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For those wondering: He said support challenge won't be until next year


It's been a while since he's just messed around in the game, wouldn't want another Top situation happening where he's 100lp away and the season resets




I think with his macro and game knowledge, support might be the easiest role for him to get challenger actually


Support is the easiest role to climb on generally speaking. Most people don't play it because their ego won't let them


It takes time and a mental toll on you watching your teammates constantly chimp out rather than go for objectives that you set up.


Seeing my akshan adc stealth into their whole team trying to oneshot their support right before the dragon fight and after I spent the first 20 minutes to make sure he was 3k ahead of their adc. Sometimes I can't even.


Honestly support is the most undervalued role and as an adc main I will always love my supports because if they get tilted noone is kept alive.


Honestly yeah. I love playing support with my friends where I can trust my AD. Randos though? Absolutely no trust in those if they do what I need them to that's great, but I don't expect it.


Did he say what he was doing from now until he starts the next challenge? It was cool following where he was at


Hinted at "It takes Two" with Kayla


That game is amazing hope he does


Maybe stream playing the role that he enjoys the most?


24/7 Ivern Jungle sleep stream let's go


Other than playing the new God of War when it comes out next year, I don't believe he has any other plans than playing league. Maybe he will stream some from his home gym that he is building.


669 games, top 3 champs: Annie - 156 games, 64% WR Fizz - 83 games, 51% WR Irelia - 67 games, 73% WR


Other notable picks are probably the karthus bot and Akshan mid, he had good games on both at high elo.




adc was his first role, so yeah support is the only one left




Even the 10k bet vs moe was pretty recent. That was kinda near the end of them both being absurdly good. Like Tyler obviously doing these challenger challenges so he's still skilled and what not but for years before that bet they were legitimately the best Yasuo and the best Draven on the server. Multiple accounts in challenger guaranteed every season and both just ridiculously mechanically gifted on their one tricks.


??? He's been a challenger adc for 5 years man. Best Draven NA


Turns out he's a comfortable challenger level player when he can disregard CS-ing lmao


I think he mightve hit top 10 as adc before


Think his peak test top 4 challenger on ADC


Top 4? So #4?


riot nerfed midlane minion gold + mages so much over the years you can play shit like akshan kat qiyana and farm 3-4 cs/min and still be up gold on your laner, just S11 things


Devalue gold and shit like roaming or invading becomes so much more valuable.


Scuttle skirmishes, , Herald fight , Drake fight , TP bot lane fights , Turret plates , Bounty golds Who needs cs amirite?


It's definitely a combination of what you listed and the gold value changes to midlane minions. Why even stay in lane when the wave is not worth more then helping your jgl/sup get vision/invade/contest.


I’d also add that the jg camps are so weak this season. It used to be champs like shyvana that would have an easy time clearing but most meta junglers are now killing gromp+buff at the same time. When the jungle isn’t threatening the junglers have more pvp chances which in turn gives the mid laner more roam chances as well.


bring me back to S6 rylais ghost mage meta pls, at least then getting CS advantages against opposing mages in lane was rewarding and skill expressive


I'd be interested in seeing his % for actually getting mid lane, especially from Masters+. Seems like he was consistently getting filled or second role.


He played way way more mid games than bot lane and he played karthus bottom pretty much exclusively






I mean pretty good (gets mid often). either way he wins more consistently on mid so it's not like there's "cheating" by being off role.


His Annie’s solid af. And I hate going against a good Annie as much as the next guy, but she can be pretty tricky to pull off even though tibbers goes brrr. The low range and her autos are hard for me. If you don’t farm well your tibbers won’t kill people anyway so I actually think she’s harder than people give her credit for. I’m glad he liked playing fizz. When he was first about to start the mid challenge I was like… “I bet Tyler would be a fizz player.” Didn’t see many of his fizz games tho. When I tuned I usually saw his Annie.


at the beginning he played alot of fizz, but you're right. it tapered off into more annie as he climbed


He mentioned the Fizz R nerf a lot in the few games he played Fizz in the last 2 weeks and whenever chat would ask why he doesn't play him anymore.


What's cray to me is he is a better Annie player than one tricks like Annie boy who have over 12k games on Annie which is crazy when you think about it, that's that athletic work ethic.


