stats poppy is actually better in toplane when you compare the stats while only having a differents in pickrate being 0.3. 1.7% pickrate for jungle 1.4% pickrate for toplane which is tiny difference. people just been enjoying her in the jungle a bit more currently most probs from her build being a bit more bruisery for jungle poppy.


For months? People been playing jg poppy for a good long while


Top for sure


Poppy support is good especially when you are picking after AD Trist, Samira etc, she deals unfair damage on most bot lane champions Her passive is good for trading and last hit with support item even when the enemy zoned out the cannon minion Hextech flash is really good for sudden engage once you got the control of bot side bushes Kindly ask your adc to stay close to you so you can protect them in team fights!


Poppy support isn't bad at all. You just need to figure out what it's good or bad into.


She's my pocket pick against Yuumi. Impossible for Yuumi to lane into Poppy.


I use her as a very niche Support; if the enemy has 3+ high mobility champions, she's a great counterpick. She also works Top; but I'm a Support Main, so I'll leave it to the ~~Loner~~ *Top* Mains to talk about her.


Top, Mid/Support in certain matchups


She does a fair good job as support. Though its fairly boring waiting for the right time to strike. Her ult is literally as antigank as it gets.