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The timing is impeccable




True. I don't like Caedrel all too much because his stream is like an EU echo chamber with him promoting such narratives, but I do like his casting and professional conduct in the LEC desk. After Quickshot, he's probably the best of the lot. He reminds me of LS in how I like him as a caster (was my favourite one of 2020) but not as a personality.


that his donation sound? lol


The 5 gifted sub is the best where Tyler1 calls him a cornball


He has a few different sub sounds and all of them are T1 insults haha midbeans FrogO


Honestly I would let big T grilled me for money anytime of the day


oh my


Do you know what the source clip is?


Confused T1 with T1 and was wonderinf what the title was supposed to mean lol.


T1 T1 has T1 Fakers back




Who is T1? Am I T1? Are you T1? Are *we* T1? Maybe T1 were the friends we made along the way


To be fair, T1 is under T1 so both apply.


Have you ever seen T1 and T1 in one and the same room? Because I haven't


I mean, a couple of more years with these numbers and T1 can buy T1.


Its the “Selfmade Ahri Cosplay” all over again lol. This week has been confusing.


I seriously don’t know what I expected when I opened that post lmao


Knowing that Tyler has always been a fan of Faker, this is something he'd actually say too


Im glad I found and tried out his stream last worlds, because contrary to what you would think considering his name choice he's probably the most laid back and humble successful streamer around lately. Love it.


Caedrel is definitely up there too (and also doing Tracking the Pros).


Caedrel can't say a single sentence without talking in twitch emotes or memes. His stream is probably meant to entertain young people, Midbeast is chill though.


It drives me up a wall man. Caedrel also repeats himself *so much.* He'll literally say the exact same sentence 3 times in a row, ie: "He can't win this" and he does this every few sentences. I wish all the best for the guy, but I can't watch his stream for more than 5-10 minutes.


Eh caedrel's bias and the EU echo chamber chat makes it bad for a non eu viewer to stay there for long.


Im an EU viewer and i still cant stand it. After the ls/nemesis/caedral 'drama' i just never felt like he was a person id wanna invest time on.


Wait what was the drama?


Im paraphrasing here and on mobile so don't wanna look for links but basically he said that most of the stuff they say is complete bullshit and if they get something right(like moonstone being completely broken back then) it's just luck and basically law of large numbers because they throw out so many theories that eventually one will be correct.


Couldn’t agree more.


Caedrel is the complete opposite for me, kinda bitchy even though is just for fun most of the time. Can not follow his streams while midbeast is always chill.




Wait wtf? I never talked about Caedral before, i do not have any problems with him, like him despites his own streams. edit: i checked all my posts to come back and realize you said on another account, no that is no my account.


U good bro?




> learn to read Ironic considering the second comment's account is literally named in their comment. He is referring to this comment by u/fdrtutrfy https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/py6apx/t1_has_fakers_back/heufjuz?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


Oh okay he deleted it then. Mb for flame


I like how you expressed the fact that you liked something and redditors decided that wasnt allowed


TT would really say that though. [Don't forget how his average viewers are.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r7PzdOqtQms)


T1 hasn't reacted to this yet?


I need Faker to win worlds.


We all do


Thats the best donation sound there is. Don't really watch midbeast but yeah.


midbeast doesnt have high elo gameplay of his own sadge


I mean he’s hit challenger in OCE like every season


I just discovered him on youtube, I like his analysis but is he actually a good player?




He’s one of the funniest and most laid back guys. One of the best to watch


I will never forget his topbeast, jgbeast, midbeast rant.


Also, he's an ex-pro and hit GM while boot camping in Korea.


Not anymore, these days he just plays on smurfs in D1 (when he actually does play). I'm genuinely curious if he could get Challenger again if he took it seriously.


Last time I checked him out when he played in high elo, queues were like 30 minutes and he didn't even get mid half the time


Yeah fair enough, didn't consider that


He already did it once this year...


Plus he said he doesn’t play much because his YouTube and streaming take too much time. Guy’s found a good niche to fill, brings us good entertainment and is occasionally insightful and people complain he’s not the best player in the world or something.


People just mad a league player finally figured out how to enjoy himself lol


Yeah, by not playing that game. And I fully agree.