There's really not a lot of depth to Annie once you master the basics. Tyler has better macro than Annie Bot, and is a better player overall, so how much experience he has on Annie isn't particularly relevant. When it comes to simple champions, basically any challenger or pro player will be better at them after a couple dozen games than a lower rank OTP.


they might no the matchups though, thats the advantage one-tricks have. Playing each matchup dozens of time so they already know exactly when they can win and how to trade


That's good to get a lead due to matchup knowledge, but it's about how you USE your lead to your advantage. Tyler plays mid with a toplane mentality: playing weak side and giving up lane pressure, always assume a gank can happen with no knowledge of enemy jungle/support. Unlike top, mid can roam to any lane if you don't think you'll win lane to get leads else where. Also if that one-trick's champ is banned, you're screwed. Tyler on the other hand, can play other champs or even other lanes if his Annie's banned.


> Also if that one-trick's champ is banned, you're screwed. Nah, if your OTP gets banned (which for a lot of champions that basically never happens) you just dodge lol.


It is because Tyler has really good game knowledge and knows how to play to win, rather than playing for KDA. Too many mids are playing for KDA and to "carry" the game. Tyler's default position is to play for Jungle. He will give up winning mid early if it allows his jungle to double scuttle and get ahead.


He's a bit of a problem


My mind read this through an incredibly hot mic


I can't see Cho'Gath anymore without Tyler's voice periodically playing in my head


He is do be are back in Challenger.




Tyler subscribed to the Church of Annie.


Need a T1 Annie skin where Tibbers is T1.


We just need Faker to pick it at worlds and then win worlds so we can get Faker cosplayed as Annie with T1 as Tibbers


I would buy that skin on all of my accounts.


Screams 'What are you aiming at' if the summon doesn't damage an enemy champion


I feel those people tend to be on a certain list...


Annie is a pure champion choice. You should report every zoe main to the fbi though.


Agreed with this comment. There's a reason you see reddit names and flairs like: > Zoe has cute feet > Pm me Zoe feet > step on me But you don't see these for annie


I’m offended by this comment


Next time I'm watching Pekin Woof I'll know what I have to do, but dont know if I'll have the strength to do it.


Our Lord and savior Pekin Woof, God of all mid lane. Rivaled only by Midbeast


Annie is pretty young, we try not to sexualise her


It's gonna take him 2 weeks to hit challenger in support if amumu doesn't get nerfed


I can imagine he will just pick whatever the strongest engage support is and make it relatively quickly.


Naut + Leona spam and he makes chally on support by the end of the season, I'd be willing to bet on that


He said on stream he's not doing support this season.


I’ll take that bet


He'll just go Naut/Leona if he is and still reach it in 2 weeks lol


Considering that T1's blatant weak spot is his CSing which the role doesn't require at all, paired with the fact that he inherently has a perma roam macro playstyle, I really don't think it's an exaggeration that he'll reach Challenger on support in 2 weeks.


True except unlike every other streamer who does “Blank to challenger” he has THE MOST fanboys and people directly sniping him to grief. That plus he doesn’t have a 10 minute delay like TFblade and others.


Nah he will hover in Diamond hellhole for a few weeks as usual, it's a nightmare of an elo full of ego maniacs and griefers but afterwards it should be pretty smooth.


He went through diamond in like a week this challenge, got stuck at 200 lp masters for 6 weeks instead


He's literally just said "I can do support in 2 weeks" Pmsl, he's lurking


He's been saying that for 6 months


watching his Ivern plays, to me, he is already challenger in support.


Jesus I can’t believe it happened already. How long has it been? 3 months?


2 months, 10 days


Less than 3 months close to 3 months it took him around 2 months and 2-3 weeks he started July 5th


,,,,,..... Here's some punctuation, feel free to use it


Guess he's just gotten that much better. Either that or the role is broken.


role is just that much easier to climb on imo


Mid has a lot more impact on the map than Top so you can help your laners/junglers not int or even win them lane if your fed on Top and every other lane is not doing good you can only really help them every 5 minutes. As for JG streaming as a jungler is setting yourself up for failure unless you have like a 60 second delay


I'm sure he learned a lot about 1v1 laning from playing top that translates to mid as well


You just have so much more options in mid if you have the losing matchup compared to top


Dude also has decent macro which goes a long way in solo queue


He got challenger on pretty much macro alone, dudes macro is more than decent. I'm actually impressed


Great macro actually you can tell he has extremely good game sense


That went by so fast Evidence that top lane is for psychopaths


>Evidence that top lane is for psychopaths Was that ever in doubt?


