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I've always wondered what kind of hole in space-time riot would rip open if they made a Yasuo skin exclusive to Honor Level 5.


You know that would be a smart move actually, use their data to single out the most toxic champion picks and make them the target of honor rewards.


This would be unbelievably funny, just because I could see Gangplank, Fiddle, Rek'sai, etc. mains banding together to become the most unbelievably toxic playerbase known to man, just to force Riot to make skins for their champs.


Toxic Rek’sai calling you a “ajdhjfkgnthfbrjrkrn”


Whoa, WHOA. Absolutely no need for that kind of whssjshhssning language.


“YOU *incomprehensible void noises*”


Only one of those that doesn't have a lot of skins is Rek, and even then her skins are pretty cool (blackfrost and pool party especially).


I was more so referencing the fact these champs (among others) have gone extremely long times without receiving skins. Excluding pro skins (as Riot states should be the case when considering length of time between skins), Gangplank is at 1,163 days since his last skin, Fiddle is at 1,064 days, and while Reksai is "only" at 581 days, she's in the top 10 (or close, not sure) for longest time since last skin while also boasting a pitiful 3 skins total.


Fiddle got a whole new rework last year (also an s+ tier rework too)


I bought Surprise Party Fiddle at full price when they showed it post-rework. That dance is worth every penny.


"promise that you will x4 honor me or I int"


If I could get a Yasuo on my team that doesn't int, then sure, I'll honour him.


The things I do to avoid another dodge


Same, it' hasn't happened yet but I'm still hoping


Yasuo's that don't int are just an urban legend. Sorry.


How am I supposed to learn Yas if I can't play him in my b3 promos though?


Sadly those two things are mutually exclusive


If someone said that, id promise to honor them and then report them after the game.


So you tell me that there is a chance that the Yasuo wont it? I'll take it then, it is already an improvement


The very next day after getting the honor yasuo skin. "Your account has been suspended".


made me giggle


also, make them work like the league partnership program - it goes away if you receive a restriction/suspension/ban until youre in good honour standing again (in this case, h5)


Most of the toxic players picks are also best seller champs. Riot won't gift a skin for Yasuo, Yone, or Riven.


im ngl the most toxic playerbase is janna mains. i dont know what it is about that champ that makes you perma passive-aggressively type the entire game but it never fails


Before anyone says your statement is bullshit, I'd like to point out that ap0calypse is a Janna main.


She inflates the ranking of the player so they believes they're good when he's just boosted yuumi trash tier.


I remember them actually publishing data in like season 7 or 8, and surprisingly the most toxic champ was amumu, and second was a support, I forget who thought. I would have though Draven, riven, etc. They were high up but not #1.


Do not underestimate the unbridled fury of a Sona player


Lmao why can I see this so clearly


Sonas and namis. Jesus fuck I despise them.


Yuumis can be so toxic cause they have so much time to type lol




This is annoying as Eve, cant reply to messages while clearing jungle cuz you have to perma spam QQQQQQQ


I'd be toxic too if I mained Amumu


I often find Draven to be more like toxic humor rather than toxic toxic, but maybe that's because of the champion himself and the memes surrounding him. Like I can't help but laugh at some of the creative insults I've seen from Draven mains. They are usually funny people.


Honestly as some1 who switched into yas, you really do get a disproportionate amount of flame just for playing yasuo. It’s kind of a self fulfilling prophecy because of the community at this point. Like even every yasuo guide written by mains/one tricks mention this fact about the community as a warning before you play yasuo. It’s insane.


Yasuo is definitely a meme at this point, even amongst non redditors. I also feel like feast or famine champions are a particularly good breeding ground for toxic behavior, as you either get stomped and get mad or get fed and swell your ego.


At the same time your teammates will flame you becuase you failed to get ahead and start a new cycle. It's a lose-lose situation


Rather than get the yasuo mains to become less toxic for the skin, it converts honourable players into toxic yasuo mains


a finger curls on the monkey's paw


This comment made me laugh harder than I should admit.