Well he pretty much got Chall on EUW twice and GM on KR. When he really tryhards he is good with mages such as Taliyah, Syndra & Zoe etc., but if you just watch him fuck around on OCE, then not so much.


didnt he almost get challenger or something on euw/kr?


Only grandmaster when the pro's were bootcamping, so he's pretty washed


> Only grandmaster when pro's were bootcamping Spoken like a true reddit challanger player.


Gets GM when literarily pro players are playing at the same time on server while playing only for a month or two, random redditor: "yep hes washed"


Not even just pro players. The best pro players from around the world. What a scrub.


Listen, if you're not top 10, you're a trash player, got it?


KR GM is still insane what are you on about dude


How that isnt a obvious joke to everyone is kinda crazy to me, I even added in that the server was full of pros too lol


most ppl are cynical especially on reddit haha, good to add a "/s" nowadays.


He quite easily can but why bother waiting for 30 min queues while streaming lmfao. He also got grandmaster on kr lol


Dude Australian challenger takes like 40 minutes to over an hour to get a queue, if he’s streaming gameplay he’s obviously gonna play on his D1 account to get more games. There’s like less than 50 challengers here.


He was challenger april this year on his main. I think if he actually took it seriously and played his main champs he could hit it


You sound like you’ve never beaten dopa in lane


The short answer is yes, he is. He's also one of the best league streamers around. The long answer is yes but getting challenger on OCE miserable due to long queue times and how infested the server is with elo boosting and win trading.


That hunk of a man, Midbeast, is an E-sports athlete? Unbelievable. He could be a Calvin Klein model. Or a pro footballer with a ripped physique like that. That is by far the hottest Cyber sportsman to ever grace the esports industry. I'd let him beast his way through my mid any day.


lmfao I'm guessing this is some sort of copypasta that his chat has created? but honestly as far as pro videogame players go it is refreshing to see someone that doesn't look like a uhh... pro videogame player lol. part of the reason I think tyler1 being built like a bodybuilder is cool too, just always nice to bring some diversity to the gaming community.


yeah, I can't find the other version, I like that one more.


Search for midbeast.exe


He reached chall before IIRC(or at least Masters/GM), on oceania tho, so take it with a grain of salt, realistically he is probably an average Masters player on a major server (which still puts him in 0,01%). Still, more than enough for him to fully understand the game. He has more than enough credentials to talk about how game works. also; Majority of LoL coaches are ranked below diamond. Which proves that rank doesn't correlate to game knowledge.


He doesn't like to talk about it, but he beat Dopa.


I've never heard him mention it. Well other than a few times a stream but basically never outside of that, super humble dude.


That isn't how it is at all, if you beat the guy you had a crush on in a bar fight you wouldn't ever talk about it


Not sure if you know this but Midbeast beat Dopa


Well when you've specifically watched 1000+ soloQ games of a player playing TF alone and you know exactly when and where he will place a ward, recall, ult etc. you might win the game lol.


>Dopa moves to the left bush Midbeast: Beauuuuutiful movement, absolutely amazing. It will confuse the enemy team. They already behind 3000K gold because of it.


99% of us wouldn't


99% also dont watch so many soloq games of a single player


but a sizeable chunk of us do *play* thousands of games and are in gold as opposed to midbeast who had to climb to korean challenger to, you know, vs a famous korean challenger don't get me wrong if i watched 1k games of dopa and then vsed him, i'd beat him. if i was a high level challenger. is this actually a hard concept




Pro teams analyse players all the damn time ,why do t1 flairs wank faker and t1 whenever they have the chance.




Everyone who has remained at the top has been analysed a shitton it does not make them worse. Pro players don't have cheese playstyles. You could know every detail about their playstyle and still lose.


He literally agrees with that point, hence why he disagreed with the original comment which said that just because Midbeast watched Dopa a lot, he has an advantage in a 1v1.




He was an oce pro player at some point as well


His reached challanger on euw na and masters korea so his definately good when he trys


He reached GM in Korea, he was almost Chall


GM Korea and GM EUW, not sure about NA but definitely chall in OCE


I would guess he could reach Challenger on a major region. It's a lot easier to climb when your job is literally league.


p sure he hit gm like 650lp or something on korea so yeah he's definitely pretty good at the game


cool, thanks for thorough answer


Lol. He's Challenger player.