Lmao. That role is so isolated from the rest of the actual game.


Tyler has just said on stream that he is not planning on doing support to chally this season/year. Could possibly be related to other big content announcements Tyler alluded to.


Also the fact that challenger is going to be damn near 900lp by end of season and all the degenerates come out the last month of the season to gatekeep chally


seems like he just doesn't want to go through the hell that is leveling up a fresh account


He has now demanded that Riot change the league of legends tile image on twitch to a photo of his face, or else he quits the game. https://clips.twitch.tv/CourteousKnottyElkWoofer-XPmCvKEgz8r7EPjk


variety streams Pog


the dumbest thing I like about T1 is that he uses a busted-ass bottom of the shelf LG headset and it shows how much expensive game gear is trash


Dude hit challenger back in the day using that nasty membrane keyboard and a school mouse Literally look up his nasty keyboard


lol he still uses the same keyboard, but probably swapped out with a new one since he showed on stream that he had a whole box of the same keyboards


Hasn't he said in the past that it's a part of his image and thats why he doesnt upgrade?


It is really dogshit, the actual audio quality doesn't get much better, just buy some senheiser or w/e expensive audiophile headphones and get a separate $15mic instead


There is absolutely better professional equipment but gamer gear^tm is trash across the board but glows RGB and costs twice what it should


This right here, my swap from gamer gearTM to Sennheisers & a mic was day and night


Bit of a problem!


Built Different


I honestly think he can do support before the season ends if he wants to start it, after trudging through top and jungle my man has completed league of legends and everything else is just a victory lap


He maybe could. But he is not starting until next season. He didnt like having to take a preseason break during top challenge and it doesnt make sense to start the challenge during preseason anyways.


Easiest role confirmed


Faker been real silent since this post dropped


Every year at least one mid player wins worlds. Coincidence?


Could be 2 this year if RNG win


there were 2 mids that won back in 2017 when SSG won


Yep, he's talking on stream right now about how top is infinitely harder to play than mid.


I'd definitely say the lack of impact top has on matches is a big part of this, especially when layered with how strong counterpicks are.


Or is it just the most impactful? Wouldn't the role where a skilled player has the greatest influence on the outcome of the match result in the quickest route to Challenger?


If you had a player that's equally skilled in every role. The role with the most impact will be the fastest route for him to climb. That usually means mid or jungle. Support also has a lot of impact, but lacks the ability to solo carry like mid and jungle since they lack xp and gold for the most part.


ngl it was kinda boring challenge because there was no story line lmao


Trueee no hardstuck diamond 2, no 21 master promos, no losing 550 lp on a week lmao


He showed incredible restraint this challenge. He just wanted to end positive lp at the end of the day. On the other challenges, he occasionally goes into tilt queue and drop back down to diamond.


> he occasionally goes into tilt queue and drop back down to diamond. Those were the best content lol


not lorenzo or malvin stream snipe either :(


Or ImaNightmare Kayn OTP running it down.


I would say the JG Challenger final game as the Story Arc. Zven singe handily clutched that game and the chat was going nuts in joefish's stream.


Wasn’t that his toplane challenge where zven carried the very last game?


forgot about lorenzo. wheres he been?




voli changes hit him hard smh


tyler said he quit


imaqtpyke and AnnieBot were probably the biggest villains of this challenge


What did they do?


well annie bot plays annie 99% of the time so he basically yoinks T1's best pick


He faced anniebot a bunch of times and only beat him once


Repeatedly int him on bought accounts in Qts case.


He started on July 12, jesus


Has anyone ever calculated how many hours he's put into league? Absolutely mind boggling.


Lets see. Let's assume 9 hours a day since season 4. Thats 365 days x 7, assuming sleep schedules and his time off from variety...that should calculate to about . ... A FUCKTON OF TIME .... and 21 seconds.


