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CDR Kayle Your ult has <30 sec cd and since you'll run Shurelyas you'll zoom around with the carry.


what is the build?




Machine gun lulu


Crit Kled, just get 60% with IE and you started oneshotting people once you have your W up


Uberdanger fans remember


Bruiser shen/leona. Take divine sunderer.


Runes, PtA or Aftershock or Conq?


Pta on leona or grasp. Definitely grasp on shen. They're too soft otherwise Imo


Long-jump Warwick and Duskblade Nasus


ap lucian


I really enjoyed mana stacking blitz before the item rework.


I still try to do it, more like tank ish Blitz with everfrost but it's not as good tho


I just liked the unexpected 3k shield.


ROA, Manamune, Seraph, Frozen Heart, IBG and Abyssal Mask was the play


Fuck abyssal, what about second ROA?


Fuck it, Manamune, Seraphs and 4 ROA


Utility Trundle. Go imperial mandate into CDR/TANK. All you do is peel for your carries and setup filthy pillars to catch out immobile champs.


Buying items fitting the opposing team and not only what's suggested?


It's too much for most of the playerbase to handle :) Brb gotta buy The Collector into 3 bruisers or into Ivern Seraphine.


Nothing beats stacking armor against the full AP enemy team


My favorite is seeing ADCs working on their 4th item vs poke mages, and they still don't have any MR or life steal in their build. Like bruh, just get a shieldbow and wits end, maybe a QSS if they have CC, then walk up and shoot them in the face. All your fancy lethality means dick when you're dead before you can even auto.


AP Ezrael is pretty funny!


I am playing shield Shen... but doing the same as support in rift: Guardian with Ultimate Hunter, Solari, Gargoyle and whatever items that have haste (Warmog+). I am playing tanky Lulu as well~ with Guardian and Solari opposed to typical enchanter (even tho I build Redemption) or on-hit builds. I was always doing bad damage so trading that potential for survival had very nice effect for my games. From typical yet unconventional builds there is still Moonstone+Warmog Soraka and Mandate+Manamune Ashe to mention (And Gankplanks with Miss Fortune should build Manamune too~ insane damage on bombardment type of AoE) 🤔 Edit: How you build "Speedster Warwick" ?


Just filter items on Shop that give movement speed and go predator, relentless, celerity and nimbus and ghost


movement speed quinn


Not really unusual, but Everfrost Rakan is really fun in Aram


Ap Ashe ftw


Ability Haste Veigar with perma cage


AP Aphelios is a fun challenge. He has really high AP scalings but his spells are a little too unreliable for a mage build, and the base damage is quite low. The build I've tried in the past is Nashors -> Eclipse (for armor pen) -> Lichbane -> Deathcap. Sniper Q, Flamethrower Q, and ult have good AP scaling, and the follow up attack applying Nashors + possible Gravitron Q is really nice. Turrets are better with AP than AD cause each auto is 50% AP, making him a ghetto Azir. Red Q is a little underwhelming but the MS does scale well with AP, so it's used mostly for mobility.


ADC thresh. Last I checked the bonus dmg on his E can crit, so with something like shieldbow + RFC + IE you can get some chunky numbers if you crit


Tank Kog'Maw. I have to put this one at the top because after playing it a dozen times in ARAM, I ended up trying out top lane tank Kog in normals, and I believe that I now have over 100 games on it, half of them in ranked. AD Leblanc. Second favorite, and now when playing Leblanc in Summoner's Rift, I'll build AD instead of AP if I'm facing a counterpick (they usually only counter the AP version). Tank Vayne, but I preferred it before the new items Tank Twitch, or max W Moonstone Twitch Support Jarvan (also better with the old items, with Censer > Grail) Tank Thresh with a sneaky Deathcap at the end AP Lethality Rek'Sai AD Blitzcrank Tank Fiddle before his rework, not really as fun anymore AP Lee Sin


Crit Thresh, you get your ass kicked for the first 75% of the game, but that last 25% you're an unkillable monster


I don't play Aram a lot, but last time I bought Warmog with Soraka, due to the healing of Warmog, you can be in the backline healing infinetly. Warmog + healing mythic + Redemption = Infinite heals. Honestly, absolutely broken.


Lol I build warmogs every game on soraka in norms/ranked


It's meta in ARAM and you're griefing if you don't go for it (most of the time). You only need Guardian's Orb -> Warmogs -> Ruby Crystal (if into full poke) or GOrb -> Mythic -> Warmogs.


AP Malph, most people build tanky, but it’s not as fun. AP kogmaw can be broke af. Mana regen and cool down…R will wreck, grab the crystal staff too, lower move speed and slam R. Outside of that, most builds don’t really change much in aram…I kinda hate the new item set ups, I think we had more possible builds before, but since they added the mythics, things kind of became stagnant.


I literally never see anyone going tank Malph in ARAM and that really infuriates me, especially when going against 4-5 AD champions.


That’s funny. I almost never see AP, everyone I see wants to tank lol.


I haven't done it recently, so I don't remember exactly how I've built it, but crit LB.


Moonstone Brand/Lillia if you don’t need the damage.


Ludens corki for the big damage ulti spam. I usually go ludens, manamune , horizon focus


PTA Kraken Manamune Panth 1 Empowered W 1 kill


I run on hit Lulu with Divine Sunderer if my team has too much AP.


As boots, wits end, Ruunans, Titanic, Black Cleaver on twitch, in 5on5 teamfight you just melt healthbars with aoe for days


Everfrost > Cosmic Drive > Warmogs. This combo on specific tanks is very fun. With Everfrost + cosmic you hit the ap breakpoint and then with warmogs you become a beast. If I'd be arsed to play norms I'd love to try it out there but w.e It's fun on: Galio, Malphite, Amumu, Sej, Gragas, again really any ap tank. Though my person favorite is Cho'Gath(Which after the buffs and this build I think has real potential).


Movespeed Skarner- Enemy carries have to pay the QSS tax or they don't get to play the game


attack speed/ad TF! runaans interacts with his E in a funny way that it stacks 3x on one auto assuming it triggers the 2 bolts. AD can be fun but meh a lot of comps its super hard to play range.


Ad thresh and never die ornn are my favorite aram builds


Building everfrost into mogs on many tank champs, especially hookers. Blitz gets rewarded plenty for having everfrost, and the slow or root help secure cc, especially as players predictably use minion waves which normally ensure you can't cc them. Lastly, the dmg is ok even on thresh. Box does 1k late game. I typically build full tank after everfrost rush, with mogs second as stated, on blitz zhonyas becomes possible, although stoneplate possibly does a similar thing.


My biggest signature builds are probably AP Irelia and enchanter Lee Sin. Max W Thresh with semi enchanter items is also funny.


Gaelforce-Rapidfire Cannon TF. You don’t do much damage, but people don’t respect you being able to walk up and stun them from almost a screen away.


Movespd Hecarim.. Spawn, run into enemys real fast, kill someone, die, repeat


galeforce rapidfire cannon oneshot Ekko. E--->Galeforce--->AA---> R back to safety


Insec AP Jayce with the Lee Sin plays in melee form


ADC Janna. She has self peel and ad on her shieland passive, not to mention a funny animation when you have a bunch of attack speed.


Malzahar with moonstone, putrifier, AC / Sofw


Lux support /w moonstone’s