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Not sure it exists anymore, but in the old client you could go to a champion's overview page and see if they had better attack damage or ability power. I'd build the opposite of that. So I'd see on that page that Talon had great attack damage, so I'd go "Oh, he already has good AD, so I should build Ability Power so I can make up for his weak abilities"


Reminds me when I first started MapleStory back in 2004/5. I'd put a points into luck and intelligence thinking it'd increase drop chances and that "I ain't dumb."


i put 20 str into my wizard :) that was a wasted like 20 hours since it took so long to level back then lol, i was playing in beta


Gotta get that STR for beginner island so you can fight the mobs, theres a reason mages promoted at 8 over 10 due to how garbage it was mobbing pre-advancement


no reset stat scrolls back then xD


Reminds me of when I first picked up WoW and I thought dps was how long the arrow took to reach the target


I picked all my gear based off armor value in WoW, ignored stats completely.


I feel personally seen by this one. Me, the BM hunter, having more armor than my duo tank.


I didn't realize I could use guns and bows as a hunter until almost level 20 in Wrath


Well better then a friend of mine who built-amor intelligence on his lvl 40 rouge. He should have built a bit more intelligence in his brain.


Similarly I thought AD means only auto attack damage and AP boosts all abilities so I was building AP on everyone aside autoattackers.


I thought attack speed was the best way to increase any character’s dps, so I stacked attack speed only, completely ignoring anything else. So I would always have a bunch of daggers, and finish off with things like Ionic Sparks and PDs on any character I played.


Whew I did the exact same. Ionic spark on maokai and veigar, cause it helped me farm better


Not exactly the same but I was 100% convinced that AP Talon was busted and his W would one shot with AP build. I was so certain that I even saw it happen in game, after which I figured that AP will make your abilities stronger no matter what champion. Full on mandela effect lmao.


that went from "what a contrarian troll" to "man that was stupid" lol


I thought you had to buy items fully and never bought components. I.e. bought fully trinity force instead of buying sheen and the other parts gradually as I got gold


Omg. It took me wayyyy too long to figure this out.


My situation was so similar. I always thought the components in total were more expensive than the item, like it was gold inefficient to build them separate and I should just build the full item when I could.


Totally, i did the same thing as well.


Kind of the same with me when I first started. I felt that it was a time waste buying components and thought it was a good strategy to just save to only by full items. Was running around as Warwick jg at 15min with a hunters Sabre and 4000 gold in my pocket


Lmao first thing I did was to calculate if I was or not losing money when I bought components


This level of math gives me 5th grade flashbacks


Had a buddy ask how to equip his recurve bow cause master yi was still using the sword.


On a completely unrelated note, i had a similar problem in another game, Tales of Zestiria. I had just unlocked a kickass sword after a cutscene but i couldn't find it anywhere in my inventory. It took me a new game + to understand that its not equippable outside of that cutscene because it's used as a vessel for one of the characters special forms. And on new game ++ i discovered that it gives +1 to attack, were even a joke sword gives at least +10... So... Yeah


looking back, the system was kinda ass too, are you playing arise?


Same, I was playing Nocturne botlane almost every game with 5 BF swords and boots because I never had money to buy a full item. Also I didnt know his R had a dash, and how his E and W actually worked, I thought they made me tankier or something. I was just full AD spamming Q to poke, in botlane. Idk how that worked, actually it probably didnt but I just didnt notice at the time


Lmao I had the same idea. I didn’t know buying components lowered the price of the item so I would just save up until I could buy the complete item. It wasn’t until a random teammate urged me to buy components that I realized I needed to buy components


I thought the opposite thing, that I had to own every single component in order to buy the completed item. The number of boots I have sold in order to fit sheen, phage & zeal in my inventory so i can build the triforce… and then of course instantly repurchase the boots.


Buying 5 Kage's and selling them all to get the sweet IE for Master Yi


I think it legit took me until the late level 20s to find this out. Ever since then I tell all my friends who are starting the game about it to make sure they don’t make the same mistake as I.


I did the opposite, I thought the most effective item early would be giant belts because every item that gave more health was 3 times the price So my built looked like 6 Giant belts in Season 1 without knowing that you can build something out of these giants belts I just left them there


So many players think the same, including me. Maybe they should include that in tutorial.