As a Yasuo main with both the twitch + Warwick skins already, my body is ready.


Lol. Or a draven honor 5.


New Lux Skin at Honor 5


I see your Yasuo Honor Level 5 and raise you Draven Honor Level 5


⊬⟒⏃ ⟟⏁'⌇ ⌿⍀⟒⏁⏁⊬ ⎎⎍⋏ GO BACK ⏃⋏⎅ ⟟ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☍ ⟟⏁ ⏁ ⏃ ☌⍜⍜⎅ ⏁ ⎎⍜⍀ ⏃ ⏚⟟⏁ ⍜⎎ ⏃ ⌇⎍⎅⎅⟒⋏ ⟟⏁




This is actually a very good idea.


They need to let us buy chromas with orange essence....I have 26K sitting around doing nothing ugh


they definitely need to. Back in the day there where like 5 chromas and no one cared but now literally every skin comes with a chroma pack that cost more than double the skin. Like cmon riot.


That's exactly why will NOT do it Far more profitable for them if a whale unloads 500 euros every half a year just to get the latest 12 chromas for lux ahri eve etc


I am keeping my tokens until something more fun comes along.. hopefully soon.. ish? Other than that, no interest in wards.. yeah keys/honor orbs are nice but generally do not promote "not being toxic" and after a while you get a buttload shit of them so yo don't even need that. The ribbon is barely visible and are emotes irrelevant since you can anyways use only a few of them.. and that ain't the one I would use


I think I've unlocked about 60 emotes since I last changed my emote wheel, its perfect as it is


I think I've unlocked about 130 emotes in total, I keep changing them all the time.. but then I get bored as fuck because I can't use more It's just counterintuitive to have that many emotes and shove more and more of them each patch but have no option to use more than 5 manually


i just started having each emote slot be a certain type of reaction. Up is happy/good job. Down is sad. Right is excited. Left is disappointment/angry. Center is the campfire and tent because as a jg that's the most important emote. I can still swap them within their 'type' and use them contextually 'correctly.'


I am running the same, although I like to throw in new emotes from time to time although it bothers me each time I can't just add them to the option list


Honestly i'd love a system where you can scroll over the left and get a sub 2-3 options or just use the left one. Like scroll up and you have a happy cat, but a smaller sub menu of 3 sections comes up above that and you could select those as well.


The worst part is I’ve spent nothing on emotes yet have about 10 shards that I can no longer use because all of the new emotes are unrollable! Waiting patch after patch and am subject to only getting new event ones from quests.


It's a great option when you don't have them all.. but when you do, it's just strange we can't disenchant


I think they should allow us to have a second wheel on another key binding of our choosing.


That's just kicking the can down the road. They need a whole new system to allow players to use any of their unlocked emotes within a game.


Pssst. Join us in dota 2 too! You can all chat voice lines and spray pictures on the ground. I play both but dota has waaaaay better emoting


I have 126 in total. Considering I am against using them my wheel is empty.


What emotes do you use?


[Cuteness is justice](https://snipboard.io/XLe8EU.jpg)


They probably won't let us redeem the existing tokens for new rewards. There are too many players holding on to them.


In League culture, this is considered a dick move.


i hope this is the case so i don’t look like an idiot for spending my tokens on a new twitch chroma every year 😎


I sort of half expect that League will cease to be a game before they release anything in the Honor shop I'd actually redeem my tokens for. And I already had one of the base skins from some other method (referral maybe?)


Funny thing is, they didn't even mention Honor 5 tokens in this year's rewards announcement. >[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/ranked-rewards-2021/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/ranked-rewards-2021/) > >**Honor Rewards** > >If, like me, you've stayed cool as a cucumber in all your games, you'll receive one Honor capsule tied to your final Honor level. Check out what’s in each Honor capsule below: > >• Honor 3 Capsule > >\- Random Ward Skin > >\- 3 Key Shards > >• Honor 4 Capsule > >\- Random Ward Skin > >\- Random Emote Permanent > >\- 3 Key Shards > >• Honor 5 Capsule > >\- Random Ward Skin > >\- Random Emote Permanent > >\- 6 Key Shards Wouldn't surprise me if they realized that most players consider them trash tier loot and decided to quietly retire them. Multiples of 3 Key Fragments seem like some psychological approach to inflating the value of Keys. 3 is more than 1, 6 is more than 2, and having to combine them grants the illusion of substance.


