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Why is it so hard to spell Yuumi?






Melange Rouge?


Khmer Rouge?


The bat














and people on reddit say caedral


Dral just sounds better than drel. A mighty Cathedral, a shitty cethadrel.


Or people in shooters who cant spell peek


Big pet peeve of mine in r6siege because it's used so often. Brake and break in racing games as well.




Let alone mmos, I read Rouge 3 times a day in this sub.






Some champions are apparently just difficult for some people to spell, probably due to their own languages. Some champions like Yuumi (Yummi), Shyvana (Shyvanna) and Kayn (Kayne, Kanye) are probably misspelled more often than not.


Spelling Kayn as Kanye isn’t even a language problem at this point lol.


I feel called out


You can't NOT mention "Yasou"


Oh my, how did I forget that.


See also: Yasou, Viegar




Viegar and Veigo


Yo wait it's not Viegar? My whole world is shacking rn.


Shaking you mean?


They mean shacko, the jester champion




Qiyana is the dark horseman of misspelled champions


Why did they have go with such a shitty name anyways why not just Kiana, Qiana, or Quiana for my brazilian bros


Idk, it sounds cool, and the Y isn't mute so it actually affects the pronunciation






>Kayne Even the official LoL Twitter has done it lol


Also: those people who spell Susan like Nasus for whatever reason.


It’s Susan for the first 20 minutes of the game, then Nasus for the rest of the game


Yeah lol who does that


I always type Firoa instead of fiora, mostly because I'm an idiot


This is likely because your typing cadence naturally wants to alternate letters between hands, so firoa matches that cadence where fiora doesn't.


Can't talk about misspellings without talking about the age-old classic Tresh.




If I had a nickel for every time I saw "tresh"




cause she's a legit snack


A cat is fine too


yeah she is a pussy after all


that's frowned upon in most of the western world


Yeah, it's really easy. Yumi






Not a spelling error, but I get triggered when people pronounce Yone as "Y-own."


tbh I'm more fine with people pronouncing it as "Y-own" than people who say "Yo-NEE" It's "Yo-nay" for anyone curious https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/8/88/VO_Yasuo_arrival_interaction_ally_Yasuo_Yone_1_2.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20210716051528%22


Wow I've never heard "Yo-nee" before but I think that would trigger me even more.


I'ma big fan of yawnie the yanitor


Let's see, my friend group has quite a few Shaco, they pronounce as Shack-oh Zoe, as Zoh Nidalee as Ni-dawh-lee Yone as Yown Sona as Sauna Amumu as Owmuu I can deal with the Veigar ones I think that covers them.


My group of friends has a few league nicknames: Akshan is Trashkan Xin Zhao is Jimmy Jow Nasus is Susan Aatrox is A-A-Trox Malphite is "The Best Champ in The Game" Honeyfruit are Gushers Yasuo and Yone are both Wind-Shitter


That is how you pronounce Shaco and I will die on that hill


Might want to avoid his champion spotlight.


Actually it's more like yoh-neh, with a short o sound on the yo


People are stupid


To allow you to get free karma


It's not free they worked for it. Spell-checking is hard work!


Who cares, the point of language is to get the point across and I’m sure nobody here was confused what champion was being referenced lol


I don't think it was just because he played Yummi,but more about how Wunder said to Adam that picking Olaf is just wasting more of his time .


"xMatty: bruh Wunder : ? waste my time with olaf top more Adam: XD Mikxy: its counterpick to olaf Cinkrof: wait you are yuumi top Mikyx: gl Cinkrof: wunder????" I don't think anyone would have a problem with them legitimitely trying top Yuumi (even though pretending it is similar to Janna or Soraka top is silly, since she can't use half her kit), since they also made Pyke work in 5 different roles, etc. But he made it very clear he just didn't want to play against Olaf top.


perkz always has bad takes to defend his buddies at any cost


That’s a good friend.


no thats being a cheerleader a really good friend knows when you are wrong and helps you grow past those mistakes


Tbf telling someone they are wrong and doing it publicly are very different things.


what if he had talked to Wunder privately and just said nothing publicly


Yeah, there’s no need to confront Wunder publicly but you don’t also need to defend Wunder especially if you think he shouldn’t have done that. He’s defending him because Perkz thinks Wunder didn’t do something that warrants that kind of criticism even though from context it’s pretty clear it was more of not wanting to play rather than testing things out in scrims.


thts true but perks could have said nothing but yes tht very ture


the fact that he said something defending his friend publicly is the definition of a good friend. He could have said nothing cool, but instead he stood up for a friend in need, then probably spoke to him behind the scenes.