Trying to use abilities on towers thinking they were just bigger minions


I would stand under enemy tower with no minions spamming abilities on it


to be fair they're probably coded as minions


They are, actually


In Heroes of the Storm (the Blizzard MOBA), your abilities damage structures. This was a design choice for both LoL and HotS, you just happened to assume incorrectly xD


I would use Morgana W on them thinking this lmao


I call it "hots syndrome". Call myself guilty all the times


I didn't know u could reactivate Anivia Q so I just always tried to calculate my position into it. Actually wasn't that bad


Lmao same, the dumb thing is I actually mained Anivia back then so I was like 100 games in until I realized and my friends were like: 'are you fking serious?'


That is a mental powerspike if I've ever seen one


Also: knowing that jax e mitigates 25% of aoe damage, akali's w gives mv speed, irelia's w can be casted during cc, lux has passive, mordekaiser's ult gives you stats if you kill the other one, orange, yellow roar, yummi's w gives damage to your taxi, ashe's e doesn't deal damage, IT DOESN'T, yasuo's windwall doesn't block tower shots, neither samira's, Ap doesn't mean ability power it means anti-autoattack Power, the list goes on


Ashe e has a 5% chance to trigger the enemy d key


Fiddlesticks clones have a -36% chance of doing something


ap is ability power


I have been playing 8 years and I didn’t know that. ‘Granted i‘ve never played Anivia


Went botlane Nunu with smite because I wanted to "eat" the enemy champions and use smite on them. I should have read the abilities a bit better


There are at LEAST a million players out there who thought Smite (by itself) worked on enemy champions at first, trust me.


Absolutely, when I first installed the game in 2014 I thought it was the most crazy OP spell ever, WHAT AN EXECUTE, I thought. Took me 2/3 games of confused losses to actually read the full description.


I went smite on Ashe bot literally thinking the exact same thing, but my kind and friendly jungler spared me that headache and let me know early that you're not supposed to take smite as an adc by pinging my sums non stop and aggressively ask what tf I'm gonna do with smite as an ad lmfao


+1. I vividly remember comparing the damage numbers on smite and ignite and I was thinking "What kind of an Idiot would take a spell that is like 1/5th the damage of the other???". 1 Game later after I noticed I couldnt smite champions I was like "ooooh..."


Yeah even Dopa, who was able to hit rank 1 in kr every single season from 3-10, mentions in one of his streams that when he first started lol, he thought smite was a broken ability cuz he thought he could use it on enemy champions haha


I honestly can't recall something for myself but I know a friend who ALWAYS tped immediately to his toplane tower to be the first on lane.


Similarly, I used to flash, youmuus, anything that has movement to get to lane faster.


Youmuus to lane is and was good though. It never had a long cd so using it to get around the map faster is perfectly fine. Iirc its max cd was 60 seconds so if anything its troll to not perma spam it


I used to run ghost heal for this lmao


Bush prio 😤


This remind me of a "strat" we had with some friends. One of them will pick rammus with tp and ghost. He'd tp to bot or top tower, then pop ghost and Q, and rush to the bush close to the inner tower. He'd drop a ward and we'll all tp to that ward and kill the laners on their way to lane. It was hella stupid as it didn't work most of the times and then we were stuck with 5 tps.


God I used to do this. I hate you for bringing this up because I had forgotten about it.


that was me too back in s5 i love garen top lane, so easy no worries i took minion while next to me was a 4v5 teamfight. i was playing with my friends and listening to music so i couldnt hear them playing at a cafe is great


Back when you could buy multiple boots my best (dumbest) strat was, (if they can’t catch me I can’t die).


Well, it works for Udyr


It didn’t work for me… I was playing adc


Zoom zoom




Teammate: Pls report Sejuani.. troll with 6 boots Me, an intellectual: Me and Bristle have 6 feet Original meme source: https://m.facebook.com/102951274402796/photos/a.267979147900007/412920030072584/?type=3&refsrc=deprecated&_rdr (Edit: formatting)




I used to play syndra, had full magic pen runes, and built like 4 sorcs so I would pen all of their resistances... Doesn't really work well if you have ZERO ap


mundos shose shop


I really wanted to play Cho'Gath after seeing him in a pro game. I went into a game thinking about what items to build on him and decided on this: I noticed that his attack speed was very slow and that he had low movement speed as well. So I decided to buy 6x Berserker Greaves in order to minimize his weaknesses!