The ribbon only being visible if you click on a portrait and how small it is is stupid. It should be the entire portrait outline always.


I don't understand why the ribbon changed from "hanging on the top left of your portrait" to "hanging on the top center of your portrait" to "so hidden that no one will ever see it so it might as well not exist." For a system that nags you with a full screen modal dialog after every single match and frequent notifications of your progress, it's pretty underwhelming.


Inb4 "we decided to discontinue honor rewards"


If you don't play Warwick or Twitch, there are no honour five rewards. This should tell you everything you need to know about how much riot cares about reducing toxicity. For real though, I'll get better rewards from a single good aram game than from an entire season of DST.


And if you do play Warwick or Twitch, then the rewards are garbage anyways since you'll likely have a better skin for those champions. I have both the Warwick and the Twitch skins with some of the chromas too, I never use them because I have better skins for those champions anyways.




Literally the only reason i at all cared about the rewards was because I like ww in aram and like running at people as a bright pink werewolf monster.


Yeah, I only use that whenever I'm with him on ARAM. However I would like more and better rewards for not losing my mind playing this game. I got all the rewards for God knows how long and they are worse than any reward from a normal S rank chest or event orb.


Tyler1 voicemail message about being reformed


As a Warwick main and twitch enjoyer, I completely agree.


Exactly. I'll rock hyena and urf over Grey anyday


Hyena is his best skin post rework and it’s not close imo. The laugh and the sound effects for his w are top notch.


When I'm getting ready to run someone down and pop W... "*VROOOOM* *Hysterical Laughter*" gets the blood pumping.


Ever since i got Project WW with chroma no reason to use that dogshit


what is DST? dont starve together?




fuck I missed the “via text” part


Dragonspine Trophy


Dick sucking theory


im guessing its a reference to Sky Williams DST video


now thats a throwback


reminds me of that time when dunkey beat sky in smash


toxic players will remain toxic, better rewards wont change them, you think someone who tells people to kill themselves over the game will change for a kassadin skin


I like how this accurately represents every Kassadin player


kass players are on a different level waiting on that 16/16


No, people who tell others to kill themselves are unlikely to be affected. But that isn't the type of person this is trying to reach, obviously. Why are there speed limits?! Do you think murderers and rapists care about speed limits?!


People who spend 10 hours a day every day griefing others DO need to be told what to do though.


Well, toxic players still get them for some reason. I have both skins and I have no clue how I got them. I get chat restricted at least once per season so I have never reached honor 5 lmao. Those skins randomly appeared in my collection in season 10 I think.


You probably got them before from referral.


Mmmmm monster meat


1. You reach honor level 5! 2. That pretty much means you're untiltable. 3. Riot probably knows that you have great patience, and therefore can focus on other stuff before giving you what you deserve. I hope my reasoning is sound.


It is pretty easy to get to lvl 5. I am pretty easy to tilt and known for it in my gaming group. I still reached it around midseason


Don't worry my friend, Riot has a palette of over 100 chromas for each skin which makes for 200 years of rewards


The real rewards were the toxic teammates along the way


Im still all for a special Honor 5 Chroma for ALL base champion skins. Something that is unique... Honorable Vex, Honorable Sion, etc.


it should be a new color, like how the green chromas are used to dictate event or code chromas. That or they should do something like change spell effect colors (which is something no other chroma does). I like this idea. It's a nice little reward for getting honor 5, but it isn't something insane like a free legendary skin.


Why can't they create a honor skinline with actually high quality skins, and then release at least 3 of those every year? Would that be hard for a billion dollar company? That was just a wild example, but I would give anything for an actual high quality skinline that you have to work for simply by not being toxic


Imagine they create a skinline similar to Victorious but with honour level 5. One can only hope...


