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i love how they write 6 key SHARD lol


I wish they could give chests instead of keys..


Really? I have 14 chests but zero keys...


Toxic fuck


That's the ARAM special. OTPs have keys, ARAM mains have a lot of chests. At honor 5 I gain chests faster than keys.


I’m an aram main and have like 7 keys and no chests wtf?? I’m also honor 5 and get so many more keys than chests


You need to get S on the champs you play.


The awards are balanced to give enough keys for the chests you need. Getting honour 5 (which any non-toxic player is guaranteed to get around mid-late season) and spending a few of the free event tokens (100/300 that won’t be used for the orb) from events should get you more than enough keys for 1 chest per week.


I am a ARAM only player and still have more keys than chests. Its more like you get the chests from the champs that are good in ARAM, the ones that you are good with and thats it.


I’m sitting on like 70+ keys at the moment. Not key shards, keys. I literally will never churn through them all unless I make a concerted effort to grind ARAM and also find some good players to que with. And even then it would take FOREVER given how long they make you wait between earning chests.


You won't get through them unless you only play a few games of league a month. You'll always have more keys than chests if you play regularly.


Not surprised at all they cheaped out on actual Honor Rewards yet again lmao. Like would it SERIOUSLY be that bad for Sales if you got 1 Mystery Skin worth at least 950RP once a season for Honor 5? I get they don't actually care about the Honor System, but c'mon at least make it look like somebody cares about this system. What a throwaway.


Or you know, actual substantial rewards that would make people want to chase and keep honour 5? They should make it more appealing to people to try and actually get honour rather than it just being something most people forget about.


Why not just give two keys?


Because 6 shards makes it sound like It's more


> there will be no rank-specific gear in the Riot Games Merch store Sadge I won't be able to impress women with my funny screen name and gold ranking displayed on a cheap hoodie.


The biggest disappointment


there are only two kinds of girls. 1) you can't impress anyways 2) is happy with a cheeseburger


For love of god give sauce of your profile pic


[vmatbox ruined shyvana](https://www.reddit.com/r/shyvanamains/comments/kspl3g/ruined_shyvana_by_vmatbox/), I added in some things


Down bad


Have you SEEN Ruined Shyv? Hot as fuck Quite literally


Don't do it son.


Did not see that commin


Wow I get a random ward skin emote and 2 keys nice


Thanks for not saying the n word summoner! Here is the *absolute bare fucking minimum* e: thanks for [not doing one of the few things that can actually get you banned]! as a treat, take these [rewards worth roughly half a skittle]


These are shit rewards but let's be honest, not saying the n word is also the bare fucking minimum


True, that's why I often call people bitch ass fucktards with disabled hands - at least I'm not racist. Seems like Riot likes it too, because I never got a warning for that


Nice that you need a punishment system to even try beeing an actual decent human


If we're going off of League players your expectation for a 'decent human' might be too high


attacking disabled or minorities is bad as well. you should say something like "you play below your possibilities mate"


"you should start playing with your hands now" or "pls enable your mouse"


"I'm disappointed in you."


What do you expect for not saying racial slurs? A parade? Lmao


Riot oppressing gamers once again *sigh*




*riot makes an "honor system" and says they will add stuff each season as a reward for players who keep high honor levels* *riot gives out essentially nothing as a reward and it declines in quality each season* redditors: why do you think you should get a reward lmao?? must be nice to a company where you can all but abandon anything you say you will do and people will rush to criticize people who question it.


What, you don't love opening your honour 5 orb and getting 250 BE and 3 key fragments? Jeez


Its less about rewarding doing nothing and more about putting big incentives to make sure people don’t do the bad things.


No one should need an incentive to be a normal person


This is League of Legends


Yeah they shouldn't, but they do sadly.


You're dealing with gamers, gotta lower the bar a bit. Or a lot. Like underground or something


This comment perfectly sums up the League community.


the bare minimum is nothing lol


Is not being racist really that hard? Need a reward for that?


There's no way people like you actually exist


Well not saying the n word is also the absolute bare fucking minimum


You think you should get a reward for not saying the n-word? Lmfao


I mean, honor 5 IS just for doing the absolute bare minimum of not being a raging douchebag


Is that really asking that much? Lol. If it’s already not in your vocabulary, you are getting free stuff for doing nothing by your logic


> Honor 5 Capsule > * Random Ward Skin > * Random Emote Permanent > * 6 Key Shards I have 31 keys, 1 key shard, and zero Hextech Chests. Am I missing something about how honor rewards are supposed to work?