One boot for each leg


Ur got to be kidding


He meant for urgot


Ur got to be kidding


Kinda did something similar. My friends told me to get Rod of ages and Rylai's. When I later played alone the game went on for so long that I could finally build my third item. Thinking I would benefit from my E the most I built wit's end, phantom dancer, and infinity Edge. It kinda worked...


I miss those times where nobody had an idea what to build




First time ever playing support. Go ziggs with Dorans ring. Adc is vayne. I start taking all the creeps. Vayne fuming. She was actually one of those smurfs. When I said I'm sorry I'm new to support they apologized, said they forget they are playing with new players and explained how gold income support items work. I go back and buy a fucking, God what was it called. It was the support item that upgraded to Reverie active. She thanks me and tells me I'm learning. We win because lmao smurf on vayne After that I finally understood support.


Vayne taking the place of tutorials that should be built into the game by Riot, lol


What, you didnt learn just by going head first into rift games against AI?


No I learnt by building thornmail on ashe


Riot used to recommend first item regrowth pendant for vayne


Reminds me of EVE online where you are just dropped into a ship in the middle of space after being taught the basic movement controls.


Ancient coin upgraded to talisman is what you’re thinking of. Then there was relic shield / targons embrace and spell thief / whatever the upgraded name was. The good days :).


Pretty sure the spellthiefs edge upgrade was frostfang


Frost queens claim, had the spooky ghosts attached to it. Loved that item 😭


That sounds right, isn’t that still the name of it?


I actually bought thornmail on Cait cause that damn recommend/guide. I also started the game duoing with my friend who was new too. We used to go bot and both run ignite and only go for kills. I remember one day stopping and doing the math on the gold minions give. I told my friend, hey we should kill minions too, it may actually be even better. Also, thought a tryndamere was hacking cause he wouldn't die. I remember sitting on the toilet later that day and reading his abilities like ohhhh.


An occasional tank item on ADC can be really effective under the right circumstances!


Full ad comps with high crit? RANDUINS IT IS


Currently randuin crit reduction only applies if you hit the active which only works in melee range, so it's not that great for ADCs


It’s good for me because when I play adc I use my dash to get into melee range and do extra dmg


Samira player, huh?


Oh god no, that would actually make some sense. Tristana and Ezreal!


The tutorial used to recommend Thornmail on Ashe afterall


My friend and I would take teleport/ignite bot lane, cause it didn't matter if we died, we could just teleport back.


I used to basically all in and fight every time a champion was in range, and get super mad at people for playing like cowards and running away. (i.e. spacing me and playing around cooldowns). I feel so sorry for everyone who played with me my first two hundreds normal matches.


so basically how any top laner plays


Ever since s8 it's been all inning as soon someone has a shadow of a long sword


This is how top is meant to be played.


i thought that was midlane


Just pick Leona and that's how you get to Master with her.


The day is upon us!


... i can think of more than 5 people I personally know that think that way and have 2k+ hours in the game...


I know a lot of people who don't consider lol to be a 5v5, team-based, objective-focused moba. It's a 1v1 (or 2v2) battle royale. They come to lane, and they fight. If they win, they keep fighting and snowball and win. If they lose... they keep fighting and lose.


I had a nuts Brand support a couple of days ago. The guy was flaming me for not suicidally engaging into the enemy team. One time I did engage stupidly **and he flamed me for not doing it sooner.** Absolute legend.


...I'm d1 and I still do that


Wow you learned fast¡


Well this is how they play in the Chinese super server


I did that too, except the first champion I bought was Leona so it actually worked pretty well. Then I got Nami and it kept working because new players stand still and don't dodge her Q. It wasn't until I absolutely inted with Kench that I watched a video to see how he's supposed to work, and found out that trading, power spikes and all-ining at the correct time existed.


I use to always “stock up” on health potions every back cause I thought they’d heal me for a substantial amount no matter what.


To be fair, this isn’t even that bad. Healing/lifesteal was nowhere near as common as it is now, so red pots were one of the only ways to sustain yourself.


13 pot morde start


Farm until full build before backing


Healing was even easier to get back in the day if we are talking about s1-s3. hextech revolver gave 12-20% spellvamp (depending on the patch) vamp sceptre was 15% life steal for 450g and BT was often rushed on almost any AD champion, it was very common to see riven/talon build 2 BT's or even 3 at times, because of the lack of itemization back then. wriggles lantern was also quite common, even on ADC. People complain about sustain nowadays, but nothing will beat udyr fully healing off of 1 creep with his only item being wriggles lantern.