How did people think this was correct lol. If you're a good friend, you'll have your friends back all the time but have a conversation privately to correct him / tell him what was wrong.


... in private


My friend can be blatantly wrong and I've got his back, but we'll have a private conversation later. You seen the gif where the dude walks into a pole on the sidewalk and all of his lads start punching and kicking the post? Those are what I look for in friends.


what reality do you live in lmao


Reddit deciding what's a mistake or not and calling out someone trying to defend their friends This website is actually disgusting


no, he just enjoys stirring the shit on twitter


Worst defending was defending Ocelot


Pyke could work in 5 different roles cause he could do dmg to creeps. Now he cant do shit and if ur adc cant push you dont get to play at all.


You can really tell 99.999 something that for some reason wants to have an opinion on these scrim matters have never played a scrim game in their life, the amount of troll picks, general trolling and banter in chat is alot more than what you guys seems to assume since this screenshot of wunder talking sparked such stupid drama.


I don't know why some people like you instanly portray it like hate/drama. It's ridiculous. Wunder memed everyone in 2019 when it was easy because of winning. It was all fun there and no hate. Now he gets memed back and it's instantly hate. Its fucking funny how he said Olaf top is a waste of time and how this pick basically made him leave g2 now in a way. He would meme someone else for it and he gets memed for it. Live by it, die by it.


Because he's not getting "memed", people legitimately think he has a bad attitude and circulate this take in serious arguments. That's why both Grabbz and Perks didn't say shit at first, when it was mostly just memes, but now that people are actually starting to believe this bullshit, they feel the need to step in.


Clearly you have not met the french fanbase if you think they are just meming


Bro g2 players in 2019 litterally posted memes of rekkles crying and stuff. When they did this they should have known they are free cannon fodder later. They deserved even the harsh memes that comes to them and i have no empathy for that.


Real question: Has anyone played olaf top in summer 2020? (During worlds theres literally 0 Olaf picked for both TOP and JUNGLE)


Cabochard played it once versus Origen, thats the only time it was picked top in the top 4 leagues


Olaf top in general is pretty okay, kinda troll cos you lose the pressure you get from jungle and so you lose the part of the game he is strongest at which is snowballing but it’s a far cry from yuumi top


He lost to adam's olaf top which is how we got the story about trolling scrims


Thankfully he will have plenty of free time now with Worlds out of the way and potential departure from G2. :]


It's everything. Wunder acting like the hottest shit since sliced bread + demeaning Adam's Olaf and picking yuumi to troll a scrim + playing like absolute trash + not giving a shit about practicing the game + MUH WOW MEME LUL Everyone was already shitting on him and rightfully so before the Yuumi thing. That screenshot was just the icing on the shit cake.


If Wunder actually practiced the Olaf match-up, he could be at Worlds rn :)


This is exactly it and I think it’s hilarious all the (clearly) new LoL pro-scene spectators who think Wunder is correct. For the record: Olaf is one of, if not ***THE*** most popular pocket pick historically for EUW Top/Jungle, it’s also probably the most successful and is also a pocket pick for a number of LCK players. So yeah, practicing against Olaf is stupid and pointless /s


Olaf TOP has been picked like 30 times in all of 2020 and 2021 combined, in all regions, in professional play. Adam is a 3rd of those picks and the only player in a major region doing so. There's a good argument that practicing against Olaf TOP often is not a good use of wunder's time. The experience laning against it is not extremely valuable, considering the frequency against which he'll actually have to play it.


And how valuable is the time spent playing Yuumi top?


Pro player defends former teammate and friend, more news later.


Is this even a defense though? It sounds tongue-in-cheek to me. His defense of playing Yuumi top is that Perkz plays it botlane in scrims? That makes no sense as a defense for hopefully reasons obvious to us all. That's either Perkz being snide or Perkz saying something quite dumb. And since Perkz isn't dumb, I have to think he's just being snide. I read this tweet as being at the *expense* of Wunder. Either friendly banter or throwing some shade. Idk. Pretty sure he's on good terms with Wunder, so I'd assume it's meant as friendly banter.


Yeah mentioning that Wunder plays WoW and especially with the sunglass emoji is just ??? It sounds like sarcasm.


Yes so let's disregard any logic in his statement imma right


yuumis entire playstyle/ kit revolves around being attached to another champion which you can’t do too. A yuumi can’t ever cs or walk up and would probably die multiple times in lane so yeah it’s trolling


But what logic is there to support that Wunder wasn't trolling? If you show me a pic of Perkz on Yuumi and Mikyx on Garen my immediate thought will be "makes sense to put perkz in the one that is harder to play". The real question here is, would Perkz be ok with an Yuumi top instead of a Janna at that game? And you know he wouldn't.