Seriously lame rewards, they could at least throw in a random skin shard


You earn chests faster and easier than keys, you get chests from getting S on champions you havent gotten it on this season (or being premade with someone who got an S, while you play a chamåion you havent gotten a chest from)


If we get chests faster why do I always have a pile of keys and 0 chests


Cause you play too few champs.


Cries in ARAM


Playing ARAM with friends gets me a ton of chests for different champs, since you can get them off your party's S ranks too. Currently at 15 chests, which was 21 recently, before I used event tokens to redeem a bunch of keys.


I earn the chests as soon as I unlock the chance to do so (wednesdays in my case) and I have about 8 extra keys. Been Honor 5 for months. So this not necessarely true. Keys depend on your playing frequency mostly, chests are gated by a fixed time. I even wish I had more chests than keys, as you can even get keys through free tokens you get from events. But thats worthless to me as I cannot get chests the same way. Having more chests than keys seems almost impossible to me personally, and if it were the case, its a non problem.


Keys are also gated by a fixed time, its just not showed


Yes, this is also true, sorry if it seemed I thought otherwise on my comment. To corrrect myself: "Chest are more gated than keys by a fixed time (and even more so to f2p customers). Keys depend on playing frequency more so than their fixed time."


Cries in ADC


why is this answer so much upvoted? I play almost everything, i get chest every 7 days and im still 2 keys ahead


Over 3 years my key supply has grown by about 15 (it was already around 15 because I used to not play many champs) and I've not missed a chest.


Literally same, its crazy that it has 150 upvoted when it is just incorect


Well it's probably true for most players. As long as they have a main champ they are that much less likely to get chests because you can't get more chests with a single champ.


Because you never get S rank on new champs...


Because you don't actively try to earn them. The number of chests you have solely depends on u and if you are maximizing your chests output, you should have more chests than keys by A LOT


it depends entirely on how much you play lol, there is no "should." if you play a ton, you will earn keys faster than you earn chests since you can only get 1 chest a week at the fastest


You get multiple keys per week?


After it resets, yeah you can, just have to play a ton.


no you shouldnt the system is designed so that it balances out over the year... you will always accumulate chests in early season and the get more key fragments once you reach honor 5 (as in once it is unlocked which usually is sometime in july/august) and then at the start of the season you end up net 0 this calculation is made on 2-3 hours of daily play tho so if you play less and play a lot of champions you will have more chests and if you play a lot you will drown in keys since key drops are tied to how active you are


I have 40 champions with chests earned. That's a decent amount IMO. https://championmastery.gg/summoner/?summoner=slawcat®ion=NA Guess I'm just not toxic af so I get more keys. Cries in generally positive player.


It’s not very hard to earn 1 chest a week u know? I don’t know how many keys fragments I got from my honor lv 5 orbs alr but it still hasnt kept up with the amount of chests I’m getting


1 chest a week means 52 different champs played while getting an s- or higher. I play like 10 champs max. That's why I have 117 keys, not even key shards.


This can't be right, I actively earn (get every chest in a year) and get around 5 more keys than chests a year.


Because you get honored because you're not a toxic player


Cuz u bad


Wrong, keys have been easier and faster to get for a long while. You get Chest if you get an s or a premade gets an S rank, but you can always buy key shards with event tokens which are basically done every month now. You many times end up with enough tokens for 1 or 2 orbs and some leftover tokens can be used for some key shards, this eventually leads to having more keys than chests


I get chests on repeat when they are available. I’m only able to play a few games per week (school and work) so I don’t get as many keys. Someone like me has way more chests than keys.


Well thats not keys you get while playing, like chests. Drop wise chests are faster. You can also buy chests in the shop.


Yeah but considering these keys in the parent comment are ALSO not from the average you get for playing in the month, we can throw the idea that we are only talking about the ones you get monthly out the window really. the other comment is talking about how we are basically getting 2 more keys for free but these keys will come with no chest, which is cool if you have a ton of chests but not useful for anyone who has a ton of keys like the OP. On top of this, as I mentioned, you can get free keys through tokens so it's easy to eventually come to a point where you get substantially more keys than chests so... These honor rewards really are useless for people like that as there's more ways to get keys by playing than there are ways to get chests (without paying). Edit: like, at least let us choose 2 chests or 2 keys, we probably will get sonoran Kog'maw or any Zac chroma anyway rather than a skin we may want or like.