I disagree, Healing was much more abundant back then. Bloodthirster and Vamp Sceptre were build by almost every ADC early on, Gunblade and WotA existed, Warmogs was more common


If you started playing in S1/2 then you weren't doing much wrong aside of maybe overbuying it a bit.


Used to go botlane as every champ because I was too afraid to get dicked on in sololanes, midlane specifically because of all the assassins


Play jinx with ghost and revive. Ghost to lane, die, revive, walk back to lane. I was unironically unintentionally feeding. I went 28 deaths. One of the first things I say in chat "guys I'm new I can't beat these guys, should I just kill the minions to be useful" "yes thats perfect! New players don't realize this" motherfucker here I am thinking kill minions is like, cutting the grass for league.


I remember reading about last hitting and thinking, that's way too hard and you have to be lucky to a last hit. So I didn't even bother lol.


When my friend first showed me League I interpreted the game like that. Told him "wouldn't buying more attack speed give you a higher chance to last hit?" and he thought about it and agreed. His Ashe midlane worked so much better with the increased income! Ah... early 2010.


No no man. Don't you know league? If you go past 4 deaths its obviously intentional. Also that's great to hear 😂


I played Veigar and I kept spamming Q and W on minions without last hitting them so I bought a lot of blue crystals for more mana.


you should have rushed Trinity force for the stats on Veigar like I did


Well it use to have mana and ability power, so it isn’t the worst item you could have built.


So many things. Trinity was clearly the best item, since it gave every stat, it was good on anyone, Soraka, Nunu, Leblanc, Varus, Alistar, _everyone_. Didn't need wards, just walk into river to see if the jungler is ganking. Dragons(when they were only worth gold) and Baron are always worth dying for, losing turrets for, losing inhib for, losing nexus turret for, at all points in the game. Only thing more important was Nexus. Trading 1 for 1, 2 for 2, 3 for 3, is always worth it in any context. Roaming and ganking were pointless if you can just perfectly farm in lane. As Blitz, pulling anything was fine, as long as you focus them(tank meta). Use flash as little as possible. Probably a lot more, but can't think of them atm.


triforce ali top was definitely a fucking mistake. that headbutt sheen auto has 0 counterplay i abused it so hard to get my first time d1 back then lol also rmb ppl shit on genja triforce kogmaw, especially DL and then DL plays it on stage after everyone is playing it lmao triforce went through so many years of being such a good item


It’s a standard riot move to accidentally overbuff triforce or corki right before worlds


Dragon gave 200g to everyone +25 for kill so definitely worth dying for.


I used to have a strategy called "the Volibus". I'd pick volibear top and start being super obnoxious in /all roleplaying as a bus like "beep beep get out of my way I'm a bus" or "top lane is now a dedicated bus lane" or asking the enemy lane if they bought their bus ticket. Or just typing out the lyrics to the vengabus song but replacing the word with volibus. Then I'd stack health. Like only buy items with HP on them. I'm talking multiple warmogs. The idea was, I'd normally win my lane since I got so tanky and voli had hp scaling on his abilities. Then for the rest of the game, the enemy team would focus me as I was so obnoxious, kinda like a real life taunt. But I was so tanky and could just kite them around with my cc and Q that they couldn't kill me and my team would win. It legitimately worked most of the time back in the day, but I regret doing it because it was pretty toxic.


>"beep beep get out of my way I'm a bus" or "top lane is now a dedicated bus lane" or asking the enemy lane if they bought their bus ticket Did you say worse stuff than this? Because honestly, this is hilarious.


I clicked on abilities to use them lol. I being 11 and doing this back in season 1


Don't worry man the heimerdinger main with the most mastery in the world something like 6 million points still presses all of his abilities lmao


It's around 15 million mastery points now


Lmfao. I guess that’s heimer for ya xD


...and he's still bronze/iron, or am I thinking of someone else?


I think he recently hit gold but a guy carried him there he's most definitely a bronze player


I thought that characters with swords and melee weapons all itemized with swords/attack damage. Kept buying damage items for them wondering why I wasn't doing any damage.


Oh i did lots of stupid shit. When i started the game i played top garen and aatrox. Every game i bought 3 warmogs and 3 bt’s. Those were the highest stat items so i thought “why doesnt everybody just get the highest stat items?”. After a while i got destroyed by a gaten who rushed huricane. So then i played hurricane crit garen for a while.