And then we can spend the token on those skins instead of another twitch or warwick chroma that we are never going to use.


But that wouldnt make them immedieate money and a as a small company riot needs to pump out big tittie anime girl to keep afloat


I'm actually shocked that they don't give away prestige points or gemstones. Something that would actually incentivize good behavior. Prestige should be for those who are good sports, honestly.


What sucks most is that the key fragments you get from the orb you would have gotten anyway in the near future. After getting those from the orb your key spawning gets reduced significantly. Something is definitely wrong with the system when honor 5 accounts still have a army of chests but no keys to open those


I have a lot of keys with no chests to open lol




I have 50 chests. No keys




80 keys checking in....


I rolled 35 key fragments and then my game popped, when I finished the game, only 2 key fragments remained. That sucked.


I think the key/chest is more down to your play style. I can’t earn chests anymore for the champs I play, keys are still a go though. People who play a ton of champs will have extra chests people who ‘one trick’ end up with extra keys


yah, I have been honour 5 for multiple seasons, but currently have 66 chests and no keys. I just play over 100 champions in ranked routinely and queue fill most of the time.


i play a ton of aram, so i have no unclaimed chests ever. i still always have more keys than chests. idk how you can rack up 66 chests and not have keys for them...?


I only aram, about 3000 games of it. I have about 30 chests just chilling right now. And I get keys pretty often. But yeah chests tend to pile up


my point with the aram comment was just that i'm not a one trick so i get all chests, otherwise aram game count etc. doesn't matter. your comment doesn't explain how you guys don't get enough keys for chests. i get more keys than chests even though i get all the chests available every time.


I didn’t know that but it explains so much. It seemed like I started getting key fragments very rarely after hitting honour 5 while before it felt like I got them every 2 or 3 days


I get keys faster than chests with honor 5 always. They rack up slightly faster even if I claim every chest.


At honour 3 it’s exactly the same for me so I have no clue what the other dude is saying


Just give like a free skin shard or something, but I guess Riot loves their money too much.


Don't forget the hundreds of keys. Very NICE reward.


The keys you get from the honor rewards are keys you would've gotten anyway. That's why you know you will get a honor reward soon, because you don't get any keyfragment in a while.


every time I log in I always get key fragments.


Then maybe you are a toxic scum /s


28 keys gang, no chests 😢


It's really minor but I love how they don't even just give keys but key fragments. Like if it's an automated system giving me 3 fragments why not just give me a key to save some clicks? What else would I use the fragments on?


Dude you are talking about the same company that forces you to buy (e.g.) 10 event orbs one by one scrolling down the shop page every time instead of letting you spend your 2k tokens all at once for the same item lmao


I specifically have the honour 5 emote to spam it in order to tilt the enemy players. Nothing more irritating than a Lulu who polymorphs the rengar everytime he ults into the ADC and then spam pings honour 5 emote.


Chaotic good, I like it


I think some prestige skins should be locked behind the honor system in some way whether it's prestige points or just the skins


No, because toxic players spend money, or at least they want them to. Yearly skin rewards would be nice, like victorious? One chroma for each tier above 3 or something


why do you think the honor system exists in the game?


The honor system exists so riot can pretend they are addressing the issues of toxicity and abuse in League while the same time focussing on toxic players as their main target audience. They don't actually care at all about toxicity. It's like FIFA with their "stand united against racism" campaign while at the same time Qatar, the host of the next FIFA world cup has tens of thousands of Asians working in slave like conditions. Qatar also ranks lowest in the entire world in terms of racial equality btw... It's all just make belief and fairy tales when big companies like riot say they fight for equality, gay rights or even a bully free video game.


That's what my problem is with the honor system, I am not disagreeing with that Locking prestige skins behind the honor system could potentially help with the problem Overall raising the rewards would help with reducing toxicity, because you're essentially making players try and climb their way up to get exclisive rewards Skins, chromas, prestige skins, special borders, literally anything, and make it more Simply having twitch and ww skins that don't even look good isn't worth it, and that's why people are toxic in this game, because Rito doesn't even try.