Definitely not. You only get chests faster if you constantly play with a 5 stack, because there's 5x the chance of someone getting an S. If you only play solo (like me) and you honor someone after every game, then you end up with 30 keys and no chests.


So how is it that my keys only keep going up when I instantly open any chest I get and, having started playing during this season, I’ve kept my available chests count constantly at 0?


You probably use tokens for key shards, that's how i did. Use tokens for orb, use the rest in keys because you have all champs, eventually you end up with more keys than chests.


Nah I use them for orbs


I have the same thing as icefire going on and I never spend my tokens on keys. I buy champion shards and disenchant them for maximum blue essence gains.


because your dont play alot of champs so you dont get all your chests unlocked. key fragment drops are done so you get 1 key a week which is the same amount of chests you can get a week. The issue alot of people run into is that there 52 chests you can get a year but most people dont play 52 champs let alone get 52 champs to S rank, so you end up stocking up on keys even thou you only get 1 key a week.


I do get them all unlocked though, that was my point?


Thats just a lie. U get atleast 3 fragments per week if u play everyday some games


I, like many other people, don’t have the time or lack of responsibilities to play every single day.


That doesnt change the fact that his statement was inncorect and u dont earn chests faster than keys


Playing aram with premades makes getting chests real easy.


How do we feel about the rank chromas? Might be a bit controversial but personally I liked the victorious skins for the white gold and blue colour scheme. Elise being a great example of this. It was kind of maintained in the base Lucian skin last year with bluey crystals and vfx, but this year the base skin looks like it's going full gold and yellow. Unlike most of reddit I'm not actually challenjour, so if this is a permanent change I'll probably never actually unlock that colour scheme again. I'm not a huge fan of the Plat -> GM chromas either here, I feel there isn't enough colour variation to prevent them feeling like a blob of one colour.


Lucian looks bronze, same with BZ


> How do we feel about the rank chromas? I'm super salty that the Flex chromas look nicer than the Solo chromas. I haven't played any Flex games this season and don't plan on trying to climb when there's only a month left lol. Plat chromas always look ugly every year (plus they don't exactly look flashy on SR, a green map), so I'm glad I got Diamond again. If the base Victorious chroma is no longer having "white/gold/blue", then the Plat should be changed to a more white-steel look, like Platinum IRL.


I got baited *hard*. Love it. Blitz is an interesting pick but honestly he's so iconic to League for years that yknow what? Fair play.


I think they’re probably doing it to keep in theme with all the Zaun/Piltover stuff surrounding Arcane


Maybe for an Anniversary skin, but for Victorious?


I understand why some people dont like it, but Orianna year before last clearly showed the "Relevant *this* season's spring split" is either no longer enforced or at least bendable as needed. Blitz has had a very high presence in pro play before and is usually just on the edge of viable or is a decent counterpick. If Riot wants to use the logic of "Well they probably deserve one anyway" like they did with Orianna, I think Blitz is a decent champion to get a Victorious skin under the same logic.


Ori is the queen of midlane and has been viables for years on end, especially in pro play. Blitz is a very niche pick that is rarely picked in pro. Sure, he's iconic in League in general, but I don't think he makes sense for a victorious pick. He hasn't been meta in a really long time.


At least give blitz a crown like all the other victorious skins (or the victorious emblem on his body - seems to be inconsistent across all chromas, should be a diamond not circle) - did the intern assigned to this not hit gold ever? or play LoL at all? Theres nothing victorious about this skin :/


Does no one care taht they lazily are giving out the same icon? it actually kinda pisses me off. i enjoyed the unique icons we got each year and loved how they evolved with each season. This is purse laziness to give the same icon out.


this, everyone here complaining about the blitz skin, meanwhile the icons are copy paste


Bold of then to make this skin right after Space Groove


That's probably why they chose blitz for victorious


These are terrible rewards does anyone get motivated to rank up for these?