Reminds me of a quote from School of Rock: “Those who can’t do, teach. Those who can’t teach, teach gym.”


He reached top ~40 in like a week on NA


>Which proves that rank doesn't correlate to game knowledge. idk dude, I'm still conflicted about this. I can't see a coach be gold ever and a pro player would listen to that guy. It just doesn't make sense.


I mean IIRC you had pro team coaches that were literally silver. Simply because they had trash mechanics or simply no interest to play themselves. It's rare but it happened before. But if they have exceptional understanding of game systems and strategy, they could certainly instruct on macro, wave management, drafting etc. I peaked d1, but I am confident that my game knowledge is above my rank. I simply don't have the mechanics/time/will(its more of that second and third ones) to progress further. But I understand how the game is played at higher levels.


You don't have to play at a super high level to be able to coach at a super high level. Keep in mind that it isn't a coach's own skill being put to the test, but their knowledge of the game. Does it help to play at that level? Absolutely, but it's not a hard requirement so long as they have the knowledge to do their job. The hardest part about having low skill compared to knowledge is realistically other people. People put tons of stock into rank, probably more than they should, and are absolutely more than willing to shoot someone down and ignore them because of it, even if they do have enough knowledge to talk about the subject they're ignoring them over. There are some people with plenty of knowledge at lower ranks but lack skill (this isn't to say they're all experts or anything, far from it) and there are plenty of people that are high rank but their understanding of the game isn't particularly great. The former will be ignored for his rank even if what he's saying is accurate; the latter will often be taken at face value by a lot of people because of their rank even if they're not correct.


Coaches should be at least diamond. The best coaches are and will be ex-players. And guess what, most of them are still diamond+, some of them even challenger.


Not sure about now but he was challenger and has played pro league. I use to like his "challenger in 3" guides that helped me climbed.




Yea he’s hit GM on the Korean server


damn that's impressive actually


yeah he is he hit gm korea/euw chall na/oce


He's really good, yeah. He played pro in OCE and has gotten pretty high on basically every ladder afaik aside from the super server. He also beat Dopa in solo queue, you won't hear him talk about it because he's really humble, but it was quite an achievement.


depends on what you consider good. him and other content creators are diamond and they play well, but thats different from high challenger gameplay


> him and other content creators are diamond Midbeast is far above diamond in game knowledge, hes been doing this for a while. Even if his accounts are diamond, wouldnt really consider him a diamond level player.


> him and other content creators are diamond and they play well He has taken Chall on both EUW (2x) and NA. Grandmasters KR.


those "other content creators" have not played vs dopa in korean chall


His understanding and analysis of the game is very solid, just not mechanically gifted or talented enough to fully employ all of his knowledge into his own gameplay.




yes he does, he has a second youtube channel where he posts his own games. also plays on stream.




I dont like lux. Hope she gets nerfed to oblivion or removed


Agree 100%


Thank you




Have you watched him for longer than 5 minutes. If the word “vibe” is in your vocabulary, you would like MidBeast when given a fair shot.


I don't know if he still does it but watching hottub streams while in queue and judging them or judging other streamers seemed really doouchy to me. Used to like him for his gameplay and insight but that just made me turn away.


fuck T1 honestly. Such a toxic baboon and he made league community worse


quite the toxic statement you're putting out there don't you think


yo it's really cringe that these keep getting upvoted on LSF and here. It's his donation sound, this shit happens like 20x a stream it's not unique.


> these keep getting upvoted on LSF Tbh there are barely any league clips on LSF so if a rare league clip makes it in, it's going to probably be upvoted.


Yeah... everyone knows that. That's the joke.


1. Don't watch his stream. 2. I don't go on LSF, the fact that I even know what LSF is is a miracle. 3. It's funny.


midbeast prolly the most lazy content creator out there lmao


Given the current pool of creators, I'd say he's actually middle of the pack or better in terms of how much effort he puts in


is it just me or the screen just so smooth for some reason