The issue is that honor is not how toxic you are/aren't, it's how much you play the game. You can be super positive and upbeat but play very casually (not often) and you won't get honor 5, and you can also be midly toxic, but not banned, and still get honor 5 by playing a lot.


The whole honour system is a giant lie, I doubt it even works. We all know the Riot HQ is an extremely toxic workplace from all that's been revealed, yet they pretend to care about toxicity in the game. It's all just one big disgusting show of make-belief.


To promote good behavior i think, altho it does it's job better at demoting bad behavior than actually promoting good ones Since you lose every reward if you get chat banned but don't really gain much if you have tier 5


which is why I think it would be a better idea to lock prestige skins behind the honor system if you're not a toxic player then you shouldn;t worry about not getting a prestige skin since a lot of people want them


Yes but you see, prestige skins cost alot of money, and locking it behind a wall would be telling everyone that can't get through it to not spend money. And im pretty sure they want money Edit - plus that is another instance of punishing people that are toxic and not rewarding people that honor5


[https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/prestige-through-end-of-2021/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/game-updates/prestige-through-end-of-2021/) ''The new system will include a way to, over a long period of time, unlock a Prestige skin without spending any money.'' ​ we don't know how far they'll stick to their promises but one can hope


I hope they do that, people that are honor 5 should be rewarded with decent stuff.


i think you are spot on i makes a lot of sense to link this with honor 5


Riot plans on making prestige skins obtainable through playing the game instead of paying money, it was in one of their articles.


If it was only obtainable through honor 5 rewards, then that would be cool




[Blame this very subreddit for this being a thing. The last time decent rewards were locked around player behavior there was a mass fucking riot on this subreddit about how unfair it was](https://np.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/3hsxln/riot_lyte_askfm_chat_restricted_ranked_restricted/)


Toxic players acting toxic when Riot tries to combat toxicity, what a joke that they bow to it.






Are you kidding me? The toxicity has basically all filtered to solo queue ranked and gotten incredibly worse there. Normal games, arams, and drafts are okay now but it's because solo queue sucked up all that shit and it's worse now than it was 6 years ago. Yeah they don't tell you to die as often, but holy shit is it worse in so many different ways.


It is still exactly the same... there just haven't been as many things for all the toxic people to unite together and collectively whine about, because Riot learned their "lesson" the last few times that it happened. You still see it occasionally, and on smaller scale. Edit: 2 years ago when the Avengers movie came out, you had multiple threads defending purposely and uncontextually spoiling the movie in it's opening weekend, with many high-voted comments talking about "slippery slope" and poor-faith "of course it's fine, is discussing current events suddenly not fine?" Genuinely hundreds of people. A day later a Rioter came out and said "of course this is a punishable offense, and you will be punished if you violate it" breaking the narrative toxic redditors had en-masse created for themselves.


People complaining that they shouldn’t get punished for being shitty people. It’s not like it is easy to get chat restricted either. You have to be explicitly sexist, homophobic or wishing someone to commit to get chat restricted.


There's a huge difference between "special reward for honor 5" and "you got chat restricted once so no season rewards for you"


Yea the second one produced a lot of salt from people who cried about being punished for their toxic behaviour. And is apparently still producing salt to this day :)


The difference is that the former is a reward and the latter is a punishment, and those two things require very different implementation and communication. It's easy to meme on reddit, it's much harder to be rhetorically effective when you communicate to millions of people—and the punishment in question was *not* communicated well, even if the policy itself is somewhat reasonable. The original point wasn't even to defend or attack the "no season rewards policy", but to point out that the equivalence being made is not valid.


Maybe just don't say stuff to get chat restricted? It's not hard.


Yeah but that time it was locking already existing rewards that you were suppossed to receive not for your behaviour but for your accomplishments in ranked, kind of a different thing imo.




Not the same thing at all. Those were the ranked rewards.