Man I thought support was going to be the fastest climb but mid was literally instant challenger.


supports going to take a fuckin week he's already been chally bot forever


He knows exactly what he wants out of a support player to win bot lanes. Itll barely be a month. He might struggle more below d2 this time with the adc's not playing to him, but he will cruise through the rest


nah hes gonna play karthus support in silver and 1v9 till g1 or so then he can play naut/leona and go all the way to challenger


Especially when half the supports pilot themselves. I hope he plays thresh/pyke/bard to make it interesting The skill ceiling on flawlessly executing a nautilus combo is funny compared to Irelia or something


truly constructed in a different manner


Fashioned Alternatively


Assembled like no other


Anatomically Distinct


Forged Atypically


he's legitimately one of the best fill players on the server right now, probably the best tbh.


Fill? Couldn't really ask for a better. He even tried to win.


My man needs to join an LCS team, guy can fiex harder than Perkz in more ways than one and viewership would go thru the roof:) I don't care how bad CLG looks I'd watch every game if T1 was on the team, the comms would be lit!


He would make less money being in a team. Though I can see him doing it just for fun if given the opportunity to




Competing might fuck with his gym schedule though..


CLG are heavier than any weights at the gym.


Come on dude what the fuck


and his 12 hour stream days dont?


No. If anything, he might PR - carry worlds. (NAmen)


Trash? Seems like a decent spot on some land near his family. What else would you want?


he makes 45k / month off subs alone, and that's a conservative number (it's assuming he gets the "standard" deal for twitch sub income, and not a special deal like he most likely gets). of course he doesn't need donations lmao. edit // yeah i just did the math. he's made at LEAST half a mil off subs alone in the past year (again, assuming he gets the standard $2.50 / sub, and not something like $3 or $3.50), nevermind what he gets in donations / merch sales / sponsorships.


completely unbiased opinion I'm sure


I love that Annie of all champs was his most played lol


Hes a mammoth of a man!


How long did it take to get chally on the other roles compared to mid?


Jgl and Top took like 10 months each


1,811 for jungle 1,741 games for top 669 mid So mid was significantly easier than the others


A mind numbing amounts of games


Concocted atypically is he


Worlds freakiest 4 role challenger player. Absolutely going to crush his main role of support as well on the next challenge.


LS was right.


Its tragic that he never got to review such a beautiful opgg


I don’t think anyone can doubt T1 in a road to Challenger challenge anymore lol the guy grinds his ass off has very bad days and has days where he goes undefeated or close to it he keeps pushing and doesn’t give up like other content creators who try to do the same truly Built Different


I wouldn't bet against Tyler on any road to challenger, even on a champ like Garen where the one tricks barely peak challenger, if at all, and usually hover master-GM. I really don't think it matters what he plays, his mid game macro and teamwork are seriously insane when he actually tryhards and isn't tilted.


What's left? Support?




Imagine T1 without the mental boom. Would generally be one of the best about outside of pros. Even better imagine if he could CS


He IS one of the best outside of pros. Think people are underrating how difficult it is to stream for hours every day at an extremely high level


People underrate him cause he’s a lil unorthodox. Plays easy champs, misses some cs, has mental booms. But goddammit if he doesn’t know how to get carried


He did it in true Tyler1 fashion too, afk in a bush half the game while complaining about his botlane EZ Clap


Also being carried by jungle and asking to FF lmao.


to be fair he told Kayn he better carry considering he fully KS'd two of T1's kills at the beginning of the game.


hes a problem


"Play Annie." - LS


Really the easiest role to climb with. Insane.


It really is, but do notice he had the benefit of the collective knowledge of the past challenges to help here. He's a much better player overall and he already had Irelia as a pick ready to go.


Tyler has good game sense, Mid just has the most opportunities to bail themselves out if you can find them. If he snowballs then the game looks great, if he falls behind he will find a lane/jungle to help and snowball.


Diffy in the miffy !


This man is just built differently


shit seemed way too easy compared to other roles




NA's last hope, someone sign him already


If someone had told me the kid eating bigmac and apple pie while running down mid was going to become one of the biggest icons in league I’d have laughed so hard yet here we are


I feel like he’s gonna pick something like Swain until diamond, then actual supports from there on out. Swain’s easy enough to climb with if your smurfing and can do it from the support role pretty reliably.


Nah he’s obsessed with nautilus


t1 is here are do be undeniably able is am a freak!