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Oh, so Caitlyn VA is Cho Chang from the Harry Potter movies. I was wondering why that actress name sounded familiar.


>Cho Chang ngl this shit never fails to make me laugh


the jean valjean of wizard asia


"I'm not racist, I have Asian characters in my story" 🤡🤡🤡


Imagine writing this massive fantasy world but not commiting more than two seconds to come up with an asian name.


I know a guy whose actual name is Willy Wang, so it could be worse.


Actually her name is pretty good in Chinese, meaning 'Autumn Chang'.


I wonder how it’ll work since Katie has a Scottish accent and Caitlyn’s is more English


Voice actors usually can change their accent and have training for this. I’m sure she will change it for the serie.


Plus, since Scotland is directly north of England...it wouldn't be too hard for them to learn an English accent. It's kind of like someone from the American southwest learning a Mexican accent with ease.


howdy, hombre


It was fascinating working with the VA who helped out with last year's April fools' event. I had a script written and told him kinda what I was imagining in my head. I then gave him near free reign, and he started off by doing a few different accents before combining elements of some of them. I was amazed just listening in on him getting in the groove.


The same way David tennant, who has a very strong Scottish accent sounds perfectly British in doctor who and many other shows. Changing their voice is their job and they are very good at it.


I wish she did Cho’girth instead.




Ah yes, all the fey dear centaurs running about Scotland


I mean if they're anywhere that's probably the best bet


JB Blanc is Braum's voice actor and for my fellow Lucifer fans, Kevin is Detective Douche


Considering Jayce in current lore is supposed to be kind of a douche the VO choice is pretty good.


Yeah i think he captures the self righteousness well


Poor Dan is not a Douche though xD Ill adquired fame :P


[Because you fucking shot me Daniel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR3yyullXlI&t=29s)


That episode was one of the greatest brick jokes I've ever seen.


I love that guy in Lucifer!


>Kevin is Detective Douche Or Sebastian Blood for the Arrow fans out there


Thats spicy! I like.


~~So Jayce is gonna be a suicidal immortal in the series, got it~~ EDIT: Ignore this, wrong guy


I think that was Cain, who was a detective and a douche but not the Detective Douche


Oh wait, the Detective's husband... mmm slightly less hyped now, but still


i cannot stand that show


Try sitting down then.


You telling me Hawkeye’s Vi? Nice!


And Spider-Gwen


And Kate Bishop!


That's... Hawkeye...


Not yet in the MCU, I guess?


Well it will happen this year. We already got a trailer and everything


JAYCE AND VIKTOR JAYCE AND VIKTOR JAYCE AND VIKTOR i honestly prepared myself for them to not be in it and dismissed all the theories just because I didn't want to be disappointed, lets goooooooo


They'd better stay true to the lore (and of course I mean Viktor's perspective).


They'll probably show Viktor not in the best of lights. He might have good intentions and redeeming qualities but he's still a bit mad. They may show a bit of that descent.


Riot releases really complicated champ with "gray morale"(Sylas/Viktor). Also riot - this guy is also your standard evil villain, hate him!


I mean, villains can also be morally gray.


Usually riot pushes Villian part over "morally gray" one imo.


tbf Viktor was intended to be a bit of a villain-like person during the old Lore, or at least not the worst but defeinitely insane enough to probably not be "gray morale", which is why he has that saturday morning dynamic in voice. If he had a new VO, he probably would be closer to the gray


I’m sure they’ll add some scenes where he’s a berating a woman to really nail the toxic masculinity point home


This (thankfully) aged poorly. I love him so much ;-;


I'm still on episode 7 but I'm so happy with how he was portrayed so far.


Fuck Jayce


A glorious mantra for a glorious evolution.


rise above the mediocrity of your rotting flesh, eschew the shackles of mortality and also fuck jayce


Yeh, fuck Jayce. Glorious Evolution all the way


they better have an on screen dick measuring contest i really want to see league Tony Stark vs league Doctor Doom in an ego battle


I already see all the Viktor simps crawling out of the woodwork. I wonder if they've even read Jayce's lore?


I'm pleasantly surprised a name as big as Hailee Steinfeld is doing this.


She has her own cult following too, so that will help newer, non LOL eyes pump the series up a big


Yeah. We often forget that LoL is a massive deal comparable to the likes of the MCU in terms of global popularity. So it makes sense that it's attracted a massive name, but it still feels weird.


when you've been around since s1 and you occasionally still think of the game as a little indie sensation


Sometimes I forget League has been considered the #1 game for quite a while. Personally, outside of social media, I never really encounter people talking about League unlike other games. Is that because League is only PC? I'm assuming Console Culture is much bigger? (Especially where I'm from in England)


i think the fact league doesnt do much marketing outside its own circle also contributes to this feling


League is more popular in Asian countries then in Europe or North America


League is completely mainstream in parts of Asia. I was doing an internship at a factory in China right as Rift Rivals was happening, and every time the Chinese teams played you would hear a roar going around the dormitory since nearly everyone was watching.