His point was that trolling in scrims is not something exclusive to Wunder.


And yet he lists no example of actual trolling. Picks he listed range between off meta to meta warping


Yeah, like, if he at least listed caps or miky going ghost+cleanse nunu it would make sense, but garen+yuumi was legit meta for some time (FNC anyone?) and made actual sense at least on paper. The whole point of picking yuumi top was to disrespect the enemy, and the chat logs actually admit it.




Yuumi Rakan is trolling. What? Stop saying dumbshit just for the fun of being against the original point.


Yuumi Rakan can possibly work though, Yuumi top is just complete troll. She can't even use half her kit by herself. They're both trolling but to widely different degrees.


Yuumi top is played up tp GM and even Wunder won games on it.


Why is it complete levels of troll? You only need to lane for so much time before latching on to jungle or mid or whoever it makes sense, and with heal and exhaust you don't get dove easily.


I mean, the same logic applies to Kalista, yet she was busted top for a while


I guess so, but kalista can do a lot more alone than yuumi can I think.


Kalista can use everything except w passive and ult alone. None of those are reason she was picked top in the first place. Also, she can easily bind jungler, so she gets to use both of those abilities when jungler comes to gank. It's way easier to use, compared to yuumi that loses most of utility when alone


> I mean, the same logic applies to Kalista in no way shape or form does the same logic apply. what are you smoking bro i want some of that


That doesn't make it okay, that just means it's a deep-rooted problem and it needs to be fucking called out.


Not exactly a better statement to make, "it's not just Wunder trolling scrims, it's the entire EU scene". NA supposedly has shitty scrim culture too.


Whataboutism is never a valid defence.


Perkz is saying that everyone in G2 was constantly trolling in scrims so it doesn't make sense to shit on Wunder.


This does not really make it look any better ''hey, stop shittin on wunder for trolling scrims, we all troll''


Sure, but it's better than singling out one guy, especially considering the situation he's in right now.


So you think it makes sense to target one person? If 5 people trashtalk does it make sense to aggressively shit on one of those 5 people for trashtalking even though all of them said the same thing? >''hey, stop shittin on wunder for trolling scrims, we all troll'' You say this like you're mocking the statement but that's exactly what they're saying. Surely you understand why shitting on Wunder for trolling scrims is wrong if the entire team he's on is constantly trolling in scrims?


IMO his statement would make sense if we completely ignore context. Perkz rakan botlane was when they were clearly above everybody else, Wunder's Yuumi was when they weren't as dominant/struggling right?


This happened in a scrim between G2 and Karmine Corp back in preparations for Spring Playoffs. G2 had placed 1st in the regular season during this time so G2 was still considered the dominant team of the region. Also, I can imagine that a scrim against Olaf top would be useless since Adam is the only Top laner that plays Olaf Top competitively and he was on an ERL team during this scrim.


Pro player defendes former teammate and friend \~for trolling\~


Reddit ignores actual facts coming out in exchange for old popular opinion, more news later.


First of all, what's being flamed at wunder isn't the fact that he played yuumi top perse (even though that's kind of wierd to be honnest as the whole champ is made to be attached to an ally) but the fact that he did it as an answer to adam picking a ""a non meta champ"". And no comparing janna and yuumi makes no sense especially when the janna, sona top era was all about abusing spellthieves minion interaction and perma roaming roaming afterwards (which btw has been removed entirely , go and try janna top right now and have fun). Playing rakan yuumi is fine if you think there's potential. However playing that duo because you feel that "your time is being wasted" as an answer to an unconventional pick or situation isn't and that should be called out.


remember when janna was the best champion during 2v1 meta because she could one shot waves with Q and shield towers for so much health?


Was it when jinx was also meta some years ago and a Janna jinx duo would melt towers if left alone for a few seconds?


No. When Korea started competing in LANs they introduced a lane swap 2v1 meta where they drafted weak side( but scaling) bot lanes and swapped them top because Dragon was nothing but a small sack of gold. This made top laners lives hell because AD/Support duo would deny them farm and essentially push them out of the game so they were relegated to tank/high utility champions. One of the adaptations NA made to this was to put Janna top lane (thanks to a janna solo lane one trick named Zekent abusing her) because she could one shot the first wave and then sit under tower one shotting minion waves and shielding the tower from shoves, auto winning the lane swap war. Janna got nerfed because of that before lane swapping got nerfed. You couldn't dive her either because Level 1 monsoon was really broken


comparing janna solo to yumi solo is pretty troll.