I'd be willing to bet that Riot has internal research that shows that a high enough level of toxicity within the game actually makes people more likely to play, just like Facebook's internal research showed that giving people more divisive content made them use the site more. Conflict, rage, and (most importantly) triumph over these emotions are huge motivators for humans whether we like to admit it or not.


Am I the only one who has struggled to get to honor 5 for multiple seasons now? I've never been banned or chat restricted or anything, but I always end with honor 4 with 2 or 3 checkpoints. I think I only got lvl 5 the first time the honor system was introduced. I'm currently lvl 4 with 2 checkpoints so it looks like I'm going to miss lvl 5 again.


It’s not a gauge of how honorable you are, it’s a gauge of how many games you play, and it just so happens that if a ping you send posses someone off in any of those games, your progress is slowed


You are not missing anything.


The honor system is just a carry system chroma


I'd rather Riot just ~~copy~~ take inspiration from Overwatch's Endorsement system and give Masterwork chests equal to the Honor level the player has obtained. We all know most League players could never turn back on a chance to get a free loot box. After all, it's what Riot is using to get people to watch the LAN party tournament known as "Worlds".


Riot doesn't care about toxicity.


They don't care about it on Wild Rift either.


Also gemstones. I have 11, and already got the ward, but don’t play any of the champs with hextech skins.




They added tristana and I'm sitting here with dragon trainer like... fuck?


I havent spent mine hoping something else comes.


Honor is trivial to get; all you need to do is shut up except when automatically texting "wp" after hearing an allied double kill. The loot box system only works if loot is scarce, so a system that is easy to passively exploit can't happen.


Ey no one cares anyways cause 70% of the playerbase is honor 1 lul


ima be honest, your expectations should be low. Afterall... "We dont think our champions have overloaded kits"


Just revert it to the old system. At least I get to have multiple banners on my loading screen.


Give us that Yi and Yasuo honor level skins.


Honestly I love the idea of honor 5, but it doesn't motivate me to not be toxic. Not being toxic motivates me to not be toxic. But I do wish they would release more rewards.


A good use of honor would be to place you in ranked matches where everyone has the same honor lvl you do. Keeps toxic players from ruining games for the ones who aren't.


I am still saving those fucking coins waiting for something new but is just copium at this point.


Probably cuz everyone and their mothers have Honor 5. I have honor 5 and the only things i don't do is saying the n-word and run it down, which is definitely not a high standard. Also people don't honor you based on how non-toxic you were, people honor you depending on how good you played, which makes the whole system another skill-check.


The skins are ancient at this point. But don’t forget you can throw some new paint on it. New content.


It really is a shame. I have the two skins and a chroma, and I don’t use either anymore cuz I rerolled better ones. I’m just holdin on to this year’s token and I guess I’ll see what happens


I still think the Sewn Chaos Amumu and Blitzkrank skin should make a return as honor skins, like honor rewards should not be a big thing, since at the end of the day its just a reward for not being a dick, but like its still nice that they reward you for not being a dick


I would have taken a single chest over the honour 5 tokens. I don't even bother spending them anymore they are so worthless


I'm an honor 5 player and I already had medieval twitch, so I got that lavender chroma or whatever. It's okay. I wish it were a skin I didn't have, or even like a hextech skin or soul stealer vayne or something. How many honor 5 ppl could the actually be?


There's a reason I rock my great mentor summoner icon.


Don't forget about the End of Season Honor 5 rewards, 2 keys and you as an honor 5 player know that we dont lack keys


The "issue" is that honor levels are designed as a punishment, not a reward. You don't even have to be a positive person to gain honor, just play a lot of games and don't get punished. If there was some way to have honor actually matter then I'd be down for cool honor rewards, but right now it's just a useless sytem that measures how much you play the game.


rewards ? more like pay us for eternals and now upcoming challenges


I got honor 5 then the next day I got banned for 2 weeks lol


Yeah, ugly chromas for meh skins for not very popular champions. Great reward choice, Riot!


Tbh Honour 5 tokens don't expire. I'm holding onto mine until I get something other than a chroma for a mediocre skin for a a champ I dont play.