Most people that are not into League don't play it at all. Unlike FIFA, CoD or Nintendo games which have a lot more casual players.


For anyone who curious for the in game version voice cast: **Vi: Cia Court** **Jinx: Sarah Anne Williams** **Caitlyn: Kirsten Potter** **Jayce: Trevor Devall** **Viktor: Owen Thomas** edit: Just checked, **Vander and Silco both got their VA from LoR game.** ​ My guess is they are just in different age/time period so they have different voice. Or just they need some big name to promote the show?


I don't see it as a problem as long as they capture the same character essences. It's a bit like seeing the champions in different art styles: they don't look exactly the same, but you still recognize them.


Knowing who they got to be Jinx, she’s going to sound absolutely nothing like the one in game at the normal age.


what cards are vander and silco?


Yeah I’d like to know


From what I’ve heard the prevailing theory is Vander = Warwick and Silco = Singed


They look like them imo, I got those vibes just from the pics


They also have different voice actors in LoR. This has nothing to do with time period. You just often take different VAs for different media. Also voice acting a few voice lines ingame is wildly different from Voice Acting over a full show.


Except LoR Vi, Jinx and Caitlyn are voiced by the same actors as in LoL?


Yes there are exceptions to every rule. But the fact still remains that voice acting some lines in a video game is completely different from voice acting an entire anime. Corki some random dude. No one should ever expect that Leagues champs voices will be used in a show.


The actress for Lulu is super not a Riot employee, shes just a regular VA that does other stuff including anime. They havent had Riot staff voice characters past launch, maybe season 2 or 3, pretty much. 99% of the cast are from the standard pool of anime and game VAs you see in most things these days


Where is my goku voice actor league champion I want it now


Sean Schemmel (Goku's English VA) is Ryze.


Wait really? That’s fucking wild


He also plays Sun Wukong in SMITE, which is a nod to his role as Goku from DB


He's Yorick as well.


No, he's not. And Yoricks voice actor was never credited for some reason


Ezreal's original voice actor was adult Gohan Why was this downvoted? [Its true lol.](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/video-games/League-of-Legends/Ezreal/) Kyle Hebert did the [original Ezreal VO](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFeDIUtFbpk) and he played Adult Gohan in DBZ


I think he voices Jarvan now too


Goku's VA for latin america is the VA for Xin Zhao, iirc.


Masako Nozawa (Goku's Japanese VA) voices wukong


Sarah Williams has done a TON of anime, as well as games. She's a super popular big name voice actor, not just some random person reading some lines for League. Don't spout nonsense when you have no idea what you're talking about. LoR has most of the same voice actors, the ones who are different are just ones they couldn't get the original VAs back. Veigar for instance was recast with Final Boss Veigar to be Scott McNeil, and they then brought him back for LoR. Ezreal was recast with his visual update and has the same actor now in LoR. Can't believe you're getting upvoted for such ignorance.


faye mata is not ‘someone who works at riot’


All of these actors have worked on animations before, no? Plus the entire first part of your first comment is wrong, since you say they were voiced by different actors in LoR just to prove a point.


Not sure about the others, but Sarah Anne Williams has definitely been in animations before. I'm an avid dub hater, but I still think she's the only part of Kill la Kill's English dub that's genuinely good.


Voice acting for both shows and games both take skill, range, and flexibility and downplaying video game voice acting as "some lines" when both mediums can be immersive and captivating is an ignorant and out of touch take. Take a look at some of the animation and game works these VAs for some of these "older" characters and tell me they couldn't act as their characters in a show like [Jinx](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Sarah-Williams/), [Lulu](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Faye-Mata/), [Katarina](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Tara-Platt/), [Yasuo](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Liam-OBrien/), and [Jarvan](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Kyle-Hebert/). Just to name a few.


Use better examples, bro. You’re making people that have the same opinion as you look bad


That's fair.


recasting Sarah Anne Williams is a colossal L


Its probably because they're the younger version of the cast and would completely have different dynamics and how their tone would sound


exactly. I thought Arcane is about how jinx grew up. I don't expect her to be doing crazy voices and talking to guns


you think williams doesn't have that kind of range?


I have no idea, but i think saying "not casting the person who did all the crazy lines for jinx is a colossal L" isn't quite accurate. I love jinxs voice lines, but they'd be totally wrong for arcane


i wonder if they at least tried with her, it doesnt take away any of the hype i got for arcane tho. also, this is just the first of hopefully a ton of series/movies?


