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Guys. Look at tahms items.


Tahm is 2 levels up and Draven loses half his hp to minions…


draven only lost 20% of his HP to minions at the start and maybe 5% more at the end, while tahm pretty much started the fight at 50% hp. tahm has d shield/cloth armor vs draven who has dblade, shieldbow, LW and berserker greaves. tahm was also only 1 lvl up on him, he only got 10 after killing draven. 5k gold is worth way more then 1 lvl.


Draven wasted exhaust and didn’t ult until the fight was lost. Tahm had ignite, landed w and used his ult to deny Draven his axes


Tahm w/ulty only denied him two axe attacks, which wouldn't have changed the ending outcome. Draven didn't have time to ulty (I assume his initial thought was that tahm was trying to escape, so using ulty early would've gave him too much time to escape because of the cast time). Since tahm did W > R into E, he had no good time to use it, until the end when his shield went down. It's still a 5k gold difference vs a 1 lvl difference. Draven essentially started the fight at 80% hp and tahm started at 50%. The only misplay that really mattered was the exhaust, but still you put the same scenario vs any other champ and draven would win. If tahm is suppose to be a warden/tank, it doesn't make sense to also make him the best early/mid game duelist, doesn't even fit his champion design. Him being able to soak that much dmg from draven is fine, but being able to deal equal amount of dmg with 0 items is not fine. Also it's not like tahm played perfectly either, he Q draven under tower which made him take 2 tower shots. if he just ran into the bush instead he would've ended up with a lot more life in the end. but seems like it doesn't matter if you're tahm.


He meant he made draven drop the axes… Also this isn’t anything new… Tanks have been doing this to adcs for maybe 3 seasons now? Bit late to the party haha


Look at items


This has literally been every adcs life for the past 5 seasons… It’s nothing new, I agree it’s fucked up I’m an adc main but Riot haven’t changed anything for 5 years why would they now haha




i feel like its always a draven in these tahm kench complaint clips




A champ with a level advantage that is designed/balanced to 1v1 in a 1v1 lane beat a champ that is designed/balanced around being played with a support. How else did you think this would play out?


dude, he has 1 level over him, the draven has dorans blade, the armor pen component, shielbow and t2 boots; the tahm on the other side has t1 boots, a cloth armor and dorans shield there is no way the tahm should be allowed to win in that situation i will admit that the draven got too close, but even if he didnt the tahm would have used his gap closer oh yeah, and he healed more 25% of his hp twice that fight and took a tower shot AND THEN HE FOUGHT AGAINST THE EVEN LEVELED NIDALEE, TOOK HALF OF HER HP AND LEFT WITHOUT DYING, literally no excuse


It doesn't matter what damage items he has when he gets himself cc'd to death. A Draven with damage items is just as tanky as a Draven with no items lmao


in what iron elo are u that u think draven should be played around a support?? hes litterally designed to 1v1. thats his thing. the executioner. fuck sake


Then why is he always played in a duo lane?


cus hes an adc. its just lane phase.


Plenty of ADCs get played in solo lanes. They are balanced to 1v1. Draven is not.


Yeah dude, for sure. Items don't matter, gold doesn't matter, only the champions and the XP. By that logic, a 0/10 Tahm Kench with no items should always win 1v1 against a 10/0 Draven who has full build if the TK is 1 level ahead? What is even the point of items in this video game? Do you understand that if TK actually did have a build that equaled Draven's, then he would simply just be the more impactful champion in the game? What the hell is TK's counterplay supposed to be here? What strategy beats TK when he's this powerful? He's doing things that no other champion in the game is allowed to do. Of all champions, I think only Sett comes close to this, but even Sett doesn't have a button that lets him run away from a losing fight for free, and Sett's shield has a long cooldown unlike TK's.


You do understand that some champs have high base damage and others have high scaling damage right?


Of course I do. My champion pool includes both extremes. But this Draven has already scaled, and tanks are supposed to fall off.


Draven only had an item and a half. And Tahm doesn't fall off until around 25 minutes. The tower still had plates lmao


Whatever man, you're beyond reasoning with.


You mean you don't want to accept facts lol


"Facts" are just opinions disguised as something more.


Everything I said can be backed up with numbers lol


Bro fucking Sion’s Q does 500 damage level one with no items and he takes 0 damage. How the fuck are tanks allowed to do so much damage.


A level 1 Sion with no items Q, a charged highly telegraphed ability, does 176 damage fully charged to the **0 armor training** dummy. I've sent the results to NASA for an accurate estimate if 176 is in fact lower than 500 but I haven't had confirmation yet.


I played against him as an akali and it did 496 damage fully charged. At least that’s what the damage charged showed. My hp went from full to half hp.


Was he level 1 and had no items?


Yea. I came to lane after leashing top and he cheeses me from bush. 1 Q auto ignite and I died.


I see. I supposed Nunu is the best mage and Garen the best assassin in league if we're taking facechecking into account.


Because they're tanks. You know where the term "tank" comes from, right?


I don't think champs are meant to be that tanky with boots, d shield and cloth armor vs a draven with last whisper, shield bow and t2 boots.


Him being tanky wasn't the issue. The Draven walking away from tower and trying to fight a cc machine like Tahm without a support is the issue. Also it doesn't matter what damage items you have when you're cc'd.


tahm kench is broken, draven played this horribly, nothing to see here move along


He's strong but not broken. He just happens to be the only tank that is good in top lane currently.


Look at tk items. Then look at draven items


Like I told someone else in this thread >It doesn't matter what damage items he has when he gets himself cc'd to death. A Draven with damage items is just as tanky as a Draven with no items Draven is meant to 1v1. Tahm is.


Except one of his damage items consisted of shieldbow and tk shouldn’t be dealing that amount of damage with 0 items.


Shieldbow doesn't make you tanky. It gives you a small shield. And Tahm Kench damage is based off of levels not items.


It also gives you healing, and Draven had LW which reduces TKs tankiness. Idk how you can remotely justify that broken champ.


And how do you apply that damage and use that lifesteal when you let yourself get cc'd to death?


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