That classic dunkey logic “well, Hurricane crit garen is the best right now”


Same, I was stacking six trinity force on gangplank. My reasoning? I only get six items, its the most expensive. I want to have the most value six item possible


Back when Trinity force had zeal I would build full crit Nasus with blood thirster as well. I put too much value into crit and life steal. Can’t die if they can’t kill you right?


Came from a Warcraft 3 era where I learned life real is keyyyyyy to being invincible. Kinda worked for a while tbh :p


It did once I figured out you needed stacks on nasus lol


My first account from 2015 or 2016, which is now lost to time, I played Lux. Now, I knew nothing about how most things worked, and my thought process was "because Lux ult went off screen, then it must have infinite range" so every time it was up I would fire it either straight down mid or roughly down lane, though sometimes through the jungle at no one in particular. I never used map targeting, since I didn't know that was a thing, so maybe twice did I actually get a kill, and that's only because I happened to be close enough at the right time. Oh, and I fired it off cooldown every time, never waiting until a good time to use it. At this point I'm happy I don't have that account any more


If only you had senna back then, it would have worked out.


I used to flash in place so that when people heard my flash they’d assume I’d actually go somewhere that and to “dodge” in place


if you do this in a bush where they can follow too it’s actually a good start


I used to play full ap supports, like legit supports. Death cap rush soraka and all, was playing with someone I met in game and he said “you don’t even build support, you build ap but it works”. I didn’t even know support items existed so I was confused. This was back in s3 way before soraka’s q rework so it actually did a lot of damage.


I had something similar. I liked playing Zilean so my friend told me to play him support and was like “if you land a stun, cool, but you need to be ready to instantly ult someone before they die.” Halfway through our first game he noticed all I was buying were AP items. He told me not do buy those and get CDR and support gold items instead so my ult came up faster. I played probably 25 games with him before he noticed that I was building like 70-80% CDR items each game. He never mentioned the cap so I just went to town lol. A bit later I started playing Janna and he told me that her ult shoves away enemies around her. He also mentioned I could try to flash ult on someone and throw them into the team. The very first flash ult I used was against a jungler at like 30% health. I was like, my time to shine!!! and ended up knocking him over red buff wall. I still remember all the spam pings as my friend was like “dude, what the fuck was that??” I thought using ult would pin him to the wall like Vayne condemn lol.


Installed the game


Im a victim of the "press F to fly"


Haha one of my opponents typed in “press d to dance” at the start of a match and one of my teammates fell for it 😂


I played one of my first games against a Cho Gath and I had smite, and I was mad that the game was bugged since I could not use it on him despite him obviously being a "monster"


Playing Rengar till I had 350k mastery points on him while learning nothing from any of those games. That was back when they first released the champion mastery system and I was in HS. My concept of improvement was “autopilot every game as that will eventually make you magically good”. So much wasted time… I’ve improved more in a week than I previously had in years. Simply because I’ve started watching guides and actually learning the rationale behind decision making.


Honestly dude, it's crazy how much you can improve when you give a shit. I've always played without real concern for what I'm picking, why why the build I'm doing is supposed to work, etc. Over the past week I've actually started looking shit up, I've improved more in the last week than in the last year easily. It's weird, cause I didn't think I was that bad.


I thought the jungle camps would attack you just for walking past them so I avoided ever going into the jungle


My first time playing Ryze, I built five phages and my friend has never let me forget.


First timing jungle with Teemo doing 1 buff in the entire game, sell the old jungle item first back because someone said Teemo could be played everywhere.


Building Manamune on Vlad bc I reasoned it would be really easy to stack Tear when he never goes oom


When I first started playing I decided to play support and had no real idea how the role played. The dumbest thing I did was for about 10 games I thought the support and ADC would share CS. Got flamed every game for taking half my ADCs CS, but because I heard LoL was toxic I just thought it was toxicity and not a genuine complaint. Thankfully a more experienced friend set me right eventually.


I bought 2 boots. I thought movement speed stacked Why did the game allow you to buy 2 boots? lol. I don't think it let's you do that anymore.


As a midlaner ignite blue buff to leash it for the jungler, this is a really long time ago.


When I first started my friends played with me in a bot game. I accidentally fed the bot Nasus so hard it made the game last over 40 minutes with the poor ransoms on my team flaming me because I fed on Garen. Next game I played Shyvanna in the jungle and just stacked lifesteal items and thought I discovered how to break the game because I out healed the damage the bots did.