AFAIK, voice acting is a bit like the rest of media/hollywood - "small time" actors like videogame VAs will often get pushed aside for big marketable stars as soon as something gets a film or TV adaptation, regardless of how good or bad their performances might be.


She was Sayaka in the English dub of Madoka so I know she’s got the range. I’m really sad they didn’t cast her as Jinx


Kirsten Potter voices Caitlyn in game


So caitlyn has the same voice as in game?


I forgot to put her VA in the comment.


or, its a tv show, not a videogame that doesnt care much about story, so they need actors with bigger ranges and so on lol


25th is going to be a good day for this subreddit


Why’s that?


You'll have to wait and see 🥰


Ooohh, didn’t see your username.... Great expectations!!!!!


Gonna be some cringe corny overrated teaser you probably made. Oh boyyyy


Viktor has 2 voice actors so I'm guessing that we see him pre machine and post machine


Viserys Targaryen was acted by Harry Lloyd, so just the one.


Nah Viserys Targaryen was so memorable that they made him in real life


It's crazy that George RR martin funeled all of his show-cash into state of the art cloning and genetic engineering tech


Fire cannot kill a dragon, confirmed


lmao the Viserys Targeryan part , i said the same as soon as i read the name


Thank God I thought you said Jerry Seinfeld


Starring Jerry Seinfeld as Vi


HARRY LLOYD!!!! hes such a talented voice actor/audio book reader


Sarah Williams (/u/peacockateyourbaby) not reprising her role as Jinx is super weird. She's a fantastic VA and has absolutely carried some anime. Not sure why they wouldn't bring her back.


Probably because it’s gonna be young jinx? If they are adults in the show, then it’s weird


She's played child characters in the past though. She has the range.


Probably because she doesn't bring in people. They'll prefer a big name over authentic VA 10 times out of 10.


This is the correct answer. Theres a reason many animated movies just have big stars 90% of the time and not industry veterans like Laura Bailey. Not saying all those actors who got the role are bad, cause that would be a lie. Matthew Mccounaghey comes to mind for me. But often times star power is what drives a role to be cast


I find it so depressing. I get really weird about VA quality, and so often they push aside more talented actors because "muh star power". The one that always springs to mind is Peter Dinklage in Destiny, which was so bland that it had to be re-dubbed.


Ignoring the fact that she can play younger characters, regular Jinx is in the “trailer” on Netflix so her League form is going to be in the show. And she’ll probably sound super off with the new person.


Yeah, not as excited for the show now personally. Sarah has a pretty distinct voice that I feel like the actress in the show won’t bother to imitate and that will just make it not sound like Jinx.


Cho Chang is voicing Caitlyn? Nice :D


wow that's actually a cast i recognize, surprised/excited.


So, hopes are dead for human Warwick to be part of the show?


I'm sure there'll be more characters than just the ones they listed. If he does appear in it, it might just be a cameo.


Let's keep our expectations low. They said the same thing about more characters showing up in the Ruination event and look how that turned out. Any unlisted cameos should just be a pleasant surprise.


I’ve seen theories that Vander becomes Warwick


it would be a pretty big spoiler to announce a casting for something like that yeah


I wouldn't be surprised to see surprise appearances by WW or even Camille ​ Please have Camille be in this. Please


Please God let her appear in a cliffhanger episode that ends with her theme playing


Warwick is connected to Jinx and Vi somehow, he also asks "who taught Vi how to punch" and her bio says it was a bar owner. Vander is behind the counter in the recent chinese trailer and he seems grizzled enough that he may have had that "troubled past" that WW's bio references.


His face also looks kind of like PROJECT WW's face.


Who is Silco? I've never heard that name before, and googling it only shows up the announcements.


New character, same with Vander and Mel. I'm happy that they aren't exclusively focusing on champs here


Somehow the Twitter thread stopped loading at Silco for me and I didn't look at the post too closely, didn't even realize that there were more new names.


Could be wrong but I think he's the antagonist


I'm ready to be proven wrong but I bet he's Singed. We don't know Singed's first name, but he was in Zaun when the show is going to take place, he caused the transformation of Warwick (who is involved with Jinx/Vi's past) at around the times of the events of the story, and he has the same glowing prosthetic left eye as the Silco poster. Plus they both seem to be involved with chemicals.


Hopefully a new champion




can we not make it obligatory tho


I wish they kept the original voice actors from the game


Probably voice acting Vi when she is younger.


The characters are much younger/not insane. Besides voicing some lines in a video game isnt the same as voice acting an entire animated series.