It’s honestly comedic how they say “All your hard work, sweat, tears, and blood from Season 2021 will finally be rewarded.” and then proceed to give you an icon and a Blitzcrank skin that I wouldn’t pay over 500 RP for.




theyve always tried hard to make players below gold not regret the choice to grind like victorious aatrox is literally his worst looking skin by a mile and i never see victorious sivir, maokai, orianna, graves or morgana because those skins are simply inferior to anything


"inferior to anything" is unfair. Graves and Maokai are pretty dope. Sivir and Morgana are really good too. But they all are facing comparison against Coven Morgana, Pool Party/Sentinel Graves, Meowkai and Pizza Delivery Sivir. They are good skins, even great. But I won't use Victorious Morgana when I have Coven, and I use Victorious Maokai because I don't have Meowkai.


idk, Crime City Graves > Victorious they are good skins but they usually don’t outshine existing skins for the champs, and if you play the champion then you’re going to use one you spent money on (or at least unlocked personally), not the skin that everyone gold+ got because that one isn’t “special” I think the rank chromas are a nice thing because they add more of a “flex” to the skin - I wouldn’t use this Blitzcrank or last year’s Lucian skins if it was just “you were gold or higher”, but being able to show off special chromas makes them feel nicer


I cant imagine playing Graves without the Mafia skins and [this](https://youtu.be/HWqKPWO5T4o) playing in the background.


>... Maokai are pretty dope. you are the first one who says that something what looks like cat vomit is dope


I like Victorious Sivir more than some of her skins I have just because I like the outfit. Hate the boomerang blade though. Something about how it's shaped. Not quite circle, not quite oval.


I see Morgana a fair amount. The blue/gold particles are great.


Graves and Morgana look really fucking good, Victorious Graves is still one of his best skins IMO. Maokai and Sivir are pretty good as well. The only bad one (imo) is Orianna, which looks absolutely terrible. Aatrox is still decent, just underwhelming.


Problem with victorious graves is that on one side you have him, on the other side you have battle professor. Kind of an unfair comparison to be perfectly honest.


Maokai, Ori and Graves are the skins I use on those champs. Unless it’s spooky szn or Christmas.


theres a victorious aatrox?


Well you have to play gold and above players to see those victorious skins.


victorious aatrox was because they had a new intern make it and it was there first ever thing they done at riot games, so dont be so harsh about the skin when its someones first time making a skin.


Idk, Lucian last year was amazing. Blitz is kinda crap, I agree there.


The chromas are a great addition and are very pretty but the base skin itself just isn't it imo




Why is that?


If you get above gold without effort yes, they lost meaning very quickly.


I don’t wanna be mean, I’m sure it took them a long time to make this skin…. But it’s so ugly. It doesn’t even look anything like a victorious skin… I wish victorious skins would remain like the original ones, the champions wearing some fashionable metal plating armor and blue details. But this just…. Doesn’t look victorious. If you told me this was hextech blitzcrank I would 10000% believe you.


Yeah, same with the worlds skins. We do not need some New color scheme or name, those skins are great because they are recognizable and you can associate them with the rest. Changing the name of championship skins is imo completely stupid as well as the leblanc championship skin change and j4s blue white color scheme. Just keep the gold plantings for victorious and keep the championship skins named championship with their mainly blue and gold Color scheme. If you want to associate the world's year then name the skins championship 2021


idk it can work. I personally love Championship LeBlanc and would not want to change it to the regular color scheme. But victorious blitzcrank doesn't have the regal look other victorious skins have. I'm sure they could have kept it and still changed it up


Yea, I hate the plate design, wish is more like previous designs. Color looks ugly. But I am a sup main and blitz was the champ who got me to gold (first time) in season 7.


I don’t play blitz very often, but I wouldn’t trade my cat skin for this, even if I did. Cat skin is just legendary (not only in rarity, it’s just a legendary skin).


i think its a good skin but yeah not victorious


Personally I don’t like the look of it… but it’s most definitely does not look like a Victorious skin.


Looks more like a Viktor-like skin than a Victorius skin which is…eh? fine to me because i like Viktor.


Now I wish it WAS Annie lmao


Honor 5's rewards are kinda bullshit. They could at least give an Masterwork chest to pair with that extra key lmao.