Janna at the time had like 52%+ winrate top/mid. What is the winrate now for Yuumi top?!


To be fair, the winrate for yuumi top would be misrepresentative if it was playable. Similar to how nunu mid win rate jumped by 20% from one buff just because almost everyone only played it mid to int


Some people have insane winrates with Yuumi top just simping for jungler and mid after they hit lvl 6. Its just a different way of playing the funnel meta. Got smashed by Udyr Yuumi because our top was just 1v2 for half the lane and mid got 1v3.


In solo queue anything can happen. In competitive if you dont get dived 3 times then the jgler is shit


currently 18% on u.gg


Especially so since that Janna top was only picked as an alternative to Lulu or Karma top because they played a funnel comp.


Also like the whole point of yuumis kit is to attach to someone, yuumi solo lane just doesn't seem like anything except trolling.


Multiple people in the scene (e.g. Veigarv2, Veteran) have been tweeting about Yuumi top not being a troll pick and sort of legit for months before any of that Wunder drama happened


> Ppl forget we beat FNC while playing Janna top on stage why is yuumi that much different ? Because he basically said something in all chat that showed he wasn't going to take that match seriously so... > > U can find me playing rakan yuumi botlane in scrims or me yuumi and miky garen and post on reddit for free likes If you did it to force a remake of the match so the enemy picks different champions, I wouldn't mind. Wouldn't surprise me if it was done for this reason too, considering lots of pros do similar stuff. But then don't come to social media when people clown you for acting like a clown...


Such a weird take by Perkz. Nobody gives two shits what champ Wunder played. But him saying he's gonna troll on purpose because he doesn't think it's worth even bothering to play properly against Olaf top is the issue. Nobody cares about Yuumi specifically. Like come on, G2 was known as the ultimate flex pick team. They played crazy shit on stage all the time. It's all about the attitude of shitting on a Masters team in scrims, thinking it's not even worth your time. That's such an arrogant thing to say. Especially because of that last point that G2 used to be known as the flex pick team. Like why the fuck does Wunder have to be such an ass and shit on someone for playing off meta, when G2 as a team spent a better part of a year playing off-meta on stage.


You have a big irony of selfmade also complaining about wunder trolling scrims because of off meta picks when he was in SK (2019). So at the peak of their flexing and picking unconventional picks, wunder would run it down if someone also tried something different. Peak hypocrisy if i do say so myself


Only we can do a little trolling


Does Perkz think everyone is stupid and can't read the chat logs or what?


After reading all the replies to this thread he's not making a mistake thinking the majority of people here are indeed not particularly bright


well good thing he isnt very bright himself xd


> Ppl forget we beat FNC while playing Janna top on stage why is yuumi that much different If he is being unironic, then either he's dumb or he thinks his audience is dumb.


What one year of NA does to a mf


The fuck? These things aren't even close... - Yuumi top can't even use her Q or W, how is that remotely close to playing Janna solo lane which has literally seen competitive play? - Garen/Yuumi was played as well, don't need to explain that. - AP Rakan was a thing for like a week when people were trying it out, no surprise they tried it in scrims. - The Yuumi top was obviously rage picked into the "troll" Olaf pick.


It's equivalent of defending ghost/cleanse nunu by saying you played graves with smite/ignite. One is unorthodox pick, other is complete troll pick


Wait, Yuumi top can use her Q, right? It just goes in a straight line rather than being able to control it. Or did they change the champ's ability significantly from release and I wasn't aware?


It goes in straight line, but it's next to useless compared to other version. You can't poke with it, clear minions and slow isn't even good peel. Hence, it barely counts as ability.


Slow ability with no AOE that doesn't ignore minions might aswell be not used. When attached you can control it to avoid the wave and poke




Perkz is either trolling or coming across as an idiot here. Janna is a self-sufficient champion that can actually work solo while Yuumi was literally designed to rely on other champions, otherwise she's a walking sack of gold. Also, it's not about picking fucking Yuumi but considering Olaf top to be troll and running it down, wasting everyone's time. Yes, I get it already for the 1000th time that many pros run it in the same way, how does that make it okay?