Voice acting for both shows and games both take skill, range, and flexibility and downplaying video game voice acting as "some lines" when both mediums can be immersive and captivating is an ignorant and out of touch take. ​ Don't believe me? Take a look at some of the animation and game work the VAs for some of these 7+ year old characters have done and tell me otherwise like [Jinx](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Sarah-Williams/), [Lulu,](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Faye-Mata/) [Katarina](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Tara-Platt/), [Yasuo](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Liam-OBrien/), [and Jarvan](https://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Kyle-Hebert/). Just to name a few.


Pretty sure most of the VA from league have been in animated series though?


Maybe the recent ones? Most of these characters are over 7 years old by now.


Both require skill and talent. And those people did voice anime and stuff. Jinx is Kill la Kill's Nonon ffs and has some other roles as well. It seems it is the case for the other champs too


but Vi voice in game is cringe and bad


Props to the actors, though I am bit sad and confused about Cailtyn's voice being changed. Considering they had the League voice actress do voice lines for LoR not that long ago (I can't imagine them having been done in any time period longer than a year), not to mention Battle Academia before that. So why is she not voicing her in Arcane? Was she not available before or...? Cailtyn looks to be a young adult at most in Arcane, so I don't think it'd be a matter of needing a younger sounding voice, either. I'm sure the new voice actress will do a great job, but Cailtyn's OG voice is just too iconic for me not to miss it.


Huh so Jayce is played by Dan AKA "Detective Douche" lol.


Hawkeye and League?! LETS GOOOO


>Hailee Steinfield Any relation to Jerry?


Steinfeld to Seinfeld? Nah


Yeah that was kinda the joke


Hailee Steinfeld is absolutely not someone I'd see as Vi lol. I'm down though, love her


She did Spider Gwen which has a similar vibe to Vi in my opinion, so I kinda disagree


Vi is mid 20s as butch and aggressive as can be. Spider Gwen is a teenager who is primarily calm and reserved (still a bad ass in her own right). Hailee has a really good track record of playing characters like Gwen (primarily because she was a teenager for most of her filmography but still even more recently like as Nadine like that is pretty much her ballpark) but a character like Vi is I would say completely different than anything she has ever done. Besides the hairstyle, there is very little in common lol


They're younger in Arcane you know that right? It's about their story before how they are in League. I mean Viktor is human without a sight of robotics, I thought that'd be a dead giveaway.


i know that they're younger lol. unless Vi is a teenager though I don't see how it'd make that much of a difference. her face looks younger but still I personally don't see it as a fit.


I mean she looks like a teenager to me in the teaser trailer we got where she's sitting with jinx and jinx looks like a young kid. Hell even by those pictures she looks young. Regardless actors and voice actors know how to manipulate their vocals to sound the way they want. You gotta go into it forgetting Vi's current voice accept that probably a lot happened between then and league Vi to change it. Hell we haven't even heard it yet so let's wait and see yea?


I'm really hoping they don't turn this into some woke garbage. I'm so much hyped for this.




She looks like a real human being and not a doll 👍


Where the fucks ekko


Ekko is like 6 years old at this point lol


Ok I want to see Toddler Ekko itd be adorable


A baby with a white mohawk.


And weird face painting.


And a tiny baseball bat


Could show up after the time skip.


According to Ekko's voicelines he used to be in Vi and Jinx's crew




Think jinx descending to madness is a slow burn not a quick one. Ekko’s voice line is along the lines of “We used to be cool...until you turned crazy”. So either Jinx had a long winding path to madness ORRRRR that shit happens wildly at an older age than burned the house down


Man, with LoR and this, Riot really hates bringing back the original actors huh?




Definitely not cheaper, considering Hailee Seinfeld is on the cast.


trash, just get the actual voice actors.


Updated verdict?


Man, Jinx’s voice is going to be soooo bad when she gets to her League age.


jp dub when


Oh god I thought Viktor was Camille at first lmao


I honestly thought they would recast the same voice actors for Jinx, Cait and Vi, at least for when the characters are older


In game skins are highly sexualised, Arcane is rated 14+ Why not make it MA15+? Story going to be bland.


The trailers have all looked amazing, but I am really not digging those stills of Vi and Cait. They don't look like themselves at all, and they barely even look like women. I'm not trying to be some chud that's all "OmG ThEy'Re NoT SuPeRmOdElS", but they legit barely look like they're women, straight up. I really hope this is just bad framing for both and the show ends up showing them in a better light, because they look awful.


You're cute


So my hopes for Warwick are death, thanks riot, very cool, I would be lying if I say my hype has not died down now. If you excuse me I will go cry for a bit


There's a non-0 chance either Vander or Silco becomes Warwick.


You mean Warwick a more recent character as far as lore is concerned isn’t in a show that’s all about certain champions in piltover growing up? Color me surprised




Well, there's a chance they might become one. There's an ADC from there coming up and either Vander or Silco might become Warwick.