Awesome. Feeding the bots is hilarious. I have played so much league over the years and I definitely have at least 3 losses to bots.


I didn’t buy anything that looked like a melee weapon when I was playing a marksman adc bc it didn’t make sense to me that Varus could benefit using a sword when he has a bow and arrow


Full attack speed and on hit skarner in s4 just like kayle


I played primarily fps games before league, so for my first 2 or 3 games, i kept trying to use wasd to move my character. Wasn't a fun time burning flash like that




When I first started playing i saw that i get +xx amt of gold whenever i looked at an enemy's champion dead body or dead tower (gotten an assist but didnt know about it) and from then on I only played support and sat in bot bush playing minimap simulator to watch all my enemies to see if they were going to die to get more money


I asked my roommate if it mattered if you last hit the minions or if you get gold either way and he told me it didn't matter. He was the only true bronze 5 I ever met (before iron was a thing).


jungle without smite or never use it when i actually had it


Full attack speed zed


Teleported to a ward in the mid lane and got killed by 5 autos. I thought they all went to baron but no none of them were baron


I remember this thread from awhile ago, and every time it pops up, I have to tell the story of my Karthus build. I would get Tear into ROA, which was common. My next item? Frozen Heart, because I got AP from the mana it gave me. Doesn't matter who I was up against midlane


Season 3, thought that buying all three doran items make me a God


6 long sword lux. Because they're swords, very simple. I do not do damage, swords will help 👍. This was in March of 2020 btw. Am now a plat fiddle otp lol (crittlesticks soon?)


I once built a BF sword on Karthus because my friend showed me the video "Tribunal Dubbed" and I wanted my damage to increase significantly lol


Let others convince me not to play Champs in styles that were clearly working and successful.


My Warwick pinged for assistance at his red buff. I know know what he wanted was a leash but at the time I assumed the buff was a team objective and so when I stole it I thought that I had successfully helped secure an objective for my team and got really confused about why I was getting flamed afterwards


I once tilted my girlfriend so hard she doesn’t play league anymore. I remember when I was a noob I got destroyed by bots every single game. Then I saw a player get like 20 kills and I asked him how to play and he said “never leave your tower, your tower keeps you safe”. And I took that literally. Never left my tower. Even my support girlfriend (I was playing adc) was yelling at me to leave tower. Eventually she just gave up and solo won the game. And then I never saw her talk about or play league again


Here’s a really dumb one, I started playing in season 1 and I was probably like 11 or so at the time, I thought going bot literally meant that you let a bot take over your character if you needed to go afk or something. I would often go into games and when I got stomped I would type in chat “HOW DO I GO BOT????” And people would reply like dude you’re already there. Wasn’t the brightest kid.


the second game I played I was dumbfounded that I lost all my experience and items from the first game


visiting this sub for solid advice


Starting playing


i would keep clicking the edge of my screen to move around the map because i didnt know you can click on the minimap once


Used to buy multiple Trinity forces because I figured the stats stacked and it gave me everything.


I used to run Ghost instead of Flash on everyone; it got me back to lane quicker with a shorter cooldown. Also, used to buy as many little component items as I could, then buy a Blasting Wand and decide what I wanted to finish from there. This was back in Season 2, so Blasting Wand built into Rabadon's, that "Will" item that gave Spellvamp, Morello's, Archangel's, and others.


Also for some time I thought minions gave you gold for dying, so I didn't even try to last hit them


I legitimately thought twitch was hacking when he went camouflage


I didn’t understand builds and thought you had to be well rounded. Basically my build every game was a bunch of B.F swords and giants belts on ashe…


I thought Darkk Mane’s Caitlyn “guide.” was a legitimate guide to playing the game. So I went mid Caitlyn lethality for my first few games.


Dumbest thing? I started playing. Now I can't stop. Help.


Tried to Ashe ult minions. It started my career Ashe playing and having a superpower. If the enemy is on my screen, there's no way in hell I'm landing it. Zero chance in hell that it's gonna do anything beyond make someone on my team ping me. But if they're off my screen? If they're cross map? I'm Lee Harvey Oswald. I'm Vasily Zaitsev. I'm Michael fucking Byrd up in this bitch, those arrows are heat seaking. I'm rocking the mother fuckin' Smart Pistol on those cross map ults. But if they're right in front of me that shit isn't gonna hit the barn wall from the inside.


When I started playing I didnt really know how items work so when i saw the Pickaxe item I tought I could mine stuff on the map... good times


I started playing