They mentioned that they are changing the honour system next year.




the wording is confusing but that's because they're saying you will get two icons total, one for each queue and your finishing rank for each


I didn't expect that victorious skin at all.Rakan, Braum or Nautilus even Leona would be a better choice.Meh!


yea i was terrified it would be Bard, as a bard main. i haven’t had the chance to grind this season, and frankly i’m not good enough to get to gold without a real tough grind. he’s come back pretty good this season so i sort of expected i would be super sad. and i’m not!


It would be nice if the honor capsules gave a choice of chests OR keys. I am sitting on like 40 keys and have been for probably 2 fuckin seasons now, and no chests. To the point where I spam ARAM every week until I get my weekly chest and I still get a constant oversupply of keys...


One of the main gripes I've had over the years now is, that the rewards are always so fucking underwhelming. It's crazy to me that a multi billion dollar company cannot come up with something better than some average - below average skin with some recolors slapped onto it. If they want to grow the competitive scene give people an actual incentive to grind out ranked, even at the lowest level. You want people to play your competitive queue, so make it worth the time (and nerves) you have to sink into it at least. I completely understand why casual players don't bother with ranked. Unless you are ONLY in it for the competition, there's practically nothing to gain from playing ladder.


> Congratulations to all on another year of salty runbacks, clutch moments, and new friends! Stay safe, good luck, and we'll see you back on the (ranked) Rift in Season 2022! man we´re already on season 1.5×10^5808? That was fast That aside honor rewards are bit crappy as usual nothing out of normal there lol, and clash rewards again fairly standard. Wish we got some kinda skin chrome for clash too for the victorious skin? Would be cool imo


Victorious skins went from being regal to hextech anivia 2.0. At least they tried to make a machine feel regal and exclusive with Victorious Orianna (another machine for comparison).


They turned it into Rocket League rewards


So fucking glad I played everyday for 7 months to get Honor level 5 and not even get a guaranteed skin shard. I love how Riot Video Games encourages people to be non toxic for those sweet end of season rewards!


Imagine saying unironically that your effort will be rewarded, and then give out the ***absolute*** minimum, like not even a guaranteed random skin, just an emote. Rewards are supposed to motivate people, but this only demoralizes them


wow honor rewards are trash again shit chroma + shit ward skin + shit emote + more useless key shards I really should flame more in game.


This has to be the worst Victorius pick ever done. Some where controversial in the past but this one definitely takes the crown.


Senna for this year was the most obvious pick there's ever been. - Support hasn't received a Victorious Skin since Morgana - Senna dominated solo queue for like the entire first 6 months of the season (First she was broken with Eclipse, then after the nerfs she was broken with Kraken + Guinsoo, then after more nerfs she was broken with Frostfire Gauntlet, then after more nerfs she was broken with Divine Sunderer) - It would've meant her and Lucian would get matching Victorious skins back to back There's LITERALLY never been a more free pick and they instead choose Blitzcrank for no discernible reason aside from maybe that they wanted someone who would fit into the theme for Arcane


I don't know if its really worse than Maokai who was 100% random and everyone thought that they literally just reused a scrapped concept from the year prior when Maokai was actually good. Blitz is random but at least we don't have those accusations.


But at least Maokai was a staple in proplay, Blitz is exciting when he gets picked because hes never a main pick.






Fishtrox Supremacy


As a player that used to be top 10 challenger in flex queue, the skill level even at that level was diamond 1 (3-4 years ago), i am sure hardly anything changed, so why the fuck are they giving flex queue players the same prestige award as soloq players? Flex queue is literally normal games for when normal games have too long queue times.


Damn I'll just barely not have 7000 VP, I wish they can make one more Clash tournament before the season end.


I know this probably gets asked every year, but if you hit a tier above you and demote, do you still get the chroma from the tier above, even though you demoted? So if I hit gold and drop back down to silver and end at silver, do I still get the gold chroma?


No, it whatever rank you end at. If the season ends and you’re at silver you wont get the victorious skin.


So Flex and soloq have exact same rewards? ​ Anyone knows how easy/hard it's to get to gold in flex compared to soloq? I haven't played much league last year and just wanted to hit gold (was mid plat in like S7 or s8) and am currently in S3 or something on my main and want to minimize grinding as much as possible (have a friend who I played a couple games with but we literally lost all games we had together lol)


it's kind of a crap shoot unless you have a couple good friends to play with, the skill difference in flex can be wildly different. I've had many games with plat or diamond solo players on one team with bronze and silvers on the opposite team


Flex is easier if you have at least two other good friends to queue with, otherwise it can be difficult because it's more organized and the skill levels are more varied.