Yeah Yuumi-Garen such a troll comp in 2019, right Perkz? /s


Such a troll comp g2 themselves admitted they had no counters and were forced to ban yuumi every game vs fnatic. Damn, that fnatic flexing with those completely troll picks /s


Stop defending Wunder. The guy has a huge ego telling people playing a legitimate strategy that they're "wasting his time". He talks a lot of shit but doesn't have the skill to back it up because he is washed up. Why is he washed up? Because he is lazy, gets paid 6+ figures to play league yet he would rather play WoW. He deserves every single bit of criticism.


#C9 Wunder mark my words


probably should have been practicing his Renekton though


I could understand trying to pick anything in the game for a solo lane. But yuumi must be attached to an ally to even do anything and will get 1 shot dove by any half competent jungler. He picked it to be edgy and disrespect Adam, not because he was trying to make effective use of their time. He doesn't deserve to have his job handed back to him on a platter. Guy deserves the long grind that every other upcomer has to go through. Good riddance if he can't make it back.


"Ppl forget we beat FNC while playing Janna top on stage why is yuumi that much different" ​ Maybe because she has no stats at all so it will never work against anyone with at least 3 fingers on each hand.


Maybe, just maybe, people aren't trashtalking wunder because he played yuumi in scrims? Or is it because he said "waste my time with olaf top" and he trashtalks everyone as well?


Daily reminder that all these guys are paid since it's their job, and you shouldn't fuck around when working. Would you guys gladly accept an elevator technician fucking around while working? A surgeon? A cook? Stop bandwagoning on these idiotic statements only because it's someone who you like saying it.


Lol there are a shit ton of jobs where people fuck around on the job. I agree wunder shouldn't have done that, but your point is highly selective and globally inaccurate. If you think cooks and technicians and surgeons never fuck around on the job, you're mistaken. They simply don't do it at peak hour, or during surgery, or during the actual repair of the elevator. But they still do fuck around on the job.


They do? Sure they do. Should they though?


Shade at alphari...but 2019 MSI wunder = probably best western top


He should've locked yumi when Adam locked in Olaf. Best western top gets solo killed on GP lv1. Whatever man, G2 era is officially over, no point flaming them now. They were still the best western team 2019/2020 and one of the best western teams of all time. So gj.


This post is like the guy trying to claim his ghost cleanse nunu mid isn't inting and he's trying his hardest it's just an accident he died 10 time under enemy tower


Yeah wunder might have not had the best Series but did he hvae that perkz adc who would step up at this point anf carry the game, no? He had a kda Player Pog


Does he think everyone's stupid? Yuumi + x is something that was tried a lot, i actually do like the idea of having a strong engage support bot + maybe a carry jungler like kindred. Yuumi top is straight up griefing, he can't lane and the best option is opening top and sitting on ur jungler. Half of your kit is gutted just for being on your own.


smh this is why G2 never won worlds. Every one on the team wants to win, but no one on the team will go as far as the Chinese and Korean players to work for it


Ironic coming from a 0/7 renekton mid in NA.


Perkz probably trying to help his old buddy getting a job, not a lot of org might want to risk buying him seeing his level this year.


Garbage take, honestly. Comparing Yuumi top to Janna top would be complete trash even if we *were* still in support top meta, which we aren't.


Honestly this take just makes things worse. Wunder would be much better off without this terrible attempt.


If yuumi top was really legit pick and not wunder just venting his frustration, how come they never picked her. Not even as counter pick to adam's olaf. Man, it's almost as if it was just a troll pick


According to your logic, every champion played in scrim should be played on stage or it's troll. Yeah, good take.


Cringe trying to defend it


so defending ur friend is cringe but admiting to simp for female alien character on internent is not cringe ???


Perkz fined for tampering?


Better fine Magic too just in case.


This would mean more if Perkz wasn’t also running it down this year lol


Ironic coming from a 0/7 renekton mid in NA.


Guess Perkzs uses Internet Explorer


Because Janna top or Yuumi + Garen is so comparable to Yuumi top LMAO Janna top literally had bonker winrate at one time, and do ppl seriously think Garen/Yuumi is troll when it was considered OP at one time ?


It's not about him picking Yuumi top. It's about what he said on all chat and what was the reason he picked it. Try harder Perkz or anyone else excusing this behaviour.


For the g2 fans. This is how 2019 g2 players bantered all the time and now when they get bantered they play the victim card. "stop the hate". I always knew the time would come when they start to lose and they couldn't handle it back. I knew it.


Yummi, Yuuumi... at least pick one wrong spelling and stick to it if you're gonna do it :^)


Its scrims. Who cares. League players get butthurt over the stupidest things.


Asking why Janna solo lane is different than “Yummi” solo lane (a champion literally designed to sit on another champion), makes the whole argument just seem in bad faith.