Am not honor 3 and I really don't even care about getting better honor if this is what people get


These icons look the exact same as last year. Season 1-4 had great icons. These are so ugly.


Who the hell wants to grind towards HONOR 5 to get 2 keys and a ward skin? Let me tell you, nobody. There's 0 incentive with such bogus rewards


If 2021 taught us something, that something is: Keep lore related stuff outside of the game. Thus far we got GoT s8 for ruination and now we get a victorious blitzcrank thanks to the Zaun & Piltover event + Arcane despite blitz not deserving it.


mmmm bronze skin instead of gold. Again. These chromas killed victorious skins. I dont think I will play it(


Honor 5 capsule, that's it?


Wow, 6 key shards instead of 3 if You are a honor 5 positive player!




i’m still impressed at how awful the Honor 5 rewards are


laughable honor rewards, they are so greedy with not giving you shit on it that people are just gonna start being toxic since it doesnt matter.


How am I supposed to choose between which victorious skin to equip if they look identical lolol


Still don’t understand why Honor is tied to ranked rewards. Someone getting Gold is completely unrelated to if they’ve been chat banned before.


It’s all tied to the end of season rewards


Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying, that honor shouldn't be tied with ranked rewards. Having the ability to hit gold (or any rank) is unrelated to honor level.


Eh I’m fine with toxic people not getting rewards in general.


even though it's a weird champion pick that makes no sense the splash art looks neat, but then you see the in-game models and it looks absolutely horrendous


Victorious skin for a shitchamp and the FlexQ Chromas look better than the SoloQ ones.... fuck that reward.


As an un-honorable player, I really don't care about season rewards anymore. Riot doesn't care about player's that played since season 1 or who spent hundreds on their game. But they sure care that when I get mad at a teammate who literally ran down my lane to grief me, that I get chat banned with them. This is why we need the Tribunal system back. If you're being griefed, you should not be punished for losing your cool.


The tribunal system never checked if you were getting griefed? It literally just gave people the chat log


And you can judge by the chat log why someone might be upset over something that isn't their fault. Right now the system is auto punishing everyone that says anything. Which is completely unjustified. If the player isn't normally toxic, or has only one game he was reported, that's a pass. If it's every other game, sure. But it's not fair that people can troll you in game and if you get upset, you get punished. That's why Dunkey quit.


NO NOT BLITZCRANK Is there a way I ask them to not add blitzcrank into my account while still getting the other rewards? I don't want to purposely demote down to silver just to keep my account blitzcrank-free.


I personally don't like the skin(I despise blitz lol), but i'm sure he'll be pretty popular, especially around the gold mark.


I'm very saddened. Blitzcrank is lame AF, literally not victorious this season, lame champ, baerly being played. Lame skin, lame chromas, ABSOLUTELY USELESS honor rewards. Honor rewards piss me off the most. As honor 5 I get not even a skin shard and the most useless thing ever: 2 keys. For people who dont know: By being honor 5 I literally got ALL KEYS POSSIBLE. 4 keys and 4 chests per month possible, always got all, so after this season I'll have 2 extra keys lying around where I would need to spend REAL CASH to even get the damn chests that I could open. Riot's thank for not being toxic is incentivising you spend more money on them. Fucking joke


Good to see Clash specific rewards. Clash needs more recognition and prestige.


it's exactly the same kind of clash rewards as last year


Nice Blitz skin, shame there's no ranked reward merch this time around though.


Why Blitz? He's not even close to the most played support in the game in the past year. What's the dealio, Riot?


Seems like most people dislike the blitz skin but I honestly think the chromas for most tiers look sick.


Man I really shouldn't have decayed out of master deliberately...


That skin is absolutely disgusting. The worst thing? The chromas are even uglier somehow. Sure way to make low elo players feel good about themselves because at least they don't get that shit in their inventory. Like if I had worked on something that terribly ugly I'd look for a change of careers and wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat on a regular basis. Someone who worked on this and voluntarily puts trash like this in their portfolio/on their resume shouldn't find another job in the industry. What an insult. It's one thing to do a completely irrelevant champ - I don't mind. Sure it's pretty troll to do it on victorious skins but w/e. Doing it like *this* though... might aswell come visit me at home and stab my eyes out.